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mesa's Introduction



The MESA (Methods for Environmental Sensitivity Assessment) tool is an application designed to assess and map environmental sensitivity, particularly in relation to potential marine pollution incidents in the petroleum industry. It provides a systematic framework for evaluating the vulnerability and sensitivity of environmental assets such as coastal areas, ecosystems, and wildlife to pollution impacts. It is also well suited gor aggregate analysis as part of land use management plsnning processes.

The code has been compiled to an executable file (mesa.exe) which runs nicely on a Windows computer. The compiled files are big and in total they are at the last compilation 1.7 GB for Windows 11 and 0,7 Gb for Windows 10.


  • Environmental Sensitivity Assessment: Systematic evaluation of various environmental assets' vulnerability to pollution.
  • Mapping Capability: Visual representation of sensitivity assessments for easier interpretation and decision-making.
  • User-Friendly GUI: Developed using Tkinter for easy navigation and usability.
  • Compiled Executable: Distributable .exe version for convenient deployment and usage.
  • Customizable Framework: Allows adaptation to different environmental contexts and sensitivity parameters.

Getting started

This is what you do to start using MESA:

Pocessing capabilities required

This depends very a lot on the input data to be handled. Generally having a complex geocode with many objects will increase the calculation resource requirements.

Method background

Read more about the method and tool here:

mesa's People


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mesa's Issues


The following should be prepared for the launch of MESA 4:

  • PowerPoint-presentation giving an overview of MESA 4 functionality.
  • Diagrams showing data model and processing
  • User guide

User interface restructuring

It is necessary to review the position of buttons which invoke functionality. A more hierarchical (and logical) approach is needed. the following should be done:

  • Move detail action buttons from the main user interface
  • Restructure the buttons in sub-programs.

Path of least resistance


Develop a Python-based tool to map the resistance of areas to linear land use changes, taking into consideration environmental sensitivity and cost implications.


Linear infrastructure projects (e.g., roads, pipelines) require careful planning to minimize environmental impact and costs. These projects often have fixed start and end points but can follow multiple potential paths. Selecting the optimal path requires understanding the resistance or sensitivity of the terrain and other factors affecting the feasibility and cost.


Input: Start and end coordinates of the proposed linear change, and a maximum allowable length for the path.
Output: A sensitivity map that identifies viable paths, highlighting the shortest path and alternatives based on a sensitivity grid that accounts for environmental, regulatory, and cost considerations.
Functionality: The tool will calculate potential paths within the given constraints, assessing each path's length, associated costs, and environmental sensitivity using a predefined grid of sensitivity values.
Considerations: Paths exceeding the maximum length or cost threshold should be flagged as less viable or excluded from the recommended options.

Implementation notes

The tool should leverage a grid-based approach to evaluate the sensitivity of different areas, incorporating data on terrain, Path calculation should prioritize minimizing overall sensitivity impact while considering the trade-offs between path length and associated costs.
The tool should provide a visual representation of the sensitivity map and the evaluated paths, with an emphasis on the recommended path based on the analysis.

Use Case

This feature will be instrumental for planners and developers in assessing the impact of linear land use changes, aiding in decision-making by providing a clear visualization of the most sustainable and cost-effective paths for infrastructure projects.

Comparative analysis of sensitive areas with statistical and visual tools

The MESA tool, currently an effective solution for mapping and evaluating environmentally sensitive assets, could be enhanced by introducing a feature for comparing two different geographic areas. This feature would allow users to import polygons representing these areas and perform a comparative analysis directly within the MESA platform.

Polygon Import Capability
Users should be able to import spatial data for two distinct areas of interest.
The system would process these areas to identify and analyze environmental sensitivity using the existing MESA methodology.

Statistical Analysis
Implement functionality to calculate and display key statistics that describe and compare the environmental sensitivity of the areas. This might include mean, median, and range of sensitivity scores, as well as other relevant environmental metrics stored in the tbl_stacked table. An analysis module could be developed to highlight differences and similarities in asset importance and susceptibility between the two areas.

Visual Comparisons:
Develop a side-by-side visual comparison using maps, charts, and tables. This could include bar charts or scatter plots to visually represent the distribution and intensity of sensitivity across the areas. Enhance the tool's existing GIS capabilities to support these comparative visualizations directly within the user interface.

Integration with Current Tools
Ensure that this feature integrates seamlessly with the cloud-based processing and visualization framework of MESA 4.0. Utilize existing infrastructure for data handling and user interaction, making sure that the new feature aligns with MESA's data security and performance standards.

Potential Impact
This feature would significantly enhance the utility of MESA for environmental planning and management, especially in contexts requiring detailed comparative analysis of different geographical regions. It would support better decision-making in environmental protection and sustainability projects, aligning with the strategic goals of the Norwegian Environment Agency and UNEP-WCMC.

Accounting items derivatives

Looking at the challenges of cumulative effects of environmental interventions, it's evident that there is a pressing need for advanced analytical tools that encompass a broader perspective on the ecological and economic impacts of energy projects. In this context, the development of MESA version 4.0 presents a significant opportunity to address these challenges by facilitating a more holistic evaluation of nature's costs. This could be done by delving into the minutiae of individual natural types. It could also be done on a more general level focusing on nature importance and/or sensitivity.

This proposed upgrade to MESA 4.0 aims to refine and expand its capabilities to generalize knowledge about the environment, thereby enabling stakeholders to extract "accounting items" from impact assessments conducted within the system. This enhancement could streamline the decision-making process for land use intensive projects. By incorporating open data and promoting transparency, MESA 4.0 could foster national and international collaboration, contributing to a more informed and consensual approach to managing environmental interventions.

The envisioned model would serve as a comprehensive tool for politicians, investors, and decision-makers, offering insights into the cumulative effects of multiple projects on the environment. This approach would ensure that tough choices regarding the deployment of emission-free energy solutions are made with a clear understanding of their potential consequences. By making MESA 4.0 open and utilizing open data, we can engage diverse expertise in its development, enhancing its accuracy and reliability, and ultimately building public trust in the decision-making process.

Data PDF-report

Considering the extensive and complex data involved in MESA 4.0, there's a clear need for an initial overview that can succinctly summarize and present the environmental assets and their sensitivities. While QGIS remains the primary tool for detailed data visualization and spatial analysis, there's a complementary need for a more accessible, summarized format that can serve as a quick reference and facilitate broader discussions among stakeholders who may not have direct access to QGIS or the technical expertise to navigate it.

To address this, I propose developing a PDF report functionality for MESA 4.0. This report would serve as a high-level summary, providing key insights into the environmental assets cataloged during the assessment, including a count of objects, their geometries, and associated geocodes. The inclusion of small maps within this PDF report would offer a visual snapshot of all assets, highlighting their distribution across different geocodes with separate maps to detail the specifics within each geocode area.

This PDF report would not only complement the deep-dive analyses possible in QGIS but also provide a portable, easily shareable format that stakeholders can use for quick reference or in discussions where detailed GIS data might be less practical. By offering a synthesized view of settings, susceptibilities, asset values, and calculated sensitivities, the report would facilitate a broad understanding of the environmental sensitivity landscape, supporting informed decision-making and strategic planning without requiring stakeholders to engage directly with the full complexity of the GIS data.

Error at import related to gpkg_contents

Error at import of asset. Looks like there is an issue rising when the geopackage administrative tables (here gpkg_contents) is updated by the related library.

"Check my data"

In the development of the MESA 4.0 desktop tool, we propose to introduce an advanced data validation feature, entitled "Check My Data." This functionality is designed to streamline the user experience by automatically reviewing the spatial data uploaded by users for common geometry errors or inconsistencies. Upon the user pressing the "Check My Data" button, the system will perform a thorough check for "illegal" geometries, such as incorrect geometry types (e.g., MultiLineString instead of LineString), self-intersections, or other anomalies that could hinder the processing and analysis phases of the MESA tool. This preemptive validation step ensures that only data with the correct geometric structures are allowed to proceed to the import stage, significantly reducing the potential for errors during the sensitivity analysis process and improving the overall robustness and reliability of the tool.

Moreover, this feature not only detects and flags issues but also provides users with actionable feedback, guiding them on how to correct the identified problems. By integrating this functionality, MESA 4 will empower users to self-rectify their data, thereby minimizing back-and-forth communication with support teams and enhancing user autonomy. This proactive approach to data validation will enhance the efficiency of environmental sensitivity assessments, ensure higher data quality, and ultimately contribute to more accurate and reliable outputs. The "Check My Data" feature is a critical step towards making MESA 4 a more user-friendly and error-resilient tool, aligning with our commitment to providing state-of-the-art solutions for environmental sensitivity mapping and analysis.

Conflict analysis

Spatial objects representing potential areas of conflicts are imported from the folder conflictareas. They are then analysed with a select of the asset layers. Intersected areas are highlighted (output layer). Attributes are list of conflict areas. Also sorted by importance.

Input data review

Input files might be faulty. they might not have a projection, or the spatial objects might be invalid. We should utilize an algorithm which performs a validity check on the geometries of a vector layer.

The user is then advised on potential problems and how to right these before proceeding with the processing.

About-page from main user interface

There exists an opportunity to streamline user interaction with the MESA 4.0 application by implementing a toggle feature on the front page. This would allow users to seamlessly switch between the app's main operational interface and an informational "About..." page. The operational interface is where users engage directly with the app's functionalities, such as data input, analysis, and report generation. The "About..." page, on the other hand, would serve as a resource hub, offering users a compilation of useful information, including:

  • A brief overview of MESA 4.0's purpose and capabilities,
  • Guidance on how to use the application effectively,
  • Links to resources for learning more about environmental sensitivity analysis,
  • Information on where to find and how to install new versions of the app, and
  • Contact information for support or feedback.

To ensure a smooth user experience, the "Back to processing..." button would be positioned in the same location as the "About..." button, maintaining consistency in navigation and minimizing user confusion. This design choice simplifies the transition between learning about the app and using its features, making the application more accessible to users of varying expertise levels.

This approach addresses the need for a balance between operational efficiency and accessibility of information within the app. By providing a clear and straightforward mechanism to access both the functional and informational aspects of MESA 4.0, we can enhance user engagement, support educational objectives, and potentially increase the adoption and effective use of the application across a wider audience.

Suggestions to what should be on this page are most welcome!

Database attributes readability

Review the database attributes for readability. Make sure the documentation properly describes what the data actually describes. Attribute names could also be relevant to look at.

Proposal for Adding Callback Functionality to MESA for Enhanced Online Resource Integration

I am proposing the addition of a new callback functionality to the MESA project, aimed at enhancing the integration with online resources without modifying the sub-programs directly. This feature is intended to enrich the project's capabilities and extend its applicability in real-world scenarios, especially in environments with intermittent network connectivity.


The main goal is to enable MESA to interact with online resources efficiently, by sending data or notifications to a specified online endpoint. This should be achieved in a way that does not hinder the main application's performance, especially in situations where network availability is inconsistent. The callback should be executed as a subprocess, ensuring that the core functionalities of MESA remain unaffected by network issues.


  1. Asynchronous Execution: The callback functionality must be implemented as an asynchronous subprocess. This is crucial for ensuring that the main workflow of MESA is not blocked by the callback operation, particularly in the case of network latency or unavailability.
  2. Network Resilience: The implementation must include error handling for network-related issues, ensuring that the callback attempts are logged and retried as appropriate without disrupting the main application flow.
  3. Security and Privacy: Any data transmitted to the online resource must be securely handled, with considerations for encryption and user privacy. The use of API keys for authentication should be explored to ensure secure access to the online resource.
  4. Configurability: Users should be able to configure the callback URL and related parameters (e.g., API keys, data format) easily through the GUI or a configuration file.

Proposed Solution:

  • Hosting Option: Consider using Google Cloud Functions (or a similar serverless architecture) to host the callback endpoint. This approach offers scalability, reliability, and ease of maintenance, with the potential for cost-effective operation based on usage.
  • API Key Distribution: For authentication and access control, distribute an API key with the application, ensuring that users can authenticate their requests securely. This requires setting up a secure method for API key generation and distribution, possibly through a registration process for MESA users.
  • Users should be informed about the data sharing. They should be able to opt out.
  • Users should be able to set up their own hosting of logging. The config file has the default setup. Documentation for making changes should be available.

Implementation Steps:

  1. Develop the callback function, ensuring it is capable of asynchronous operation as a subprocess.
  2. Implement error handling and retry logic for robustness in varied network conditions.
  3. Create a secure and user-friendly configuration mechanism for the callback functionality within the MESA GUI.
  4. Set up the online resource (e.g., Google Cloud Function), securing it with API key-based authentication.
  5. Test the callback functionality extensively under different scenarios, including simulated network failures.

Discussion Points:

  • Feedback on the choice of hosting and authentication methods.
  • Suggestions for ensuring data privacy and security in the callback implementation.
  • Ideas for improving the resilience and efficiency of the callback operation in challenging network environments.

I believe adding this callback functionality will provide the hosting institution with relevant information about the usage of the software.

Enhancing User Experience by Optimizing Geodataframe Writing Operations

The process of writing geodataframes to files, especially when dealing with large datasets, can be time-consuming. This operation, while crucial, has the potential to hinder the user experience within the Marine Environmental Spatial Analysis (MESA) tool by making the user interface (UI) unresponsive during the write operation. An unresponsive UI can frustrate users, leading to a perception of the tool being slow or unresponsive, and may discourage the use of MESA for large-scale analysis.

The aim is to enhance the user experience by ensuring the UI remains responsive and interactive, even when large geodataframes are being written to files. This can be achieved by implementing asynchronous operations for writing geodataframes. By doing so, users can continue with other tasks within MESA, improving the overall efficiency and usability of the tool.

Proposed Solution:

  1. Implement asynchronous write operations by utilizing threading or multiprocessing. This approach allows the main UI thread to remain responsive, providing a smoother user experience.
  2. Provide visual feedback to the user during the write operation. This could be in the form of a progress bar or a notification that data is being processed. Such feedback assures users that the operation is ongoing and the application is working as expected.
  3. Introduce options for users to cancel long-running write operations, adding an extra layer of interactivity and control over the data processing tasks.
  4. Ensure data integrity and prevent data corruption by implementing appropriate locking mechanisms when accessing and modifying geodataframes across different threads.


• Improved Responsiveness: Keeping the UI active during long operations improves the perception of the application’s responsiveness.
• Enhanced User Satisfaction: A more interactive and responsive UI leads to higher user satisfaction and trust in the tool’s capabilities.
• Increased Productivity: Allowing users to continue other tasks while a write operation is underway enhances the overall productivity and efficiency of MESA.

Optimizing the write operation for geodataframes not only improves the user experience by maintaining a responsive UI but also reinforces the reliability and effectiveness of the MESA tool for marine environmental spatial analysis. Implementing the proposed solutions will be a step forward in making MESA a more user-friendly and efficient tool for environmental professionals.

This issue aims to gather feedback on the proposed enhancements and to prioritize the implementation based on user needs and technical feasibility.


The export should have information about data set dates etc. for reference.

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