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ngx-stripe's Introduction

Collect Payments with Stripe: The Angular Way

drawing version license

Ngx Stripe is a comprehensive library designed for seamless integration of Stripe Elements and payment processing capabilities into Angular applications. Leveraging the powerful features of StripeJS, Ngx Stripe simplifies building robust, secure, and scalable payment solutions.

Use Elements with any Stripe product to collect online payments. For the right integration path for your business, explore the Stripe Docs.

Learn how to use ngx-stripe on the new docs site πŸ€“

Notice (Jun 18th 2024)

We would like to inform you that we have updated the library to support Stripe V4 from version 18.1.0 onwards. This is a major version upgrade, but it's not a significant change and should not cause any issues.

We are keeping the library versioning in line with Angular majors, which upgrade more often than Stripe, and as a result, we are deviating from the semver standard. We believe this approach will provide a better experience in the long run.

We would like to apologize for any inconvenience this may cause you.


  • Angular Components for Stripe Elements: Ngx Stripe provides a set of Angular components, each corresponding to a specific Stripe Web Element. These components are designed to simplify the integration of Stripe's UI elements, ensuring a smooth and consistent user experience.
  • Seamless Integration with StripeJS: Aligning closely with StripeJS, Ngx Stripe ensures that you have access to the latest features and updates from Stripe, directly within your Angular application.
  • Lazy Loading of StripeJS: Enhance your application's performance by lazy loading the StripeJS JavaScript. This feature ensures that the StripeJS library is loaded only when needed, optimizing loading times and improving the overall user experience.
  • Customizable and Flexible: Customize the look and feel of your payment forms to match your application's design. Ngx Stripe components are highly flexible, allowing for extensive customization and styling.
  • Strongly Typed for Angular Development: Benefit from TypeScript in your payment integration. Ngx Stripe is strongly typed, making


Active Versions

To install the last active version:

$ npm install ngx-stripe @stripe/stripe-js

To install a specific version for an older Angular major, use the LTS npm tags or check the table below to pick the right version. For example, for v8:

$ npm install ngx-stripe@v14-lts @stripe/stripe-js

Choose the version corresponding to your Angular version:

Angular ngx-stripe
17 17.x+
16 16.x+
15 15.x+
14 14.x+
13 13.x+
12 12.x+
11 11.x+
10 10.x+
9 v9-lts / 9.4.0
8 v8-lts / 8.2.0

Using the library

Most of the documentation has been moved to the new docs site. Only a very basic example is left here:

We start by adding the providers to our app:

import { provideNgxStripe } from 'ngx-stripe';

bootstrapApplication(AppComponent, {
  providers: [
    // ... rest of your providers

Or if you're still using modules:

Import the NgxStripeModule into your application:

import { BrowserModule } from '@angular/platform-browser';
import { NgModule } from '@angular/core';

import { AppComponent } from './app.component';

// Import the library
import { BrowserModule } from '@angular/platform-browser';
import { NgModule } from '@angular/core';

import { AppComponent } from './app.component';

// Import the library
import { NgxStripeModule } from 'ngx-stripe';

  declarations: [AppComponent],
  imports: [
    // ... rest of your imports
  providers: [],
  bootstrap: [AppComponent]
export class AppModule {}

Payment Element Component

Once the module has been imported, you can collect credit card details using the ngx-stripe-card component.

Then you can use the Stripe Service, which is basically an Observable wrapper around the stripejs object, to use that information. In this example, we use it to create a token, but it can be used to confirm a Payment Intent, Setup Intent, etc...

Please check the docs site to see a complete set of Stripe Element Components available and the full API of the Stripe Service.

<div [formGroup]="paymentElementForm">
  <mat-form-field appearance="fill">
    <input matInput placeholder="name" formControlName="name" />
  <mat-form-field appearance="fill">
    <input matInput placeholder="Email" type="email" formControlName="email" />
  <mat-form-field appearance="fill">
    <input matInput placeholder="Address" formControlName="address" />
  <mat-form-field appearance="fill">
    <input matInput placeholder="ZIP Code" formControlName="zipcode" />
  <mat-form-field appearance="fill">
    <input matInput placeholder="city" formControlName="city" />
  @if (elementsOptions.clientSecret) {
      <ngx-stripe-payment [options]="paymentElementOptions" />
  <button (click)="pay()">PAY</button>
import { Component, inject, signal, ViewChild } from '@angular/core';
import { UntypedFormBuilder, Validators } from '@angular/forms';

import { MatInputModule } from '@angular/material/input';

import {
} from 'ngx-stripe';
import {
} from '@stripe/stripe-js';

  selector: 'ngstr-checkout-form',
  templateUrl: './payment-element.component.html',
  standalone: true,
  imports: [
export class CheckoutFormComponent {
  paymentElement!: StripePaymentElementComponent;

  private readonly fb = inject(UntypedFormBuilder);

  paymentElementForm ={
    name: ['John Doe', [Validators.required]],
    email: ['[email protected]', [Validators.required]],
    address: [''],
    zipcode: [''],
    city: [''],
    amount: [2500, [Validators.required, Validators.pattern(/\d+/)]]

  elementsOptions: StripeElementsOptions = {
    locale: 'en',
    clientSecret: '{{YOUR_CLIENT_SECRET}}'
    appearance: {
      theme: 'flat'

  paymentElementOptions: StripePaymentElementOptions = {
    layout: {
      type: 'tabs',
      defaultCollapsed: false,
      radios: false,
      spacedAccordionItems: false

  // Replace with your own public key
  stripe = injectStripe({{YOUR_PUBLIC_KEY}});
  paying = signal(false);

  pay() {
    if (this.paying() || this.paymentElementForm.invalid) return;

    const {
    } = this.checkoutForm.getRawValue();

        elements: this.paymentElement.elements,
        confirmParams: {
          payment_method_data: {
            billing_details: {
              name: name as string,
              email: email as string,
              address: {
                line1: address as string,
                postal_code: zipcode as string,
                city: city as string
        redirect: 'if_required'
      .subscribe(result => {
        if (result.error) {
          // Show error to your customer (e.g., insufficient funds)
          alert({ success: false, error: result.error.message });
        } else {
          // The payment has been processed!
          if (result.paymentIntent.status === 'succeeded') {
            // Show a success message to your customer
            alert({ success: true });

Support us

ngx-stripe is an MIT-licensed open source project. You can now become a sponsor with GitHub Sponsors.

We've been bringing ngx-stripe to the world for over 6 years and are excited to be able to start dedicating some real resources to the project.

Your sponsorship helps us keep a team of maintainers actively working to improve ngx-stripe and ensure it stays up-to-date with the latest Stripe changes. If you're using ngx-stripe in a commercial capacity and have the ability to start a sponsorship, we'd greatly appreciate the contribution.

Principal Sponsors


MIT Β© Ricardo SΓ‘nchez Gregorio

ngx-stripe's People


aiegalicia avatar bojankogoj avatar davalos-adrian avatar dependabot[bot] avatar dotob avatar elucidsoft avatar georgesokolovsky avatar imuchene avatar isaax2 avatar jakehockey10 avatar jon-armen avatar menzerath avatar nickdnk avatar nyxz avatar osnoser1 avatar picosam avatar richnologies avatar thoo0224 avatar trag-stripe avatar zainniazi avatar


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ngx-stripe's Issues

How to use for non- stripe element forms

I don't use stripe elements, thus, when I try to get the token, I can't use the element overload:

this.stripeService.getToken(this.card, {name})…

Also, this other version doesn't work either... at least in typescript:

this.stripeService.getToken({number, exp_month, exp_year, cvc}, {name})…

Typescript says the object is not an PII...

What should I pass when I'm not using elements?

Thanks in advance...
Miguel Delgado


Why is it not possible to create a customer with this library?That would be a useful feature.

Feature Request: Allow Locale Setting

I can see ElementsOptions that has a locale property, but I'm not sure how we can set this. Also, would it be possible to accept this dynamically (as an Observable?) so that users of ngx-translate may update the locale on-the-fly when user changes language?

Create Subscription

Can I create subscriptions using this package?
On trying the following:
//create subscription

, am getting this error:
Property 'subscriptions' does not exist on type 'StripeService'.

Wrong parameter name in


I wanted to report that you've mistyped a response parameter name in

screen shot 2018-05-15 at 14 33 56

You've used result.token inside call but there is no parameter named result. You need to change token to result 😬 .

Real Time Validation

Thank you for a great project.

I have a question about real time validation. If you refer to

They show an example using real time validation.

// Create an instance of the card Element.
var card = elements.create('card', {style: style});

// Add an instance of the card Element into the `card-element` <div>.

// Handle real-time validation errors from the card Element.
card.addEventListener('change', function(event) {
  var displayError = document.getElementById('card-errors');
  if (event.error) {
    displayError.textContent = event.error.message;
  } else {
    displayError.textContent = '';

I tried to do something similar but noticed the card.on function does not have an event argument which is required for displaying the event error message.

this.card = this.elements.create('card', {
            style: {
              base: {
                fontSize: '1.5rem'

          this.card.on('change', () => {


Just wondering if I am missing something or if you had any suggestions.

Using ngx-stripe with AOT compilation

I am trying to use ngx-stripe in a project compiled with AOT: it seems that the key is not injected in the StripeService (the key argument is undefined). The exact same code compiled without the --aot flag is working as expected.

I am not sure how you could fix this. Maybe distribute the source .ts files in the NPM package?

getCard is undefind and where to pass options

HI Guys ,
I am getting error getCard is undefind and where to pass options ,
Sharing my implementation code below

Here is my Stripe Component ts :-
import { Component, OnInit, ViewChild, ElementRef } from '@angular/core';
import { FormGroup, FormBuilder, Validators } from "@angular/forms";
import { StripeService, Elements, Element as StripeElement, ElementsOptions, StripeCardComponent, ElementOptions } from "ngx-stripe";

selector: 'app-stripe',
templateUrl: './stripe.component.html',
styleUrls: ['./stripe.component.scss']
export class StripeComponent implements OnInit {
elements: Elements;
// card: StripeElement;
@ViewChild(StripeCardComponent) card: StripeCardComponent;

cardOptions: ElementOptions = {
style: {
base: {
iconColor: '#666EE8',
color: '#31325F',
lineHeight: '40px',
fontWeight: 300,
fontFamily: '"Helvetica Neue", Helvetica, sans-serif',
fontSize: '18px',
'::placeholder': {
color: '#CFD7E0'

elementsOptions:ElementsOptions = {
locale: 'es'
stripeTest: FormGroup;
constructor(private fb: FormBuilder,
private stripeService: StripeService) { }

ngOnInit() {
this.stripeTest ={
name: ['', [Validators.required]]

buy() {
const name = this.stripeTest.get('name').value;
.createToken(this.card.getCard(), { name })
.subscribe(result => {
if (result.token) {
// Use the token to create a charge or a customer
} else if (result.error) {
// Error creating the token
onCardChange(event) {

below HTML code


Error Screen



I am implementing in Angular 5 , any quick help is highly appreciable

Show/Hide card element

Any recommendation for showing/hiding the card element? I'm using an *ngIf to show/hide the card entry element. If I change the variable in the *ngIf to add/remove the element and try to call this.card.mount() i get an error: webpack-internal:///../../../core/esm5/core.js:1655 ERROR Error: You must provide a Stripe Element or a valid token type to create a Token.

I'm assuming this is because the element isn't in the DOM yet.

I'm doing this to allow a user to update their card details and don't want the form fields to be shown initially.

Card Info Valid output

is there a way to determine if the card information is valid ? I wish to disable the buy button until such time.

uBlock Origin blocking Stripe element input

Anyone else noticed this? I know it's caused by uBlock origin so the problem is caused "there". And not necessarily related to this ngx implemention. But how are others dealing with this? This adblocker has 10 million+ users. So it's a serious issue and I can't find any info about it online. Is Stripe Elements doing something questionable that leads it to be blocked?

Issue with node_modules/rxjs/BehaviorSubject"' has no exported member 'BehaviorSubject'

Hi Guys I've installed this package and I'm using Angular 7.1.3 but I'm receiving the following error, is there a chance you can apply a quick fix for this? thanks!

ERROR in node_modules/ngx-stripe/src/components/stripe-card.component.d.ts(2,10): error TS2305: Module '"/ng-app/node_modules/rxjs/BehaviorSubject"' has no exported member 'BehaviorSubject'.

Observable.combineLatest is not a function

Hi there

Trying to use ngx-stripe module in my project. When page is loading a client error is thrown at line 634 from file ngx-stripe.js

var /** @type {?} */ elements$ = Observable$1.combineLatest(this.elementsOptions$.asObservable(), this.stripe$.asObservable()).switchMap(function (_a) {

Any idea how to solve it ?


Angular: 6.1.10
ngx-stripe : 0.8.2
rxjs : 6.3.3

Prod build in Angular 6, From stripeService.elements, 'elements' of undefined

I'm calling the strip service in the child component, While parent componet load it self child is called and onInit is proceeded. In the normal ng serve it's working fine. But in the prod build it's throwing error like
Cannot read property 'elements' of undefined
import { StripeService, Elements, Element as StripeElement, ElementsOptions } from 'ngx-stripe';
constructor(private stripeService: StripeService) {}
ngOnit() { this.stripeService.elements(this.elementsOptions).subscribe(elements => { this.elements = elements; // To do mount the elements }); }

Angular 6/Rxjs6: Error on compilation

I'm getting an error while trying to run the project on Angular 6

Module build failed: Error: /Users/.../Sites/.../node_modules/ngx-stripe/index.ts is missing from the TypeScript compilation. Please make sure it is in your tsconfig via the 'files' or 'include' property.

Cant import

I get this error following your instruction...

When I add this line I get the error:
Β Β Β Β Β Β apiKey:Β 'your-stripe-publishableΒ key'
Β Β Β Β }),

Error TS2345 (TS) Argument of type '{ apiKey: string; }' is not assignable to parameter of type 'string'.

Please help.
I am using Angular 4.4.4
with angular-cli

paymentRequest button

From what I can tell you can't add paymentRequest buttons with this. I think it would possible if there was access to private stripe: StripeJS; as you then be able to do this.paymentRequest = this.stripe.paymentRequest() then I think the rest would be ok.

Example to create charge or customer


I am a beginners with Stripe and I don't wan't to do something wrong with my customers payments informations. I'm doing a monthly subscription, do you have a simple example to create a charge or a customer with your API to understand what I need to do with the token ? Please

Thank a lot

Module not already loaded loading "../../Observable"

Hello @richnologies, I'm getting the below error while loading the module using SystemJs.

localhost/:39 Error: Module not already loaded loading "../../Observable" as http://localhost/Observable.
  Evaluating http://localhost/node_modules/ngx-stripe/bundles/ngx-stripe.umd.js
  Evaluating http://localhost/scripts/app/app.module.js
  Evaluating http://localhost/scripts/app/boot.js
  Loading scripts/app
    at require (system.src.js:2868)
    at Object.eval (/node_modules/ngx-stripe/bundles/ngx-stripe.umd.js:7)
    at execute (system.src.js:2951)
    at dynamicExecute (system.src.js:1145)
    at doEvaluate (system.src.js:1092)
    at ensureEvaluate (system.src.js:1000)
    at system.src.js:1018
    at Object.eval (/scripts/app/app.module.js:15)
    at eval (/scripts/app/app.module.js:64)
    at eval (/scripts/app/app.module.js:65)

The issue is with loading Observable

TypeError: undefined is not an object (evaluating '_this.cardRef.nativeElement')

This error was present in the console even before you added StripeCardComponent. It happens the first time the stripe script is loaded:

[Log] TypeError: undefined is not an object (evaluating '_this.cardRef.nativeElement') (main.bundle.js, line 2715)
(anonymous function) β€” book-bedroom.component.ts:43
__tryOrUnsub β€” Subscriber.js:238
next β€” Subscriber.js:185
_next β€” Subscriber.js:125
next β€” Subscriber.js:89
_next β€” map.js:83
next β€” Subscriber.js:89
_next β€” filter.js:87
next β€” Subscriber.js:89
next β€” Subject.js:55
next β€” BehaviorSubject.js:44
onload β€” ngx-stripe.es5.js:78
wrapFn β€” zone.js:1075
onInvokeTask β€” core.es5.js:3881
runTask β€” zone.js:192
invokeTask β€” zone.js:499
invokeTask β€” zone.js:1427
globalZoneAwareCallback β€” zone.js:1445

No Iban?

Will you provide the 'iban' element soon?

Cannot read property 'elements' of undefined

Getting below error when write same code as example
TypeError: Cannot read property 'elements' of undefined
at StripeService.elements (http://localhost:8100/build/vendor.js:99663:28)
at SwitchMapSubscriber.project (http://localhost:8100/build/vendor.js:99827:48)
at SwitchMapSubscriber._next (http://localhost:8100/build/vendor.js:141243:27)
at (http://localhost:8100/build/vendor.js:38848:18)
at CombineLatestSubscriber.notifyNext (http://localhost:8100/build/vendor.js:141035:34)
at InnerSubscriber._next (http://localhost:8100/build/vendor.js:136619:21)
at (http://localhost:8100/build/vendor.js:38848:18)
at BehaviorSubject._subscribe (http://localhost:8100/build/vendor.js:140722:24)
at BehaviorSubject.Observable._trySubscribe (http://localhost:8100/build/vendor.js:26619:25)
at BehaviorSubject.Subject._trySubscribe (http://localhost:8100/build/vendor.js:41826:51)
Ionic Framework: 3.9.2
Ionic App Scripts: 3.2.0
Angular Core: 5.2.9
Angular Compiler CLI: 5.2.9
Node: 6.10.3
OS Platform: Windows 7
Navigator Platform: Win32
User Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/70.0.3538.110 Safari/537.36

onCard Example

can you provide a quick example of how to use onCard. I have tried :

<ngx-stripe-card [options]="cardOptions" [elementsOptions]="elementsOptions" (onCard)="card"></ngx-stripe-card>

But this.card is empty when I try create the token

Chrome Extension : Integration impossible without HTTPS.


I developed a browser WebExtension with ngx-stripe, but it's impossible to make a payment without being in HTTPS. This error message appears:
ERROR Error: Live Stripe.js integrations must use HTTPS. For more information:
It works well with the test key, but not with the production key.

Do you have a solution to work around this problem?

Thank you for your answer.


rxjs6 version Invalid value for create(): paymentRequest

Just given the rxjs6 version a try but the paymentRequestButton doesn't seem to work now

    this.paymentRequest = this.stripeService.paymentRequest({


    this.prButton = this.elements.create('paymentRequestButton', {
      paymentRequest: this.paymentRequest

gives an error of

Uncaught Error: Invalid value for create(): paymentRequest should be a stripe.paymentRequest(...) instance. You specified: [object Object].


Argument of type '"paymentRequestButton"' is not assignable to parameter of type 'ElementType'.

From your previous issue i tried that code but its not working anymore. Please can you have this fixed. Any help would be really appreciated.


Cannot read property 'getCard' of undefined

Angular 5.

If I try to use Stripe form in a modal window (using NgbModal service of ng-bootstrap) there's an error "Cannot read property 'getCard' of undefined".
Seems like this.card is initialized somewhere else because html code of the window is moving
somewhere in the end of the body.

Is there any workaround for this issue?

Is not working with "NgbModal" popup


I want to use the strip add card functionality in popup. It is working in normal html templates. But it showing following error while using in popup. I am using Angular 5.

ERROR Error: The selector you specified (.card-element-box) applies to no DOM elements that are currently on the page.
Make sure the element exists on the page before calling mount().

I understand that the specified html element is not available while calling stripe service since it is dynamically added by popup. Please help me to resolve the issue


Using with Reactive Forms

Also, please, how does the buy() action get invoked exactly? Do you have an HTML with a ReactiveForm example please? Thanks again!

wrong definition for Element.on

Element on footprint should be

on(ev: ElementEventType, handler: (event?: any) => void): void;

as stripe documentation indicates that a parameter is passed to the handler for some of the events.

Issue with example code.


When I go to the view with the this.card.mount() and go away from the view, then return to that view again I get the following error:

core.es5.js:1020 ERROR TypeError: Cannot read property 'nativeElement' of undefined
    at SafeSubscriber._next (paymentcomponent.component.ts:154)
    at SafeSubscriber.webpackJsonp.../../../../rxjs/Subscriber.js.SafeSubscriber.__tryOrSetError (Subscriber.js:247)
    at SafeSubscriber.webpackJsonp.../../../../rxjs/ (Subscriber.js:187)
    at Subscriber.webpackJsonp.../../../../rxjs/Subscriber.js.Subscriber._next (Subscriber.js:125)
    at Subscriber.webpackJsonp.../../../../rxjs/ (Subscriber.js:89)
    at MapSubscriber.webpackJsonp.../../../../rxjs/operator/map.js.MapSubscriber._next (map.js:83)
    at MapSubscriber.webpackJsonp.../../../../rxjs/ (Subscriber.js:89)
    at FilterSubscriber.webpackJsonp.../../../../rxjs/operator/filter.js.FilterSubscriber._next (filter.js:87)
    at FilterSubscriber.webpackJsonp.../../../../rxjs/ (Subscriber.js:89)
    at BehaviorSubject.webpackJsonp.../../../../rxjs/BehaviorSubject.js.BehaviorSubject._subscribe (BehaviorSubject.js:28)

Line 154 is this line from your example:

The nativeElement is a property for the cardRef using the angular ElementRef and When reading about it, they say:


Use this API as the last resort when direct access to DOM is needed. Use templating and data-binding provided by Angular instead. Alternatively you take a look at Renderer which provides API that can safely be used even when direct access to native elements is not supported.
Relying on direct DOM access creates tight coupling between your application and rendering layers which will make it impossible to separate the two and deploy your application into a web worker.

Should you be using something else, or a better way of doing this?

When looking at that reference document that I linked above (and here) it shows a security issue, and being a payment I feel this should be top priority to find a better way than using ElementRef.. Here is the note from Angular.IO

Security Risk

Permitting direct access to the DOM can make your application more vulnerable to XSS attacks.

Additional styles and validations

I'm having a couple of issues with the component:
1 - I can't set all the styles that I want on the inner elements (for example: background color, border, border radius).
Since the content is inside an iframe, I can't set the style by css.

2 - I want the form submit button to be disabled until all the data is entered, but this information is missing (hooking "on" is just not enough)


Thank you for publishing this! May I use this to integrate Stripe Elements to my Angular 4 app? I suppose you do not use jQuery anywhere in your library?

Reactive Form Validation

Is it / Would it be possible to have an input binding to ngx-stripe-card component to pass in the FormGroup and the component would take care of form validation?

My point is I want to be able to use <button type="submit" [disabled]="stripeTest.invalid" ></button> on button to disable button if the fields in card component are not set or are invalid.

Please make sure the Element you are attempting to use is still mounted.

When I'm trying to createToken I get the error

Please make sure the Element you are attempting to use is still mounted.

I don't really understand how it can't be mounted, I'm using the same implementation you've documented i.e I mount the card using


and the field works as I'd expect until requesting the token.

production AOT app does not load Stripe scripts

When I build my app for development with ng build the package downloads the stripe scripts from script.src = '';

When I build the app with ng build --prod I'm getting following errors in runtime:
error in Firefox: message: "this.stripe is undefined"
error in Chrome: TypeError: Cannot read property 'elements' of undefined

The ngx-stripe package is not loading the stripe scripts, there is no record in Network list
No other errors in console.
It looks like the load() method does not work when built with AOT.

@angular 5.2.9
ngx-stripe 0.7.1

Question: How to? Get token then how to call my api?

You mention that this has to be done:
.createToken(this.card.getCard(), { name })
.subscribe(result => {
// and now what?


After I get my token, I need to do an http post to my api to do the charge and other tasks...

I tried: return, catchError()) but I get errors between being a subscribe of an observable and others...

My question is how I mix the two requests, the one for the token and the second for the payment. Especially with the new ngrx 4 architecture (pipe, etc.)

Thanks in advance and apologize if this is not the place for this question...


Why is it not possible to create a customer with this library?That would be a useful feature.

ngx-stripe-card doesn't show credit card fields in iOS

Hi @richnologies
I implemented ngx-stripe sdk to our IONIC3 application.
I followed StripeCardComponent codes as shown ReadME. It works well on Android device.
But it doesn't work on iOS device.
<ngx-stripe-card [options]="cardOptions" [elementsOptions]="elementsOptions">
On Android device, I see credit card field by above code. But I don't see credit card field on iOS.
Can you please help me with that issue?


How to set class

How do I set the class for the form like in the docs:

registerElements([cardNumber, cardExpiry, cardCvc], 'example3');

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    TypeScript is a superset of JavaScript that compiles to clean JavaScript output.

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    An Open Source Machine Learning Framework for Everyone

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    The Web framework for perfectionists with deadlines.

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    Bring data to life with SVG, Canvas and HTML. πŸ“ŠπŸ“ˆπŸŽ‰

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    A server is a program made to process requests and deliver data to clients.

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    Machine learning is a way of modeling and interpreting data that allows a piece of software to respond intelligently.

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    Some thing interesting about game, make everyone happy.

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