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documentation's Issues

Waterford Fi-Lab Node

We would like to use the Waterford Fi-Lab node, could you please that this node is stable and can be used for our production servers? Is the plan for this node to stay up for the duration on the project?


Orion PEP proxy + Keycloak IDM

Hello, I'd like to ask whether:

a) either of the two available PEP proxies for Orion (i.e. either /fiware-orion-pep or /fi-ware-pep-proxy) can use Keycloak's IDM instead of Keystone's ?

b) if not, are there plans to make this functionality available?

Thank you,

Getting a community account for FiLab

We would like to confirm what kind of account we have for the fiLab, the account is under [email protected]. There is a warning that if you use a trial account things will get deleted after 2 weeks, but we cannot find where we apply for the community account.

keyclock: Load denied by X-Frame-Options message

When opening (loading) a widget in Wirecloud/FiSpace we get the following message:

Load denied by X-Frame-Options: does not permit cross-origin framing.

Our keycloak.json:

  "realm" : "fispace",
  "realm-public-key" : "MIGfMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBAQUAA4GNADCBiQKBgQCrVrCuTtArbgaZzL1hvh0xtL5mc7o0NqPVnYXkLvgcwiC3BjLGw1tGEGoJaXDuSaRllobm53JBhjx33UNv+5z/UMG4kytBWxheNVKnL6GgqlNabMaFfPLPCF8kAgKnsi79NMo+n6KnSY8YeUmec/p2vjO2NjsSAVcWEQMVhJ31LwIDAQAB",
  "auth-server-url" : "",
  "ssl-required" : "none",
  "resource" : "ffa2",
  "public-client" : true,
    "enable-cors" : true,
  "cors-max-age" : 1000,
  "cors-allowed-methods" : [ "POST", "PUT", "DELETE", "GET" ]

Platform Notifications

Is there a method/API to send a (platform) Notification to a registered user in FiSpace?

In the Front End Tech guide there is GET /fispace/application/getAllUserNotifications, to get user notifications bu we could not find any POST methods...

Few technical questions

Hi, please let me know if I should post the technical questions to some other place. I have a few questions, some more concrete and some more conceptual.

First: FIspace demo environment seems to be down. Are there any timelines when the platform will be re-established?

We have designed the API functionality that our server system will offer towards the other applications on the FIspace platform, as well as functionality that our end-user application will offer towards the others via FIspace platform.

We can't test where and how we will register this functionality (since the platform is down), but please correct me if we're wrong:

  1. We will be able to register the API functionality inside FIspace via some module in System & Data Integration module, (or some other module?), is this right? If we're right, is there any link with the details or step-by-step on how to do it, with which specific tool/product/technology/language? Or should we consider some other module for this functionality, or are we getting the concept wrong?
  2. There is a mashup (Wirecloud) instance running inside FIspace, as we noticed while it was running. Will it be possible to use the information about API, which will be registered inside FIspace (SDI or some other module from previous question), in the Wirecloud (or are we getting the concept wrong?)? Therefore: if we have an API that provides a certain output in one application, and an API that requires that same output in the other application, is it possible to visualize the instances of both of the applications in the Wirecloud, and connect them? Is there any documentation about how to do this, or is API information not connected with the Wirecloud instance on the FIspace?
  3. The authentication system (similar to Keystone/Keyrock) is running inside FIspace, is that right? So basically, we may only develop a client functionality, and use FIspace's authentication module, similarly as we may use FIware Lab's user authentication? Do we understand this right?
  4. IF (4) is true, then: Is it possible to create custom attributes in the FISpace's instance of Keystone enabler for a certain users, and save those attributes for our applications inside FIspace's running Keystone instance?
  5. Does Orion instance check with the Keystone instance if the user exists when it gets the request with the key from the user? Probably yes?

Thanks, best regards, Matic

Problem creating Decoupled project on Linux


I'm trying to create a decoupled project with the wizard provided by the FIstudio but I'm getting the following error:

May 04, 2015 12:38:01 PM eu.fispace.plugin.wizards.handler.SetupWizard setupMavenSettings
INFO: SetupWizard.setupMavenSettings()
May 04, 2015 12:38:01 PM eu.fispace.plugin.wizards.NewFispaceProjectWizard
INFO: Starting .m2 settings
Creating APP WIDGET Archetype
May 04, 2015 12:38:18 PM eu.fispace.plugin.wizards.maven.MavenHandler generateMavenCall
INFO: Maven call generated
Maven call: archetype:generate-DarchetypeCatalog=
May 04, 2015 12:38:18 PM eu.fispace.plugin.wizards.maven.MavenHandler execMavenTaskEmbeded
INFO: Executing maven
May 04, 2015 12:38:19 PM eu.fispace.plugin.wizards.maven.MavenHandler$1 run
INFO: executeMaven:result.1.0
May 04, 2015 12:38:20 PM eu.fispace.plugin.wizards.maven.MavenHandler$1 run
INFO: resultEE.2.0
org.eclipse.core.internal.resources.ResourceException()[567]: /home/ralcaide/workspace/Decoupled3\backend.project (No such file or directory)

The /backend/.project exists but it seems there is a problem with the slash "" instead of "/".

Do you know any solution or workaround for that?

[FISPACE] Administration of company profile

While filling the company profile on the FISPACE EE platform we encountered a few shortcomings, which we would like to let you know for further improvements. It seems that the administration of a company profile is still a bit incomplete. E.g.

  • it is not possible to administrate employees,
  • an employee can't be assigned as administrator to edit the company profile,
  • eyeryone can join any company.
  • it is not possible to delete a logo or cover image
  • if the uploaded logo was not in a squared like dimension, it can't be changed. This is because the button is not accessible anymore. The "upload" button appears when mouse over the logo, but disappears as soon as you move the mouse to click on it.

Best regards,

Clarification on FiLab servers

Hi, Could I please have some clarification on the status of our FiLab servers - there is a problem with our admin page.
When I login to the I can see Spain2 and Prague but not Poznan - we should have Spain2 and Poznan. We still have servers running on Poznan as I can access them via ssh but I cannot see the Poznan ndoe through the admin screen.
We should have 2 external IPs for the same node but we only have one each for Spain2 and Prague.
My tenant ip is 00000000000000000000000000004383, login name kari cloud.

Please clarify:
-which nodes we should have?
-why we cannot see our existing servers in Poznan?
-why we do not have 2 external IPs on each node?
-will we lose our existing servers on Poznan? (we already have them setup so hopefully not.)

Thanks, Kari

[Hive COSMOS CLI/PHP Thrift] Error while launching "hive" command in shell

when I try to run the "hive" command from the shell I get the following error:
'Exception in thread "main" Mkdirs failed to create /tmp/hadoop-USERNAME/hadoop-unjar1448268252380539144
at org.apache.hadoop.util.RunJar.ensureDirectory(
at org.apache.hadoop.util.RunJar.main('.

But when I try a select query in PHP script, we received the following error:

'FAILED: Hive Internal Error: java.lang.RuntimeException(org.apache.hadoop.ipc.RemoteException: org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.namenode.SafeModeException: Cannot create directory /tmp/hive-root/hive_2015-06-29_18-03-29_493_5508174623301334280. Name node is in safe mode.
Resources are low on NN. Safe mode must be turned off manually.
at org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.namenode.FSNamesystem.mkdirsInternal(
at org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.namenode.FSNamesystem.mkdirs(
at org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.namenode.NameNode.mkdirs(
at sun.reflect.GeneratedMethodAccessor2286.invoke(Unknown Source)
at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
at org.apache.hadoop.ipc.RPC$'

Waiting for your feedback, thank you in advance.

server space and IP's

We would like to request another 3 external IPs, we only have one at the moment which we will use for our web app but also want to have a dev, test and prod environments which all need to accessible externally and we would like to host our bug tracking server on one if possible so that is 4 in total, therefore we would like a 5 server allowance if possible please and a larger memory allocation etc.. In the previous email response from the tech people it said we could request more.

Also, are there any Ubuntu (13.04 or later) images which have more than 3.5GB ram? We would like more if possible + 8GB, I can see other that have 10GB but these are not the base Ubuntu images.

Many thanks,

Help with SDI - how to call a capability

we've created in Fispace EE, a test capability (id : 46) of an existing capability type (id:9).

Querying SDI ( we get correct XML:
...<capability> <id>46</id> <description>createFarm</description> <uri></uri> <cte_id>9</cte_id> </capability>...

We try now to call this capability (POST to it from a client). In SDI documentation (FIspace-SDi-Tech.pdf, ed. 27-02-2015, page 15), it reads:

POST /api/capabilities/{request_message}/(capabilityId)
i.e. request_message is “provide_weather_conditions”. This would be an example of a typical call of >a client that uses a specific capability of type “provide weather conditions”. The capabilityId is used to >define the specific implementation (i.e. the specific weather conditions provider) that should be used.

We query SDI (GET) to get

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<capabilityType xmlns="">
  <name>provide advice</name>

thus we try to call the capability by POSTting to
but we get

   <title>Status page</title>
<body style="font-family: sans-serif;">
<p style="font-size: 1.2em;font-weight: bold;margin: 1em 0px;">Not Found</p>
<p>The server has not found anything matching the request URI</p>
<p>You can get technical details <a href="">here</a>.<br>
Please continue your visit at our <a href="/">home page</a>.

According to
the capability should be called with POST to{capabiliy description in lower case}/use
Still, POSTing to we get again

   <title>Status page</title>
<body style="font-family: sans-serif;">
<p style="font-size: 1.2em;font-weight: bold;margin: 1em 0px;">Not Found</p>
<p>The server has not found anything matching the request URI</p>
<p>You can get technical details <a href="">here</a>.<br>
Please continue your visit at our <a href="/">home page</a>.

Can you please HELP?
Also, I have is it possible to just call a capability (with a Request message) and get back the response fro the capability implementation (REST API) without involving a business process and the BCM?

New project wizard (widget) does not work

iOS 10.8.5, MBP Pro.
I've installed Fispace SDK (Eclipse Luna, 4.4.2) with Fispace SDK.
When I try File-New-Project-FiSpace type a name, select widget and press Finish, an indicator window appears but it hangs there forever. Project name appears on the Fispace explorer but it is empty!.

keyCloak vs keyRing

Discussing with other SAF companies we share the idea that it is difficult to understand why FIware and Fispace use two different IDM (keyCloak and keyRing) . If we use some FIware GEs we need to use Fiware but for FIspace we should use keyCloak. We need a clear indication about which IDM we should use.

We prefer to use keyRing for several reasons:

  • we need to use keyRing to access FIware GEs
  • by default the keyCloak does not access the account info (a quite basic feature), the issue was not documented, it took some days to figure out the issue, we raise an issue and needed to ask the administrator a fix; we propose to document it better and to provide the grant access right to all key account
  • it seems not possible to access user roles and it seems not possible to manage custom roles (keyRock easily allow administrators to manage them)
  • (minor) the expire date of the auth token it is quite short (a minute); I know we can refresh it but a longer one will be easier to manage;

Problems to contact with the developers group of two applications.


We are working on a project which is related to monitoring greenhouses. We proposed to develop an application which interacts with others two apps that are described in Fispace platform as part of "Greenhouse management and control" section.

These applications are:

Greenhouse Monitoring & Advice:

Greenhouse Crop Monitoring:

We tried to contact several people from these app developer groups but we did not success. We would like to know if these applications have an API or are available in Fispace in order to communicate with it.

We do not know whether these applications are only a user application or not. Do they have a development usage in order to enable developers to make applications which interact with their applications?

Could you advise us about the communication with these developers groups?


FIspace wizard does not appear

S.O: Linux Ubuntu 14.10 Eclipse: Luna (4.2) The FIspace sofware is correctly installed and MVN also. Issue: File > New > Project -> FIspace wizard does not appears in the possible options.

Submitted by Rafael Alcaide

Unable to create capabilities


I'm trying to create a capability via EE but I'm only able to create capabilityTypes. Maybe it is because my user (ralcaide) have "business_architect" role. It would be great I can create capabilities with this user also.
If not, I've created a new user: ralcaide_dev but he has not access to the capabilities functionality, maybe because its role is "user". Could you add "development" role to the user ralcaide_dev, please?

thanks in advance,


FiSpace studio issues

Hi, we've downloaded the latest version of FiSpace studio v0.15.0-S1509 and we experience a lot of problems(?):

1/ BCO Editor: Opens a web browser window, authenticate via keycloak then shows an empty page at Same empty page I get when trying to connect to directly via the browser.

2/ SDI Connector: When selecting this option FiStudio hangs (goes unrepsonsive)

3/ Capability Management. Doesn't seem to do anything. Querying (GETing) or PUTing something (Capability Types , Capabilities, Business processes, templates) does not return neither any registered object, nor any error or warning message.

Thanks for looking into this,
Kind regards,

One-to-many collaboration in FIspace

In our application we want to achieve the following scenario:
A farmer wants to notify one or more beekeepers, who are in farmer's region.

As we already understood, in order to achieve this one-to-many collaboration through FIspace platform, we have to use the Event Processing Module (EPM) functionality.
In order to use EPM the creation of capabilities and the corresponding rules is neccessary.
Where could I find more details about the definition of this kind of capabilities and rules?
Moreover, in which way the underlying implemented decision-making proccess from our backend information system will be connected to the EPM supported rules?

Web ACSI Editor 'looses' Business Entities.

a) Connected to ACSI Editor ( credentials fispaceUser/fispaceUser

b) Created two new applications ifarma-ffa and ifarma-ffa2. (Each time I click on any of the new apps I get a messagebox with a warning with an empty text).

c) Created a new Business Entity "Farm" on both but now I'm not able to see/access it on the object browser in the left.

d) If a try to create again the BE with the same name in ffa2, I receive message "["Error: Request application 'ifarma_ffa2' does not exists"].
Similarly, in ifarma-ffa, I receive the message
["Error: Component Farm in application ifarma-ffa for user fispaceUser already exists"]

Thanks for looking,

FiSpace issue with Create Business Process

Hi Raul,

I have FiSpace studio installed and have uploaded a dummy widget for testing. I have been trying to create a new business process in FiSpace for use in our web service for GroCircle. On the page for setting up the Business & Capabilities I have created the capability green house advice, that seemed to work ok. When I try to create the business process it will not let me select a capability. I have reviewed the documentation and the open issues in bitbucket but it is not clear what the issue is. Could you please offer some advice or forward the query on?

Many thanks,

Comos database privacy

We have registered to Comos server.
The user name allows to upload files.
For database operation there is no need for further authentication.
We can reach database and tables of any users. We noticed update to our table from outside.

So is Comos an open data processing environment? Or is it a malfunction?

Added a screenshot of the php code


Keyrock issue

We are developing an Android application and want to authenticate our users based on the keyrock instance from the Fiwarelab (temporarily before installing our own Keyrock instance on our server).
So we have imagined this being exactly like google or facebook sign in. We want to use the public and private keys provided while registering the app.
The method (out the only two available) we have chosen is "Resource Owner Password Credentials Grant."

In our test authentication method we only created a simple code to check for username and pass. But we wish to use the esource Owner Password Credentials Grant that keyrock allows to use.

public void enter(View view){
//     if(cultureName == "Select culture")
//     {
//      Toast.makeText(this, "Please select culture!",Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();
//     }
//     else if(cultureName == null)
//     {
//      Toast.makeText(this, "Please check your internet connection!",Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();
//     }
//     else
 EditText user = (EditText)findViewById(;
 username = user.getText().toString();
 EditText pass = (EditText)findViewById(;
 password = pass.getText().toString();
 //if(username.equals("ad") && password.equals("ad"))

      Intent intent = new Intent(this,MainActivity.class);
  //Toast.makeText(getApplicationContext(),"Username or password are incorrect! Please try again!", Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();


Any kind of help, examples, hello world, would be more than welecome. Thank you!

COSMOS remote file load

We have a COSMOS account on and can load files locally onto the cluster. However, we are having trouble loading remotely, the instructions we followed on the guide site show the following:
"However, using the WebHDFS/HttpFS RESTful API will allow you to upload files existing outside the global instance of Cosmos in FI-LAB. The following example uses HttpFS instead of WebHDFS (uses the TCP/14000 port instead of TCP/50070), and curl is used as HTTP client (but your applications should implement your own HTTP client):
[remote-vm]$ curl -i -X PUT "$COSMOS_USER/input_data?op=MKDIRS&$COSMOS_USER"
[remote-vm]$ curl -i -X PUT "$COSMOS_USER/input_data/unstructured_data.txt?op=CREATE&$COSMOS_USER"
[remote-vm]$ curl -i -X PUT -T unstructured_data.txt --header "content-type: application/octet-stream"$COSMOS_USER/input_data/unstructured_data.txt?op=CREATE&$COSMOS_USER&data=true
As you can see, the data uploading is a two-step operation, as stated in the WebHDFS specification: the first invocation of the API talks directly with the Head Node, specifying the new file creation and its name; then the Head Node sends a temporary redirection response, specifying the Data Node among all the existing ones in the cluster where the data has to be stored, which is the endpoint of the second step. Nevertheless, the HttpFS gateway implements the same API but its internal behaviour changes, making the redirection to point to the Head Node itself."

However, when we run these commands we get server errors coming back, one example is: ~ kari$ -bash: command not found
HTTP/1.1 100 Continue

HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized
Server: Apache-Coyote/1.1
Set-Cookie: hadoop.auth=""; Expires=Thu, 01-Jan-1970 00:00:10 GMT; Path=/
Content-Type: text/html;charset=utf-8
Content-Length: 1275
Date: Fri, 05 Jun 2015 12:58:20 GMT

<title>Apache Tomcat/6.0.32 - Error report</title><style></style>

HTTP Status 401 - Anonymous requests are disallowed

type Status report

message Anonymous requests are disallowed

description This request requires HTTP authentication ( Anonymous requests are disallowed).

Apache Tomcat/6.0.32

Another was a 500 server error. Could please provide the command for remotely loading a file into the COSMOS shared resource.

Many thanks,

[Fispace Store and Applications]: issue with cross-origin framing when using Firefox browser

I am using the Firefox browser, version 37.0.2:
Fispace Store (WStore) and Applications (Wirecloud) are not accessible and only an empty white space is shown.

The console log shows errors with cross-origin framing:

Load denied by X-Frame-Options: does not permit cross-origin framing.

Load denied by X-Frame-Options: does not permit cross-origin framing.


Is there any MarketPlace installed / available for FISpace EE? If yes, what is the URI we should type in "Add MarketPlace"

Request for a step by step guide


We are trying to develop an application that would use some capabilities of Fispace platform and we pretend to publish a capability in order to provide to the platform the data with which we are working.

We have created a "Decoupled" proyect in Fistudio but we dont know how to proceed in order to modify this decoupled project or how to modify the existing examples of projects that are in the App section of bitbuckler ( in order to develop our application.

We are trying to use a capabilty that provides forecast weather in order to show this information together with the data from our application, in a widget.

We would like to know if you can provide some development guide that shows up a step by step procedure to follow.

Thanks in Advance,

FiSpace experimentation environment

It seems it is down the last couple of week. Any news on when it will be available again?
Are there any alternative sites we can test / experiment with the FISpace platform?

SDI example

In the FISpace Experimentation environment I am not able to find any capabilities except the one I have (tried) to create.

I think that we need 1 sample working capabilities to call to start to test the working of the platform.

I know that there are one example ( but it require a setup of a local insfrrastructure that require a lot of time (JDK, Jetty, Maven, Next, SDI setup...) and it works only locally.

The only reason of use FISpace is to call "other" services, we shuld have some online working services to call.

FISpace SDK Plugins not available for Eclipse for MacOS?


following the instructions on the Annex FISpace SDK User-Developer Guide, we downloaded a new version of Eclipse (Luna) on an Apple MBP.
We also installed the FISpace plugins using the FISpace update page. Installation completed successfully but when restarting Eclipse no FISpace icon on the toolbar not any menu item for the FISpace plugins is displayed.


"Unauthorized" error when uploading a widget to FISpace via Fispace studio

We've set up the FiStudio as per the instructions on

When trying to upload a test widget on fispace we get:

[WARNING] Could not transfer metadata eu.fispace.apps:ifarma-ffa:1.0-SNAPSHOT/maven-metadata.xml from/to FIspaceApps ( Access denied to Error code 401, Unauthorized
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Total time: 3.253s
[INFO] Finished at: Fri Apr 24 16:59:07 EEST 2015
[INFO] Final Memory: 64M/380M
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[ERROR] Failed to execute goal org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-deploy-plugin:2.7:deploy-file (default-cli) on project ifarma-ffa: Failed to retrieve remote metadata eu.fispace.apps:ifarma-ffa:1.0-SNAPSHOT/maven-metadata.xml: Could not transfer metadata eu.fispace.apps:ifarma-ffa:1.0-SNAPSHOT/maven-metadata.xml from/to FIspaceApps ( Access denied to Error code 401, Unauthorized -> [Help 1]
[ERROR] To see the full stack trace of the errors, re-run Maven with the -e switch.
[ERROR] Re-run Maven using the -X switch to enable full debug logging.
[ERROR] For more information about the errors and possible solutions, please read the following articles:
[ERROR] [Help 1]

[FISPACE Store] Only one screenshot is shown

We have published a widget/application in the FISPACE EE store and added 3 screenshots.
Though only the last one is shown and the "next" and "previous" buttons for the screenshot slideshow don't react.

AcsiEditor (BizArtifact)

We try to figure out how to work with the ACSI editor tool in order to create our B2B workflow. We use the tool's User Manual guide to understand how it works.

In order to better understand the runtime engine of the tool and how you can use it for testing is it possible to have a "download" of the example used in the Manual (HelloWorld App with the HelloArtifact)?

Bizartifact installation issue

When executing the command mvn install -Dmaven.test.skip=true to build the war file of bizArtifact,
i got the following error:
Failed to execute to execute goal org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-compiler-plugin:2.3.2:compile (default-compile) on project container: compilation failure
[error] \bizartifact-code-9-trunk\server\container\src\main\java\com\ibm\siena\container\data\impl\[45,7]
error: DataConnection is not abstract and does not override abstract method getNetworkTimeOut<> in connection.
Any help please?

Wstore not working in FISpace?

'm trying to access Store in Fispace EE. When clicking on the store icon (menu to the left) I get the GE Store screen but empty. (See attached image)
We cannot do anything in the Wstore GE Any idea what is wrong?

FISPACE authorization

From David Castro:

We are developing client Authentication/authorization using Fispace and after our first oauth client tests we have some doubts about the authorization process.
We have discover that in Developer zone we only are able to define Oauth clients with no posibilities to define user roles or assign resource access rules like Fiware GE:

Imágenes integradas 1Imágenes integradas 2

We assume that keycloack admin console is closed for third party app developers and we need to understand the next questions:

  • Is there an admin console where manage application roles and resource authorization rules?
  • SPT framework could be used for manage these permissions instead? How we can apply for SPT API access?
  • If no one of the above requests is possible how a third party developer can manage their own roles using provided Fispace Oauth Manager?

FIspace Platform

Can I ask you some question about the application development with the FIspace platform?

I am trying to work with the eclipse FIspace Studio SDK.

  1. When accessing the Event Processing Module (EOM Proton) the page keeps reloading every second. This makes it impossible to work with the module.
  2. Accessing the Business Collaboration Module fails. The answer I get is: bad request, resource not found.
  3. Connecting to the SDI api does not work too. Which URL do I have to use?

Do you know a solution for these three problems?

Thank you very much and best regards,


Creating an BusinessProcessTemplate in ACSI (BCM Authoring tool)


after the Capabilities and B2B Webinar from yesterday and the new documentation ( we are trying to create a BusinessProcessTemplate (ACSI app). It is possible to see our App (SmartLight) in the ACSI Tool.

We developed something but the documentation is still unclear and too complicated for us.
We have several concrete questions:

  • How to fill ca:Event entry in the XML one would add a field such as: <ca:CorrelationKey id="" artifactType=""> <ca:KeyAttribute id="KeyAttribute1" eventXpath="/InputMessage/businessProcessId[1]" artifactXpath="//businessProcessId" operator="="/> /ca:CorrelationKey ?
    What is the CorrelationKey id?
  • How can we configure the bridge?, where is the bridge?. The phrase "The bridge configuration also needs to be set-up; this is primarily done in the application-config.xml file." is in the new doc but what is the concrete meaning of that?
  • How can we configure a Marshaller?
  • The zip with the ACSI App should be uploaded to CBBridge page. Which page? URL?

For us, the documentation is really really complicated. It is not possible to create a concrete step by step example?. Maybe a video like an screencast?.

Fispace's EE

Hello, I have some questions regarding EE of Fispace:

  1. I have uploaded an application in experimental environment ( consisting of some (widgets and operators), when one of my operators tries to make a call to a REST api, hosted in an external server, I get an HTTP error (502 BAD Gateway - It seems that the fispace does not forwards the http request to the external server, because I deployed the same app in FIWARE Lab and worked fine. Am I missing something in this procedure?
  2. I created an new capability in sdi and a business process through EE ( My capability has uri pointing in an external server ({"capability":{"id":18,"description":"Send_Sensor_vals","uri":"http://my_ip:my_port/v1/sections/","cte_id":2}}) but when try to post data ( through this capability I get an error: 404 Server Error.
  3. I am trying to find a tutorial describing how can I define a simple business in order to test it in EE of Fispace ( Is something like that available?


[Fispace Store]: resources not shown

I am able to register resources in the Fispace store by uploading a widget file. The message then says that the resource was sucessfully created.

But when I want to see the resources I just get a black screen and two empty info boxes with the title "User resources":

Browser: Google Chrome, version 42.0.2311.135

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    Bring data to life with SVG, Canvas and HTML. 📊📈🎉

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    JavaScript (JS) is a lightweight interpreted programming language with first-class functions.

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    A server is a program made to process requests and deliver data to clients.

  • Machine learning

    Machine learning is a way of modeling and interpreting data that allows a piece of software to respond intelligently.

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    Some thing interesting about game, make everyone happy.

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