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drlpolicygradient's Introduction

Deep Reinforcement Learning: Policy Gradient with Monte Carlo and Baseline for Cartpole

The objective of this Python program is to teach the cart to balance the pole upgright, through deep reinforcement learning. The unlearned behavior is shown below (~10 episodes) where the cart fails, and the episode is restarted because it does not reach the max number of steps (200 steps):


After training and self-learning based on the reward system, and almost 1000 episodes later, the behavior of the cart is transformed into the below (~10 episodes):


The cart learned, through rewards, to balance the pole upgright and reach the end of the episode (200 steps). Below is the full notebook.

import warnings

from datetime import datetime
from IPython.display import clear_output
import statistics
import math
import os
import cProfile
import gym
from gym import envs
import numpy as np
# Docs
import tensorflow as tf
import tensorflow_probability as tfp
from random import random

from pprint import pprint

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

import numpy as np
import os
import time

os.environ["KERAS_BACKEND"] = "plaidml.keras.backend"

import keras
import keras.applications as kapp
#from keras.datasets import cifar10

def pp(o):
%load_ext tensorboard

print("TensorFlow version: ", tf.__version__)
The tensorboard extension is already loaded. To reload it, use:
  %reload_ext tensorboard
TensorFlow version:  2.1.0
###### render = True
episodes = 1000

class Buffer(object):
    def __init__(self):

        self.max_size = 10000000
    def reset_buffer(self):
        self.prev_obs = np.array([])
        self.obs = np.array([])
        self.actions = np.array([])
        self.rewards = np.array([])
        self.terminals = np.array([])
        self.q_values = np.array([])
    def update(self, eps_prev_obs, eps_obs, eps_actions, eps_rewards, eps_terminals, eps_q_values):
        self.prev_obs = np.concatenate([self.prev_obs, eps_prev_obs])[-self.max_size:]
        self.obs = np.concatenate([self.obs, eps_obs])[-self.max_size:]
        self.actions = np.concatenate([self.actions, eps_actions])[-self.max_size:]
        self.rewards = np.concatenate([self.rewards, eps_rewards])[-self.max_size:]
        self.terminals = np.concatenate([self.terminals, eps_terminals])[-self.max_size:]
        self.q_values = np.concatenate([self.q_values, eps_q_values])[-self.max_size:]
        self.indexes = np.random.permutation(range(len(self.obs)))

    def get_samples(self, batch, batch_size):
        inds = self.indexes[batch*batch_size:(batch+1)*batch_size]
        return  self.prev_obs[inds], self.obs[inds], self.actions[inds],\
                self.rewards[inds], self.terminals[inds], self.q_values[inds]
class Policy(object):
    def __init__(self, env, nn_dims, learning_rate=0.01):
        self.env = env
        self.action_space = self.env.action_space
        self.observation_space = self.env.observation_space
        print('Action Space', self.action_space)
        print('Observation Space', self.observation_space, '\nHigh',
                                   self.observation_space.high, '\nLow', self.observation_space.low,
        self.epoch = 0
        self.learning_rate = learning_rate
        self.nn_dims = nn_dims


    def build_nn(self):
        self.loss_history = []
        self.weighted_loss_history = []
        self.reward_history = []
        self.baseline_history = []
        self.variance_history = []
        layers = [tf.keras.Input(shape=self.observation_space.shape)]
        for d in self.nn_dims:
                tf.keras.layers.Dense(d, activation='relu', kernel_initializer='glorot_normal'),
        layers.append(tf.keras.layers.Dense(self.action_space.n, activation='softmax'))
        self.model = tf.keras.models.Sequential(layers) 
        self.optimizer = tf.keras.optimizers.Adam(learning_rate=0.01)
    def get_action(self, ob):
        model_output = self.model(tf.Variable([ob]))
        probs = model_output[0].numpy() / sum(model_output[0].numpy())
        action = np.random.choice(np.arange(len(model_output[0])), p=probs)
        return action

    def train_policy(self, eps_prev_obs, eps_obs, eps_actions, eps_rewards, eps_terminals, eps_q_values):
        print('Total obs', len(eps_prev_obs))
        obs = tf.Variable(eps_prev_obs)
        actions = tf.Variable(tf.one_hot(eps_actions, 2))
        mean_qs = statistics.mean(eps_q_values)
        qs = tf.Variable(np.array(eps_q_values) - mean_qs, dtype=float)
        with tf.GradientTape() as tape:
            logits = self.model(obs, training=True)
            negative_likelihoods = tf.nn.softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits(labels = actions, logits=logits)
            weighted_negative_likelihoods = tf.multiply(negative_likelihoods, qs)
            loss = tf.reduce_mean(weighted_negative_likelihoods)
        grads = tape.gradient(loss, self.model.trainable_variables) 
        self.optimizer.apply_gradients(zip(grads, self.model.trainable_variables))
class Agent(object):
    def __init__(self, env, nn_dims):
        self.env = env
        self.policy = Policy(env, nn_dims)
        self.rewards =  0

    def take_action(self, ob):
        return self.policy.get_action(ob)

    def train(self, eps_prev_obs, eps_obs, eps_actions, eps_rewards, eps_terminals, eps_q_values):
        self.rewards = 0
        ret = self.policy.train_policy(eps_prev_obs, eps_obs, eps_actions, 
                                       eps_rewards, eps_terminals, eps_q_values)
        return ret

class Episode(object):
    def __init__(self, env, agent, render):
        self.env = env
        self.agent = agent
        self.render = render
        self.prev_obs = []
        self.obs = []
        self.actions = []
        self.rewards = []
        self.terminals = []

    def run(self):
        observation = self.env.reset()
        done = False
        t = 0
        while not done:
            if self.render == True: self.env.render()
            action = self.agent.take_action(observation)
            prev_ob = observation
            observation, reward, done, info = self.env.step(action)

            t = t + 1
            if done: reward = -300
            if t == self.env.spec.max_episode_steps: reward = 300
            if done: break
        q_values = []       
        gamma = 0.995
        for i in range(len(self.rewards)):
            cumul_sum = 0
            for j in range(len(self.rewards[i:])):
                cumul_sum = cumul_sum + self.rewards[i:][j] * math.pow(gamma, j)
        return t, self.prev_obs, self.obs, self.actions, self.rewards, self.terminals, q_values

def run_episodes(env, agent, min_runs, min_transitions, render=False):
    transitions = 0
    runs = 0
    eps_prev_obs = []
    eps_obs = [] 
    eps_actions = [] 
    eps_rewards = [] 
    eps_terminals = []
    eps_q_values = []
    tot_rewards = []
    while (transitions < min_transitions) or (runs < min_runs):
        ep = Episode(env, agent, render)      
        ep_trans, prev_obs, obs, actions, rewards, terminals, q_values =
        transitions = transitions + ep_trans
        runs = runs + 1
    return runs, transitions, eps_prev_obs, eps_obs, eps_actions,\
           eps_rewards, eps_terminals, eps_q_values, tot_rewards

def run_epochs(env, agent, min_runs, min_transitions, epochs, mult = 4, div = 120, render=False):
    strikes = 0
    retries = 0
    max_strikes = 3
    tr_per_run = 9
    tr_per_run_arr = []
    buffer = Buffer()
    iterating = True
    while iterating:
        for i in range(epochs):

            if (i > 500) and tr_per_run == 9: 
                agent.policy.loss_history = []
                tr_per_run_arr = []

            if tr_per_run < div:
                req_transitions = (min_transitions * (tr_per_run + 1) / (mult*div))
                req_runs = (min_runs * (tr_per_run + 1) / (mult*div))
                req_transitions = min_transitions
                req_runs = min_runs

            runs, transitions, eps_prev_obs, eps_obs, eps_actions,\
            eps_rewards, eps_terminals, eps_q_values, tot_rewards =\
                                        run_episodes(env, agent, req_runs, req_transitions, render)

            agent.train(eps_prev_obs, eps_obs, eps_actions, eps_rewards, eps_terminals, eps_q_values)

            tr_per_run = int(transitions/runs)

            agent.policy.epoch = i
            print("Retries", retries)
            print("Epoch:", i, tr_per_run, req_runs, req_transitions)
            print("Runs:", runs, ', Transitions:', transitions, ',', int(transitions/runs),'transitions per run')
            print("Total Rewards:", statistics.mean(tot_rewards))
            print('Strike', strikes)

            if tr_per_run > 5:
                fig, axs = plt.subplots(2, 3, figsize=(15, 8))

                axs[0, 0].plot(tr_per_run_arr)
                axs[0, 0].set_title('Transitions Per Episode')

                axs[0, 1].plot(agent.policy.reward_history)
                axs[0, 1].set_title('Rewards [History]')

                axs[0, 2].plot(agent.policy.baseline_history)
                axs[0, 2].set_title('Qs Baseline [History]')

                axs[1, 0].plot(agent.policy.loss_history)
                axs[1, 0].set_title('Loss [History]')

                axs[1, 1].plot(agent.policy.weighted_loss_history)
                axs[1, 1].set_title('Weighted Loss [History]')

                axs[1, 2].plot(agent.policy.variance_history)
                axs[1, 2].set_title('Variance [History]')


            if int(transitions/runs) >= env.spec.max_episode_steps:
                strikes = strikes + 1

            if transitions >= runs * (env.spec.max_episode_steps): 
                iterating = False
            if strikes > max_strikes:
        retries = retries + 1
min_transitions = 800
min_runs = 100
epochs = 5000
env = gym.make('CartPole-v0') 
agent = Agent(env, nn_dims = [64, 64, 64])

%time run_epochs(env, agent, min_runs, min_transitions, epochs, mult=2, div = 60, render=False)

Total obs 20000
Retries 0
Epoch: 15 200 100 800
Runs: 100 , Transitions: 20000 , 200 transitions per run
Total Rewards: 499.0
Strike 0


CPU times: user 7min 33s, sys: 2.29 s, total: 7min 35s
Wall time: 7min 34s
for i in range(100):
    ep = Episode(env, agent, render=True)      
    ep_trans, prev_obs, obs, actions, rewards, terminals, q_values =
    print(i, len(q_values), sum(rewards), max(rewards))
0 13 -288.0 1.0
1 14 -287.0 1.0
2 15 -286.0 1.0
3 24 -277.0 1.0
4 14 -287.0 1.0
5 25 -276.0 1.0
6 12 -289.0 1.0
7 43 -258.0 1.0
8 14 -287.0 1.0
9 45 -256.0 1.0
10 16 -285.0 1.0
11 10 -291.0 1.0
12 12 -289.0 1.0
13 10 -291.0 1.0
14 34 -267.0 1.0
15 27 -274.0 1.0
16 12 -289.0 1.0
17 13 -288.0 1.0
18 21 -280.0 1.0
19 31 -270.0 1.0
20 12 -289.0 1.0
21 40 -261.0 1.0
22 12 -289.0 1.0
23 18 -283.0 1.0
24 20 -281.0 1.0
25 17 -284.0 1.0
26 12 -289.0 1.0
27 20 -281.0 1.0
28 41 -260.0 1.0
29 21 -280.0 1.0
30 19 -282.0 1.0
31 11 -290.0 1.0
32 18 -283.0 1.0
33 26 -275.0 1.0
34 24 -277.0 1.0
35 15 -286.0 1.0
36 11 -290.0 1.0
37 12 -289.0 1.0
38 15 -286.0 1.0
39 11 -290.0 1.0
40 15 -286.0 1.0
41 26 -275.0 1.0
42 14 -287.0 1.0
43 88 -213.0 1.0
44 9 -292.0 1.0
45 13 -288.0 1.0
46 14 -287.0 1.0
47 19 -282.0 1.0
48 21 -280.0 1.0
49 14 -287.0 1.0
50 10 -291.0 1.0
51 29 -272.0 1.0
52 46 -255.0 1.0
53 15 -286.0 1.0
54 17 -284.0 1.0
55 12 -289.0 1.0
56 16 -285.0 1.0
57 21 -280.0 1.0
58 14 -287.0 1.0
59 24 -277.0 1.0
60 22 -279.0 1.0
61 17 -284.0 1.0
62 11 -290.0 1.0
63 31 -270.0 1.0
64 15 -286.0 1.0
65 31 -270.0 1.0
66 45 -256.0 1.0
67 14 -287.0 1.0
68 18 -283.0 1.0
69 21 -280.0 1.0
70 15 -286.0 1.0
71 18 -283.0 1.0
72 17 -284.0 1.0
73 12 -289.0 1.0
74 9 -292.0 1.0
75 12 -289.0 1.0
76 22 -279.0 1.0
77 19 -282.0 1.0
78 12 -289.0 1.0
79 17 -284.0 1.0
80 11 -290.0 1.0
81 9 -292.0 1.0
82 19 -282.0 1.0
83 16 -285.0 1.0
84 16 -285.0 1.0
85 15 -286.0 1.0
86 29 -272.0 1.0
87 17 -284.0 1.0
88 9 -292.0 1.0
89 21 -280.0 1.0
90 16 -285.0 1.0
91 14 -287.0 1.0
92 12 -289.0 1.0
93 20 -281.0 1.0
94 17 -284.0 1.0
95 19 -282.0 1.0
96 44 -257.0 1.0
97 12 -289.0 1.0
98 34 -267.0 1.0
99 31 -270.0 1.0

drlpolicygradient's People


samerelhousseini avatar


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