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multitenant-adf's Introduction

Multi-tenant Data Factory Demo

This demo is provided as-is and is not supported in any way by me or Microsoft. It has been tested on serval different types of subscriptions but there may be deployment issues in some regions or some subscription types. Feel free to provide feedback but I can not guarantee that it will be addressed.

Success in implementing this demo is reliant on you having some basic knowledge around Azure, Azure SQL Database and Azure Data Factory. If you need training, please go through the Microsoft learn training.

The demo is designed to highlight one way in one scenario to build multi-tenant, reusable pipelines. It is not intended to be best practice for every possible feature or scenario and it is especially NOT following best practice for security. READ: Do not implement production security like this demo.

Demo Guide

Deploy Azure resources

Please read and understand the entire step before trying to execute. All resources should be deployed to the same Azure region. Since this is a demo only, I would also recommend deploying to the same resource group. I highly recommend that you deploy using the deploy to Azure button below. Alternatively you can follow the steps and guidance below. The deploy to Azure button deploys everything as described below.

Deploy to Azure

  1. Deploy source databases. For this demo I deployed three Azure SQL Databases with the sample database. These are all hosted from the same Logical SQL Server. I use the S2 tier during the demo but scale down to S1 when I am not actively using it. I also enable SQL Authentication. The pipeline will use SQL Authentication so for ease of use I would use the same admin account for all of your databases. The best practice security wise would be to use a Managed Identity in Data Factory and grant access to SQL databases. Also make sure that your databases are using a public endpoint for this demo.

  2. Deploy the destination data warehouse. For this I deployed one Azure SQL Database. It is hosted on the same Logical SQL Server as the source databases. I use the S3 tier during the demo but scale down to S1 when I am not actively using it. I also enable SQL Authentication. I created the same admin account as the source databases, again, not best practice, it is just so I don't have to memorize a bunch of user names and passwords. Also make sure that your databases are using a public endpoint for this demo.

  3. Deploy Azure Data Factory.

Deploy the ARM pipeline ARM template

Note: This step is required. This step is not covered in the previous arm template deployment. The previous section is for deploying Azure resources while this step deploys your Data Factory Pipeline.

  1. Open Azure Data Factory in the Azure Portal and click on Open Azure Data Factory Studio.

  2. Select the Manage icon on the left, choose ARM template, and select Import ARM template. This should launch the Custom deployment page in the Azure portal.

  3. Select Build your own template in the editor and leave it open for now.

  4. Open the arm_templates\adf_pipeline_arm_template.json file in this repository. Select all of the text and then paste it into the Edit template page and click Save.

  5. Now choose the resource group and region that you are deploying into, update the Factory Name to reflect your data factory name. There are two connection strings you will need to populate. Below are examples of what these should look like (without the quotes). The highlighted values below will need to be updated to reflect your logins and server names.

    Tenant Databases_connectionString = integrated security=False;encrypt=True;connection timeout=30;data source=@{linkedService().ServerName};initial catalog=@{linkedService().DatabaseName};user id=dblogin

    Warehouse_connectionString = integrated security=False;encrypt=True;connection timeout=30;data;initial catalog=warehouse-multi-tenant;user id=warehouselogin

    Note: The tenant database connection string is parameterized for the data source and initial catalog values. The pipeline will automatically fill in these values at run time.

  6. Select Review + create, then choose the Create button. Give the template a few minutes to deploy. Close and reopen your Azure Data Factory Studio and verify that you ARM template has successfully deployed by navigating to the Author page. Here you should now have two pipelines and three datasets.

Configure your metadata tables

This solution leverage the use of metadata tables in the destination database to store the server names, database names and tenant ids for the source databases. It also stores a list of table names that we would like to copy in our pipeline.

  1. From the Azure portal, navigate to your warehouse database. Select Query editor from the menu on the left and login to the database.

Note: You may receive a warning while first logging in that your client IP address is not allowed to access the server. At the bottom of this warning, it will suggest that you can add your IP address to the allowlist. Click this, and then retry the login.

  1. Open the SQL Queries\meta-driven-pipeline.sql file in a text editor. You WILL need to update the insert statements for the TenantMetadata table with the correct ServerNames and DatabaseNames for your environment. The parts you must changed are highlighted below.

    INSERT INTO TenantMetadata VALUES (1, N'tenant1', N'', N'db-tenant1');

    INSERT INTO TenantMetadata VALUES (2, N'tenant2', N'', N'db-tenant2');

    INSERT INTO TenantMetadata VALUES (3, N'tenant3', N'', N'db-tenant3');

  2. The rest of the script may remain as-is. I have added a couple of tips on getting started with indexing for these tables. Keep in mind, if you have a small number of rows, indexing will not matter. So, the indexing is basically academic for the purposes of the demo but might be helpful in some cases where you have larger numbers of rows (see the comments in the script).

  3. Generate the cleanup script by copying the contents of the SQL Queries\CleanupSchema.sql file into the query editor and running it. No customizations are necessary.

    Note: For the purposes of the demo we do the cleanup of the staging tables at the beginning of the pipeline. However, for real world usage you would usually cleanup the staging tables after the production table load completes.

Configure your pipeline

  1. To run the pipeline you will need to supply passwords for the linked services. Linked services hold the connection information for your sources and destinations. From the Azure Data Factory Studio, navigate to Manage->Linked Services->TenantDatabases. Update the User name and Password to match your source databases.

    Note: At this point the Test connection will not work for this linked service without you manually updating the values for the Fully qualified domain name @{linkedService().ServerName} and the DatabaseName @{linkedService().DatabaseName} parameters. If you scroll down on the__Edit linked service__ blade, you should see a parameters section with the parameterized values we are using. So if you want to test the connect, there will be a popout allowing you to provide those parameters manually (you may leave tenant-id set to the default for connection testing. When we run the pipeline, these parameterized values will be automatically populated from the tables we created earlier.

  2. Select Apply to accept the changes.

  3. Open the warehouse linked service. Here you will need to update the Fully qualified domain name, the DatabaseName, the User name and the Password to match your destination database (aka your data warehouse). Click Test connection to validate your configuration then select Apply to accept the changes.

  4. If you have changes to publish, click the Publish all button.

Understanding the pipelines, activities, datasets and linked services

This solution contains two pipelines and three datasets. Each will be described in detail below.

The first pipeline is the TenantPipeline. This is the master pipeline. When running the demo, it is only necessary to trigger this pipeline, all other components of the demo are automated.

The TenantPipeline consists of four activities described below.

  1. The CleanupStagingTables stored procedure activity. This activity simply connects to the warehouse database and cleans up the staging tables and schema by calling the dbo.CleanupStagingSchema stored procedure. Everything here is hardcoded. If you are implementing your own stored procedure here, the only thing to be aware of, is that you typically want this activity to be idempotent. So if it runs, and there is nothing to cleanup, it still completes with success. Likewise, if it runs and does have to cleanup tables and schemas, it also completes with success.

  2. The TenantLookup lookup activity. This activity is responsible for pulling the list of tenants by running the SELECT * FROM TenantMetadata ORDER BY TenantPriority query in the warehouse database. There is no parameterization in this activity but the output which will be passed on to the next activity is JSON formatted with the results of the query that will look something like this:

    "count": 3,
    "value": [
            "TenantPriority": 1,
            "TenantID": "tenant1",
            "ServerName": "",
            "DatabaseName": "db-tenant1"
            "TenantPriority": 2,
            "TenantID": "tenant2",
            "ServerName": "",
            "DatabaseName": "db-tenant2"
            "TenantPriority": 3,
            "TenantID": "tenant3",
            "ServerName": "",
            "DatabaseName": "db-tenant3"

    Note: In many production workloads, these metadata tables would be in a dedicated config database, especially if you have lots of rows, or lots of pipelines leveraging the tables, or if the source and or destination databases are in another region.

  3. The next activity is the ForEachTenant ForEach activity. If you select this activity, then choose the Settings tab, you will see that under Items we have added dynamic content representing the output of the previous lookup activity. The value is @activity('TenantLookup').output.value. If you delete this item, click in the empty field and choose the Add dynamic content link you will get a popup showing you all of the accessible options for dynamic content. Choose TenantLookup value array, which will give you the entire array of results from your lookup. The ForEach activity will then iterate through each element of the array. Note that ForEach loops are not recursive so nested arrays will not processed by the loop.

    On the Settings tab of your ForEachTenant activity, notice there is a Sequential checkbox. Enabling this allows your loop to process only one iteration at a time. In this condition, the loop will wait for the iteration to complete until the next one begins. The default behavior is is for the iterations to all run as soon as possible. Since we would like to process all tenants in parallel, we have left this option disabled.

  4. Within your ForEachTenant activity you have the ExecCopyDatabasePipeline activity. This is an an Execute Pipeline activity. We are using it to execute the DatabaseCopyPipeline for each tenant. If you open the ExecCopyDatabasePipeline activity and click on the Settings tab, you will see the name of the invoked pipeline. You will also notice that we have defined three parameters here; ServerName, DatabaseName and TenantID. These parameters will be passed into the invoked pipeline. If you delete one of these items and then click the Add dynamic content link, you will be taken to the add dynamic content popup. Choose ForEachTenant under the ForEach iterator section. This will show @item() in the editing box. But the item that we are iterating on is actually an array with one element for each column. So to properly assign the value from the array to the parameter type .column-name replacing column-name with the name of the parameter you deleted, your line should look something like this @item().ServerName. Click OK, then publish any changes.

  5. Open the DatabaseCopyPipeline under the Factory Resources menu. This pipeline is responsible for collecting the list of tables that we want to copy from each source and then copying each of those tables to the warehouse staging tables. Notice that on the Parameters tab, we have the same parameters that we had in our Execute Pipeline activity. These parameters will be populated by the calling pipeline.

  6. The LookupTables lookup activity. This activity is responsible for pulling the list of tables we would like to copy from the source databases by running the SELECT * FROM SchemaMetadata WHERE CopyFlag = 1 ORDER BY CopyPriority query in the warehouse database. The ORDER BY on the CopyPriority column allows us to copy tables in a certain order if necessary by changing the values in the table. The SchemaName and TableName columns should be self-explanitory. The CopyFlag is not used in the demo but it could be used to allow the exclusion of certain tables from the copy process by filtering on this column. There is no parameterization in this activity but the output which will be passed on to the next activity is JSON formatted with the results of the query that will look something like this:

    "count": 10,
    "value": [
            "CopyPriority": 1,
            "SchemaName": "SalesLT",
            "TableName": "Address",
            "CopyFlag": true
            "CopyPriority": 2,
            "SchemaName": "SalesLT",
            "TableName": "Customer",
            "CopyFlag": true
            "CopyPriority": 3,
            "SchemaName": "SalesLT",
            "TableName": "CustomerAddress",
            "CopyFlag": true
            "CopyPriority": 4,
            "SchemaName": "SalesLT",
            "TableName": "ProductCategory",
            "CopyFlag": true
            "CopyPriority": 5,
            "SchemaName": "SalesLT",
            "TableName": "ProductModel",
            "CopyFlag": true
            "CopyPriority": 6,
            "SchemaName": "SalesLT",
            "TableName": "ProductDescription",
            "CopyFlag": true
            "CopyPriority": 7,
            "SchemaName": "SalesLT",
            "TableName": "ProductModelProductDescription",
            "CopyFlag": true
            "CopyPriority": 8,
            "SchemaName": "SalesLT",
            "TableName": "Product",
            "CopyFlag": true
            "CopyPriority": 9,
            "SchemaName": "SalesLT",
            "TableName": "SalesOrderHeader",
            "CopyFlag": true
            "CopyPriority": 10,
            "SchemaName": "SalesLT",
            "TableName": "SalesOrderDetail",
            "CopyFlag": true
  7. The next activity is the ForEachTable ForEach activity. If you select this activity, then choose the Settings tab, you will see that under Items we have added dynamic content representing the output of the previous lookup activity. The value is @activity('LookupTables').output.value. Notice that on this ForEach loop we have chosen to make the loop sequential so that we only copy one table at a time. This is not strictly necessary as we have no referential integrity being enforced on the destination tables but in cases where you do this can be used to load tables in the correct order.

  8. Finally we have the CopyTable activity. This copy data activity is what actually moves data from the source to the destination.

    Open the CopyTable activity and select the Source tab. Here we define the source dataset TenantData that we will copy data from. TenantData is a parameterized dataset that in turn uses the TenantDatabases parameterized Linked Service. You can see the list of dataset properties that we are using here. The SchemaName and TableName properties are being populated by values from our lookup and DatabaseName, ServerName and TenantID are pipeline parameters that were passed in via the execute pipeline activity in the TenantPipeline.

    If you scroll to the bottom of the Source tab you will notice a section called Additional columns. This adds a new column to every table and populates it with the TenantID pipeline parameter. This allows us to differentiate similar rows in the warehouse that belong to different tenants. For example, if two tenants have an order with the same orderID, you would need a way to differentiate one from the other.

    Now move to the Sink tab. Here we are copying data into the StagingData dataset. It takes one parameter, StagingTable, which is populated with the TableName value passed in during the lookup. If you open the dataset you will see that we are using the warehouse linked service. For the table, we have hard coded the schema to staging and are using the dataset property StagingTable for the table name.

Running the pipeline

  1. If you have any unpublished changes, publish them now.

  2. Navigate to the TenantPipeline. Remember this is our master pipeline and as such we kick off our copy process from here. This pipeline takes no input from the user, it will collect all the information it needs to complete the copy from our metadata tables.

  3. Click the Add trigger button and choose Trigger now from the dropdown and click OK on the popup.

You can monitor the progress of the pipelines by selecting the Monitor tab on the left menu. The time it takes to complete will depend on the scale of your databases (especially the destination). If you pipeline is not making progress, click the refresh button near the top of the page. You should see your TenantPipeline run once, and the DatabaseCopyPipeline ran three times. image

If you return back to the query editor in your warehouse database, you can see all the new staging tables that have been created.

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