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rtiroutingservice-plugins's Introduction

RTI Routing Service Plugins

This repository contains a collection of plugins for RTI Routing Service.

The plugins are shared in source form, and they can be built and deployed on the architectures supported by Routing Service (NOTE: only Linux and Darwin have been tested and are supported so far).

The repository also includes some helper resources for plugin developers, and a series of example scenarios which demonstrate how to use multiple plugins together.

Table of Contents

Plugins List

The following table summarizes the RTI Routing Service plugins contained in the repository:

Type Plugin Location Description Library Create Function
Adapter File plugins/adapters/file An adapter that reads and writes samples from a file using a custom serialization format. rtirsfileadapter RTI_RS_File_AdapterPlugin_create
Adapter MQTT plugins/adapters/mqtt An adapter that allows RTI Routing Service to act as an MQTT Client and to exchange DDS data with an MQTT Broker. rtirsmqttadapter RTI_RS_MQTT_AdapterPlugin_create
Processor Forwarding Engine (By Input Name) plugins/processors/fwd A processor that selects the Output to which a sample should be forwarded within a Route based on the name of the Input that produced it. rtirsfwdprocessor RTI_PRCS_FWD_ByInputNameForwardingEnginePlugin_create
Processor Forwarding Engine (By Input Value) plugins/processors/fwd A processor that selects the Output to which a sample should be forwarded within a Route based on the value of one of the fields of the sample. rtirsfwdprocessor RTI_PRCS_FWD_ByInputValueForwardingEnginePlugin_create
Transformation Field (Primitive) plugins/transformations/field A transformation that can extract a single primitive field from a sample and convert it to a string. rtirsjsontransf RTI_TSFM_Field_PrimitiveTransformationPlugin_create
Transformation JSON (Flat Type) plugins/transformations/json A transformation that can convert samples of "flat" DDS types (i.e. types containing only primitive members) into their JSON representation, and viceversa. rtirsfieldtransf RTI_TSFM_Json_FlatTypeTransformationPlugin_create
Transformation Simple plugins/transformations/simple An "abstract" transformation which can be used to simplify implementation of custom transformations (cannot be used "as is") N/A N/A


The repository uses git submodules, so make sure to specify --recurse-submodules option when cloning the repository:

git clone --recurse-submodules


The repository and all contained plugins can be built using CMake.

On Unix platforms, make can also be used to simplify the build process.

Build Dependencies

The following external dependencies are required to build the repository:

  • An installation of RTI Connext DDS, version 6.0.0 or greater

    • This installation must include libraries and header files for:

      • The core C API.
      • The modern C++ API.
      • The Routing Service Plugin SDK.
    • The location where RTI Connext DDS is installed will be referred to using variable CONNEXTDDS_DIR, while the target build architecture will be identified by CONNEXTDDS_ARCH (e.g. on a Linux 64-bit system x64Linux3gcc5.4.0).

  • An installation of OpenSSL (optional)

    • This is only required if you want to enable security features implemented by different plugins.

    • The installation must contain library and header files respectively in a lib/ and include/ subdirectories.

    • The directory will be referred to as OPENSSLHOME.

Building with cmake

All code included in this repository is built using cmake.

You should be able to use your preferred cmake workflow (command-line, GUI, IDE integration), as long as you make sure to set the following variables:



  • OPENSSLHOME (if you want to enable security features via ENABLE_SSL).

For example, to configure and run the build from the command-line using the default generator for your build platform:

# Create a build directory and enter it
mkdir build
cd build

# Configure build with cmake.
# (change variables according to your environment)
cmake /path/to/rtiroutingservice-plugins \
      -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=../install \
      -DCONNEXTDDS_DIR=/path/to/rti_connext_dds \

# Perform build.
# (add "install" target only if your generator supports it)
cmake --build . -- install

By default, CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE will be set to Debug if unspecified. Add -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release if you want to build release libraries.

After building the install target, the build directory may be deleted if desired.

If you want to enable security features provided by the different plugins, pass -DENABLE_SSL=ON -DOPENSSLHOME=/path/to/openssl to cmake.

Building with make

The provided make rules simplify the build process by automating the invocation of cmake with build options configured from environment variables.

Variables can be set in the environment, on make's command line, and in a file in the repository's root.

Create in the repository's root, and use it to specify the location of your build dependencies. The contents should look something like (replace with valid values):

CONNEXTDDS_DIR      ?= /path/to/rti_connext_dds
CONNEXTDDS_ARCH     ?= myOsAndCompiler
# Uncomment to enable security features
#OPENSSLHOME         ?= /path/to/openssl
#ENABLE_SSL          ?= ON

[Note: by using ?= you will be able to override these values from the shell enviroment and/or make's command line. Use := if you want to force a value, and check this guide for more information on make's assignment operators.]

After creating, run make to perform the build and install resulting artefacts in a common location:


Build files will be generated in <repo-root>/build, and build artefacts will be installed under <repo-root>/install.

You can delete the build directory after the files have been installed.

Build Options

The build process can be controlled using the following CMake variables:

Variable Default Description
ENABLE_ALL ON Build all plugins and examples
ENABLE_ALL_PLUGINS ON Build all plugins
ENABLE_ALL_EXAMPLES ON Build all examples
ENABLE_ADAPTER_FILE ON Build plugin: File Adapter
ENABLE_PROCESSOR_FWD ON Build plugin: Forwarding Engine
ENABLE_TRANSFORMATION_FIELD ON Build plugin: Field Transformation
DISABLE_LOG OFF Disable all output of log messages to stdout
ENABLE_LOG ON* Force output of log messages to stdout (*Enabled automatically for Debug builds only, unless DISABLE_LOG is used)
ENABLE_SSL OFF Include support for security features (e.g. SSL/TLS). Requires OpenSSL
ENABLE_TRACE OFF Enable trace level debug output
INSTALL_DEPS ON Install external libraries (e.g. Connext DDS, OpenSSL) along with the ones generated by the repository

Build Artefacts

The build process will create the following directory structure at the selected CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX:

├── bin
│   ├── ... example binaries
|   └── ... binaries from external dependencies
├── etc
|   └── ... example configuration files
├── include
│   ├── ... header files from external dependencies
│   └── rti
│       └── ... public header files for plugins
├── lib
│   ├── ... libraries from external dependencies
│   ├── ... plugin libraries
|   └── ... plugin binaries
└── share
    ├── doc
    |   └── ... documentation from external dependencies
    └── ... one directory per plugin
        └── idl
            └── ... XML type definitions for plugin


Plugins Registration

All plugins library must be available in RTI Routing Service's dynamic library path.

If you installed the repository's artefacts to a common location ${INSTALL_DIR}, make sure to add ${INSTALL_DIR}/lib to your system's dynamic library path when starting RTI Routing Service (e.g. by adding it to LD_LIBRARY_PATH on Linux, or to DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH on Darwin).

Every plugin must be registered in RTI Routing Service's XML configuration in order to use it.

The following snippet can be added at the begininning of the <dds> element to register all plugins contained in the repository (you can copy only those that you are interested in using):

<plugin_library name="RSPlugins">
    <adapter_plugin name="File">
    <adapter_plugin name="Mqtt">
    <processor_plugin name="FwdByName">
    <processor_plugin name="FwdByValue">
    <transformation_plugin name="FieldPrimitive">
    <transformation_plugin name="JsonFlat">

Plugins Configuration

Each plugin is configured using XML properties. This section summarizes all properties accepted by each plugin.

Adapter: File

Target Property Required Default Accepted Values
<input> FileName Yes - A file path
<input> Loop No false A boolean value
<input> MaxSamplesSize No 4096 An integer value greater than 0
<input> ReadPeriod No 1000 (ms) An integer value greater than 0
<input> SamplesPerDisposedSample No 0 An integer value greater or equal to 0
<input> SamplesPerRead No 1 A integer value greater than 0
<input> SamplesPerUnregisteredSample No 0 An integer value greater or equal to 0
<output> FileName Yes - A file path
<output> Flush No false A boolean value
<output> WriteMode No keep overwrite, append, keep

Adapter: MQTT

Target Property Required Default Accepted Values
<connection> Yes - A non-empty string
<connection> client.servers Yes - A list of MQTT Broker URIS, separated by semicolon. Each URI takes the form <protocol>://<address>:<port>, where <protocol> can be one of tcp or ssl.
<connection> client.protocol_version No default default, 3.1, 3.1.1
<connection> client.connection_timeout.sec No 10 An integer value greater or equal to 0
<connection> client.connection_timeout.nanosec No 0 An integer value greater or equal to 0
<connection> client.max_connection_retries No 10 An integer value greater or equal to 0
<connection> client.keep_alive_period.sec No 10 An integer value greater or equal to 0
<connection> client.keep_alive_period.nanosec No 0 An integer value greater or equal to 0
<connection> client.clean_session No false A boolean value
<connection> client.unsubscribe_on_disconnect No false A boolean value
<connection> client.max_reply_timeout.sec No 10 An integer value greater or equal to 0
<connection> client.max_reply_timeout.nanosec No 0 An integer value greater or equal to 0
<connection> client.reconnect No true A boolean value
<connection> client.max_unack_messages No 10 An integer value greater or equal to 0
<connection> client.persistence No no no, yes
<connection> client.persistence_storage No - A directory path
<connection> client.username No - A non-empty string
<connection> client.password No - A non-empty string
<connection> No - A file path
<connection> No - A file path
<connection> client.ssl.key No - A file path
<connection> client.ssl.key_password No - A non-empty string
<connection> client.ssl.protocol_version No default default, 1.0, 1.1, 1.2
<connection> client.ssl.verify_server_certificate No true A boolean value
<connection> client.ssl.cypher_suites No ALL A cypher suite identifier accepted by OpenSSL
<input> subscription.topics Yes - A list of MQTT topic filters (which may contain wildcards), separated by semicolon.
<input> subscription.max_qos No 2 0, 1, 2
<input> subscription.queue_size No 0 (unbounded) An integer value greater or equal to 0
<output> publication.topic Yes* - An MQTT topic name
<output> publication.qos No 0 0, 1, 2
<output> publication.retained No false A boolean value
<output> publication.use_message_info Yes* false A boolean value
<output> publication.max_wait_time.sec No 10 An integer value greater or equal to 0
<output> publication.max_wait_time.nanosec No 0 An integer value greater or equal to 0

Processor: Forwarding Engine (By Input Name)

Target Property Required Default Accepted Values
<processor> forwarding_table Yes - A JSON array of entries with format { "input": "INPUT_NAME", "output": "OUTPUT_NAME" }

Processor: Forwarding Engine (By Input Value)

Target Property Required Default Accepted Values
<processor> forwarding_table Yes - A JSON array of entries with format { "input": "INPUT_VALUE", "output": "OUTPUT_NAME" }
<processor> input_members Yes - A JSON array of entries with format { "input": "INPUT_NAME", "member": "INPUT_MEMBER" }

Transformation: JSON (Flat Type)

Target Property Required Default Accepted Values
<transformation> buffer_member Yes - An identifier for a member of a type (e.g. "")
<transformation> indent No false A boolean value
<transformation> serialized_size_min No 255 An integer value greater or equal to 0
<transformation> serialized_size_max No -1 An integer value greater than 0, or -1
<transformation> serialized_size_incr No 255 An integer value greater or equal to 0

Transformation: Field (Primitive)

Target Property Required Default Accepted Values
<transformation> buffer_member Yes - An identifier for a member of a type (e.g. "")
<transformation> field Yes - An identifier for a member of a type (e.g. "")
<transformation> field_type Yes - An IDL primitive type (e.g. "unsigned long", "uint64")
<transformation> max_serialized_size No 255 An integer value greater or equal to 0
<transformation> serialization_format No Depends on field_type A format string accepted by sprintf()

rtiroutingservice-plugins's People


asorbini avatar


Fran Horan avatar  avatar  avatar


James Cloos avatar Fernando García Aranda avatar Gerardo Pardo avatar  avatar Pedro Lopez Estepa avatar

rtiroutingservice-plugins's Issues

compiling Release version of file adapter has a dependency on a debug library

When I compile the Release version of the file_adapter on x64Darwin17clang9.0 I get a dylib that depends on the debug version of librtiroutingserviced.dylib

How to reproduce on macOS Catalina: 10.15.4 using Connext 6.0.0:

Get the code:

git clone

I don't use the recursive clone since I only need the fileadapter.

cd rtiroutingservice-plugins
mkdir build
mkdir install
cd build

Generate the makefiles:


Build and install:

cmake --build . -- install

check the generate library in install:

cd ../install/lib
otool -L librtirsfileadapter.dylib
	@rpath/librtirsfileadapter.dylib (compatibility version 0.0.0, current version 0.0.0)
	@loader_path/librtiroutingserviced.dylib (compatibility version 0.0.0, current version 0.0.0)
	@loader_path/librtirsinfrastructure.dylib (compatibility version 0.0.0, current version 0.0.0)
	@loader_path/libnddsc.dylib (compatibility version 0.0.0, current version 0.0.0)
	@loader_path/libnddscore.dylib (compatibility version 0.0.0, current version 0.0.0)
	/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib (compatibility version 1.0.0, current version 1281.100.1)

all the library are release version, but librtiroutingserviced.dylib

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