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conjure-go-runtime's Issues

httpclient.WithConfig fails to apply if service name param is not set beforehand

httpclient.WithConfig fails on httpclient.MetricsMiddleware due to an empty serviceName tag if the service name is not set in the provided config or explicitly set by httpclient.WithServiceName before httpclient.WithConfig is called.

// error

// no error

Errors only allow being registered once despite conjure allowing a package to be generated multiple times

What happened?

In conjure-go errors can be registered with

I have a module G that generates a conjure package from an IR X that registers an error. The module has an exported package E that imports the generated conjure package.

If, in another module H, I generate a new conjure package from IR X and import E, the same error gets registered twice: one from the conjure generated package of X for module H and once in the vendor directory from the conjure generated package of X for module G. This results in a panic.

What did you want to happen?

Vendored packages should be able to use conjure packages that registers errors without conflicts with non-vendored packages. In other words, you should be able to export a package that has an import path to a conjure generated package.

Move retry logic into middleware

What happened?

Currently retry logic happens in the client at the layer above the middleware. Because error decoding a response body to be nil (see [0]), the retry logic cannot inspect headers and therefore cannot do any advanced handling of http codes >= 400.

What did you want to happen?

If the retry logic were to be moved into the middleware and run before the error decoding middleware, we would be able to inspect these headers.

[0] #78 (comment)

CGR HTTP client double encodes URL parameters

What happened?

The CGR HTTP client will incorrectly double encode URL parameters, which was introduced by the following change: #155

Conjure generated clients already encode URL parameters a single time when building the request, so every param will already be encoded when the client.Do() method is called. However, the client.Do() will construct the URI again and when building it will re-encode one more time, making the original request incorrect.
For example, the following shows the initial client URL parameter encoding when building the request path:
Then in the client.doOnce function, it will call out to joinURIandPath (link), which builds the string and encodes parameters one more time.
The following test will repro the issue

func TestDoubleURLEncoding(t *testing.T) {
	actual, err := joinURIAndPath("https://localhost", "/api/+t%2FA=")
	require.NoError(t, err)
	assert.Equal(t, "https://localhost/api/+t%2FA=", actual)

Where the result is the following:

=== RUN   TestDoubleURLEncoding
        	Error Trace:	client_path_test.go:27
        	Error:      	Not equal: 
        	            	expected: "https://localhost/api/+t%2FA="
        	            	actual  : "https://localhost/api/+t%252FA="
        	            	--- Expected
        	            	+++ Actual
        	            	@@ -1 +1 @@
        	Test:       	TestDoubleURLEncoding
--- FAIL: TestDoubleURLEncoding (0.00s)
FAIL	0.212s

As you can see there is a double encoding which results in a %252F for the original %2F which is the encoded form of a /

What did you want to happen?

The encoded URL params should be preserved and not encoded again.
In the concrete example, the URL param is the following:


The / is encoded as %2F when the request is built and thus the full request path should be



What happened?

What did you want to happen?

Stop supporting user-defined error decoders

What happened?

Custom error decoders are able to arbitrarily modify request and response bodies. This produces a huge API surface and a huge potential spread of client behavior. We should remove this ability and become opinionated about error handling.

This blocks moving retry behavior into middleware before error decoding, as retry behavior depends on whether or not an error was returned.

Ideally, we would also remove the WithDisableRestErrors functionality, although that will require more work.

What did you want to happen?

Users should not be able to define custom decoders.

Improve http client retry behavior across requests when a URI(s) is unavailable

What happened?

When a URI(s) specified in an HTTP client is unavailable, there is a 1/N (where N is the total number of URIs) possibility that any given request will first be sent to the unavailable URI and fail. This is because retry behavior is reinitialized on each request and unavailable URIs are not tracked across requests made using the same HTTP client.

What did you want to happen?

Ideally, bad URIs would be tracked and request backoff implemented across requests made using the same HTTP client to avoid repeatedly making requests that are very likely to fail.

One possible implementation would be to follow the example in dialogue and scale permits on a limiter up and down based on successful and failed requests respectively.

A simpler approach that would also decrease the number of failed requests would be to use a similar backoff strategy currently used on a single request across requests within the client, reseting the backoff state for the URI on a successful request.

Support any number of attempts from [1, inf) on transport errors

What happened?

The current usage of "retries" in the client configuration is ambiguous and requires exploring the code to understand how to configure the client to make one attempt (no retries), two attempts (one retry), and unlimited attempts. Furthermore, the current implementation does not allow you to configure the client to make exactly one attempt since the request retrier performs the conditional check retryCount <= maxRetries when determining whether it should retry but the client builder overrides instances where maxRetries == 0 with maxRetries = 2 * len(b.uris).

What did you want to happen?

We should support any number of attempts, from one to unlimited. In order to do so, I propose replacing "retries" with "attempts" to disambiguate the expected behavior. This includes a breaking change as it requires renaming configuration fields and exposed functions. For example, see httpclient.WithMaxRetries. We should also fix the existing implementation to support the full attempt range from [1, inf).

Support custom error decoding.

Supporting custom error decoders is desirable, given that some clients can expect servers to return structured errors in some cases.

Currently, it's difficult to add custom error decoding to conjure-go-runtime's client. The current approach for this is something like:

  1. Specifying the httpclient.WithDisabledRestErrors() client param when constructing a client.
  2. Ensuring custom error middleware is added at the right place in the middleware chain.
  3. Hoping the client won't drain the response body before my custom error middleware is called, even when it's the innermost middleware. I'd have to check whether this is even possible with conjure-go-runtime's current implementation.

Thinking of something along these lines:

type ErrorDecoder interface {
    Handles(resp *http.Response) bool
    DecodeError(resp *http.Response) error

func WithErrorDecoder(errorDecoder ErrorDecoder) ClientParam {
    // add error middleware in the right place.

@bmoylan this is just a first pass at the API; I'm happy to take a stab at implementing this.

Vendoring of UUID generates conflicts

What happened?

When errors reference a primitive of type UUID in an API definition, the code generated by Conjure Go doesn't compile.

API definition:

    "version": 1,
    "errors": [
            "errorName": {
                "name": "MyError",
                "package": "uuid.api"
            "docs": "Some error.\n",
            "namespace": "Sample",
            "code": "INVALID_ARGUMENT",
            "safeArgs": [
                    "fieldName": "info",
                    "type": {
                        "type": "reference",
                        "reference": {
                            "name": "InfoType",
                            "package": "uuid.api"
                    "docs": null
            "unsafeArgs": []
    "types": [
            "type": "object",
            "object": {
                "typeName": {
                    "name": "InfoType",
                    "package": "uuid.api"
                "fields": [
                        "fieldName": "someField",
                        "type": {
                            "type": "primitive",
                            "primitive": "UUID"
                        "docs": "The UUID.\n"
                "docs": "Some UUID.\n"
    "services": [
            "serviceName": {
                "name": "MyService",
                "package": "uuid.api.service"
            "endpoints": [
                    "endpointName": "getInfo",
                    "httpMethod": "GET",
                    "httpPath": "/info",
                    "auth": {
                        "type": "header",
                        "header": {}
                    "args": [],
                    "returns": {
                        "type": "reference",
                        "reference": {
                            "name": "InfoType",
                            "package": "uuid.api"
                    "docs": "Some information.\n",
                    "deprecated": null,
                    "markers": []
            "docs": "Returns information.\n"

Compile error:

# sample/uuid/api
../../../../go/src/sample/uuid/api/errors.conjure.go:77:115: cannot use e.errorInstanceID (type "".UUID) as type "".UUID in field value
../../../../go/src/sample/uuid/api/errors.conjure.go:89:20: cannot use serializableError.ErrorInstanceID (type "".UUID) as type "".UUID in assignment

Conjure Go issue palantir/conjure-go#78 might be related to this problem.

What did you want to happen?

Package should not be vendored in conjure-go-runtime or a different strategy to avoid a conflict should be implemented in conjure-go.

Consider Typing Errors for Requests with Nil Responses

There are some error cases for requests where the response is nil; these cases fall outside the scope of the existing error decoder middleware implementation. Examples of errors like this are:

  • dial timeout
  • timeout exceeded while awaiting headers
  • DNS lookup no such host
  • certificate signed by unknown authority

Ideally, CGR provides some methods that enable us to identify these errors (similar to typing conjure errors / attaching status codes to errors)

httpclient.WithRawRequestBodyProvider does not set GetBody()

What happened?

When creating a new request with httpclient.WithRawRequestBodyProvider, calling request.GetBody() from middleware resulted in a panic due to request.GetBody being nil.

Test repro:

func TestMiddlewareCanReadBody(t *testing.T) {
	unencodedBody := "body"
	encodedBody, err := codecs.Plain.Marshal(unencodedBody)
	require.NoError(t, err)
	bodyIsCorrect := func(body io.ReadCloser) {
		content, err := ioutil.ReadAll(body)
		require.NoError(t, err)
		require.Equal(t, encodedBody, content)

	server := httptest.NewServer(http.HandlerFunc(func(rw http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) {
	defer server.Close()

	client, err := httpclient.NewClient(
		httpclient.WithMiddleware(httpclient.MiddlewareFunc(func(req *http.Request, next http.RoundTripper) (*http.Response, error) {
			body, err := req.GetBody()
			require.NoError(t, err)
			return next.RoundTrip(req)
	require.NoError(t, err)

	requestBodyProvider := func() io.ReadCloser {
		return ioutil.NopCloser(bytes.NewReader(encodedBody))
	resp, err := client.Do(context.Background(), httpclient.WithRawRequestBodyProvider(requestBodyProvider), httpclient.WithRequestMethod("GET"))
	require.NoError(t, err)
	require.NotNil(t, resp)

The issue has been identified to this line: The call to http.NewRequest with a body of type io.ReadCloser does not set GetBody as expected.

This can be seen in this function:

What did you want to happen?

We should be setting GetBody on this request.

Support reading request body in custom middlewares

What happened?

  • http.Request.Body and GetBody are set by bodyMiddleware
  • custom Middlewares registered using WithMiddleware wrap bodyMiddleware here
  • as a result, custom Middlewares' RoundTrip function executes before bodyMiddleware.RoundTrip, i.e. the custom Middlewares "see" the request before the bodyMiddleware, and cannot read the request body before the request is sent

What did you want to happen?

Allow custom Middlewares to read the request body, which is useful for implementing auditing, signed request authentication, etc.

Should client use its own source for randomness?

Currently, the Do function of httpclient.clientImpl uses rand.Intn(len(uris)) to determine the offset that should be used for the URI.

This code uses the global source for randomness, so unless the client application explicitly seeds the global random source, the sequence of offsets that this code chooses will always be the same.

This is not necessarily an issue in and of itself, but does seem somewhat counter-intuitive. Possible approaches:

  • Document that sequence of offsets chosen will be deterministic unless global source of randomness is seeded
  • Store *rand.Rand as part of the client and seed it on construction (and optionally expose a way to disable seeding it/specifying a seed manually if there is a desire to control the sequence)

Client panics if no URIs are specified

  1. Create a client without specifying any URIs: client, err := httpclient.NewClient()
  2. Make a request using the client: _, err = client.Do(context.Background(), httpclient.WithRequestMethod("GET"))


Request fails with some kind of error that indicates that no URIs were specified


Panics (specifically, when trying to generate the random offset for the URIs):

panic: invalid argument to Intn [recovered]
	panic: invalid argument to Intn

goroutine 20 [running]:
	/usr/local/go/src/testing/testing.go:830 +0x392
panic(0x1428f80, 0x155b260)
	/usr/local/go/src/runtime/panic.go:522 +0x1b5
math/rand.(*Rand).Intn(0xc0000d0180, 0x0, 0x0)
	/usr/local/go/src/math/rand/rand.go:169 +0x9c
	/usr/local/go/src/math/rand/rand.go:329*clientImpl).Do(0xc000160180, 0x156e360, 0xc0000dc000, 0xc0000cf230, 0x1, 0x1, 0x0, 0x35ff4da001660990, 0x5cdf3f31)
	/Volumes/git/go/src/ +0x6e
	/Volumes/git/go/src/ +0x13a
testing.tRunner(0xc00015c100, 0x14ee480)
	/usr/local/go/src/testing/testing.go:865 +0xc0
created by testing.(*T).Run
	/usr/local/go/src/testing/testing.go:916 +0x35a

TLS configuration is not refreshable

In #171 we introduced refreshable configuration which reloads state based on a provided supplier. As a caveat, we we not able to implement refreshability for TLS (Security) parameters. Instead, a warning is logged if the values are updated.

A *tls.Config is more complex than the net and http structs because many of its struct fields are functional types which are not compatible with reflect.DeepEqual, used internally by the refreshables. Equality checking is important because we do not want unnecessary updates to downstream listeners.

There may be a solution involving an intermediate struct of all primitive types, but we need to continue to support things like certificate providers that poll on their own schedule. Maybe if they are interface types implemented by comparable structs we will get away with it, but this requires more thought and work.

clone tls config to avoid mutation side effects

httpclient, by default, will use http2.ConfigureTransport to enable h2 on the client's underlying http.Transport which may contain the provided *tls.Config specified in WithTLSConfig. This will mutate the *tls.Config, and because it is a pointer, if that *tls.Config is used in other transports that are not configured to use h2, the NextProtos of that config will indicate to the server that it should use h2 but the Transport will not be able to handle it, resulting in errors like this:

Server error:

http2: server: error reading preface from client bogus greeting "GET /ping HTTP/1.1\r\nHost"

Client error:

Get net/http: HTTP/1.x transport connection broken: malformed HTTP response "\x00\x00\x18\x04\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x05\x00\x10\x00\x00\x00\x03\x00\x00\x00\xfa\x00\x06\x00\x10\x01@\x00\x04\x00\x10\x00\x00"

Should simply use *tls.Config.Clone() to make a defensive copy rather than use the provided config pointer directly.

NewHTTPClient doesn't add metricsMiddleware

In #28, the metrics middleware was removed from the middlewares array in the client builder. The separated middleware is added in the NewClient constructor, but not in the NewHTTPClient constructor.

It's really useful to have p99 metrics.

Consider Supporting 429 Throttling

What happened?

Currently, when a client recieves a 429, it just continues to the next URI, which can result in more requests ultimately being made when a server is trying to indicate that it would like you to slow down. The code around handling this response code indicates that a service mesh should handle this throttling... but it would be nice to have some basic backoff in the client here.

// 429: throttle
// Ideally we should avoid hitting this URI until it's next available. In the interest of avoiding
// complex state in the client that will be replaced with a service-mesh, we will simply move on to the next
// available URI

What did you want to happen?

Upon receiving a 429, the client backs off before retrying the same node internally. The same max retries behavior can be preserved, but this would give the server a little bit of time to recover/catch up before continuing to hit it with requests.


What happened?

What did you want to happen?

friction using httpclient.Client in service client packages

If you're writing the client package for a service, you want to be able to accept an httpclient.Client in the constructor, however you also want to be able to modify certain parameters of that httpclient.Client, like the service name, which is impossible once you are given a client which was already created.

There's isn't a straightforward extension to allow modifying an existing client given the current design given how the middleware is flattened into a list at client creation time and the ordering is important.

The current solution has been to make parameters request scoped which can always be specified in the service's client package even after receiving a fully formed httpclient.Client, however that can be annoying if the there are many individual httpclient.Client.XXX() calls, because each one must be sure to use these request parameters. Additionally it also bloats the API surface area with parameters that could be for requests or clients. Or you must always wrap the given httpclient.Client with a wrapper that adds the necessary request params to every call then calls the underlying httpclient.Client.

If these approaches are not used or are impossible because a request parameter hasn't been created yet, you end up requiring the service clients to construct their httpclient.Client with special parameters that they should not have to specify. For example, if I'm using a "Foo" service client package, I you may have to specify httpclient.WithServiceName("foo") when constructing the httpclient.Client to pass to fooclient.New(httpc httpclient.Client, when really fooclient.New(...) should just be setting that information internally.

This has also come up for ErrorDecoders as well.

It would be great to not make service client packages have to construct httpclient.Clients with special parameters specific to that package, which means we must enable service client package authors to more easily manipulate the httpclient.Clients they accept as part of their constructors.

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