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bootstrapblocks's Issues


I really like your theme! I looks awesome.

Now I have some questions:

(1) I just tried it on a local installation, but I wondered: it looks different from the online version ... I am assuming, you did some themeing on it, right?

(2) There is another Bootstrap module project on the Drupal site ( To me it looks not as complete as yours - what is the different compared to yours?

(3) What way of extending do you recommend: downloading and changing your theme or creating a sub theme?

(4) How did you achieve the cool three column setup on ? Did you create a dedicated template based on Bootstrap's examples? Would it be possible to get your extensions to BaseBuildingBlocks?

Thanks again

Persistent Admin Toolbar

Any plans on making the admin bar into a module or something so that it can be persistant even when not in the admin section of the site? I love your toolbar, I just wish it was as useful as the default one in that regard.

Field UI / List must be active to install theme

If this is valid it could probably just be solved by a quick note in the readme.

Brand new Drupal install using the Minimal profile instead of Standard.

Installed this theme, but once activated it took the site down with it. Some admin pages still worked but most of the site was white pages or 500 errors.

PHP Log Shows:
PHP Fatal error: Call to undefined function list_extract_allowed_values() in /path/to/drupal/sites/all/themes/BootstrapBlocks/functions/ on line 31

Activated List (and requirement Field UI) and everything is fine.

Recompiling the LESSness...

Sorry, this might be a newbie question, but...

...referring to chapter "LESSness" in the wiki. It should be possible to adapt Bootstraps variables.less and then recompile bootstrap.less and responsive.less to certain locations, but this this does not do anything over here. These files seem not even to be loaded at all.

Tried recompiling the whole style.css. It somehow "works", but removes Font Awesome support (and probably more).

Since the path in the wiki is non-existing in the most current BBB - did the directory structure change somehow?

Thanks & Cheers,

Update package.json

Add specific version for packages. Update to Grunt 0.4.2, and node 0.10.0.

template.php forces root path for all admin_menu links

First, thanks for the great base theme.

In template.php's BaseBuildingBlocks_preprocess_page(), the admin_menu_expanded links are assuming Drupal's installed in the web root folder:

$output .= '<li><a href="/' . $child->link_path . '">...

I'm not a stickler for using the l() function when there's plenty of additional stuff going on, as in this case, but I think it best that the $GLOBALS['base_path'] be used instead of /:

$output .= '<li><a href="' . $GLOBALS['base_path'] . $child->link_path . '">...

Would you be open to a patch for this?

jQuery issue - no conflict?

Hi there, I'm having an issue in Chrome only (MacOS). The site I am working on is

The dropdown menu at in the navbar will open 2-3 times after I clear the browser cookies, but after being used a few times it stops being able to be activated. I believe but am not entirely sure this is down to a jQuery conflict (after window.jQuery2 = jQuery.noConflict(); there is the message "Uncaught ReferenceError: jQuery is not defined" but I don't know the steps to take to fix it. Can you advise on the code to change or module to use (jQuery Update?) to fix this? I am fairly new to jQuery in drupal here so your help / explanation is appreciated.
Thanks, Alison

Disconnect from Drupal ecosystem

Not so much an issue as a curiosity.

Is there any specific reason you haven't listed this on I am just asking because had it been, I would have found it far quicker.

Tag request

Thanks for putting together BaseBuildingBlocks. We'd like to use it in forthcoming projects, and it would really help us if you could tag it.

Even if the tagged version isn't "stable" code in the sense that it might be beta, it's nonetheless "stable" in the sense that every time we download a tag to sites/all/themes then it'll be the same code. It's a bit more arcane if we have to use commit md5 hashes!

Ideally the tag would also match the d.o release naming convention ( but any simple identifiers would really help.

Fails when using Admin menu

I use administration menu but when I copy BaseBuildingBlocks into my themes directory the admin->appearance menu just locks up. It works when using the default admin toolbar in core. I've isolated it to the settings[button_classes] in Remove these and the appearance menu works OK but obviously this isn't correct.

Correction - It doesn't work with the default admin toolbar either. Tried using Drupal 7.15 and 7.17. I have used previous versions of this module without issue. Those were based on the phptemplate engine.

Using jQuery Update Module

BootstrapBlocks users,
I'm a fan of using the jQuery Update module in bootstrap themes, since bootstrap requires a newer version of jQuery than is provided in Drupal. However, Bootstrap Blocks loads jQuery 1.9 and uses it in conjunction with the old version in no conflict mode.

I'm considering requiring the jQuery Update module for theme use as opposed to loading jQuery in no conflict mode, as I always tend to strip that out and install the jQuery Update module anyhow. Any thoughts?

ERR! message failed to fetch from registry: grunt-contrib-jshint

I am having problems after doing a npm install.

npm ERR! Error: failed to fetch from registry: grunt-contrib-jshint
npm ERR! at /usr/share/npm/lib/utils/npm-registry-client/get.js:139:12
npm ERR! at cb (/usr/share/npm/lib/utils/npm-registry-client/request.js:31:9)
npm ERR! at Request._callback (/usr/share/npm/lib/utils/npm-registry-client/request.js:136:18)
npm ERR! at Request.callback (/usr/lib/nodejs/request/main.js:119:22)
npm ERR! at Request. (/usr/lib/nodejs/request/main.js:212:58)
npm ERR! at Request.emit (events.js:88:20)
npm ERR! at ClientRequest. (/usr/lib/nodejs/request/main.js:412:12)
npm ERR! at ClientRequest.emit (events.js:67:17)
npm ERR! at HTTPParser.onIncoming (http.js:1261:11)
npm ERR! at HTTPParser.onHeadersComplete (http.js:102:31)
npm ERR! You may report this log at:
npm ERR!
npm ERR! or use
npm ERR! reportbug --attach //sites/all/themes/BootstrapBlocks/npm-debug.log npm
npm ERR!
npm ERR! System Linux 3.2.0-57-generic
npm ERR! command "node" "/usr/bin/npm" "install"
npm ERR! cwd /
npm ERR! node -v v0.6.12
npm ERR! npm -v 1.1.4
npm ERR! message failed to fetch from registry: grunt-contrib-jshint
npm ERR!

Stuff Missing

Very cool and very promising theme folks. I am giving it a try. However when I go to admin/appearance/basebuildingblocks I have the impression something is missing here. It says:

In the sub-sections of this page, you will find administration settings for each of the installed and enabled sub-modules of the Base Building Blocks Module.

But there is nothing to configure displayed. I have attached a screenshot of what is an empty page. There is a tab called menu settings but there isn't much available to do there except choose the number of menus you want and choose icons.

I am thinking some menu customization options are missing. Please review the attached screenshot and let me know if this is how the UI is supposed to look. Thanks Kevin

BBB 7.x.3.0.0 Task List

On the list of "Stuff To Do" for BBB Theme v7.x.3.0.0

  • Re-organize css/js/img assets into a new assets folder
  • Write a Grunt script to handle all less/js compiling and minifying
  • Modify existing templates to encourage use of these Article Publishing Guidelines
  • Add an "Exclude Form" setting to my form bootstrap-ization script so that certain forms that require a specific markup (aka, not bootstrap markup) will work properly. I'll add to that default list as time continues. :)
  • Work on Drupal Commerce, Views, and Context integration
  • Make sure all "print"s are "echo"s
  • Document EVERYTHING. :)
  • Integrate Fontello or Ico Moon instead of Font Awesome
  • Use proper theme path in script loader

Please comment below and add more thing that you would like to see in BBB 7.x.3.0.0

Adding menu classes

Downloaded your drupal theme but don't see where you set icon classes on menu items. Understand the CSS but where are classes set? f have ways of doing that but not happy with them so I am interested in seeing how others do it.

BaseBuildingBlocks_scripts() function should be replaced by calls to drupal_add_js instead

It would be better if instead of using BaseBuildingBlocks_scripts() to output javascript to html.tpl.php, the theme would use drupal_add_js() to add the javascript.

Currently as it is, developers can't add any js before the scripts in BaseBuildingBlocks_scripts, since BaseBuildingBlocks_scripts is being output before $scripts, unless the developer overrides html.tpl.php and remove the line that calls BaseBuildingBlocks_scripts.

If the scripts in BaseBuildingBlocks_scripts need to be added above the others, you could always play around with the other options in drupal_add_js such as weight and group to make sure it is displayed above the rest.


incorrect error message on module activation

When trying to install the module, I receive the following error message even when the theme is enabled (but no set as default):

To use the Base Building Blocks Module, you must download and enable the Base Building Blocks Theme. Visit htp:// to download Base Building Blocks theme, or download from github or drush. (Currently using Base Building Blocks theme not enabled Disabled)

When using a sub-theme of BaseBuildingBlocks, which is enabled and set as default, the module should still work!

_navbar.module incompatible with languages other than en

BaseBuildingBlocks_navbar.module references the admin menu via a hard coded array key that can not be relied on.

line 123:

    if ($administration == TRUE) {
      $menu = $menu['50009 Administration 1']['below'];

For languages other than english, the "Administration" bit of the array key appears to be localized:

Bildschirmfoto 2013-01-25 um 19 59 33

The above breaks the page/module.
With that issue fixed, the problem remains that the navbar is not being translated properly.

Update 7.x.3.1.0

  • Move to requiring Jquery Update module instead
  • Upgrade Bootstrap 3
  • Improve Bootstrap 3 integration
  • Remove all system styling and replace with drupal.less
  • Add Breadcrumb Rewrites
  • Add better default tab, form, and button styling
  • Review and improve each administration interface
  • Integrate Bootstrap elements with Panels, and Views
  • Add auto browser reload to Grunt script
  • Add Coffeescript compiling

Article & Basic page note showing content

Greetings Patrick,

First thanks for this theme.

I am having an issue with seeing content I publish that is of the Article of Basic page type.

The content will publish and I can see it when I preview, but it isn't visible when I try and view it. E.g. I published this:

But all I see is this

I don't believe this is a permissions issue because I have full permissions as an admin (so do non-authenticated users). Your help is appreciated. Thanks!

Bootstrap 3

Now that BS3 is released, are we going to see that rolled out into BSB soon? Thanks!

Bootstrap Carousel not starting

I have a carousel setup with views. It works fine when I click one of the controls, but it will not start on its own. I have tried adding "$(#myCarousel).carousel();" but I get
"Uncaught TypeError: Object [object Object] has no method 'carousel'"
What could be cause this?

Version 7.x.2.7.0 Task List

Please comment with any tasks for version 7.x.2.7.0.

Starting the list off:

  • Require jQuery Update module instead of including second jQuery version in no conflict.
  • Add proper page title dom
  • Convert icons.css into icons.less so that users can extend the .icon-x classes into different elements
  • Re-name touch icons to be less brand specific. Sizes only.
  • Clean up comments and preprocessor code.
  • Go through documentation and comb for spelling/gramatical errors. Make sure everything is clear and up-to-date

Making use of responsive

Hi Patrick,

Working on; just trying to make the theme responsive.

How do I make of the theme's responsiveness & where do I include / enable the less files?


CSS Structure Suggestion & CSSEdit

I really like the way the CSS is being structured and prepared with drupal overrides, font awesome and such, but being a hardcore CSSEdit User, it's not very helpful because to edit the entire style.css is quite unproductive (having few thousand lines).

One thing I do everytime for your theme is I would separate app.less (css) into a standalone file (for all bootstrap stuffs, responsive, drupal) and style.css for just the site design and its responsive styles.

Then modify with:

stylesheets[screen][] = css/app.css
stylesheets[screen][] = css/style.css

That way, style.css overrides whatever in app.css (the whole library), and I have a smaller and much manageable file to handle.

Another suggestion to make life more easier for CSSEdit users is to change the commenting structure from:

/* =============================================================================
========================================================================== */


/* @group Header */

header {

margin-top: 20px;

/* @EnD */

I know its a little hassle with the commenting structure but by doing so, we actually can see groups of folders that can be expanded and close, making the management of CSS even more efficient.

Well I know this is a selfish action on my end, maybe there isn't much CSSEdit users around, but just a suggestion, as I have been repeatedly doing this for at least 5 sites that uses your theme :)

Theme logo not respected

Adding a logo image in the theme settings is not respected- the anchor tag is linked to a css style with the logo image hardcoded.

Are we putting this on

Thanks for creating this theme. However it is a huge drawback that this project isn't on

I understand that you couldn't do that because you have included other third party libraries in the project. But perhaps you can find some other ways of including the libraries like other modules have done in the past? Or find some way to get around it, even if it means it is more difficult to set up?

There are many advantages to having the project on, and it is just such a shame that a nice project like this isn't on it. It makes things like creating patches, dealing with issues, contribution, deployment awkward.

Or are you already working on plans to put this on

Sorry if I sounded ungrateful. Just wanted to check the situation regarding this as well as leave a feedback in case you don't already know.


Make Regions Collapsible

The default behavior of drupal themes block regions is to collapse if there were no contents or there were no blocks assigned in the regions. Current implementation in BBB theme doesn't behave like this. For a quick fix we can easily use ternary operator to make the content region check if there were contents in sidebar and adjust the span size as necessary like this:

<article class="span<?php print ($page['sidebar']) ? '9' : '12'; ?>" id="main-content" role="article">

With this in place, If there were no content in sidebar, the content area will consume the full width available and revert to its default width if there were blocks assigned in sidebar

This quick fix is good for now because BBB have few regions but in case the user already inserted several regions, I think creating a custom function to handle this is the best way.

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