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ss3d-art's Issues

Crouch still animation


We need to add a very simple crouch still animation the same length in frame as the crouch walk already in our animations. It can simply be keeping the crouch pose.

Add Contributor Credits


This issue needs to be discussed before we proceed with issue #7.


How to handle the asset contributor credits...

Currently it is in the form of a google spreadsheet file. We have had the intention of moving it to github as we further our project and move assets from the google drive to github, but we have yet to decide on a good method to do so. Now we have 2 repositories where art assets will be kept and so this issue becomes even a little more complicated.

(EDIT: this is the way)

Current document:

Compile a list of every asset that needs to be touched up or reworked to suit our art style


Over the years as people made assets for this game I havent satisfied my duties as the art director in ensuring assets are up to spec before approving them. Either by allowing them to slip through the cracks, not noticing issues, or just being too nice. This needs to change and everything in this repo must be standardized.

To fix that I will need to compile a list of every asset that needs updating, and correcting them over time. Outside help is of course appreciated.


  • Create list
  • Update assets

Discuss: Routine Art Transfer Method


Discussion for how we're going to handle updating assets in the game repo (ss3d).


Currently with no method, if a contributor wanted to update a model in the game repo they would need to update it on this repo first then copy the file to the game repo.

This would essentially double the amount of work for art contributors and maintainers, which in the long run is not acceptable.


  1. Automate the above process so that when a file gets updated here, GitHub Actions opens a PR on the have repo with the asset and auto merges it.

  2. Link the art repo to the game repo so that assets will only be stored here. (I think it may only allow linking the full repo, but should look into a way to blacklist certain files like duplicate assets, source files, documents, artwork)


#11 should be completed before a solution for this is merged.

Copy assets from the GoogleDrive


Copy assets from the GoogleDrive

During the process, assets may be vetted or changed to suit our project.

If the asset is already in the art repo then no need to copy, asset in repo is more up to date.


This issue is the 3rd step in issue #7 and will be broken up into multiple steps based on asset type.

This one will be a massive undertaking and will get broken up into many pieces.

Sections will be given a ✔️ emoji once all subtasks have been completed.

1. Animations

  • 1. Animations...

2. Fonts ✔️

3. Graphics ✔️

  • 3.1. Graphics/Editor (ALL FILES ALREADY COPIED)
  • 3.2. Graphics/UI/Atmos+HarmTypes+HUD #85
  • 3.3. Graphics/UI/Harm #83
  • 3.4. Graphics/UI/Intents+Thermometer #86
  • 3.5. Graphics/UI/Interactions #88
  • 3.6. Graphics/UI/Inventory+Items #90
  • 3.7. Graphics/UI/Jobs+Other #91
  • 3.8. Graphics/UI/TargetDoll #92

4. Textures ✔️

  • 4.1. Textures/Entities+Rootfolder #55
  • 4.2. Textures/Furniture #57
  • 4.3. Textures/Items/Clothing #58
  • 4.4. Textures/Items/Cosmetic #59
  • 4.5. Textures/Items/Functional/Generic/Books+Scrolls+Papers+Pictures+Cards #60
  • 4.6. Textures/Items/Functional/Generic/IDs+PDA+Stamps #61
  • 4.7. Textures/Items/Functional/Generic/Posters #62
  • 4.8. Textures/Items/Functional/Tools #63
  • 4.9. Textures/Structures #64
  • 4.10. Textures/World/Planets+Skyboxes #65
  • 4.11. Textures/World/VFX/BulletHoles #66
  • 4.12. Textures/World/VFX/DepartmentSymbols #67
  • 4.13. Textures/World/VFX/Graffiti/ABC+123+Symbols+Arrows #69
  • 4.14. Textures/World/VFX/Graffiti/Runes+Honk #70
  • 4.15. Textures/World/VFX/Particles #68
  • 4.16. Textures/World/VFX/Splatters+Tracks #71

5. Models

  • 5.1. Models/Entities/Creatures/Aliens #94
  • 5.2. Models/Entities/Creatures/Animals/Amphibians+Aquatic+Birds #105
  • 5.3. Models/Entities/Creatures/Animals/Insects+Mammals #95
  • 5.4. Models/Entities/Humanoids/Ghost+Gnoll+IPC+Podman+Lizard+Skeleton #98
  • 5.5. Models/Entities/Humanoids/Human
  • 5.6. Models/Entities/Humanoids/Moth #96
  • 5.7. Models/Entities/Silicon/Cyborgs #109
  • 5.8. Models/Entities/Silicon/Robots #110
  • 5.9. Models/Entities/Vehicles #97
  • 5.10. Models/Other(extras)
  • 5.11. Models/Furniture/Flora/Botany #99
  • 5.12. Models/Furniture/Flora/Lavaland+Other #100
  • 5.13. Models/Furniture/Flora/Potted #101
  • 5.14. Models/Furniture/Generic #102
  • 5.15. Models/Furniture/Generic/Barricades+Bed #107
  • 5.16. Models/Furniture/Generic/Seats #106
  • 5.17. Models/Furniture/Generic/Statues+Surfaces #108
  • 5.18. Models/Furniture/Machines/Atmos #111
  • 5.19. Models/Furniture/Machines/Botany #112
  • 5.20. Models/Furniture/Machines/Computers #120
  • 5.21. Models/Furniture/Machines/Dispensers+Generic+Rootfolder #121
  • 5.22. Models/Furniture/Machines/Engineering #123
  • 5.23. Models/Furniture/Machines/Kitchen #116
  • 5.24. Models/Furniture/Machines/Medical #118
  • 5.25. Models/Furniture/Machines/Science #124
  • 5.26. Models/Furniture/Machines/Security #114
  • 5.27. Models/Furniture/Machines/Supply #117
  • 5.28. Models/Furniture/Machines/Vendors #119
  • 5.29. Models/Furniture/Other #125
  • 5.30. Models/Furniture/Storage #126
  • 5.31. Models/Items/Clothing/Generic/Back+Ear+Eye+Face
  • 5.32. Models/Items/Clothing/Generic/Foot
  • 5.33. Models/Items/Clothing/Generic/Hand+Head
  • 5.34. Models/Items/Clothing/Generic/Jumpsuit+Rootfolder
  • 5.35. Models/Items/Clothing/Generic/Over+Under+Waist
  • 5.36. Models/Items/Clothing/Sets/Antags
  • 5.37. Models/Items/Clothing/Sets/Armor+Other
  • 5.38. Models/Items/Clothing/Sets/Departments/Command
  • 5.39. Models/Items/Clothing/Sets/Departments/Engineering
  • 5.40. Models/Items/Clothing/Sets/Departments/Medical
  • 5.41. Models/Items/Clothing/Sets/Departments/Science
  • 5.42. Models/Items/Clothing/Sets/Departments/Security
  • 5.43. Models/Items/Clothing/Sets/Departments/Service
  • 5.44. Models/Items/Clothing/Sets/Departments/Supply
  • 5.45. Models/Items/Clothing/Sets/Outfits
  • 5.46. Models/Items/Consumables/Chems #160
  • 5.47. Models/Items/Consumables/Food/Drinks #158
  • 5.48. Models/Items/Consumables/Food/General/Dairy+Dessert #165
  • 5.49. Models/Items/Consumables/Food/General/Fruit #164
  • 5.50. Models/Items/Consumables/Food/General/Grains+Rootfolder #166
  • 5.51. Models/Items/Consumables/Food/General/Meat #163
  • 5.52. Models/Items/Consumables/Food/General/Snacks #159
  • 5.53. Models/Items/Consumables/Food/General/Veggies #162
  • 5.54. Models/Items/Consumables/Food/Ingredients #167
  • 5.55. Models/Items/Consumables/Food/Meals #168
  • 5.56. Models/Items/Consumables/Food/Meals/Bread+Dessert+Pasta #169
  • 5.57. Models/Items/Consumables/Food/Meals/Pizza+Salad+Sandwiches+Soups #170
  • 5.58. Models/Items/Cosmetic+Rootfolder #141
  • 5.59. Models/Items/Functional/Containers/Fluid #134
  • 5.60. Models/Items/Functional/Containers/Object #133
  • 5.61. Models/Items/Functional/Generic/ #135
  • 5.62. Models/Items/Functional/Generic/BooksPapersPens #136
  • 5.63. Models/Items/Functional/Generic/Camera #137
  • 5.64. Models/Items/Functional/Generic/Instruments #140
  • 5.65. Models/Items/Functional/Generic/SmokeStuff+Tiles (everything ported already)
  • 5.66. Models/Items/Functional/Materials #139
  • 5.67. Models/Items/Functional/Parts #138
  • 5.68. Models/Items/Functional/Tools/Botany #142
  • 5.69. Models/Items/Functional/Tools/Custodial #144
  • 5.70. Models/Items/Functional/Tools/Engineering #143
  • 5.71. Models/Items/Functional/Tools/Generic #145
  • 5.72. Models/Items/Functional/Tools/Kitchen #146
  • 5.73. Models/Items/Functional/Tools/Medical #147
  • 5.74. Models/Items/Functional/Tools/Science #148
  • 5.75. Models/Items/Functional/Tools/Security #149
  • 5.76. Models/Items/Functional/Tools/Supply #150
  • 5.77. Models/Items/Functional/Tools/Antag #151
  • 5.78. Models/Items/Weapons/Explosive #182
  • 5.79. Models/Items/Weapons/Melee/Blunt #183
  • 5.80. Models/Items/Weapons/Melee/Sharp #184
  • 5.81. Models/Items/Weapons/Ranged/Energy/EnergyHandguns #187
  • 5.82. Models/Items/Weapons/Ranged/Energy/EnergyRifles #188
  • 5.83. Models/Items/Weapons/Ranged/Energy/EnergyShotguns+Rootfolder #186
  • 5.84. Models/Items/Weapons/Ranged/Magic #185
  • 5.85. Models/Items/Weapons/Ranged/Physical/Ammo+Rootfolder #194
  • 5.86. Models/Items/Weapons/Ranged/Physical/Handguns #189
  • 5.87. Models/Items/Weapons/Ranged/Physical/Rifles #191
  • 5.88. Models/Items/Weapons/Ranged/Physical/Shotguns #192
  • 5.89. Models/Items/Weapons/Ranged/Physical/SMGs #193
  • 5.90. Models/Items/Weapons/Ranged/Physical/Throwing #181
  • 5.91. Models/Items/Weapons/Shields #180
  • 5.92. Models/Structures/Doors #127
  • 5.93. Models/Structures/Floors #129
  • 5.94. Models/Structures/Pipes+Wires #128
  • 5.95. Models/Structures/WallMounts #132
  • 5.96. Models/Structures/Walls #130
  • 5.97. Models/World #156

6. Sound ✔️

  • 6.1. Sound/Entities #76
  • 6.2. Sound/Items+World #78

7. Artwork ✔️

  • 7.1. Artwork/Banners #38
  • 7.2. Artwork/Cutouts #39
  • 7.3. Artwork/Logos #74
  • 7.4. Artwork/Wallpapers #72

8. Contributor Kits

  • 8.1. Documents/Contributor Kits/Animation
  • 8.2. Documents/Contributor Kits/Modeling

Automate Art Repo Issues


Copy issue workflows from SS3D repo.

Ryan has added automation for issue assigning and is working on the project boards now.

Those workflows are higher priority so these should wait until then.

(@cosmiccoincidence still needs to add which workflows this repo needs)

  • workflows...

Standardize Texture Sizes


We need texture resolution standards for many types of textures. The goal here is to review our textures of each type and determine a standard resolution for each type. Then document these on the /gitbook/2dart/textures/ document and to create a github issue to resolve the textures for each type that needs it.


A few types already have a standard size, but many do not which results in several of different sizes (see AI screen textures as an example).

(Sizes are measured in pixels.)

Types to Standardize

  • Entities (/Textures/Entities/)
  • Plants (/Textures/Furniture/Flora/)
  • AI (/Textures/Furniture/Machines/AI/)
  • Consoles (/Textures/Furniture/Machines/Computers/)
  • Generic Machines (/Textures/Furniture/Machines/Generic/)
  • Clothing (/Textures/Items/Clothing/)
  • Bed Sheets (/Textures/Items/Cosmetic/BedSheets/) = 512x512
  • BookCovers (/Textures/Items/Functional/Generic/BookCovers/) = 500x700
  • IDs (/Textures/Items/Functional/Generic/IDs/)
  • Scrolls (/Textures/Items/Functional/Generic/MartialArtScrolls/) = 512x512
  • Papers (/Textures/Items/Functional/Generic/Papers/) = 85x128
  • PDAs (/Textures/Items/Functional/Generic/PDA/) = 720x720
  • Pictures (/Textures/Items/Functional/Generic/Pictures/)
  • PlayingCards (/Textures/Items/Functional/Generic/PlayingCards/) per card!
  • Posters (/Textures/Items/Functional/Generic/Posters/) = 900x600 or 600x900
  • Stamps (/Textures/Items/Functional/Generic/Stamps/) = 512x512
  • Tool Effects (/Textures/Items/Functional/Tools/) = 128x128
  • Floor Tiles (/Textures/Structures/Floors/) = 256x256
  • Logos (/Textures/UI/Logos/)
  • Renders (/Textures/UI/Renders/)
  • Cosmic Bodies (/Textures/World/Cosmos/)
  • Decals (/Textures/World/Decals/)
  • FOV (/Textures/World/FOV/)
  • Skyboxes (/Textures/World/Skybox/)
  • Bullet Holes (/Textures/World/VFX/BulletHoles/) = 128x128
  • Department Symbols (/Textures/World/VFX/BulletHoles/)
  • Graffiti (/Textures/World/VFX/Graffiti/)
  • Particles (/Textures/World/VFX/Particles/) = 64x64
  • Shadows (/Textures/World/VFX/Shadows/) = 256x256
  • Splatters (/Textures/World/VFX/Splatters/) = 256x256
  • Tracks (/Textures/World/VFX/Tracks/) = 256x256

Flip Emojis


Flip emojis.

Any Emojis located in /Artwork/Cutouts/Emojis/ that are facing toward the left should be flipped so they are facing right.

Find mesh renaming solution for Blender




  • Find a script or something similar for contributors/maintainers to use to rename meshs to their parent object's name.
  • Add the script (or link to it) in the 3D modeler's kit and guide.

Make new logo template .blend


Make a .blend file (using the modelers template) to render a new toolbox logo. The logo itself won't be different from our current one, it should actually be very similar.


The idea behind this is that we lost the source file for our current toolbox logos and this we can't easily make changes to it. By making this logo template we can make new logos based off the original easily at anytime.

Standardize Graphics Sizes


We need resolution standards for our different types of graphics. The goal here is to review our current graphics of each type and determine a standard resolution for each. Alto to document these on the /gitbook/2dart/graphics/ document and to create a github issue to resolve the resolution for each type that needs it.


A few types already have a standard size, but many do not which results in several of different sizes (see InteractionIcon graphics as an example).

(Sizes are measured in pixels.)

Types to Standardize

  • Editor icons (/Graphics/Editor/) = 100x100 (scale them from 700x700)
  • Container icons (Graphics/UI/Containers)
  • HUD icons (Graphics/UI/HUD)
  • Target icons (Graphics/UI/TargetDoll)
  • Harm icons (Graphics/UI/Harm)
  • Interaction icons (Graphics/UI/Interactions)
  • Item icons (Graphics/UI/Items)
  • Job icons (Graphics/UI/Jobs)
  • Loading icons (Graphics/UI/LoadingScreen)
  • Misc icons (Graphics/UI/Misc)
  • Heroicons (Graphics/UI/Misc/Heroicons) = 96x96
  • Window icons (Graphics/UI/Misc/Windows)
  • Radial Menu icons (Graphics/UI/RadialMenu)

Crouching moves


I need 3 animations for this one. I need our human to crouch, to walk while crouching, and running while crouching.
This can help for references
All animations should be in place, and a relatively short cycle for walking and running. If running can be a bit more than just speeding the walking it'd be great. The character need to be relatively low, and its head should be looking forward.
Arms can be positionned in a way that suggest stealth.

For reference :

Dragging move


We need a dragging loop for humans. The dragging should be relatively slow, as it'll be used for dragging bodies and heavy objects. Animation should be in place, not too long, keep it simple. Player should be bent forward, arm reaching in front, somewhat close to the floor. See Gif below for reference.



Crawling moves


I need 3 animations for this one. I need our human to idle in a crawling position, to slow crawl, and to speed crawl.
All animations should be in place, and a relatively short cycle for crawling movements.
Character should look forward while crawling. Crawling speed should be 0.5m/s for slow crawling and 0.75m/s for fast crawling.




Strafing moves


We need to have strafing moves for when the player is aiming in a given direction. We need left, right and backward strafe.
The animation should be in place and only affect legs.


What we do not want (currently no strafing animations). See how the character seems to be walking forward despite stepping on the side, or walking backward :


What we want :

Look at the first seconds of the video

Add Assets to Repo


Add assets to Art repo.


We're going to break this up into several PRs to ensure that the latest changes for every asset are accounted for. The process will be broken up into multiple stages.

  1. #11
  2. #9
  3. #10

The steps should be done in order.
Steps 2-4 should be broken up into multiple PRs, 1 for each asset type.

All assets, when being added, need to have the contributors name in the PR description, listing what they contributed.

Assets added in later steps should NOT overwrite assets in earlier steps, but rather should be skipped.

Determine which models have damaged variants


Determine which 3D models already have damaged variants, and thus which models still need damaged variants.


Damage variants are a model that represents the damaged state of a typical model. Damage variants may be handled differently, simple models might use shape keys to deform the model, while complex models may use a separate model(s) altogether.

Currently ~5% of our models have some form of a damaged variant, but eventually we expect most if not all to have one.


  • 1. Add info about damaged variants to the GitBook documentation.
  • 2. Catalog (using Trello) which models still need damage variants.

Part 2 is BLOCKED until #10 is complete.

Hand close fist animation


I need a very simple animation of the hand closing to form a fist, that's all, only the hand bones should be animated. the animation should be quick like 0.2 second max.

Scale down some items


The human was scaled down to .87 and some items do not fit well with it now, one of those is the M4 which is currently too big and it works better with a 0.8 scaling.

Find out which item needs to be scaled down.


Copy assets from GitHub.../SS3D/tree/develop


Copy assets from GitHub.../SS3D/tree/develop


This issue is the 1st step in issue #7 and will be broken up into multiple steps based on asset type.

1. Fonts

2. Graphics

  • 2.1. Rendered Icons - #14
  • 2.2. UI/Interactions - #16
  • 2.3. UI/Inventory - #17
  • 2.4. UI/Misc - #21
  • 2.5. UI/Misc/HeroIcons - #15

3. Textures

  • 3.1. UI - #22
  • 3.2. Tiles & Overlays - #19
  • 3.3. Skyboxes and VFX - #23

4. Models

  • 4.1. Entities & Other - #24
  • 4.2. Furniture - #26
  • 4.3. Items - #27
  • 4.4. Structures - #28

5. Animations

  • Animations - (none)

6. Audio

Automate Contributor Kits


Automate contributor kit releases.


Write a workflow to automate building a .zip file based on a list of selected assets for that kit. The workflow should trigger anytime a change is made to any file in the list of selected assets.


Currently blocked until the rest of the kit assets are added to the repo.
(Section 8 in #10)

Standardize volume levels in audio files


Review the volume levels in the current audio files and attempt to balance the louder & quieter ones.


Some audio files are kinda loud and some are kinda quiet. Please fix.

Copy assets from GitHub.../SS3D/tree/outdated


Copy assets from GitHub.../SS3D/tree/outdated

If the asset is already in the art repo then no need to copy, asset in repo is more up to date.


This issue is the 2nd step in issue #7 and will be broken up into multiple steps based on asset type.

1. Animations

  • 1.Animations #30

2. Graphics

  • 2. Graphics #31

3. Textures

  • 3.1. Textures/Entities+Furniture #32
  • 3.2. Textures/Items #33
  • 3.3. Textures/Structures (NOT NEEDED, all files already ported)
  • 3.4. Textures/World #34

4. Models

  • 4.1. Entities #40
  • 4.2. Furniture/Flora #41
  • 4.3. Furniture/Generic+Storage #42
  • 4.4. Furniture/Machines #44
  • 4.5. Items/Clothing+Cosmetic #45
  • 4.6. Items/Consumables #46
  • 4.7. Items/Functional/Containers #47
  • 4.8. Items/Functional/Generic+Materials #48
  • 4.9. Items/Functional/Parts+Tools #49
  • 4.10. Items/Weapons #50
  • 4.11. Other #51
  • 4.12. Structures/Doors+Floors+Pipes #52
  • 4.13. Structures/WallMounts+Walls+Wires #53

6. Audio

  • 6.1. Audio/Entities+Furniture+Items+Structures #35
  • 6.2. Audio/World #36

Throwing animation


We need a single hand throw animation :

  • the animation should only affect the bones of the right arm
  • quick animation (around 60 frames beginning to end)
  • the hand need to start above the shoulder, the arm high in the air.
  • the hand can go a bit in the back at the beginning to suggest giving some strenght to the throw.
  • the hand is closed at the beginning and should open when the item is thrown
  • the hand should open aligned with the spine bone, well in the middle of the torso.
  • The hand should get back to a resting position close to the waist of the human.

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