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simplebot's Introduction


SimpleBot is an easy-to-install and easy-to-use general purpose IRC bot, written in Perl. It is built on the awesome Bot::BasicBot framework.

Features at a glance:

  • Single-command install on most flavors of Linux
  • Alarm clock, countdown to date/time, timer
  • Google Calendar integration with countdown to events
  • Google Search commands for searching and defining terms
  • Weather system for current conditions and 5-day forecast
  • Twitter integration for automatically following or retweeting
  • Custom topic system for defining a set of columns and a divider
  • FAQ system to define custom commands that emit text
  • Scoreboard system for awarding points to users
  • Poll system with user voting
  • Calculator and unit converter
  • Version check and self-upgrade commands
  • Network utilities such as ping, DNS lookup, URL sniff
  • Custom greetings and goodbyes for users
  • Insult generator (have the bot insult a user)
  • Custom access level control for all commands (voice, half, op, etc.)
  • Custom activator symbols (exclamation point, etc.)
  • Configuration editing system from within IRC
  • Administrative commands including nick, join, restart, quit, upgrade, etc.
  • Puppet mode (have the bot say anything in any channel, sent from a PM)
  • Integrated help text for all commands
  • Database implemented with simple JSON files on disk

Single-Command Install

To install SimpleBot, execute this command as root on your server:

curl -s "" | bash

Or, if you don't have curl, you can use wget:

wget -O - "" | bash

This will install the latest stable version of SimpleBot. Change the word "stable" to "dev" to install the development branch. This single command installer should work fine on any modern Linux RedHat (RHEL, Fedora, CentOS) or Debian (Ubuntu) operating system. Basically, anything that has "yum" or "apt-get" should be happy. See the manual installation instructions for other OSes, or if the single-command installer doesn't work for you.

After installation, you will be provided instructions for connecting to a server for the first time. If you are running our sister product, SimpleIRC, on the same server as SimpleBot, this will be detected and everything automatically set up and connected for you.

Plugin APIs

The bot's Weather Plugin uses a free API available from You will need to sign up for a free account and get an API Key in order to use this Plugin. For instructions, type "!help weather" in a channel where the bot is, or "/msg simplebot help weather" on the IRC console.

The bot's Twitter Plugin uses the free Twitter API v1.1. For this, you will need to sign up for a Twitter account, and create a free "application" on, in order to get API keys and use the Plugin. For instructions, type "!help twitter" in a channel where the bot is, or "/msg simplebot help twitter" on the IRC console.

Command Summary

  • REGISTER - Attempt to register the bot nickname with NickServ.
  • IDENTIFY - Attempt to identify with NickServ (happens automatically on connect).
  • NICK - Change the bot's nickname permanently.
  • MSG - Send a custom private message to any user (i.e. NickServ, ChanServ, etc.)
  • ACCESS - Change user access levels for commands (set, get, list)
  • OWNER - Change bot ownership (add, remove, list)
  • ACTIVATOR - Change bot activator symbols (add, remove, list)
  • SAY - Have the bot say something (puppet mode)
  • EMOTE - Have the bot emote something.
  • EVAL - Eval raw Perl code (for debugging only)
  • EXEC - Execute raw shell command (for debugging only)
  • JOIN - Have the bot join a channel (remembers, autojoins)
  • LEAVE - Have the bot leave a channel (removes autojoin)
  • CONFIG - Set or get configuration values.
  • SAVE - Immediately save bot data to disk
  • QUIT - Make the bot disconnect and shut down.
  • RESTART - Make the bot restart itself.
  • VERSION - Report current and latest available version of SimpleBot.
  • UPGRADE - Upgrade SimpleBot to the latest version.
  • AUTOKICK - Add, delete or list phrases that automatically kick users when spoken.
  • CALC - Perform simple math calculations.
  • CONVERT - Convert values between many known units (i.e. temp, weight, volume).
  • RAND - Generate a random number given a maximum or range.
  • ROLL - Roll dice for use in Roll Playing Games, such as Dungeons & Dragons.
  • HASH - Generate MD5 hash of string, or a random source.
  • PICK - Pick a random user from the channel, and notify them.
  • 8BALL - Ask the magic 8-ball a question.
  • TIME - Emits the current date/time in the user's local timezone (if known).
  • ALARM - Sets single or repeating alarms which alert the user at the proper date/time.
  • COUNTDOWN - Countdown to a particular time, date or next calendar event.
  • TIMER - Simple countdown timer given minutes and seconds.
  • TIMEZONE - Set your timezone for date/time related queries.
  • QUAKES - Report most recent earthquake from USGS, and enable live quake monitoring.
  • FAQ - Register a custom FAQ command which can be recalled at any time.
  • CALENDAR - Attach a Google Calendar to the current channel, and show the current / next event.
  • CURRENT - Show the current event from the channel's calendar, if any.
  • NEXT - Show the next event on the channel's calendar and when it starts.
  • HELLO - Set auto-greeting so bot says hello to you when you join.
  • BYE - Set auto-goodbye so bot says goodbye to you after you leave.
  • HELP - Show this help text.
  • INSULT - Insult a user.
  • LAST - Report when a user was last seen in a channel.
  • PING - Pings a hostname to see if it responds, and reports the round trip time in milliseconds.
  • HOST - Attempts to resolve a hostname to IP, or IP to hostname, using DNS.
  • HEAD - Analyzes a given URL, and reports back its HTTP response headers (byte size, web server, etc.).
  • TCP - Attempt a TCP socket connection on a given hostname/IP and port number.
  • POINTS - Manage a "points" system to give special users credit.
  • AWARD - Award points to a user.
  • DEDUCT - Deduct points from a user.
  • SCORES - Show the top scores or clears the list.
  • POLL - Manage polls (open, close, results).
  • VOTE - Cast your vote for an open poll.
  • TOPIC - Set the channel topic in special named columns, separated by a divider.
  • TWITTER - Follow people on twitter, or retweet someone's latest tweet.
  • RT - Retweet the last tweet of any Twitter username or #hashtag.
  • FOLLOW - Start following a Twitter username or #hashtag in the current channel.
  • UNFOLLOW - Stop following a Twitter username or #hashtag in the current channel.
  • FOLLOWING - List all users and/or #hashtags we are current following on Twitter.
  • WEATHER - Get current conditions for US zip code, 'city state' or 'city country'.
  • FORECAST - Set 5 day forecast for US zip code, 'city state' or 'city country'.
  • LOCATION - Set your default location and time zone for future queries.
  • GOOGLE - Perform Google search and return first result.
  • IMAGE - Perform Google image search and return direct URL to first result.
  • DEFINE - Define term using the Wikipedia API or
  • SPELL - Spell check a word (uses
  • URBAN - Define term using the Urban Dictionary API.
  • STOCK - Grab stock quote given company symbol (uses Yahoo Finance API).
  • BITCOIN - Lookup the current price of Bitcoin in USD.
  • REDDIT - Emit random image from front page of selected subreddit.
  • ROTTEN - Lookup movie ratings from
  • PLOT - Lookup movie plot (synopsis) from
  • CAST - Lookup movie cast from
  • BEER - Lookup beer information from
  • NEWS - Lookup news for a specific topic, using the Google News API.
  • XKCD - Grab latest comic title and image from

Admin Group


ACCESS set command level
ACCESS get command

This allows you to manipulate the minimum user access levels per each bot command. For example, 'access set emote op' would only allow operators (and up) to access the 'emote' command. Use 'access get emote' to determine the current access level for a command, or 'access list' to list levels for all commands. Examples:

!access set join owner
!access get twitter
!access list


ACTIVATOR add symbol
ACTIVATOR remove symbol

This allows you to manipulate the activation symbols that the bot recognizes. By default the bot listens to tilde ('~') and exclamation ('!') prefixed commands, but you may remove these and add others. Any non-alphanumeric symbol is acceptable. Example: activator add ^


CONFIG SET path value

This command lets you get or set configuration values, without having to directly edit the config files on the server. The values are saved in the bot database, and overide the config file values when the bot starts up. You do have to know the "path" of the configuration value you want to get/set, which can be a simple key name, or PluginName/ElementName for plugin configurations. Examples:

!config set server
!config set port 6667
!config set Weather/APIKey cxs2x8wb5eh8mydgf74qa4s
!config set Twitter/AccessTokenSecret BqF4txQFOWvdgwxdKxaviJlx91gI6Xprks763j


EMOTE text
EMOTE #channel text

Same as "say", but causes the bot to emote instead.


EVAL code

This will evaluate (run) raw Perl code. Use with extreme caution. Bot owners only.


EXEC command

This will execute the provided text as a shell command on the server. Use with extreme caution. Bot owners only.


IDENTIFY password

This command makes the bot attempt to identify with NickServ. This happens automatically upon connect, as long as a password is specified in the bot's config file. The standard '/msg NickServ IDENTIFY PASSWORD" command is sent, unless otherwise specified on the command itself (i.e. you can enter a different password, or different arguments altogether, if the IRC server requires it). Whatever you enter is then remembered for future connections on the same server.


JOIN #channel

This will cause the bot to join the channel specified by #channel. Also, he will remember this and auto-join the channel whenever he connects.


LEAVE #channel

This will cause the bot to leave a channel. You can specify the channel by name, or omit it to have the bot leave the current channel.


MSG who message

Send a custom private message to any user. This can be used to construct custom commands for NickServ or ChanServ. For example: !msg NickServ REGISTER mypassword myemail. However, see REGISTER command.


NICK newnick

This command changes the bot's nickname. The new name is saved to disk, so the bot will always remember its current value, even after a restart.


OWNER add username
OWNER remove username
OWNER list

This allows you to manipulate the list of bot "owners", which are users who always have full control over the bot and can execute every command, regardless of access level. Note that a user must have at least Half-Op (+h) permissions to become a bot owner. This is a protection system to prevent users from changing their nick to a known bot owner who is offline, and then trying to access the bot before the nick identify timeout occurs.



This will cause the bot to disconnect from the IRC server and shut down. It will NOT restart.


REGISTER password email
REGISTER any params needed

This command makes the bot attempt to register its nickname with NickServ. The standard "/msg NickServ PASSWORD EMAIL" command is sent, using the password and email in the bot's config file, unless otherwise specified on the command itself. If you like you can format your own REGISTER command, as required by the IRC server. Bot owners only.



This will cause the bot to disconnect and reconnect to the IRC server.



This causes the bot to immediately save all data to disk. Normally this process happens automatically in the background every minute, if any data has changed. However, this command will jump the interval and save instantly.


SAY text
SAY #channel text

Have the bot say something. Include #channel to specify a channel, so for example you can tell the bot what to say in a private chat, and he'll emit the text on a specific channel. Omit #channel and he'll just say it in the same context you spoke to him.


UPGRADE branch

This command upgrades the bot to the latest available version on If you enter the command by itself, it upgrades to the latest version in the current branch (i.e. stable, dev, etc.). However, you can also switch branches using the upgrade command. Just include the branch name after the command. For example, if you are on the stable branch and want to switch to the bleeding-edge development branch, type: !upgrade dev



This will emit the current installed version of the SimpleBot software, as well as check to see if there is a newer version available.

Auto Kick Group



This allows you to set special words or phrases (regular expressions) that will automatically kick users if spoken. Use '!autokick add WORD' to add a word or phrase to the list, '!autokick delete WORD' to remove one, and '!autokick list' to list them all. The list is channel specific.

To change the message sent to users as they are kicked out, use this command:

!config set AutoKick/KickMessage Your Message Here

Calc Group


CALC expression

This command performs simple math calculations, and posts the answer to the channel (or user if in a private message). Examples:

!calc 45 + 5
!calc (374634 * 34) / 500.1
!calc 2 ** 8


CONVERT value units to units

This command converts numerical values between various units, such as temperature, weight and volume. It posts the answer to the channel (or user if in a private message). For example, you could type "!convert 45 lbs to kg" to convert pounds to kilograms, which would output 20.41165665 kg. Examples:

!convert 100 lbs to kg
!convert 25 C to F
!convert 5 mm to in
!convert 1 gallon to cm^3
!convert 4500 rpm to hz


HASH string

This command computes an MD5 digest (hash) given a source string, or creates a random one if nothing is provided. The output is 32-characters in length, lower-case, and hexadecimal encoded.



This command picks a random user from the current channel. All nicks that end in "bot" or "serv" are excluded, as well as the bot itself (even if its name doesn't end in "bot"). The idea is to pick humans only. The chosen user's nickname is emitted to the channel. Uses an ultra-random number generator.


RAND max
RAND min - max

This command picks a random number, and emits the result. Without any parameters, it picks a floating point decimal between 0.0 and 1.0. With one number specified, it is treated as the maximum, and picks a number between 0 and it. With two numbers specified, they are treated as a range. Will round down to nearest integer if only integers are provided, otherwise it will use floats. Uses an ultra-random number generator.


ROLL dice
ROLL dice +/- modifier

This command rolls dice for use in RPGs like Dungeons & Dragons. It can roll any number of any-sided die, plus or minus a modifier. The syntax for the dice is (NUM)d(SIDES), and the optional modifier is simply +/-(NUMBER). Uses an ultra-random number generator. Examples:

!roll 1d6
!roll 2d20
!roll 1d100 +20

Clock Group


ALARM SET date/time
ALARM SET date/time description

Use ALARM SET to set an alarm for any future date/time. The bot should figure out your formatting. Something as simple as "!alarm set 8:30" would work, as well as "!alarm set sunday january 25 6pm repeat call nancy". Include the word "repeat" for a repeating alarm (otherwise it is one time only), and an optional description. Enter "!alarm list" to list all the current alarms, and "!alarm delete 1" to delete the first one in the list. The alarm will sound in the channel in which it was set. Examples:

!alarm set 9:45
!alarm set 4:30 pm Walk the Dog
!alarm set saturday 11 am repeat Watch Podcast


COUNTDOWN TO date/time description

This command sets a countdown to a specific point in time. Specify the destination date and/or time, or use the keyword "calendar" to count down to the next event on a Google Calendar attached to the channel. Examples: "!countdown to 7:30", and "!countdown to calendar". The bot emits progress reports in ever-increasing frequency as the target time approaches. Use "!countdown stop" to cancel an active timer. Only one timer may be active per channel. Examples:

!countdown to 9:30
!countdown to midnight
!countdown to sunday 4:30 pm
!countdown to calendar


TIME timezone

This command prints the current bot server date and time, in the local timezone of the user, if known (i.e. see !help location). Examples:

!time Eastern
!time GMT



This command sets a countdown timer, given a duration specified in MM::SS, HH::MM::SS or human time, such as "5 minutes". The bot emits progress reports in ever-increasing frequency as the target time approaches. Use "!timer stop" to cancel an active timer. Only one timer may be active per channel. Examples:

!timer 5:00
!timer 1:00:00
!timer 45 minutes
!timer 12 hours



Set your personal timezone for future date/time queries. It will always be remembered for you, so you only have to enter it once. This affects bot commands such as !time, !alarm and !countdown. You can use any of the following formats:

!timezone Pacific
!timezone Eastern
!timezone America/Los_Angeles
!timezone GMT-0800

Earthquake Group


QUAKES status

This command can enable or disable live earthquake monitoring (data provided by USGS). The bot can emit earthquake reports into the current channel, within 60 seconds of the event happening. Type "!quakes on" to enable live monitoring, "!quakes off" to disable it, and "!quakes status" to get the current status. You can also type "!quake" to emit the most recent quake reported in the last 24 hours. The USGS provides five different earthquake feeds, which vary on their minimum magnitude. To set which feed to pull from, use this command:

!config set Earthquake/FeedID significant

Acceptable values for FeedID are "significant", "4.5", "2.5", "1.0" or "all".

FAQ Group


FAQ command answer
FAQ list
FAQ delete NAME

This registers a custom FAQ command and associates some text with it. Then, users can recall the FAQ answer by entering the custom command just like any other bot command. You can also use "!faq list" to get a list of all the FAQ commands for the current channel, and "!faq delete NAME" to delete them. Examples:

!faq myserver Welcome to my server!  Please read the rules at
!faq list
!faq delete myserver

To control which users have access to view FAQs, set the access level for the 'faqview' pseudo-command, like this:

!access set faqview voice

Google Calendar Group


CALENDAR SET your-google-cal-id

These commands allow you to attach a Google Calendar to the current #channel, so you can emit the current and next events anytime you want. To find your Calendar ID, open your calendar in Google, make sure it is public, edit settings, then grab the ID in the "Calendar Address" section which should look like this: "(Calendar ID: [email protected])". The CALENDAR command can be abbreviated to just "CAL" if you want, i.e. "!cal refresh".



This emits the current calendar event to the channel, including its title and the time it started (uses timezone from calendar).



This emits the next upcoming calendar event to the channel, including its title and starting time (uses timezone from calendar). Will also include the starting date if it is after today.

Hello Bye Group


BYE goodbye-text

This sets an automatic "goodbye" that the bot will speak in each channel you leave (or all channels if you drop off IRC). Omit goodbye text to disable.


HELLO greeting-text

This sets an auto-greeting of your choice, which the bot will remember. When you join a channel that the bot is in, it will speak your custom greeting. Omit greeting text to disable.

Help Group


HELP command

Shows general help, or if a command is specified, shows help for that particular command.

Insult Group


INSULT nickname
INSULT nickname adjective
INSULT nickname adjective noun.

Generates a random insult and throws it at the target user. You may specify replacement adjectives and/or a replacement noun if you like. Specify which is which by adding punctuation to the noun only. The insult database was borrowed and modified from the Perl Acme-Scurvy-Whoreson-BilgeRat-Backend-insultserver module:

Last Group


LAST nickname

This reports when the user was last seen in the channel, and what he/she last said.

Net Group


HEAD url

This command analyzes a given URL, and reports back its size, web server software, and any other information it has. Command aliases: !whead, !http, !sniff, !url


HOST hostname

This command attempts to resolve a given hostname to IP address, or IP to hostname, using local DNS. Command alias: !dns


PING hostname

This command pings a given hostname or IP address, and reports the round trip packet time.


TCP hostname port

This command attempts a TCP socket connection on the given hostname/IP and port. It returns if the operation was successful or not. Command aliases: !connect, !telnet

Points Group


AWARD nickname points

This gives the target user the specified amount of "points". Points are an arbitrary score rating which can be used for whatever you want. The amount of points must be an integer. Examples:

!award eric 50
!award nancy 10


DEDUCT nickname points

This is the opposite of award, meaning it takes points away from the user. If the user's score hits zero (or below) they are removed from the score list. Examples:

!deduct eric 50
!deduct nancy 10


POINTS AWARD - Award points to a user.
POINTS DEDUCT - Deduct points from a user.
POINTS SCORES - Show the top scores or clears the list.

Use these commands to manage a "points" system for your users. Give special users points for rewards that you invent. You can reward or deduct points, and see the current "scores" of the top users. You can optionally omit the POINTS command and just type the sub-commmands directly. See help on the individual sub-commands for more details, e.g. HELP AWARD or HELP SCORES.


SCORES clear

This shows you the top scoring users with the most points. It defaults to showing the top 10, but you can include a different number to show the top N users. To clear ALL the scores from all users, enter "!scores clear".

Poll Group


POLL status
POLL close
POLL results
POLL history

This command manages polls. Use the "!poll open ..." command to start a new poll, but specify the poll title after the command, e.g. "!poll open What's your favorite food?". Type "!poll close" to close the poll, and "!poll results" to get the voting results. To see historical polls, use "!poll history". If you want to limit the items people can vote for, include them as a comma-separated list in parenthesis. Examples:

!poll open What's your favorite OS?
!poll open What game should we play? (Minecraft, FTB, Pong)
!poll close
!poll results


VOTE (your vote)

This command casts your vote in the current open poll. Just enter the desired value after the command, e.g. "!vote pizza". Votes are matched case-insensitively against previous votes. So if someone votes for "pizza" and someone else votes for "PIZZA", they are treated as the same value.

Topic Group


TOPIC - Set the channel topic column.
TOWNER - Set the channel topic "owner" column (your name).
TVERB - Set the channel topic "verb" column (i.e. "is").
TSTATUS - Set the channel topic "status" column (i.e. "Away").
TSTATIC - Set the channel topic "static" column (i.e. your website URL).
TDIVIDER - Set the divider string which separates the topic columns, defaults to a pipe (|).
TREFRESH - Refresh the channel topic, in case some Op changed it manually.
TRESET - Reset (clear) the topic to a blank string.
TON - Shortcut for !tstatus Online
TOFF - Shortcut for !tstatus Offline

These commands control the channel topic using a set of named "columns" and a divider. It is based on an original design by TMFKsoft and also used in the popular Techie-Bot. It produces topics like the following: "Minecraft Chat | Eric is Online |". That is made of up 5 different columns, a topic (Minecraft Chat), an owner (Eric), a verb (is), a status (Online), and a static string ( You can set each column separately without affecting the others:

!topic Minecraft Chat
!towner Eric
!tverb is
!tstatus Away

Twitter Group


FOLLOW @username
FOLLOW #hashtag

Starts following @username's tweets (or tweets for a #hashtag) on Twitter, and automatically echos them into the current channel. Will omit @replies and RTs by the user. Please note that due to Twitter API throttling, the bot can only check one per user's timeline once per minute, so if the bot is following 2 people, it may take up to 2 minutes to see new tweets from either of them.



List all users and/or hashtags we are currently following on Twitter, and in which channels.


RT @username
RT #hashtag

Retweet the last tweet of the specified Twitter username or #hashtag. Will omit @replies and RTs by the user.


TWITTER RT - Retweet the last tweet of any Twitter username into the current channel.
TWITTER FOLLOW - Start following a Twitter username in the current channel.
TWITTER UNFOLLOW - Stop following a Twitter username in the current channel.
TWITTER FOLLOWING - List all users we are current following on Twitter.
TWITTER RELOAD - Reload the Twitter Plugin (reconnect to the Twitter API).

Use these commands to follow people on twitter, manage your follow list, or retweet the latest tweet by any Twitter user. You can optionally omit the TWITTER command and just type the sub-commmands directly (except for RELOAD). See help on the individual sub-commands for more details, e.g. HELP RT or HELP FOLLOW.

To set up the Twitter Plugin for the first time, you will have to register for an API key at This is a free developer API so the bot can establish a connection on your account's behalf, to read tweets using the officialy supported Twitter API v1.1. Go to to get started. To register the bot, go to and click "Create a new application". Fill out the form, naming the application whatever you want. The bot only requires "Read Only" access, and you can leave the "Callback URL" blank. When finished, click "Create your Twitter application". At this point you should be given 4 different alphanumeric keys, a "Consumer key", "Consumer secret", "Access token" and "Access token secret". Teach all four of these to the bot like this:

!config set Twitter/ConsumerKey YOUR_CONSUMER_KEY_HERE
!config set Twitter/ConsumerSecret YOUR_CONSUMER_SECRET_HERE
!config set Twitter/AccessToken YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN_HERE
!config set Twitter/AccessTokenSecret YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN_SECRET_HERE

At this point the Twitter Plugin should be ready to use, and the API keys will be saved in case the bot restarts. Test it by trying to retweet your last tweet into chat: "!rt @YOUR_TWITTER_NAME".


UNFOLLOW @username
UNFOLLOW #hashtag

Stop following @username's tweets (or all tweets from a #hashtag) in the current channel.

Weather Group


FORECAST location

Get a 5-day forecast for the specified location, which can be any 5-digit US ZIP code, or any city and country separated by spaces. For example, 'forecast guelph canada' or 'forecast toronto canada'. Countries needs to be spelled out. See "!help weather" for details on setting up your API key for (it's free).


LOCATION city state country
LOCATION zipcode

Set your location for future weather and date/time queries, which the bot remembers. This also looks up your time zone based on your location, and stores that for displaying and calculating dates and times for you. See "!help weather" for details on setting up your API key for (used for the location service -- it's free).


WEATHER location

Get current weather conditions. Specify any 5-digit US ZIP code, or any city and country separated by spaces. For example, 'weather guelph canada' or 'weather toronto canada'. Countries need to be spelled out.

To get weather for countries outside the US, you will need to register for a free API Key at: After signing up, copy your API key and paste it into this command:

!config set Weather/APIKey YOUR_API_KEY_HERE

At this point the Weather Plugin should be ready to use. Test it out by checking your local weather: "!weather london england".

Web Search Group


BEER name

Use this command to lookup beer information from Please note that this API requires a free API key. Sign up at and then configure your API key with this command:

!config set WebSearch/BeerAPIKey YOUR_API_KEY_HERE



Lookup the current price of Bitcoin in US dollars. This uses a free API from



This uses the Wikipedia API to locate a suitable definition for a term. The result is emitted to the current channel. If a definition cannot be found, the bot also tries (Merriam-Webster), which requires a free API key. Sign up at and then configure your API key with this command:

!config set WebSearch/DictAPIKey YOUR_API_KEY_HERE

Note that this is optional, and the DEFINE command works just fine with Wikipedia for most terms. The is mainly used as a fallback, if the Wikipedia API fails or it doesn't define a particular term.


GOOGLE search-query
GOOGLE nickname

This uses the Google Search API to search for a query, and returns the first result. If a username is specified, the last thing the user said is used as the query. The result is emitted to the current channel.


IMAGE search-query
IMAGE nickname

This uses the Google Image Search API to search for an image given a text string, and returns a direct URL to the first result. If a username is specified, the last thing the user said is used as the query. The result is emitted to the current channel. If you repeat the same query multiple times, it will cycle through the first 4 results. Note that Google SafeSearch is used by default. If you want an unsafe image search, use this syntax: '!image unsafe YOUR_QUERY'.


NEWS topic

Lookup news for a particlar topic, using the free Google News API. The article source, title, link, and summary are emitted to the channel.


REDDIT subreddit

R subreddit Pick a random image from the front page of the specified subreddit, and output the image URL. Examples:

!reddit earthporn
!r aww


ROTTEN movie
MOVIE movie
PLOT movie
CAST movie

Use these commands to lookup movie ratings, synopsis and cast using the API. Please note that this API requires a free API key. Sign up at and then configure your API key with this command:

!config set WebSearch/RottenAPIKey YOUR_API_KEY_HERE


SPELL word

This command uses the free API provided by (Merriam-Webster) to check the spelling of a word. If the word cannot be found in the dictionary, spelling suggestions are provided. Please note that this API requires a free API key. Sign up at and then configure your API key with this command:

!config set WebSearch/DictAPIKey YOUR_API_KEY_HERE


STOCK symbol

This uses the Yahoo Finance API to grab a stock quote for the given symbol. It reports the current price and change. Example: !stock GOOG


URBAN term

This uses the Urban Dictionary API to locate a suitable definition for a term. The result is emitted to the current channel. Beware: Urban Dictionary can be very NSFW. Use this at your own risk. Remember, you can restrict access for any command to be owner only: !access set urban owner



This grabs the latest comic title and image from

Copyright and Legal

SimpleBot is copyright (c) 2013 - 2014 by Joseph Huckaby and It is released under the MIT License (see below).

SimpleBot relies on the following non-core Perl modules, which are automatically installed, along with their prerequisites, using cpanm:

  • POE
  • Bot::BasicBot
  • JSON::XS
  • LWP::UserAgent
  • URI::Escape
  • HTTP::Date
  • DateTime
  • DateTime::TimeZone
  • DateTime::TimeZone::Alias
  • Net::Twitter::Lite
  • Net::Ping::External
  • Math::Units

MIT License

Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:

The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.


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