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project-communications's Introduction


This website is managed by the PyLadies Tech and Infra team. If you would like to join as an official member, read more here! You can also join us in Slack, #project-tech-infra channel.

This website welcomes pull requests from anyone in the community.


Netlify Status

This is the source code for the website. It uses mynt, a static site generator, and is powered by 🐍 Python 3.10 🐍!


Understanding the repo's directory layout

Before adding a new location or contributing to the pyladies website, it's helpful to understand a bit about the repo and its contents.

This is a general overview of the repo's root directory structure. requirements.txt specifies the dependencies. .github/workflows contains the configuration for CI testing and deployment. The repo's root directory also contains the www folder. Most of the time, contributors will edit or add files in the www folder.

requirements.txt   # file with dependencies used by pip
netlify.toml       # file setting up netlify build commands
www                # directory which contains the content of the website
β”œβ”€β”€ CodeOfConduct
β”œβ”€β”€ _assets        # javascript, CSS stuff, and images go here
β”œβ”€β”€ _posts         # contains blog posts written in markdown
β”œβ”€β”€ _templates     # contains the base templates (html and Jinja2) used by the site
β”œβ”€β”€ about
β”œβ”€β”€ archives
β”œβ”€β”€ blog
β”œβ”€β”€ locations      # Use the config.yml file to add new locations or update location info
β”œβ”€β”€ resources
└── sponsor

Setting Up a Development System

If you wish to add a location, new chapter, or make code changes, please review the next few sections. There are a few tasks to set up a development system:

Set up Python and a project directory

Linux, macOS

  1. Check that Python 3.10 is installed with python --version. If it is not installed, it can be downloaded at

    $ python --version
    Python 3.10
  2. (Optional) Learn the directory which this Python version is installed which python:

    $ which python

    You may see a different directory name which is fine.

  3. Create a directory for development mkdir pyladies-dev:

    $ mkdir pyladies-dev
  4. Change into the directory cd pyladies-dev:

    $ cd pyladies-dev
    # To check your current directory (`<YOUR_PATH>` will be different on
    # your system.)
    $ pwd



The process will be similar though the commands will vary slightly. Reference: Table of basic Powershell commands.

Create and activate a virtual environment

  1. From the pyladies-dev directory, install the virtualenv package:

    $ pip install virtualenv
  2. Create a virtual environment named pyladyenv:

    $ virtualenv pyladyenv
  3. Activate the virtual environment:

    $ source pyladyenv/bin/activate

    After activation, you should see (pyladyenv) above your command prompt.

Troubleshooting note (AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'X509_up_ref'): The error comes from PyOpenSSL. Either your OpenSSL is too old or too new. Try upgrading or downgrading OpenSSL and PyOpenSSL.

Fork and clone your pyladies repo

  1. On GitHub, fork to your own GitHub account <YOUR_GITHUB_USER_NAME> by pressing the green Fork button on the upper right of the screen.
  2. From the pyladies-dev directory, clone your fork to your machine using git clone:
$ git clone<YOUR_GITHUB_USER_NAME>/pyladies.git
Cloning into 'pyladies'...
remote: Enumerating objects: 47, done.
remote: Counting objects: 100% (47/47), done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (29/29), done.
remote: Total 5877 (delta 22), reused 38 (delta 16), pack-reused 5830
Receiving objects: 100% (5877/5877), 39.73 MiB | 3.62 MiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (2922/2922), done.

You have successfully cloned your pyladies fork. πŸ˜„

Run the site locally

Troubleshooting note for some operating systems: Make sure you have headers for Python and libevent installed (e.g., on Ubuntu, python-dev and libevent-dev). Packages in requirements.txt are required for the website to build successfully with mynt.

  1. Change to the root of the pyladies repo (your virual environment should still be activated):

    $ cd pyladies
  2. Install dependencies using pip:

    $ pip install -r requirements.txt
    # You will see files being installed and this message at completion
    # It's okay if the versions differ slightly
    Successfully built hoep MarkupSafe mynt pathtools pycparser PyYAML watchdog
    Installing collected packages: argh, asn1crypto, six, pycparser, cffi, bcrypt, idna, enum34, ipaddress, cryptography, docutils, pyasn1, PyNaCl, paramiko, Fabric, hoep, MarkupSafe, Jinja2, Pygments, PyYAML, pathtools, watchdog, mynt
    Successfully installed Fabric-1.13.1 Jinja2-2.9.6 MarkupSafe-1.0 PyNaCl-1.1.2 PyYAML-3.12 Pygments-2.2.0 argh-0.26.2 asn1crypto-0.22.0 bcrypt-3.1.3 cffi-1.10.0 cryptography-2.0.3 docutils-0.14 enum34-1.1.6 hoep-1.0.2 idna-2.6 ipaddress-1.0.18 mynt-0.3.1 paramiko-2.2.1 pathtools-0.1.2 pyasn1-0.3.2 pycparser-2.18 six-1.10.0 watchdog-0.8.3
  3. Navigate into the pyladies/www directory.

    $ cd www
  4. Use mynt to generate and serve the website locally with mynt gen -f _site && mynt serve _site:

    $ mynt gen -f _site && mynt serve _site
    >> Parsing
    >> Rendering
    >> Generating
    Completed in 1.114s
    >> Serving at
    Press ctrl+c to stop.
  5. Copy the IP address provided once mynt has completed building the site. It will say something like >> Serving at Then paste the IP address into the URL bar of a browser window and load it to view the site.

Congrats on running the site on your machine πŸŽ‰ 🐍

  1. (Optional: After making changes to the source code) To view any changes you make to the site code, type ctrl+c in the terminal to stop the local webserver. Then run the command from Step 5 again and refresh the browser window.

Note: It is important that when you create your virtualenv, do not create it in the same folder as the code you downloaded. The reason is that mynt will search the current directory for files to build and it looks for all folders that don't start with an underscore (which means it will find your virtualenv folder and error out).

To add a new PyLadies location to the PyLadies Website

Follow the instructions for setting up a development environment.

To add or edit a location, you will make changes to the config.yaml file found in the pyladies\www\locations directory.

YAML files are often used for configuration information. They can be fussy about spacing, indentations, and punctuation. It can be helpful when troubleshooting to use an online YAML validator to see if the file is correctly formatted. An example is YAML Lint though there are many others and some editors provide similar functionality.

An example of a location:

- email: [email protected]
  external_website: true
  image: pyladies_berlin.png
    latitude: 52.52
    longitude: 13.38
  meetup: PyLadies-Berlin
  meetup_id: 4663512976
  name: Berlin, Germany
  organizer: Anett G.
  pro_network: Python Software Foundation Meetup Pro Network
  twitter: PyLadiesBer

Please note: if you wish to use the website field, you need to create an official website through the PyLadies Chapter Website repository. Otherwise you can skip that field.

For Unicode accents in some languages To use a Unicode accent in a YAML file, it's important to use the HTML entity character for the accent. The HTML entity can found be found in a table of characters.

For example, MΓ©xico will have the HTML entity M&eacute;xico.

To write a blog post

See for instructions and guidelines.

To contribute to the repository

See for instructions and guidelines.

To write a resource (more "sticky" than a blog post)

Collection of outside resources

If you want to add a bullet item to an existing subject matter, find the relevant post in www/_posts (file titled by its general category) and add to the .md file. Please also update the date in the .md file. For instance, if you want to add another suggestion to text editors, the original file is: www/_posts/, and once you're done editing, it would be renamed to www/_post/

If there is a collection of resources that do not fit into our loosely-named categories, like "tools" or "tutorials", etc, then start your own in www/_posts/ and name the Markdown file with today's date, general category, plus the word "resources", like: You will also need to have the following at the top:

layout: post.html
title: "Your title here"
tags: [list, of relevant, tags]
category: resources

Your own resource

If you want to write your own resources, like Barbara's beginner workshop notes or Juliana's Mac setup, in addition to, you will need to add more items in the header portion, like so:

layout: post.html
title: "Your title here"
tags: [list, of relevant, tags]
author: Name, or blank/none
author_link: Twitter/Blog/etc or blank/none
category: resources, pyladies

Notice that pyladies and resources are required in for category.

Once done, save it in www/_posts/ with the date and title in the name of the file, like so:

To find this resource online, you would navigate to[your_post_name]

For Organizers

Registering your PyLadies Chapter and onbtaining a website

Once you have obtained an official PyLadies Google account you should:

  1. Register your PyLadies Chapter to the Chapter Directory as active, we use this to populate the chapter options for members when registering as well as populate the PyLadies chapter map.
  2. Get started on building your PyLadies website, read the directions on the PyLadies Chapter Website repo.

Questions? Make sure to join us in Slack at and ask to join the #organizers channel!


License: MIT License

project-communications's People


albendz avatar bethanyg avatar caaddss avatar eyspahn avatar gatukgl avatar hugovk avatar inessapawson avatar kittylon avatar lorenanicole avatar mariatta avatar mesrenyamedogbe avatar mmemarielouise avatar


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project-communications's Issues

Criteria and Workflow for New Members and Approvals

Project communications would like new members to apply to join our group through a GitHub issue. We need to define criteria for a new member joining. For example:

  • Reasonable command of written and spoken English
  • Membership in PyLadies
  • Specific project of interest by adding a link to an issue they're interested in within this project
  • etc.

Once a Github issue has been opened, we need an approval process. This includes:

  • Who is responsible for responding to issues
  • Goal for how quickly we get back to an issue (first response vs. resolution)
  • Discussion process to determine whether we need a new contributor (slack or github?)
  • Approval process that may include specific project or issue leads
  • Actions taken when approval is accepted or declined - this might mean there are too many people contributing in one area and we ask if this person is interested in another way of contributing

This issue is resolved when:

  • We have a new new member template requesting relevant information for determining if criteria is met
  • A description of membership criteria in the new member template and in the document
  • An agreed upon process from the project communications team
  • Identified members who will be watching for new member issues

Additional info:
@marie-l is working on an About Me template to be added to the join request. This can be added later or in the first issue template.

We can consider a period of inactivity where afterwards members are removed from the contributors list.

Encouraging all chapters to support & engage remote learners


The Pyladies remote chapter aims to provide learning materials for learners all around the world, however I would like to investigate whether this model could be integrated into every pyladies chapter.

Things to think about

  • how can pyladies remote webcasts be accessed more easily (i.e slack, pyladies blog etc)?
  • what are the practicalities of each chapter documenting their workshops either as webcast, slides etc?
  • what kind of content is missing from the pyladies resource list that can be generated by other chapters ?
  • should there be a few chapters that pilot this proposed method ?
  • how can the content be shared and promoted so that it accesses people who aren't able to attend meetups etc?

Investigate Social Media for PyLadies Communications

Let's look into what social media we'd like to be involved in, if any. Instagram and Twitter are commonly used by other organizations like Women Who Code. A separate issue is open to investigate voice and video streaming #19

This issue can be resolved when:

  • We've identified what platforms we want a presence on
  • Types of content we want to produce

Follow up issues can be created as needed for things such as:

  • Content writing and review
  • Frequency of updates
  • Who manages the account and content

Some of the follow up issues may already be resolved when we start working on blog and newsletter updates in #1

Blog Template library


Let's create a blog template library to support those who are interested in writing for our blog.

This will include

  • formal requirements
  • 'getting started' type guide
  • do's and don'ts
  • suggested blog types/ examples
  • images/ graphics guidance


  • contact info recommendations

Acceptance Criteria

  • clear plan
  • completed template library

Do you want to work on this issue (Yes/No)?

Yes but all help is welcome

cc / @pyladies/communications



Let's collect and analyse data in order to monitor our progress and also to help us make more informed decisions. We could start off by looking at platforms such as :

Then collaborate with Reshama Shaikh on PyLadies chapter information.

Acceptance Criteria

  • dashboard which includes data from online platforms

Do you want to work on this issue (Yes/No)?

Yes and all are welcome to help.

cc / @pyladies/communications

Future post: How PyLadies can help you find a job / change careers / etc

Thinking about a post on how PyLadies can help people find jobs and change careers. Things like finding mentors, providing speaking and learning opportunities, helping put you in touch with companies interested in hiring women, etc. Also, advice on how best to take advantage of these opportunities, especially for people coming from non-traditional backgrounds.

This is also an opportunity to encourage people to take it among themselves to organize under the PyLadies umbrella, by outlining how you might go about starting a local study group, etc.

I have some time off at the end of Dec 2019, I'll likely start writing this up then.

Monthly hack day


@kittylon suggested that hack days will be great for our team to have every month so that we could all have a specific time to work through issues.

  • we could start this month in order to complete work for the elections
  • all PyLadies members are welcome to join and contribute to comms work
  • all PyLadies global teams are welcome to join and work on their own projects

Acceptance Criteria

  1. clear plan
    1. define video calling platform to use
    2. set first date
    3. define fixed date for each month
  2. create promo artwork
  3. share promo post on slack

Do you want to work on this issue (Yes/No)?

Yes but all help is welcome

cc / @pyladies/communications

Elections Roadmap


  • Create an elections roadmap or infographic which can either be shared within our team or the wider pyladies community.

  • The aim is to provide a comprehensive election guide .

Acceptance Criteria

  1. png or PDF roadmap

Do you want to work on this issue (Yes/No)?

Yes but all help is welcome

cc / @pyladies/communications

Monthly Comms Team Meeting: Feb 14th 2020

Monthly Comms Team Meeting



  • February 14th 2020


Please add items as needed. If you add a topic please make sure to attend the meeting.
NOTE: Topics for discussion have been carried over from January, extra comments have been added relating to this months objectives or progress

Topic for discussion Sub Topic Notes Action points Person Responsible
PyLadies Global Election 2020 PyLadies Global Council Election 2020 Comms Strategy PyLadies Global Council will be selected by a public election and nomination process. We need to start a Comms strategy for this. Get Project Comms point person to work with Global interim team (@lorenanicole / Lorena Mesa), Develop Comms Strategy, Publish content (for now on old blog of website) with Global Interim team (Debora Azevedo) for translation Coordinate, Find out more about global Election 2020 - TO DO THIS MONTH: Break down issue into epic @lorenanicole (point of contact with election), TODO: Caroline & ML would like to be involved
PyLadies code of conduct @marie-l
New issue template #21 @albendz COMPLETED
Contributor template contributor template @marie-l COMPLETED (awaiting review)
Pending requests to join & intake dates @marie-l must do by 19/01/20 And schedule call with @eyspahn to plan how to work on #3, Contact @kittylon to make new request, Find out about other request @marie-l
User manual for me As part of onboarding this will be worked on until the end of the month Alena, Alicia, Bethany, Carolina @eyspahn
readme Update with correct details for Alicia’s chapter : Remote Correct file and make PR @marie-l COMPLETED
Members directory We can replace the list of members on the with a link to the directory Find out from lorena when this will be created and launched @marie-l
convenient dates for monthly meetings ( for example every 1st Tuesday of the month) world clock, doodle Set up a UberConference account and get info on everyone’s availability And also propose that we schedule our meeting the first friday of every month and then we can match up the best times across the time zones on that day @marie-l
Monthly meeting template 1. Co-leads send the meeting organiser a link to the meetings template 2. They should check last month’s meeting notes 3. Post an announcement on slack about our upcoming meeting (2 weeks in advance) 4. 3 weeks in advance, co-lead will send topics for the agenda and issues for sprint planning 5. They need to use the google docs agenda template to add the new topics 6. Post the agenda in the slack channel 7. Create an event using the bot 8. Enable google hangouts in the calendar and create a conference call 9. Post a reminder one week before the meeting 10. Conduct the meeting 11. Take notes in the google docs template during the meeting 12. Push the notes for the meeting and sprint planning into the markdown template on github
Use the notes to create the template on github, put it in the main repo ( add links to each monthly meeting in the @marie-l
Who’ll run the next meeting TBC
Date of next months meeting TBC

Sprint Planning

Issue Notes Action points Person Responsible
Rebuilding the PyLadies Blog #1 Find out how much are we going to rebuild and what is the strategy. Contact Lorena @marie-l
Encouraging all chapters to support & engage remote learners #2
Research PyLadies & other programming blogs #3 @eyspahn @marie-l
Make a list of the current contributors / editors of the blog #5
find out whether processes for contributing have been documented #6
Write use cases #7
write PyLadies blog case study #8
Search for a few blogs which have similar use cases #9
Write case studies for each blog researched #10
List action points which are a direct result of the research #11
Criteria and Workflow for New Members and Approvals #13
Create Getting Started with ... and Next Steps with ... pages or cheatsheets #17
Future post: How PyLadies can help you find a job / change careers / etc #18 @eyspahn
Investigate Video and Voice Communications #19
Investigate Social Media for PyLadies Communications #20 @kittylon
Create a new issue template for generic issues #21
After an issue is opened, who will and when will we be adding new folks to the GitHub team #22
Slack Engagement #29 Abigail has already started working on this issue. She has been writing descriptions for the various channels that we have on slack Abigail will share with me the work that she’s done so far and I will make a PR, Assign abigail to that ticket @AbigailMesranyameDogbe

cc / @pyladies/communications

Communications as a product


Our team was launched to manage global PyLadies communications and engagement. We deal with requests and activities in the areas outlined in the image below:


When there are comms related projects being started outside of our team, we would like to encourage all PyLadies members to notify us.

This can be achieved by updating the new issue template to include questions around communications activities and the option to tag our repo.

Acceptance Criteria

  1. updated new issue template

Do you want to work on this issue (Yes/No)?


cc / @pyladies/communications

User manual for me


Let's revisit our user manuals

  • Either update or create a your own manual

Acceptance Criteria

  • a completed or updated user manual for each team member

Do you want to work on this issue (Yes/No)?

yes and everyone in our team should get involved.

Also, infra team members @lorenanicole & @Mariatta are welcome to take part if they're interested/

cc / @pyladies/communications

Request to Join Project Communications: @voru588

_This template should be used (edited) for PyLadies members that wish to join the Project Communications team.

Proposed Team Member Details

Name | GitHub Handle | PyLadies Chapter | Team Role
| Alena | @voru588 | PyLadies Paris | Member

Why do you want to join the PyLadies Project Communications team?
Hello everyone,
I am from Paris chapter and I would like to help.
I am still pretty new to Python (only about a year), but keep working on my skills and try to improve every day. I was very excited to find your community and would like to meet new friends with the same love for data.
I hope I can be useful to you)))
/cc @pyladies/communications

PyLadies YouTube Channel Series


@lorenanicole would like to launch a PyLadies youtube series which features interviews with members.

Acceptance Criteria

  1. Plan
    1. schedule
    2. participant list
    3. technical research

TBC ...

Do you want to work on this issue (Yes/No)?

yes and all help is welcome

cc / @pyladies/communications

Twitter review policies


we need to decide on criteria for approving requests for twitter and or other social media channels

Acceptance Criteria

This issue can be resolved when:

  • we have defined a criteria
  • we also have planned a workflow

Ideally this should be completed before the next meeting in June.

Do you want to work on this issue (Yes/No)?


cc / @pyladies/communications

Monthly Comms Team Meeting: June 19th 2020

Monthly Comms Team Meeting



  • June 19th 2020

Previous meeting issue link:


Please add items as needed. If you add a topic please make sure to attend the meeting.

Topic for discussion Sub Topic Notes Action points Person Responsible
PyLadies Global Election 2020 PyLadies Global Council Election 2020 Comms Strategy NEW DEADLINE: August TO DO THIS MONTH: 1)receive approval for blog post PR, 2) raise issue - start writing comms strategy and integrate content for the build up to the election @marie-l @AbigailDogbe
Social Media Guide 1st draft is completed make PR ASAP @marie-l
Metrics should be able to access GA dashboard using pyladies account, contact or cc Reshama Shaikh TO DO THIS MONTH: 1) -- Open an issue to discuss where -- GA analytics Marie Louise will look into -- Buffer analytics and twitter analytics @marie-l
Automation @BethanyG suggested that instead of promoting chapters to complete google docs form, we might be able to create an interactive form within slack TO DO THIS MONTH: 1) add issue #50 to hack day projects board- Slack automation with Zapier 2) find out about becoming an admin - look into slack workflow @marie-l
Communications as a product discussion around areas that comms team will manage or need to approve issue template will be updated to resolve this matter @marie-l
Hack day check out projects board, @kittylon mentioned that Hack days will be great for our team to have every month so that we could all have specific time to work through issue, therefore from next month the comms team will be taking ownership and will arrange monthly hack days TO DO THIS MONTH: 1) raise issue - include details for how the next days will be organised and how we can attract more teams/ everyone to join @marie-l
PyLadies logos -- todo: @BethanyG is going work on a write up on how to do your own pyladies logo work -- todo: design open call @BethanyG
Blog Revamp #475 -- Need to keep this on the radar for Project Comms - let's update the issue TO DO THIS MONTH: 1) -- Setup template on pyladies -- @marie-l will own, update issue template in main repo (with options to cc team concerned with approving) & make PR, 2) -- todo: project comms and discussions do we want to setup? @marie-l
PyLadies code of conduct 1)need to make a PR to update NOTE: in future there could be a blog post to document the process @marie-l
User manual for me As the LAST part of onboarding this will be worked on until the end of the month TO DO THIS MONTH: 1) raise issue - for final push for members to complete user manual for me ( tag @kittylon & @BethanyG) @marie-l

Sprint Planning

Next Meeting:

Friday 3rd July 2020

cc / @pyladies/communications

create team wiki

my initial idea was to create a wiki for our team, but after more thought it didn't seem necessary because we could just save 'wiki' type files in our main repo like the other teams do

Request to Join Project Communications: Kittylon

_This template should be used (edited) for PyLadies members that wish to join the Project Communications team.

Proposed Team Member Details

Name | GitHub Handle | PyLadies Chapter | Team Role
| Carolina LondoΓ±o| Kittylon| Amsterdam| Member

Why do you want to join the PyLadies Project Communications team?
Because I want to encourage woman around the globe to be accomplished in their career, I know sometimes it's hard and I want to be available for answering questions and mentoring them and also learn and grow in the process. I share my values and mission with PyLadies and ever since I learned from this community I've been involved, starting in Medellin's chapter and now in Amsterdam's, but I am no longer an organizer, therefor being a contributor of the project communication is a great way to be involved and keep the community alive on the internet.
/cc @pyladies/communications

Issues or projects that I'm interested in helping out with

Time zone

Languages I speak

|Language | Level |
|Spanish| Native |
|English | Advanced|

Are you comfortable communicating in English?

Monthly meetings: Are you available to attend conference calls once a month?

  • NOTE:team members must be available for a monthly video call

Involvement : How frequently can you contribute to the team?

  • NOTE: Team members are required to be active during a 3 month period (involvement is defined below):
    1. submitting a PR or review
    1. attending one or more meetings in a three month period
    1. making progress on an assigned issue

Write blog post for new initiative to encourage people to open an issue instead of emailing

Blog post for the the following initiative :

πŸ“£ Hi everyone @here: Important change The Contact, link which used to lets you write email to info at pyladies dot com (an inbox that is read by two volunteers), has been replaced with a link to the pyladies/info GitHub repo. The idea is instead of writing email to PyLadies (again, to an inbox that is read by two volunteers), we’re encouraging folks to open an issue and ask questions there, where it can get more visibility and you can get help from more PyLadies members.

blog post PR

Election blog posts


  • Plan and write a short series of blog posts about
  1. the comms team work for the election,
  2. Reason why the we are building the first global council

There must be a total of 4 POSTS

Acceptance Criteria

  1. plan for each blog post including title and summary
  2. Published blog posts x 4

Do you want to work on this issue (Yes/No)?

Yes but all help is welcome

cc / @pyladies/communications

Rebuilding the PyLadies website & blog


The PyLadies blog has long been inactive on We should develop a strategy for how to: brand the blog, recruit writers, and develop an outreach strategy for soliciting content. Below are a few questions to help kick off discussion.

Questions for Discussion

  • What should the mission of the PyLadies blog be?
  • How does someone submit an article to the blog?
  • What does outreach look like for the blog?
  • Who is interested in helping work with the proposed PyLadies Project Infra team?
  • Anything else


From the above we have started spinning out issues on the proirity of work to be done:

Highest Priority

  • Do research for project team on other blogs: #3 (@marie-l ) collects list of questions to be answered

PyLadies Website 2.0 Migration

Rebuilding the Pyladies blog will require breakup up what we have in the current repo and determining what needs to be moved into the new blog.

First task: How do we manage issues across and

Some open questions to discuss:
What infrastructure changes will we need? New repos, admin, CICD
We need documentation on what is currently hosted in the repo: blog posts, assets, chapter specific content, documentation
For each entity in the repo, where should it go in the future?
What is the initial v1 scope for website 2.0?
What tech should we use for website 2.0?
What does release look like? Start with new content only, backfill old content, what pages should be available first?
Move blog and content publishing related content to the comms project?
Define what belongs in the comms project vs. the pyladies blog hosting repo
Process on how chapters can add new content

Issue in Pyladies project: pyladies/pyladies#482

Monthly Comms Team Meeting: May 8th & 15th 2020

Monthly Comms Team Meeting



  • May 8th & May 15th 2020

Previous meeting issue link:


Please add items as needed. If you add a topic please make sure to attend the meeting.

Topic for discussion Sub Topic Notes Action points Person Responsible
PyLadies Global Election 2020 PyLadies Global Council Election 2020 Comms Strategy We need to remind people that they need to vote (we can use google docs for blog posts drafts and @AbigailDogbe can help),There will be a form to self nominate) then go to the link to apply or nominate yourself, MUST ADD LINK TO GENERAL ELECTION SITE , we must nudge people to get voting privileges and also to participate Comms team member will be @AbigailDogbe & @marie-l point of contact people to work with Global interim team (@lorenanicole), Develop Comms Strategy, Publish content (for now on old blog of website) with Global Interim team (Debora Azevedo) for translation Coordinate, Find out more about global Election 2020 - TO DO THIS MONTH: Break down issue into epic @lorenanicole (point of contact with election), TODO: @marie-l & @AbigailDogbe will continue to work toward producing content according to the schedule, DEADLINE: May 15th,
PyLadies code of conduct @marie-l COMPLETED but need to make a PR to update - in future there could be a blog post to document the process
Pending requests to join & intake dates @marie-l must ask @kittylon to make new request @marie-l
User manual for me As the LAST part of onboarding this will be worked on until the end of the month @marie-l remind @kittylon, @BethanyG

Sprint Planning

Next Meeting:


cc / @pyladies/communications

PyLadies Chapter Social Media Guidelines


PyLadies doesn't have a set of guidelines to offer chapters for how they use social media, it would be great to provide this to help community organizers know how to build their chapter while also being on brand.

Scope of Work

Some questions to think about for what guidelines would look like:

  • What is the appropriate use of social media?
  • How do we use social media to build a chapter's community?
  • What guidelines do we need to ensure our content upholds the PyLadies Code of Conduct?


  • Guidelines approved by Project Comms
    • Writing the guidelines
    • Present to Global Interim Team (CC: @pyladies/pyladies-global-contributors @pyladies/pyladies-global-admin )
  • Add guidelines into pip install pyladies toolkit
    • Open PR for @pyladies/admin-and-logistics to review and βœ…

Twitter avatar


We're looking into how we can update our social media avatars in a way that reflects our diversity. Further to a suggestion made by @econchick :

it’d be cool to have a script that changes the twitter profile image daily with each chapter’s design

We will work towards implementing this idea using zapier

Acceptance Criteria

  1. chapter geek-girl files (re-sized)
  2. integrate zapier 'update twitter profile pic' action

Do you want to work on this issue (Yes/No)?

Yes, with @Mariatta and all help is welcome

cc / @pyladies/communications

Monthly Comms Team Meeting: July 10th 2020

Monthly Comms Team Meeting



  • June 19th 2020

Previous meeting issue link:


Please add items as needed. If you add a topic please make sure to attend the meeting.

Topic for discussion Sub Topic Notes Action points Person Responsible

Next Meeting:

Friday 7th August 2020

cc / @pyladies/communications

PyLadies Global Council Election Comms Strategy 2020


Tracking issue to track the PyLadies Global Council Election Comms Strategy 2020.

What is the background for this work?

PyLadies is hosting an election for the inaugural 2020 PyLadies Global Council. The election will be a public election and nomination as decided here. The proposed timeline for the election is here.

Scope of Work

Registering PyLadies Members
To prep for the election, the Global interim group (led by @lorenanicole) needs to collect members data so we can contact them regarding the election. Work is tracked in GitHub issue here.

Comms Strategy

We will need, at least, the following content created and published with these target dates:

  • [MAR 7 2020] Announcement for registering to be a PyLadies member
    • Published on: social media, PyLadies blog, slack, Python Software Foundation blog
  • [APR 15 2020] Announcement for the general election (similar to Python Software Foundation Board of Direction announcement with timeline)
    • Published on: social media, PyLadies blog, slack, Python Software Foundation blog
  • [JUNE 2020] Announcement of results of election
    • Published on: social media, PyLadies blog, slack, Python Software Foundation blog

Who is coordinating/working

  • @lorenanicole is coordinating election
  • @deboraazevedo is coordinating translation
  • @AbigailMesrenyameDogbe is coordinating publishing content


Non-Publishing Work:

Publishing calendar:

Investigate Video and Voice Communications

In addition to newsletters and blog posts, we can look into using voice chats, like Discord, or video streaming, like Twitch, for remote devchats, code-alongs, presentations, etc.

These could also intersect with chapter specific events where chapters can stream their PyLadies talk nights.

This issue can be resolved when:

  • We've decided if we want to invest in this type of communication
  • We have some engagement from chapter leads to participate (if we decide we want to do that)
  • We've decided what platforms we will use
  • We've listed what types of content we'd like to produce

Follow up issues which may be resolved as we work on other media such as blogs and newsletters:

  • Account management
  • Content review and publishing workflow

Automating slack channels to increase efficiency


We currently have a couple of slack channels that use automation (with the help of Zapier) and I'd like to look in to how we can automate or increase levels on automation in a few others such as:

  • #project-communications - increase automation for monthly meetings organisation
  • #events - add automation so that when a new event is posted, the user is prompted to fill out social media form
  • #city-anywhere - add automation to prompt chapter leads to submit news, assets or events to us for promotion on social media
  • #py-music - add automation so that new music can be shared with users automatically every so often

...Please add more suggestions...

Acceptance Criteria

  • #project-communications - automation has been increased to support monthly meetings
  • #events - automation has been added to promote social media form
  • #city-anywhere - automation has been added to 5 chapters channels initially
  • #python-music - automation has been added so that a variety of music is shared on a regular basis

To be completed by the end of July

Do you want to work on this issue (Yes/No)?

Yes and I will contact @Mariatta for advice and guidance

cc / @pyladies/communications

Neo4j: CFP


To share on social media:

#NODES2020 is on Oct 20, 2020 (

Call for Proposals is open (deadline: Aug 3) and we would love to have you participate:

#datascience #neo4j #graphdatascience

Acceptance Criteria
CFP deadline is Aug 3

Do you want to work on this issue (Yes/No)?

cc / @pyladies/communications

Request to Join Project Communications: albendz

_This template should be used (edited) for PyLadies members that wish to join the Project Communications team.

Proposed Team Member Details

Name GitHub Handle PyLadies Chapter Team Role Pyladies Slack
Alicia Bendz @albendz None (I'm in Philadelphia) Contributor abendz

Why do you want to join the PyLadies Project Communications team?

I'm interested in contributing to and helping maintain the Pyladies blog and Slack channels. I want to help build a remote community because I want to build more remote culture in the industry and I want to help PyLadies to be available to everyone even if they aren't in a city with a chapter (like me).

I'm already in the project-communication channel on Pyladies Slack.

/cc @pyladies/communications

Rebranding PyLadies

Let's explore ideas regarding the redesign of the website and overall PyLadies brand

Areas for discovery

  • colour palette

  • PyLady

  • PyLadies typeface

  • UI designs

Acceptance Criteria : Deliverables

  • colour palette sheet

  • PyLady rebranding ideas

  • Typeface rebranding ideas

  • UI design

Do you want to work on this issue (Yes/No)?
yes, but if anyone is interested in helping, please feel free to get involved 😊

cc / @BethanyG @AbigailDogbe
cc / @pyladies/communications

Slack Engagement

Let's define ways we can regularly engage with the Slack community. Please comment on this issue with ideas on how this could look.

Some initial thoughts:

  • Slackbot announcements for cross community updates
  • Regional channel "ownership" - where there is a chapter, we encourage leaders to post in the slack channel regularly about events and updates
  • Channel moderators? I'm not sure if this is a problem but people may mute or leave if they don't find the content in their channels useful
  • Look for "dead" channels and review whether to keep them or not
  • Welcome channel where new members can say hi

Research PyLadies & other programming websites


Each task has been separated into issues, please select one and assign yourself

  • #5 Make a list of the current contributors / editors of the blog
  • #6 find out whether processes for contributing have been documented
  • #7 Write use cases
  • #8 write PyLadies blog case study
  • #9 Search for a few blogs which have similar use cases
  • #10 Write case studies for each
  • #11 List action points which are a direct result of the research

Write use cases & user stories

Use Cases

_NOTE: these are the main ones identified but we can add more (or include more details) in future _ . For more info on Use cases and User stories

Use Case Access about page
Actor User
Trigger The user discovers the link in the nav bar after arriving on the landing page
Basic Flow sees About link and clicks
Use Case Access Locations page
Actor User
Trigger The user discovers the link in the nav bar after arriving on the landing page
Basic Flow sees Locations link and clicks
Use Case Access Resources page
Actor User
Trigger The user discovers the link in the nav bar after arriving on the landing page
Basic Flow sees Resources link and clicks
Use Case Access Blog page
Actor User
Trigger The user discovers the link either in the nav bar or when scrolling down the landing page
Basic Flow sees Blog link and clicks

Recommend Projects

  • React photo React

    A declarative, efficient, and flexible JavaScript library for building user interfaces.

  • Vue.js photo Vue.js

    πŸ–– Vue.js is a progressive, incrementally-adoptable JavaScript framework for building UI on the web.

  • Typescript photo Typescript

    TypeScript is a superset of JavaScript that compiles to clean JavaScript output.

  • TensorFlow photo TensorFlow

    An Open Source Machine Learning Framework for Everyone

  • Django photo Django

    The Web framework for perfectionists with deadlines.

  • D3 photo D3

    Bring data to life with SVG, Canvas and HTML. πŸ“ŠπŸ“ˆπŸŽ‰

Recommend Topics

  • javascript

    JavaScript (JS) is a lightweight interpreted programming language with first-class functions.

  • web

    Some thing interesting about web. New door for the world.

  • server

    A server is a program made to process requests and deliver data to clients.

  • Machine learning

    Machine learning is a way of modeling and interpreting data that allows a piece of software to respond intelligently.

  • Game

    Some thing interesting about game, make everyone happy.

Recommend Org

  • Facebook photo Facebook

    We are working to build community through open source technology. NB: members must have two-factor auth.

  • Microsoft photo Microsoft

    Open source projects and samples from Microsoft.

  • Google photo Google

    Google ❀️ Open Source for everyone.

  • D3 photo D3

    Data-Driven Documents codes.