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parser's Issues

parser return different ast from the same sql

select AVG(test_score)
select AVG(`test_score`)

this two sql parsed to different ast by parser:

the ast stmt parsed from select AVG(test_score)

&ast.SelectStmt{dmlNode:ast.dmlNode{stmtNode:ast.stmtNode{node:ast.node{text:"select AVG(test_score)"}}}, resultSetNode:ast.resultSetNode{resultFields:[]*ast.ResultField(nil)}, SelectStmtOpts:(*ast.SelectStmtOpts)(0xc0000854d0), Distinct:false, From:(*ast.TableRefsClause)(nil), Where:ast.ExprNode(nil), Fields:(*ast.FieldList)(0xc000085500), GroupBy:(*ast.GroupByClause)(nil), Having:(*ast.HavingClause)(nil), WindowSpecs:[]ast.WindowSpec(nil), OrderBy:(*ast.OrderByClause)(nil), Limit:(*ast.Limit)(nil), LockTp:0, TableHints:[]*ast.TableOptimizerHint(nil), IsAfterUnionDistinct:false, IsInBraces:false}
&ast.FieldList{node:ast.node{text:""}, Fields:[]*ast.SelectField{(*ast.SelectField)(0xc0000925a0)}}
&ast.SelectField{node:ast.node{text:"AVG(test_score)"}, Offset:7, WildCard:(*ast.WildCardField)(nil), Expr:(*ast.AggregateFuncExpr)(0xc0000baa00), AsName:model.CIStr{O:"", L:""}, Auxiliary:false}
&ast.AggregateFuncExpr{funcNode:ast.funcNode{exprNode:ast.exprNode{node:ast.node{text:""}, Type:types.FieldType{Tp:0x0, Flag:0x0, Flen:0, Decimal:0, Charset:"", Collate:"", Elems:[]string(nil)}, flag:0x18}}, F:"AVG", Args:[]ast.ExprNode{(*ast.ColumnNameExpr)(0xc000166080)}, Distinct:false}
&ast.ColumnNameExpr{exprNode:ast.exprNode{node:ast.node{text:""}, Type:types.FieldType{Tp:0x0, Flag:0x0, Flen:0, Decimal:0, Charset:"", Collate:"", Elems:[]string(nil)}, flag:0x8}, Name:(*ast.ColumnName)(0xc000127810), Refer:(*ast.ResultField)(nil)}
&ast.ColumnName{node:ast.node{text:""}, Schema:model.CIStr{O:"", L:""}, Table:model.CIStr{O:"", L:""}, Name:model.CIStr{O:"test_score", L:"test_score"}}

the ast stmt parsed from "select AVG(`test_score`)":

&ast.SelectStmt{dmlNode:ast.dmlNode{stmtNode:ast.stmtNode{node:ast.node{text:"select `AVG`(`test_score`)"}}}, resultSetNode:ast.resultSetNode{resultFields:[]*ast.ResultField(nil)}, SelectStmtOpts:(*ast.SelectStmtOpts)(0xc000085560), Distinct:false, From:(*ast.TableRefsClause)(nil), Where:ast.ExprNode(nil), Fields:(*ast.FieldList)(0xc000085590), GroupBy:(*ast.GroupByClause)(nil), Having:(*ast.HavingClause)(nil), WindowSpecs:[]ast.WindowSpec(nil), OrderBy:(*ast.OrderByClause)(nil), Limit:(*ast.Limit)(nil), LockTp:0, TableHints:[]*ast.TableOptimizerHint(nil), IsAfterUnionDistinct:false, IsInBraces:false}
&ast.FieldList{node:ast.node{text:""}, Fields:[]*ast.SelectField{(*ast.SelectField)(0xc000092720)}}
&ast.SelectField{node:ast.node{text:"`AVG`(`test_score`)"}, Offset:7, WildCard:(*ast.WildCardField)(nil), Expr:(*ast.FuncCallExpr)(0xc0000ee790), AsName:model.CIStr{O:"", L:""}, Auxiliary:false}
&ast.FuncCallExpr{funcNode:ast.funcNode{exprNode:ast.exprNode{node:ast.node{text:""}, Type:types.FieldType{Tp:0x0, Flag:0x0, Flen:0, Decimal:0, Charset:"", Collate:"", Elems:[]string(nil)}, flag:0xc}}, FnName:model.CIStr{O:"AVG", L:"avg"}, Args:[]ast.ExprNode{(*ast.ColumnNameExpr)(0xc000166180)}}
&ast.ColumnNameExpr{exprNode:ast.exprNode{node:ast.node{text:""}, Type:types.FieldType{Tp:0x0, Flag:0x0, Flen:0, Decimal:0, Charset:"", Collate:"", Elems:[]string(nil)}, flag:0x8}, Name:(*ast.ColumnName)(0xc000127a40), Refer:(*ast.ResultField)(nil)}
&ast.ColumnName{node:ast.node{text:""}, Schema:model.CIStr{O:"", L:""}, Table:model.CIStr{O:"", L:""}, Name:model.CIStr{O:"test_score", L:"test_score"}}

one is AggregateFuncExpr another is FuncCallExpr

Syntax error in optimizer hints should not invalidate the entire hint

On MySQL 8, all optimizer hints parsed before a syntax error will be accepted:

$ echo 'SELECT SLEEP(1);' | mysql -u root

$ echo 'SELECT /*+ max_execution_time(2) */ SLEEP(1);' | mysql -u root

$ echo 'SELECT /*+ max_execution_time(2) (error) */ SLEEP(1);' | mysql -u root

$ echo 'SELECT /*+ (error) max_execution_time(2) */ SLEEP(1);' | mysql -u root

(returning 0 means hint is ignored, returning 1 means hint is used)

On TiDB Parser, however, once an error is encountered the entire list of hints are thrown out, different from MySQL's behavior.

(TiDB Parser version = 89ae120)

fail to build on macOS

There are several problems in the Makefile

$ rm -f parser.go; make 

make parser
bin/goyacc -o /dev/null parser.y
make[1]: bin/goyacc: No such file or directory
make[1]: *** [parser] Error 1
make: *** [parser.go] Error 2

make parser
bin/goyacc -o /dev/null parser.y
Parse table entries: 758041 of 1909026, x 16 bits == 1516082 bytes
bin/goyacc -o parser.go parser.y 2>&1 | egrep "(shift|reduce)/reduce" | awk '{print} END {if (NR > 0) {print "Find conflict in parser.y. Please check y.output for more information."; exit 1;}}'
rm -f y.output
sed: -e: No such file or directory
make[1]: *** [parser] Error 1
make: *** [parser.go] Error 2

test case not pass

func TestSetQuery2(t *testing.T) {
   sql := "SET @master_heartbeat_period=100"
   sqlParser := parser.New()
   stmt, err := sqlParser.ParseOneStmt(sql, "", "")
   assert.Nil(t, err)
   assert.IsType(t, &ast.SetStmt{}, stmt)

   //sql := "SET @master_binlog_checksum= @@global.binlog_checksum"
   //sqlParser := parser.New()
   //stmt, err := sqlParser.ParseOneStmt(sql, "", "")
   //assert.Nil(t, err)
   //assert.IsType(t, stmt, &ast.SetStmt{})

go test -v TestSetQuery2

this case not pass,but the comment code will pass.

Alter table restore incorrect

alter table t1 add c1 int comment 'c1',
add c2 decimal (4,1) not null comment 'c2',
add c3 decimal (4,1) not null default 0.0 comment 'c3';



Failed to parse WHERE / GROUP BY clauses in a SELECT statement without a FROM table

These SQLs:

select 1 where true;
select 1 group by 1;
select 1 having true;

All return one row with the value 1 on MySQL 8.0 (also tested on PostgreSQL 9.6 and SQLite 3.24 with the same behavior), but failed to parse on TiDB 2.1.1 and master:

mysql> select 1 where true;
ERROR 1105 (HY000): line 1 column 14 near " true" (total length 19)
mysql> select 1 group by 1;
ERROR 1105 (HY000): line 1 column 14 near " by 1" (total length 19)
mysql> select 1 having true;
ERROR 1105 (HY000): line 1 column 15 near " true" (total length 20)

Table-less queries which are correctly accepted by TiDB:

select 1 order by 1;
select 1 limit 1;

Add integration test for CI

The CI should check that the parse could work with TiDB.
It should trigger something like:

mkdir tmp
cd tmp
echo 'module hello' > go.mod
// Get the TiDB, maybe latest master or a specified commit
go get -u
// Tell TiDB to use the parser from the PR branch
go mod edit -replace 
// Run all tests, with the specified TiDB and parser version
go test

A problem is that TiDB use gofail and it's not go test-able, this can be skip using '-check.ignore'

query `(back quote) should report syntax error

Bug Report


ALTER TABLE `table1`ADD INDEX`idx_name_age` (`name` ASC, `age` ASC)

table1 ADD no space/ INDEX idx_name_age no space.

The correct sql should be:

ALTER TABLE `table1`       ADD   INDEX      `idx_name_age` (`name` ASC, `age` ASC)

support the `FULLTEXT INDEX` syntax

package main

import (

	_ ""

func main() {
	sql := "CREATE FULLTEXT INDEX ft_ip ON tb (ip);"
	fmt.Println(parser.New().ParseOneStmt(sql, "", ""))

line 1 column 15 near " INDEX ft_ip ON tb (ip);" (total length 39)


Feature Request

Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe:

Relates to pingcap/tidb#10829

Describe the feature you'd like:

The parser should support MySQL's histogram syntax:


Describe alternatives you've considered:

MySQL 8.0 compatibility

Teachability, Documentation, Adoption, Migration Strategy:

MySQL 8.0 compatibility (mysqldump in 8.0 will require this to be supported if information_schema.column_statistics is not empty).


Feature Request

Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe:
attempt to parse DDL statement like
yields a parse error

Describe the feature you'd like:
Ability to correctly parse both flavors:
and have an indicator in AST model on whether TEMPORARY keyword was used

cannot find module providing package

simple test program.

โžœ  gotest cat main.go
package main // import "tt"

import (


	_ ""

func main() {
	sql := "select 1"

	p := parser.New()

	node, err := p.ParseOneStmt(sql, "", "")
	if err != nil {
		fmt.Printf("parse one statement error: %s", sql)


go mod init

โžœ  gotest cat go.mod
module tt

require ( v1.2.0 // indirect v0.11.0 // indirect v0.0.0-20190120153311-05caf0a5ea61 v2.0.11+incompatible // indirect v0.0.0-20190107072121-abbec73437b7 // indirect v1.3.0 // indirect v0.3.0 // indirect

go build

โžœ  gotest go build
go: finding latest
go: finding latest
go: finding latest
go: finding latest
go: finding latest
go: finding latest
go: finding latest
go: finding latest
go: finding latest
go: finding latest
go: finding latest
go: finding latest
go: finding latest
go: finding latest
go: finding latest
main.go:8:2: unknown import path "": cannot find module providing package

why the go.mod in this repository named go.mod1?

parser crashes when given comments

Bug Report

Please answer these questions before submitting your issue. Thanks!

  1. What did you do?


  1. What did you expect to see?

Parsed the comment correctly or return error if comments are not supported.

  1. What did you see instead?

Panic in lexer.go:

... Panic: runtime error: index out of range (PC=0x402F344)

  in gopanic
  in panicindex
  in Scanner.stmtText
  1. What version of TiDB SQL Parser are you using?


incompatible with MySQL when calculate display length of numeric type


When parsing ddl, and when no Flen assigned, TiDB's parse result is not compatible with MySQL.

These are types after ddl executed by MySQL 5.7:

  • tinyint(3) unsigned
  • smallint(5) unsigned
  • mediumint(8) unsigned
  • int(10) unsigned

These are types after parsed by TiDB parser:

  • tinyint(4) unsigned
  • smallint(6) unsigned
  • mediumint(9) unsigned
  • int(11) unsigned


Because func FieldType.CompactStr() in file types/field_type.go doesn't take account the sign of numeric.


Refer souce of MySQL 5.7, take account the sign of numeric, when calculate default field length.

tidb parser cann't parse tbl_name.* in delete multiple-table syntax

When I implement Restore for delete statement, I found tidb parser cann't parse tbl_name.* in delete multiple-table syntax.
for example:
delete t1.*, t2 from t1, t2
tidb parser will produce error
value *errors.withStack = line 1 column 11 near "*,t2 from t1, t2" ("line 1 column 11 near \"*,t2 from t1, t2\" ")

Readme cannot make test succssful


In, it say:

In your TiDB repository, execute the replace instruction to make your parser changes take effect:
First, GO111MODULE=on go mod edit -replace
Then , make dev to run CI in TiDB.

But indeed, I got :

xiekeyi@ubuntu:~/gopath/src/$ GO111MODULE=on go mod edit -replace
xiekeyi@ubuntu:~/gopath/src/$ make dev
# Following the checklist saves the reviewers' time and gets your PR reviewed faster.

# Self Review
Have you reviewed every line of your changes by yourself?

# Test
Have you added enough test cases to cover the new feature or bug fix?
Also, add comments to describe your test cases.

# Naming
Do function names keep consistent with its behavior?
Is it easy to infer the function's behavior by its name?

# Comment
Is there any code that confuses the reviewer?
Add comments on them! You'll be asked to do so anyway.
Make sure there is no syntax or spelling error in your comments.
Some online syntax checking tools like Grammarly may be helpful.

# Refactor
Is there any way to refactor the code to make it more readable?
If the refactoring touches a lot of existing code, send another PR to do it.

# Single Purpose
Make sure the PR does only one thing and nothing else.

# Diff Size
Make sure the diff size is no more than 500, split it into small PRs if it is too large.
GO111MODULE=on go list -f '{{ join .Imports "\n" }}' | grep ^$ || exit 0; exit 1
go: finding master
go:[email protected] used for two different module paths ( and
GO111MODULE=on go build -o tools/bin/gofail
go:[email protected] used for two different module paths ( and
Makefile:228: recipe for target 'tools/bin/gofail' failed
make: *** [tools/bin/gofail] Error 1

I think it is necessary to update to explain how to solve this problem or update Makefile to avoid it .

Why there's no return in SelectStmt.Restore


func (n *SelectStmt) Restore(ctx *RestoreCtx) error {
	if n.TableHints != nil && len(n.TableHints) != 0 {
		ctx.WritePlain("/*+ ")
		for i, tableHint := range n.TableHints {
			if err := tableHint.Restore(ctx); err != nil {
				errors.Annotatef(err, "An error occurred while restore SelectStmt.TableHints[%d]", i)
		ctx.WritePlain("*/ ")

Why not return errors.Annotatef()? If error occurs, the error will disappear and cannot be found in return value.

Support CREATE USER extensions per MySQL 5.7

Via pingcap/tidb#7733 - this command does not currently work in TiDB:

mysql> CREATE USER 'msandbox'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED WITH 'mysql_native_password' AS '*6C387FC3893DBA1E3BA155E74754DA6682D04747' REQUIRE NONE PASSWORD EXPIRE DEFAULT ACCOUNT UNLOCK;
ERROR 1105 (HY000): line 1 column 129 near " NONE PASSWORD EXPIRE DEFAULT ACCOUNT UNLOCK" (total length 173)

MySQL 5.7 produces this result from the command SHOW CREATE USER, so it is important to parse and the unsupported parts could probably be ignored for now.

TiDB deduced wrong column name for variables with quoted content "@`foo`"

Discovered in #87. The following SQL:

set @abc = 'foobar';
select @abc, @`abc`, @'aBc', @"AbC";
set @6 = '?!';
select @6, @`6`, @'6', @"6";
produces the following in MySQL 8.0:
mysql> set @abc = 'foobar';
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)

mysql> select @abc, @`abc`, @'aBc', @"AbC";
| @abc   | @`abc` | @'aBc' | @"AbC" |
| foobar | foobar | foobar | foobar |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> set @6 = '?!';
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)

mysql> select @6, @`6`, @'6', @"6";
| @6   | @`6` | @'6' | @"6" |
| ?!   | ?!   | ?!   | ?!   |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)
and the following in TiDB latest master (pingcap/tidb@a7907ed) and v2.1.1:
mysql> set @abc = 'foobar';
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)

mysql> select @abc, @`abc`, @'aBc', @"AbC";
| @abc   | `abc`  | 'aBc'  | "AbC"  |
| foobar | foobar | foobar | foobar |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> set @6 = '?!';
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)

mysql> select @6, @`6`, @'6', @"6";
| @6   | `6`  | '6'  | "6"  |
| ?!   | ?!   | ?!   | ?!   |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

Note the column headers in TiDB are missing the leading @.

Support ON UPDATE ddl statements

Bug Report

  1. What did you do?

Looking at the ddl tests in the testDDLSuite, I was under the impression from TestDDLOnUpdateRestore that parsing sql statements with "ON UPDATE" were supported, however, in attempting to parse the following statement I encountered an error.

Code snippet:

 p := parser.New()
 testSQL := "create table test(id int key, FOREIGN KEY (id) REFERENCES test2(id) ON UPDATE CASCADE);"
 if _, _, err := p.Parse(testSQL, "", ""); err != nil {
     logger.Error("failed to parse", zap.Error(err))
  1. What did you expect to see?

I expected this statement to be able to be parsed without an issue.

  1. What did you see instead?

I encountered the error "error":"line 1 column 77 near \"UPDATE CASCADE);\"

Looking closer at the current tests in TestDDLOnUpdateRestore

func (ts *testDDLSuite) TestDDLOnUpdateRestore(c *C) {
    testCases := []NodeRestoreTestCase{
        {"on update CASCADE", "ON UPDATE CASCADE"},
        {"on update SET NULL", "ON UPDATE SET NULL"},
        {"on update no action", "ON UPDATE NO ACTION"},
    extractNodeFunc := func(node Node) Node {
        return node.(*CreateTableStmt).Constraints[1].Refer.OnUpdate
    RunNodeRestoreTest(c, testCases, "CREATE TABLE child ( id INT, parent_id INT, INDEX par_ind (parent_id), FOREIGN KEY (parent_id) REFERENCES parent(id)  ON DELETE CASCADE %s )", extractNodeFunc)

All ON UPDATE test cases are inserted after an ON DELETE CASCADE clause. When I removed, the ON DELETE and instead used

RunNodeRestoreTest(c, testCases, "CREATE TABLE child ( id INT, parent_id INT, INDEX par_ind (parent_id), FOREIGN KEY (parent_id) REFERENCES parent(id) %s )", extractNodeFunc)

The tests for TestDDLOnUpdateRestore start to fail

FAIL: ddl_test.go:91: testDDLSuite.TestDDLOnUpdateRestore                                                                                                                                
    RunNodeRestoreTest(c, testCases, "CREATE TABLE child ( id INT, parent_id INT, INDEX par_ind (parent_id), FOREIGN KEY (parent_id) REFERENCES parent(id) %s )", extractNodeFunc)       
    c.Assert(err, IsNil, comment)                                                                                                                                                        
... value *errors.withStack = line 1 column 126 near "UPDATE RESTRICT )"  ("line 1 column 126 near \"UPDATE RESTRICT )\" ")                                                              
... source ast_test.NodeRestoreTestCase{sourceSQL:"ON UPDATE RESTRICT", expectSQL:"ON UPDATE RESTRICT"}                                                                                  

Are DDL statements like create table test(id int key, FOREIGN KEY (id) REFERENCES test2(id) ON UPDATE CASCADE); not supported?

  1. What version of TiDB SQL Parser are you using?

My go.mod file looks like this: v0.0.0-20190312024907-3f6280b08c8b v0.0.0-20181120082053-821af9e9f65b9901bcac1661f28c41985697b511

TiDB does not recognize "@@`some_quoted_string`"

Issue discovered in #87. In MySQL 8.0:

mysql> select @@`sql_mode`, @@session.`sql_mode`, @@global.`sql_mode`\G;
*************************** 1. row ***************************
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

Meanwhile in TiDB (latest master and v2.1.1):

mysql> select @@`sql_mode`, @@session.`sql_mode`, @@global.`sql_mode`\G;
ERROR 1193 (HY000): Unknown system variable ''
No query specified

Note that @@ does not respect ANSI_QUOTES so @@"sql_mode" will fail on MySQL. Not sure if we want to replicate this error behavior.

Index Hints in query not handled correctly

Bug Report

  1. What did you do?

Hello! I have a program that uses the pingcap/parser library. In the course of developing this program, I uncovered a bug in the SQL-printing logic for SELECT statements that have index hints in them. For simplicity, imagine my program simply parses a select statement, and then calls Restore on that parsed statement to generate a string representation of the query. In the case that I found, the restored query does not conform with MySQL syntax.

  1. What did you expect to see?

Imagine the query:


When I parse this into an *ast.SelectStmt, then call Restore to generate the string value of the query from the SelectStmt, I expect to see the same query, plus or minus formatting stuff.

  1. What did you see instead?

Instead, I get the following:


Note that the index hint is before the AS t section of the query. This is not valid syntax.

  1. What version of TiDB SQL Parser are you using?

My go.mod file looks like this: v0.0.0-20190312024907-3f6280b08c8b v0.0.0-20181120082053-821af9e9f65b9901bcac1661f28c41985697b511

This repository needs a CI

  1. Ensure parser.go is up-to-date with parser.y
  2. Run go test.

Unfortunately the yyXLAT array generated by goyacc is unstable regarding case-insensitive keywords:

Potential diff after running `make parser`
@@ -1054,8 +1053,8 @@ var (
 		57812: 533, // AssignmentList (3x)
 		57825: 534, // ByItem (3x)
 		57842: 535, // ColumnPosition (3x)
-		57848: 536, // Constraint (3x)
-		57380: 537, // constraint (3x)
+		57380: 536, // constraint (3x)
+		57848: 537, // Constraint (3x)
 		57850: 538, // ConstraintKeywordOpt (3x)
 		57892: 539, // ExplainableStmt (3x)
 		57909: 540, // FloatOpt (3x)
@@ -1292,8 +1291,8 @@ var (
 		58064: 771, // ShowIndexKwd (1x)
 		58068: 772, // ShowTargetFilterable (1x)
 		58072: 773, // Start (1x)
-		58073: 774, // Starting (1x)
-		57501: 775, // starting (1x)
+		57501: 774, // starting (1x)
+		58073: 775, // Starting (1x)
 		58075: 776, // StatementList (1x)
 		57504: 777, // stored (1x)
 		58080: 778, // StringType (1x)
@@ -1891,8 +1890,8 @@ var (
-		"Constraint",
+		"Constraint",
@@ -2129,8 +2128,8 @@ var (
-		"Starting",
+		"Starting",
@@ -3304,7 +3303,7 @@ var (
 		{539, 1},
 		{776, 1},
 		{776, 3},
-		{536, 2},
+		{537, 2},
 		{662, 1},
 		{662, 1},
 		{662, 4},
@@ -3525,8 +3524,8 @@ var (
 		{710, 3},
 		{736, 0},
 		{736, 3},
-		{774, 0},
-		{774, 3},
+		{775, 0},
+		{775, 3},
 		{737, 0},
 		{737, 3},
 		{672, 2},
@@ -3979,7 +3978,7 @@ var (
 		// 355
 		{23, 23, 206: 23, 347: 23, 360: 23},
 		{38, 38, 206: 38, 347: 1720, 725: 1719},
-		{20, 20, 206: 20, 347: 20, 501: 20, 774: 1711, 1712},
+		{20, 20, 206: 20, 347: 20, 501: 20, 774: 1712, 1711},
 		{18, 18, 206: 18, 347: 18, 501: 1716, 737: 1715},
 		{362: 1713},
 		// 360
@@ -5599,7 +5598,7 @@ var (
 		// 1705
 		{1196, 1196},
 		{2: 1540, 1463, 1464, 1496, 7: 1474, 1545, 1489, 1542, 1508, 1514, 1543, 1541, 1544, 1555, 1547, 1548, 1551, 1583, 22: 1576, 1595, 1517, 1520, 1521, 1475, 1611, 1495, 1538, 1651, 1631, 1633, 1632, 1532, 1483, 1503, 1589, 1590, 1586, 1552, 1594, 1534, 1488, 1572, 1610, 1494, 1507, 1509, 1482, 1481, 1556, 1505, 1579, 1519, 1524, 1537, 1564, 1609, 1502, 1557, 1587, 1567, 1592, 1606, 1603, 1581, 1529, 1530, 1619, 1467, 1574, 1620, 1476, 1477, 1478, 1639, 1622, 1484, 1569, 1485, 1487, 1570, 1497, 1498, 1647, 1623, 1577, 1573, 1511, 1512, 1608, 1516, 1625, 1518, 1525, 1526, 1528, 1461, 1465, 1468, 1470, 1469, 1471, 1621, 1617, 1473, 1604, 1539, 1559, 1479, 1480, 1486, 1490, 1491, 1578, 1582, 1500, 1575, 1501, 1553, 1492, 1566, 1648, 1612, 1624, 1504, 1563, 1546, 1599, 1600, 1601, 1602, 1613, 1533, 1549, 1580, 1561, 1591, 1588, 1593, 1653, 1618, 1558, 1616, 1562, 1513, 1596, 1597, 1605, 1598, 1515, 1628, 1629, 1627, 1626, 1607, 1614, 1522, 1523, 1630, 1660, 1527, 1554, 1560, 1615, 1531, 1634, 1535, 1462, 1466, 1635, 1636, 1637, 1472, 1638, 1585, 1640, 1641, 1642, 1643, 1493, 1644, 1499, 1645, 1646, 1457, 1650, 1649, 1506, 1652, 1654, 1510, 1571, 1550, 1584, 1536, 1565, 1568, 1655, 1656, 1657, 1658, 1659, 1661, 348: 1662, 1459, 1460, 1458, 429: 3320},
-		{2: 1540, 1463, 1464, 1496, 7: 1474, 1545, 1489, 1542, 1508, 1514, 1543, 1541, 1544, 1555, 1547, 1548, 1551, 1583, 22: 1576, 1595, 1517, 1520, 1521, 1475, 1611, 1495, 1538, 1651, 1631, 1633, 1632, 1532, 1483, 1503, 1589, 1590, 1586, 1552, 1594, 1534, 1488, 1572, 1610, 1494, 1507, 1509, 1482, 1481, 1556, 1505, 1579, 1519, 1524, 1537, 1564, 1609, 1502, 1557, 1587, 1567, 1592, 1606, 1603, 1581, 1529, 1530, 1619, 1467, 1574, 1620, 1476, 1477, 1478, 1639, 1622, 1484, 1569, 1485, 1487, 1570, 1497, 1498, 1647, 1623, 1577, 1573, 1511, 1512, 1608, 1516, 1625, 1518, 1525, 1526, 1528, 1461, 1465, 1468, 1470, 1469, 1471, 1621, 1617, 1473, 1604, 1539, 1559, 1479, 1480, 1486, 1490, 1491, 1578, 1582, 1500, 1575, 1501, 1553, 1492, 1566, 1648, 1612, 1624, 1504, 1563, 1546, 1599, 1600, 1601, 1602, 1613, 1533, 1549, 1580, 1561, 1591, 1588, 1593, 1653, 1618, 1558, 1616, 1562, 1513, 1596, 1597, 1605, 1598, 1515, 1628, 1629, 1627, 1626, 1607, 1614, 1522, 1523, 1630, 1660, 1527, 1554, 1560, 1615, 1531, 1634, 1535, 1462, 1466, 1635, 1636, 1637, 1472, 1638, 1585, 1640, 1641, 1642, 1643, 1493, 1644, 1499, 1645, 1646, 1457, 1650, 1649, 1506, 1652, 1654, 1510, 1571, 1550, 1584, 1536, 1565, 1568, 1655, 1656, 1657, 1658, 1659, 1661, 245: 3063, 291: 1302, 341: 1302, 1302, 3067, 348: 1725, 1459, 1460, 1458, 359: 1302, 372: 1302, 1302, 433: 3062, 477: 3065, 536: 3066, 3061, 3064, 662: 3068, 781: 3069},
+		{2: 1540, 1463, 1464, 1496, 7: 1474, 1545, 1489, 1542, 1508, 1514, 1543, 1541, 1544, 1555, 1547, 1548, 1551, 1583, 22: 1576, 1595, 1517, 1520, 1521, 1475, 1611, 1495, 1538, 1651, 1631, 1633, 1632, 1532, 1483, 1503, 1589, 1590, 1586, 1552, 1594, 1534, 1488, 1572, 1610, 1494, 1507, 1509, 1482, 1481, 1556, 1505, 1579, 1519, 1524, 1537, 1564, 1609, 1502, 1557, 1587, 1567, 1592, 1606, 1603, 1581, 1529, 1530, 1619, 1467, 1574, 1620, 1476, 1477, 1478, 1639, 1622, 1484, 1569, 1485, 1487, 1570, 1497, 1498, 1647, 1623, 1577, 1573, 1511, 1512, 1608, 1516, 1625, 1518, 1525, 1526, 1528, 1461, 1465, 1468, 1470, 1469, 1471, 1621, 1617, 1473, 1604, 1539, 1559, 1479, 1480, 1486, 1490, 1491, 1578, 1582, 1500, 1575, 1501, 1553, 1492, 1566, 1648, 1612, 1624, 1504, 1563, 1546, 1599, 1600, 1601, 1602, 1613, 1533, 1549, 1580, 1561, 1591, 1588, 1593, 1653, 1618, 1558, 1616, 1562, 1513, 1596, 1597, 1605, 1598, 1515, 1628, 1629, 1627, 1626, 1607, 1614, 1522, 1523, 1630, 1660, 1527, 1554, 1560, 1615, 1531, 1634, 1535, 1462, 1466, 1635, 1636, 1637, 1472, 1638, 1585, 1640, 1641, 1642, 1643, 1493, 1644, 1499, 1645, 1646, 1457, 1650, 1649, 1506, 1652, 1654, 1510, 1571, 1550, 1584, 1536, 1565, 1568, 1655, 1656, 1657, 1658, 1659, 1661, 245: 3063, 291: 1302, 341: 1302, 1302, 3067, 348: 1725, 1459, 1460, 1458, 359: 1302, 372: 1302, 1302, 433: 3062, 477: 3065, 536: 3061, 3066, 3064, 662: 3068, 781: 3069},
 		{2: 1540, 1463, 1464, 1496, 7: 1474, 1545, 1489, 1542, 1508, 1514, 1543, 1541, 1544, 1555, 1547, 1548, 1551, 1583, 22: 1576, 1595, 1517, 1520, 1521, 1475, 1611, 1495, 1538, 1651, 1631, 1633, 1632, 1532, 1483, 1503, 1589, 1590, 1586, 1552, 1594, 1534, 1488, 1572, 1610, 1494, 1507, 1509, 1482, 1481, 1556, 1505, 1579, 1519, 1524, 1537, 1564, 1609, 1502, 1557, 1587, 1567, 1592, 1606, 1603, 1581, 1529, 1530, 1619, 1467, 1574, 1620, 1476, 1477, 1478, 1639, 1622, 1484, 1569, 1485, 1487, 1570, 1497, 1498, 1647, 1623, 1577, 1573, 1511, 1512, 1608, 1516, 1625, 1518, 1525, 1526, 1528, 1461, 1465, 1468, 1470, 1469, 1471, 1621, 1617, 1473, 1604, 1539, 1559, 1479, 1480, 1486, 1490, 1491, 1578, 1582, 1500, 1575, 1501, 1553, 1492, 1566, 1648, 1612, 1624, 1504, 1563, 1546, 1599, 1600, 1601, 1602, 1613, 1533, 1549, 1580, 1561, 1591, 1588, 1593, 1653, 1618, 1558, 1616, 1562, 1513, 1596, 1597, 1605, 1598, 1515, 1628, 1629, 1627, 1626, 1607, 1614, 1522, 1523, 1630, 1660, 1527, 1554, 1560, 1615, 1531, 1634, 1535, 1462, 1466, 1635, 1636, 1637, 1472, 1638, 1585, 1640, 1641, 1642, 1643, 1493, 1644, 1499, 1645, 1646, 1457, 1650, 1649, 1506, 1652, 1654, 1510, 1571, 1550, 1584, 1536, 1565, 1568, 1655, 1656, 1657, 1658, 1659, 1661, 291: 1301, 341: 1301, 1301, 348: 3319, 1459, 1460, 1458, 359: 1301, 372: 1301, 1301, 661: 3318},
 		{35: 3208, 50: 3205, 3204, 56: 3207, 61: 3192, 96: 3206, 101: 3182, 3176, 3175, 115: 3190, 136: 3184, 159: 3200, 234: 3191, 248: 3186, 290: 154, 374: 3177, 3173, 3167, 378: 3193, 381: 3174, 3196, 384: 3181, 3179, 3168, 3169, 3170, 3171, 3172, 3203, 3198, 3202, 3197, 3166, 3201, 3178, 3194, 3180, 3165, 3195, 3164, 3199, 3187, 685: 3163, 3188, 3160, 703: 3158, 716: 3161, 3162, 728: 3159, 742: 3183, 745: 3156, 778: 3157, 788: 3189, 792: 3155, 797: 3185},
 		// 1710
@@ -5611,7 +5610,7 @@ var (
 		// 1715
 		{6: 237, 21: 237},
 		{6: 3070, 21: 3071},
-		{2: 1540, 1463, 1464, 1496, 7: 1474, 1545, 1489, 1542, 1508, 1514, 1543, 1541, 1544, 1555, 1547, 1548, 1551, 1583, 22: 1576, 1595, 1517, 1520, 1521, 1475, 1611, 1495, 1538, 1651, 1631, 1633, 1632, 1532, 1483, 1503, 1589, 1590, 1586, 1552, 1594, 1534, 1488, 1572, 1610, 1494, 1507, 1509, 1482, 1481, 1556, 1505, 1579, 1519, 1524, 1537, 1564, 1609, 1502, 1557, 1587, 1567, 1592, 1606, 1603, 1581, 1529, 1530, 1619, 1467, 1574, 1620, 1476, 1477, 1478, 1639, 1622, 1484, 1569, 1485, 1487, 1570, 1497, 1498, 1647, 1623, 1577, 1573, 1511, 1512, 1608, 1516, 1625, 1518, 1525, 1526, 1528, 1461, 1465, 1468, 1470, 1469, 1471, 1621, 1617, 1473, 1604, 1539, 1559, 1479, 1480, 1486, 1490, 1491, 1578, 1582, 1500, 1575, 1501, 1553, 1492, 1566, 1648, 1612, 1624, 1504, 1563, 1546, 1599, 1600, 1601, 1602, 1613, 1533, 1549, 1580, 1561, 1591, 1588, 1593, 1653, 1618, 1558, 1616, 1562, 1513, 1596, 1597, 1605, 1598, 1515, 1628, 1629, 1627, 1626, 1607, 1614, 1522, 1523, 1630, 1660, 1527, 1554, 1560, 1615, 1531, 1634, 1535, 1462, 1466, 1635, 1636, 1637, 1472, 1638, 1585, 1640, 1641, 1642, 1643, 1493, 1644, 1499, 1645, 1646, 1457, 1650, 1649, 1506, 1652, 1654, 1510, 1571, 1550, 1584, 1536, 1565, 1568, 1655, 1656, 1657, 1658, 1659, 1661, 291: 1302, 341: 1302, 1302, 3067, 348: 1725, 1459, 1460, 1458, 359: 1302, 372: 1302, 1302, 433: 3062, 477: 3065, 536: 3066, 3061, 3064, 662: 3072},
+		{2: 1540, 1463, 1464, 1496, 7: 1474, 1545, 1489, 1542, 1508, 1514, 1543, 1541, 1544, 1555, 1547, 1548, 1551, 1583, 22: 1576, 1595, 1517, 1520, 1521, 1475, 1611, 1495, 1538, 1651, 1631, 1633, 1632, 1532, 1483, 1503, 1589, 1590, 1586, 1552, 1594, 1534, 1488, 1572, 1610, 1494, 1507, 1509, 1482, 1481, 1556, 1505, 1579, 1519, 1524, 1537, 1564, 1609, 1502, 1557, 1587, 1567, 1592, 1606, 1603, 1581, 1529, 1530, 1619, 1467, 1574, 1620, 1476, 1477, 1478, 1639, 1622, 1484, 1569, 1485, 1487, 1570, 1497, 1498, 1647, 1623, 1577, 1573, 1511, 1512, 1608, 1516, 1625, 1518, 1525, 1526, 1528, 1461, 1465, 1468, 1470, 1469, 1471, 1621, 1617, 1473, 1604, 1539, 1559, 1479, 1480, 1486, 1490, 1491, 1578, 1582, 1500, 1575, 1501, 1553, 1492, 1566, 1648, 1612, 1624, 1504, 1563, 1546, 1599, 1600, 1601, 1602, 1613, 1533, 1549, 1580, 1561, 1591, 1588, 1593, 1653, 1618, 1558, 1616, 1562, 1513, 1596, 1597, 1605, 1598, 1515, 1628, 1629, 1627, 1626, 1607, 1614, 1522, 1523, 1630, 1660, 1527, 1554, 1560, 1615, 1531, 1634, 1535, 1462, 1466, 1635, 1636, 1637, 1472, 1638, 1585, 1640, 1641, 1642, 1643, 1493, 1644, 1499, 1645, 1646, 1457, 1650, 1649, 1506, 1652, 1654, 1510, 1571, 1550, 1584, 1536, 1565, 1568, 1655, 1656, 1657, 1658, 1659, 1661, 291: 1302, 341: 1302, 1302, 3067, 348: 1725, 1459, 1460, 1458, 359: 1302, 372: 1302, 1302, 433: 3062, 477: 3065, 536: 3061, 3066, 3064, 662: 3072},
 		{234, 234, 234, 234, 7: 234, 234, 234, 234, 234, 13: 234, 234, 234, 234, 234, 234, 234, 234, 206: 234, 210: 234, 213: 234, 236: 234, 239: 234, 347: 234, 352: 234, 234, 234, 234, 234},
 		{6: 236, 21: 236},
 		// 1720
@@ -6195,7 +6194,7 @@ var (
 		{354: 3632},
 		{1348, 1348, 6: 1348},
 		{368: 3628},
-		{2: 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 7: 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 22: 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 291: 1302, 341: 1302, 1302, 354: 3618, 359: 1302, 372: 1302, 1302, 504: 3585, 3616, 536: 3617, 3061, 3064},
+		{2: 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 7: 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 22: 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 291: 1302, 341: 1302, 1302, 354: 3618, 359: 1302, 372: 1302, 1302, 504: 3585, 3616, 536: 3061, 3617, 3064},
 		// 2205
 		{2: 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 7: 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 22: 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 1311, 291: 2499, 341: 3605, 354: 3606, 359: 2500, 372: 3608, 475: 3607, 504: 3585, 3604},
 		{548: 3603},

so we can't simply compare parser.go with the output make parser until this is fixed.

The column type `DECIMAL(20,0)` is restored incorrectly as `DECIMAL`

Bug Report

Please answer these questions before submitting your issue. Thanks!

  1. What did you do?
    If possible, provide a recipe for reproducing the error.
package main

import (
	_ ""

func main() {
	p := parser.New()
	nodes, _ := p.ParseOneStmt(`
		create table precise_types (
			c DECIMAL(20,0) NOT NULL,
			d DOUBLE(20,0) NOT NULL
	`, "", "")

	var s strings.Builder
	ctx := format.NewRestoreCtx(format.DefaultRestoreFlags, &s)

  1. What did you expect to see?


CREATE TABLE `precise_types` (`c` DECIMAL(20) NOT NULL,`d` DOUBLE(20,0) NOT NULL)
  1. What did you see instead?

The precision is just directly omitted.

  1. What version of TiDB SQL Parser are you using?

master (366172d)

Invalid character inside an optimizer hint comment will hang the parser

Bug Report

Please answer these questions before submitting your issue. Thanks!

  1. What did you do?

Run this SQL:

DELETE /*+ ๐Ÿ˜… */;
  1. What did you expect to see?

A syntax error immediately returned.

  1. What did you see instead?

TiDB stuck in an infinite loop while parsing.

(Note: same effect if you replace ๐Ÿ˜… by the characters \x00 or \x01)

  1. What version of TiDB SQL Parser are you using?

master (4628ac3)

decouple Assignment and ColumnName

Feature Request

Currently, the Assignment holds the *ColumnName directly,

type Assignment struct {
	// Column is the column name to be assigned.
	Column *ColumnName
	// Expr is the expression assigning to ColName.
	Expr ExprNode

Is it possible to hold the *ColumnNameExpr instead of *ColumnName? We use the UpdateStmt and want to decorate the column names in Assignment, but it is coupled with *ColumnName now.

MySQL compatibility: `show create database if not exists` syntax



MariaDB [(none)]> show create database b2;
| Database | Create Database                                                |
| b2       | CREATE DATABASE `b2` /*!40100 DEFAULT CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 */ |
1 row in set (0.002 sec)

MariaDB [(none)]> show create database if not exists b2;
| Database | Create Database                                                                         |
| b2       | CREATE DATABASE /*!32312 IF NOT EXISTS*/ `b2` /*!40100 DEFAULT CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 */ |
1 row in set (0.000 sec)


MySQL [b1]> show create batabase b2;
ERROR 1105 (HY000): line 1 column 20 near " b2" (total length 23)
MySQL [b1]> show create database b2;
| Database | Create Database                                                 |
| b2       | CREATE DATABASE `b2` /* !40100 DEFAULT CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 */ |
1 row in set (0.000 sec)

MySQL [b1]> show create database if not exists b2;
ERROR 1105 (HY000): line 1 column 23 near " not exists b2" (total length 37)

Parser example doesn't work

Bug Report

Please answer these questions before submitting your issue. Thanks!

  1. What did you do?
    If possible, provide a recipe for reproducing the error.

I am trying this out according to

package main

import (

    _ ""

func main() {

    // 0. make sure import parser_driver implemented by TiDB(user also can implement own driver by self).
    // and add `import _ ""` in the head of file.

    // 1. Create a parser. The parser is NOT goroutine safe and should
    // not be shared among multiple goroutines. However, parser is also
    // heavy, so each goroutine should reuse its own local instance if
    // possible.
    p := parser.New()

    // 2. Parse a text SQL into AST([]ast.StmtNode).
    stmtNodes, _, err := p.Parse("select * from tbl where id = 1", "", "")

    // 3. Use AST to do cool things.
    fmt.Println(stmtNodes[0], err)


$ go build main.go
go: finding latest
go: finding latest
build command-line-arguments: cannot load cannot find module providing package
  1. What did you expect to see?

build success

  1. What did you see instead?

Can't find package

  1. What version of TiDB SQL Parser are you using?

Not sure, the latest?

FK with no default database gives unexpected error

Bug Report

Please answer these questions before submitting your issue. Thanks!

  1. What did you do?
    If possible, provide a recipe for reproducing the error.
drop database if exists fk_test;
create database if not exists fk_test;
create table test.t1 (c1 int not null primary key);
create table test.t2 (id int not null primary key, c1 int not null, constraint foreign key (c1) references t1(c1))
  1. What did you expect to see?

In MySQL, the create table statement with the foreign key constraint does not cause an error. Presumably, MySQL assumes that the parent table is in the same database as the child table.

  1. What did you see instead?

TiDB Server issues an error in this case.

$ cat fk_test.sql
drop database if exists fk_test;
create database if not exists fk_test;
create table fk_test.t1 (c1 int not null primary key);
create table fk_test.t2 (id int not null primary key, c1 int not null, constraint foreign key (c1) references t1(c1))
$ mysql --verbose -P 3306 --database= < fk_test.sql
drop database if exists fk_test

create database if not exists fk_test

create table fk_test.t1 (c1 int not null primary key)

create table fk_test.t2 (id int not null primary key, c1 int not null, constraint foreign key (c1) references t1(c1))

$ mysql --verbose -P 4000 --database= < fk_test.sql
drop database if exists fk_test

create database if not exists fk_test

create table fk_test.t1 (c1 int not null primary key)

create table fk_test.t2 (id int not null primary key, c1 int not null, constraint foreign key (c1) references t1(c1))

ERROR 1046 (3D000) at line 4: No database selected

I encountered this issue when trying to load the "employees" sample database ( into MySQL->DM->TiDB.

  1. What version of TiDB SQL Parser are you using?
Release Version: v3.0.0-beta.1-77-g1e5f62096
Git Commit Hash: 1e5f620966370f3bc5c48d78c17bcd3a3234066f
Git Branch: master
UTC Build Time: 2019-04-08 11:09:58
GoVersion: go version go1.12.1 darwin/amd64
Race Enabled: false
TiKV Min Version: 2.1.0-alpha.1-ff3dd160846b7d1aed9079c389fc188f7f5ea13e
Check Table Before Drop: false v0.0.0-20190408064140-cdceeb2c5476

Make parser error/warn message useful

Now parser's error message is useless,
e.g. execute those script:

select1 1;

pingcap/parser will got:

ERROR 1105 (HY000): line 1 column 7 near " 1" (total length 9)

for MySQL will be:

ERROR 1064 (42000): You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'select1 1' at line 1

invalid memory address or nil pointer dereference for some test case


package main

import (


func main() {
        sql := "select * from tb where a=1"
        fmt.Println(parser.New().ParseOneStmt(sql, "", ""))
go run test.go
panic: runtime error: invalid memory address or nil pointer dereference
[signal SIGSEGV: segmentation violation code=0x1 addr=0x0 pc=0x5d8990]

some test case failed

func main(){

    sql := "select * from wn where id = 2"

    pa := parser.New()

    //set charsetInfo and collation
    charsetInfo, collation := "utf8", "utf8_general_ci" 


    stmtNodes, err := pa.Parse( sql, charsetInfo, collation)

    fmt.Println(stmtNodes[0], err)

It works when I use sql="select * from wn"

But it failed when I use sql="select * from wn where id = 2"

The golang version is 1.11.1

panic: runtime error: invalid memory address or nil pointer dereference
[signal SIGSEGV: segmentation violation code=0x1 addr=0x0 pc=0x5e3ef8]

goroutine 1 [running]:, 0xc000154048, 0xc000154000, 0xc00010bf68)
	/root/wn/go/pkg/mod/[email protected]/parser.go:8654 +0x16ac8*Parser).Parse(0xc000154000, 0x7fffc6f056eb, 0x1b, 0x6b7519, 0x4, 0x6bd81d, 0xf, 0x0, 0x0, 0xc00010bf10, ...)
	/root/wn/go/pkg/mod/[email protected]/yy_parser.go:101 +0x15f
	/root/wn/go/test2/hello.go:26 +0x2a9

Support more table options in the CREATE TABLE statement

TiDB doesn't support all the syntax in CREATE TABLE statement, here is a related issue pingcap/tidb#7904.

If we improve the syntax support of CREATE TABLE statement in TiDB, it will be helpful for TiDB to compatiable with MySQL.
I list the MySQL syntax of CREATE TABLE statement and add a [TODO] flag at the end of the part which TiDB hasn't supported yet.
It is a huge work, but it is still easy to finish parts of it.


    [AS] query_expression

    { LIKE old_tbl_name | (LIKE old_tbl_name) }

    col_name column_definition
  | [CONSTRAINT [symbol]] PRIMARY KEY [index_type] (key_part,...)
      [index_option] ...
  | {INDEX|KEY} [index_name] [index_type] (key_part,...)
      [index_option] ...
      [index_name] [index_type] (key_part,...)
      [index_option] ...
  | {FULLTEXT|SPATIAL} [INDEX|KEY] [index_name] (key_part,...) [TODO: SPATIAL not supported]
      [index_option] ...
      [index_name] (col_name,...) reference_definition
  | CHECK (expr)

    data_type [NOT NULL | NULL] [DEFAULT default_value]
      [COMMENT 'string']
  | data_type [GENERATED ALWAYS] AS (expression)
      [COMMENT 'string']

    (see Chapter 11, Data Types)

    col_name [(length)] [ASC | DESC]


    KEY_BLOCK_SIZE [=] value
  | index_type
  | WITH PARSER parser_name [TODO]
  | COMMENT 'string'

    REFERENCES tbl_name (key_part,...)
      [ON DELETE reference_option]
      [ON UPDATE reference_option]

reference_option: [TODO]

    table_option [[,] table_option] ...

    AUTO_INCREMENT [=] value
  | AVG_ROW_LENGTH [=] value
  | [DEFAULT] CHARACTER SET [=] charset_name
  | CHECKSUM [=] {0 | 1}
  | [DEFAULT] COLLATE [=] collation_name
  | COMMENT [=] 'string'
  | CONNECTION [=] 'connect_string'
  | {DATA|INDEX} DIRECTORY [=] 'absolute path to directory' [TODO]
  | DELAY_KEY_WRITE [=] {0 | 1}
  | ENCRYPTION [=] {'Y' | 'N'} [TODO]
  | ENGINE [=] engine_name
  | KEY_BLOCK_SIZE [=] value
  | MAX_ROWS [=] value
  | MIN_ROWS [=] value
  | PACK_KEYS [=] {0 | 1 | DEFAULT}
  | PASSWORD [=] 'string'
  | UNION [=] (tbl_name[,tbl_name]...) [TODO]

        { [LINEAR] HASH(expr) [TODO: LINEAR not supported]
        | [LINEAR] KEY [ALGORITHM={1|2}] (column_list) [TODO: LINEAR and ALGORITHM not supported]
        | RANGE{(expr) | COLUMNS(column_list)}
        | LIST{(expr) | COLUMNS(column_list)} } [TODO]
    [PARTITIONS num]
    [SUBPARTITION BY [TODO: not supported except RANGE partition]
        { [LINEAR] HASH(expr)
        | [LINEAR] KEY [ALGORITHM={1|2}] (column_list) }
    [(partition_definition [, partition_definition] ...)]

    PARTITION partition_name
            {LESS THAN {(expr | value_list) | MAXVALUE}
            IN (value_list)}] [TODO]
        [[STORAGE] ENGINE [=] engine_name] [TODO: STORAGE not supported]
        [COMMENT [=] 'string' ]
        [DATA DIRECTORY [=] 'data_dir'] [TODO]
        [INDEX DIRECTORY [=] 'index_dir'] [TODO]
        [MAX_ROWS [=] max_number_of_rows] [TODO]
        [MIN_ROWS [=] min_number_of_rows] [TODO]
        [TABLESPACE [=] tablespace_name]
        [(subpartition_definition [, subpartition_definition] ...)]

    SUBPARTITION logical_name
        [[STORAGE] ENGINE [=] engine_name]
        [COMMENT [=] 'string' ]
        [DATA DIRECTORY [=] 'data_dir']
        [INDEX DIRECTORY [=] 'index_dir']
        [MAX_ROWS [=] max_number_of_rows]
        [MIN_ROWS [=] min_number_of_rows]
        [TABLESPACE [=] tablespace_name]

    SELECT ...   (Some valid select or union statement)
  • SPATIAL supports in create_definition.
  • COLUMN_FORMAT supports in column_definition.
  • STORAGE supports in column_definition.
  • WITH PARSER supports in index_option.
  • MATCH supports in reference_definition.
  • reference_option supports.
  • DIRECTORY supports in table_option.
  • INSERT_METHOD supports in table_option.
  • STATS_AUTO_RECALC supports in table_option.
  • STATS_SAMPLE_PAGES supports in table_option.
  • TABLESPACE supports in table_option.
  • UNION supports in table_option.
  • LINEAR and ALGORITHM supports in partition_options.
  • LIST supports in partition_options.
  • SUBPARTITION supports in partition_options.
  • IN supports in partition_definition.
  • [STORAGE] supports in partition_definition.
  • DATA DIRECTORY supports in partition_definition.
  • INDEX DIRECTORY supports in partition_definition.
  • MAX_ROWS supports in partition_definition.
  • MIN_ROWS supports in partition_definition.


It looks like the keyword OPTIONALLY is optional, because LOAD DATA seems to understand how to parse csv data that does not have enclosed quotes (this test case works the same in MySQL and TIDB):

echo "a,b,c" > /tmp/tmp.csv
echo '"1",2,"3"' >> /tmp/tmp.csv

 b INT,
 c varchar(10)

mysql> SELECT * FROM t1;
| id | b    | c    |
|  1 |    2 | 3    |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

However, the following does not work in TiDB:


Because of the above test-case, it looks like OPTIONALLY can be parsed but ignored unless someone discovers a test-case to the contrary.

Semantic version required

We've make the parser a standalone repository, moving the code out from TiDB. One of the main purpose is to make the parser more general one.

The parser should be general enough to work as a library, works in both TiDB 2.1 and TiDB and many other projects (maybe different module version).

To reach that goal, I think it's time to tag release version for the parser, and employ the sematic version.

CURRENT_TIMESTAMP FuncCallExpr should support args

like the question on so :

mysql> create table tbl_so_q23671222_1( ts timestamp(3) default now() );
ERROR 1067 (42000): Invalid default value for 'ts'
mysql> create table tbl_so_q23671222_1( ts timestamp(3) default now(3) );
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.59 sec)
mysql> create table tbl_so_q23671222_2( ts timestamp(3) default current_timestamp );
ERROR 1067 (42000): Invalid default value for 'ts'
mysql> create table tbl_so_q23671222_2( ts timestamp(3) default current_timestamp(3) );
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.38 sec)

current_timestamp(3) should be parsed, otherwise it's not a valid ddl.

version: 5958b6f


func TestDDL(t *testing.T) {
	s := `create table t(dt datetime(6) not null default current_timestamp(6) on update current_timestamp(6))`
	p := parser.New()
	stmt, err := p.ParseOneStmt(s, "", "")
	require.NoError(t, err)
	b := bytes.NewBufferString("")
	ctx := format.NewRestoreCtx(format.DefaultRestoreFlags, b)
	require.NoError(t, stmt.Restore(ctx))



which is invalid.

ERROR 1105 (HY000): inconsistent extra index PRIMARY

CREATE TABLE sys_dept (
id int(11) NOT NULL,
name varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL,

CREATE TABLE sys_user (
plat varchar(255) NOT NULL,
id varchar(255) NOT NULL,
dept int(11) DEFAULT NULL,
PRIMARY KEY (plat,id)

insert into sys_dept values(1, 'xian');
insert into sys_dept values(2, 'shanghai');

insert into sys_user values('p', 'mofy', 1);
insert into sys_user values('p', 'yangyy', 2);

delete from sys_user where dept in(select id from sys_dept where name = 'shanghai');

select count(*) from sys_user where plat= 'p' and id = 'yangyy';
count should return 0, but return 1 instead.

select * from sys_user where plat= 'p' and id = 'yangyy';
should return Empty set, but return ERROR 1105 (HY000): inconsistent extra index PRIMARY

FLUSH SLOW LOGS parse error

Bug Report

Please answer these questions before submitting your issue. Thanks!

  1. What did you do?
    If possible, provide a recipe for reproducing the error.

  2. What did you expect to see?

  3. What did you see instead?

  4. What version of TiDB SQL Parser are you using?

BUG: parsing UseStmt.DBName is not in line with expectations

In TiDB Parser, version: master in repo

stmt, _ := parser.ParseOneStmt("use abc`def", "", "")
&ast.UseStmt{stmtNode:ast.stmtNode{node:ast.node{text:"use abc`def"}}, DBName:"abc"}

In MariaDB(MySQL Untested), version: 10.3.10-MariaDB

MariaDB [(none)]> use na`me
Database changed
MariaDB [na`me]> 

Maybe we don't support this way, but we should't get a part of name.

`TableName` rule should not derive to `Identifier '.' '*'`

In fix of #188, the following new rule was introduced:


Lines 4886 to 4898 in 690470b

$$ = &ast.TableName{Name:model.NewCIStr($1)}
| Identifier '.' Identifier
$$ = &ast.TableName{Schema:model.NewCIStr($1), Name:model.NewCIStr($3)}
| Identifier '.' '*'
$$ = &ast.TableName{Name:model.NewCIStr($1)}

but this affects all uses of TableName and leads to some non-sense syntax being accepted, e.g.

-- should throw syntax error, but accepted and treated as equivalent to ANALYZE TABLE a;

We should create a separate rule for DELETE statement instead, and revert the TableName change.

field ExtendValue is not visited in VariableAssignment.Accept


// VariableAssignment is a variable assignment struct.
type VariableAssignment struct {
	Name     string
	Value    ExprNode
	IsGlobal bool
	IsSystem bool

	// ExtendValue is a way to store extended info.
	// VariableAssignment should be able to store information for SetCharset/SetPWD Stmt.
	// For SetCharsetStmt, Value is charset, ExtendValue is collation.
	// TODO: Use SetStmt to implement set password statement.
	ExtendValue ValueExpr

// Accept implements Node interface.
func (n *VariableAssignment) Accept(v Visitor) (Node, bool) {
	newNode, skipChildren := v.Enter(n)
	if skipChildren {
		return v.Leave(newNode)
	n = newNode.(*VariableAssignment)
	node, ok := n.Value.Accept(v)
	if !ok {
		return n, false
	n.Value = node.(ExprNode)
	return v.Leave(n)

the ExtendValue is not visited in Accept. If the SQL is SET NAMES 'utf8' COLLATE 'utf8_general_ci', the collation clause cannot be visited by a visitor. Is it a bug or a feature?

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