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react's Introduction


ReACt(Reconstructing Allelic Count) is a tool built upon our genotype reconstruction framework for case-control GWAS summary statistics. It includes three modules: Meta-analysis, group PRS and case-case GWAS.

Please find more details in our manuscript on BioRxiv.

All three modules accept tab or space separated summary statistics of case-control GWAS as input, with SNP, CHR, BP, A1, A2, OR/Beta and SE as mandatory fields, and can be run by specifying a plain text file with designated parameters.

Some GWAS summary statistics include fields specifying the sample sizes for each SNP. If column headers nCase and nControl are found in the input, ReAct will use values from these two columns instead of sample sizes specified by parameter file for more accurate results.

The implementation has been tested on Linux (CentOS Linux 7 (Core)) and Mac OS (Mac OS X EI Capitan). Please contact us if you identify any bugs while using this version of ReACt. We would also welcome all feedback and suggestions!

For individual module specifics:

Meta-Analysis -- fast forward to demo

Group PRS -- fast forward to demo

Case-case GWAS -- fast forward to demo

Demo run

We also provided codes for the simulator we used to generate synthetic data (toy input). Please see the readme file in Simulator for more details.

Updated Mar 2021: Added preliminary sample overlap correction for GrpPRS module.

Updated Apr 17 2021: more robust matrix inverse (svd) in MetaAnalysis module; adjusted iteration steps to accelerate convergence.

Updated Apr 21 2021: Added codes for simulator and toy input files; added more detailed demo for each module.



Compilation of MetaAnalysis module now requires installation of GNU Scientific Library (GSL). Please visit this link for download and installation.

Once GSL has been installed, download folder MetaAnalysis_src for source code of meta-analysis module. Inside the directory with source code, simply run the command:

bash Compile /directory/of/where/you/what/the/tool/to/be/

Then an excutable titled MetaAnalysis shall be created in the specified directory.

To use MetaAnalysis

To run MetaAnalysis, go into the directory where the excutable locates and do:

./MetaAnalysis par.file

where par.file is a plain text file specifying parameters for the analysis. Mandatory parameters are:

  • Input: Full path of input summary statistics, separated by comma.
  • Output: Full path of the output file.
  • CaseInCase: Flatten matrix of case-case sample overlap across studies. This matrix should have in total N^2 comma separated elements, where N is the number of input studies specified in Input. It should be symmetric, and diagonal elements of this matrix should correspond to the sample size for cases in the each input study. See below for an example.
  • ControlInControl: Flatten matrix of control-control sample overlap across studies.
  • CaseInControl: Flatten matrix of case-control sample overlap across studies (zero matrix if none). This is the only matrix out of the three that can be asymmetric. Some optional parameters are:
  • Firth: By default, Firth's correction for logistic regression will be trigered when the difference of sample sized across studies, or between cases and controls, are more than 5 folds (when max sample size/min sample size > 5.0). Specify a positive value for this parameter to change this threshold.
  • Zthres: Specify a positive value for Zthres to trigger correction of unknow sample overlap. If this parameter is not included in the par.file, MetaAnalysis will take the exact number of sample overlap specified by CaseInCase, ControlInControl and CaseInControl as is. In the case where Zthres is specified, MetaAnalysis will get an estimate for sample overlap using SNPs with |Z-scores| < Zthres. We adopt this correction sheme from METAL. Emperically, we suggest choosing Zthres = 1.0. Note this parameter will overide the overlap sample sizes provided in CaseInCase, ControlInControl and CaseInControl. Therefore, when the exact sample overlap is known, do not include this parameter in par.file.

Specifying sample size in CaseInCase, ControlInControl and CaseInControl: An example

Suppose we are meta-analyzing three studies, with 1000 cases 1000 controls in study 1; 2000 cases 2000 controls in study 2; and 3000 cases 3000 controls in study 3. Meanwhile, there are 100 cases shared by study 1 and study 2, 500 controls shared by study 2 and study 3, and 20 cases in study 1 appearing as controls in study 3. Then in this case, we shall have three sample overlapping matrices as below:





and Case-Control


Then in this case, we should have below in par.file:

CaseInCase  1000,100,0,100,2000,0,0,0,3000
ControlInControl  1000,0,0,0,2000,500,0,500,3000
CaseInControl 0,0,20,0,0,0,0,0,0


Output file of MetaAnalysis includes SNP, CHR, BP, A1, A2, nCase for total number of cases, nControl for total number of controls, OR, SE, and Pval for meta-analyzed odds ratio, standard error and p-value.

Group PRS


Download folder GrpPRS_src for source code of group PRS module. Inside the directory with source code, simply run the command:

bash Compile /directory/of/where/you/what/the/tool/to/be/

Then an excutable titled GrpPRS shall be created in the specified directory.

To use GrpPRS

Similar to MetaAnalysis, go into the directory where the GrpPRS locates and run:

./GrpPRS par.file

Mandatory parameters for GrpPRS are:

  • Base: Full path of the base summary statistcs.
  • Target: Full path of the target summary statistcs, separated by comma (Supporting group PRS computation for multiple target studies simultaneously).
  • Output: Full path of the output file.
  • Pthres: Using SNPs with p < Pthres in the base summary statistics for PRS computation. Default Pthres = 1. If not specified, all SNPs from base will be used.
  • nCase: Array of case sample size for each target study. Lenth of this array should be the same as number of target sudies specified.
  • nControl: Array of control sample size for each target study. Lenth of this array should be the same as number of target sudies specified.
  • nBase: Number of cases and controls in the base study, separated by comma Some optional parameters are:
  • OverlapCases: Sample overlap for cases between each target study and the base study, separated by comma. Default 0 for all if not specified
  • OverlapControls: Sample overlap for controls between each target study and the base study, separated by comma. Default 0 for all if not specified
  • Zthres: Same as Zthres for MetaAnalysis, triggers correction for unknow sample overlap. Please see this note before using.


Output file of GrpPRS includes InFile, Pthres, nSNPs for the number of SNPs used in the PRS analysis of this base-target pair, CasePRS, ControlPRS, CasePRS_SE and ControlPRS_SE for group mean PRS of cases and controls and their standard errors; R2 is the R^2 value converted from t-test statistics, which herefore, corresponds to the regression R^2 with only the PRS predictor; Pval is the t-test p-value comparing case-control PRS distribution.

Note for GrpPRS

GrpPRS does not automatically prune/clump/lasso the base summary statistics. So we suggest user thinning the base file using some external tool before feeding it as an input to GrpPRS.

Case-case GWAS


Download folder ccGWAS_src for source code of case-case GWAS module. Inside the directory with source code, simply run the command:

bash Compile /directory/of/where/you/what/the/tool/to/be/

Then an excutable titled ccGWAS shall be created in the specified directory.

To use ccGWAS

Similarly, we do:

./ccGWAS par.file

to run ccGWAS. For this module, parameters are almost exactly the same as MetaAnalysis, except that it does not accept the Firth option. Note that for ccGWAS, Input takes exactly two comma separated files as input.


Output file of ccGWAS includes SNP, CHR, BP, A1, A2, OR, SE, and Pval for case-case association odds ratio, standard error and p-value, and ControlOR, ControlSE for contorl-control assocaition odds ratio and standard error.

ControlOR is an estimate of the stratification effect for each SNP between two input studies, and ControlSE is a measurement for the confidence of this estimate. The lower ControlSE is, the more confident we are with the estimate. Therefore, we suggest filter the results by ControlSE values. Consider 0.05 as an emperical cutoff.

Examples using the Toy Input

For a fast run of all our demo, we suggest

Download, unzip it, and do below for compilation of each module:

cd ReAct-main/MetaAnalysis_src/
bash Compile ../
cd ../GrpPRS_src/
bash Compile ../
cd ../ccGWAS_src/
bash Compile ../
cd ../

So that all three tools will be in the folder ReAct-main/, which is in the same layer as folder ToyInput/. Don't forget to install GSL for meta-analsis module.

A quick demo of MetaAnalysis

With the setup above, we can easily run MetaAnalysis on the toy input example as below:

The commands

echo -e "Input\tToyInput/Toy_Meta.In1,ToyInput/Toy_Meta.In2
Output\tToy_Meta.out" > par.metaanalysis

should give us a parameter file par.metaanalysis that looks like

Input     ToyInput/Toy_Meta.In1,ToyInput/Toy_Meta.In2
CaseInCase      1000,0,0,1000
CaseInControl   0,0,0,0
ControlInControl        1000,0,0,1000
nFiles  2
Output  Toy_Meta.out

then simply run

./MetaAnalysis par.metaanalysis

Within 10 seconds on most of the PC, we should be able to get two files Toy_Meta.out and Toy_Meta.out.log (for this toy input the log should be empty), where the results are in Toy_Meta.out and it looks like this:

$ head Toy_Meta.out
SNP	CHR	BP	A1	A2	nCase	nControl	OR	SE	Pval
rs1.16780	1	8390000	2	1	2000	2000	0.911469	0.047884	5.2883e-02
rs1.30808	1	15440000	2	1	2000	2000	1.013197	0.061327	8.3071e-01
rs1.33756	1	16910000	2	1	2000	2000	1.033609	0.048559	4.9603e-01
rs1.44462	1	22240000	2	1	2000	2000	1.101519	0.048048	4.4183e-02
rs1.48040	1	24000000	2	1	2000	2000	0.898449	0.044769	1.6760e-02
rs1.53484	1	26710000	1	2	2000	2000	0.993419	0.046420	8.8690e-01
rs1.66016	1	32950000	1	2	2000	2000	0.966554	0.046083	4.6039e-01
rs1.72310	1	36110000	1	2	2000	2000	1.013949	0.045959	7.6310e-01
rs1.80739	1	40300000	1	2	2000	2000	0.971235	0.056950	6.0830e-01

We can sort it by the Pval column, which will give us

$ sort -gk10 Toy_Meta.out| head
SNP	CHR	BP	A1	A2	nCase	nControl	OR	SE	Pval
rs1.892	1	455160	2	1	2000	2000	1.360291	0.045132	9.2514e-12
rs1.334	1	161735	2	1	2000	2000	1.379423	0.047857	1.7995e-11
rs1.574	1	285136	1	2	2000	2000	0.745643	0.045391	1.0053e-10
rs1.480	1	239170	1	2	2000	2000	0.740488	0.046510	1.0484e-10
rs1.78	1	37629	2	1	2000	2000	1.328030	0.045554	4.7345e-10
rs1.782	1	395673	2	1	2000	2000	1.325074	0.045449	5.9031e-10
rs1.433	1	212426	1	2	2000	2000	0.714288	0.054959	9.2290e-10
rs1.179	1	85383	1	2	2000	2000	0.755939	0.045727	9.4317e-10
rs1.890	1	453661	2	1	2000	2000	1.312954	0.045357	1.9365e-09

In this toy input, SNP rs1.1-rs1.1000 are all predefined causal SNPs with r = 1.2 (Please see readme of our Simulator for more details), so all of the top SNPs here are ture positive.

Note that in our manuscript we reported results based on an average out of 10 iterarions, but for any single experiment the trend should be comparable. Please feel free to further verify power and type I error rate under different conditions using the simulator we provided, and compare with METAL or ASSET. This demo corresponds to results in figure 1,2 and table S1, S2, S3 in our manuscript.

A quick demo of GrpPRS

We can run GrpPRS on the toy input example as below:

The commands

echo -e "Target\tToyInput/
OverlapControls\t0" > par.grpprs

should give us a parameter file par.grpprs that looks like

Target  ToyInput/
Base    ToyInput/Toy_GrpPRS.base
Output  Toy_GrpPRS.out
Pthres  1e-5
nCase   1000
nControl        1000
nBase   1000,1000
OverlapCases    0
OverlapControls 0

then we can run

./GrpPRS par.grpprs

For this we should get two files Toy_GrpPRS.out and Toy_GrpPRS.out.log. Main results are in Toy_GrpPRS.out. In this case it looks like this:

$ head Toy_GrpPRS.out
InFile	Pthres	nSNPs	CasePRS	ControlPRS	CasePRS_SE	ControlPRS_SE	R2	Pval
ToyInput/Toy_GrpPRS.In1	0.000010	36	0.016312	0.004217	0.017272	0.017407	0.108341	9.5673e-52

Note that this toy example is based on a simulation with 1000 causal SNPs shared between base and target, each with a predefined risk r = 1.2 (which is very strong), so we are seeing a very visible seperation between case and control scores from the Pvalue. The log file for toy input should look like this:

$ head Toy_GrpPRS.out.log 
Analysis Starts.
P value threshold for base SNPs : 1.00e-05.
36 SNPs below P threshold read from base.
Study ToyInput/Toy_GrpPRS.In1 Finished, 36 SNPs taken for PRS computation.

If you would like to compare the results with PRSice2, please use our simulator to generate individual level genotype for running PRSice2. This demo corresponds to results in table 2 in our manuscript.

A quick demo of ccGWAS

Similarly, we can run ccGWAS on the toy input. We first generate a parameter file as below:

echo -e "Input\tToyInput/Toy_ccGWAS.In1,ToyInput/Toy_ccGWAS.In2
Output\tToy_ccGWAS.out" > par.ccgwas

which is supposed to give us

Input   ToyInput/Toy_ccGWAS.In1,ToyInput/Toy_ccGWAS.In2
CaseInCase      2000,0,0,2000
CaseInControl   0,0,0,0
ControlInControl        2000,0,0,2000
Output  Toy_ccGWAS.out

then if we do

./ccGWAS par.ccgwas

we will get file Toy_ccGWAS.out and Toy_ccGWAS.out.log (which is again empty on this toy example). The results should look like below:

$ wc -l Toy_ccGWAS.out
100001 Toy_ccGWAS.out
$ head Toy_ccGWAS.out
SNP	CHR	BP	A1	A2	OR	SE	Pval	ControlOR	ControlSE
rs1.15416	1	7700000	2	1	0.926037	0.049281	1.1894e-01	1.015164	0.047930
rs1.46761	1	23390000	2	1	0.966564	0.064864	6.0007e-01	0.911951	0.060649
rs1.55154	1	27580000	2	1	0.961273	0.045885	3.8936e-01	1.073760	0.045726
rs1.55373	1	27690000	2	1	1.003955	0.050324	9.3748e-01	1.032559	0.050186
rs1.70279	1	35180000	1	2	0.997313	0.046590	9.5394e-01	0.860469	0.046735
rs1.71259	1	35680000	1	2	1.017759	0.057443	7.5926e-01	1.508643	0.058011
rs1.71741	1	35920000	1	2	1.001902	0.046481	9.6739e-01	0.830002	0.046866
rs1.75279	1	37650000	2	1	0.995411	0.047411	9.2272e-01	1.139804	0.047244
rs1.97843	1	48960000	1	2	0.959732	0.050914	4.1951e-01	0.515156	0.051061

As demonstrated in our manuscript, we suggest filter by the estimated standard deviation of controls. We used 0.05 as a cut off, more specifically, we did:

awk '$10<0.05{print $0}' Toy_ccGWAS.out > t && mv t Toy_ccGWAS.out

If we look at it now, we can see actually many SNPs will be filtered out under this setting (2000 cases, 2000 controls in each study, predefined r = 1.2). This is why we tested for various sample sizes in our experiment, and why we suggest more controls to be included. If we don't want this to happen, either we include more control samples to get a reliable estimate (smaller ControlSE), or we will have to go lenient on the filtering.

$ wc -l Toy_ccGWAS.out
54703 Toy_ccGWAS.out

Now if we sort by the Pval column, we get:

$ sort -gk8 Toy_ccGWAS.out| head
rs1.50886	1	25436897	2	1	1.381536	0.047724	1.2688e-11	0.363717	0.047411
rs1.50334	1	25165542	2	1	1.368019	0.048733	1.2737e-10	0.799708	0.047389
rs1.50255	1	25123933	1	2	0.749349	0.045594	2.4722e-10	1.667225	0.046662
rs1.50233	1	25112155	1	2	0.744103	0.047230	3.8946e-10	0.930692	0.048594
rs1.50725	1	25354203	1	2	0.760088	0.044730	8.6339e-10	1.275916	0.045050
rs1.50702	1	25340608	1	2	0.759832	0.044886	9.4173e-10	0.964350	0.044984
rs1.50626	1	25303122	2	1	1.314941	0.045056	1.2264e-09	0.919387	0.044754
rs1.50036	1	25017130	2	1	1.333289	0.047671	1.5995e-09	0.978397	0.046487
rs1.8689	1	4354456	1	2	1.335644	0.048424	2.2784e-09	0.961769	0.049879
rs1.50481	1	25231117	1	2	0.753104	0.047711	2.7968e-09	1.254875	0.049409

For the setting under which the toy input was simulated, SNP rs1.1-rs1.49000 are stress SNP, SNP rs1.49001-rs1.51000 are trait differencial SNPs, and the rest are null-null SNPs. So in this result, we can see most of the top SNPs picked up are real trait differencial SNPs (true positive), except one of them, rs1.8689, which is a stress testing SNP being falsely picked up.

Please feel free to generate more input studies under other conditions using our simulator. This demo corresponds to results in table 5 in our manuscript.

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