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telegram-moderator's Introduction


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Telegram Bot

  • Deletes messages matching specified patterns
  • Bans users for posting messages matching specified patterns
  • Bans users with usernames matching specified patterns
  • Records logs of conversations
  • Logs an English translation of any foreign languages using Google Translate
  • Uses textblob for basic sentiment analysis of both polarity and subjectivity


  • Required: Python 3.x, pip, PostgreSQL
  • Create virtualenv
  • Clone this repo
  • pip install --upgrade -r requirements.txt

Database setup

  • Store database URL in environment variable.
export TELEGRAM_BOT_POSTGRES_URL="postgresql://<user>:<password>@localhost:5432/<databasename>"
  • Run: python to setup the DB tables.


  • Create a Telegram bot by talking to @BotFather :
  • Use /setprivacy with @BotFather in order to allow it to see all messages in a group.
  • Store your Telegram Bot Token in environment variable TELEGRAM_BOT_TOKEN. It will look similar to this:
export TELEGRAM_BOT_TOKEN="4813829027:ADJFKAf0plousH2EZ2jBfxxRWFld3oK34ya"

Configuration with ENV vars

  • MESSAGE_BAN_PATTERNS : REQUIRED Regex pattern. Messages matching this will ban the user.
  • MESSAGE_HIDE_PATTERNS : REQUIRED Regex pattern. Messages matching this will be hidden/deleted
  • NAME_BAN_PATTERNS REQUIRED Regex pattern. Users with usernames or first/last names maching this will be banned from the group.
  • CHAT_IDS : REQUIRED. Comma-seperated list of IDs of chat(s) that should be monitored. To find out the ID of a chat, add the bot to a chat and type some messages there. The bot log will report an error that it got messages from chat_id not being monitored: XXX where XXX is the chat ID. e.g. -240532994,-150531679
  • TELEGRAM_BOT_TOKEN : REQUIRED. Token for bot to control. e.g. 4813829027:ADJFKAf0plousH2EZ2jBfxxRWFld3oK34ya
  • TELEGRAM_BOT_POSTGRES_URL : REQUIRED. URI for postgres instance to log activity to. e.g. postgresql://localhost/postgres
  • DEBUG : If set to anything except false, will put bot into debug mode. This means that all actions will be logged into the chat itself, and more things will be logged.
  • ADMIN_EXEMPT : If set to anything except false, admin users will be exempt from monitoring. Reccomended to be set, but useful to turn off for debugging.
  • NOTIFY_CHAT : ID of chat to report actions. Can be useful if you have an admin-only chat where you want to monitor the bot's activity. E.g. -140532994
  • CMC_API_KEY: If you want the /price bot command to work, make sure to set a CoinMarketcap API key

Download the corpus for Textblob

For sentiment analysis to work, you'll need to download the latest corpus file for textblob. You can do this by running:

python -m textblob.download_corpora

If you're running the bot on Heroku, set an environment variable named NLTK_DATA to /app/nltk_data by running:

heroku config:set NLTK_DATA='/app/nltk_data'

Message ban patterns

Sample bash file to set MESSAGE_BAN_PATTERNS:

read -r -d '' MESSAGE_BAN_PATTERNS << 'EOF'
# ETH Address
# e.g. F8C8405e85Cfe42551DEfeB2a4548A33bb3DF840
# BTC Address
# e.g. 13qt9rCA2CQLZedmUuDiPkwdcAJLsuTvLm


By default, any attachments other than images or animations will cause the message to be hidden.



  • Run: python to start logger
  • Messages will be displayed on stdout as they are logged.

On Heroku

  • You must enable the worker on Heroku app dashboard. (By default it is off.)

telegram-moderator's People


joshfraser avatar micahalcorn avatar mikeshultz avatar wanderingstan avatar


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telegram-moderator's Issues

More bot training

This got through the bot. ban "/?r=" as that is the referral code syntax?


Bot features request from the CM team

Commands to be added
Price - /p
Chart - /c
Developement stats - /d
Social - /s <Reddit/Twitter/Medium>
Cir.Supply - /circsup

Here are examples on how to use the commands:


USD : $x
BTC : เธฟx
ETH : โ™ขx

Mkt Cap: $x
Volume : $x
24hr % : x%
7d % : x%
30d % : x%
1y % : x%
#Note: have the metrics be from the same source as in

/chart 7
/c 7

image of the 7 day chart (source: coingecko perhaps)

Development Stats

Developer Data

Stars : x
Subscribers : x
Total Issues : x
Closed Issued : x
PR Merged : x
PR Contributors: x
4-wk Commit : x

Social Media Update
/s Twitter
/social Twitter

Last twitter post


Circulating Supply: X OGN (same source as in the Dashboard)

feature request: delete join message


Chinese spam bots use join message as spam message. Would be great if name matching ban deletes join message as well. attaching screenshot


Community moderation

Allow community moderation whereby people can reply with /spam to any message. We'll keep track of how many times a message has been flagged and how many times a specific user has been reported. Moderators should be able to set custom thresholds for their communities above which messages should be automatically deleted and users should be banned.

logger.warning gives error

2018-01-29 07:14:24,477 - telegram.ext.updater - ERROR - Error while getting Updates: Timed out
2018-01-29 07:14:24,508 - telegram.ext.dispatcher - ERROR - An uncaught error was raised while handling the error
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/Users/stan/Documents/Origin/origin-telegram-logger-bot/origin-telegram-logger-bot/lib/python2.7/site-packages/telegram/ext/", line 271, in process_update
    self.dispatch_error(None, update)
  File "/Users/stan/Documents/Origin/origin-telegram-logger-bot/origin-telegram-logger-bot/lib/python2.7/site-packages/telegram/ext/", line 384, in dispatch_error
    callback(, update, error)
  File "", line 92, in error
    logger.warning('Update "%s" caused error "%s"', update, error)
AttributeError: 'function' object has no attribute 'warning'

Bot fails to ban users with empty first or last names

Soory not in git format, not familiar with it.

You should add this in so that users get really banned with no first or last name

def security_check_username(self, bot, update):
    """ Test username for security violations """
    if update.message.from_user.last_name is None:
            update.message.from_user.last_name = u''
    if update.message.from_user.first_name is None:
            update.message.from_user.first_name = u''

    full_name = (update.message.from_user.first_name + " "
        + update.message.from_user.last_name)

Suggest to loosen the dependency on textblob

Hi, your project telegram-moderator(commit id: 4c7a662) requires "textblob==0.15.3" in its dependency. After analyzing the source code, we found that the following versions of textblob can also be suitable, i.e., textblob 0.9.0, 0.9.1, 0.10.0, 0.11.0, 0.11.1, 0.12.0, 0.13.0, 0.13.1, 0.14.0, 0.15.0, 0.15.1, 0.15.2, 0.16.0, 0.17.0, 0.17.1, since all functions that you directly (1 APIs: textblob.blob.TextBlob.init) or indirectly (propagate to 5 textblob's internal APIs and 0 outsider APIs) used from the package have not been changed in these versions, thus not affecting your usage.

Therefore, we believe that it is quite safe to loose your dependency on textblob from "textblob==0.15.3" to "textblob>=0.9.0,<=0.17.1". This will improve the applicability of telegram-moderator and reduce the possibility of any further dependency conflict with other projects.

May I pull a request to further loosen the dependency on textblob?

By the way, could you please tell us whether such an automatic tool for dependency analysis may be potentially helpful for maintaining dependencies easier during your development?

Forwarded spam messages often get through

Been seeing a number of forwarded messages get through the bot. It seems to be the most common spam in the past 90 days. I wonder if the bot is able to detect all the text and multiple emoji's in forwarded messages as well.

Here is an example :

Add /everyone

Add an /everyone command to tag everyone in the channel.

Thinking an admin could send:

/everyone Hello, world!

Then the bot can delete the previous message and send

Hello, world!  @user1 @user2 @user3

CHAT_IDS in docs and error

Hi, CHAT_IDS would seem to need to go in the README somewhere as it doesn't seem possible to monitor a chat without it.

More importantly, I'm getting an error, which I've hacked the python code to see is being logged in logger at L218. This is after I've gotten it up and running, it's following my chat, and already saw it ignoring my chats as admin. Once I created a dummy user, all I would get was:

Bot started. Montitoring chats: [-1001242314436]
Error 1: must be str, not NoneType

Then, I guessed (by adding "1", "2" to the various error outputs, and discovering that it was at L219 where I stuck that) that some code in logger was dying because something was unpopulated. E.g., my user didn't have a username. I added that, and got further, only to get another error:

2018-03-04T00:06:56 566488256 (b'SP_telegram') : b'testing'
Error 1: must be str, not NoneType

Here's my heroku config anonymized with ...:

CHAT_IDS:                  ...
DATABASE_URL:              postgres://...
MESSAGE_BAN_PATTERNS:      testing_auto_admin_MBP
MESSAGE_HIDE_PATTERNS:     testing_auto_admin_MHP
NAME_BAN_PATTERNS:         testing_auto_admin_NBP
SAFE_USER_IDS:             testing_auto_admin_SUI

EDIT: I should add I saw "user added" for all my test users so far, so that seems to be working.

Error causes bot to delete admin's messag

Seen with a forwarded message that was pinned to the channel by an admin:

155 <190>1 2020-05-10T19:42:10.212729+00:00 app worker.1 - - Error[292]: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'from_user'
176 <190>1 2020-05-10T19:42:10.212766+00:00 app worker.1 - - Error on line 439 AttributeError 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'from_user'
138 <190>1 2020-05-10T19:42:13.572402+00:00 app worker.1 - - Expecting value: line 1 column 1 (char 0)
1237 <190>1 2020-05-10T19:42:13.580390+00:00 app worker.1 - - 2020-05-10T12:42:13 777000 (b'Telegram None') : b"\xf0\x9f\x8e\x8a At Origin we're grateful for the support we get from our loyal fans and community. If you would like to help us build and improve Origin, there are three main ways you can get involved:\n\n1. If you know how to read and write more than two languages, including English, you can be part of our team of translators at:\n\n2. We are looking for people who are interested in testing Origin Deals. If you are planning to make a purchase on Origin Deals and would like to provide your feedback to one of our engineers in a 1-on-1 sessions please fill in the following form:\n\n3. For all the developers out there, we invite you to participate in our open-source engineering process! Everyone is welcome. All you need to do is introduce yourself in our public Discord engineering channel, find an open issue in our monorepo and tell us that you would like to solve it. With that done you can merge your first pull request!"
1209 <190>1 2020-05-10T19:42:13.581265+00:00 app worker.1 - - โŒ HIDE FORWARDED: b"\xf0\x9f\x8e\x8a At Origin we're grateful for the support we get from our loyal fans and community. If you would like to help us build and improve Origin, there are three main ways you can get involved:\n\n1. If you know how to read and write more than two languages, including English, you can be part of our team of translators at:\n\n2. We are looking for people who are interested in testing Origin Deals. If you are planning to make a purchase on Origin Deals and would like to provide your feedback to one of our engineers in a 1-on-1 sessions please fill in the following form:\n\n3. For all the developers out there, we invite you to participate in our open-source engineering process! Everyone is welcome. All you need to do is introduce yourself in our public Discord engineering channel, find an open issue in our monorepo and tell us that you would like to solve it. With that done you can merge your first pull request!"
125 <190>1 2020-05-10T19:42:14.277485+00:00 app worker.1 - - Error[292]: Chat_id is empty
142 <190>1 2020-05-10T19:42:14.277527+00:00 app worker.1 - - Error on line 492 BadRequest Chat_id is empty
138 <190>1 2020-05-10T19:43:04.136559+00:00 app worker.1 - - Expecting value: line 1 column 1 (char 0)
1236 <190>1 2020-05-10T19:43:04.149970+00:00 app worker.1 - - 2020-05-10T12:43:04 [123456789] (b'[CENSORED]') : b"\xf0\x9f\x8e\x8a At Origin we're grateful for the support we get from our loyal fans and community. If you would like to help us build and improve Origin, there are three main ways you can get involved:\n\n1. If you know how to read and write more than two languages, including English, you can be part of our team of translators at:\n\n2. We are looking for people who are interested in testing Origin Deals. If you are planning to make a purchase on Origin Deals and would like to provide your feedback to one of our engineers in a 1-on-1 sessions please fill in the following form:\n\n3. For all the developers out there, we invite you to participate in our open-source engineering process! Everyone is welcome. All you need to do is introduce yourself in our public Discord engineering channel, find an open issue in our monorepo and tell us that you would like to solve it. With that done you can merge your first pull request!"
152 <190>1 2020-05-10T19:43:04.151494+00:00 app worker.1 - - ๐Ÿ‘ฎโ€โ™‚๏ธ Skipping checks. User is admin: [123456789]

.exe messages get through

When there is bandwidth, could we have the bot immediately delete .exe files and ban the user. They are still getting through (saw a few this past week). Thanks ๐Ÿ™

Feature request: Muting

From Kevin Lee:

Muting is a function in Telegram

So we can mute somebody from talking in the group for 1 hour, 1 day, 1 week or forever

So maybe make it easier to mute like, typing a code

When we reply on certain message, the message we reply will be deleted and we get to choose how many hours they will be muted

In binance
Their bot will do it with this code

/pmute 70
(this is muting for 70 hours, also deleting the message they are replying to)

/mute 70 (muting for 70 hours only)

/pban (ban and delete message)

/ban (just banning)

Add periodic messages

A channel admin should be able to set a period message to be sent every N minutes.

/periodic [N minutes] My message



A secondary request for this was adding CTA buttons. This may need to be split off into a separate issue.

Ignore messages not from group being logged

Right now the logger records every message the bot sees, even private messages sent right to it.

We should have a group name in config file and only log messages to that group.

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