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valheimmods's Issues

Unusable slots in other inventories

This mod add new row in the player's inventory, however some slots in that row are reserved for certain type of equipment.
Currently there is no other inventory in the game that have 5 rows, however the mod Custom Container Sizes can change the size of the chests, carts, boats. One day Iron Gate may decide that they can add some even bigger chest called "Vault" or something like that.

In order to test the bug, you can add the mod to get bigger chests. The 5th row will be unusable (if your character's inventory is 4 rows by default).
With the More slots mod and default config for 2 additional slots, the 7th slot of the reinforced chest will be unusable.

[EpicLoot] Suggestions from GARRthePIRATE

Weapon Enchant Ideas;
Slow (chance to slow enemy)
Mark (chance to aggro surrounding enemies towards your last hit target)
Luck (chance to drop bonus resource/enemy drop)
Greed (chance to drop gem/gold)
Suspend Gravity (chance enemy held in air)
Increase gravity (chance enemy enveloped in vortex drawing in others)
Fate (50/50 chance deal either critical hit weakness damage or deal enemy resisted damage)
Blink (bow or arrow; teleport to contact point of arrow)
Wabbajack (final blow has chance to transmute enemy corpse to random drop/item/other live npc)

Armor Enchant Ideas;
Water walk
Hover (stop freefall mid air)
Air step (double jump)
Feather fall (lesser fall damage)
Thorns (enemy attack results in contact damage)
Defender (once health drops below % spawn a lesser to fight for you
Destiny (either negate all damage or provide reduced/no armor bonus)
Target (increases likeliness for aggro enemies to target you as opposed to someone just as near or nearer)
...But I Mead It (% increase to duration/stat of mead bonus)

Could Be Either Enchant Ideas;
Magelight (floating orb light or glowing aura)
Enrage (aggro hit target to fight for you)
Blight (distance based damage spread)
Blind (chance to blind target for x ticks)

0.5.4: Sacrificing an item sacrifices the wrong thing if you change items while crafting

If you begin sacrificing an item and click on a different item while the progress bar is still going up it will sacrifice the item that is currently selected when the progress bar completes.

Repro steps:
0: Add at least two sacrificable items to your inventory.
1: Use a forge with enchanter, click the Sacrifice tab, and select the first item.
2: Click the big Sacrifice button
3: Click a different item while the progress bar is still going up

Expected: The item you began sacrificing in step 2 is destroyed
Actual: The item you selected in step 3 is destroyed

Reference problem while building

CS0117	'Sprite' does not contain a definition for 'Create'	EquipmentAndQuickSlots	C:\Users\brand\Desktop\ValheimMods-main\Common\Utils.cs	47	Active
CS1503	Argument 1: cannot convert from 'string' to 'UnityEngine.KeyCode'	EquipmentAndQuickSlots	EquipmentAndQuickSlots.cs	100	Active
CS1061	'Transform' does not contain a definition for 'GetSiblingIndex' and no accessible extension method 'GetSiblingIndex' accepting a first argument of type 'Transform' could be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)	EquipmentAndQuickSlots	InventoryGrid_Patch.cs	122	Active
CS1061	'Transform' does not contain a definition for 'localEulerAngles' and no accessible extension method 'localEulerAngles' accepting a first argument of type 'Transform' could be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)	EquipmentAndQuickSlots	HotkeyBar_Patch.cs	62	Active

I'm receiving the above errors when attempting to build. The DLL's I'm referencing the DLL's directly from Valheim, perhaps that's not the correct ones. I've created the publicized DLL's and are referencing those as well.

This is my first time looking at C# so I'm sure it's some kind of rookie mistake, but was wondering if you had any insight that may help me here?

[EpicLoot] Player/world save failures with 0.5.3

Played for a couple of hours last night with 0.5.3, the first time after installing the mod. Discovered today that no progress actually saved. My Player-prev.log has a bunch of the KeyNotFound exceptions on GetTooltip() that you fixed with 0.5.4. There were also a bunch of save failures:

ArgumentNullException: Value cannot be null.
Parameter name: value
at System.IO.BinaryWriter.Write (System.String value) [0x00003] in :0
at ZPackage.Write (System.String data) [0x00000] in :0
at Inventory.Save (ZPackage pkg) [0x000d0] in :0
at Player.Save (ZPackage pkg) [0x0005c] in :0
at PlayerProfile.SavePlayerData (Player player) [0x00006] in :0
at Game.SavePlayerProfile (System.Boolean setLogoutPoint) [0x0000c] in :0
at Game.UpdateSaving (System.Single dt) [0x00026] in :0
at Game.Update () [0x00010] in :0

The save failures did not start until after the first enchanted item had been dropped. Also after I'd disenchanted a few items.

Mods installed:
CraftFromContainers (not the same as CraftingWithContainers)
ValheimPlus (with most options disabled).
EpicLoot 0.5.3.

I'd previously used this mod list without problem.

[EquipmentAndQuickSlots] Feature request - Weapon slots

Additional 3 weapon slots on the right side of the equipment to create 2 item groups.
The slot should be similar to 3 potion quick slots but separate
Only weapons allowed to that Item group

Logic statement:
1st group: Either 1 handed weapon and shield or 2 handed weapon(Shield is not allowed to be equipped in it when using 2 handed weapon)
2nd group: Bow

(quiver slot for arrows but I think they can stay in the inventory)

There should be a key bind to change between groups separate from 1-8 binds, maybe something like ctrl+1 & ctrl+2

As well items equipped on the weapon slot should be permanently visible when sheeted(you can sheet your equipped item with hotkey R) including both 1st and 2nd group altogether. (For more Fantasy, equipped looking effect)

I had this idea since I hate re-equipping weapons all the time, instead I would love to have groups and have weapons ready by having a group selected and just unsheathe them crtrl+shift+r or with R but selecting the group without interacting with the items.

EpicLoot - Requests/Tweaks

Hi, loving the mod so far, it gives a reason to kill mobs over and over again.

Few suggestions to tweak it a bit more:

  • Ability rename item "classes": Ex. I would like to use: Rare, Epic, Unique, Legendary.
  • When epic loot drops, it makes an sound (love it), however I see it should only come when it drops from a Enemy? If player drops it, player already knows its Epic loot, no need to info with audio?
  • Scale the drop audio with games "effects" audio? Currently the audio is way too high for my preference.

Epic Loot 0.5.7: Warning Unity Log: Objects under cursor

Getting this warning now on my console after updating to 5.7. Reverted back to 5.6 and the warning doesn't show up anymore. I also tested this with no other mods. I'm not really sure if it's affecting any gameplay but I just thought you should know


Epic Loot Conflict with CraftingWithContainers

Thanks for the mod! Loving it!

Happens randomly when interacting with containers/forge. No problem until Epic loot was installed. Both mods seem to work fine independently.


[Error : Unity Log] KeyNotFoundException: The given key was not present in the dictionary.
Stack trace:
System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2[TKey,TValue].get_Item (TKey key) (at :0)
EpicLoot.MagicItem.GetEffectText (EpicLoot.MagicItemEffect effect, EpicLoot.ItemRarity rarity, System.Boolean showRange) (at :0)
EpicLoot.MagicItem.GetTooltip () (at :0)
EpicLoot.MagicItemTooltip_ItemDrop_Patch.Prefix (System.String& __result, ItemDrop+ItemData item, System.Int32 qualityLevel, System.Boolean crafting) (at :0)
(wrapper dynamic-method) ItemDrop+ItemData.DMDItemDrop+ItemData::GetTooltip(ItemDrop/ItemData,int,bool)
ItemDrop+ItemData.GetTooltip () (at :0)
EpicLoot.InventoryGrid_CreateItemTooltip_MagicItemComponent_Patch.Prefix (ItemDrop+ItemData item, UITooltip tooltip) (at :0)
(wrapper dynamic-method) InventoryGrid.DMDInventoryGrid::CreateItemTooltip(InventoryGrid,ItemDrop/ItemData,UITooltip)
(wrapper dynamic-method) InventoryGrid.DMDInventoryGrid::UpdateGui(InventoryGrid,Player,ItemDrop/ItemData)
InventoryGrid.UpdateInventory (Inventory inventory, Player player, ItemDrop+ItemData dragItem) (at :0)
InventoryGui.UpdateInventory (Player player) (at :0)
InventoryGui.Update () (at :0)

[Error : Unity Log] NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
Stack trace:
ABearCodes.Valheim.CraftingWithContainers.Crafting.UIVisualPatches.PatchDoCraftingHook (Player player, Recipe ___m_craftRecipe) (at <06048c31eab24880b534d5998685a355>:0)
(wrapper dynamic-method) InventoryGui.DMDInventoryGui::DoCrafting(InventoryGui,Player)
(wrapper dynamic-method) InventoryGui.DMDInventoryGui::UpdateRecipe(InventoryGui,Player,single)
InventoryGui.Update () (at :0)


[???] Override for the CraftFromContainers version check.

The CraftFromContainers mod is getting pretty frequent updates. Would it be possible to provide a config option for the version that is checked for? For example, I'm using CraftFromContainers 1.0.3.

This would be a 'use at your own risk' option, for newer versions that you haven't tested against yourself.

Alternatively, I can just tweak and compile this mod myself, so its up to you whether you think this is worth it for most people


Controller does not work with this mod

Been using an Xbox controller fine. Installed this mod along with BepInExPac and the controller stops working. Uninstalled this mod, leaving BepInExPac, and the controller starts working again fine, so believe the problem lies in this mod. Shame as it looks excellent.

DvergerColor: Bees not lootable

with this plugin included in BepinEx, I'm not able to "break" wild hives and loot the queen bees. As soon as I delete the folder, I'm able to break/loot as per normal.

ValheimPlus Compatibility

Hi it seems that it's not compatible with the new ValheimPlus 0.9.2 release.
They added an option to increase the "Rows" in the inventory and now the button is kinda in them middle of the inventory.

Can this be fixed?



[???] Feature Request: Reverse container item removal

If easy to implement, add an option to remove items from chests in revers automatic input order.
Every-time I open a sorted chest (left to right), the partial or lack of stacks in the first positions (using default stack insertion into the chest) keeps causing OCD issues.

Appreciation of the continued mod support.

EpicLoot - Balancing / New Ideas

My big suggestion list

I know this is in Early Access, and my suggestions might need a total revamp on sertain areas of the mod. However I see there is major balancing issues, especially with the high tier effects. If current max HP is at ~200, an item givin +40 HP is way too much. If you have 4 of these items, you really don't even need to eat food. Also the stamina buffs might give the player nearly unlimited stamina as the regen is so high. A revamp for all buffs should be applied to scale them accordingly. As the core game suffers already from lack of challenge in the end game, giving overpowered items makes the game easier way too fast.

I'll be refering items rarity/class by: Rare, Epic, Unique, Legendary.
Also for the sake of clearance, Magic effects will be potential in this context.



  • Items would be classified in 4 tiers (These tiers are not needed to display for users, just to use for potential calculations)

    • Tier 1 (Basic)
    • Tier 2 (Bronze)
    • Tier 3 (Iron)
    • Tier 4 (Silver/Black Metal)?
  • Potential balancing: Rare / Epic / Unique / Legendary

    • Tier 1 items can get: 1% / 2% / 3% / 6%
    • Tier 2 items can get: 2% / 4% / 6% / 9%
    • Tier 3 items can get: 3% / 6% / 9% / 12%
    • Tier 4 items can get: 4% / 7% / 10% / 13%

Rare Bronze Sword: would get max +2% stats in its potentials
Unique Bow: would get max 3% potentials
Legendary Iron Sword: would get max 12% potentials

Every item of course has the possibility to get lower tier potentials.

An item without potential can gain potential with following items:

  • Potential scroll (70% success rate)
  • Advanced Potential scroll (90% success rate)
  • Special Potential scroll (100% success rate)
  • Epic Potential Scroll (40%/50%/60%/80%/100% success rate depending on scroll, potential rank is set to Epic. Usable also on items that already have Rare Potential)
  • Unique Potential Scroll (40%/50%/60%/80%/100% success rate depending on scroll, potential rank is set to Unique. Usable also on items that already have Rare or Epic Potential)
  • Legendary Potential Scroll 50% (50% success rate, potential rank is set to Legendary. Usable also on items that already have Rare, Epic, Unique Potential)

Also include Dark scroll variants of above-mentioned scrolls.
They have an 50% chance to destroy the item if the scroll fails.

You can gain the above-mentioned scrolls from the following methods:

  • Rare drop from bosses, super rare from Lv.3 Monsters
  • Small drop chance from: Vending Machine
  • Dark scrolls have higher chance of dropping as the normal ones.

Vending Machine

(Google Gashapon, need an Viking themed name for this?)

This would be an Gambling machine, aka capsule toy machine. Has an set of items you can have. Every item has an drop rate, and you spin it for X amount of coins. Ex. 1 000 coins.

These Vending machines would be spawned like chests are spawned in some biomes, and not possible to craft.

Vending machines found on different Biomes have biome specific drop tables. Drop tables could include:

  • High rate:
    • Biome specific mob drop
    • Cooked food of that biome
    • Arrows
    • Etc stuff.
  • Medium:
    • Biome specific items*. With no potential.
    • Potions
  • Low rate:
    • Biome specific items with potential.
    • Scrolls

*Meadows=Tier 1, Black Forest=Tier 2, Swamp=Tier 3, Mountains, Plains=Tier 4


As already a bit mentioned about the potential in the Balance, here would be possible values to the % amounts.
Items could still also get flat amount of stats: Ex. +X HP, +X Pierce, but these would be +1-5 additions.
The X would be also tied to the item Tier.

Any of the following stats can be improved through potentials: Blunt, Slash, Pierce, Chop, Fire, Frost, Pickaxe, Poison, Spirit

Weapons are the only items that can get Attack and other bonuses like:

  • Ignore monster DEF by certain %
  • Deal extra damage to bosses by a certain %
  • Damage up by certain %
  • Critical rate up by certain %
  • Chance to recover some HP when attacking
  • Higher item drop change by certain %

Armour on the other hand could get:

  • Immune to X effects
  • Reduced damage from effect X by certain %
  • Reduced fall damage by certain %
  • Speed up by certain %

Shoulder items would could get more effect based boosts?


Currently the mod adds the custom items as drops. Should we also include normal items as drops.
Bosses could drop boss specific weapons, at a low rate - but still giving an reason to kill bosses frequently. Also bosses drop the scrolls mentioned earlier.


If you are giving mobs the ability to drop weapons, the player will accumulate these weapons. An NPC added to sell these weapons for coins. These coins could then be used to:

  • Buy food/potions?
  • Buy ETC items.
  • Spend on Vending Machines


Currently the color of the rarity is really prominent, could it be possible to have the color outline on the item slot on the inventory as it is. But not changing the background of the item slot, but could give a slight glow behind the item with the rarity color. So that it is clear its an potential item, but its not straight to your face.

I know this might be an overwhelming amount of edits to make, but just giving my preference on the table. Please let me know what do you think about the edits, and if some aspects are unclear I can try to give more information. Also lending my helping hand, however might have limited C# skills :/

ItsJustWood.. err-bug?

[Error : Unity Log] NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object Stack trace: Common.PrefabCreator.CreateRecipe (System.String name, System.String itemId, Common.RecipeConfig recipeConfig) (at <c4a7dcea9e824608a394a9f906977e99>:0) Common.PrefabCreator.AddNewRecipe (System.String name, System.String itemId, Common.RecipeConfig recipeConfig) (at <c4a7dcea9e824608a394a9f906977e99>:0) ItsJustWood.ItsJustWood.TryRegisterRecipes () (at <c4a7dcea9e824608a394a9f906977e99>:0) ItsJustWood.ObjectDB_Awake_Patch.Postfix () (at <c4a7dcea9e824608a394a9f906977e99>:0) (wrapper dynamic-method) ObjectDB.DMD<ObjectDB::Awake>(ObjectDB) UnityEngine.GameObject:AddComponent() FejdStartup:DMD<FejdStartup::SetupObjectDB>(FejdStartup) FejdStartup:DMD<FejdStartup::Start>(FejdStartup)

Epic Loot: Crafting Material Icon color on player crafting menu.

Before anything else, I would like to say thank you for this awesome mod. So, I change the color on the configuration as follows Magic=Green, Rare=Blue, Epic=Orange. The icon color displays correctly on the sacrifice and enchanting menu but it still uses the default icon color when crafting dust, essence, etc on the player crafting menu.


Dont work on dedicated server

on dedicated server i get [Warning: BepInEx] Skipping [Equipment and Quick Slots 1.0.1] because of process filters (valheim.exe)"

seem to not work on valheim_server.exe

Epic Loot: Items appearing outside chest duplicating contents

Epic loot v5.5
Drop That

/title; It appears that 'unenchanted' items are spawning outside the chest in parallel to whats inside the chest if it's an enchanted item
example: stone axe on the ground where the chest is, and an enchanted stone axe within the chest
can cause progression issues with meadows secret circle chest containing iron armor that 'floats' to the surface for easy grabbing before even obtaining the pickaxe


EpicLoot - Free enchant bug/exploit.

Start crafting/sacrificing at the forge and while the progress bar goes, switch tabs to enchant. Progress bar will continue and whatever enchant recipe is highlighted will be performed instead without using any resources at all.

Have 2 copper, 1 tin and an iron pick in inventory, nothing else.
Use forge, start up single craft of bronze and while the "crafting" progress bar is up, switch to the Enchant tab.
Result: 2 copper, 1 tin and an enchanted iron pick.

Same can be done with sacrificing instead of crafting.

Epic Loot - Cheat Sword

So idk if you meant to leave this in the loot pool but my friend got this drop and well yeah xD, its op.

[EpicLoot] Compatibility, tabbing library

Hey there, @RandyKnapp!

You have some awesome mods going on and I've picked up some ideas over time by investigating the inner workings of your stuff as it's my first time modding and getting to know how Unity works, for which I would like to thank you!

Now onto the main point, I was working on making Simple Recycling compatible with EpicLoot. Everything seems to work fine, except for some tabbing interactions, which I managed to work around, but it would help if EpicLoot had a stable harmony patching id, so that I could queue my patches after/before where needed, as by default Harmony generates a completely random id:

public static Harmony CreateAndPatchAll(Assembly assembly, string harmonyInstanceId = null)
      Harmony harmony = new Harmony(harmonyInstanceId ?? string.Format("harmony-auto-{0}", (object) Guid.NewGuid()));

Right now I can work around it by setting HarmonyPriority on my prefix instead, but it would be better if I could explicitly tell it to run before your prefix.

The next topic is more involved. It would be great to have a community tabbing library for Valheim. I doubt the main game is going to have any rework in that department any time soon that would make it easily extendable, and this tabbing problem will only grow worse as more and more people start making bigger mods involving custom "crafting" interactions. I quite like your approach for multi tab management, and if you had the time to, it would be great if it was released as a common library. In the long run, it's easier to migrate code towards some commons bindings rather than having everybody do their own thing and constantly fix compatibility issues.

Thank you for your work!

EpicLoot - Elemental Resistances

Frost/Poison/Spirit/Fire resistances seem to have no effect. Frost and poison resistances tested out, still taking the same damage, same debuffs.

Can't compile the code


I tried forking and cloning your repository into visual studio 2019. However I can't get it compiled. Can it be you altered the assembly_valheim and assembly_utils dll's ?

I was trying to learn how to make new items for valheim.

Epic Loot: Wrong math for treasure chest drop chances in loottables.json

Some of the chances for treasure chest loot adds up to more than 100 such as here, for example:

    // TreasureChest_meadows_buried
      "Object": "TreasureChest_meadows_buried",
      "Drops": [ [0, 58], [1, 30], [2, 20], [3, 2] ], // <------------------- This adds up to 110
      "Loot": [
        { "Item": "Battleaxe",       "Weight": 1, "Rarity": [ 70, 25, 5, 0 ] },
        { "Item": "SwordIron",       "Weight": 1, "Rarity": [ 70, 25, 5, 0 ] },
        { "Item": "AxeIron",         "Weight": 1, "Rarity": [ 70, 25, 5, 0 ] },
        { "Item": "SledgeIron",      "Weight": 1, "Rarity": [ 70, 25, 5, 0 ] },
        { "Item": "MaceIron",        "Weight": 1, "Rarity": [ 70, 25, 5, 0 ] },
        { "Item": "AtgeirIron",      "Weight": 1, "Rarity": [ 70, 25, 5, 0 ] },
        { "Item": "ArmorIronLegs",   "Weight": 2, "Rarity": [ 70, 25, 5, 0 ] },
        { "Item": "ArmorIronChest",  "Weight": 2, "Rarity": [ 70, 25, 5, 0 ] },
        { "Item": "HelmetIron",      "Weight": 2, "Rarity": [ 70, 25, 5, 0 ] },
        { "Item": "ShieldBanded",    "Weight": 2, "Rarity": [ 70, 25, 5, 0 ] },
        { "Item": "ShieldIronTower", "Weight": 2, "Rarity": [ 70, 25, 5, 0 ] }

EpicLoot - Stamina regen not working as intended

I dropped a stamina regen leather legs armor but the bonus isn't working as intended.

While the stamina regen bonus is said to be +13%, my stamina bar is now refilling way too fast. (like under a second from 0 to 100%)
Can make a quick video as proof but I suppose you see what i mean.

Thanks for the hard work, you're making a great mod.

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