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An editable HTML table. Wrapping around two libraries Datatables ( & editableTable (

JavaScript 59.84% CSS 40.16%

simple-grid's Introduction

simpleGrid — An Html Spreadsheet

What is it

simpleGrid is a simple spreadsheet javascript library that works given an html table. It wraps the brilliant dataTables and buids upon editableTableWidget.


  • jQuery
  • dataTables
  • typeahead.js: used for the autocomplete column type
  • moment.js: used for the formatting of date column types
  • font-awesome: used for icons on the delete and undo buttons. Can be overridden.
  • Bootstrap: used for some default classes to style buttons and show cells as edited or deleted. Can be overridden.

Special Thanks

simpleGrid builds upon the great work done by the folk over at MindMup on editableTableWidget. This is an excellent and simple javascript library for inline editing of html tables and was the inspiration for this library. I wanted to expand on the work they had done but appreciated that one of their key objectives was to keep their library "tiny". Therefore I forked this and began work on a more complex spreadsheet library.


Using a jquery selector we can target any number of tables on a page:

var table = $('#tableId').simpleGrid();


var table = $('.tableClass').simpleGrid();

We can then bring in different modules to bring various pieces of functionality:

  • dataTable: This will give our tables full filtering, sorting, searching, paging, column visibility toggling , and exporting of data. It is recommended that this be activated to get the most out of simpleGrid. The default is for this to be shown.
  • editableTable: This gives us inline editing of cells (batch or single), deletion of rows, adding of rows, specialised column types such as autocomplete, dropdown, multiline, dateTime, and textbox. Again, it is recommended that if you need editing, this be enabled. The default is for this to be shown.
  • numericTable: Disabled by default, this will provide some additional basic summation capabilities and validation on cells, rejecting any non-numeric characters.


Form: propertyName type (default value): description

  • autoAddDeleteBtn bool (true): by default, adding a new row, will add a Delete button to the Delete column.
  • addRowSelector string ('.addRow'): in order to add a new row to the table, an element will have to contain this class.
  • deleteBtnClass string ('btn-danger'): this is used along with the undoBtnClass to add a class to the delete button to apply styling.
  • deletedClass string ('danger'): used to identify a <tr> or <td> that has been marked for deletion.
  • deleteIconHtml string ('<i class="fa fa-trash-o"></i>'): toggling a row as 'deleted' will then show an 'undo' button (undoIconHtml). If this undo button is pressed once more, the deleteIconHtml is added back to the button along with the deletedClass. Essentially, swapping an undo button for a delete button.
  • deleteRowSelector string ('.deleteRow'): used to allow elements within a <tr>, that have this class, to delete a row.
  • duplicateItemClass string ('field-validation-error'): a class added to all cells that are considered duplicates.
  • editedClass string ('success'): a class added to show a cell or row has been edited.
  • internalDeletionClass string ('deleted'): used internally, but is surfaced as an option to allow overriding, in case of conflict with existing stylings.
  • markCellEdited bool (false): mutally exclusive with markRowEdited. Presedence is given to markCellEdited. If a cell is edited, it will be marked with the editedClass.
  • markDuplicates bool (true): toggles the duplicate checking behaviour on data. By default, the column in position zero, will be checked for duplicate values after every cell edit. The column can be altered by setting the uniqueColumnName option.
  • markRowEdited bool (true): similar to the markCellEdited option, but applies to an entire row.
  • newCellContent string ('-- New Row --'): when adding a new row, by default, every cell will be assigned the newCellContent value. This can be prevented by editing the newRowTemplate.
  • newRowTemplate string[] (undefined): a string array of new cell values that must match the total number of available columns. null must be used for checkbox or Delete columns.
newRowTemplate: ["", " {NEW ROW} ", "", null],
  • primaryKey string (undefined): this works in conjunction with the 'data-id' attribute on the <tbody><tr> and is the name of a column that will be attached to the object returned by EditedRows(). This can be omitted if there is no intention of updating data or if the Primary Key is already included as a column in the table.
  • readOnlyColumns string[] (undefined): allows columns to be named as readonly. Alternatively, the readonly attribute can be added to the respective <thead><th> cell for that column.
  • rowClickNewTab bool (true): if a <tbody><tr> element has an href attribute set, this property indicates if clicking this row will open a new tab in the browser.
  • sortColumnName string (undefined): the name of the column to be sorted (in ascending order), once initialised.
  • tableFilter bool (true): adds a <tfoot> element just below the <thead> and adds column filtering. This cannot be added if a footer is used elsewhere in the table. The <tfoot> element will be added automatically, there is no need to include it on the table.
  • tableFilterClass string (undefined): a class that can be added to each <th> element of the footer.
  • undoBtnClass string ('btn-warning'): see deleteBtnClass
  • uniqueColumnName string (undefined): see uniqueColumnName
  • undoIconHtml string ('<i class="fa fa-undo"></i>'): see deleteIconHtml
var table = $('#tableId').simpleGrid({
    dataTable: {
        show: true,
        definition: {
            // dataTable initialisation object      
  • checkboxColumns string[] ([]): denotes columns that should contain a checkbox. This ensures a checkbox <input> is added automatically for checkbox columns when a new row is added.
  • definition object ({}): this is used exclusively for the dataTables initialisation object. For further details, consult By default, there are a number of values passed in to the dataTables initialisation. These can be overridden per instance by passing in values here, or by stepping into the simpleGrid.js file and altering the defaults specified at the bottom.
  • hiddenColumns string[] ([]): an array of column names that should initially be hidden.
  • hiddenRows string[] ([]): an array of class selectors that, when matched to classes found on on <tbody><tr> elements, will initially set them to be hidden.
hiddenRows: [
  • noFilters string[] ([]): by default, column filters will be added to each column, not matching ["View", "Edit", "Delete"]. This option allows for additional columns to be excluded from the column filtering, i.e. no filter box will appear above that column.
  • orderColumns [[colName: "asc" | "desc"]] ([]): an array of order arrays. Multiple order arrays can be specified. Data will first be sorted by the order specified in the orderColumns array, position zero. Additional sorting will be applied in turn, in the order specified in this array. In the abscence of this option, data will automatically be sorted by the column in position zero, in ascending order.
orderColumns: [
    ["col7", "desc"],
    ["col3", "asc"]
  • selectFilters string[] ([]): a column filter will default to an <input> element, however, this can be made to be a <select> element populated with all the values that exist in the current dataset, for that column. Simply add the column names this should apply to.
selectFilters: [
  • show bool (true): will the dataTable be active
  • tableOnly bool (false): this option is used in conjunction with tableOnlyDef and allows for a second 'table only' layout to be applied. This can strip everything such as paging, searching, and column visibility buttons from the layout. Only the table will be displayed.
  • tableOnlyDef string ('t'): In some instances you may wish to show only a table with paging. This can be achieved by setting this option and setting the tableOnly option to true. Please consult the dataTables documentation on details for setting the dataTables dom option.
  • visibleColumns string[] ([]): this is the inverse of the hiddenColumns option above. On occasion, the number of columns on a table may dictate it to be simpler to specify which columns are visible rather than which columns to hide, initially.
var table = $('#tableId').simpleGrid({
    editableTable: {
        show: true,
        definition: {
            types: {
            "aType": {
                type: "dropdown",
                sort: $.editableTable.dropdownSort.TEXT,
                source: [ "Value 1", "Value 2", "Value 3" ]
            "anotherType": {
                type: "multiline"
            "yetAnotherType": {
                type: "date",
                fixedDayOfMonth: 1
            "stillAType": {
                type: "autocomplete",
                url: "/someArea/api/GetAutoCompleteData"
  • show bool (true): will the editableTable be active

  • definition object:

    • callback function (undefined): used in conjunction with the url property. This function will be called after a successful postback. Suggestions might involve some form of success toaster.
    • columns {string: string} (undefined): Marries up the column names with the column types

    columns: { "col1": "typeDate1", "col2": "typeMultiline1", "col14": "typeDate1" }

    • defaultOptions object (see below)
      • cloneProperties string[] (['padding', 'padding-top', 'padding-bottom', 'padding-left', 'padding-right', 'text-align', 'font', 'font-size', 'font-family', 'font-weight']): a list of CSS properties that will be cloned from the cell to the editor.
      • editor string ('<input>'): the default editor shown if none are explicitly specified
    • editorsMaxWidth bool (true): forces editors to consume the entire width of the cell. In some instances of larger screens and very few columns, column widths can be large, and the associated editors may exceed any max width set for that control type.
    • types {object} (undefined):
      • column type object (undefined): the object used to define a non-standard (non-textbox) editor for a column. This can be defined once and reused on multiple columns in the columns collection defined above.
      • type string (undefined): by default, if a column has not been assigned a type, it will default to a standard html input or 'textbox'. Other types are available and must match these names, i.e. written in all lowercase. Additional properties specific to each type have been detailed below, however, when specifying these, they should be set at the same level as the type:
        • autocomplete (<input>): utilises the typeahead.js library
          • url string (undefined): a url to return a string[] of lookup values
        • date (<input>)
          • dateFormat string ('DD MMM YYYY'): allows custome date format to be set
          • fixedDayOfMonth int (undefined) [1-31]: allows a specific day to be always be chosen for a given month. For example always picking the 1st of the month chosen.
          • timePicker bool (false): toggles time picking component of date picker
        • dropdown (<select>)
          • source object | string[] (undefined): For an object, each element should be of the form "Id": "Display Value". This will create an html select element, with each option's value attribute being assigned the "Id" property name and the option contents being assigned the "Display Value". A string array can also be accepted. This will assign the value attribute the index position in the array (zero-based index). The option contents will be assigned to the array text value.
            • object { "1": "Value 1", "2": "Value 2", "3": "Value 3" }
            • string[] [ "Value 1", "Value 2", "Value 3" ]
          • sort dropdownSort (dropdownSort.TEXT) [NONE | ID | TEXT]: used to specify the order that options within the select will be sorted.
        • multiline (<textarea>)
    • url string (undefined): URL accepting an Ajax HTTP POST. Allows for immediate posting of each cell update, as it is made. An object is constructed using the name attribute of the <td> or respective <thead><th> cell as a property and the value being assigned the trimmed text contents of the cell. In addition, any data attributes are serialised and included.
<td name="percentage"

Results in the following object being posted:

  "percentage": 57,
  "projectid": 4,
  "personid": 5
Exposed constant object
  • dropdownSort object ({ NONE: 'NONE', TEXT: 'TEXT', ID: 'ID' }): Used as external constant, in the absence of JS constants (pre ES2015). This allows the way in which values of an editor of type dropdown, to be sorted.

Values are validated upon entry and only numeric characters, decimal points, and dollar ($) or pound (£) signs will be accepted.

var table = $('#tableId').simpleGrid({
    numericTable: {
        show: true,
        definition: {
  • show bool (false): will the numericTable be active
  • definition object:
    • blankZeros bool (false): when initialising the numericTable, any values of zero will have the blankZerosClass added.
    • blankZerosClass string ('blank'): the class that will be added to any zero-valued cells, if the blankZeros property is set.
    • excludeColumnClass string ('excludeCol'): a class used on the <thead><th> elements to denote columns that should be excluded from any numeric validation
    • initTotals bool (false): precalculates the totals on all totalColumns and footers. If you already have totals precalculated this can be left switched off.
    • maxTotalPerTotalColumn int (99999): dictates the maximum value accepted in totalColumns. If this value is exceeded, the deletedClass will be added to the <td>.
    • maxValue int (99999): dictates the maximum value accepted for a single editable cell. If this value is exceeded, the entry will be rejected.
    • totalColumnClass string (totalCol): a class used on the <thead><th> elements to denote columns that should be treated as total columns. A total column is one that is readonly and sums the contents of the row (excluding any excludeColumns) between either the beginning of the row, or from the last totalColumn if another appears closer towards the left hand side.


  • EditedRows (wrapperObject: string) returns object[] : This uses the editedClass & deletedClass properties and determines which rows have these assigned. This indicates which rows will be included. Rows to be deleted will be assigned the property: ToDelete: true Returns
        Col1: "25",
        Col2: "someName",
        Col3: "Active",
        ToDelete: false
        Col1: "23",
        Col2: "someOtherName",
        Col3: "Active",
        ToDelete: true

The wrapperObject allows each row object to be wrapped in a further object.

        wrapper: {
            Col1: "25",
            Col2: "someName",
            Col3: "Active",
            ToDelete: false
        wrapper: {
            Col1: "23",
            Col2: "someOtherName",
            Col3: "Active",
            ToDelete: true
  • ToggleRows(selector: string): Only show rows matching the given filter. This is a jQuery selector so can include comma separated values.
    var tbl = $('#tableId').simpleGrid();
  • ToggleColumnByName(colName: string, makeVisible: bool): toggle a column containing the given column name
    var tbl = $('#tableId').simpleGrid();
    tbl.ToggleColumnByName('colName1', false);
  • ToggleColumnByClass(className: string, makeVisible: bool): toggle a column containing the given class
    var tbl = $('#tableId').simpleGrid();
    tbl.ToggleColumnByClass('class1', true);


If you have any questions, please feel free to ask through gitHub.

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