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counsel-etags's Issues

Problem with case insensitive counsel-etags-find-tag


Thanks for so cool project. Almost everything works like a charm!

I have a small problem with counsel-etags-find-tag on Windows 10 with Emacs 26.1 (also I have ripgrep in my PATH and all other apps like find as well).

The problem is that I cannot find results by doing case-insensitive search. If there's tag ThisIsATag and I run counsel-etags-find-tag and search thisisa, the tag is not found. I tried setting grep program as rg -i or (setq counsel-etags-case-sensitive nil) etc. to explicitly ignore case, but nothing helps. Searching counsel-etags-find-tag-at-point finds all the results.

I hope that this is just my misuse but may be some issue as well.


counsel-etag does not update TAGS file

Hello everyone,

I would love to use counsel-etags to regularly tag my cplusplus files. I tried to make it work for a small example and I failed.
First of my counsel-etags settings

(use-package counsel-etags
  :ensure t
  ;; (eval-when-compile
    ;; Silence missing function warnings
    ;; (declare-function counsel-etags-virtual-update-tags "counsel-etags.el")
    ;; (declare-function counsel-etags-guess-program "counsel-etags.el")
    ;; (declare-function counsel-etags-locate-tags-file "counsel-etags.el"))
  :bind (
         ("M-." . counsel-etags-find-tag-at-point)
         ("M-t" . counsel-etags-grep-symbol-at-point)
         ("M-s" . counsel-etags-find-tag))
  ;; Ignore files above 800kb
  (setq counsel-etags-max-file-size 800)
  ;; Ignore build directories for tagging
  (add-to-list 'counsel-etags-ignore-directories '"build*")
  (add-to-list 'counsel-etags-ignore-directories '".vscode")
  (add-to-list 'counsel-etags-ignore-filenames '".clang-format")
  ;; Don't ask before rereading the TAGS files if they have changed
  (setq tags-revert-without-query t)
  ;; Don't warn when TAGS files are large
  (setq large-file-warning-threshold nil)
  ;; How many seconds to wait before rerunning tags for auto-update
  (setq counsel-etags-update-interval 10)
  ;; Setup auto update now
  (add-hook 'prog-mode-hook 
            (lambda ()
              (add-hook 'after-save-hook
                        'counsel-etags-virtual-update-tags 'append 'local)))

Then I created a folder test_cpp and a file test_cpp.cpp. Furthermore I issued the command
touch TAGS inside this folder.

Then I began to forward declare some functions before the main function. I jumped to the end of my file and implemented the actual definition of these functions. My code looks like this

#include <iostream>

int add( int , int ); 
int substract (int, int );
int multiplication (int , int);
double division(int , int);

int main()    

  std::cout << "This is substraction:" << "\n";
  std::cout << substract(5, 4) << "\n";

  std::cout << add(4,5) << "\n";
  std::cout << multiplication(5, 4) << "\n";
  std::cout << division(5,4);

  return 0;

int add (int x, int y ){
  return x+y;

int substract (int x, int y){
  return x-y;

int multiplication(int x, int y) {
  return x*y;

double division(int x, int y){
  return x/y;

Since a TAGS file existed and the update interval was set to 10, I expected the TAGS file to be updated every 10 seconds and every time I saved the code file. But the TAGS file does not change at all.
Am I doing something wrong?

Thank you for your help,

Customize tags program and can not work.

Hi, Mr. Chen, I try this package today on Emacs and it's great! But when I want to customize tag program ,for example, set counsel-etags-tags-program variable to "etags" and it can not create tag file using counsel-etags-scan-code after that.

Another question, I use it on MSYS2, not set tag program, it can not find installed ctags program, show Please install Ctags before run this program!. I can not find where is going wrong.

Last question, if I create TAGS file in a specify folder not under current project folder using CLI, How to use this TAGS according counsel-etags. I try to use Emacs visit-tags-table but also call ctags scan code under current project folder.


find-tag-at-point suggests/opens bogus file

Recently counsel-etags-find-tag-at-point started suggesting and open bogus files. (This happens on windows, I haven't had the chance to try on linux yet.)

Here is an example of a search result suggested by counsel-etags:
e:/projects/workspace/projects/sprout/E:\projects\workspace\projects\sprout\source\core\scene\material\matte\matte_material.cpp:14:material::Sample const& Material::sample(...)

I guess the interesting thing is that the first part of the path is duplicated with different slashes. Selecting such a result will open an empty buffer.

The entry in the TAGS file starts with
So I don't know where that e:/projects/workspace/projects/sprout/ prefix is coming from.

Make counsel-etags-scan-code message more compact in mini-buffer

Periodically counsel-etags will update the tags file by running find and ctags. This creates a huge message that is displayed in the mini-buffer which suddenly grows many lines tall (at least on my setup).
I use (setq counsel-etags-quiet-when-updating-tags t) but it doesn't seem to make a difference. (Maybe those two things are not related).
Is it possible to make this message shorter, so that it comfortably fits in a single-line mini-buffer? As it is, it can be confusing to see the mini-buffer suddenly "jump" to a taller size. I wouldn't mind a short message telling me, that ctags is running, but especially the long list of arguments to find doesn't add value in my opinion.

Recent ripgrep options format doesn't work with zsh

I'm afraid this breaks things with zsh on linux, counsel-etags-grep doesn't works now in my case.
Here is what it looks like in terminal:

$ /usr/bin/rg -n -M 512 --no-heading --color never -s --path-separator / -g="!.git/* -g="!.svn/* -g="!.cvs/* -g="!.bzr/* -g="!.hg/* -g="!bin/* -g="!fonts/* -g="!images/* -g="!.DS_Store/* -g="!.npm/* -g="!.tmp/* -g="!.sass-cache/* -g="!.idea/* -g="!node_modules/* -g="!bower_components/* -g="!.tox/* -g="!.cask/* -g="!*.json -g="!*.log -g="!tags -g="!TAGS -g="!*.gz -g="!*.zip -g="!*.tar -g="!*.rar -g="!GTAGS -g="!GPATH -g="!GRTAGS -g="!cscope.files -g="!*bundle.js -g="!*min.js -g="!*min.css -g="!*.png -g="!*.jpg -g="!*.jpeg -g="!*.gif -g="!*.bmp -g="!*.tiff -g="!*.ico -g="!*.doc -g="!*.docx -g="!*.xls -g="!*.ppt -g="!*.pdf -g="!*.odt -g="!*.obj -g="!*.o -g="!*.a -g="!*.dylib -g="!*.lib -g="!*.d -g="!*.dll -g="!*.exe -g="!.metadata* -g="!*.class -g="!*.war -g="!*.jar -g="!*flymake -g="!#*# -g="!.#* -g="!*.swp -g="!*~ -g="!*.elc -g="!*.pyc "counsel-etags-grep" --
zsh: event not found: .git/

But bash doesn't have this issue, and I can work around it by letting shell-file-name to "/bin/bash".

Emacs 27: Error: `add-to-list' can't use lexical var `rlt';

In counsel-etags-add-tags-file-to-history:
counsel-etags.el:520:26:Error: `add-to-list' can't use lexical var `rlt'; use
    `push' or `cl-pushnew'
counsel-etags.el:582:1:Warning: Lexical argument shadows the dynamic variable
counsel-etags.el:713:1:Warning: Unused lexical variable `rlt'

In GNU Emacs 27.0.50 (build 2, x86_64-w64-mingw32)
of 2019-10-31 built on ...
Repository revision: e65be8cc5b623385ebe31aa0a1089e0de2b075b5
Repository branch: master
Windowing system distributor 'Microsoft Corp.', version 10.0.18362
System Description: Microsoft Windows 10 Enterprise (v10.0.1903.18362.418)

Does counsel-etags support include in tags file?

I have recently encountered TAGS files that contain lines like the following at the bottom of the file: C:\Users\me\.rusty-tags\cache\base-634785015357407805.emacs,include. As far as I can tell, counsel-etags does not include those tags in its search. Should this be supported?

counsel-etags show error in cygwin

Hi, When I typed counsel-etags-find-tag-at-point, got this error. I'm not sure whether ctags goes wrong or not?

/usr/bin/bash: -c: line 0: syntax error near unexpected token (' /usr/bin/bash: -c: line 0: c:\\cygwin64\\bin\\find.exe . \( -iwholename */.git/\ -or -iwholename */.svn/\ -or -iwholename */.cvs/\ -or -iwholename */.bzr/\ -or -iwholename */.hg/\ -or -iwholename */bin/\ -or -iwholename */fonts/\ -or -iwholename */images/\ -or -iwholename */.DS_Store/\ -or -iwholename */.npm/\ -or -iwholename */.tmp/\ -or -iwholename */.sass-cache/\ -or -iwholename */.idea\/\ -or -iwholename */node_modules/\ -or -iwholename */bower_components/\ -or -iwholename */.tox/\ -or -iwholename */.cask/\ \) -prune -o -type f -not -size +64k -not -name \*.json\ -not -name \*.log\ -not -name \tags\ -not -name \TAGS\ -not -name \*.gz\ -not -name \*.zip\ -not -name \*.tar\ -not -name \*.rar\ -not -name \GTAGS\ -not -name \GPATH\ -not -name \GRTAGS\ -not -name \cscope.files\ -not -name \*bundle.js\ -not -name \*min.js\ -not -name \*min.css\ -not -name \*.png\ -not -name \*.jpg\ -not -name \*.jpeg\ -not -name \*.gif\ -not -name \*.bmp\ -not -name \*.tiff\ -not -name \*.ico\ -not -name \*.doc\ -not -name \*.docx\ -not -name \*.xls\ -not -name \*.ppt\ -not -name \*.pdf\ -not -name \*.odt\ -not -name \*.obj\ -not -name \*.o\ -not -name \*.a\ -not -name \*.dylib\ -not -name \*.lib\ -not -name \*.d\ -not -name \*.dll\ -not -name \*.exe\ -not -name .metadata\\ -not -name \*.class\ -not -name \*.war\ -not -name \*.jar\ -not -name \*flymake\ -not -name \#\\#\ -not -name .\#\*\ -not -name \*.swp\ -not -name \*\~\ -not -name \*.elc\ -not -name \*.pyc\ | c:\\cygwin64\\bin\\ctags.exe -e -L -'

Custom callback if tag is not found

Is it possible to add an optional, custom callback for cases when no tag is found? For me, this typically happens when I try to look up a local variable and it that case I would find it most useful to simply use swiper or something in the current file.

Find command produces unexpected results

First off, thanks for the awesome package and the hard work you've put in!

I noticed that the find command does not do what I expect it to for what appears to be two separate reasons.

  1. File names are not correctly ignored because the find command is executed as find . ... -not -name "\*.json" when it should be find . ... -not -name "*.json". This is resolved by removing the (shell-quote-argument n) call here and replacing it with n. This boils down to not needing to shell-quote arguments that are passed to the shell as literal quotes.

  2. If I try to ignore the directories build*, e.g. build_clang, build_gcc, etc. by using (add-to-list 'counsel-etags-ignore-directories '"build*") the find command fails. Find is executed as find . \( ... -iwholename "*build\*/*" ...\) which does not work. The desired call is find . \(... -iwholename "*build*" ...\). This requires changing the line here from (shell-quote-argument (file-name-as-directory p)) to p.

These two issues may be related to find behaving differently on UNIX and Linux, but I'm not sure.

OS: Arch Linux
Emacs: 25.3.1
Project uses: git

Universal Ctags 0.0.0(04a8f1f6), Copyright (C) 2015 Universal Ctags Team
Universal Ctags is derived from Exuberant Ctags.
Exuberant Ctags 5.8, Copyright (C) 1996-2009 Darren Hiebert
  Compiled: Dec 27 2017, 00:24:29
  Optional compiled features: +wildcards, +regex, +multibyte, +option-directory, +xpath, +json, +interactive, +sandbox, +yaml


find (GNU findutils) 4.6.0
Copyright (C) 2015 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later <>.
This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it.
There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law.

Written by Eric B. Decker, James Youngman, and Kevin Dalley.
Features enabled: D_TYPE O_NOFOLLOW(enabled) LEAF_OPTIMISATION FTS(FTS_CWDFD) CBO(level=2) 

counsel-etags: 20171215.2123

Note: This may be useful for #5

Failed to create tags file (New issue on linux)

On a linux machine where I used counsel-etags before, I suddenly get the following error when starting a tags search for the first time, before the TAGS file has been created.

counsel-etags-scan-dir called => /home/beni/workspace/projects/sprout/
counsel-etags-get-scan-command called => find-program=/usr/bin/find ctags-program=/usr/bin/ctags cmd=/usr/bin/find . ( -iwholename "/.vscode" -or -iwholename "/tools" -or -iwholename "/test" -or -iwholename "/extern" -or -iwholename "/doc" -or -iwholename "/deps" -or -iwholename "/data" -or -iwholename "/build" -or -iwholename "/.git" -or -iwholename "/.svn" -or -iwholename "/.cvs" -or -iwholename "/.bzr" -or -iwholename "/.hg" -or -iwholename "/bin" -or -iwholename "/fonts" -or -iwholename "/images" -or -iwholename "/.DS_Store" -or -iwholename "/.npm" -or -iwholename "/.tmp" -or -iwholename "/.sass-cache" -or -iwholename "/.idea" -or -iwholename "/node_modules" -or -iwholename "/bower_components" -or -iwholename "/.tox" -or -iwholename "/.cask" ) -prune -o -type f -not -size +800k -not -name ".clang-format" -not -name ".log" -not -name "tags" -not -name "TAGS" -not -name ".tgz" -not -name ".gz" -not -name ".xz" -not -name ".zip" -not -name ".tar" -not -name ".rar" -not -name "GTAGS" -not -name "GPATH" -not -name "GRTAGS" -not -name "cscope.files" -not -name "bundle.js" -not -name "min.js" -not -name "min.css" -not -name ".png" -not -name ".jpg" -not -name ".jpeg" -not -name ".gif" -not -name ".bmp" -not -name ".tiff" -not -name ".ico" -not -name ".doc" -not -name ".docx" -not -name ".xls" -not -name ".ppt" -not -name ".pdf" -not -name ".odt" -not -name ".obj" -not -name ".so" -not -name ".o" -not -name ".a" -not -name ".ifso" -not -name ".tbd" -not -name ".dylib" -not -name ".lib" -not -name ".d" -not -name ".dll" -not -name ".exe" -not -name ".metadata" -not -name ".class" -not -name ".war" -not -name ".jar" -not -name "flymake" -not -name "##" -not -name ".#" -not -name ".swp" -not -name "" -not -name ".elc" -not -name ".pyc" -print | /usr/bin/ctags -e --options="/home/beni/.ctags" -L -
counsel-etags-scan-dir-internal called => src-dir=/home/beni/workspace/projects/sprout/ find-program=/usr/bin/find ctags-program=/usr/bin/ctags default-directory=/home/beni/workspace/projects/sprout/ cmd=/usr/bin/find . ( -iwholename "/.vscode" -or -iwholename "/tools" -or -iwholename "/test" -or -iwholename "/extern" -or -iwholename "/doc" -or -iwholename "/deps" -or -iwholename "/data" -or -iwholename "/build" -or -iwholename "/.git" -or -iwholename "/.svn" -or -iwholename "/.cvs" -or -iwholename "/.bzr" -or -iwholename "/.hg" -or -iwholename "/bin" -or -iwholename "/fonts" -or -iwholename "/images" -or -iwholename "/.DS_Store" -or -iwholename "/.npm" -or -iwholename "/.tmp" -or -iwholename "/.sass-cache" -or -iwholename "/.idea" -or -iwholename "/node_modules" -or -iwholename "/bower_components" -or -iwholename "/.tox" -or -iwholename "/.cask" ) -prune -o -type f -not -size +800k -not -name ".clang-format" -not -name ".log" -not -name "tags" -not -name "TAGS" -not -name ".tgz" -not -name ".gz" -not -name ".xz" -not -name ".zip" -not -name ".tar" -not -name ".rar" -not -name "GTAGS" -not -name "GPATH" -not -name "GRTAGS" -not -name "cscope.files" -not -name "bundle.js" -not -name "min.js" -not -name "min.css" -not -name ".png" -not -name ".jpg" -not -name ".jpeg" -not -name ".gif" -not -name ".bmp" -not -name ".tiff" -not -name ".ico" -not -name ".doc" -not -name ".docx" -not -name ".xls" -not -name ".ppt" -not -name ".pdf" -not -name ".odt" -not -name ".obj" -not -name ".so" -not -name ".o" -not -name ".a" -not -name ".ifso" -not -name ".tbd" -not -name ".dylib" -not -name ".lib" -not -name ".d" -not -name ".dll" -not -name ".exe" -not -name ".metadata" -not -name ".class" -not -name ".war" -not -name ".jar" -not -name "flymake" -not -name "##" -not -name ".#" -not -name ".swp" -not -name "
" -not -name ".elc" -not -name ".pyc" -print | /usr/bin/ctags -e --options="/home/beni/.ctags" -L -
/usr/bin/find . ( -iwholename "/.vscode" -or -iwholename "/tools" -or -iwholename "/test" -or -iwholename "/extern" -or -iwholename "/doc" -or -iwholename "/deps" -or -iwholename "/data" -or -iwholename "/build" -or -iwholename "/.git" -or -iwholename "/.svn" -or -iwholename "/.cvs" -or -iwholename "/.bzr" -or -iwholename "/.hg" -or -iwholename "/bin" -or -iwholename "/fonts" -or -iwholename "/images" -or -iwholename "/.DS_Store" -or -iwholename "/.npm" -or -iwholename "/.tmp" -or -iwholename "/.sass-cache" -or -iwholename "/.idea" -or -iwholename "/node_modules" -or -iwholename "/bower_components" -or -iwholename "/.tox" -or -iwholename "/.cask" ) -prune -o -type f -not -size +800k -not -name ".clang-format" -not -name ".log" -not -name "tags" -not -name "TAGS" -not -name ".tgz" -not -name ".gz" -not -name ".xz" -not -name ".zip" -not -name ".tar" -not -name ".rar" -not -name "GTAGS" -not -name "GPATH" -not -name "GRTAGS" -not -name "cscope.files" -not -name "bundle.js" -not -name "min.js" -not -name "min.css" -not -name ".png" -not -name ".jpg" -not -name ".jpeg" -not -name ".gif" -not -name ".bmp" -not -name ".tiff" -not -name ".ico" -not -name ".doc" -not -name ".docx" -not -name ".xls" -not -name ".ppt" -not -name ".pdf" -not -name ".odt" -not -name ".obj" -not -name ".so" -not -name ".o" -not -name ".a" -not -name ".ifso" -not -name ".tbd" -not -name ".dylib" -not -name ".lib" -not -name ".d" -not -name ".dll" -not -name ".exe" -not -name ".metadata" -not -name ".class" -not -name ".war" -not -name ".jar" -not -name "flymake" -not -name "##" -not -name ".#" -not -name ".swp" -not -name "~" -not -name ".elc" -not -name ".pyc" -print | /usr/bin/ctags -e --options="/home/beni/.ctags" -L - at /home/beni/workspace/projects/sprout/
counsel-etags-find-tag-api called => info nil nil
Failed to create tags file.

marker position issues

Marker position is not saved when fallback function counsel-etags-grep is used.
Second issue: marker is saved even when user decides to quit counsel when selecting candidates (with C-g)

Patch in attachment.

emacs asks to reload of TAGS file

Hello again,

Sorry to bother again, I have a new issue since yesterday : when I save a file (triggering the after-save-hook), emacs asks (and blocks the whole ui) to reload TAGS file saying : Tags file has changed, read new contents ? (y / n)

Note : TAGS file is 30Mb large and also triggers a warning when opening a file withing the project

I have this setup for counsel-etags

     (use-package counsel-etags
       :ensure t
       (setq counsel-etags-update-interval 300) ; 300 seconds, OPTIONAL
       (define-key evil-normal-state-map (kbd "M-g") 'counsel-etags-find-tag-at-point)
       (add-hook 'prog-mode-hook
                 (lambda ()
                   (add-hook 'after-save-hook
                             'counsel-etags-virtual-update-tags 'append 'local)))


Besides, it opens a window with ctags warnings.

My setup : emacs 25.3 / archlinux

Would you have any idea of what is going on ?

pop-tag-mark doesn't work

After calling 'counsel-etags-find-tag-at-point' and jumping to the function definition, 'pop-tag-mark' doesn't work with message "no previous locations for find-tag invocation".

Package-Version: 20180121.1738

counsel-etags-find-tag-at-point error when in *scratch* buffer

One idea to solve this would be to reuse any last TAGS file used from another location or to set a default file or file-list as regular find-tag does.

Debugger entered--Lisp error: (wrong-type-argument stringp nil)
call-interactively(counsel-etags-find-tag-at-point record nil)
command-execute(counsel-etags-find-tag-at-point record)
execute-extended-command(nil "counsel-etags-find-tag-at-point" "counsel-etags-find-tag-")
funcall-interactively(execute-extended-command nil "counsel-etags-find-tag-at-point" "counsel-etags-find-tag-")
call-interactively(execute-extended-command nil nil)

Wrong type argument: markerp, nil

Hi, I use emacs with your configure
when I use counsel-etags-find-tag-at-point function
got error :Wrong type argument: markerp, nil

and the error detail is

ctags: invalid option -- 'e'
        Try 'ctags --help' for a complete list of options.

Why not use executable-find to find programs on Windows?


Recently I try to use native Emacs with Cygwin on Windows because the Cygwin version occasionaly crashs.
It works almost fine, except that counsel-etags-grep complains that it can't find grep.

With some tracing, I find out it is due to my installing cygwin in F:\, which is not covered by counsel-etags-guess-program:

(defun counsel-etags-guess-program (name)
  "Guess executable path from its NAME on Windows."
  (let* (rlt)
    (when (eq system-type 'windows-nt)
       ((file-executable-p (setq rlt (concat "c:\\\\cygwin64\\\\bin\\\\" name ".exe"))))
       ((file-executable-p (setq rlt (concat "d:\\\\cygwin64\\\\bin\\\\" name ".exe"))))
       ((file-executable-p (setq rlt (concat "e:\\\\cygwin64\\\\bin\\\\" name ".exe"))))
       (t (setq rlt nil))))
    (if rlt rlt name)))

So my question is why not using executable-find to find the program? it works actually.(I've added "f:/cygwin64/bin" to exec-path).


(add-to-list 'load-path "~/.emacs.d/lisp/")
(require 'counsel-etags)



duplicate items may exist

different regular expression could extract same item. so duplicate does exist.
company-ctags has same problem

Can't find `call-process-region' in Emacs 26 source tree

Using your find at point etags command, the Emacs C-coded primitive (uses C DEFUN macro), call-process-region is not found when searched for from the cdl.el Lisp file. Regular find-tag fine. It takes over 4 seconds to not find this tag and then just give me a list of possible completion matches.

Also, after running this query, no TAGS file is written to the root project directory or anywhere else I can find.

I do like your concept, though.


Windows: find parameter format not correct

On my windows I have a problem with counsel-etags-scan-code and counsel-etags-updata-tags-force. I think it is a problem with the find command.
cousel-etags creates the following command:

find . ( -iwholename "/.vscode/" -or -iwholename "/extern/" -or -iwholename "/deps/" -or -iwholename "/build/" -or -iwholename "/.git/" -or -iwholename "/.svn/" -or -iwholename "/.cvs/" -or -iwholename "/.bzr/" -or -iwholename "/.hg/" -or -iwholename "/bin/" -or -iwholename "/fonts/" -or -iwholename "/images/" -or -iwholename "/.DS_Store/" -or -iwholename "/.npm/" -or -iwholename "/.tmp/" -or -iwholename "/.sass-cache/" -or -iwholename "/.idea/" -or -iwholename "/node_modules/" -or -iwholename "/bower_components/" -or -iwholename "/.tox/" -or -iwholename "/.cask/" ) -prune -o -type f -not -size +800k -not -name ".clang-format" -not -name ".json" -not -name ".log" -not -name "tags" -not -name "TAGS" -not -name ".gz" -not -name ".zip" -not -name ".tar" -not -name ".rar" -not -name "GTAGS" -not -name "GPATH" -not -name "GRTAGS" -not -name "cscope.files" -not -name "bundle.js" -not -name "min.js" -not -name "min.css" -not -name ".png" -not -name ".jpg" -not -name ".jpeg" -not -name ".gif" -not -name ".bmp" -not -name ".tiff" -not -name ".ico" -not -name ".doc" -not -name ".docx" -not -name ".xls" -not -name ".ppt" -not -name ".pdf" -not -name ".odt" -not -name ".obj" -not -name ".o" -not -name ".a" -not -name ".dylib" -not -name ".lib" -not -name ".d" -not -name ".dll" -not -name ".exe" -not -name ".metadata*" -not -name ".class" -not -name ".war" -not -name ".jar" -not -name "flymake" -not -name "##" -not -name ".#" -not -name ".swp" -not -name "~" -not -name ".elc" -not -name ".pyc" -print | ctags -e -L -

Which produces this result:

FIND: Parameter format not correct

So find is installed on the machine but the expected format is somehow wrong. Has anybody else seen this problem?

I can still create the tags by just running e.g. "ctags -Re" and use counsel-etags afterwards. For those instances when no tags are found and counsel-etags falls back to ripgrep I get the following message though:

No files were searched, which means ripgrep probably applied a filter you didn't expect. Try running again with --debug.

Could this be related?

Lots of *Etags Generating Command* buffers

Thanks for this great package.

After leaving Emacs open for a few hours, I usually end up with dozens of buffers called Emacs Generating Command. My elisp is very poor, but from reading the code I understand that these are created when the TAGS command is (re-)created.

Having that many buffers is not a big issue, but it's annoying. This happens on both Ubuntu and macOS, with Emacs 25.1 and 27. (My emacs setup is the same in both machines).


  • support multiple tags file using tags-table-list (if there is one more tag file, have to use full path)
  • set-local tag-file-name
  • more filters

Use different tags generator dependent on project language

For example I want to use rusty-tags for if I am in a rust project.

Manually calling rusty-tags emacs will generate a usable tags file, which then can be used with counsel-etags, but I would like to automatically always use this backend, including auto-update and so on. Is this possible? Is counsel-etags the right level to handle this?

indexing issue


I've just started using this nice package but I've just stumbled on an indexing issue


Maybe it has nothing to do with this package, but you can see in the screenshot that a path vendor/friendsofsymfony/user-bundle is misspelled (fridsofsymfony/...). And the files can't be opened when hitting enter on the candidate.

OS : archlinux
Emacs 25.3
counsel-etags 20171111.608
project using git

error in process filter: Wrong type argument: markerp, nil

Win7 x64, Emacs-26.1-x86_64

ctags --version
Exuberant Ctags 5.8, Copyright (C) 1996-2009 Darren Hiebert
Compiled: Jul 9 2009, 17:05:35
Addresses: [email protected],
Optional compiled features: +win32, +regex, +internal-sort
use M-x counsel-etags-scan-code and then select my vs project directory(.sln's dir), got a message:
Failed to create tags file.

d:\cygwin64\bin>find.exe --version
find (GNU findutils) 4.6.0
Packaged by Cygwin (4.6.0-1)
Copyright (C) 2015 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later
This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it.
There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law.
Written by Eric B. Decker, James Youngman, and Kevin Dalley.

I add a message code in counsel-etags-async-shell-command:
(message (concat "command:" command))

(defun counsel-etags-async-shell-command (command tags-file)
  "Execute string COMMAND and create TAGS-FILE asynchronously."
  (let* ((directory default-directory)
         ;; Run the shell command without any interrupt or extra information
         (buffer (generate-new-buffer "*Etags Generating Command*"))
         (display-buffer-alist '(("Etags Generating Command" display-buffer-no-window))))
    (with-current-buffer buffer
      (setq buffer-read-only nil)
      (let* ((inhibit-read-only t) proc)
      (display-buffer buffer '(nil (allow-no-window . t)))
      (setq default-directory directory)
      (setq proc (start-process "Shell" buffer shell-file-name
                                shell-command-switch command))
      (message (concat "command:" command)) ;;add this line
      (set-process-sentinel proc `(lambda (process signal)
                                    (let* ((status (process-status process)))
                                    (when (memq status '(exit signal))
                                       ((string= (substring signal 0 -1) "finished")
                                        (let* ((cmd (car (cdr (cdr (process-command process))))))
                                          (if counsel-etags-debug (message "`%s` executed." cmd))
                                          ;; reload tags-file
                                          (when (and ,tags-file (file-exists-p ,tags-file))
                                            (message "Tags file %s was created." ,tags-file)
                                            (visit-tags-table ,tags-file t))))
                                        (message "Failed to create tags file.")))))))
      ;; Use the comint filter for proper handling of carriage motion
      ;; (see `comint-inhibit-carriage-motion'),.
      (set-process-filter proc 'comint-output-filter))))

try again counsel-etags-scan-code, got message:

d:\cygwin64\bin\find.exe . ( -iwholename "/.git/" -or -iwholename "/.svn/" -or -iwholename "/.cvs/" -or -iwholename "/.bzr/" -or -iwholename "/.hg/" -or -iwholename "/bin/" -or -iwholename "/fonts/" -or -iwholename "/images/" -or -iwholename "/.DS_Store/" -or -iwholename "/.npm/" -or -iwholename "/.tmp/" -or -iwholename "/.sass-cache/" -or -iwholename "/.idea/" -or -iwholename "/node_modules/" -or -iwholename "/bower_components/" -or -iwholename "/.tox/" -or -iwholename "/.cask/" ) -prune -o -type f -not -size +512k -not -name ".exp" -not -name ".sln" -not -name ".make" -not -name ".htm" -not -name ".vcxproj" -not -name ".vcproj" -not -name ".user" -not -name ".filters" -not -name ".pdb" -not -name ".md" -not -name ".tlog" -not -name ".qrc" -not -name ".rc" -not -name "moc_.cpp" -not -name ".ui" -not -name "ui_.h" -not -name ".json" -not -name ".log" -not -name "tags" -not -name "TAGS" -not -name ".tgz" -not -name ".gz" -not -name ".xz" -not -name ".zip" -not -name ".tar" -not -name ".rar" -not -name "GTAGS" -not -name "GPATH" -not -name "GRTAGS" -not -name "cscope.files" -not -name "bundle.js" -not -name "min.js" -not -name "min.css" -not -name ".png" -not -name ".jpg" -not -name ".jpeg" -not -name ".gif" -not -name ".bmp" -not -name ".tiff" -not -name ".ico" -not -name ".doc" -not -name ".docx" -not -name ".xls" -not -name ".ppt" -not -name ".pdf" -not -name ".odt" -not -name ".obj" -not -name ".so" -not -name ".o" -not -name ".a" -not -name ".ifso" -not -name ".tbd" -not -name ".dylib" -not -name ".lib" -not -name ".d" -not -name ".dll" -not -name ".exe" -not -name ".metadata" -not -name ".class" -not -name ".war" -not -name ".jar" -not -name "flymake" -not -name "##" -not -name ".#" -not -name ".swp" -not -name "~" -not -name ".elc" -not -name ".pyc" -print | ctags -e -L -
error in process filter: recursive-edit: Wrong type argument: markerp, nil

then i copy this to dos, got message:

ctags.exe: out of memory
/usr/bin/find: 'standard output'
/usr/bin/find: write error

If remove -e arg in dos command, generate a tags file success. dir:
2019/01/19 15:30 3,781,719 tags

If i use toggle-debug-on-error, got Backtrace:

Debugger entered--Lisp error: (wrong-type-argument markerp nil)
comint-output-filter(# "ctags: out of memory\n/usr/bin/find: 'standard output'\n/usr/bin/find: write error\n")

Shortcut navigation in Rust not finding standard library tags

I followed setup instructions from

Installed universal ctags, rusty-tags, called rusty-tags emacs in the project's root, followed the "standard library support" section, i.e. set RUST_SRC_PATH in my ~/.profile (echo $RUST_SRC_PATH) outputs this: /Users/me/.rustup/toolchains/stable-x86_64-apple-darwin/lib/rustlib/src/rust/src/, installed counsel-etags, created .dir-locals.el in my project's root with these contents:

((nil . ((counsel-etags-update-tags-backend . (lambda (src-dir) (shell-command "rusty-tags emacs")))
         (counsel-etags-extra-tags-files . ("~/third-party-lib/rusty-tags.emacs" "$RUST_SRC_PATH/rusty-tags.emacs"))
         (counsel-etags-tags-file-name . "rusty-tags.emacs"))))

After all this, I start emacs, press shortcut (using evil mode - CTRL+]) on Result (which is a type of Rust's standard lib).
Prompt appears: Visit tags table (default TAGS): ~/myProjectRoot/src/
I edit the path to this: ~/myProjectRoot/rusty-tags.emacs
Now it works for local tags, but not the standard lib, since it's not in this file. So it can't find anything for Result.

How do I configure it to recognize both? I thought that .dir-locals.el perhaps does this, but it seems to have no effect as I'm prompted to enter a path.

Note that if I don't use shortcut navigation, but M-x counsel-etags-find-tag-at-point it works for both local and standard lib tags.

I asked in rusty-tags repo but was directed to here dan-t/rusty-tags#60 (comment)

How to merge two TAGS file if I use counsel-etags-scan-code in different dirs?

At first, I use counsel-etags-scan-code at ~/.emacs.d/, of course it generate a TAGS file, but for some reason, there is some variables like kill-emacs-query-functions which is declared in file /usr/local/share/emacs/25.3/lisp/files.el.gz, I use counsel-etags-find-tag-at-point but cannot find the right position, so, I guess I should counset-etags-scan-code at /usr/local/share/emacs/25.3/lisp/ also, now, I don't know how to merge these two TAGS file into one, is there any tricky for this?

counsel-etags-open-file-api: Search failed

use counsel-etags-find-tags, I can find the result desplayed in buffer, but when I select one row and enter "Enter" key, I can't jump to the target file position, I get error:
Use M-x make-directory RET RET to create the directory and its parents
counsel-etags-open-file-api: Search failed: "hello"

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