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csl-orig's Issues


date: 09/23/2019 16:09:45
dict: bur
Lnum: 9883
hw: niraJjana
old: m à m. is not correcly referenced (i wander if i did not already mentionned this, ah yes, it was a different problem: some m à m. seems correctly referenced (see udāse; ullāpa; and sumukha) but it is only an illusion (see my previous correction form about that); here it is a different problem, probably more commun.
new: to reference the whole expression ("m à m.")
comm: Typo
email: Caujolle


date: 07/24/2019 11:46:18
dict: stc
Lnum: 20894
hw: saMskR
old: qui commencent. par k;) cf. samakarot saṃ-cakāra, etc. et v. saṃ-KṚ-)
new: qui commencent par k; cf. sam-akarot, saṃ-cakāra, etc. et v. saṃ-KṚ-)
comm: Typo (4 corrections (in excess, "." and ")" , to add, "-" and "," ) ; note that the 4rd (,) was missing in the book). Note also that the abbreviation "cf." is not referenced (or maybe the abbreviations are not yet referenced in this dictionary, a pity as this one is more complete and reliable than the Burnouf one (one can noticed it has three authors (with Renou who is famous for his sanskrit grammar also) and is more recent, that explain why)
email: Caujolle


date: 07/24/2019 07:16:30
dict: pw
Lnum: 43345
hw: jñānakanda
old: jñānakanda m. eines Schülers des Śaṃkavācāryā.
new: jñānakanda m. eines Schülers des Śaṃkarācāryā.
comm: Typo: wrong "Śaṃkavācāryā", correct "Śaṃkarācāryā"
email: [email protected]


date: 08/04/2019 09:10:02
dict: ap90
Lnum: 12876
hw: ghana
old: -naH A cloud; ghanodayaH prAk tadanataraM payaH Ś. 7. 30;
new: -naH A cloud; ghanodayaH prAk tadanantaraM payaH Ś. 7. 30;
comm: Typo: tadanatarM should be corrected into tadanantaraM LB NB The mistake is in the scanned dictionary itself, but it has been corrected in the Revived & Enlarged Edition of the same V.S. Apte The Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary (which in fact is quite a pity this online version of Apte dictionary doesn't take as the main source, seen that in many many entries it has more quotations from the sources and avoids some printing mistakes such as this one)
email: [email protected]


date: 09/21/2019 16:46:07
dict: bur
Lnum: 2763
hw: ugra
old: 1) ugraśāsana a. (śās) qui donne des ordres terribles; tyrannique; tr.-sévère. >2) ugraśekharā f. m à m. diadême de Śiva, c-à-d. le Gange; cf. Rāmāyaṇa I. >3) at aṅkura, notice "(greek)" instead the proper greek word
new: 1) the abbreviation "tr." (très) has been forgotten (i mean it is not underlined and referred). LB 2) the abbreviation "m à m." (mot à mot) is underlined like the others, but doesn't work. Moreover, same sentence, the abbreviation "cf." (confer) works but don't give the proper meaning, it gives "comparez" instead of "confer" (actually i notice that this comes from a mistake in the abbreviation table; they probably erased the entry for "comparez" (there is one plain "comparez" in the dict.) but erased the wrong abbreviation)
comm: Typo
email: Caujolle


date: 09/27/2019 09:53:17
dict: mw
Lnum: 157985
hw: maya
old: MW's contents concerning the word 'maya' seem to lack an important meaning, that is, ‘made of,’ ‘consisting or composed of'.
new: Cf. Apte Practical Sanskrit-English : LB "maya : a. (yī f.) An affix used to indicate ‘made of,’ ‘consisting or composed of,’ ‘full of’: kanakamaya, kāṣṭhamaya, tejomaya, jalamaya &c." LB Is there any reason for the lack in MW ? LB Because in the word 'maya' that is a necessary meaning, it is necessary to supply the lack. LB
comm: (the lack of the content)
email: [email protected]


date: 09/23/2019 16:08:17
dict: mw
Lnum: 161686
hw: mA
old: ... ; exceptionally also with the Ind. of the aor. e.g., mA, kAlas tvAm aty-agAt, may not the season pass by thee,
new: ; exceptionally also with the Ind. of the aor. e.g., mA kAlas tvAm aty-agAt, may not the season pass by thee,
comm: Typo: the comma after mA should be removed
email: [email protected]


date: 07/31/2019 04:18:34
dict: ap90
Lnum: 7869
hw: उत्था
old: उत्याप्यते ग्रावा
new: उत्थाप्यते ग्रावा
comm: Typo
email: [email protected]


date: 09/23/2019 16:53:13
dict: bur
Lnum: 2281
hw: AbhAs
old: ābhāsvara m. Au pl. seult. les dieux du 12e ordre, Bd.
new: seult. is an abbreviation which has been forgotten in the list of the dict. it mean "seulement". But Bd. also is not referenced, it is for "buddhique" (I would rather write "bouddhique", much more commun)
comm: reference
email: Caujolle

mw:[p= 860,3]

date: 07/31/2019 09:04:15
dict: mw
Lnum: [p= 860,3]
hw: रच्
old: with चिङ्ताम्, or चिन्ताः
new: with चिन्ताम्, or चिन्ताः
comm: Typo
email: [email protected]


date: 09/22/2019 05:50:24
dict: mw
Lnum: 86231.1
hw: tuvigra
old: fr. √ 2. grī
new: fr. √ 2. gṝ (gRR)
comm: Typo
email: Caujolle


date: 08/26/2019 05:05:49
dict: mw
Lnum: 232191
hw: compact
old: compact
new: contract
comm: Typo
email: [email protected]


date: 09/28/2019 07:03:38
dict: bur
Lnum: 6629
hw: cit
old: il ne les aperśut pas;
new: il ne les aperçut pas;
comm: The ś in sanskrit words were written ç, so in the process of changing those ç in ś, some French words were affected; that is, logically, all non italique words (that is, all French words) should not have any ś in them. I see also that the abbreviation "Actt. " is also here not referenced. I see that this abbreviation is not mentionned in the list, i think it means "activement". I see also that many abbreviations are still ignored by the software; for exemple see the word cira (7 occurences!) and ciraṇṭī for example. Regards,
email: Caujolle


date: 09/15/2019 23:14:45
dict: pw
Lnum: 119017
hw: saṃdeha
old: nasaṃdeḥ mitten im Satz und am Ende des Verses
new: nasaṃdehaḥ mitten im Satz und am Ende des Verses
comm: Typo wrong "nasaṃdeḥ", correct "nasaṃdehaḥ"
email: [email protected]


date: 09/04/2019 22:40:51
dict: ap90
Lnum: 26599
hw: विश्वसनीय
old: trnstworthy
new: trustworthy
comm: Typo
email: [email protected]

mw:p= 215,2

date: 09/01/2019 09:11:01
dict: mw
Lnum: p= 215,2
hw: उपे
old: 1. उपे (उप-√ इ) P. -एति
new: 1. उपे (उप-√ इ) P. -ऐति
comm: It seems to be an error in the printed edition. Cf. परमं साम्यमुपैति Muṇḍ. Up.3.1.3. योगी परं स्थानमुपैति चाद्यम् Bg.8.28 (apud Apte). It could be that this is only MW’s method of presentation, and that the Sandhi should be understood and supplied by the reader (in this case उप+एति=उपैति), but this would be misleading and confusing for the user. MW itself adopts a different method in an analogous case: [p= 56,2] अपे (√ इ) P. Ā. अपैति (...).
email: [email protected]


date: 09/21/2019 11:23:32
dict: bur
Lnum: ID=13181
hw: mahesvara
old: tombèe
new: tombée
comm: Typo
email: Caujolle

digitization update workflow

This is to document usage of csl-orig.


This need be done only once on some local machine

  • preparation
     mkdir csl-orig
     # by some means, create .gitignore
     cd csl-orig
     mkdir v00
     cd v00
     mkdir csl-data
     # by some means, get the `` script, and put in csl-orig/v00
  • Assuming still in csl-orig/v00,
    sh v00/ # this will take a while

Now, csl-orig/v00/csl-data is populated with

  • XXXScan/2020/orig/xxx.txt
  • XXXScan/2020/orig/hwextra/xxx_hwextra.txt ## see separate note questioning this


date: 09/23/2019 14:21:38
dict: bur
Lnum: 17449
hw: sadha
old: vd. LB
new: the abreviation vd. is not referenced (vd. is for vêdique, and Vd. for Vêda)
comm: reference
email: Caujolle


date: 09/23/2019 16:25:18
dict: bur
Lnum: 18758
hw: sumukha
old: c. à d. the problem is that it is not referenced as c.-à-d. LB there are plenty cases of that (39), it would be nice to correct them; i also noted at jagannivāsa the case, "c-à d." which should also be corrected. Regards
new: to reference them properly
comm: reference
email: Caujolle


date: 12/18/2019 19:52:27
dict: wil
Lnum: 167
hw: अक्षविद्
old: विट् who knows.
new: विद् who knows.
comm: विट्
email: [email protected]

semantic versioning proposal

Now we have agreed in principle to work on a git based work flow for the csl-orig data and generate the dictionaries therefrom.
Now it is more imperative for us to specify the version number of a particular .txt / .xml file.
I propose we use the semantic versioning 2.0.0 as mentioned at


  1. Format is MajorVersion.MinorVersion.Patch e.g. 1.1.25
  2. Whenever only a minor correction is made e.g. a typo, bump the Patch e.g. 1.1.26
  3. Whenever a generic change is incorporated e.g. markup of abbreviations made, bump the MinorVersion and reset Patch to 0 e.g. 1.2.0
  4. Whenever there is backward incompatible change e.g. Metaline-IAST change etc, bump the MajorVersion and reset both MinorVersion and Patch to 0 e.g. 2.0.0. will need to take these changes from .txt to .xml file.

@funderburkjim, @gasyoun and @YevgenJohn What is your take on this?


date: 08/17/2019 17:22:33
dict: pw
Lnum: 78541
hw: bhaj
old: bhaj bhajāti , °te ābhaṅkta und ābhāṅkṣus P. fehlerhaft für ābhākta und ābhākṣus
new: bhaj bhajati , °te abhaṅkta und abhāṅkṣus BHĀG. P. fehlerhaft für abhākta und abhākṣus
comm: Typo: 5 times long ā where short a should be. Wrong "bhajāti" correct "bhajati", wrong "ābhaṅkta" correct "abhaṅkta", same with "ābhāṅkṣus" which should be "abhāṅkṣus", "ābhākta" should be "abhākta", "ābhākṣus" should be "abhākṣus" LB Additionally, looking at the scan, it seems that it is not a PĀṆINI citation but from Bhāgavata Purāṇa
email: [email protected]


date: 09/09/2019 11:05:47
dict: pw
Lnum: 89316
hw: yaka
old: (f. yaka)
new: (f. yakā)
comm: Typo
email: [email protected]

AP and PD data

As I have been given to understand AP and PD data is in copyright. Therefore not putting it here. Rest all dict data put here.


date: 09/19/2019 21:42:54
dict: mw
hw: zazAGka
old: Found this entry (missing in the new edition, found in the
new: m. " hare-marked "' , the moon MBh. Ka1v. &c. ; camphor L. ; N. of a king Hcar. Sch. ; %{-kAnta} mfn. lovely as the mñmoon Jain. ; %{-kiraNa-prakhya} mfn. resembling a ray of the moon MBh. ; %{-kula} n. the lunar race Katha1s. ; %{ja} or %{-tanaya} m. " the moon's son "' , the planet Mercury VarBr2S. ; %{-dhara} m. N. of a grammarian Cat. ; %{-pura} n. N. of a town (also %{-pUrvam@puram}) Katha1s. ; %{-bimba} n. n. the disk of the moon Jain. ; %{-bhAs} mfn. shining like the moon MW. ; %{-mukuTa} m. " having the moon as diadem "'N. of S3iva Katha1s. ; %{-mUrti} m. " having a hare-marked form "'N. of the moon MW. ; %{-lekhA} f. " mñmoon-streak "' , the lunar crescent S3ak. ; %{-vatI} f. N. of a princess (after whom the 12th Lambaka of the Katha1-sarit-sa1gara is called) Katha1s. ; %{-vadanA} f. a moon-faced woman Ka1vya7d. ; %{-zatru} m. " moon's foe "'N. of Ra1hu VarYogay. ; %{-zRGga} n. a horn or point of the moon's crescent (?) MW. [1060,2] ; %{-zekhara} m. `" moon-crested "'N. of S3iva BhP. ; %{-suta} m. (= %{zazA7Gka-ja}) VarBr2. ; %{-kA7rdha} m. the half-mñmoon ; %{-kA7rdha-mukha} mfn. having a head shaped like a half-mñmoon (said of an arrow) Ragh. ; %{-kA7rdhazekhara} m. N. of S3iva Ra1jat. ; %{-ko7pala} m. a kind of precious stone (= %{candra-kAnta})
comm: Typo
email: [email protected]

A trial correction for MW

The correction submitted is as follows

11/17/2019 08:04:08	MW 1899	 96777.1	dairghya	dirgha	dīrgha	Typo	[email protected]

Let us discuss how this correction can be made on github workflow.

SHS - 1

Case 1

{#adfzwapUrvva#}¦ mfn.({#-rvvaH-rvvA-rvvaM#}) Unseen previously, unseen till now. E. {#adfzwa,#}

There is a missing space after mfn.

Case 2

{#aDaHkzipta (-ptaH-ptA-ptaM)#}¦ Precipitated, thrown down. E. {#aDas#} down, and {#kzipta#}

This one doesn’t have the gender information, and this is according to the original which lacks it too. On my copy I changed it to the following:

Case 3

{#aDaHkzipta (-ptaH-ptA-ptaM)#}¦ mfn. Precipitated, thrown down. E. {#aDas#} down, and {#kzipta#}

Case 4

{#aciradyuti#}¦ ({#-tiH#}) Lightning. E. {#a#} neg. {#cira#} long. and {#dyuti#} light.

Missing gender again, M-W gives it as a feminine, and so on mine I put:

Case 5

{#aciradyuti#}¦ f. ({#-tiH#}) Lightning. E. {#a#} neg. {#cira#} long. and {#dyuti#} light.

Case 6

{#ana#}¦ ({#-Ga#}) r. 2d. cl. ({#aniti#}) Also of 4th cl. {#(Na) (anyate)#} To breathe, to

Should this ({#-Ga#}) be really before r.? I haven’t seeing another example of this, nor do I know what to do with it. The original has the same.

Case 7

{#anuSAsitf (-tA-trI-tf)#}¦ Ruling, governing, commanding, directing, a ruler,

the gender is missing, but clearly implied

Case 8

{#andola#}¦ ({#-ta#}) r. 10th cl. ({#andolayati#}) To agitate, to swing.

What does this mean?

Case 9

{#anDa#}¦ ({#-ta#}) r. 10th cl. ({#anDayati#}) To be or become blind.


Case 10

{#x#}¦ aptote. 1. The divine nature. 2. The earth. 3. A mountain. ind. A

as in the original. should this mean "ind.", indeclinable, avyayam?

Case 11

{#X#}¦ aptote. 1. A divine female. 2. The female nature. 3. A mother. m.


Case 12

{#oja#}¦ ({#ta#}) r. 1st. cl. ({#ojati#}) 1. To live, to have the vital faculties and


Case 13

{#KaRqakAvya#}¦ ({#-vyaM#}) n. A poem interspersed with prose. E. {#KaRqa,#} and {#kAvya#} a

This is the only (?) case with the last akṣara of the nominative before the gender.

Case 14

{#KaleDAnI#}¦ ({#-nI#}) Tho post of a threshing floor, round which the oxen

just a feminine? if so, why the akṣara? to mark it isn’t like śrīḥ?

Case 15

{#goDenu#}¦ ({#-nuH#}) A milch cow. E. {#go#} a cow, and {#Denu#} the same. {#savatsAyAM gavi .#}

I’ve added an f. there.

{#goDenu#}¦ f. ({#-nuH#}) A milch cow. E. {#go#} a cow, and {#Denu#} the same. {#savatsAyAM gavi .#}

Case 16

{#cucu#}¦ imitative sound, (such as a child makes in sucking,) and {#ka#}

ind. perhaps?

Case 17

{#QuQa (i) QuQi#}¦ Sautra root, ({#QuRQati#}) To search, to seek. {#BvA-para-saka-sew .#}

That instead of r. something is quite irregular.

Case 18

{#Cfda#}¦ ({#u#} and {#ira#}) {#uCfdira#} r. 7th cl. ({#-CfRatti-CiMtte#}) 1. To shine 2. To vomit.


Case 19

{#tad#}¦ Relative or third personal pronoun. ({#saH sA tad#}) He, she, it, that

idam has pron. first.

Case 20

{#tuqa (f) tuqf dviDAkaraRe (toqati)#}¦ also {#(i) tuqi#} r. 1st cl. {#nizpIqane (tuRqate)#} also

Case 21

{#dArGasatra(-traH-trI-traM)#}¦ Performing a long continued sacrifice, &c. E. {#dIrGasatra#}

missing gender:

{#dArGasatra(-traH-trI-traM)#}¦ mfn. Performing a long continued sacrifice, &c. E. {#dIrGasatra#}

Case 22

{#durGoza#}¦ ({#-zaH-zA-zaM#}) Harsh-voiced, roaring, bellowing. m. ({#-zaH#}) 1. A bear.


{#durGoza#}¦ mfn. ({#-zaH-zA-zaM#}) Harsh-voiced, roaring, bellowing. m. ({#-zaH#}) 1. A bear.

Case 23

{#dvijihva#}¦ (mfn.) ({#-hvaH-hvA-hvaM#}) Double-tongued, (literally or figuratively.) m.

why the parentheses?

Case 24

{#Darmapatra#}¦ ({#-traM#}) Glomerous fig tree, (Ficus glomerata) E. {#Darma#} sacrifice,

missing gender

{#Darmapatra#}¦ n. ({#-traM#}) Glomerous fig tree, (Ficus glomerata) E. {#Darma#} sacrifice,

Case 25

{#pariBUzaRa#}¦ Peace obtained by cession of the revenue of a land.

M-W gives it as a masculine.

Case 26

{#saptadvIpA#}¦ ({#-pA#}) An epithet of the earth.

M-W gives as mfn., but here it’s only feminine...

Case 27

{#supratIka#}¦ ({#-kaH-kA-kaM#}) 1. Well-made, handsome. 2. Having a beautiful



date: 07/25/2019 12:50:16
dict: ap90
Lnum: 26523
hw: vizad
old: yogatidrAtavizadaiH
new: yoganidrAntavizadaiH
comm: Typo °nidrAnta° should follow yoga° instead of °tidrAta° in the compound.
email: [email protected]


date: 08/08/2019 16:59:47
dict: skd
Lnum: 21935
hw: पुरातनः
old: ष्ट्युस्तुट्
new: ट्युस्तुट्
comm: Typo. This issue is elaborated in sanskrit-lexicon/SKD#7
email: [email protected]


date: 07/31/2019 04:16:40
dict: ap90
Lnum: 7869
hw: उत्था
old: --Caus. (उत्यापयति)
new: --Caus. (उत्थापयति)
comm: Typo
email: [email protected]


date: 09/27/2019 14:58:52
dict: mw
Lnum: 73297
hw: ci
old: Desid. Caus.
new: has to be in bold characters; Pass. also is not and should be
email: Caujolle


date: 08/05/2019 20:09:32
dict: pw
Lnum: 118430
hw: sad
old: — 10) in feindlicher Absicht auf Jmd losgehen.
new: — 10) [i]in feindlicher Absicht auf Jmd losgehen. [/i]
comm: Typo: phrase should be in italics, as it is a translation and not a grammatical comment. P.s. you have to scroll down quite a bit to get there, it is under prefix ā + causative
email: [email protected]


date: 08/22/2019 00:29:47
dict: skd
Lnum: 37902
hw: समर्पणं
old: सॐपोन
new: Do not know. Need to check with scholars. But I know that it is a typo.
comm: Typo
email: [email protected]


date: 09/29/2019 13:44:57
dict: bur
Lnum: 8975
hw: devana
old: 2 problems: M. F. N. are not referenced as abbreviations (masculin, féminin, neutre) and dés. is wrongly referenced; actually here it is the plural of the word word "dé"; i guess a rare case of ambiguity, I found three more occurences (look for "jeu de dés").
comm: Typo
email: Caujolle


date: 08/26/2019 10:06:14
dict: pw
Lnum: 89765
hw: yathā
old: — 10) yathā yathā (einem tathā tathā oder aivaiva entsprechend)
new: — 10) yathā yathā (einem tathā tathā oder evaiva entsprechend)
comm: Typo wrong "aivaiva" correct "evaiva"
email: [email protected]


date: 09/27/2019 09:20:55
dict: ap90
Lnum: ID=22713
hw: maya
old: ‘coneisting or composed of,’
new: consisting or composed of
comm: Typo
email: [email protected]


date: 08/20/2019 09:28:02
dict: pw
Lnum: 68313
hw: puruṣārtha
old: — a) die Angelegenheit — , des Ziel des Menschen
new: — a) die Angelegenheit — , das Ziel des Menschen
comm: Typo: it should be "das" and not "des" before "Ziel"
email: [email protected]


date: 08/21/2019 06:11:47
dict: ap90
Lnum: 23810
hw: यावत्
old: तवत्
new: तावत्
comm: Typo
email: [email protected]

where to propose changes?

Hi all. I’ve been invited, long ago already, to help with you guys, but I never got to understand exactly where everything is being done, or should be done. So I’m guessing it’s here for now?

I’m working on SHS... I will present to you whatever I make as soon as it is presentable... and I have found some inconsistencies. I don’t know if I should pull the changes to this repository, so I’m writing a list here until I know better.

I’m putting the whole line in the hope it helps finding it in the file.

{#adfzwapUrvva#}¦ mfn.({#-rvvaH-rvvA-rvvaM#}) Unseen previously, unseen till now. E. {#adfzwa,#}

There is a missing space after mfn.

{#aDaHkzipta (-ptaH-ptA-ptaM)#}¦ Precipitated, thrown down. E. {#aDas#} down, and {#kzipta#}

This one doesn’t have the gender information, and this is according to the original which lacks it too. On my copy I changed it to the following:

{#aDaHkzipta (-ptaH-ptA-ptaM)#}¦ mfn. Precipitated, thrown down. E. {#aDas#} down, and {#kzipta#}

{#aciradyuti#}¦ ({#-tiH#}) Lightning. E. {#a#} neg. {#cira#} long. and {#dyuti#} light.

Missing gender again, M-W gives it as a feminine, and so on mine I put:

{#aciradyuti#}¦ f. ({#-tiH#}) Lightning. E. {#a#} neg. {#cira#} long. and {#dyuti#} light.

{#ana#}¦ ({#-Ga#}) r. 2d. cl. ({#aniti#}) Also of 4th cl. {#(Na) (anyate)#} To breathe, to

Should this ({#-Ga#}) be really before r.? I haven’t seeing another example of this, nor do I know what to do with it. The original has the same.

{#anuSAsitf (-tA-trI-tf)#}¦ Ruling, governing, commanding, directing, a ruler,

the gender is missing, but clearly implied

{#andola#}¦ ({#-ta#}) r. 10th cl. ({#andolayati#}) To agitate, to swing.

What does this mean?

{#anDa#}¦ ({#-ta#}) r. 10th cl. ({#anDayati#}) To be or become blind.


{#x#}¦ aptote. 1. The divine nature. 2. The earth. 3. A mountain. ind. A

as in the original. should this mean "ind.", indeclinable, avyayam?

{#X#}¦ aptote. 1. A divine female. 2. The female nature. 3. A mother. m.


{#oja#}¦ ({#ta#}) r. 1st. cl. ({#ojati#}) 1. To live, to have the vital faculties and


{#KaRqakAvya#}¦ ({#-vyaM#}) n. A poem interspersed with prose. E. {#KaRqa,#} and {#kAvya#} a

This is the only (?) case with the last akṣara of the nominative before the gender.

{#KaleDAnI#}¦ ({#-nI#}) Tho post of a threshing floor, round which the oxen

just a feminine? if so, why the akṣara? to mark it isn’t like śrīḥ?

{#goDenu#}¦ ({#-nuH#}) A milch cow. E. {#go#} a cow, and {#Denu#} the same. {#savatsAyAM gavi .#}

I’ve added an f. there.

{#goDenu#}¦ f. ({#-nuH#}) A milch cow. E. {#go#} a cow, and {#Denu#} the same. {#savatsAyAM gavi .#}

{#cucu#}¦ imitative sound, (such as a child makes in sucking,) and {#ka#}

ind. perhaps?

{#QuQa (i) QuQi#}¦ Sautra root, ({#QuRQati#}) To search, to seek. {#BvA-para-saka-sew .#}

That instead of r. something is quite irregular.

{#Cfda#}¦ ({#u#} and {#ira#}) {#uCfdira#} r. 7th cl. ({#-CfRatti-CiMtte#}) 1. To shine 2. To vomit.


{#tad#}¦ Relative or third personal pronoun. ({#saH sA tad#}) He, she, it, that

idam has pron. first.

{#tuqa (f) tuqf dviDAkaraRe (toqati)#}¦ also {#(i) tuqi#} r. 1st cl. {#nizpIqane (tuRqate)#} also

{#dArGasatra(-traH-trI-traM)#}¦ Performing a long continued sacrifice, &c. E. {#dIrGasatra#}

missing gender:

{#dArGasatra(-traH-trI-traM)#}¦ mfn. Performing a long continued sacrifice, &c. E. {#dIrGasatra#}

{#durGoza#}¦ ({#-zaH-zA-zaM#}) Harsh-voiced, roaring, bellowing. m. ({#-zaH#}) 1. A bear.


{#durGoza#}¦ mfn. ({#-zaH-zA-zaM#}) Harsh-voiced, roaring, bellowing. m. ({#-zaH#}) 1. A bear.

{#dvijihva#}¦ (mfn.) ({#-hvaH-hvA-hvaM#}) Double-tongued, (literally or figuratively.) m.

why the parentheses?

{#Darmapatra#}¦ ({#-traM#}) Glomerous fig tree, (Ficus glomerata) E. {#Darma#} sacrifice,

missing gender

{#Darmapatra#}¦ n. ({#-traM#}) Glomerous fig tree, (Ficus glomerata) E. {#Darma#} sacrifice,

{#pariBUzaRa#}¦ Peace obtained by cession of the revenue of a land.

M-W gives it as a masculine.

{#saptadvIpA#}¦ ({#-pA#}) An epithet of the earth.

M-W gives as mfn., but here it’s only feminine...

{#supratIka#}¦ ({#-kaH-kA-kaM#}) 1. Well-made, handsome. 2. Having a beautiful


Thanks :)


date: 07/25/2019 12:55:35
dict: ap90
Lnum: 26523
hw: vizada
old: — 5 ...prakamaM (aMtarAtmA)
new: prakAmaM (aMtarAtmA)
comm: Typo short a instead of long A in prakAmaM
email: [email protected]


date: 09/22/2019 19:30:54
dict: pw
Lnum: 79705
hw: bhās
old: — Caus. erleuchten , erhellen. Mit prati Med. LB + mouse over "Med" results in tooltip "Medizin – medicine"
new: — Caus. erleuchten , erhellen. LB [new line] — Mit prati Med. LB + mouse over "Med" could give tooltip like "Medium – ātmanepada"
comm: Typo: A new line should be started for the new verbal prefix "prati". The tooltip for "Med" should be corrected
email: [email protected]


date: 09/25/2019 15:43:37
dict: stc
Lnum: 12787
hw: paJcama
old: m. (5(me,) puis 7me)
new: m. (5me, puis 7me)
comm: encoding
email: Caujolle

why hwextra here

Purpose of hwextra files is a way to get extra headwords for entries.

acc example

acc_hwextra.txt has, as first line,


This means that akzacaraRa is an alternate headword for akzapAda.

akzapAda has L=12.
When we construct acchw.txt, we make use of alternate headwords:


Then, when we construct acc.xml, we make use of acchw.txt and acc.txt. Results are:

<H1><h><key1>akzapAda</key1><key2>akzapAda</key2></h><body><s>akzapAda</s>  or <s>akzacaraRa,</s> a name of Gautama, the philo- <br/>sopher, Hall p. 20.</body><tail><L>12</L><pc>1-001,1</pc></tail></H1>
<H1><h><key1>akzacaraRa</key1><key2>akzacaraRa,</key2></h><body><alt><s>akzacaraRa</s> is an alternate of <s>akzapAda</s>.</alt> <s>akzapAda</s>  or <s>akzacaraRa,</s> a name of Gautama, the philo- <br/>sopher, Hall p. 20.</body><tail><L>12.1</L><pc>1-001,1</pc><hwtype n="alt" ref="12"/></tail></H1>


date: 09/15/2019 15:35:50
dict: ap90
Lnum: 28403
hw: श्रुत
old: श्रुतेनैब
new: श्रुतेनैव
comm: Typo
email: [email protected]


date: 09/27/2019 14:50:42
dict: bur
Lnum: 6914
hw: chettṛ
old: fend ou tranche qqc., qui dissipe un doute, qui résoud und difficulté.
new: the abbreviation qqc. (quelque chose) here is not referenced (maybe because a comma is after the dot?); note also that "résoud" is faulty, it should be "résout"; moreover it is "une" and not "und"
comm: Typo and reference
email: Caujolle


date: 12/18/2019 22:09:47
dict: wil
Lnum: 41435
hw: सा
old: तट् that, &c.
new: तद् that, &c.
comm: तट्
email: [email protected]


date: 12/18/2019 20:46:26
dict: wil
Lnum: 5927
hw: आवेद्य
old: विट् to know,
new: विद् to know,
comm: विट्
email: [email protected]


date: 08/20/2019 00:17:17
dict: mw
Lnum: 62541
hw: gaNakarNikA
old: Cucumis coloquinthida,
new: Cucumis coloquinthida,
comm: markup
email: ejf


date: 07/24/2019 08:30:50
dict: mw
Lnum: 197590
hw: vipad
old: ..., come to nought, perish die, ṢaḍvBr. ; MBh. &c.:
new: ..., come to nought, perish, die, ṢaḍvBr. ; MBh. &c.:
comm: Typo: a comma is missing between "perish" and "die" (perish, die). [such a major mistake!]
email: [email protected]

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