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redux-extensions's Introduction

Redux Framework

WordPress plugin WordPress


While we recognize Redux could be embedded in a theme or plugin in the past, we are no longer supporting the practice. Too many developers are not keeping their Redux code up-to-date (which could easily accomplished with Composer). When users of the projects experience issues, they seek support from us, which we are unable to provide short of suggesting they contact the project author (you) and ask you to update your vendor code. This puts your users in the middle, and we'd prefer not to do that anymore.

Consequently, the vendor support plugin/extension for ace_editor has been discontinued. The ACE Editor will load exclusively via CDN. If your project requires a local installation of the ACE Editor JavaScript (whose size is substantial), please include it in your project and use the redux/<opt_name>/fields/ace/script filter to specify the URL to that script. The ace_editor field will use that URL to enqueue the ACE library.

Thank you for your kind attention in this matter.

New to Version 4.4

  • Content Field
  • COLOR SCHEMES Extension.
  • TABBED Extension.
  • ICON SELECT Extension.
  • The Extendify Templates and Patterns library have been unbundled from Redux. To continue using Extendify, please download the standalone plugin from the repository:

New to Version 4.3

  • Multi Media extension.
  • DateTime extension.
  • JS Button extension.
  • Google Maps extension
  • Widget Areas extension (applies to Classic Widgets only).
  • Gutenberg Template Library updated to the new Extendify library. See more information here about this upgrade and how to access the legacy library:

New to Version 4.2

See the sample folder for examples of the new and improved fields.

  • Additional Typography features: Top and bottom margins, text shadow.
  • New Media Image Filters (greyscale, sepia, opacity, contrast, invert, blur, saturate, brightness, hue-rotate).
  • New Gradient Field Filters (type, reach, angle), including output for autogenerated CSS.
  • New Box Shadow field with output for autogenerated CSS.
  • New Flyout Submenus: flyout_submenus global arg.
  • New Alpha color option for color field: color_alpha field arg for fields that support color pickers.
  • Removed: async_typography global arg. Google no longer supports it. Use font_display with one of the following auto|block|swap|fallback|optional. See:
  • Automatic update option for Google Fonts without a Pro subscription.

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Need a little help with Redux? Come check out our brand-new documentation site at, chock-full of tutorials and examples!

Help Us Translate Redux

Please head over to the plugin page to learn how you can help us translate Redux quickly. Any and all translations are welcome. We appreciate your help!


  • Uses the WordPress Settings API
  • Multiple built-in field types
  • Multiple layout field types
  • Fields can be overloaded with a callback function for custom field types
  • Easily extendable by creating Field Classes
  • Built-in Validation Classes
  • Easily extendable by creating Validation Classes
  • Custom Validation error handling, including error counts for each section, and custom styling for error fields
  • Custom Validation warning handling, including warning counts for each section, and custom styling for warning fields
  • Multiple Hook Points for customization
  • Import / Export Functionality — including cross-site importing of settings
  • Easily add page help through the class
  • Fully responsive options panel
  • Much more

What's new in version 4?

Core Rewrite

Our code base has been rebuilt from the ground up. With compartmentalized code, autoload, and class inheritance, Redux is now faster and more efficient than it's ever been!

Top of the Line Security!

Redux meets security standards laid out by WordPress Coding Standards, WordPress VIP Standards, and ThemeForest Guidelines. Focus includes escaping, sanitizing, nonces verification, and database query prep/caching.

Automatic Google Font Updates.

This is one of the crown jewels of Redux v4! Your users will have the ability to update Google Fonts as updates are available or automatic ‘behind the scenes’ updates. No more waiting for updates and no API key is required!

Field Sanitizing

Field sanitizing allows one to pass an array of function names as an argument to a field in which the return value will be the sanitizing string. This feature will only work with text-based fields, including text, textarea, and multi_text (ACE Editor and WP Editor not included).

One may use any existing function, including PHP functions, WordPress functions, and custom-written functions. The return value of any used function must be that of a string. Any other return value will be disregarded.

Please view the sample-config.php file for specific examples.

Select2 AJAX Loading

The AJAX loading routines for the select2 fields have been fixed/finished. See the 'capabilities' field in the demo panel for an example.

In the interim, this feature will only work when used in conjunction with the data argument (that is, the one that fetches WordPress data).

To set AJAX loading, add the 'ajax' => true argument to your select field. The min_input_length argument may also be added to specify how many characters should be typed before results are shown. The default is 1.

Field/Section Disabling

This feature has been requested quite a few times over the years. Fields and sections can now be disabled by adding the 'disabled' => true argument to either a section or a field. The section or field will then appear 'greyed out' and not respond to input. This comes in handy in the event one may want to offer teasers for premium versions of their products.

Since those with a little CSS know-how could easily reactivate disabled fields with a little CSS, we took the added precaution of having Redux remove any name attributes on disabled fields/sections. This way, even if a clever user reactivates the field, it will never save.

Updated Panel Interface

The option panel interface has been brought up to date with the current WordPress admin design. It is also now ‘theme aware.’ Panel colors will now follow suit with the selected admin theme.

Improved Field Validation

Due to the need for multiple field validations, Redux now supports an array of validations versus the previously limiting single argument. Validation results now appear in real time after a save without the need for a page refresh.

Full v3 Backward Compatibility

We take backward compatibility very seriously here and strive to maintain it. Redux v4 has been designed to act as a drop-in replacement to offer new functionality without breaking existing functionality.


  1. Why should we use require_once instead of get_template_part?
  • First, because get_template_part is for... you guessed it, themes! Redux is designed to work with both themes and plugins.
  • Second, read this.
  1. Why shouldn't we edit sample-config.php in the plugin directory?
  • Because sample-config.php will be replaced at each update of the plugin. You will lose all your work.

redux-extensions's People


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redux-extensions's Issues

Metaboxes post_format not working

Hi, I'm having trouble getting post_format to work.
I have a metabox that I only wanted it to show in a specific post_types and when the post_format 'audio' is selected. But now it's just showing regardless of what post_format is selected.

This is my metabox configuration:

$metaboxes[] = array(
        'id' => 'profile_items',
        'title' => __('Profile Item', 'redux-framework-demo'),
        'post_types' => array('profile'),
        'post_format' => array('audio'),
        'position' => 'normal', // normal, advanced, side
        'priority' => 'high', // high, core, default, low
        'sections' => $boxSections

Looking at your script extension_metaboxes.js, it failed on the condition

if (reduxMetaboxes.length !== 0)

Did I missed something? Appreciate it if you can have a look. Thank you very much.

Syntax error - extension_metaboxes.php on line 963

Hi @dovy ,

I mentioned this on Skype, but no answer yet. One of my clients has this issue after activating theme

Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_PAAMAYIM_NEKUDOTAYIM in /home/demo/public_html/24hr-safety/wp-content/themes/downtown/redux/redux-extensions/extensions/metaboxes/extension_metaboxes.php on line 963

I checked versions 1.1.3, 1.1.5 and 1.1.8. No luck. Any ideas for quick fix?


Error extension metaboxes

The plugin metaboxes on load theme, gives an error.

Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_PAAMAYIM_NEKUDOTAYIM in /home/smoothem/public_html/publica/wp-content/themes/publica/redux-extensions/extensions/metaboxes/extension_metaboxes.php on line 615

How is the solution?

Add Class to metaboxes

I have purchased the metabox class, how can I add a class to the outside of my metaboxes? I would also like to add a class to the outermost div of my option pages.

This is so I can customise my metabox style without affecting the look of other plugins metaboxes powered by redux.

Metaboxes style doesn't work

Hi, i want to use metaboxes for custom type posts. But the fields appear without style.
My code is here:
$portfolio_options = array();
$portfolio_options[] = array(
'title' => __('Portfolio Settings', 'redux-framework-demo'),
'icon_class' => 'icon-large',
'icon' => 'el-icon-home',
'fields' => array(
'id' => 'test',
'title' => __( 'Test', 'redux-framework-demo' ),
'type' => 'button_set',
'options' => array(
'1' => 'One',
'2' => 'Two'

$metaboxes = array();
$metaboxes[] = array(
    'id'            => 'portfolio-options',
    'title'         => __( 'Portfolio Options', 'redux-framework-demo' ),
    'post_types'    => array( 'page' ),
    'position'      => 'normal', // normal, advanced, side
    'priority'      => 'high', // high, core, default, low
    'sidebar'       => false, // enable/disable the sidebar in the normal/advanced positions
    'sections'      => $portfolio_options,

return $metaboxes;

looks like:

fireshot screen capture 001 - edit page cashemir wordpress - localhost_moldnix_wp-admin_post_php_post 4 action edit

Select Field in Metaboxes

There is a bug in extension Metaboxes

This is code in panel config

$this->sections[] = array(
                'title' => __('Home Settings', 'redux-framework-demo'),
                'desc' => __('Redux Framework was created with the developer in mind. It allows for any theme developer to have an advanced theme panel with most of the features a developer would need. For more information check out the Github repo at:', 'redux-framework-demo'),
                'icon' => 'el-icon-home',
                // 'submenu' => false, // Setting submenu to false on a given section will hide it from the WordPress sidebar menu!
                'fields' => array( 
                'id'       => 'opt-select',
                'type'     => 'select',
                'title'    => __('Select Option', 'redux-framework-demo'), 
                'subtitle' => __('No validation can be done on this field type', 'redux-framework-demo'),
                'desc'     => __('This is the description field, again good for additional info.', 'redux-framework-demo'),
                // Must provide key => value pairs for select options
                'options'  => array(
                    '1' => 'Opt 1',
                    '2' => 'Opt 2',
                    '3' => 'Opt 3'
                'default'  => '2',

And this code in Metaboxes config

$boxSections[] = array(
        'title' => __('General Options', 'redux-framework-demo'),
        //'show_title' => false,
        //'desc' => __('Redux Framework was created with the developer in mind. It allows for any theme developer to have an advanced theme panel with most of the features a developer would need. For more information check out the Github repo at:', 'redux-framework-demo'),
        'icon_class' => 'icon-large',
        'icon' => 'el-icon-home',
        'fields' => array(
                'id'       => 'opt-select',
                'type'     => 'select',
                'title'    => __('Select Option', 'redux-framework-demo'), 
                'subtitle' => __('No validation can be done on this field type', 'redux-framework-demo'),
                'desc'     => __('This is the description field, again good for additional info.', 'redux-framework-demo'),
                // Must provide key => value pairs for select options
                'options'  => array(
                    '1' => 'Opt 1',
                    '2' => 'Opt 2',
                    '3' => 'Opt 3'

The Result

ِAlso a bug with image_select field!

Metaboxes: Yoast SEO issue

Hi @dovy

there is another issue with Yoast plugin. To recreate:

  1. Go to page
  2. On general tab add focus keyword and save
  3. On page analysis tab You won't see anything

Now disable metaboxes and You'll see a bunch of this under page analysis tab.

Looks like metaboxes extension adds display: none; to table tr and just hide the info?


Metaboxes - Required Field Not Working

Hi there,

Metaboxes - 1.1.9
Redux Framework - 3.2.8

The required fields on metaboxes are not being hidden. I see the issue, the metabox CSS is overwriting the "display: none;" that is inserted for elements that should be hidden.

Any fix for this?

Fonts Extension... again

Hi Dovy,
I purchased the fonts plug, and got that download, thanks, I'm trying to integrate this into my theme, I'm guessing its not a regular plug as nothing is showing in admin after upload.

Do you have brief guide on how I can hook this into my theme, I'm using Shoestrap at the moment.


Fonts Extension

HI, I just purchased the custom fonts extension, my intention was to use it with Shoestrap to add some more custom fonts for a theme I'm pulling together, anywhoo, I paid my $99 ( I wasn't aware this was a subscription firstly) and went to download, only to find no download file available in the members area of Redux.

Some help would be appreciated.



Custom Fonts Extension

Hey guys,

I just downloaded and connected the custom fonts extension to my theme options framework(v3.2.8.15). Uploaded a zip archive of a Bebas Neue font(which contained an .otf and a .txt file), taken from FontSquirrel. Firstly I got the "Please Wait" message, which didn`t close until I refreshed the page. After the page refresh, the font was listed in the panel.

Secondly, the font appeared fine, in the typography field list, among the others, but after selecting it as the active font, the frontend didn't get it. Do I have to use a specific argument? Here`s how the typography field is created in config.php:

                        'id'        => 'body_font_typo',
                        'type'      => 'typography',
                        'output'    => array('html body'),
                        'title'     => __('Body Font Options', 'redux-framework-demo'),
                        'subtitle'  => __('Select font options for the body', 'redux-framework-demo'),
                        'google'    => true,
                        'text-align'=> false,
                        'subsets'   => true,
                        'font-weight' => false,
                        'default'   => array(
                            'google'      => true,
                            'color'         => '#686868',
                            'font-size'     => '15px',
                            'font-family'   => 'Open Sans',
                            'line-height'   => '24px',
                            'font-weight'   => '300',

Thirdly, which is quite weird, after removing the font from the list, I can`t see the upload button anymore:

Any thoughts?

Localhost environment
Wordpress 3.9.1
Redux framework - v3.2.8.15
Tried it in both standard and dev_mode


Metaboxes layout breaks

Metaboxes layout completely breaks if the config.php doesnt have at least one metabox set to be displayed on WP posts 'post_types' => array('post').
I only want to display metaboxes on pages not on any posts. This is happening also with your demo config file, just remove 'post' from all 'post_types' and the metabox layouts on pages break (seam like styles are not enqued).

Get meta in custom post type

In a custom post type within the loop and get its value

For example within the portfolio custom post type. I have the Metaboxes and intend to get this code value switch_uno

'portfolio' ); $loop_portfolio = new WP_Query($portfolio_args); while ( $loop_portfolio->have_posts() ) : $loop_portfolio->the_post(); global $redux_demo; echo $redux_demo['switch_uno']; endwhile; ?>

But it only gives me the default result.

Please help me. How to create the correct code.


pre-sale question - metabox on multisite

I want to use the metabox extension for a plugin that adds a custom post type. It will be activated on a multisite install, making the post type available on all subsites. Can I do this with the metabox license?

I could not find any licensing details on the site, and on the checkout page nothing happens when I want to read the terms. (Well the link changes to say hide terms, but they are never shown... :( )

What exactly does 1 commercial product / year mean? My long term goal is to make the plugin available for free on .org, does that qualify as commercial? And one year is the common 1 year of support and updates, right? I don't need to buy premium support separately, do I?

I am looking for something that will make the creation of this plugin a bit smoother, so I won't have to create all the metaboxes manually. And I'm not a UI designer, so a framework with good looks will help me a lot. I know there are several different metabox frameworks around, but if I can use the same framework for both plugin/theme options and metaboxes that would be awesome.

I haven't dug around too much in the docs or the code yet, but if I can also use the redux framework for an extended user profile screen then I am sold!

I am not above writing an extension for it if that's what it takes. Anything new has a learning curve. If I know that I can accomplish what I need then I am ready to make the time investment to get to know the depths of the framework.

Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by

Notice: Undefined index: sytic_option in C:\xampp\htdocs\sytic-38\wp-content\themes\sytic\redux\sample\sample-config.php on line 57

Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at C:\xampp\htdocs\sytic-38\wp-content\themes\sytic\redux\sample\sample-config.php:57) in C:\xampp\htdocs\sytic-38\wp-content\themes\sytic\redux\ReduxCore\framework.php on line 446

Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at C:\xampp\htdocs\sytic-38\wp-content\themes\sytic\redux\sample\sample-config.php:57) in C:\xampp\htdocs\sytic-38\wp-includes\option.php on line 747

Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at C:\xampp\htdocs\sytic-38\wp-content\themes\sytic\redux\sample\sample-config.php:57) in C:\xampp\htdocs\sytic-38\wp-includes\option.php on line 748

this notice and warning I am getting... Anyone has any idea about this??

Code at line 57 of sample-config.php is given below :
add_filter('redux/options/' . $this->args['sytic_option'] . '/sections', array($this, 'dynamic_section'));

Slides usage

I am trying to dynamic my slider with redux slides option. I am using from redux document. the slider is working but it is still one. When I go to add more slider it's not working. here is my code which I have use "

                    <div class="da-slide">
                        <h2><?php echo $redux_demo['slider_options_home'][0]['title']; ?></h2>
                        <p><?php echo $redux_demo['slider_options_home'][0]['description']; ?></p>
                        <a href="<?php echo $redux_demo['slider_options_home'][0]['url']; ?>" class="da-link">Read more</a>
                        <div class="da-img"><img src="<?php echo $redux_demo['slider_options_home'][0]['thumb']; ?>" alt="image01" /></div>

Please kindly give me a solution about it. How can I add loop.


Metabox 'required' not working in

I just updated to (my WP version 3.8.1) and "required" on metaboxes stoped working...

  • No console error
  • All files loaded
  • All fields visible, nothing hapend when you click on element which have "required parameter"

How can I debug this?

Metaboxes: Non-static method ReduxFramework_media::localize() should not be called statically

Apologies if this is somehow my fault - just installed the metabox extension and I'm getting these two warnings on the majority of the options:

Strict Standards: Non-static method ReduxFramework_media::localize() should not be called statically, assuming $this from incompatible context in F:\xampp\htdocs\wordpress\wp-content\themes\click\admin\redux-extensions\extensions\metaboxes\extension_metaboxes.php on line 615

Strict Standards: Non-static method ReduxFramework_spinner::localize() should not be called statically, assuming $this from incompatible context in F:\xampp\htdocs\wordpress\wp-content\themes\click\admin\redux-extensions\extensions\metaboxes\extension_metaboxes.php on line 615

Thanks for the help.

Metabox options not working on posts

Hi there,

I'm using v1.1.9 of the metaboxes extension. The issue is that the metabox options are only returning the default values on posts - on pages everything works fine. Any idea why this is happening? Hopefully you can look into this soon as it looks like a major bug and has completely brought my work to a standstill.

I don't mean to sound rude, it just seems like there's so many issues here that haven't been responded to and as a paying customer I hope that at least warrants a response to my issues.


Metaboxes aren't sortable

In the file "extensions_metaboxes.js" at line 25 is the following:

$(this).parents('.postbox:first').find('h3.hndle').attr('class', 'redux-hndle');

This sets the H3 to ONLY have the class .redux-hndle, which breaks the metabox sortable functionality, which relies on the .hndle class.

To resolve this, line 25 should be changed to:


This leaves the .hndle class in place, and adds the nedded .redux-hndle class.

Metaboxes 1.1.8: Padding dropdown squished

Not sure what value this is trying to display, but as you can see in the image, one of the padding bits is squished. (Actually, looking at the options panel, it is trying to display the unit)


Redux v3.2.2.3

jQuery UI styles conflict with standard WP Admin Styles

I noticed that when using the metabox extension, the color on post titles is different.

This looks like it's caused by the jQuery UI Bootstrap CSS in the Redux Core located at: /ReduxCore/assets/css/vendor/jquery-ui-bootstrap/jquery-ui-1.10.0.custom.css

For now, I've added the following CSS to the "extension_metabox.css"

#post-body>#post-body-content>#titlediv>#titlewrap>#title{ color: #333; }
But that's not really a solid solution to the real problem.

It would be better if the jQuery UI Booststrap CSS selectors were specific to the ".redux-container" selector or something to that tune, as I have a feeling the jQuery UI Bootstrap CSS likely causes conflicts with other plugins / themes. . .I haven't tested, but I imagine plugins like WooCommerce that have a lot of custom metaboxes would be affected by these styles and there are probably a lot of themes out there that also have their own custom metaboxes that might be affected.

Array post-types

The problem is:
'post_types' => array( 'page', 'post', 'acme_product' ), This array is ok.
'post_types' => array('page'), This array not working.

As if I can do just a type in array?


Custom taxonomy data field not working

Hi there,

I'm trying to display a list of terms from a custom taxonomy, but it doesn't seem to be working. Is my code incorrect or does metaboxes not yet support this?

            'id'       => 'flexslider_id',
            'type'     => 'select',
            'title'    => __( 'Slider', 'gp_lang' ),
            'data' => 'taxonomy',
            'args' => array( 'gp_slides' ),

As you can see I'm trying to display my slider categories from the taxonomy called "gp_slides".

Metaboxes 1.1.8: PHP Notice: Undefined variable 'rewrite'

Getting this notice in PHP:

PHP Notice: Undefined variable: rewrite

Does seem like a bug too.

If I purchase metabox, can I use it in unlimited themes for Themeforest?


I am planning to purchase metabox extension for $125. But my question is, after purchase will I be able to use it in unlimited themes to sell in themeforest? Or do I need to purchase one license for each theme?

Looking forward to a prompt reply - the answer will help me to decide :)

like to display my metaboxe only on a particular custom post type

I'd like to display my metaboxe only on a particular post type, it works with this code, how to display only on one particular CPT ?

 $metaboxes[] = array(
            'id' => 'demo-layout',
            'title' => __('Cool Options', 'redux-framework-demo'),
            'post_types' => array('post', 'speakers'),
            'position' => 'normal', // normal, advanced, side
            'priority' => 'high', // high, core, default, low
            //'sidebar' => false, // enable/disable the sidebar in the normal/advanced positions
            'sections' => $boxSections

Thanks for help
Best Regards

Redux Framework v3.1.9.4 Version 3.8.1
Metaboxes Version: 1.1.3

Multiple Metaboxes Definitions

I just purchased the metaboxes extension last week and I'm loving it, but having a bit of a problem.

I have created 2 metaboxes panels (one for a custom post type, and another for a specific page template) in separate files and included them from my theme's functions directory.

The problem is that which ever file is included LAST before the redux framework init is the only panel that is created, and the other is completely ignored, not even an error. If I switch their include order, the other one works.

To answer questions on the front end, I renamed the function name, sections array name and the function's argument variable name in my second file to see if that was causing the conflicts, and it made no difference (but still worked if I had this file included last).

I'm wondering if the "add_action" line at the end is only supportive of one addition?? (No idea here, just guessing...) Any help would be appreciated.

To eliminate the simple questions:

  1. using Redux v. 3.2.8
  2. using Wordpress v. 3.9
  3. Redux is not in dev mode. (Though have tried dev mode just to see..)
  4. Redux is embedded in my theme, not as a plugin.

Though my second file that creates a panel is intended for use within a single page template, I have also tried setting it to just the default post types as well, but still have the above mentioned problem.

Hi, i try to include my extension but no effect.

config file: theme/lib/config.php no change only $redux_opt_name
loader file: theme/lib/loader.php no change
$redux_opt_name = "redux";

extension folder: theme/lib/extensions/

I have bought Metaboxes and Social Icons

Metaboxes: Multiple MBs with sections not showing front section on each

Hey Dovy

Well, that is a confusing title! Basically, if you have more than one metabox, and those metaboxes have sections, you can only have one section selected at a time - across all metaboxes.

So, when you select a section in metabox #2, then metabox #1's main area is blanked.

In other words, the section clicking is not unique to each metaboxe.

Hidden fields visible

When using 'required' and the field should be hidden they are visible due to css override in extension_metaboxes.css line 121 display: block !important;

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