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cli's Issues

Hydra: Setting oauth client redirect URI deletes client name and vice versa

Preflight checklist

Describe the bug

When updating the redirect URI(s) of an OAuth2 client using Ory CLI in the Ory Network, its client name (and possibly other values as well) get emptied.

The exact same thing happens when updating the client name without mentioning the redirect URI.
I don't recall reading this in the docs; whether documented or not, this feels like a bug

Reproducing the bug

Commands tested:

 ory --project $project_id update oauth2-client $oauth2_client_id --name="Tangible Passport"

OAuth2 client now no longer has Redirect URIs.

 ory --project $project_id update oauth2-client $oauth2_client_id --redirect-uri="http://test-local.test,"

OAuth2 client now no longer has a Client Name.

Results verified both in shell and Ory Network / Ory Cloud.
Tested with Powershell and Mingw

Relevant log output

No response

Relevant configuration

No response



On which operating system are you observing this issue?


In which environment are you deploying?

Ory Network

Additional Context

No response

Release pipeline: pre-release hooks

Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.

There are multiple things we do on release of any Ory project.
Some, e.g. rendering the version schema, create commits that will be pushed after the tag has been created.
It is however required for ory/keto#719 to include an automated commit in the release.

Describe the solution you'd like

Add the possibility to define hooks that ory dev release runs before any release.

Additional context

Similar to

Ory CLI: Authentication in Automated Workflows

Preflight checklist

Describe your problem

We want to use the CLI in automated workflows (e.g. in CI/CD and automated end-to-end tests) to manage test projects. To do so, we need a way to do non-interactive auth.

Describe your ideal solution

Option A
Command Line Arguments for username and password for "ory auth"

Option B
Environment Variables for username, password and project are detected and used automatically by the CLI

Option C
Similar to B), but using Environment Variables for Personal Access Token and project

Workarounds or alternatives




Additional Context

No response

CLI parse errors for quoted strings

Preflight checklist

Describe the bug

Not all of the examples displayed in the CLI help are working:

ory patch project ecaaa3cb-0730-4ee8-a6df-9553cdfeef89 \
	--replace '/name="My new project name"' \
	--add '/services/identity/config/courier/smtp={"from_name":"My new email name"}' \
	--replace '/services/identity/config/selfservice/methods/password/enabled=false' \
	--delete '/services/identity/config/selfservice/methods/totp/enabled'

the --replace and --add examples that have "quoted" strings in them lead to a parse error. the other examples work fine.

Reproducing the bug

ory patch project 650fbb1c-a376-45a2-b56c-cdf1ec2d1c74 \
	--add '/services/identity/config/courier/smtp={"from_name":"My new email name"}'

leads to

invalid argument "/services/identity/config/courier/smtp={\"from_name\":\"My new email name\"}" for "--add" flag: parse error on line 1, column 41: bare " in non-quoted-field

ory patch project 650fbb1c-a376-45a2-b56c-cdf1ec2d1c74 \
	--add "/services/identity/config/courier/smtp={\"from_name\":\"My new email name\"}"

leads to

invalid argument "/services/identity/config/courier/smtp={\"from_name\":\"My new email name\"}" for "--add" flag: parse error on line 1, column 41: bare " in non-quoted-field

similar with the --replace flag

ory patch project 650fbb1c-a376-45a2-b56c-cdf1ec2d1c74 \
	--replace '/name=NewName'

leads to

invalid argument "/name=\"NewName\"" for "--replace" flag: parse error on line 1, column 7: bare " in non-quoted-field

Relevant log output

No response

Relevant configuration

No response


not sure if this makes sense here

On which operating system are you observing this issue?

Ory Cloud

In which environment are you deploying?

Ory Cloud

Additional Context

No response

Error: expected dialect to be one of [sqlite cockroach mysql postgres] but got: postgres

Preflight checklist

Describe the bug

$ ory dev pop migration create -d=postgres ./persistence/sql/migrations/templates somename
Error: expected dialect to be one of [sqlite cockroach mysql postgres] but got: postgres

Reproducing the bug

$ ory dev pop migration create -d=postgres ./persistence/sql/migrations/templates somename
Error: expected dialect to be one of [sqlite cockroach mysql postgres] but got: postgres

Relevant log output

Error: expected dialect to be one of [sqlite cockroach mysql postgres] but got: postgres

Relevant configuration

No response



On which operating system are you observing this issue?


In which environment are you deploying?


Additional Context

I'm pretty sure if stringslice.Has(supportedDialects, d) should be if !stringslice.Has(supportedDialects, d)

If token returns an error, the CLI should fail on the slug lookup

Describe the bug

Using an Ory Access Token that is invalid I would expect to see an error message that tells me so. Instead, I see:

$ export ORY_ACCESS_TOKEN=invalid
$ ory identities list
Could not retrieve project slug: Could not retrieve slug from requested url

Enable getting Ory SDK URL from the CLI

Preflight checklist

Describe your problem

I love the Ory CLI but it doesn't allow me to get my project's SDK URL in an easy way. The fastest way now is to sign in to the Ory Console UI and get it there.

Describe your ideal solution

I'd like to sign in to my account with ory auth and then run a command like ory sdk to get the project's SDK URL right in my terminal.

Workarounds or alternatives

Get the URL from the Ory Console



Additional Context

No response

Support importing credentials through CLI

Preflight checklist

Describe your problem

We can import identities with
but no credentials.

Describe your ideal solution

We can also import credentials through the CLI.

Workarounds or alternatives

Use the Rest API:



Additional Context

No response

tunnel asks to open application from browser on login/registration flow requiring redirects

Preflight checklist

Describe the bug

On any flow that requires a browser redirect the browser will ask to open an application instead of doing the redirect.

For example:

A login flow

A registration flow

On logout we have the same problem

Flows not affected

  • Recovery
  • Verification

I have also tested this on SPA applications which have no redirects on login, registration etc. However on logout we redirect to Kratos which opens the dialog.

Reproducing the bug

  1. spin tunnel up on localhost:4000
  2. start node express app on localhost:3000
  3. do a login/registration flow by visiting localhost:3000
  4. the browser will ask to open a new application

Relevant log output

No response

Relevant configuration

No response



On which operating system are you observing this issue?


In which environment are you deploying?

Ory Cloud

Additional Context

No response

Delete projects using the CLI

Preflight checklist

Describe your problem

Cannot Purge projects using the Ory CLI. The only option is to delete identities:

~ ory delete
Delete resources

  ory delete [command]

Available Commands:
  identity    Delete one or more identities by their ID(s)

  -c, --config string   Path to the Ory Cloud configuration file.
      --format string   Set the output format. One of default, json, yaml, and json-pretty. (default "default")
  -h, --help            help for delete
  -q, --quiet           Be quiet with output printing.
  -y, --yes             Confirm all dialogs with yes.

Use "ory delete [command] --help" for more information about a command.

Describe your ideal solution

Add the projects to the delete resources command

Workarounds or alternatives

Currently it is possible to delete projects, but only through an obscure API call since you need to copy over the cookies you obtained from the Ory Cloud console into a cURL command.

curl -X DELETE<project-id> -H "Accept: application/json" --cookie "<your cookies>"



Additional Context

Proxy panics when arguments have not been specified

Describe the bug

$ ory proxy
panic: runtime error: index out of range [0] with length 0

goroutine 1 [running]:, 0x63b5760, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0)
	/Users/foobar/workspace/go/src/ +0xbb6*Command).execute(0xc000d98000, 0x63b5760, 0x0, 0x0, 0xc000d98000, 0x63b5760)
	/Users/foobar/workspace/go/pkg/mod/[email protected]/command.go:852 +0x472*Command).ExecuteC(0xc000d73b80, 0xc0007a1920, 0x52ce5e0, 0x57ba390)
	/Users/foobar/workspace/go/pkg/mod/[email protected]/command.go:960 +0x375*Command).Execute(...)
	/Users/foobar/workspace/go/pkg/mod/[email protected]/command.go:897*Command).ExecuteContext(...)
	/Users/foobar/workspace/go/pkg/mod/[email protected]/command.go:890
	/Users/foobar/workspace/go/src/ +0x106
	/Users/foobar/workspace/go/src/ +0x25

Expected behavior

No panic


  • Version: master

Adjust Cobra descriptions

The Long description as written in the current CLI ("you can also ...") only makes sense if the reader read the Short description first. But Cobra doesn't do that. It shows the Short description in the overview of all commands and the Long description when showing help for a specific command. I therefore suggest to copy the short description into the long one:

		Short:   "Get an Ory Cloud project's OAuth2 configuration",
		Long:    "Get an Ory Cloud project's OAuth2 configuration. You can use this command to render Ory OAuth2 Configuration as well.",

Originally posted by @kevgo in #197 (comment)

Deleting identites help unclear, command prints an error that "should never be printed"

Preflight checklist

Describe the bug

I can't get ory identity delete to work. When I run ory identity --help, the help text says:

  ory delete identity id-0 [id-1] [id-2] [id-n] [flags]

I run ory ls identities and get a list of the identities in my project. Identity IDs have this format: fef2df71-f06a-45ab-b52d-8bdc8e991e49

I try to use that ID and remove the identity:

ory delete identity id-fef2df71-f06a-45ab-b52d-8bdc8e991e49 --project MY_PROJECT_ID

(or w/o the id -> ory delete identity fef2df71-f06a-45ab-b52d-8bdc8e991e49 --project MY_PROJECT_ID )

The response I get is:

Unable to locate the resource
id-fef2df71-f06a-45ab-b52d-8bdc8e991e49: this error should never be printed

I thought that maybe the help text with id-0 / id-1 tells you to select identities like list items where id-0 points to the first identity printed in the list you get from ory ls identities but this doesn't work either.

➜  ~ ory delete identity id-0 --project MY_PROJECT_ID
You are authenticated as: [email protected]
You are authenticated as: [email protected]
Unable to locate the resource
id-0: this error should never be printed
➜  ~ ory delete identity id-1 --project MY_PROJECT_ID
You are authenticated as: [email protected]
You are authenticated as: [email protected]
Unable to locate the resource
id-1: this error should never be printed

Reproducing the bug

ory delete identity id-IDENTITY_ID --project PROJECT_ID


ory delete identity IDENTITY_ID --project PROJECT_ID


ory delete identity id-0 / id-1 --project PROJECT_ID

Relevant log output

No response

Relevant configuration

No response



On which operating system are you observing this issue?

Ory Cloud

In which environment are you deploying?

Ory Cloud

Additional Context

No response

Mirror external services as well

Preflight checklist

Describe your problem

When developing locally, some services might fall outside of the local environment, however, the cookie retrieved from Ory Cloud will be scoped to the Ory domain or CNAME domain which are translated to localhost with the ory tunnel. When we now communicate with external services we would need to pass along the cookie from the local environment and transform it back to the receiving domain to an external service, e.g Azure API Manager.

Describe your ideal solution

Be able to set more upstream URLs to mirror and not just Ory Cloud.

These upstream URLs should also translate the cookie from localhost to the original domain.

Workarounds or alternatives




Additional Context

Show notice when a new version of Ory CLI is available

Preflight checklist

Describe your problem

As discussed on huddle :)

Describe your ideal solution

We should show a message indicating that a new version of Ory CLI is available and how to upgrade. Examples:


A new version of Ory CLI is available (v123.123.123). Use the following command to upgrade:

> Some command which upgrades the CLI for brew, bash, curl, scoop, ...

Workarounds or alternatives

Automatically download and execute the update (preferred). A quick google search found some repos and blog posts (I have not vetted them):



Additional Context

No response

Cannot set CORS allowed headers.

Preflight checklist

Describe the bug


First off, thanks for the great package, I've loved my past experience with Ory OSS.

I'm having an issue in my project using the ory proxy. I'm using a react application to talk to the ory proxy and I have a third party client library that is trying to request CORS headers: Authorization (note capital 'A') and X-Request-Id with an OPTIONS pre-flight, which the ory proxy dis-allows as these are non-standard headers.

I haven't wrote a lick of Go really, but it looks like this is the suspect line:

AllowedHeaders: append(corsx.CORSRequestHeadersSafelist, corsx.CORSRequestHeadersExtended...),

Reproducing the bug

Make an OPTIONS request to the ory proxy for a non-standard Cors header.

Ex. Access-Control-Request-Headers: authorization,x-request-id

Relevant log output

[cors] 2022/11/07 20:23:51 Handler: Preflight request  
[cors] 2022/11/07 20:23:51   Preflight aborted: headers '[Authorization X-Request-Id]' not allowed

Relevant configuration

A slight tangent. I tried using the -c flag to set a config file, but I get a json parse error for the .yaml, like it's not expecting yaml for some reason, but json, when all the docs show .yaml config files?

I'm also not sure if the proxy respects any of those config values.

I also hoped that maybe setting the env variable SERVE_WRITE_CORS_ALLOWED_HEADERS='["content-type", "authorization", "Authorization", "X-Request-Id"]' would do it, but to no avail.


"@ory/cli": "^0.1.47",

On which operating system are you observing this issue?


In which environment are you deploying?

No response

Additional Context

I'm not an expert on CORS or the ory proxy so I may be missing something obvious to forward the OPTIONS call to my down-stream server?

Or potentially a way for ory proxy to just ignore OPTIONS and forward to the down-stream server?

Support JWT signing header key ID (kid)

Preflight checklist

Describe your problem


The most popular ruby gem for JWTs expects for incoming tokens to include a header with the key: "kid" and the value is the key ID of the signing JWK. Without that header key I'm unable to use the decode method successfully.

Describe your ideal solution

I'm hoping supporting this is as simple as creating a custom signer that adds the header.

var signerOpts = jose.SignerOptions{}
signerOpts.WithHeader("kid", someID)

Current signer:

Workarounds or alternatives

The ruby lib in question doesn't appear to give me any way of specifying the key ID and is instead parsing the JWT head for it. I've been unable to find a workaround.



Additional Context

Version: v0.1.22
Git Hash: 93b27f5
Build Time: 2022-01-21T13:51:59Z

Release process should only abort when answer is `n`, retry otherwise

Preflight checklist

Describe the bug

I have already bodged several releases using the ORY CLI because I accidentally pressed a different key than the y key. In that case, the CLI just aborts the process instead of retrying to get an answer. This can bodge a release mid-process and is very annoying to fix manually.

Reproducing the bug

Do a release (ory dev release publish patch), press f instead of n, see what happens (larry).

Relevant log output

No response

Relevant configuration

No response



On which operating system are you observing this issue?

No response

In which environment are you deploying?

No response

Additional Context

Alternative would be to not ask for confirmation after the release has been kicked off? or ask for confirmation BEFORE pushing?

Broken dependency ``

Describe the bug

Cannot download dependencies because of checksum mismatch.

To Reproduce

~/ory > git clone [email protected]:ory/cli.git

~/ory/cli > cd cli

~/ory/cli > go list -m -json all

verifying[email protected]/go.mod: checksum mismatch
	downloaded: h1:rdFxbxq4QXVZWj0F+e9jqjDkc7dbp97vkRixKo2JR60=
	go.sum:     h1:RbATFBbKYkVdqmSFtx13Bb/tVhR0lgOBXunWTZKeL4w=

This download does NOT match an earlier download recorded in go.sum.
The bits may have been replaced on the origin server, or an attacker may
have intercepted the download attempt.

For more information, see 'go help module-auth'.

Expected behavior

Dependencies should be downloaded and integrated.


  • commit 9d1f4ea (HEAD -> master, tag: v0.0.49, origin/master, origin/HEAD)
  • MacOS Big Sur, 11.2.3
  • go version go1.16.3 darwin/amd64
  • go version go1.16.3 darwin/arm64 (also)

Improve Ory Proxy implementation

Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.

Right now, the Ory Proxy has three main functions:

  • Proxying an application and Ory's APIs on localhost environments;
  • Proxying an application and Ory APIs on any domain;
  • Proxying only Ory APIs.

For the first two use cases we use Ory Oathkeeper'esque method of converting the Ory Kratos Session Cookie / Token to a JWT which contains the session information. Right now, this can be disabled with --no-jwt.

Additionally, there is an option which removes the HTTP Cookie Domain from the cookie. However, it is currently not possible to override the HTTP Cookie Domain!

Lastly we need to override:

  • Location headers - these usually point to our application which might run on a different domain than the proxy if the 3rd option is used.
  • HTTP Action Post URLs - these point to the proxy itself
  • return_to - which should point to the application.

Describe the solution you'd like

Currently, the set up is a bit messy. It probably makes sense to split the proxy into two:

  1. Proxy the application to convert - like Ory Oathkeeper - the session into a JSON Web Token;
  2. Proxy Ory's APIs to handle with multi-domain set ups (sort of like a bridge).

A possible proposal could thus look as such:

$ ory proxy <upstream/downstream>
$ ory bridge

Ory Proxy

The Ory Proxy could be very simplistic. Any incoming request is proxied to the upstream application and depending wether a session is included or not we set a JWT or not. Possible configuration options could be:

  • Loading the JWKs from a file or an env var;
  • Setting up HTTPS with SSL for local environments;

As such, this can be very simple:

$ ory proxy http://localhost:1234/
$ JWKS_URL=http|base64|https|file://... ory proxy http://localhost:1234/

Ory Bridge

The purpose of this command is to build a bridge between one's own env and Ory. This is necessary because we need to set up cookies to make it all work and fit together. There are three application types that could be addressed by this:

  • SPA
  • Server-Side
  • Native

As the last one (native) does not need any cookies, the Ory Bridge will only target SPA and Server-Side apps.

Provide command to manage pure SQL migrations

Preflight checklist

Context and scope

The Ory CLI provides a command to manage fizz migrations. However, in most projects, we moved away from fizz migrations and are now writing plain SQL files containing the migration SQL commands.

This design doc aims to describe a set of commands to manage these SQL migrations in Ory projects.

The names of SQL migration files in Ory projects typically follow a set schema. These names contain information about the time of the creation of the migration, as well as some context about the content of the migration. The schema is YYYYMMDDHHmmSS000000_<name>.[engine.]up|down.sql

For example:
The migration 20220926173820000000_recovery_code.up.sql would be a migration created on the 26th, September 2022 at 17:38:20 (5:38:20 pm) and it contains SQL to create the table for recovery codes.

Additionally, the up part after the "name" of the migration indicates that the files contains the statements to execute the migration.

Each migration also consists of another down version that should contain the statements to "undo" the migration (where possible). This is needed in case the change needs to be reverted and the state before the change needs to be restored.

Optionally, in most Ory projects, migrations can also be written to target a specific database engine. This is done by adding its identifier (e.g. mysql, postgres, sqlite3 or cockroach) between the "name" of the migration, and it's "type" (up or down). So 20220926173820000000_recovery_code.mysql.up.sql would only target MySQL databases.

Goals and non-goals


  • Provide an easy-to-use way to manage and maintain SQL migrations over the course of the development of a feature/PR/etc.


  • A testing environment for SQL migrations

The design

Working with SQL migrations can be tedious and repetitive, so the SQL command should provide a set of commands to work with these migrations:

  • A command to easily create new migration files with the current timestamp given a name
  • A command to copy an existing migration to a specific database engine
  • A command to update the timestamp of a specific migration to the current time (very useful when working on larger codebases over a longer timespan, where the timestamp is outdated after a while)


No response

Data storage

No response

Code and pseudo-code

No response

Degree of constraint

No response

Alternatives considered

No response

Broken dependency ``

Describe the bug

Trying to import modules, it fails when trying to get (This after I've changed the import of oleiade/reflections to use latest version.)

To Reproduce

~/ory/cli > go list -m -json all
verifying[email protected]/go.mod: checksum mismatch
	downloaded: h1:rdFxbxq4QXVZWj0F+e9jqjDkc7dbp97vkRixKo2JR60=
	go.sum:     h1:RbATFBbKYkVdqmSFtx13Bb/tVhR0lgOBXunWTZKeL4w=

~/ory/cli > grep -n '' go.sum                                                                                                                            v1.0.0/go.mod h1:RbATFBbKYkVdqmSFtx13Bb/tVhR0lgOBXunWTZKeL4w=

~/ory/cli >  sed -i '' '1076d' go.sum

~/ory/cli >  go list -m -json all                                                                                                                                                               
go:[email protected] requires[email protected] requires[email protected]: invalid version: unknown revision e397a61c1704

Expected behavior

Dependencies should be downloaded and integrated.


  • commit 9d1f4ea (HEAD -> master, tag: v0.0.49, origin/master, origin/HEAD)
  • MacOS Big Sur, 11.2.3
  • go version go1.16.3 darwin/amd64
  • go version go1.16.3 darwin/arm64 (also)

Interactive project selection

Preflight checklist

Describe your problem

Many Ory CLI commands take a --project flag, e.g. ory update relation-tuples --project <id>. Usually, I need to do ory list projects first to get the project id, then invoke the command that takes the project. This is cumbersome.

Describe your ideal solution

If I don't specify the project via the --project flag, instead of an error message I want a dropdown / select screen that helps me choose the project and then continues with the command.


$ ory update relation-tuples

> Someproject (slug: foo-bar-123)
  Someotherproject (slug: bar-baz-456)

↑/↓ to navigate, ⏎ to select

Workarounds or alternatives

Leave as is.



Additional Context

  • For non-interactive use, we should add a new --non-interactive flag and NON_INTERACTIVE environment variable that disables the interactive features.
  • is a nice library that helps building interactive terminal UIs and that already does the heavy-lifting for us.

Ability to set and modify the default project

Preflight checklist

Describe your problem

In the Ory CLI, it's currently not possible to use / set a default project. Instead you always need to specify the project:

ory get project <id>

Describe your ideal solution

It would be great if we could support (please make a proposal for naming this):

ory set use-project <id>
ory create project --use-project <id>

which then allow us to omit the project:

ory get project
ID: default id ...

We already have a field in the config that could save this

but it's not used yet.

Workarounds or alternatives

No workarounds

Additional Context

No response

The `--project` flag should accept both UUIDs and slugs

Preflight checklist

Describe the bug

Apparently ls identities does not work with --project <slug> while other commands do.

Reproducing the bug

 % ory ls identities --project very-cool-slug
No project selected! Please use the flag --project to specify one.

Relevant log output

No response

Relevant configuration

No response



On which operating system are you observing this issue?

No response

In which environment are you deploying?

No response

Additional Context

Ory proxy seems to handle this correctly!

Allow using both the slug and ID for get/patch/put projects

Preflight checklist

Describe your problem

Right now it is only possible to address projects using the project ID. However, we would like to also make it possible to fetch the project by the project slug!

ory patch project my-awesome-slug ...
ory patch project 1234-1234-1234-1234 ...

Describe your ideal solution

It should be possible to do this with the slugs. One option is to list all the projects and store their IDs and slugs in the config and then use that for look up of slug -> id. This is the preferred option IMO.

Alternatively we can also add an API in the Ory Cloud APIs.

Workarounds or alternatives



Additional Context

No response

Add command to open certain UI pages

Preflight checklist

Describe your problem

To support the documentation, we need commands which open pages in the ory account experience:

ory open account-experience signup <optional-project-id>
ory open account-experience login <optional-project-id>
ory open account-experience settings <optional-project-id>
ory open account-experience recovery <optional-project-id>
ory open account-experience verification <optional-project-id>

Describe your ideal solution

See above

Workarounds or alternatives




Additional Context

No response

Cannot run tests locally after fresh clone

Preflight checklist

Describe the bug

The fork does not seem to contain revision ce05da9328cd.

Reproducing the bug

  • empty the Go module cache
  • clone this repo: git clone [email protected]:ory/cli.git
  • run make test

expected behavior: it installs some stuff and then runs the tests

actual behavior: the task aborts with this error message:

go test -p 1 -tags sqlite -count=1 -failfast ./...
go: downloading v6.0.0-20220519141323-ce05da9328cd
../../go/pkg/mod/[email protected]/driver/registry_default.go:17:2:[email protected]: invalid version: unknown revision ce05da9328cd
../../go/pkg/mod/[email protected]/persistence/sql/persister.go:13:2:[email protected]: invalid version: unknown revision ce05da9328cd
../../go/pkg/mod/[email protected]/logrusx/helper.go:12:2:[email protected]: invalid version: unknown revision ce05da9328cd
make: *** [Makefile:50: test] Error 1

Relevant log output

No response

Relevant configuration

No response


master @ 9e593ae

On which operating system are you observing this issue?


In which environment are you deploying?

No response

Additional Context

I verified that the commit is referenced here and doesn't exist in the clone. Strange that CI doesn't catch this.

  • go version go1.18.3 linux/amd64
  • git version 2.36.1

Proxy should be able to run without ORY_ACCESS_TOKEN

Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.

The ory proxy commands require passing a valid ORY_ACCESS_TOKEN command. In the current state of the project, tokens have broad administrative rights and require handling as security-sensitive secrets.

Looking at the proxy code, this token is only used to retrieve the Ory Cloud project slug, which is not sensitive information (it is displayed in the email validation and password recovery emails you send).

Describe the solution you'd like

Similar to the React Native integration, the proxy should allow users to pass the project slug instead of a token. Either:

  • via a new --project CLI flag, that will the used by proxy.getEndpointURL in lieu of calling remote.GetProjectSlug
  • by changing the handling of the --api-endpoint flag to allow passing a full endpoint URL. This would also allow to remove the context-based hack introduced for the unit tests

Describe alternatives you've considered

If a token will be necessary for planned proxy features, an alternative would be to allow creating an unprivileged token class, that does not have administrative access to the identity database.

Do not run tag updates on pre-releases

Preflight checklist

Describe the bug


Reproducing the bug

See above

Relevant log output

No response

Relevant configuration

No response



On which operating system are you observing this issue?

No response

In which environment are you deploying?

No response

Additional Context

No response

Implement Ory Tunnel

Preflight checklist

Describe your problem

Similar to the Ory Proxy, we want to support an Ory Tunnel command which reverse-proxies Ory's APIs (similar to ory proxy) but does not proxy the application the users use themselves.

Describe your ideal solution

This is partially implemented already but needs tests:

It also needs to be added to this CLI.

Workarounds or alternatives




Additional Context

No response

'flag accessed but not defined: quiet' when trying to update an OAuth client

Preflight checklist

Describe the bug

Ory CLI responds with flag accessed but not defined: quiet when trying to ory update an OAuth client.

Reproducing the bug

  1. Run ory update client <client-id> --client-uri=<uri>. Actually it does not make sense which property you want to update, the bug will appear anyway.
  2. CLI responds with flag accessed but not defined: quiet

Relevant log output

❯ ory version
Version:    v0.1.42
Git Hash:   7f518ee40b3131922497c9a211a34b2b64b41512
Build Time: 2022-09-30T14:17:47Z

Relevant configuration

No response



On which operating system are you observing this issue?


In which environment are you deploying?

Ory Cloud

Additional Context

No response

Ability to setup CORS using the cli proxy

Preflight checklist

Describe your problem

The ory proxy cannot set any CORS headers

Describe your ideal solution

Add flags / environment variables that could be used to set CORS or even setup standard CORS headers so that the user would only need to provide the origins. We already have support for this feature in ory/x and would only need to add the cli flags.

Workarounds or alternatives




Additional Context

No response

Proxy does not store Ory Cloud session on Windows

Preflight checklist

Describe the bug

On Windows, it seems the proxy does not store the Kratos session correctly. This only happens on Windows and is not reproducible on Unix.

See this discussion on Slack:

Reproducing the bug

  1. Install the cli on Windows 10
  2. Run the proxy following the Server-side app guide
  3. Go through the registration/login flow
  4. Try access the /protected page
  5. The node application asks to sign in again

Relevant log output

No response

Relevant configuration

No response



On which operating system are you observing this issue?


In which environment are you deploying?

No response

Additional Context

No response

NPM, Brew and Docker can't install Ory CLI v0.1.0 on m1 MacOS Monterey

Preflight checklist

Describe the bug

Running the given NPM, Brew or Docker install commands error out on my machine, m1 MacBook with macOS Monterey.

However the below Linux(?) script does work:

bash <(curl -b . ory

Reproducing the bug


npm i --save @ory/cli
brew install ory/tap/cli       
docker pull oryd/ory

Relevant log output

npm i --save @ory/cli
npm WARN deprecated [email protected]: this library is no longer supported
npm WARN deprecated [email protected]: Please upgrade  to version 7 or higher.  Older versions may use Math.random() in certain circumstances, which is known to be problematic.  See for details.
npm WARN deprecated [email protected]: request has been deprecated, see
npm ERR! code 1
npm ERR! path /Users/jknlsn/node_modules/@ory/cli
npm ERR! command failed
npm ERR! command sh -c binwrap-install
npm ERR! ERR Error: Not Found:
npm ERR!     at Request._callback (/Users/jknlsn/node_modules/binwrap/binstall.js:60:18)
npm ERR!     at Request.self.callback (/Users/jknlsn/node_modules/request/request.js:185:22)
npm ERR!     at Request.emit (events.js:376:20)
npm ERR!     at Request.<anonymous> (/Users/jknlsn/node_modules/request/request.js:1154:10)
npm ERR!     at Request.emit (events.js:388:22)
npm ERR!     at IncomingMessage.<anonymous> (/Users/jknlsn/node_modules/request/request.js:1076:12)
npm ERR!     at Object.onceWrapper (events.js:482:28)
npm ERR!     at IncomingMessage.emit (events.js:388:22)
npm ERR!     at endReadableNT (internal/streams/readable.js:1336:12)
npm ERR!     at processTicksAndRejections (internal/process/task_queues.js:82:21)

npm ERR! A complete log of this run can be found in:
npm ERR!     /Users/jknlsn/.npm/_logs/2021-12-09T12_26_53_437Z-debug.log

brew install ory/tap/cli                                                     
Running `brew update --preinstall`...
==> Auto-updated Homebrew!
Updated 4 taps (homebrew/cask-versions, homebrew/core, homebrew/cask and homebrew/services).
==> New Formulae
==> Updated Formulae
Updated 40 formulae.
==> Updated Casks
Updated 39 casks.

==> Tapping ory/tap
Cloning into '/opt/homebrew/Library/Taps/ory/homebrew-tap'...
remote: Enumerating objects: 65, done.
remote: Counting objects: 100% (65/65), done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (65/65), done.
remote: Total 65 (delta 37), reused 0 (delta 0), pack-reused 0
Receiving objects: 100% (65/65), 15.93 KiB | 286.00 KiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (37/37), done.
Error: Invalid formula: /opt/homebrew/Library/Taps/ory/homebrew-tap/hydra.rb
formulae require at least a URL
Error: Cannot tap ory/tap: invalid syntax in tap!

docker pull oryd/ory
Using default tag: latest
latest: Pulling from oryd/ory
no matching manifest for linux/arm64/v8 in the manifest list entries

Relevant configuration

No response



On which operating system are you observing this issue?


In which environment are you deploying?

Ory Cloud

Additional Context

Trying to download 0.1.0 and connect to deployed Ory Cloud environment

Proxy should provide a `/.ory/init/logout` endpoint

Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.

Initiating the logout flow is non-trivial as we need to redirect the user to a URL with a unique token to start the flow. Doing so is not described in the Cloud documentation, but from the Kratos documentation, it looks like one needs to request a logout token from Kratos, then build the logout URL from this token.

Describe the solution you'd like

Mirroring the other init endpoints, the proxy should provide a /.ory/init/logout endpoint that does the Kratos call and performs the http redirect to the right URL. This will make logout as easy as login (a simple static link).

Describe alternatives you've considered


Additional context


Cannot auto confirm the social sign in prompt on tunnel run

Preflight checklist

Describe the bug

The Ory tunnel will now prompt the user about using the social sign in option like so:

ory tunnel http://localhost:3000 --project <slug> --dev
To support complex flows such as Social Sign In, the Ory CLI can configure your project automatically. To do so, you need to be signed in. Do you want to sign in? [y/n]:

When using the flag --yes or -y on the command it doesn't confirm it and continue.

Reproducing the bug

Run ory tunnel for the first time and the prompt will appear. Try skip it by adding the --yes flag:

ory tunnel http://localhost:3000 --project optimistic-turing-6cxufsm48m --dev --yes
To support complex flows such as Social Sign In, the Ory CLI can configure your project automatically. To do so, you need to be signed in. Do you want to sign in? [y/n]:

Relevant log output

No response

Relevant configuration

No response



On which operating system are you observing this issue?


In which environment are you deploying?

Ory Cloud

Additional Context

Reported on slack:

Right now a workaround could be for the user to pipe in the confirmation themselves:

sh -c "yes | ory tunnel http://localhost:3000/ --project <project-slug> --dev"

Allow `ory update` from stdin

Preflight checklist

Describe your problem

I want to manage my Ory infrastructure as code, so I have a .jsonnet file that I use to update my project. However, the Ory update CLI doesn't natively offer using the output of another program (i.e. jsonnet) as its input.

Describe your ideal solution

Default to stdin if no file is given

$ jsonnet identity-config.jsonnet | ory update ic 12345678-abcdef

Alternatively, allow specifying it explicitly

$ jsonnet identity-config.jsonnet | ory update ic 12345678-abcdef -f -

Workarounds or alternatives

This is what I'm currently doing, but it only works with ZSH

local TMPSUFFIX=.json
ory update ic 12345678-abcdef -f =(jsonnet identity-config.jsonnet)



Additional Context

No response

Broken error message

Preflight checklist

Describe the bug

When I tried to update the Identity Service config with an unsupported value, I got an error message that was 960 lines long.

Reproducing the bug

  1. Get Identity Service config and save it to a file. ory get identity-config XXXXX --format yaml > identity-config.yaml
  2. Change required_aal to aal2.
  3. Save the file.
  4. ory update identity-config XXXXXXX --file identity-config.yaml
  5. You get 960 lines of error

Relevant log output

The request was malformed or contained invalid parameters
Unable to validate config: I[#] S[#/oneOf] oneOf failed
  I[#] S[#/oneOf/0] validation failed
    I[#] S[#/oneOf/0/allOf/0] allOf failed
      I[#] S[#/oneOf/0/allOf/0/required] missing properties: "version"
    I[#] S[#/oneOf/0/allOf/1] allOf failed
      I[#] S[#/oneOf/0/allOf/1/$ref] doesn't validate with "static://"
        I[#/session/whoami/required_aal] S[#/properties/session/properties/whoami/properties/required_aal/$ref] doesn't validate with "#/definitions/featureRequiredAal"
          I[#/session/whoami/required_aal] S[#/definitions/featureRequiredAal/enum] value must be one of "aal1", "highest_available"
  I[#] S[#/oneOf/1] validation failed
    I[#] S[#/oneOf/1/allOf/0] allOf failed
      I[#] S[#/oneOf/1/allOf/0/required] missing properties: "version"

and so on...

Relevant configuration

No response



On which operating system are you observing this issue?

Ory Cloud

In which environment are you deploying?

Ory Cloud

Additional Context

No response

Multi-subdomain handling with the proxy

Preflight checklist

Describe your problem

The ory proxy can only host the application and ory on a singular domain. We need to proxy to also support sub domains and multiple of it. An example is we want to have an auth frontend that only handles the auth flows on but we also have another application running on which actually does the business logic and would also need to communicate with Ory APIs.

For this to then work we would need to run multiple ory proxies in front of each application that will use Ory apis.

Describe your ideal solution

The ability to add multiple applications each on their own domain with one proxy instance.

Workarounds or alternatives




Additional Context

No response

Admin API calls such as `identities list` should be re-added

Preflight checklist

Describe the bug

Commands listing identities in a project got removed in 2ad0459. We should re-add it.

Reproducing the bug

Install the CLI and try run ory identities list. The command will not exist.

Relevant log output

No response

Relevant configuration

No response



On which operating system are you observing this issue?

No response

In which environment are you deploying?

No response

Additional Context

No response

OIDC callback with cli proxy + ory cloud

Discussed in ory/kratos#2772

Originally posted by Rodeoclash October 1, 2022
I might have missed a configuration option somewhere, but when performing an OIDC flow (in this case, a custom OIDC provider which is Xero) the callback path to the browser seems to be missing the .ory prefix.


Starting login flow

Selecting Xero

Auth success, but notice the URL is missing the .ory prefix

Manually updated the URL, everything works

Is this an edge case of local development, the ory proxy and social sign in? I can fix by setting up an automatic redirect in my code but was curious to know if I had misconfigured something.

Identity related warnings when updating permission config

Preflight checklist

Describe the bug

ory patch permission-config e834d575-2f37-4482-903d-d6e789e91c8a \                                                
  --add '/namespaces/-={"id": 0, "name": "resources"}' \
  --add '/namespaces/-={"id": 1, "name": "groups"}'
You are authenticated as: [email protected]
map[limit:map[] namespaces:[map[id:0 name:resources] map[id:1 name:groups]]]
Warnings were found.
- Configuration key `serve.*` can not be set and will be ignored.
- Configuration key `cookies.path` can not be set and will be ignored.
- Configuration key `cookies.domain` can not be set and will be ignored.
- Configuration key `session.cookie.domain` can not be set and will be ignored.
- Configuration key `` can not be set and will be ignored.
- Configuration key `session.cookie.path` can not be set and will be ignored.
It is save to ignore these warnings unless your intention was to set these keys.

produces unrelated warnings.

Reproducing the bug

see above

Relevant log output

No response

Relevant configuration

No response



On which operating system are you observing this issue?

No response

In which environment are you deploying?

No response

Additional Context

No response

Investigate OIDC with proxy

Preflight checklist

Describe the bug


Reproducing the bug

Relevant log output

No response

Relevant configuration

No response



On which operating system are you observing this issue?

No response

In which environment are you deploying?

No response

Additional Context

No response

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