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ray.aop's Issues

Error with variadic parameters

The cause was refactoring to use the original argument as it is for speeding up.
This is wrong, and it can not do such a thing when it is a variable argument, and can not do it without getting with func_get_args (). Slow but safe.


Don't work extend compiled parent


class MetaCrawlerService extends CrawlerService

CrawlerService and MetaCrawlerService have pointcuts. But after compiling gets:

class MetaCrawlerService_KGlnUTY extends MetaCrawlerService implements WeavedInterface
abstract class CrawlerService_NXUWZ0A extends CrawlerService implements WeavedInterface

I expected that MetaCrawlerService_KGlnUTY will extend CrawlerService_NXUWZ0A or something similar.


  • copy MetaCrawlerService as is MetaCrawlerService_XXX
  • replace in MetaCrawlerService_XXX extends CrawlerService to CrawlerService_NXUWZ0A
  • replace in MetaCrawlerService_KGlnUTY extends MetaCrawlerService to MetaCrawlerService_XXX
  • in all methods of CrawlerService_NXUWZ0A replace
        if (!$this->isAspect) {
            $this->isAspect = true;
            call_user_func_array([$this, 'parent::' . __FUNCTION__], func_get_args());


        if (!$this->isAspect) {
            $this->isAspect = true;

            $class = (new \ReflectionObject($this))->getParentClass();

            $rc1 = new \ReflectionClass($class->name);

            do {
                $method = new \ReflectionMethod($rc1->getParentClass()->name, __FUNCTION__);
                $rc1 = new \ReflectionClass($method->class);
            } while($rc1->implementsInterface(WeavedInterface::class) );

            $method = new \ReflectionMethod($rc1->name, __FUNCTION__);
            $method->invokeArgs($this, func_get_args());

Without this gets exception:

Symfony\Component\Debug\Exception\FatalThrowableError  : Maximum function nesting level of '256' reached, aborting!

  at /var/www/app/vendor/ray/aop/src/ReflectiveMethodInvocation.php:110
    106|     {
    107|         if ($this->interceptors === [] && \is_callable($this->callable)) {
    108|             return call_user_func_array($this->callable, (array) $this->arguments);
    109|         }
  > 110|         $interceptor = array_shift($this->interceptors);
    111|         if ($interceptor instanceof MethodInterceptor) {
    112|             return $interceptor->invoke($this);
    113|         }

Matcher:: createMatcher()

Own matcher

You can have your own matcher.
To create contains matcher, You need to provide a class which have two method. One is contains for interface.
The other one is isContains which return the result of the contains match.

use Ray\Aop\AbstractMatcher;

class MyMatcher extends AbstractMatcher
     * @param $contain
     * @return MyMatcher
    public function contains($contain)
        $this->createMatcher(__FUNCTION__, $contain);

        return clone $this;


     * Return isContains
     * @param $name    class or method name
     * @param $target  \Ray\Aop\AbstractMatcher::TARGET_CLASS | \Ray\Aop\AbstractMatcher::Target_METHOD
     * @param $contain
     * @return bool
    protected function isContains($name, $target, $contain)
        $result = (strpos($name, $contain) !== false);

        return $result;

Mixed is converted to null|mixed

Bug Report

Mixed is converted to null|mixed

How to reproduce

    public function returnSame(mixed $param): void

This original method would be converted as follows.

    public function returnSame(null|mixed $param): void

null|mixed is not allowed as it is a redundant expression. Also, the only type that is not allowed to be nullable in this way is mixed as of PHP 8.3.

null|mixed は冗長な表現なので認められません。またこのようにnullableな型が認められないのはPHP8.3現在の今、mixedだけです。

Add Compiler::noBindNewInstance()

Interceptor can be attached after aspect class creation.

This function is necessary to avoid interceptor's affect at dependency injection. (=setter method can't bind interceptor)

Sample code is like as below.

$instance = $compiler->noBindNewInstance($definition->class, $params, $bind);
$hasBinding = $bind->hasBinding();

// setter injection here
// ....

 // attach interceptors
if ($hasBinding) {
    $instance->rayAopBind = $bind;

Can't compile with anonymous class

Bug Report


Code that contains an anonymous class cannot compile AOP code.

How to reproduce

class FakeAnonymousClass
    public function hasAnonymousClass($a): object
        return new class {};

Cuase Ray\Aop\Exception\MultipleClassInOneFileException

Why autoload param disabled for class_exists in Compiler.php ?

Case: I use composer and every request your library recompiled all classes.

if (class_exists($aopClassName, false)) {

        if (class_exists($aopClassName, false)) {
class_exists ( string $class_name [, bool $autoload = TRUE ] ) : bool

This function checks whether or not the given class has been defined.

The class name. The name is matched in a case-insensitive manner.

Whether or not to call __autoload by default.



nullableな引数がある関数に対してアノテーションをつけると、コンパイルしたファイルには ? が外れてしまい、実行時エラーになりました。


 * Annotation()
function run(?int $id): int {}


function run(int $id): int {}

Docblox copy

Weaved class should have doc comment block (class and method) as same as target class.



1) kght6123\ossnote\Resource\App\GloginTest::testOnGet
The use statement with non-compound name 'Google_Client' has no effect


Tests: 3, Assertions: 20, Errors: 1.
Script phpunit handling the test event returned with error code 2


試しにuse Google_Client;を除去すると、下記のnot foundエラーになります。

1) kght6123\ossnote\Resource\App\GloginTest::testOnGet
Error: Class 'kght6123\ossnote\Resource\App\Google_Client' not found


Tests: 3, Assertions: 20, Errors: 1.
Script phpunit handling the test event returned with error code 2


namespace kght6123\ossnote\Resource\App;

require __DIR__ . '/../../../vendor/autoload.php';

use Google_Client;// has no effect

class Glogin extends BaseResourceObject {
  public function onPost(string $userid, string $password, string $path): ResourceObject {
    $client = new Google_Client();// not found error.





🎉 10 years

🎉 It's been over 10 years since the initial release of Ray.Aop.

Initially released as a proxy, it later evolved to use the PHP-Parser for a codegen approach, providing a full-fledged AOP environment that also adheres to the AOP Alliance standards. Since its 2.0 release in 2015, it has continuously maintained backward compatibility.

We plan to use our own codegen engine. Initial benchmarks show performance more than 40 times faster than the current PHP-Parser based one.

🎉 Ray.Aopの最初のリリースから10年以上が経過しました。



Compiler based on nikic/PHP-Parser

php-parser based 2023-09-17 19 50 28

Compiler based on our own optimized engine

costum codegen 2023-09-17 19 50 40

Matcher class has too many responsibility

It seems that Matcher class has responsibility:

  1. a DSL interface e.g. $matcher->subclassesOf()
  2. do verify constraints via __invoke magic method

This means current implementation violates the SRP.
Especially, it's a very violation that Macher class verifies various constrains.

So, I suggest refactoring Matcher class like PHPUnit.

Annotation cache


I was wondering what your thoughts are regarding the hardcoded AnnotationReader in Bind.php. Would you guys be open to have a reader as a possible constructor argument for example?

In my case I would like to use the CachedReader instead for performance.

PS: Great library!


Enable to set cached annotation reader for Matcher.
This annotation set statically for further use at Matcher.


use Doctrine\Common\Annotations\CachedReader;
use Doctrine\Common\Annotations\AnnotationReader;
use Doctrine\Common\Cache\ApcCache;

$reader = new CachedReader(new AnnotationReader(new ApcCache));

Upgrade has lead to the following error

Catchable fatal error: Argument 1 passed to Ray\Aop\Matcher::__construct() must implement interface Doctrine\Common\Annotations\Reader, none given, called in /Users/MackstarMBA/Sites/ProjectZulu/vendor/ray/di/src/AbstractModule.php on line 193 and defined in /Users/MackstarMBA/Sites/ProjectZulu/vendor/ray/aop/src/Matcher.php on line 54

Wrong compiled method of parent

Bug Report

#181 にて親クラスのメソッドのインターセプトが実装されましたが、

How to reproduce

demo/src に以下の2つのクラスを作成します。


namespace Ray\Aop\Demo;

use ArrayIterator;
use Traversable;

class A
    public function passIterator(ArrayIterator $iterator): Traversable
        return $iterator;

namespace Ray\Aop\Demo;

class B extends A

demo に以下のファイルを作成し、実行します。


use Ray\Aop\NullInterceptor;

require __DIR__ . '/bootstrap.php';

$compiler = new Ray\Aop\Compiler(__DIR__ . '/tmp');
$bind = (new Ray\Aop\Bind())->bindInterceptors('passIterator', [new NullInterceptor()]);
$b = $compiler->newInstance(Ray\Aop\Demo\B::class, [], $bind);
$b->passIterator(new ArrayIterator());
PHP Fatal error:  Could not check compatibility between Ray\Aop\Demo\B_3617677882::passIterator(Ray\Aop\Demo\ArrayIterator $iterator): Ray\Aop\Demo\Traversable and Ray\Aop\Demo\A::passIterator(ArrayIterator $iterator): Traversable, because class Ray\Aop\Demo\ArrayIterator is not available in /Users/tsuchiya/work/tsuchiya/Ray.Aop/demo/tmp/Ray_Aop_Demo_B_3617677882.php on line 15

Fatal error: Could not check compatibility between Ray\Aop\Demo\B_3617677882::passIterator(Ray\Aop\Demo\ArrayIterator $iterator): Ray\Aop\Demo\Traversable and Ray\Aop\Demo\A::passIterator(ArrayIterator $iterator): Traversable, because class Ray\Aop\Demo\ArrayIterator is not available in /Users/tsuchiya/work/tsuchiya/Ray.Aop/demo/tmp/Ray_Aop_Demo_B_3617677882.php on line 15



declare (strict_types=1);
namespace Ray\Aop\Demo;

use Ray\Aop\WeavedInterface;
use Ray\Aop\ReflectiveMethodInvocation as Invocation;
class B_3617677882 extends \Ray\Aop\Demo\B implements WeavedInterface
    public $bind;
    public $bindings = [];
    public $methodAnnotations = 'a:0:{}';
    public $classAnnotations = 'a:0:{}';
    private $isAspect = true;
    public function passIterator(ArrayIterator $iterator) : Traversable
        if (!$this->isAspect) {
            $this->isAspect = true;
            return call_user_func_array([$this, 'parent::' . __FUNCTION__], func_get_args());
        $this->isAspect = false;
        $result = (new Invocation($this, __FUNCTION__, func_get_args(), $this->bindings[__FUNCTION__]))->proceed();
        $this->isAspect = true;
        return $result;


Matcher interface need to updated for correct method name.


public function startsWith($prefix);


public function startWith($prefix);

BC should not break with this change.


PHP7.1新機能/void 関数


  • /demo/src/AnnotationRealBillingService.phpを一部改変
namespace Ray\Aop\Demo;
class AnnotationRealBillingService implements BillingService
     * @WeekendBlock
-   public function chargeOrder()
+   public function chargeOrder(): void
        echo "Charged.\n";
  • /demo/03-annotation-bind.php を実行
php --version
PHP 7.2.19-0ubuntu0.18.04.2 (cli) (built: Aug 12 2019 19:34:28) ( NTS )
Copyright (c) 1997-2018 The PHP Group
Zend Engine v3.2.0, Copyright (c) 1998-2018 Zend Technologies
    with Zend OPcache v7.2.19-0ubuntu0.18.04.2, Copyright (c) 1999-2018, by Zend Technologies
php 03-annotation-bind.php
PHP Fatal error:  A void function must not return a value in /home/wand/Desktop/learn/repos/Ray.Aop/demo/tmp/Ray_Aop_Demo_AnnotationRealBillingService_NXhGYhg.php on line 22



declare (strict_types=1);
namespace Ray\Aop\Demo;

use Ray\Aop\WeavedInterface;
use Ray\Aop\ReflectiveMethodInvocation as Invocation;
class AnnotationRealBillingService_NXhGYhg extends \Ray\Aop\Demo\AnnotationRealBillingService implements BillingService, WeavedInterface
    public $bind;
    public $bindings = [];
    public $methodAnnotations = 'a:1:{s:11:"chargeOrder";a:1:{i:0;O:25:"Ray\\Aop\\Demo\\WeekendBlock":0:{}}}';
    public $classAnnotations = 'a:0:{}';
    private $isAspect = true;
     * @WeekendBlock
    public function chargeOrder() : void
        if (!$this->isAspect) {
            $this->isAspect = true;
            return call_user_func_array([$this, 'parent::' . __FUNCTION__], func_get_args());
        $this->isAspect = false;
        $result = (new Invocation($this, __FUNCTION__, func_get_args(), $this->bindings[__FUNCTION__]))->proceed();
        $this->isAspect = true;
        return $result;

:void タイプヒントがついているのに$resultreturnしてしまっている

    public function chargeOrder() : void
        return $result;  // ouch!

Organizing the generated AOP code

Current version:

class FakeMock_358616026 extends \Ray\Aop\FakeMock implements WeavedInterface
    public $bind;
    public $bindings = [];
    public $methodAnnotations = 'a:0:{}';
    public $classAnnotations = 'a:0:{}';
    public $isAspect = true;
     * doc comment of returnSame
    public function returnSame($a)
        if (!$this->isAspect) {
            $this->isAspect = true;
            return call_user_func_array([parent::class, __FUNCTION__], func_get_args());
        $this->isAspect = false;
        $result = (new Invocation($this, __FUNCTION__, func_get_args(), $this->bindings[__FUNCTION__]))->proceed();
        $this->isAspect = true;
        return $result;

Update version:

class FakeMock_358616026 extends \Ray\Aop\FakeMock implements WeavedInterface
    use AopTrait;

     * doc comment of returnSame
    public function returnSame($a)
        return $this->__aop(func_get_args(), __FUNCTION__);

namespace Ray\Aop;

use Ray\Aop\ReflectiveMethodInvocation as Invocation;
use function call_user_func_array;
use function func_get_args;

trait AopTrait
    private $bind;
    private $bindings = [];
    public $methodAnnotations = 'a:0:{}';
    public $classAnnotations = 'a:0:{}';
    private $isAspect = true;

    private function __aop(array $args, string $func)
        if (!$this->isAspect) {
            $this->isAspect = true;
            return call_user_func_array([parent::class, __FUNCTION__], func_get_args());
        $this->isAspect = false;
        $result = (new Invocation($this, __FUNCTION__, func_get_args(), $this->bindings[__FUNCTION__]))->proceed();
        $this->isAspect = true;
        return $result;


  • デバックトレースの時の読みやすさ、ステップ実行のしやすさ
  • レンダリング速度
    • php parserを使わなくてもいいかも? (依存を減らすことができるかもしれない)


php composer.phar install 時に下記エラーが発生します。

Your requirements could not be solved to an installable set of packages.

  Problem 1
    - The requested package doctrine/common 2.3.* could not be found.

Potential causes:
 - A typo in the package name
 - The package is not available in a stable-enough version according to your minimum-stability setting
   see for more details. のdoctrine/commonバージョンを、
"2.3.x-dev" にすることで解決するかと思います。


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