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usu's Issues

Breadcrumb validation fails due to rewritten URL

Describe the bug :

In functions_display.php, phpBB builds the navigation links used in the breadcrumbs submenu. These breadcrumbs validate properly in both Google's Structured Data testing tool and Google's Rich Results Test tool when this extension is disabled.

However, when USU is enabled something goes wrong because the breadcrumbs microdata generated by functions_display.php is still based on URLs having forum ID in them.

When virtual folders are used to rewrite forum URLs (for example for example the forum ID is stripped, meaning that the microdata that is generated is incorrect and the 'item' field is not preprocessed, therefore the markup fails validation.

Is there any way we could stop this URL from being preprocessed by USU so that the breadcrumbs will actually work again?

Ultimate SEO and phpBB Gallery - how to set up?

I installed Ultimate phpBB SEO Friendly URL and phpBB Gallery. But the gallery does not open. When I go to the link to the gallery - the main page of the forum opens. This is probably due to the incompatibility of these mods.

How do I fix this?

phpBB 3.3.11
PHP 7.4
Theme: Prosilver

Login redirect from a virtual folder fails due to scriptname still being included in the URL

Describe the bug :
When you're on a viewforum page that has been rewritten by this ext, for example if you're in /off-topic/ instead of /viewforum.php?f=2, and you then click any link or submit any form to log in, the redirection after the successful login fails because it produces a URL that looks like this:


The culprit is the 'viewforum.php' script name. If this were removed somehow then this bug would be fixed.

To Reproduce :
Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Configure USU to use virtual forum folders in the ACP
  2. Refresh cache/update .htaccess as necessary
  3. Log out
  4. Navigate to any forum, for example /off-topic or /general-discussion
  5. Log in using quick login box or any standard log in link
  6. After successful log in, phpBB will try to redirect you to the page you were on previously, but it will fail, because of the viewforum.php scriptname in the URL that is generated.
  7. An error message 'The forum you selected does not exist.' is displayed.

Expected behavior :
What should happen is that you are redirected to /off-topic/?forum_uri=off-topic&start=&sid=..., NOT /viewforum.php/off-topic/?forum_uri=off-topic&start=&sid=....

Any chance we could get a quick find & replace fix for this?

Wrong URLs on forum main board

Hi there.

I'm having a problem while using the extension. The main board URLs are not the user-friendly ones, but then once I'm inside any of the forums, the URL in the breadcrumbs are the right ones.

As an example:

  • This News and suggestion forum URL is /forum12.html
    Screenshot 2021-07-10 at 23 41 31

  • But then, on the breadcrumb is /news-and-suggestions-f12.html which is what I would expect (even tho I would expect the ID to not be there because that is what I configured on the settings)
    Screenshot 2021-07-10 at 23 40 12

Any idea why this is happening?

Thank you!

phpBB version 3.2.4


It seems the extension is not compatible with phpBB 3.2.4

In ACP error message :

[phpBB Debug] PHP Notice: in file [ROOT]/ext/phpbbseo/usu/acp/usu.php on line 140: Indirect modification of overloaded property phpbb/user::$lang has no effect

(using french languiage pack...)

In the forum itself when clicking on a sub forum :

No route found for "GET /name-of-the-sub-forum/" (from "")

Last post URL for each forum in board not translated

The URL to the last posted message for each forum in the board index is not translated properly, e.g. at

The topic URL is translated to:

But the URL at the right side where the last posts are listed is:

Expected would be:

problem in acp / usu.php (beta 4)

after installation, clicking on the acp / phpbb seo tab, I get this error:
Fatal error: Call to a member function lang() on a non-object in C:\xampp\htdocs\phpbbstore32\ext\phpbbseo\usu\acp\usu.php on line 145

Groups address rewrite

Groups address rewrite , not working yet

rewriteRule ^community/(group|[a-z0-9_-]*-g)([0-9]+)(-([0-9]+))?.html$ /community/memberlist.php?mode=group&g=$2&start=$4 [QSA,L,NC]

Admin PHPBB SEO Tab gives a blank white screen

I have installed and enabled the plugin and I see the "PHPBB SEO" Tab in ACP but when I click on it I just get a blank white screen

I would assume I should be seeing the settings screen for PHPBB SEO but all I see is a white screen. Everything else in ACP and front end works fine.

  • Device Type: [Desktop & Smartphone]
  • PHP: [8.0.26]
  • phpBB: [3.3.9]
  • OS: [Cpanel - Linux]
  • Browser: [Chrome, Safari, Firefox, Opera]
  • Extension Version: [2.0.2 beta]

Error when login on a post or a topic with zero duplicate strict mode

Hi, when i log being on a topic; i get an error page, i have to click to go back on index, then it displays the topic doesn't exist, i click another time on index and things come back to normal, phpbb 3.3.2 with php 7.4 :

General Error


FILE: (not given by php)
LINE: (not given by php)
CALL: msg_handler()

FILE: [ROOT]/ext/phpbbseo/usu/core.php
LINE: 1310
CALL: trigger_error()

FILE: [ROOT]/ext/phpbbseo/usu/core.php
LINE: 1411
CALL: phpbbseo\usu\core->seo_redirect()

FILE: [ROOT]/ext/phpbbseo/usu/event/listener.php
LINE: 345
CALL: phpbbseo\usu\core->zero_dupe()

FILE: [ROOT]/vendor/symfony/event-dispatcher/EventDispatcher.php
LINE: 214
CALL: phpbbseo\usu\event\listener->core_user_setup()

FILE: [ROOT]/vendor/symfony/event-dispatcher/EventDispatcher.php
LINE: 44
CALL: Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher\EventDispatcher->doDispatch()

FILE: [ROOT]/phpbb/event/dispatcher.php
LINE: 62
CALL: Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher\EventDispatcher->dispatch()

FILE: [ROOT]/phpbb/event/dispatcher.php
LINE: 46
CALL: phpbb\event\dispatcher->dispatch()

FILE: [ROOT]/phpbb/user.php
LINE: 222
CALL: phpbb\event\dispatcher->trigger_event()

FILE: [ROOT]/viewtopic.php
LINE: 357
CALL: phpbb\user->setup()

Screenshot :

When i click on "return to index page" it goes to and it says "the topic is not available" (for sure with that url), i click on the logo to go back and everything goes back to normal, by the way, the log is done after clicking on "return to index page", i can see i'm logged.

It happens when i'm on a post of the topic with url like topic-url-txx.html#pxxx (xxx is the number of the post), i'll try to see if it happens if i change some parameters about redirecting post to url topic.

Undefined index: modrlinks_fr and modrforumlinks_fr

Hi there,

I installed your extension on a french testing board.

In ACP, there are the 4 following notices:

> [phpBB Debug] PHP Notice: in file [ROOT]/ext/phpbbseo/usu/acp/usu.php on line 1675: Undefined index: modrlinks_fr
> [phpBB Debug] PHP Notice: in file [ROOT]/ext/phpbbseo/usu/acp/usu.php on line 1676: Undefined index: modrforumlinks_fr
> [phpBB Debug] PHP Notice: in file [ROOT]/ext/phpbbseo/usu/acp/usu.php on line 1677: Undefined index: modrlinks_fr
> [phpBB Debug] PHP Notice: in file [ROOT]/ext/phpbbseo/usu/acp/usu.php on line 1678: Undefined index: modrforumlinks_fr

thanks for posts vs seo url

github seo url:
thanks for posts github url:

This modified doesn't work for me!
A for me working variant with phpbb 3.1.8 and Thanks for Posts from 16.01.2016 and usu from 9.08.2015:
In /ext/phpbbseo/usu/event/listener.php look for

if ($post_id && !$view && !$this->core->set_do_redir_post())

replace with

// Thanks for Posts extension
$to_id = request_var('to_id', 0);
$thanks = request_var('thanks', 0);
$rthanks = request_var('rthanks', 0);
// if ($post_id && !$view && !$this->core->set_do_redir_post())
if (($rthanks || $thanks || $post_id) && !$view && $this->core->set_do_redir_post())
// Thanks for Posts extension

Then look for
'hilit' => array('val' => (($highlight_match) ? $highlight : ''), 'keep' => !empty($highlight_match)),

And add after

// Thanks for Posts extension
'rthanks' => array('val' => $rthanks, 'keep' => $rthanks),
'to_id' => array('val' => $to_id, 'keep' => $to_id),
'thanks' => array('val' => $thanks, 'keep' => $thanks),
// Thanks for Posts extension

then look for $this->core->zero_dupe();

and replace with

// Thanks for Posts extension
// $this->core->zero_dupe();
if (!$to_id && !$thanks && !$rthanks) {
// Thanks for Posts extension

Clean your cache and then it should work.
Maybe a more talented one prepares a commit for the repository.

I used zero dupe with strict mode on, and redirect for ALL

General error when clicking on user profile

Getting an error when

  • not connected
  • clicking on a user profile in a post
  • redirected to login page
    then getting the error below


According to the extension code it seems when analyzing the redirect url it is not able to identify if this is https or http (our forum is in https)

Has some bug

Describe the bug :

I have installed your extension and enabled. But i have no idea about Settings. So please let me know how to make settings for the extension.

phpbb 3.3

phpbb 3.3 changed something and extension does not work at all :(

Compatible with 3.3.5?

I have a problem with a function of your mod, I was able to set the names for the categories and I configured other settings such as removing ids from topics and virtual folders for topic forums.

However, if I go to the topics the URL is of the type 'post142.html' and without categories!


  • Device Type: Apache
  • PHP: 7.2.25
  • phpBB: 3.3.5
  • OS: CentOS 7

Extension urls stay like original phpBB in the latest version when i update

Hi, if i update to the latest version (git updated 18th of July 2021), the urls of forums, topics and post are the original from PhpBB, like if the extension is not active, no matter how i update the htaccess, disable/enable the extension, change options...

If i disable, delete, and came back to the previous version of git (downloaded 13th of July 2021), extension urls display nice again, forums, topics, posts...

So there's a bug with the last update that corrects the XSS, i'm talking about this update :

The version downloaded before that (13th of july) doesn't make that bug.

Uncaught TypeError: Illegal offset type in line 156 of usu.php

version 2.0.2 = current github master


clicking on PHPBB SEO tab in ACP gives 500:

2302 FastCGI sent in stderr: "PHP message: PHP Fatal error:  Uncaught TypeError: Illegal offset type in /phpbb/ext/phpbbseo/usu/acp/usu.php:156
Stack trace:
#0 /phpbb/includes/functions_module.php(676): phpbbseo\usu\acp\usu->main()
#1 /phpbb/adm/index.php(81): p_master->load_active()
#2 {main}
  thrown in /phpbb/ext/phpbbseo/usu/acp/usu.php on line 156" while reading response header from upstream

156 line which is:

if (@is_bool($this->core->seo_opt[$optionvalue]))

url structure : put the topic id at the beginning of the url in case of truncated url?

Hi, the url structure is actually that way for topics or forums :

Problem, if a CMS o somebody truncated a bit of the url we'll have quickly a 404 error : -> error 404

If the topic id is at the beginning of the url : -> no error 404

And for many reasons, the url can be truncated, so it would avoid the 404 error in many cases and display the right topic.

Same thing for forum urls.

What do you think? Easy to change?

Help me! Url error font

Hỏi đáp & Chia sẽ kinh nghiệm - ID 8
Final URL : h-i-ap-chia-s-kinh-nghi-m-f8.html
i wan: hoi-dap-chia-se-kinh-nghiem-f8.html
i have function do: Hỏi đáp & Chia sẽ kinh nghiệm -> hoi-dap-chia-se-kinh-nghiem
help me, please!

Way to allow custom URL parameters to not be rewritten?

Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe :
If I have configured my site to use virtual folders for forums and I visit one, let's say /trade/, the redirection works fine. Great. how about adding some parameters for sorting etc.? So if I go to /trade/?st=1, it correctly takes me to the filtered page, that's good. However, when I try and use custom parameters, let's say /trade/?sold=1, it always deleted this parameter and redirects me to /trade/ no matter what I do. I've looked hard at the htaccess, but there is nothing in there that makes this redirect happen, which suggests that it's in the extensions actual controller to ignore parameters unless they are 'st', 'sk', or 'd' (the standard phpBB ones).

Describe the solution you'd like :
I would like a FIND/REPLACE way of disabling this restriction, so that when I visit my URL with its custom parameter: /trade/?sold=1, I won't be redirected back to /trade/ every time. I want it to actually go through to /trade/?sold=1. The extension is always rewriting the parameter though. Can I get rid of this?

Describe alternatives you've considered :
I've looked through the core files and can see that this is where the issue lies - it seems to be hard coded into the ext to only allow the default parameters to go through and not custom ones.

Any ideas guys?

PHPBB Pages Route Issue

I was testing this mod on my test board and noticed a conflict with the phpbb extension Pages.

Every time I try to go to a page that has a custom route with the mod, it just redirects to the index. I don't know if this is because the mod uses it's on "friendly url" routing code and it's conflicting with the SEO mod.

Little concern

I am trying your extension with certain satisfaction I might add

I may have found something to improve, If It's not my fault

I've noticed that my forum after installing usu, is very slow on firefox, but on chrome is like a Ferrari

Would I have done something wrong? Or there is something I can do about It?

Thanks. And btw good work.

USU is not with PHP 8

USU seems not compatible with PHP 8

In index I've got lot of :

[phpBB Debug] PHP Warning: in file [ROOT]/ext/phpbbseo/usu/core/traits/url.php on line 324: Undefined array key 1
[phpBB Debug] PHP Warning: in file [ROOT]/ext/phpbbseo/usu/core/traits/rewriter.php on line 161: Undefined array key "author"
[phpBB Debug] PHP Warning: in file [ROOT]/ext/phpbbseo/usu/core/traits/rewriter.php on line 330: Undefined array key "start"
[phpBB Debug] PHP Warning: in file [ROOT]/ext/phpbbseo/usu/core/traits/rewriter.php on line 241: Undefined array key "sr"

And going to topic make error :

General Error


FILE: (not given by php)
LINE: (not given by php)
CALL: msg_handler()

FILE: [ROOT]/ext/phpbbseo/usu/core/traits/seo.php
LINE: 127
CALL: trigger_error()

FILE: [ROOT]/ext/phpbbseo/usu/core/core.php
LINE: 730
CALL: phpbbseo\usu\core\core->seo_redirect()

FILE: [ROOT]/ext/phpbbseo/usu/event/listener.php
LINE: 354
CALL: phpbbseo\usu\core\core->zero_dupe()

FILE: [ROOT]/vendor/symfony/event-dispatcher/EventDispatcher.php
LINE: 214
CALL: phpbbseo\usu\event\listener->core_user_setup()

FILE: [ROOT]/vendor/symfony/event-dispatcher/EventDispatcher.php
LINE: 44
CALL: Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher\EventDispatcher->doDispatch()

FILE: [ROOT]/phpbb/event/dispatcher.php
LINE: 62
CALL: Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher\EventDispatcher->dispatch()

FILE: [ROOT]/phpbb/event/dispatcher.php
LINE: 46
CALL: phpbb\event\dispatcher->dispatch()

FILE: [ROOT]/phpbb/user.php
LINE: 222
CALL: phpbb\event\dispatcher->trigger_event()

FILE: [ROOT]/viewtopic.php
LINE: 356
CALL: phpbb\user->setup()

PLEASE HELP. Pages are displaying that they cannot be found

Hello everyone.

I am very new to this software. PLEASE. Any help will be greatly appreciated.

I have installed phpbb 3.3.8 and I am trying to use the July 2021 USU SEO Plugin

Everything installs correctly but i am not sure if i am using the plugin correctly.

When i activate the plugin and copy my htaccess file to the root, my website works up to the home page.
Once I click on a forum or a member name it says "this page cannot be found"

from here on i am stuck and I would appreciate some help. I have been working with this plugin for the last 3 days but cant seem how to use it correctly.

Thank you very much for your time. :)

error on- login redirection page phpbb3.3.5+nginx+php7.4

Hi, i am using phpbbseo for (phpbb3.3.5+nginx+php7.4) ubuntu os,

installed usu plugin working fine, but when user try to login from index homepage then its fine, but when user login from /forum-name (or) /forum-name/topic-name.html then after login its redirecting to an error page saying

The requested page could not be found.


user when click this below url to login

it will redirect him to page after login is below

but after login it give me error message

The requested page could not be found.

usu not working in 3.2.4 version

Please help me , i am working for SEO Friendly URL in phpbb with your "usu extensions folder" but its not working
Please support if possible


Error with php 8.0 in ACP

I have updated php to version 8 and the phpbb seo tab in ACP does not work for me

error: "Fatal error: Uncaught TypeError: Illegal offset type in ...\ext\phpbbseo\usu\acp\usu.php:156 Stack trace: #0 ...\includes\functions_module.php(676): phpbbseo\usu\acp\usu->main('\phpbbseo\usu\a...', 'settings') #1 ...\adm\index.php(81): p_master->load_active() #2 {main} thrown in ...\ext\phpbbseo\usu\acp\usu.php on line 156"

Thank you

Errors with php 8.0 in ACP -> phpbb seo tab

Hi, using php 7.4 it works fine but with php 8.0 i got those error with Ultimate phpBB SEO Friendly URL :

[phpBB Debug] PHP Warning: in file [ROOT]/ext/phpbbseo/usu/acp/usu.php on line 1679: Undefined array key "modrlinks_fr"
[phpBB Debug] PHP Warning: in file [ROOT]/ext/phpbbseo/usu/acp/usu.php on line 1679: Trying to access array offset on value of type null
[phpBB Debug] PHP Warning: in file [ROOT]/ext/phpbbseo/usu/acp/usu.php on line 1680: Undefined array key "modrforumlinks_fr"
[phpBB Debug] PHP Warning: in file [ROOT]/ext/phpbbseo/usu/acp/usu.php on line 1680: Trying to access array offset on value of type null
[phpBB Debug] PHP Warning: in file [ROOT]/ext/phpbbseo/usu/acp/usu.php on line 1681: Undefined array key "modrlinks_fr"
[phpBB Debug] PHP Warning: in file [ROOT]/ext/phpbbseo/usu/acp/usu.php on line 1681: Trying to access array offset on value of type null
[phpBB Debug] PHP Warning: in file [ROOT]/ext/phpbbseo/usu/acp/usu.php on line 1682: Undefined array key "modrforumlinks_fr"
[phpBB Debug] PHP Warning: in file [ROOT]/ext/phpbbseo/usu/acp/usu.php on line 1682: Trying to access array offset on value of type null
Fatal error: Uncaught TypeError: Illegal offset type in / Stack trace: #0 / phpbbseo\usu\acp\usu->main('\\phpbbseo\\usu\\a...', 'settings') #1 / p_master->load_active() #2 {main} thrown in 
/ on line 152

Any way to fix this?



member list redirection

Accessing the member profile is not working correctly on my site.

eg. /forum/member4.html redirects to /forum/memberlist.php?mode=viewprofile&u=4 which redirects again to /forum/member4.html (causing an infinite loop)

How can I fix this ?

My nginx rules:
rewrite ^/forum/member/([^/]+)/?$ /forum/memberlist.php?mode=viewprofile&un=$1 last; rewrite ^/forum/member/([^/]+)/(topics|posts)/?(page([0-9]+)\.html)?$ /forum/search.php?author=$1&sr=$2&start=$4 last; rewrite ^/forum/member(.*).html /forum/memberlist.php?mode=viewprofile&u=$1 permanent;

Any idea?

Compatibility with phpbbasic

First of all, sorry for my bad English and if this should be issued with phpbbasic instead of usu, sorry too, close or delete this.

With the extension phpbbasic, the urls at the forum page appear like viewtopic.php?f=&t=, with empty ids, instead of the seo url or the normal url with ids. Also, the button to redirect to first post unread appears with ids but not in seo form.

SECURITY: Reflected XSS attack

phpbb-seo up the latest version is vulnerable to a reflected XSS attack using e.g.:'"--></style></scRipt><scRipt>alert(/OPENBUGBOUNTY/)</scRipt>

The template variable {S_LOGIN_REDIRECT} will output in that case:

<input type="hidden" name="redirect" value="'"--></style></scRipt><scRipt>alert(/OPENBUGBOUNTY/)</scRipt>" />

usu not working with php8.1

Describe the bug :
usu not working with php8.1

To Reproduce :
Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Upload phpBB SEO 2.0.2
  2. Install plugin from acp
  3. Go to "PHPBB SEO" page in acp
  4. See error 500

Got error 'PHP message: PHP Fatal error: Uncaught TypeError: Illegal offset type in /var/www/html/bb/ext/phpbbseo/usu/acp/usu.php:156\nStack trace:\n#0 /var/www/html/bb/includes/functions_module.php(676): phpbbseo\\usu\\acp\\usu->main()\n#1 /var/www/html/bb/adm/index.php(81): p_master->load_active()\n#2 {main}\n thrown in /var/www/html/bb/ext/phpbbseo/usu/acp/usu.php on line 156', referer: redacted

Expected behavior :
Open usu settings page

Device (please complete the following information) :

  • Device Type: [all]
  • PHP: [8.1.6]
  • phpBB: [3.3.10]
  • OS: [Linux]
  • Browser: [all]
  • Extension Version: [2.0.2]

Additional context :
This project looks dead but I leave for information people who have the same problem.


[phpBB Debug] PHP Warning: in file [ROOT]/ext/phpbbseo/usu/event/listener.php on line 398: include(./includes/functions_url_matcher.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory
[phpBB Debug] PHP Warning: in file [ROOT]/ext/phpbbseo/usu/event/listener.php on line 398: include(): Failed opening './includes/functions_url_matcher.php' for inclusion (include_path='.:/usr/php72/lib/php')

this reports with an extension

I use PHP 7.2

Thank you

demanding "chmod 0777" is a bug

Enforcement of "chmod 0777" of the cache directory is wrong by design and should be eliminated from the code. PHP can run with non-root privileges and user running it can be directory owner, it's absolutely not necessary to allow writing by everyone in cache directory. It creates security issues only.

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