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Comments (27)

JelleZijlstra avatar JelleZijlstra commented on September 26, 2024 3

I'd caution against using a tuple as the return value, because it will be difficult to change in the future in a backwards-compatible way. Instead I would suggest a simple object with a documented set of attributes (e.g. using types.SimpleNamespace).

from cpython.

JelleZijlstra avatar JelleZijlstra commented on September 26, 2024 2

Namedtuples are still tuples and therefore make it difficult to add new values. You can hack around it by adding a new property that isn't part of the tuple, but that's hacky. For a use case like this the API that tuple provides is mostly not very useful.

from cpython.

Stewori avatar Stewori commented on September 26, 2024 2

That would demand a bigger change in CPython than was intended with this issue (would probably be hard to convince them for such a change). That said, providing a custom version of platform is what also Jython is doing. You may be right that the path to a proper implementation-independent interface would be to collect and consider all variants but that is well beyond the ambition of this feature request.

from cpython.

sobolevn avatar sobolevn commented on September 26, 2024 1

@youknowone and @coolreader18 for RustPython

from cpython.

Stewori avatar Stewori commented on September 26, 2024 1

What about a named tuple? What is the advantage of SimpleNamespace over named tuple?

@sobolevn Regarding RustPython, it occurred to me that there is platform.python_compiler(). On Linux I get "GCC [version]" as output from CPython. Perhaps that is better suited to expose a rust compiler version and this proposal would really target vm/middleware info. Just thinking...

from cpython.

slozier avatar slozier commented on September 26, 2024 1

From the IronPython perspective, the .NET runtime doesn't really provide a great way to get the information required to populate this so I'm not sure if we'd be able to make use of it. Also trying hard to keep changes to the standard library to a minimum, so pulling the info from an implementation-dependant module would be preferable to modifying

from cpython.

sobolevn avatar sobolevn commented on September 26, 2024 1

What do you think of this API:

def implementation_info():
        import _implementation_platform
    except ImportError:
        return None
        return _implementation_platform.implementation_info()


  • _implementation_platform will be optional, you can have whatever you want in other implementations, while CPython won't have it at all not to create conflicts with other projects. We will just return None (because we don't have anything that we don't already return in other places)
  • It is _implementation_platform and not just _platform because we might want to create a speedup module called _platform like we do with many other modules: _asyncio, _sys, etc
  • Return value should be a instance of any type with name, release, vendor read only properties
  • There can be extra attributes, that you can document additionally
  • implementation_info sounds better to me, because as I said vm is too specific, some projects might not rely on a custom virtual machine

from cpython.

youknowone avatar youknowone commented on September 26, 2024 1

What info do you think would RustPython expose here that would not fit better into some other already existing platform property? E.g. into platform.python_compiler()?

This seems better fit for compiler case. By looking the thread, implementations running on VM needs more information than compiled to native one.

from cpython.

Stewori avatar Stewori commented on September 26, 2024

@sobolevn @malemburg according to your posts in #116349 I hope this proposal addresses your API concerns. Please feel free to ping relevant devs for this discussion.

from cpython.

sobolevn avatar sobolevn commented on September 26, 2024

I would suggest using some other name, not vm, because RustPython doesn't have a vm, it uses rustc compiler πŸ€”


from cpython.

Stewori avatar Stewori commented on September 26, 2024

@slozier and @BCSharp , what is your perspective on this for IronPython (please feel free to ping further IronPython devs)?

from cpython.

Stewori avatar Stewori commented on September 26, 2024

@sobolevn sure, the name "vm" is placed for discussion. Let's collect a couple of ideas.

from cpython.

Stewori avatar Stewori commented on September 26, 2024

@cfbolz @mattip @arigo pinging you just in case there is some point to make from PyPy perspective (not running on a vm, I know).

from cpython.

Stewori avatar Stewori commented on September 26, 2024

@jeff5 @fwierzbicki @jimbaker pinging you to make you aware.

from cpython.

sobolevn avatar sobolevn commented on September 26, 2024

Related discussion about deprecating 'Java' as platform.system():

from cpython.

Stewori avatar Stewori commented on September 26, 2024

Looking at it appears that elements would be mutable, which should be avoided. The property should have strict read-only character, which may be a reason for using a tuple in the first place. I know, there are techniques to make class attributes read-only but that would complicate the minimalistic intention. Probably the best way is to specify that the function creates a new object every time. (It could actively set the values of a returned singleton to its supposed values. But then, if a user stores the returned object and modifies its attributes they might magically change back later, which can be a nasty side effect.) Or is there an elegant way to have SimpleNamespace with immutable attributes?
Another advantage of tuple is that print(platform.vm_info) would directly produce something useful. SimpleNamespace appears to provide only a __repr__ implementation, so a proper __str__ would need to be added as well (AFAIK the default __str__ would not provide attribute values). That's certainly doable, but again makes it a little more complicated.

from cpython.

youknowone avatar youknowone commented on September 26, 2024

Can platform refer another implementation-depend either c-written or python-written module _platform(or _python, _variant or any _something_good_name) and put everything CPython-specific literals in it? Then every other implementation only can write its own _platform. Here are the places RustPython hard-code its name:

Making interface for them will be easier once we gather those variants into a single spot.

from cpython.

sobolevn avatar sobolevn commented on September 26, 2024

Btw, I added several skips on our side for test_cmd_line in #116859

from cpython.

Stewori avatar Stewori commented on September 26, 2024

pulling the info from an implementation-dependant module would be preferable to modifying

This is just about interfacing. Adding a hook that alternative Python implementations can implement if it makes sense. Only a minimal, almost empty (that is, returning a dummy value) function header would be added, so users can access the info within official Python API. The main purpose would be to define the API and probably to host the API doc and spec. I never worked with IronPython, but I suppose it should not be too difficult to insert a workable custom implementation for that API then, or to monkeypatch the platform module accordingly.

the .NET runtime doesn't really provide a great way to get the information required to populate this

It surprises me that the .net runtime would not expose its version number and some info. It is not possible for a .net application to know (without dirty tricks, perhaps) whether it is running on Mono or Microsoft .net?
What about the RuntimeInformation.FrameworkDescription Property? On stack overflow they say, it would also report e.g. "Mono [Version]". Is access to that API not feasible in IronPython?

from cpython.

slozier avatar slozier commented on September 26, 2024

Only a minimal, almost empty (that is, returning a dummy value) function header would be added, so users can access the info within official Python API.

Right, but implementation does matter (I'm not proposing either of these, they're just serving as examples). If this simply adds

def vm_info(vm_name='', vm_release='', vm_vendor=''):
    return vm_name, vm_release, vm_vendor

to then we have to modify and ship our own (yes I know we already do, but if we didn't have to we wouldn't). Whereas if it were implemented as:

def vm_info(vm_name='', vm_release='', vm_vendor=''):
        from _platform import vm_info
        return vm_info(vm_name=vm_name, vm_release=vm_release, vm_vendor=vm_vendor)
    except ImportError:
        return vm_name, vm_release, vm_vendor

then we could implement it without touching the Python part of standard library.

Side note, I'm not familiar with how this is used with Java, but what purpose do the function arguments serve? Why would you pass in your own values?

What about the RuntimeInformation.FrameworkDescription Property? Is access to that API not feasible in IronPython?

I am aware of that API and we expose it via clr.FrameworkDescription. However, it is meant to be a diagnostic string and does not provide any guarantees as to its form so I'm not particularly interested in trying to parse it to split the runtime and version information.

Anyway, don't let IronPython hold you back, we're far enough behind that by the time we get to whatever version implements this .NET might have proper APIs. πŸ˜„

from cpython.

jeff5 avatar jeff5 commented on September 26, 2024

@Stewori : Python maintains support for the possibility of multiple implementations through sys.implementation. IMO, once one knows the implementation, one may find details specific to the implementation by an implementation-specific path. E.g knowing it is Jython one can use System.getProperty. The set of properties is large and subtle.

>>> System.getProperty('java.version')
>>> System.getProperty('java.specification.version')
>>> System.getProperty('java.vm.specification.version')
>>> System.getProperty('java.vm.version')

I think I am most likely to want the java.specification.version, so that I can know what libraries to expect, and whether Jigsaw is in play, but what use case have you in mind?

Perhaps GraalVM cannot do exactly this, but that implementation could have its own access to the properties that applications need to know.

Edit: I think I am basically suggesting that there may not be a sufficiently uniform idea of the VM information, for the standard library to offer a uniform API to it.

from cpython.

Stewori avatar Stewori commented on September 26, 2024

@jeff5 By that logic, it would be enough to expose and once one knows the os one can use os-specific modules and measures to identify the info the platform module provides. No need for a platform module in the first place. I think the spirit of the platform module is to standardize platform info accross different platforms and implementations and some moderate info about a possibly underlying middleware would be a justified part of that.
In other words, the platform module was made for that kind of info, so for consistency everyone should actually put it there. This proposal is just one humble step towards a better standardization accross Python implementations.

there may not be a sufficiently uniform idea of the VM information

I thought that a name and version would not be asked too much and that it would be the minimal kind of information every framework would provide. (I added vendor mainly because it was in java_ver, it's probably not so important). Since this is apparently not even feasible on .net, what about a single info String?
The semantics of the info would be recommended as "[name] [version]" but that would not be a strict rule.
IronPython would provide whatever the content of the FrameworkDescription property is, for Jython we would concat system properties we think are suitable and other implementations may follow this pattern to their liking. The doc in the dummy/interface implementation in CPython may feature an explicitly incomplete list of known example values.
Returning just a simple string would also eliminate the discussion and complexity of what container to return (tuple vs object with read-only properties).
Overall I intended this feature to be simple, so it would not introduce a maintenance burden. (I know, I initially argued against a string value, but that was before the discussion and feedback.)

@slozier If IronPython already exposes the info as clr.FrameworkDescription, like you say, would it be so hard to support this feature by exposing it in the platform module? Given that you already ship a custom module (like Jython does). Could also be done as a monkey patch during startup, whatever works best.

@sobolevn, @youknowone
What info do you think would RustPython expose here that would not fit better into some other already existing platform property? E.g. into platform.python_compiler()? The semantics of that property is to name the compiler that was used to build the currently running Python interpreter, e.g. on linux one gets "GCC [version]". The value "Rust [version]" would fit into that semantics for RustPython, so it appears to me. If there is a good reason not to place it there I am open to renaming this property, e.g. to framework_info (I somehow find tooling_info not a sufficient fit to refer to middleware).

from cpython.

Stewori avatar Stewori commented on September 26, 2024

Placing this draft for discussion:

def framework_info():
    '''Returns a string describing a virtual machine, middleware or similar
    kind of framework the current Python implementation is running on.

    Since CPython is not running on any such framework, the reference
    implementation just returns `None`. Alternative implementations may
    expose a framework description via this method in a standardized API.

    The recommended format of the string is "[name] [version]", wherein the
    version part should not contain spaces. Other formats are not forbidden,
    just discouraged. A good reason to diverge from the standard format is if
    the middleware provides the required information in a cumbersome way
    and overly complicated parsing would be required to adjust the format.
    E.g. a browser-based Python implementation might most favorably provide
    the original user agent string.

        Description, likely name and version, of a virtual machine, middleware
        or similar kind of framework the current Python implementation is
        running on, `None` for CPython.
    :rtype: Optional[str]

    Anticipated implementations:

        content of the property 
    :Jython, GraalPython: 
        `System.getProperty('') + " " + 
    :Brython: user agent string `navigator.userAgent`

    Anticipated example outputs:

    :Java 21 on OpenJDK: `OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM 21`
    :Java 8 on OpenJDK: `OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM 1.8.0_292`
    :Java 8 on J9: `IBM J9 VM 1.8`
    :.NET 3: `.NET Core 3.1.32`
    :.NET 7: `.NET 7.0.12`
        import _platform
    except ImportError:
        return None
        return _platform.framework_info()

from cpython.

jeff5 avatar jeff5 commented on September 26, 2024

By that logic, it would be enough to expose and once one knows the os one can use os-specific modules and measures to identify the info the platform module provides. No need for a platform module in the first place.

I don't think this analogy holds because Python does not expose to us analogous things to those we are discussing, e.g. version when indicates Windows, since uname is not guaranteed provided, according to the docs.

My instinct is for a tuple (pair), but show it used in a plausible application and it will be clearer why these items are the correct choice and the form.

from cpython.

Stewori avatar Stewori commented on September 26, 2024

What I'm saying is that the platform module provides easy and standardized access to platform and machine information, even things like platform.processor().

Python does not expose to us analogous things to those we are discussing, e.g. version when indicates Windows, since uname is not guaranteed provided, according to the doc

I'm sure there are existing system library calls (e.g. via ctypes) via which one could get that information in platform-specific ways (platform module itself somehow gets the info). Of course that would be much more complicated and require system knowledge. So why should the users go through that hassle to get info about an underlying vm? Is that info less relevant? Then, what relevance does the processor string have. I suppose the use case is diagnostics but who knows? Apparently there was a use case to introduce java_ver and framework_info would just provide similar info (less in fact).

uname is not guaranteed provided

I think the same applies for various properties of the platform module.

Do you mean by "tuple" (name, version)? That already seems to require parsing (and maybe even guesswork) for middleware that does not expose as plenty system properties as Java does.

Reading the platform doc, I notice that an empty string seems to be the preferred result if info is not available. So the above draft should probably return the empty string instead of None.

from cpython.

jeff5 avatar jeff5 commented on September 26, 2024

Apparently there was a use case to introduce java_ver

I found a few uses of java_ver (on one of those scraping sites), but those were mostly (all?) scrapes of files now missing.

Do you mean by "tuple" (name, version)? That already seems to require parsing (and maybe even guesswork) for middleware that does not expose as plenty system properties as Java does.

That's right. Making it requires a split operation for IronPython. Making the string requires a join from a Java implementation. If the user always has to pick the string apart then they must understand to split on the rightmost space. My conjecture that a tuple would be more convenient stands or falls by how the result is to be used.

from cpython.

Stewori avatar Stewori commented on September 26, 2024

A tuple has been criticized earlier in this thread; a simple object with read-only attributes seems to be preferred for better backwards compatibility if more fields should be introduced. However, that seems overly complicated to me - the intention was simplistic.

they must understand to split on the rightmost space

I thought this field might also be populated by Python running in the browser (Brython, e.g.). I looked up browser/Jvascript/html5 API and it seems that the relevant info is only exposed as the user agent string. That string is a different kind of beast - it may also contain rendering engine/version, perhaps also system/version. There are some attempts to parse it but they are complicated and need adjustment every some years. So I thought it might be best to expose an info string unaltered if a middleware exposes only a single string. That seems to be a typical case (.net, browsers). Then users can make of it what they want. For cases like Java where there are plenty of info-properties, the convention "name version" is proposed. That combination seems to me most flexible for unknown further cases of middleware, so the API would not require adjustment in the future. Also, the idea of providing a simple string fits well with most functions in the platform module (IIRC), perhaps with the exception of uname.

from cpython.

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