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gatsby-paginate's People


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gatsby-paginate's Issues

Empty path calculated for first page breaking build

Updated my dependencies (gatsby, plugins etc) to the lastest releases today and am now getting this error at build:

ERROR #11323
Your site's "gatsby-node.js" must set the page path when creating a page

It happens on this code:

      createPage: createPage,
      pageTemplate: 'src/templates/index.js',
      pageLength: 20,

Looking at the error - it's the very first page.

Path is calculated in paginate as:

    typeof buildPath === `function`
      ? buildPath(pageIndex, pathPrefix)
      : buildPaginationRoute(pageIndex, pathPrefix),

Here I am not passing a buildPath function - so that is null and therefore it calls buildPaginationRoute.

const buildPaginationRoute = (index, pathPrefix) =>
    index > 1 ? `${pathPrefix}/${index}` : pathPrefix

Index is the empty string on the first page (I think).

So this returns just pathPrefix - but - I am not using pathPrefix for the main index of the site - so that's the empty string.

I suspect that it's related to this change in gatsby:


If you look at the code there you can see that before the change - if the path was the empty string it would do this:


But now it does this:

    id: `11323`,
    context: {
      pluginName: name,
      pageObject: page,

If I understood the gatsby code then it means that after this change - it will no longer log and continue but abort a build if we call paginate with no pathPrefix and no buildPath function when creating the first page?

Is the template for the index page or for the post?

So I think the way this is supposed to work is that I replace createPages with something like this:

  createPage: createPage, 
  pageTemplate: './src/templates/index.js'

Now I am not sure if the template is for the index page or the post. If for the index, then how do i define the template for the post? Also, how about the other things I want to pass in the context?

Path Prefix is ignored for first page

Trying to use path prefix to assist me with localization. What I am finding is that the first page is always created at root '/' and subsequent pages are working correctly.

My developer 404, basically shows

The path prefix is being ignored completely on the first page. Is this intended?

Show two posts, but only paginate one

Sorry for the confusing title but it's the best way I could explain my problem in one sentence. Explanation below -

I'm using gatsby-paginate to show one post at a time on my homepage, like so -

screen shot 2018-08-09 at 9 51 04

When the next link is clicked it goes to the next post which is exactly what I want to happen.

However, I'm wanting to tease the next post on the present post page. Similiar to this -

screen shot 2018-08-09 at 9 49 54

I could update the pageLength: 2 which outputs two posts (which is what I want) but obviously the next link goes to the third and fouth post when I only want it to go to the second post and show the third as a teaser.

Is this possible to do with gatsby paginate or am I approaching it all wrong?

Unable to use passed context in graphQL query

Expected Behavior

I pass in a string id context:

          edges: node.thought,
          createPage: createPage,
          pageTemplate: tagTemplate,
          context: {
          pageLength: 2,
          pathPrefix: `tags/${node.slug}`,
          buildPath: (index, pathPrefix) =>
            index > 1 ? `${pathPrefix}/${index}` : `/${pathPrefix}`,

whose template has the following query:

export const pageQuery = graphql`
  query tagQuery($id: String!) {
    contentfulTag(id: { eq: $id }) {
      … fields

but I'm getting a GraphQL error saying GraphQLError: Variable "$id" of required type "String!" was not provided. most likely because its not seeing the id variable because its inside of additionalContext

Possible Solution

I’m able to pass $id in and use it in my query when i assign context differently:

context: Object.assign(
          first: isFirstPage(index),
          last: isLastPage(index, groups),
          index: index + 1,
          pageCount: groups.length,

Is there a way to rewrite my graphQL query so that i can use the additionalContext?

Application crashes when refreshing from first page of pagination

My gatsby-node.js:

  path: `.env.${process.env.NODE_ENV}`
const path = require("path")
const createPaginatedPages = require("gatsby-paginate")

exports.createPages = ({ graphql, actions }) => {
  const { createPage } = actions

  return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
          allWordpressPost(limit: ${process.env.BLOG_LIMIT}) {
            edges {
              node {
                categories {
                author {
                featured_media {
                  localFile {
                    childImageSharp {
                      fluid {
    ).then(result => {
      if (result.errors) {

        createPage: createPage,
        pageTemplate: "./src/components/elements/blog/PostsTemplate.tsx",
        pageLength: 5,
        pathPrefix: "/blog"
      }){ node }) => {
          path: "blog/" + node.slug,
          component: path.resolve(
          context: {
            slug: node.slug,
            imageSharp: node.featured_media,
            title: node.title,
            categories: node.categories,
            modified: node.modified,
            content: node.content


import { Link } from "gatsby"
import React from "react"
import { FaArrowAltCircleLeft, FaArrowAltCircleRight } from "react-icons/fa"
import styled from "styled-components"
import Layout from "../../layouts/Layout"
import BlogCard from "./BlogCard"

interface Props {
  data: {
    allWordpressPost: {
      edges: {
        node: Node

interface Node {
  node: {
    id: string
    slug: string
    title: string
    content: string
    excerpt: string
    date: string
    modified: string

const NavLink = props => {
  if (!props.test) {
    return <Link to={props.url}>{props.text}</Link>
  } else {
    return <span style={{ textDecoration: "line-through" }}>{props.text}</span>

export default function BlogIndex({ data, pathContext }: Props) {
  const { group, index, first, last, pageCount } = pathContext
  const previousUrl = index - 1 === 1 ? "" : (index - 1).toString()
  const nextUrl = (index + 1).toString()

  return (
    <Layout sidebar={true}>
        <ul style={{ margin: "0", listStyleType: "none" }}>
          {{ node }: Node) => (
            <li key={}>
              <Link className="card-wrapper" to={"blog/" + node.slug}>
                <BlogCard data={node} />
        <div className="previous-link">
          <FaArrowAltCircleLeft className="arrow-left" />
          <NavLink test={first} url={`blog/${previousUrl}`} text="Previous" />
        <div className="next-link">
          <NavLink test={last} url={`blog/${nextUrl}`} text="Next" />
          <FaArrowAltCircleRight className="arrow-right" />

const BlogPostsWrapper = styled.section`
  width: 100%;
  margin-bottom: 2rem;
const StyledPagination = styled.div`
  display: flex;
  justify-content: space-between;
  margin-bottom: 2rem;
  align-items: center;

  .next-link {
    display: flex;
    align-items: center;
  .arrow-right {
    font-size: 2rem;
    margin: 0.5rem;

Everything works fine UNLESS refreshing from the first page of pages created by gatsby-paginate

What happens is when a user refreshes from the first page of created paginated pages, this plugin for example goes to URL: /blog instead of If a user refreshes from the 2nd page, it works fine.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

pathContext object is empty on build but not dev

When I run gatsby build, the pathContext object becomes empty and I get the following error
TypeError: group is undefined

In my project I'm using in on a non-index page called blog. When I'm running dev mode it's works as expected and the pathContext object has the data. Everything works great until I build it.

I also setup a new bare bones test project using the index example and still running into the same issue when i build it vs develop

Here's the index.js file from the test project

import React, { Component } from "react"
import Link from "gatsby-link";

const NavLink = props => {
  if (!props.test) {
    return <Link to={props.url}>{props.text}</Link>
  } else {
    return <span>{props.text}</span>

class Home extends Component {
  render() {
    const data =
    const { group, index, first, last, pageCount } = this.props.pathContext
    const previousUrl = index - 1 == 1 ? "" : (index - 1).toString()
    const nextUrl = (index + 1).toString()

    return (
        {{ node }) => (
          <div key={}>
        <div className="previousLink">
          <NavLink test={first} url={previousUrl} text="Go to Previous Page" />
        <div className="nextLink">
          <NavLink test={last} url={nextUrl} text="Go to Next Page" />

export default Home

export const pageQuery = graphql`
  query homePageQuery {
    allWordpressPost(sort: { fields: [date] }) {
      edges {
        node {

Layouts are not applied to templated pages

When passing in a custom layout prop, it is not applied to any of the generated pages for pagination.

Here is my code:

  createPage: createPage,
  layout: 'Page',
  pageLength: 5
  pageTemplate: path.resolve("src/templates/posts.tsx")

An example?

Would be most helpful
Preferably with something like wordpress...
Thank you

how can i paginate a tag page?

hi i have a page that shows posts according to a tag. but right now it is without pagination:

for each tag i create a page:
tags.forEach(tag => { actions.createPage({ path:/tags/${tag}/, component: singleTagTemplate, context : { tag } }) })

and in the page itself i have a graphql query to bring all posts for that tag:
query( $tag : String ){ allMarkdownRemark ( filter : {frontmatter : {tags: {eq: $tag}} } sort: { fields: [frontmatter___date], order: DESC } ){ totalCount edges{ node{ id excerpt frontmatter{ title tags description date author path published } } } } }

how can i include the plugin so it will be paginated?

best regards

Allow to pass custom context

First of all, thanks a lot for this plugin!

It looks like this feature already existed, but was later removed. Why?

Wouldn't it be enough to add context as a source to Object.assign call?

context: Object.assign(


Or, if there's a risk that user could accidentally overwrite pagination context, switch pagination props with context.

Create post listing not at project root

Would it be possible to add a config option for creating the paginated post listing outside of the root of the document?

For example, instead of being at it could be at

Pagination only works on pathPrefix/2 and break on pathPrefix


I am not sure if gatsby-paginate is the root cause but I narrowed down that the pagination somehow works on pathPrefix/2 but not no posts are listed on pathPrefix.

Here's my gatsby-node.js:

Here's the pathPrefix/2 page that works somehow:
Here's the broken page:

I am getting this 404 in console but I am not sure how and where to fix this.

I keep trying things out on gatsby-node.js on createPaginatedPages and I'm not sure if I'm looking at the right place to solve this.





Wrong paginated index paths after refreshing a page

I created my site with pagination using the template in the readme, but I have found that the links to paginated index pages become wrong after refreshing a page, for example:

  • When you are in and refresh the page, links to previous/next pages become something like,

This problem seems to occur only when I build a static site, and not via gatsby develop.

As a workaround, I've changed urls passed to NavLink to the following ones to make them always link to the paths relative to the root path.

      <div className="previousLink">
        <NavLink test={first} url={`/${previousUrl}`} text="Go to Previous Page" />
      <div className="nextLink">
        <NavLink test={last} url={`/${nextUrl}`} text="Go to Next Page" />

I am not sure this is a problem related to Gatsby itself rather than gatsby-paginate though.


License in the package.json file is ISC and the in Github repo is GPL. Which one is the actual license??

Using Gatsby-Image with Gatsby-Paginate

I managed to get gatsby-paginate working, but when I include

image {
  sizes(maxWidth: 400) {

in my graphql query in gatsby-node.js, my development build fails. I've tried to include a graphql query in my template, but I get this error: GraphQLError: Variable "$id" of required type "String!" was not provided.

Everything works when I remove the image sizes query above. Is there a way to get gatsby-image working with pagination? I've been through the examples, but haven't found one yet.

Here's the relevant gatsby-node section. Thanks.

.then(() => {
              allContentfulSongs(limit: 1000) {
                edges {
                  node {
                    image {
                      #sizes(maxWidth: 200) {
                      #  ...GatsbyContentfulSizes
        ).then(result => {
          if (result.errors) {
          const categoryTemplate = path.resolve(`./src/templates/category.js`)
            createPage: createPage,
            pageTemplate: categoryTemplate,
            pageLength: 5,
            pathPrefix: "songs",
            buildPath: (index, pathPrefix) => index > 1 ? `${pathPrefix}/${index}` : `/${pathPrefix}`
          _.each(, edge => {
              path: `${edge.node.slug}/`,
              component: slash(categoryTemplate),
              context: {

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