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jsonapi-bundle's Issues

associating 2 entites when creating them

I tried to POST two entities (User and Address) and associate them, but it looks like the code expects both entities to be already persisted. I wonder if this is possible with the current code structure?

Sorter breaks when using Querifier bundle

Another thing I found while using your Querifier bundle.
In Querifier bundle sort is expected to be array and in jsonapi bundle it is expected to be a string. Its not a big issue, I have overriden Sorter given by jsonapi bundle to fix it but maybe you can check if sort is array and then do not do the explode().
So basically I check if sort is array in parseSortingString method ( it does not have argument type which actually saves the day - link ) and if it is array, just implode it and continue with parent method.
I can do a PR if you want :)

Empty exist relationship [Question]

I have an entity which have one-to-many relationship to other entity. But when I get a request, the response doesn't have a relationships field.

When I get a request with include parameter, the response has relationships in data object and includes.

But how can I get all attributes and relationships in data object without include?

Improve Insert/Update hydrators

When using this bundle we have encountered 2 things with the Hydrators.

  1. The generated CreateEntityHydrator and UpdateEntityHydrator contain duplicate code. Wouldn't it be better to move the field list to the AbstractEntityHydrator?

  2. Not all values get set correctly. A datetime field for example should go through new \DateTime() (or new DateTimeImmutable()). It would be very nice if the generated code would be correct out of the box.

I hve no idea currently on how to fix these issues, I just wanted to share our experience so far. I works very nice btw, the out-of-the-box experience with make:api is very nice!

New tag for new feature

can you make a new tag for #68 so it is available via composer?
I am planning to do a couple of more fixes, but I'm not sure I will have time this week.

Class WoohooLabs\Yin\JsonApi\Document\AbstractCollectionDocument is deprecated

I tried this excelent bundle today and got a deprecation warning.

Class WoohooLabs\Yin\JsonApi\Document\AbstractCollectionDocument is deprecated, use WoohooLabs\Yin\JsonApi\Schema\Document\AbstractCollectionDocument instead.

  "exception" => SilencedErrorContext^ {#874 ▶}

  /.../vendor/woohoolabs/yin/src/JsonApi/Document/AbstractCollectionDocument.php:13 {▶}
  /.../src/JsonApi/Document/User/UsersDocument.php:12 {▼
    ›  */
    › class UsersDocument extends AbstractCollectionDocument
    › {

Reseting JsonApi instance between controllers requests

Hello @paknahad,

thank you for this great Symfony bundle, which saves a lot of time and is the best I could find on symfony and json-api standard.

I started writing functional api tests in Codeception for a project which is using this jsonapi-bundle and I encountered a problem.

In a nutshell, all tests cases after the first one will fail with a "Invalid json" error message. This can be reproduced either by using a @dataProvider or by simply having multiple test functions in a single test class. The effect is the same. You can read a detailed description of the issue here woohoolabs/yin#81

The reason being is that Paknahad\JsonApiBundle\Controller is caching jsonapi responses between tests, and the json api responses in the response buffer get mixed up. The same output buffer is reused over and over and this gives a corrupt json after the first test.

Is there some way to disable this caching in test environments or do you have some other suggestion on this issue?

API prefix

Is there any way currently to set a prefix for the generated routes when running php bin/console make:api? I was not able to find any and the enforced routes seem to be deeply ingrained in the generation process (e.g. just changing the annotation on the controller does not updated the route information provided from the API responses).

Error Response Formatting


I noticed that all of the validation errors for attributes array are formatted correctly, but if you send a wrong type, that causes WoohooLabs' exception ResourceTypeUnacceptable, you will get an Internal server error with code 500. After digging in to the code, I found that this could be fixed in JsonApiErrorHandlerEvent::toErrorDocument, by calling the exception's toErrorDocument method, if the exception is an instance of JsonApiExceptionInterface.

What do you think? Is there a better way to do this?

Disable pagination


actually I didn't find any way to disable pagination in the response of the jsonapi.
Is it possible to add a parameter or something like that to make it easy possible?

Non nullable parameter in ValidatorTrait

Validating fields with validExistence set to false creates an exception when calling the getValidator method.

"Argument 1 passed to App\\JsonApi\\Hydrator\\JobPosition\\AbstractJobPositionHydrator::getValidator() must be of the type string, null given, called in /var/www/html/vendor/paknahad/jsonapi-bundle/src/Hydrator/ValidatorTrait.php on line 89".

Parameter is not nullable but can be null due to validExistence set to false.

Default filtering

I'm integrating this package and it seems to work great so far! However, I've got one issue that I'm not sure of how to implement it. So for example I want to fetch a list of Projects. I do this while I'm logged in with a User. Every Project is coupled to a User in the database. So I'm trying to add a default filter on Project like WHERE user_id = x before this package does its magic.

Can this be achieved?

Generating json api breaks when using User entity from FOSUser bundle

@paknahad Thx for solving last issue :) Here is a new one :)
When using FOSUser bundle and you try to generate json api via make:api it breaks on unique and nullable indexes in $fields array ( ApiCrud.php#L318 )
This is due to mapping xml in FOSUser bundle not having unique and nullable attributes ( User.orm.xml#L9 ). Probably there are more cases when some bundle does not have those fields defined in xml mapping. It is fixable by setting default value when no unique/nullable index or by setting those fields to unique via UniqueEntity constraint, eg.: @UniqueEntity(fields={"username"}, message="Username is taken")
I think preferable way would be that those indexes have some default values that developer can override. I am happy to make a PR if you want :)

Unable to filter integer fields with % when getCount() is used


I get this error:

Conversion failed when converting the nvarchar value '5%' to data type int.

This seems to be related with COUNT; this occurs when using $paginator->getCount() in the documents' collection:

SELECT COUNT(*) AS dctrn_count FROM (SELECT DISTINCT id_11 FROM (SELECT p0_.numeric_field AS numeric_field_0, [...] FROM patients p0_ WHERE p0_.numeric_field = ?)[...]

It's using = instead of like.

This is a restriction imposed in Finder, to only use "like" on strings:

if ('string' === $fieldMetadata['metadata']['type'] && false !== strpos($value, '%')) {
return 'LIKE';

JsonApiFactory breaks if there is no Request object in RequestStack

It seems there are no Request objects in RequestStack when doing OPTIONS (preflight request) on a route that uses your Controller since it requires JsonApi object and it is created via factory.

Quick way to fix this is to check if there is a Request object in RequestStack and if there is not, just create a new, empty one.

I can do a PR if you agree on a fix :)

Argument 1 passed to PsrHttpFactory::createRequest() must be an instance of Request, null given

Hi. IDK if put this here or in paknahad/jsonapi-bundle, because this happens when using this extension.

I get this error (when authenticating using NelmioApiDocs or via Postman) when I use a custom Finder or paknahad/jsonapi-querifier-bundle:

[critical] Uncaught Error: Argument 1 passed to Symfony\Bridge\PsrHttpMessage\Factory\PsrHttpFactory::createRequest() must be an instance of Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request, null given, called in ./vendor/paknahad/jsonapi-bundle/src/Factory/JsonApiFactory.php on line 45

When APP_DEBUG is set to true, this break the JSON response with the warning as plain text, so only works with APP_DEBUG=false.

Seems to be related with the requestStack, like an issue in AdactiveSAS/saml2-bridge-bundle#28

public function create(): JsonApi
$jsonApiRequest = new JsonApiRequest(

Maybe my config is wrong?

My services.yaml config is:

    class: Paknahad\JsonApiQuerifierBundle\Finder\Querifier
    public: false
      - { name: paknahad.json_api.finder }

Am I missing something?

Transformer not generated

Hey, first time using this bundle so hopefully im not missing something super obvious with this..

It appears that there is a Transformer missing when I run the make:api command.
The relationship is below - but when trying to getRelationships() - the AgentPhoneResourceTransformer is missing

Is this something I am doing wrong?


#[ORM\Entity(repositoryClass: AgentRepository::class)]
class Agent {

    ... code

        mappedBy: 'agent',
        targetEntity: AgentPhone::class)
    private $phones;


#[ORM\Table(name: 'phone')]
#[ORM\Entity(repositoryClass: AgentPhoneRepository::class)]
class AgentPhone {
    ... code

    #[ManyToOne(targetEntity: Agent::class, inversedBy: 'phones')]
    #[JoinColumn(name: 'associated_id', referencedColumnName: 'id')]
    private ?Agent $agent;



Workflow for Updating Entities?


first of all: Thanks for the amazing bundle. Really impressive to generate a JSON-API right out of the box!

I have 2 questions though:
I create an User-Entity with php bin/console make:entity User and generate the API for it with php bin/console make:api User. Works great!

Now I want to modify the User-Entity later on using the update-functionality of php bin/console make:api User. The API does not represent these changes though.
If I run php bin/console make:api User again I get errors that the files are already existing (e.g. "[ERROR] The file "src/Controller/UserController.php" can't be generated because it already exists").

What is the proposed way to update the api?
If I just delete the controller and the JsonApi-directory that the command created it works fine.
But I'm not sure if this is the way to go or am I missing something? :)

This is kind of related to my first question. If I don't want to display all fields of an Entity in the API-Response, I just adjust the getAttributes()-method in the related ResourceTransformer, right?
But if the only way to update the API when an Entity changes later on is to delete the JsonApi-directory this way to restrict the displayed content is quite fragile.

Thanks for you help and the awesome bundle! ;)

Not compatible with psr/http-message version 2.0

After upgrading "psr/http-message" from version 1.1 to 2.0 this bundle can't be used anymore and you get the following error log:

php.CRITICAL: Fatal Compile Error: Declaration of WoohooLabs\Yin\JsonApi\Request\AbstractRequest::withCookieParams(array $cookies) must be compatible with Psr\Http\Message\ServerRequestInterface::withCookieParams(array $cookies): Psr\Http\Message\ServerRequestInterface {"exception":"[object] (Symfony\\Component\\ErrorHandler\\Error\\FatalError(code: 0): Compile Error: Declaration of WoohooLabs\\Yin\\JsonApi\\Request\\AbstractRequest::withCookieParams(array $cookies) must be compatible with Psr\\Http\\Message\\ServerRequestInterface::withCookieParams(array $cookies): Psr\\Http\\Message\\ServerRequestInterface at /var/www/symfony/vendor/woohoolabs/yin/src/JsonApi/Request/AbstractRequest.php:212)"} []
request.CRITICAL: Uncaught PHP Exception Symfony\Component\ErrorHandler\Error\FatalError: "Compile Error: Declaration of WoohooLabs\Yin\JsonApi\Request\AbstractRequest::withCookieParams(array $cookies) must be compatible with Psr\Http\Message\ServerRequestInterface::withCookieParams(array $cookies): Psr\Http\Message\ServerRequestInterface" at /var/www/symfony/vendor/woohoolabs/yin/src/JsonApi/Request/AbstractRequest.php line 212 {"exception":"[object] (Symfony\\Component\\ErrorHandler\\Error\\FatalError(code: 0): Compile Error: Declaration of WoohooLabs\\Yin\\JsonApi\\Request\\AbstractRequest::withCookieParams(array $cookies) must be compatible with Psr\\Http\\Message\\ServerRequestInterface::withCookieParams(array $cookies): Psr\\Http\\Message\\ServerRequestInterface at /var/www/symfony/vendor/woohoolabs/yin/src/JsonApi/Request/AbstractRequest.php:212)"} []
php.CRITICAL: Uncaught Error: Class "WoohooLabs\Yin\JsonApi\Request\JsonApiRequest" not found {"exception":"[object] (Error(code: 0): Class \"WoohooLabs\\Yin\\JsonApi\\Request\\JsonApiRequest\" not found at /var/www/symfony/vendor/paknahad/jsonapi-bundle/src/Factory/JsonApiFactory.php:43)"} []

Generated Abstract Hydrater uses the object as en entity

{ "meta": { "code": 0, "message": "Cannot use object of type App\\Entity\\Test as array", "file": "/app/src/JsonApi/Hydrator/Test/AbstractTestHydrator.php", "line": 68, "trace": [ { "file": "/app/vendor/woohoolabs/yin/src/JsonApi/Hydrator/UpdateHydratorTrait.php", "line": 160, "function": "setId" }, { "file": "/app/vendor/woohoolabs/yin/src/JsonApi/Hydrator/UpdateHydratorTrait.php", "line": 108, "function": "hydrateIdForUpdate" }, { "file": "/app/vendor/woohoolabs/yin/src/JsonApi/Hydrator/AbstractHydrator.php", "line": 34, "function": "hydrateForUpdate" }, { "file": "/app/vendor/woohoolabs/yin/src/JsonApi/JsonApi.php", "line": 94, "function": "hydrate" }, { "file": "/app/src/Controller/TestController.php", "line": 87, "function": "hydrate" }, { "file": "/app/vendor/symfony/http-kernel/HttpKernel.php", "line": 149, "function": "edit" }, { "file": "/app/vendor/symfony/http-kernel/HttpKernel.php", "line": 66, "function": "handleRaw" }, { "file": "/app/vendor/symfony/http-kernel/Kernel.php", "line": 188, "function": "handle" }, { "file": "/app/public/index.php", "line": 37, "function": "handle" } ] }, "links": { "self": "/api/v2/tests/2" }, "errors": [ { "status": "500", "code": "INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR", "title": "Internal Server Error" } ] }

In the following function:
`protected function setId($test, string $id): ? array
if ($id) {
$test['id'] = $id;

        return $test;

    return null;

Support more advanced filtering in query

The current filtering only supports a limited set of possibilities.

I would love the ability to have advanced filtering options available like AND/OR, greater than, etc.

I have done some research and JSON API does not dictate any standards and nothing is close to beeing the default implementation.

Some interesting options for standards I found:

To me searching for a standard outside JSONAPI makes the most sense for implementation although even there there doesn't seem to be a reliable standard.

Fix incorrect Finder class location and Request class

In my previous PR I made a small mistake with Finder file location and an incorrect Request class usage. Sorry I missed that!

I'm creating a new PR to fix this. I tested that PR with my own bundle for RQL support (which works!) to verify that everything works as expected.

"Notice: Undefined index" when error is caused by `spl_autoload_call` function

When error is caused by ClassLoader when you have a typo in a class name, it triggers a fatal error on PHP (when debug is true, this results in an HTML error page instead of a JSON:API error page with meta.

For example:

namespace App\Schemes\Entities;

class PatientScheme extends ResourceObject 


I get this unuseful error:

Captura de pantalla de 2022-02-22 08-42-46

...instead of:

  "meta": {
    "message": "Attempted to load class \"ResourceObject\" from namespace \"App\\Schemes\\Entities\".\nDid you forget a \"use\" statement for \"App\\Schemes\\JsonApi\\ResourceObject\"?"
    // ...
  // ...
  "errors": [
    // ...

Ambiguous error message

I was trying to generate Api for User class, and I was getting this error:

[ERROR] "" is not valid as a PHP class name (it must start with
         a letter or underscore, followed by any number of      
         letters, numbers, or underscores)  

As it turns out, my repository class annotation was missing in User class:
* @ORM\Entity(repositoryClass="App\Repository\UserRepository")
Wouldn't it be better if the error said "Repository class not found" or something like that?

Multiple filtering

Hi @paknahad @kocsismate ,

As jsonapi spec specify it, we should be able to filter with multiple values

However, /books?filter[id]=1,2 does not show 2 books

The query generated is

SELECT AS id_1, AS name_2 FROM author t0 INNER JOIN book_author ON = book_author.author_id WHERE book_author.book_id = 1

instead of

SELECT AS id_1, AS name_2 FROM author t0 INNER JOIN book_author ON = book_author.author_id WHERE book_author.book_id in (1,2)


Support for entities outside of root/Entity

The Maker bundle now supports entities outside of the /entity map. As I want to better structure my code I use this feature.

The make:api cannot handle it currently as it crashes with a fatal error.

I might be able to make a patch but I'm not sure yet as I'm not familiar with the Maker bundle yet.

error source cannot be null

When you omit a field that cannot be blank, you get a 500 error because this snippet from Controller.php does not allow null:

            $errorSource = new ErrorSource(
Argument 2 passed to WoohooLabs\\Yin\\JsonApi\\Schema\\ErrorSource::__construct() must be of the type string, null given, called in /app/vendor/paknahad/jsonapi-bundle/src/Controller/Controller.php on line 65

Filtering by calculated fields


we have been using your bundle for a while and it's great, but today I came across a problem of filtering by calculated field. I would like to filter the list of my Offer entities by dynamic field tags. Tags are detected by some complex logic and not stored to database, but added on the fly. I found a way to do the filtering by extending the Paknahad\JsonApiBundle\Helper\ResourceCollection, but the bundle does not allow me to add ?filter[tag]=tagName to request because it is not an actual field in the table. The error message I am getting is:

"message": "No entity found for entity App\Entity\Offer and field tags",

Is there a way to achieve custom filters?


Bundle doesn't work with batch/subrequests

We wanted to create a /batch route by using the HttpKernel:

foreach($requests as $request) {
    // ...
    $req = Request::create(
    $response = $kernel->handle($req);

However, since the ResourceCollection service (and probably others like JsonApi) sets the request on construction, it doesn't work with follow up requests:

 * ResourceCollection constructor.
public function __construct(RequestStack $requestStack, FinderCollection $finderCollection, Paginator $paginator, FieldManager $fieldManager)
    $this->request = $requestStack->getCurrentRequest();
    // ...

It will handle the same request over and over again.

Datetime validation error.

I get TypeError: Argument 2 passed to WoohooLabs\Yin\JsonApi\Schema\Error\ErrorSource::__construct() must be of the type string, object given, called in /app/vendor/paknahad/jsonapi-bundle/src/Controller/Controller.php on line 47 when I trying to use Symfony DateTime validation, because of $fieldError->getInvalidValue() returns DateTime object instead of string.

Using on php 7.1 compatible app


I am create a symfony app that could run either on php 7.1 or php 7.2

My composer.json add following constraints :

  "require": {
    "php": "~7.1 | ~7.2",

However, when trying composer require paknahad/jsonapi-bundle, I have

  Package paknahad/jsonapi-bundle at version  has a PHP requirement incompatible with your PHP version (7.1.17) 

My composer.json is not specifying that this app could run on 7.2 ?


Error after generating API with Command

After generating an API with command: php bin/console make:api

I always get an error:

Argument 1 passed to Paknahad\JsonApiBundle\Maker\ApiCrud::generateDocumentation() must be an instance of Doctrine\Common\Persistence\Mapping\ClassMetadata, instance of Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\ClassMetadata given, called in /var/w  
  ww/symfony/vendor/paknahad/jsonapi-bundle/src/Maker/ApiCrud.php on line 272

Symfony Version: 5.2

Checking Authority in query builder

For security reasons, we have to limit the client in filtering some fields & tables.
I would prefer to check client access to tables and fields in voters.

@mnugter what do you think? let me know, please.

orm-pack v2.1.0

I have a problem with the installation.
I use symfony/orm-pack v2.1.0 (Symfony 4.4.19), but the package has dependency described as "symfony/orm-pack": "^1.0
Do you plan to raise the version of symfony/orm-pack?

Thank you.

Does this bundle works with Doctrine ODM?

First of all, thank you for making this much-needed Symfony bundle.

So I am trying to execute this command php bin/console make:api seems like it doesn't recognize MongoDB ODM Documents.

So my question is does it only work with ORM currently?

Fatal error on creating swagger collection


make:api gives below error on running

Fatal error: Interface 'phootwork\lang\Arrayable' not found in /vendor/paknahad/jsonapi-bundle/src/Collection/Swagger/Swagger.php on line 10

"phootwork/collection" should be part of "require" section instead of "require-dev". It's needed for generating Swagger doc.

Fatal error with (generated) controller

Hi @paknahad,

I'm trying to use jsonapi-bundle, but I have an error message

The controller must return a response (Object(Zend\\Diactoros\\Response) given).

when using this code (generated) :

    public function index(Request $request, ProductRepository $productRepository): ResponseInterface
        $query = $this->generateQuery($productRepository, $request);

        $paginator = new Paginator($query, $request);

        return $this->jsonApi()->respond()->ok(
            new ProductsDocument(new ProductResourceTransformer()),
            new ResourceCollection(


Symfony 5 support

Hi @paknahad

Any take on supporting Symfony 5? jsonapi-bundle require proxy-manager-bridge ^4.1 but Symfony 5 uses "symfony/proxy-manager-bridge": "5.0.*"

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