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node-amf3's Introduction


AMF (ActionScript Message Format) Version 3 library for Node.js

This library is based on ProjectCryo's AMF.js project


npm install [--save] node-amf3

AMF0 support

AMF0 is not supported by this library.



Coming soon


var Decoder = require('node-amf3').Decoder;

fs.readFile(file, function(err, data) {
    const decoder = new Decoder(data);
    const result = decoder.decode();


Custom Externalizables

Simply extend the Externalizable class and register it in the decoder to allow for the custom encoding of objects.

  • Pass the fully qualified name to the constructor
  • The static read method will be called whenever an object with the Externizable's class is found.
import { Decoder, Externalizable } from 'node-amf3';

class MyModel extends Externalizable {

    constructor() {

    static read(decoder) {
        var model = new MyModel();
        model.value = decoder.readByte();

        return model;

//Register the externalizable
Decoder.register("name.of.the.model", MyModel);

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