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OSVVM Utility Library: AlertLogPkg, CoveragePkg, RandomPkg, ScoreboardGenericPkg, MemoryPkg, TbUtilPkg, TranscriptPkg, ...

License: Other

VHDL 99.83% Tcl 0.17%
verification-methodologies testbench coverage vhdl constrained-random simulation verification alerts memory memory-model

osvvm's Issues

Help to design the low-level, LLVM-like universal HDL language

FPGA world suffers a lot from fragmentation - some tools produce Verilog, some VHDL, some - only subsets of them, creating low-level LLVM-like alternative will help everyone, so HDL implementations will opt only for generating this low-level HDL and routing/synthesizers accept it. LLVM or WebAssembly - you can see how many languages and targets are supported now by both. With more open source tools for FPGA this is more feasible now than ever. Most of the people suggest to adapt FIRRTL for this. Please check the discussion and provide a feedback if you have any. There is a good paper on FIRRTL design and its reusability across different tools and frameworks.

See f4pga/ideas#19

AlertLogPkg: Missing check for valid AlertLogID in AlertIf

When AlertIf is called with an uninitialized AlertLogID, GHDL emits an overflow detected error, wheras Riviera-PRO keeps quite.

Example code:

entity e is
  generic (
    PeriodHigh : time
end entity;

architecture a of e is
  signal ModelID : AlertLogIDType;

  impure function getPeriod(PH : time) return time is
    AlertIf(ModelID, (PH <= 0 ns), "Period is not a positive value.", FAILURE);
    return PH;
  end function;

  signal Period : time := getPeriod(PeriodHigh);

end architecture;

Messages from GHDL (bigger example code):

Running Testbench ...
  Loading simulation 'test.TestCase_GenerateAndObserve'
    C:\Tools\GHDL.36-dev-gnatgpl32-mcodin\ghdl.exe:error: overflow detected
      from: osvvm.alertlogpkg.alertlogstructptype.alert at AlertLogPkg.vhd:647
      from: osvvm.alertlogpkg.alertif at AlertLogPkg.vhd:1708
      from: osvvm_clock.clock_monitor(rtl).getclockperiod at clock_Monitor.vhdl:40
      from: osvvm_clock.clock_monitor(rtl).DECL_ELAB at clock_Monitor.vhdl:58
      from: test.clock_generator_monitor_tb(testharness).monitor.CMP_ELAB at clock_Generator_Monitor_tb.vhdl:27
      from: test.clock_generator_monitor_tb(testharness).DECL_ELAB at clock_Generator_Monitor_tb.vhdl:29
      from: Elaboration of design
    C:\Tools\GHDL.36-dev-gnatgpl32-mcodin\ghdl.exe:error: error during elaboration
[ERROR] While simulating 'test.TestCase_GenerateAndObserve'. ExitCode: 1

After fixing the missing init value, GHDL was happy.

VHDL 2019 Suggestion - Add function to link CovPType Random generation to a specified RandomPType object

Sorry if you already have plans for this.
Currently, I have In house verification IP entities which have RandomPTypes in them. The seed is passed in via a generic to the testbench so I can set the seed from the CI_JOB_ID system variable to get a new pattern on each run in gitlab CI, but still allow me to recreate the pattern in case of an error. Because this is simply an integer, to ensure each has a unique random pattern, I pass G_RANDOM_SEED as a generic to the testbench, the for each VIP instatiation, I do the following generic maps:


With VHDL 2019, I can modify the VIP entities to have a randomPType shared variable in the port map so I can simply use a single randomPType throughout the testbench. Ideally I would have a mechanism to pass the same object into the coverage object(s) so I can simply call InitSeed once.

Scoreboard: Allow user to override the Received: XXX Expected: XXXX log message(s) with a custom report

The current log message can be fairly difficult to decode if there are complex/long types used as the expected/actual types. Here is an example using AXIS record types:

KERNEL: %% Alert ERROR   in data_checker_inst,    Received: tid: 0xXX tdata: 0x2F2E2D2C2B2A29282726252423222120 tuser: 0x1 tdest: 0xX tkeep: 0xFFFF tstrb: 0xXXXX tlast: 0    Expected: tid: 0xXX tdata: 0x0F0E0D0C0B0A09080706050403020100 tuser: 0x1 tdest: 0xX tkeep: 0xFFFF tstrb: 0xXXXX tlast: 0    Item Number: 1 at 200 ns

I have a custom report function that outputs much more detailed comparison inside the match function. This currently gives me the following output:

KERNEL: %% Log   ALWAYS  in testbench_tools_pkg, act: tid: 0xXX tdata: 0x2F2E2D2C2B2A29282726252423222120 tuser: 0x1 tdest: 0xX tkeep: 0xFFFF tstrb: 0xXXXX tlast: 0  at 200 ns
KERNEL: %% Log   ALWAYS  in testbench_tools_pkg, exp: tid: 0xXX tdata: 0x0F0E0D0C0B0A09080706050403020100 tuser: 0x1 tdest: 0xX tkeep: 0xFFFF tstrb: 0xXXXX tlast: 0  at 200 ns
KERNEL: %% Log   ALWAYS  in testbench_tools_pkg,                         X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X                                                              at 200 ns
KERNEL: %% Alert ERROR   in data_checker_inst,    Received: tid: 0xXX tdata: 0x2F2E2D2C2B2A29282726252423222120 tuser: 0x1 tdest: 0xX tkeep: 0xFFFF tstrb: 0xXXXX tlast: 0    Expected: tid: 0xXX tdata: 0x0F0E0D0C0B0A09080706050403020100 tuser: 0x1 tdest: 0xX tkeep: 0xFFFF tstrb: 0xXXXX tlast: 0    Item Number: 1 at 200 ns

Ideally, I could just replace the default report with my own.

ScoreboardPkg is missing in OsvvmContext

Hi Jim,
I made some tests with your new release 2022.02 and found a possible bug in the "OsvvmContext.vhd" File. There is no ScoreboardPkg included. Maybe this is your intention, but I don't think so.

Best regards,

Overflow in CovPType with GHDL


I've encountered the following error message when using the coverage package with GHDL:
/usr/local/bin/ghdl:error: overflow detected
from: osvvm.coveragepkg.covptype.icoverindex at CoveragePkg.vhd:2072

As far as I understand the code, the overflow is intentionally?
However, I haven't found a way to tell GHDL that this is ok...

The tb below triggers this. It uses vunit, but should be easy to modify to run without.

library ieee;
context ieee.ieee_std_context;

library vunit_lib;
context vunit_lib.vunit_context;

library osvvm;
use osvvm.RandomPkg.all;
use osvvm.CoveragePkg.all;

entity tb_osvvm is
  generic (
    runner_cfg    : string  := runner_cfg_default
end entity tb_osvvm;

architecture tb of tb_osvvm is

  shared variable cov_fill   : CovPType;
  -- Test process
  p_main : process
    variable rnd      : RandomPType;
    test_runner_setup(runner, runner_cfg);

    while test_suite loop
      if run("random") then
        cov_fill.AddBins(GenBin(0, 3));
        while true loop
          cov_fill.ICover(rnd.RandInt(0, 3));
        end loop;
      end if;
    end loop;

  end process p_main;

end architecture tb;

Best regards,

Support Names for Bins

It would be nice, if we could set names for Bins.
Maybe we have a coverage model for a simple 3 state FSM:

type t_fsm_state is (IDLE, ADDR, DATA);
signal s_fsm_state, s_fsm_state_prev : t_fsm_state;

shared variable sv_fsm_cov : CovPType;

sv_fsm_cov.AddCross(GenBin(t_fsm_state'pos(IDLE)), GenBin(t_fsm_state'pos(ADDR));
sv_fsm_cov.AddCross(GenBin(t_fsm_state'pos(ADDR)), GenBin(t_fsm_state'pos(DATA));
sv_fsm_cov.AddCross(GenBin(t_fsm_state'pos(ADDR)), GenBin(t_fsm_state'pos(IDLE));
sv_fsm_cov.AddCross(GenBin(t_fsm_state'pos(DATA)), GenBin(t_fsm_state'pos(IDLE));
sv_fsm_cov.AddCross(ALL_ILLEGAL, ALL_ILLEGAL);


sv_fsm_cov.ICover(t_fsm_state'pos(s_fsm_state_prev), t_fsm_state'pos(s_fsm_state));



At the moment, the integer values are shown in the report like this:

# %%WriteBin: 
# %% Bin:(0) (1)   Count = 1  AtLeast = 1
# %% Bin:(1) (0)   Count = 1  AtLeast = 1
# %% Bin:(1) (2)   Count = 1  AtLeast = 1
# %% Bin:(2) (0)   Count = 1  AtLeast = 1

It would be nicer if we had names for Bins.
Maybe, the report could use them like this:

# %%WriteBin: 
# %% Bin:(IDLE) (ADDR)   Count = 1  AtLeast = 1
# %% Bin:(ADDR) (DATA)   Count = 1  AtLeast = 1
# %% Bin:(ADDR) (IDLE)   Count = 1  AtLeast = 1
# %% Bin:(DATA) (IDLE)   Count = 1  AtLeast = 1

That could be realised with overloading maybe.

impure function GenBin(BinIndex : integer, name : string) return CovBinBaseType;

If you give a name with the Bin creation, we have such a new report,
if not, we have the old above with integers only.

Furthermore a name field of type string has to be added to the CovBinBaseType
and the CovMatrix* record types.

type CovBinBaseType is record
  BinVal  : RangeArrayType(1 to 1);
  Action  : integer;
  Count   : integer;
  AtLeast : integer;
  Name    : string;
end record;

Scripting: Can OSVVM provide a "vhdl_analyze_order" file?

Xilinx and some other vendors provide a file called vhdl_analyze_order per VHDL library, containing one source file per line. This file can be read by Tcl, Bash or what ever language to execute the compile commands for a VHDL library in the right order. Alternative names might be: analyze_order or compile_order.

This solution has several advantages:

  • it is tool independent (e.g. Tcl compile scripts must be provided per simulator)
  • all files are stored with relative path, so scripts can add the appropriate absolute path if needed
  • if OSVVM adds more files or changes the compile order, only one file needs to be adjusted, which is also under version control and thus linked to the current release
  • pre-compile scripts (e.g. shipped with GHDL or PoC) don't need to implement version specific switches to chose the right file names and right compile order



Example Bash script to read such a file:

# append absolute source path
while IFS= read -r File; do
done < <(grep --no-filename -R '^[a-zA-Z]' "$SourceDirectory/XilinxCoreLib/vhdl_analyze_order")



AlertLogPkg: ReportAlerts ignores ReportAll

I think there is a minor bug in ReportAlerts, where the hierarchy won't get printed unless the test failed even if ReportAll is true. I propose changing AlertLogPkg.vhd line 1338 from:
if (FoundReportHierVar and ReportHierarchyVar) and TestFailed then
if (FoundReportHierVar and ReportHierarchyVar) and (TestFailed or ReportAll) then

Thank you!

  • David Z

AlertLogPkg: Synthesis and Alerts, Logs, ...

Is there a typical approach for including alerts and logs (from AlertLogPkg) in synthesizable code? My favorite would be to not touch the production code -- let it call AlertIf and Log all it likes -- and put the synthesis translate off/on pragmas in the package. But that could be a significant amount of work.

What do you think? How are others handling this?

AlertLogPkg: Enabling and Disabling Passed/Affirmations Checked

From an external user:
I am struggling with configuration procedure SetAlertLogOptions in conjunction with ReportAlerts. I am not sure, if there is a basic misunderstanding or a bug causing this observed behavior. In attached screenshot you will see the contradictions. My assumption was that “passed” and “affirmations” counts are skipped in report like “DisabledAlerts”:

With the settings:

. . . 
PrintPassedVar:            false
PrintAffirmationsVar:   false

Report Alerts produces:

%% DONE    FAILED   Report Summary   Total Error(s) = 3   Failures: 0  Errors: 3  Warnings: 0  Passed:  33  Affirmations Checked:  35 at 4355 ns

Scoreboard for VHDL 2002

ScoreboardGenericPkg.vhd contains comments on how to modify the file for simulators not supporting package generics (latest binary/stable release of GHDL for example). I would prefer if such a modification is provided as a separate implementation in the same way that VendorCovApiPkg has several implementations. This would remove need for users to create and maintain their own implementations.

Missing return statement in ScoreboardGenericPkg

When compiling Scoreboard with Riviera-PRO, I get this warning:

COMP96 Compile Package Body "ScoreboardGenericPkg"
COMP96 WARNING COMP96_0048: "This function may complete without return statement." ".../lib/OSVVM/ScoreboardGenericPkg.vhd" 1525 5

AlertLogPkg: Print to separate files

On line 2226 of the current AlertLogPkg.vhd, the base AffirmIf procedure calls

AlertLogStruct.Alert(AlertLogID, ReceivedMessage & ExpectedMessage, ERROR) ; 

which forces calling Alert with a severity of ERROR. However, AffirmIf already has an AlertLevel input. I am trying to signal a FAILURE with an AffirmIf call, but the severity that I request gets ignored.

Inconsistent line termination.

AlertLogPkg.vhd:           ASCII text, with CRLF line terminators
CoveragePkg.vhd:           ASCII text, with CRLF line terminators
MemoryPkg.vhd:             ASCII text
MessageListPkg.vhd:        ASCII text
MessagePkg.vhd:            ASCII text, with CRLF line terminators
NamePkg.vhd:               ASCII text
NameStorePkg.vhd:          ASCII text
OsvvmContext.vhd:          ASCII text
OsvvmGlobalPkg.vhd:        ASCII text
OsvvmTypesPkg.vhd:         ASCII text
RandomBasePkg.vhd:         ASCII text
RandomPkg.vhd:             ASCII text
RandomProcedurePkg.vhd:    ASCII text
ReportPkg.vhd:             ASCII text
ResizePkg.vhd:             ASCII text
ResolutionPkg.vhd:         ASCII text, with CRLF line terminators
ScoreboardGenericPkg.vhd:  ASCII text, with CRLF line terminators
ScoreboardPkg_int_c.vhd:   ASCII text
ScoreboardPkg_int.vhd:     ASCII text
ScoreboardPkg_slv_c.vhd:   ASCII text
ScoreboardPkg_slv.vhd:     ASCII text
SortListPkg_int.vhd:       ASCII text
TbUtilPkg.vhd:             ASCII text, with CRLF line terminators
TextUtilPkg.vhd:           ASCII text
TranscriptPkg.vhd:         ASCII text
VendorCovApiPkg_Aldec.vhd: ASCII text
VendorCovApiPkg.vhd:       ASCII text

@JimLewis are you willing to use LF only everywhere? Current CRLF makes pure text parsing a little bit more cumbersome.

Assignment Of Access Values

In AlertLogPkg.vhd a some assignments of access values w/o .all.. This causes a error using nvc.


entity access_assignment is
end entity;

architecture test of access_assignment is
type rec_t is record
  foo: integer;
end record rec_t;
type rec_ptr_t is access rec_t;
type rec_arr_t is array (integer range <>) of rec_ptr_t;type rec_arr_ptr_t is access rec_arr_t;
procedure ok_procedure is
variable rec_ptr: rec_arr_ptr_t;
  rec_ptr(0) := new rec_t'(foo => 42);
  rec_ptr(0) := 2;
procedure nok_procedure is
variable rec_ptr: rec_arr_ptr_t;
  rec_ptr(0) := new rec_t'(foo => 42);
  rec_ptr(0).foo := 2; -- <- error here
end architecture;

nvc error:

** Error: expected record type but found REC_PTR_T
        File access_bug.vhd, Line 15
        rec_ptr(0).foo := 2; -- <- error here

According to my literature, The Designer's Guide to VHDL - Third Edition the .all. is required and hence not a bug of nvc[1].

[1] The Designer's Guide to VHDL Third Edition, section 15.1.2 Assignment and Equality of Access Values

AlertLogPkg: Position of Simulation Time

Hello Jim,
I am a QuestaSim user and I have an issue regarding the position of the simulation time when doing logging.
The problem occurs is if I want to log a time value e.g.: "Pulse length = 20 ns at 123450000 ns".
The link between the Transcript window and the Wave window is then not working anymore (clicking with the mouse in Transcript window onto the simulation time normally sets the cursor in the Wave window). I made a support case at Mentor and they said that this link in looking for the first timing value in each line.
So if the simulation time would be printed out not at the end of the line this problem could be solved.

Best regards,

Coverage package pure utility functions calling Alert procedure produces GHDL error

GHDL includes a script for building OSVVM that along with --std=08 uses the options -fexplicit -frelaxed-rules --no-vital-checks --warn-binding --mb-comments. The -frelaxed-rules option to "relax some LRM rules" was surprising, so after building OSVVM without it and running a simple testbench I get the following:

../src/osvvm/CoveragePkg.vhd:5249:12:error: pure function "to_boolean" cannot call (impure) procedure "alert"
../src/osvvm/CoveragePkg.vhd:5249:12:note: (you can use -frelaxed to turn this error into a warning)
../src/osvvm/AlertLogPkg.vhd:112:13:error: (procedure "alert" is defined here)
../src/osvvm/CoveragePkg.vhd:5286:12:error: pure function "to_std_logic" cannot call (impure) procedure "alert"
../src/osvvm/AlertLogPkg.vhd:112:13:error: (procedure "alert" is defined here)
../src/osvvm/CoveragePkg.vhd:5321:12:error: pure function "to_boolean_vector" cannot call (impure) procedure "alert"
../src/osvvm/AlertLogPkg.vhd:112:13:error: (procedure "alert" is defined here)
../src/osvvm/CoveragePkg.vhd:5356:12:error: pure function "to_std_logic_vector" cannot call (impure) procedure "alert"
../src/osvvm/AlertLogPkg.vhd:112:13:error: (procedure "alert" is defined here)
../src/osvvm/CoveragePkg.vhd:5245:12:error: pure subprogram body cannot call (impure) procedure "alert"
../src/osvvm/AlertLogPkg.vhd:112:13:error: (procedure "alert" is defined here)
../src/osvvm/CoveragePkg.vhd:5282:12:error: pure subprogram body cannot call (impure) procedure "alert"
../src/osvvm/AlertLogPkg.vhd:112:13:error: (procedure "alert" is defined here)
../src/osvvm/CoveragePkg.vhd:5308:12:error: pure subprogram body cannot call (impure) procedure "alert"
../src/osvvm/AlertLogPkg.vhd:112:13:error: (procedure "alert" is defined here)
../src/osvvm/CoveragePkg.vhd:5343:12:error: pure subprogram body cannot call (impure) procedure "alert"
../src/osvvm/AlertLogPkg.vhd:112:13:error: (procedure "alert" is defined here)

The comment on line 1085 "pure functions cannot use alert and/or print" seems to indicate this has been dealt with before. In that case it looks like report was used instead, though making the functions impure fixes the error as well.

Add function to check if a value is in a specific bin

I have the following Bins, created as objects to give a simple reference:

    constant BIN_RUNT_FRAMES         : CovBinType := GenBin(16,                         63,                           1);    -- Short frames
    constant BIN_SHORT_FRAMES        : CovBinType := GenBin(64,                         79                             );    -- Shortest frames, covering all word width positions (16 bytes per word)
    constant BIN_STANDARD_FRAMES     : CovBinType := GenBin(80,                         ETHERNET_FRAME_SIZE_MAX-16-1, 1);    -- All standard Ethernet lengths
    constant BIN_LARGE_FRAMES        : CovBinType := GenBin(ETHERNET_FRAME_SIZE_MAX-16, ETHERNET_FRAME_SIZE_MAX        );    -- Longest standard ethernet lengths, covering all word width positions (16 bytes per word)
    constant BIN_JUMBO_FRAMES        : CovBinType := GenBin(ETHERNET_FRAME_SIZE_MAX+1,  9000,                         1);    -- Jumbo Frames


-- add the coverage
cov.AddBins("Runt Frames    ", G_N_HITS_PER_COV_PT, BIN_RUNT_FRAMES    );
cov.AddBins("Short Frames   ", G_N_HITS_PER_COV_PT, BIN_SHORT_FRAMES   );
cov.AddBins("Standard Frames", G_N_HITS_PER_COV_PT, BIN_STANDARD_FRAMES);
cov.AddBins("Large Frames   ", G_N_HITS_PER_COV_PT, BIN_LARGE_FRAMES   );
cov.AddBins("Jumbo Frames   ", G_N_HITS_PER_COV_PT, BIN_JUMBO_FRAMES   );

When I get the coverage, I cant work out if there is a simple method to check if a value returned from cov.randCovPoint is in a specific Bin, other than checking the ranges of all the bins. something like

testPoint := cov.randCovPoint;

if isInBin(testPoint, BIN_RUNT_FRAMES) then
  -- Generate Runt Frame
elsif isInBin(testPoint, BIN_SHORT_FRAMES) then
  -- generate short frame


Currently, I can work around this by matching a testPoint to a bin name.
Maybe the name labels could also be added to the CovBinType as an unconstrained string?

CoveragePkg: Add add to_boolean and to_std_logic

Please add the mirror of
function to_integer ( B : boolean ) return integer ;
function to_integer ( SL : std_logic ) return integer ;

something like:

function to_boolean ( I : integer ) return boolean;
function to_std_logic ( I : integer ) return std_logic;

Robert (Reuven) Paley

Intelligent Coverage - Protected type restricted to use in different files

I am currently evaluating ghdl as vhdl simulation tool and OSVVM as verification methodolody tool. To carry out this evaluation I created a gitlab repository with a simple design with a particular multiplier.

In the simulation folder you can find a detailed info to cover all the simulation steps. Following verification plan and architecture, I designed a package that contains different procedures to carry out all the functionalities to validate the design. As you can see in the picture attached on readme file, I created a modular project, where different functionalities are declared in different files.

As far as I understood, a good way to cover functionality in that design is to analize all the possible input cross values, by using intelligent coverage. As you know I have to use a protected type to generate inputs, and to cover it. This protected type can't be shared in files (driver and monitor files). So the work-around I found was declare a protected type to generate input data, and declare another protected type to cover data. It seems to work but I think is a tricky solution.

Is there any other way to do this?

CoveragePkg: Add getBinName function based on cover point

I have a test where I use randCovPoint to drive the input:
idx := cov.randCovPoint;

I have named each of my bins. But I now have a cover point but I cannot get the name of the bin for reporting, something like this:

log("Sending Input " & to_string(idx) & " contained in Bin: " & cov.getBinName(idx));

Unless I make 1 bin per cover point, I cannot get the correct name of the bin. And this seems wasteful if I have to make several bins with the same name, and more complicated if I want to set the "AtLeast" values for specific bins.

maybe the function could be called getBinNameFromCovPoint

AlertLogPkg: Allow Mirror on Specific Alert Levels

I currently have testbenches that use a transcript file. But I also like specific messages to also display on std.textio.OUTPUT. I do this in the testbench by turning on/off the mirror around specific messages, but for alerts inside the scoreboard I have no control over this. When an error/failure occurs and Error count is reached, ReportAlert occurs inside the scoreboard and cannot be mirrored to console.

I use the log to log everything - all scoreboard matches as well as errors. It would be good to have only the errors pop out to console.

Alert FAILURE RandomPkg

During tests with usage of RandomPType sometimes I receive following error:

%% Alert FAILURE RandomPkg.(RandIntV | RandRealV | RandTimeV): Unique > number of values available at 35 ns

%% Alert Stop Count on FAILURE reached at 35 ns 
%% DONE  FAILED  AlertLogTop  Total Error(s) = 1  Failures: 1  Errors: 0  Warnings: 0  at 35 ns

what does it mean?

AlertLevel in hierarchical version of AffirmIf() not used

In the hierarchical version of AffirmIf() procedure, the AlertLevel parameter isn't propagated to the called AlertLogStruct.Alert() procedure. It is instead replaced by hard coded ERROR level. Which I assume is an bug, because in the not hierarchical version, the AlertLevel is propagated.

The bug occurs in line 2081

AlertLogStruct.Alert(AlertLogID, Message, ERROR) ; -- signal failure

in line 2081 in the AffirmIf() body should be replaced by

AlertLogStruct.Alert(AlertLogID, Message, AlertLevel) ; -- signal failure

CoveragePkg: RandCovPoint is randomly selecting bins with AtLeast=0

This may be a shortage in my understanding of how things should work. Consider the following partial example.

shared variable cov : CovPType;
variable a,b : integer;
cov.AddCross(1, GenBin(1), GenBin(1));  -- AtLeast=1, point (1,1)
cov.AddCross(0, GenBin(2), GenBin(2));  -- ATleast=0, point (2,2)
(a,b) := cov.RandCovPoint;  -- generating a=b=2 ?!

In a somewhat more complex example, I think I am seeing RandCovPoint generate a bin that has an AtLeast of 0 while other bins have AtLeast > 0 that haven't been covered yet. Is this expected?

CoveragePkg: Add "getNextCoverPoint" function

sometimes it can be useful to get coverage points sequentially or randomly, depending on the test. Maybe it would be useful to add a function something like:

impure function nextCoverPoint(isRandom : boolean := true) return integer/integer_vector is
  if isRandom then return randCoverPoint;
  else return getNextCoverPointSequence;
  end if;
end function;


CoveragePkg: Issue with GetNextPoint(Mode => MIN)

There is a potential bug with: GetNextPoint(Mode => MIN);

For example, ModelSim reports :

# -- Compiling architecture behav of tb_ldpc_encoder
# ** Error (suppressible): testbench/tb_ldpc_encoder_osvvm.vhd(240): (vcom-1380) Identifier "MIN" is not directly visible.
#    Potentially visible declarations are:
#         std.STANDARD.min (physical unit)
#         osvvm.CoveragePkg.MIN at testbench/osvvm_2020_05/CoveragePkg.vhd(161) (enumeration literal)

Fortunately, this can be easily fixed with calling “MIN” explicitly from Coverage package:

GetNextPoint(Mode => osvvm.CoveragePkg.MIN);

Maybe it is good idea to record this issue somewhere:

Thanks you and best regards,


Use of overloaded & in CoveragePkg causes GHDL compile issue


When compiling the latest osvvm using the ghdl/lib/ghdl/vendors/ script I got the following error:

Analyzing package '/opt/osvvm/CoveragePkg.vhd'
/opt/osvvm/CoveragePkg.vhd:1477:33: operator ""&"" is overloaded
/opt/osvvm/CoveragePkg.vhd:1477:33: possible interpretations are:
*std_standard*:1:1: function "&" [string, character return string]
*std_standard*:1:1: function "&" [string, string return string]

The culprit is here:

    -- pt local for now -- file formal parameter not allowed with a public method
    procedure WriteBinName ( file f : text ; S : string ; Prefix : string := "%% " ) is
      variable MessageCount : integer ;
      variable MessageIndex : integer := 1 ;
      variable buf : line ;
      MessageCount := CovMessageVar.GetCount ;
      if MessageCount = 0 then
        write(buf, Prefix & S & GetCovModelName) ; -- Print name when no message
        writeline(f, buf) ;
        if CovNameVar.IsSet then
          -- Print Name if set
          write(buf, Prefix & S & CovNameVar.Get) ;
        elsif AlertLogIDVar /= OSVVM_ALERTLOG_ID then
          -- otherwise Print AlertLogName if it is set
          write(buf, Prefix & S & GetAlertLogName(AlertLogIDVar));
          -- otherwise print the first line of the message
          MessageIndex := 2 ;
          write(buf, Prefix & S & string'(CovMessageVar.Get(1))) ;
        end if ;
        writeline(f, buf) ;
        for i in MessageIndex to MessageCount loop
          write(buf, Prefix & string'(CovMessageVar.Get(i))) ;
          writeline(f, buf) ;
        end loop ;
      end if ;
    end procedure WriteBinName ;

Changing the line to

write(buf, Prefix & S & string'(GetAlertLogName(AlertLogIDVar)));

solved the issue.

Best regards,
Michael Kiesenhofer

TbUtilPkg: CreateClock Features

Hi Jim,
what do you think about adding these features to the CreateClock function?
1.) Add an enable port to be able to start and stop the clock signal
2.) Add the possibility to choose with which level the clock is starting. Now it always starts with '0', which is ok for a single clock, but when starting several related clocks (e.g. 50 MHz and 100 MHz) at the same time, they always share the falling edge.
3.) Add a Log message when starting or stopping the clock.

A possible declaration could be:

procedure CreateClock (
constant AlertLogID : AlertLogIDType;
signal Clk : inout std_logic;
signal ClkEn : in std_logic;
constant Period : time;
constant ClkName : string;
constant DutyCycle : real := 0.5;
constant StartHigh : boolean := false


CoveragePkg: Adding the same bin twice is not an error (Should it be?)

I have the following code:

cov.AddBins("Random Bins", 1, GenBin(0) );
cov.AddBins("Other Bins",  1, GenBin(0) );

while not cov.isCovered loop
  iv  := cov.randCovPoint;
  log("iv= (" & to_string(iv(0)) & ")");
end loop;


And it gives the following output

KERNEL: %% Log   ALWAYS  in Default, iv= (0) at 0 ns
KERNEL: %% Log   ALWAYS  in Default, iv= (0) at 0 ns
KERNEL: %% WriteBin: 
KERNEL: %% Random Bins  Bin:(0)   Count = 1  AtLeast = 1
KERNEL: %% Other Bins  Bin:(0)   Count = 1  AtLeast = 1

This implies even though both bins cover the same value, they do not get both get covered at the same time, and have priority in the order they were created. Should it be an error to create two identical bins? or should it cover both bins when ICover is called?

You get the same behaviour with crossed bins, where the crosses are identical.

cov.AddCross("Random Bins", 1, GenBin(0), GenBin(0,7));
cov.AddCross("Other Bins", 1, GenBin(0) , GenBin(0,7));

Scoreboard: Add GetCurrentItemCount function

Hi Jim,
I often use the Scoreboard "only" as a FIFO. I can push values into it, and I can pop values from it. What I am missing is a function, which returns the current number of values stored in the FIFO, not the overall values ever have been stored (GetItemCount).
Something like GetCurrentItemCount() or GetStoredItemsCount().

What would you think about this?

Scoreboard: Add Check Function that returns TRUE when PASSED

It would be useful to have a check function in the scoreboard that returns a boolean. This way you can easily connect a signal to the function to allow quick debugging on a waveform. I have the following current workaround:

err_cnt   := GetAlertCount(sboard.GetAlertLogID);
missmatch <= (GetAlertCount(sboard.GetAlertLogID) /= err_cnt), false after 1 ns;

I think it would be easier to simply write:

missmatch <= sboard.check(act), false after 1 ns;

It would also allow a testbench to take user controlled action on a missmatch.

User guide instructions don't mention script

I just cloned OSVVM and as part of getting started, I opened up RandomPkg_user_guide.pdf and jumped to section 14 for compile instructions. I tried a straightforward compile of said files but got an error because of the work library reference.

My suggestion to update instructions to reference running since that seamlessly replaces work with osvvm and is readily available as part of the git clone.

SortListPType.Count always reports a size of 1

I have managed to create a generic version of SortListPkg_int. So I started to test this new package in my testbench. A get an alert FAILURE, that my index is out of range when I use the Get method.

I'm looping through an array and perform 64 add operations. The Counter is always 1 (the default value).

The following screenshot shows the behavior:

I'm testing three sorters

  • Sorter is a std_logic_vector sorter derived from SortListGenericPkg. The code is supplied in pull request #18.
  • Sorter1 is an integer sorter derived from SortListGenericPkg.
  • Sorter2 is the original unmodified SortListPkg_int implementation.

All three version show always a count of 1.

I used QuestaSim 10.5c.


The source files for the complete testbench are available on branch VLSI-EDA/OSVVM/paebbels/osvvm-bitonicsort. The PoC command is: poc.ps1 -v vsim PoC.sort.sortnet.BitonicSort -g

Can OSVVM offer also a decrement procedure in TbUtilPkg?

Currently OSVVM offers a TbUtilPkg with an Increment and WaitFOrToggle procedures.

Currently no Decrement is offered. Is it possible to add this missing feature for completeness?

Current API for integer value passing based on toggle events:

  -- Integer type versions
  procedure Increment ( signal Sig : InOut integer ; constant RollOverValue : in integer := 0) ;
  procedure WaitForToggle ( signal Sig : In integer ) ;

AlertLogPkg: Make it possible so that on ReportAlerts, a vacuous pass results in failure.

Currently, if you call ReportAlerts, if no affirmations were checked then a test always passes. In a testbench where the UUT has locked up and the testbench has timed out, this may give a false sense of security in a CI environment.

Currently I have the following check in my generic OSVVM control entity:

   AlertIf(G_ALERT_ID, GetAffirmCount = 0, "Test Ended with no affirmations checked", FAILURE);
end if;


Would it be nicer to pass the required affirm count to the ReportAlerts method, or some machinism to turn a Vacuous pass into a failure within OSVVM itself?

Error on AlertLogPkg.vhd when using ModelSim 10.2c

Been getting the following errors with OSVVM

** Error: osvvm/AlertLogPkg.vhd(984): No feasible entries for subprogram "PrintTopAlerts".
** Error: osvvm/AlertLogPkg.vhd(991): No feasible entries for subprogram "PrintTopAlerts".

The procedure's is defined as


Lines 881 to 887 in 185a11d

procedure PrintTopAlerts (
NumErrors : integer ;
AlertCount : AlertCountType ;
Name : string ;
NumDisabledErrors : integer
) is

Errors occur here


Lines 978 to 991 in 185a11d

if IsOsvvmStringSet(Name) then
PrintTopAlerts (
NumErrors => NumErrors,
AlertCount => AlertLogPtr(AlertLogID).AlertCount + ExternalErrors,
Name => Name,
NumDisabledErrors => NumDisabledErrors
) ;
PrintTopAlerts (
NumErrors => NumErrors,
AlertCount => AlertLogPtr(AlertLogID).AlertCount + ExternalErrors,
Name => AlertLogPtr(AlertLogID).Name.all,
NumDisabledErrors => NumDisabledErrors
) ;

The code is correct -- this seems to be a bug on ModelSim itself and it has been fixed at some point between 10.2c and 10.7c (versions I have available for testing)

I did a bit of digging and it seems ModelSim is making confusion with the AlertCount identifier, which is used to name parameters in procedures/functions, constants, variables and record components. Either replacing the parameter for a different identifier (and adjusting uses) or calling PrintTopAlerts with positional arguments (no named parameters) seems to fix the problem.

I know it's a ModelSim bug from an old version, but would be great if OSVVM could work around it!

AlertLogPkg: Add Affirmation Count to each ID when ReportAlerts is called

In a testbench with multiple checkers at different levels of heirarchy, it would be nice to see the AffirmCount per ID (if possible). I note you currently cannot fetch the Affirmation count per ID, only the total, getAffirmCount has no arguments, although affirmations are done per ID (also, it appears affirmations are not stored per ID).

For example, my current testbench has the following Heirarchy:

%% Alert Stop Count on ERROR   reached in CPU Packet Checker at 11780 ns 
%% DONE  FAILED  64bit  Total Error(s) = 1  Failures: 0  Errors: 1  Warnings: 0  Affirmations Checked: 126  at 11780 ns
%%    Default                           Failures: 0  Errors: 0  Warnings: 0
%%    OSVVM                             Failures: 0  Errors: 0  Warnings: 0
%%    testbench_tools_pkg               Failures: 0  Errors: 0  Warnings: 0
%%    ip_flow_control_top_tb            Failures: 0  Errors: 1  Warnings: 0
%%      AXI4L Filters and Decap Driver  Failures: 0  Errors: 0  Warnings: 0
%%        AWADDR Driver                 Failures: 0  Errors: 0  Warnings: 0
%%        WDATA Driver                  Failures: 0  Errors: 0  Warnings: 0
%%        BRESP Checker                 Failures: 0  Errors: 0  Warnings: 0
%%        ARADDR Driver                 Failures: 0  Errors: 0  Warnings: 0
%%        RDATA Checker                 Failures: 0  Errors: 0  Warnings: 0
%%      AXI4L Table Driver              Failures: 0  Errors: 0  Warnings: 0
%%        AWADDR Driver                 Failures: 0  Errors: 0  Warnings: 0
%%        WDATA Driver                  Failures: 0  Errors: 0  Warnings: 0
%%        BRESP Checker                 Failures: 0  Errors: 0  Warnings: 0
%%        ARADDR Driver                 Failures: 0  Errors: 0  Warnings: 0
%%        RDATA Checker                 Failures: 0  Errors: 0  Warnings: 0
%%      MAC Packet Driver               Failures: 0  Errors: 0  Warnings: 0
%%      CPU Packet Checker              Failures: 0  Errors: 1  Warnings: 0
%%      Media Packet Checker            Failures: 0  Errors: 0  Warnings: 0
%%      Register Scoreboard             Failures: 0  Errors: 0  Warnings: 0
%%      Flow Table Scoreboard           Failures: 0  Errors: 0  Warnings: 0
%%      Packet Coverage                 Failures: 0  Errors: 0  Warnings: 0
%%      Stream Generator                Failures: 0  Errors: 0  Warnings: 0
%%    ipat_stats_store_inst             Failures: 0  Errors: 0  Warnings: 0
%%      Checking                        Failures: 0  Errors: 0  Warnings: 0
%%    ipat_histograms_inst              Failures: 0  Errors: 0  Warnings: 0
%%      Checking                        Failures: 0  Errors: 0  Warnings: 0

It would be nice to see who was doing all the checking.


Scoreboard: Add Default value to flush, or add new flush procedure to empty scoreboard

I would like to empty all expected data from a scoreboard. For example, when a reset occurs in the middle of a test, it might be appropriate to just empty all queues in the scoreboard and start again.

I previously used this, but it is not appropriate because it destroys all the configured IDs and any other config:

queue_reset_proc : process(axi_reset)
    if axi_reset = '1' then
    end if;
  end process;

You could use the following, but using the flush procedure seems more appropriate:

queue_reset_proc : process(axi_reset)
    variable dump    : axi_if'subtype;
    if axi_reset = '1' then
      while not sboard.empty loop
        dump  := sboard.pop;
      end loop;
    end if;
  end process;

Alerts - Option to print entire path to alert name.

I cant find if the following is possible - i would like to print multiple levels of the heirarchy name on and alert/log. Currently it only prints the name directly associated with the ID. Thats usually fine, but I have a verification component with multiple IDs inside that is instantiated twice in the testbench - so I cant easy tell which one is generating them:

KERNEL: %% Log   ALWAYS  in Default, Pushing write transaction to interface 0 at 750 ns
KERNEL: %% Log   ALWAYS  in Default, Pushing write transaction to interface 1 at 750 ns
KERNEL: %% Log   PASSED  in AWADDR Checker,    Received: axid: 0x00 axaddr: 0x00000000 axlen: 0x06 axsize: 100 axburst: 01    Item Number: 1 at 780 ns
KERNEL: %% Log   PASSED  in WDATA Checker,    Received: wdata: 0x00000006000000640000000026F2CDBF wstrb: 0xFFFF wlast: 0    Item Number: 1 at 780 ns
KERNEL: %% Alert FAILURE in AWADDR Checker, Valid transaction on Interface with no transaction expected at 780 ns
KERNEL: %% Alert Stop Count on FAILURE reached in AWADDR Checker at 780 ns 
KERNEL: %% DONE  FAILED  debug  Total Error(s) = 1  Failures: 1  Errors: 0  Warnings: 0  Passed: 10  Affirmations Checked: 10  at 780 ns
KERNEL: %%    Default                     Failures: 0  Errors: 0  Warnings: 0  Passed: 0
KERNEL: %%    OSVVM                       Failures: 0  Errors: 0  Warnings: 0  Passed: 0
KERNEL: %%    testbench_tools_pkg         Failures: 0  Errors: 0  Warnings: 0  Passed: 0
KERNEL: %%    axi_sim_utils_pkg           Failures: 0  Errors: 0  Warnings: 0  Passed: 0
KERNEL: %%    pcap_top_tb                 Failures: 1  Errors: 0  Warnings: 0  Passed: 0
KERNEL: %%      AXI4L Regs Driver         Failures: 0  Errors: 0  Warnings: 0  Passed: 0
KERNEL: %%        AWADDR Driver           Failures: 0  Errors: 0  Warnings: 0  Passed: 0
KERNEL: %%        WDATA Driver            Failures: 0  Errors: 0  Warnings: 0  Passed: 0
KERNEL: %%        BRESP Checker           Failures: 0  Errors: 0  Warnings: 0  Passed: 0
KERNEL: %%        ARADDR Driver           Failures: 0  Errors: 0  Warnings: 0  Passed: 0
KERNEL: %%        RDATA Checker           Failures: 0  Errors: 0  Warnings: 0  Passed: 0
KERNEL: %%      RAM Interface 0           Failures: 0  Errors: 0  Warnings: 0  Passed: 0
KERNEL: %%        AWADDR Checker          Failures: 0  Errors: 0  Warnings: 0  Passed: 1
KERNEL: %%        WDATA Checker           Failures: 0  Errors: 0  Warnings: 0  Passed: 1
KERNEL: %%        BRESP Driver            Failures: 0  Errors: 0  Warnings: 0  Passed: 0
KERNEL: %%        ARADDR Checker          Failures: 0  Errors: 0  Warnings: 0  Passed: 0
KERNEL: %%        RDATA Driver            Failures: 0  Errors: 0  Warnings: 0  Passed: 0
KERNEL: %%      RAM Interface 1           Failures: 1  Errors: 0  Warnings: 0  Passed: 0
KERNEL: %%        AWADDR Checker          Failures: 1  Errors: 0  Warnings: 0  Passed: 0
KERNEL: %%        WDATA Checker           Failures: 0  Errors: 0  Warnings: 0  Passed: 0
KERNEL: %%        BRESP Driver            Failures: 0  Errors: 0  Warnings: 0  Passed: 0
KERNEL: %%        ARADDR Checker          Failures: 0  Errors: 0  Warnings: 0  Passed: 0
KERNEL: %%        RDATA Driver            Failures: 0  Errors: 0  Warnings: 0  Passed: 0
KERNEL: %%      Register Scoreboard       Failures: 0  Errors: 0  Warnings: 0  Passed: 8
KERNEL: %%      Packet Coverage 0         Failures: 0  Errors: 0  Warnings: 0  Passed: 0
KERNEL: %%      Packet Coverage 1         Failures: 0  Errors: 0  Warnings: 0  Passed: 0

So with the messages coming from AWADDR/WDATA checker, I cant tell which RAM interface is reporting the messages until I get the report at the end. With a long log it would pretty impossible to tell where the messages were generated. Ideally I could just specify the number of layers of heirarchy to report rather than just all of it.

Random values not sequential

I recently discovered that RandSlv(16) does not return the same as calling RandSlv(8) twice and I wanted to ask if that's intended? I couldn't find anything regarding this in the documentation, probably I missed it?

Error in AlertLogPkg with latest ghdl


Using osvvm 2020.08 I get following error when using latest nighty (as for today) ghdl under archlinux. It compiles with no issue with 2020.07.

Not sure if this is an osvvm or a ghdl issue @tgingold, though.



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