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nostalgy-xpi's Issues

Message-list keys: next, previous, delete

Please could you consider to implement keys in the message list-view. I expect those need to be configurable:

  • Next message: j (n, or k)
  • Previous: k (p, or k)
  • Delete message: d

TAB expansion doesn't work on new rule dialog

On creating/editing a rule, when you type on source and target folder fields, Nostalgy show suggested folders but TAB keyboard doesn't expand selected one as it does on copy/move message field.

Version 1.0.16a doesn't work properly on Ubuntu Mate 19.10

(Apologies for the long post...)
Sorry to be the fly in the ointment, but...
On TB 68.2.2 under Ubuntu Mate 19.10 and with Nostalgy 1.0.16a I'm still having issues.
Pressing s toggles the star on that message, rather than activating Nostalgy "move message".
Pressing c brings up a "mark messages as read by date" dialog, rather than activating Nostalgy "copy message".
Pressing g or G does nothing.
(I should add that I've used previous versions of Nostalgy under Windows 7 with great success.)
Perhaps this is an issue with Ubuntu Mate 19.10? Hard to say.
(I note that it reportedly works under Ubuntu 18.04, but of course a lot has changed between that and the "flavour" of Ubuntu I'm using.)
I'd temporarily edit the Thunderbird keyboard shortcuts so s and c aren't used just for an experiment, but the two addons Mozilla themselves have previously suggested to achieve this are themselves unable to work with TB 68.
(Thunderbird support article here: )
I'm also aware of the userChromeJS extension but using that to change keyboard shortcuts requires a fair bit of javascript knowledge, which I don't possess at this stage. :-)

Any suggestions (maybe I've missed something obvious :-) ) are welcome.

Once again, thanks for your hard work, it's greatly appreciated. :-)
Roger V.

Focus on Nostalgy field when opening message list

When opening the message list window, the Nostalgy field appears at the bottom and focus is there. Makes it impossible to use TB key commands until clicking in the message list to dismiss it. Possible to keep this from happening?

accept suggestion by pressing [ENTER]

First, thank you for your work on this rewrite of the original Nostalgy, which I have found indispensable.

When I want to move (save) a message to a folder and start typing the folder name, the dialog box has my typing thus far, followed by >>, followed by the suggested folder path. For example, if I type mis, I might see this in the dialog box:

mis >> Inbox/Miscellaneous

Under legacy Nostalgy, If that suggested completion is correct, I would press [ENTER] for it to be accepted and not have to press the up arrow to find the match and then press [ENTER].

I've made two changes to chrome/content/scripts/me-messageWindow.js to restore this functionality:

  1. Added helper function RemoveUserChars() that removes prefix mis >> (as in my example above).
  2. Added a single statement to NostalgyRunCommand() to call the new helper function.
function RemoveUserChars(dialogText) {
  gtIdx = dialogText.indexOf(">>");
  if ( gtIdx == -1 ) {
    return dialogText;

  // dialogText may be 'mis >> Inbox/Miscellaneous'; return from 'Inbox...'
  if ( gtIdx + 3 < dialogText.length ) {
    return dialogText.substr(gtIdx + 3);

  return dialogText;

function NostalgyRunCommand() {
  var s = nostalgy_folderBox.value;
  s = RemoveUserChars(s);                // NEW LINE
  var f = NostalgyResolveFolder(s);

I would have submitted a PR, but the repo only has the archive of the extension rather than its source code ;)


save -> last recent folderlist opens -> up-arrow

I focus one mail, I press 's', the last recent folderlist opens and I press the up-arrow-key.

=> nothing happens

assumed => with every press of the up-arrow button I step one entry up in the list

The last version breaks Thunderbird options


Glad to see someone is working on this marvelous addon. ;)

The last version of the xpi (without the shortcut displays) works well on my Thunderbird, but the new one prevents the option menu of Thunderbird for opening (clicking on the top right button does simply nothing), and the columns display selection are reset each time I deselect a folder and go back to it. ie. if I desselect the "read", "junk status" and add the "size" columns on the inbox folder it works ; but the setting is not stored. If I display another folder the columns are reset to default.

Thanks !

Move messages type in field not available

Hello Klaus
Thank you for your message.
Well few years ago I had installed this add on on previous versions of TB and I did love it.
I just could select "move to" then" type in field was visible, once starting typeing the choice of folders was narrowing. Based on this add on I created a folder system which works great.

Once updated to 68 and installed nostalgy I can't see this option. For instance when right click on a message, then "move to" there's only TB default system of choices e.g. recent. No field where I can type folder name.
With my folder system moving messages in regular way is not an option.
Maybe I do something wrong ( I hope - so there's an easy solution)
I'd apprecaiate so much your assistance to solve this problem.

Detail-view for email: No move/copy-hotkeys

In the detail-view of an email we previously also had the hotkey to move that email. Currently you have to leave the email to move it from the list-view - which works for the moment.

Where are latest versions of nostalgy?

Sorry to post this kind of query. The latest version of opto's nostalgy-xpi seems to be 1.0.16, but somehow I found 1.0.25 and others in between. Now I cannot find any of them. Can someone post where they are hiding from me? --Chris

Arrow keys on Windows 10

Dear all,
thank you for the good job.
Nostalgy is very useful to me.
I am on Windows 10 (1909) and recently upgraded to TB 86.3.1.
I installed nostalgy from Opto version 1.021.

I am finding that when I press s, a list of recent folders appears, but:
The list is not the latest, but looks like the previous one (i.e. the last used entry is not there).
Then, pressing the up arrow key, instead of scrolling through the list nothing happens.

I can confirm that typing a search word, immediately updates the list to the matching folders, and at that point the up and down arrows work again.

I can also confirm that the trick, I read about here, to press the left arrow followed by the up arrow restore the correct history list, and then allows to scroll it up and down.

Is this the intended behavior?
Or is it a problem with my installation?
I am under the impression tha the original nostalgy (with TB < 68) didn't work this way.

Thanks for any help.

Problem with "c" key making Manage emails / Nostalgy++ for TB78 not usable for the moment on TB 78.4.1

Major problem making this wonderful successor to Nostalgy not usable for the moment.

While in the compose window (where you would write the core of the response to an email for example), every time I press the letter "c" the cursor jumps from the compose window to the cc field and starts to type things there. Thunderbird compose window then becomes very slow and unresponsive.

Also copy (CMD+C) doesn't work properly either.

It seems that something linked to the "c" key press is interfering for the moment in ways it shouldn't.

I am on MacOS 10.15.7 and Thunderbird 78.4.1.

Feature request: relative folders save/goto

I'm not sure if this is possible, but I often file my emails into project folders for further processing, when I'm working in that project folder I move the emails to done. So I have many projects and as many done folders (one for each project).

I would like to setup a shortcut to move messages to done from the currently active folder. That way I have a consistent hotkey to move messages to this folder regardless of the active mail folder.

Edit: to clarify


So when I'm in project1 and press the shortcut it goes to project1\done;
and when I'm in project2 and press the same shortcut it goes to project2\done

Autocomplete string with >> somewhat annoying. Feature or bug?

minor bug (or weird feature): when in the main TB panel, when pressing 's', i get the recommendation to save email to some directory. In the previous plugin version, hitting Enter was enough to "convert" the partial match to the intended directory full name. In this version, I get a redirection hint, e.g. I type "a" and it displays "a >> CocaCola"; then I need to press Tab+Enter to do the save. Which is annoying. Can this be changed back somehow?

two mins to help a clueless person?

been redirected from elsewhere, hate to open an issue for a minor q, but here's my messasge

Folks, I really really appreciate the work on this! Opened a github account just to access opto's fix.

If anyone had a spare minute to help a clueless person: I'd like to change the hot key for move message from 's' to 'm' (since I use 's' for star message). The little I know about coding tells me that there might be a line somewhere the opto file set where I could simply replace one letter with another and recompile. True? Where would I look?
Cheers, Andy

Problem exporting rules

There are problems with rule export, a popup with JSON content is shown, but it's too big and gone out of screen to see it complete

Trying to cut and paste content show a truncate JSON.

Tested on TB 83.0b2 (MacOS 10.15.7)


Foldernames with plus-sign not selectable

For historic reasons I have some IMAP-folders with a plus-sign ("+") in it's name. Moving to those folders worked fine in the past. I can search for those folder and get suggestions. But selecting them does not work to move a message. But manually going into that folder-name and escaping the plus with a backslash seems to work.

Version 1.0.16 installed but keys are not working?

I was so excited about the continuous development and installed the new version (0.394 was running before) but at the moment it looks like none of the keys are working (?).

For a moment I thought the add-on was accidentally disabled but that is not the case.

For keys like "s", the default TB action (to star) is happening.

1.0.16 now go/save/copy not working at all

With the new version 1.0.16 go/save/copy are now not working at all. In the message list, the nostalgy field at the bottom is permanently there. But no function to move messages, either in the message list or message detail window when pulled up.

Mouse clicks not executed in folder selection

When selecting a folder (with g,s,m ...) I get a list of folders. I can mouse over them to highlight them, but clicking does nothing. Enter then selects the highlighted folder.
This is on Ubuntu Eoan, TB 68.1.2, Nostalgy XPI .393
Thanks for your work on this!

Folder selection enlarges window

when I want to move a message and press "s", the folder selection dialog forces the thunderbird window to expand in x dimension.
This renders this plugin unusable for me.
Thunderbird 78.4.0 (64-Bit) / nostalgy++ 2.2.2 / Debian buster with default GNOME desktop
Kind regards

Compose dialog -> autocomple address unusable (1 char per second)

With the latest version of the plugin, when composing an email an trying to enter a destination address, each char takes 1 sec to be displayed.
This might be due to the interaction with the autosearch in LDAP directories or Exchange directories.

Disabling Nostalgy++ fixes the bug.

URL to source code


I'm not able to find source code for this XPI. Can you please put a link to source code somewhere?

Thank you.

Intermittent working of up arrow

Hi all,
I am using nostalgy since the beginning and now I switched to nostalgy++ after upgrade to TB78.
I have a problem that no one else seem to have.
Since I am using a dozed of frequent folders (among few hundreds) I normally found what I need in the recent list that is shown when pressing s or g.
At that point I simply scroll the list with the up arrow up to the folder of choice and press enter.
Occasionally, if the folder is not in the list, I type a few letters of its name and the up arrow as soon as the folder I nees shows up in the list.
So far, so good. I think that this is a normal usage pattern.

Unfortunately in my installation this behavior is not consistent.
Sometimes it works as described, sometimes the list is shown but the up arrow does nothing.
Further invertigations led me to the following truths:

  • If I only use the up arrows it works exactly every other time. That is: I press s, the list is shown, up arrow does not work, press Esc, the command is closed, press again s, the list appears, the up arrow works.
  • Things get more weird if I need to type few letters for another folder. It works that time, then, next time the list is shown as is the same letters were already typed. I see only the same folders as previous time, but nothing is present in the edit box.
  • Somethime the left arrow, up arrow trick that I was used with TB68, works, but not always
  • The problem persists also if Nostalgy is the only addon present
  • TB Version is 78.5.0 (64-bit) and Nostalgy++ added from the official
  • Windows 10 Pro 1909

Hope my tests help find the problem.
I am available to test beta versions if need, but I an not sure where to download the.
On this nostalgy-xpi GitHub repository the xpi file is indicated a 12 months old, so I am not sure it is the most up to date.


moving to subfolders not poosible?

When trying to move messages the od way (press "s", proceed to type folder name to autocomplete), the autocomplete finds the folder I am looking for, I hit enter and I get a JS popup message saying "no folder with sys > > diverses/sysadmin" which was exactly the contents of the quick search field. Wheen choosing the full subfolder path from the history, the the error messagen is "No Folder diverses/sysadmin". But when using shift-s (S) then the suggested folder path is used, even when it is a subfolder.
Some general error with subfolders? (simple folders work well!)

Slow opening of suggestions

When I press "s" to move an email, and start typing, after pressing one key, I can often see the list being filled with the matching suggestions at a quite slow pace (it's like an animation). This is a bit annoying and didn't happen in old nostalgy/thunderbird... Not sure whether you can easily reproduce this...

Nostalgy-xpi prevents display of real web address

Hi, thanks for the update for TB>68. I noticed the followin issues:

  • nostalgy-debug: the status bar at the bottom disappears from time to time. Otherwise it works as expectet

-nostalgy-xpi: all the right justified items of the staus bar are moved to the left. The display of the real web address (important for security) is not possible. There is no way to move things right. On startup there is a text input field, as mentionned somewhere else.
It would be grat if you could make nostalgy-xpi display the web addresses again, when hovering over the link.

Move messages not working in threaded view tab


I think this has been an issue with the previous version of Nostalgy already, but equally applies to Nostalgy++ :

One of TB's features I use most often is the "show in thread" option from the right-click menu in TB's message list pane - this opens the message together with all related messages (from the same thread) in a new tab, which is very useful to trace a message back to its origin and see the full thread with all related messages in a list view, no matter where (in which folder) the individual messages are currently located. From there, I can easily move the entire thread to some specific folder using Nostalgy.

However, when the "Restrict folder completion to the current server" option from Nostalgy's "Preferences -> Completion" tab is activated, this workflow will not work anymore: The "Move messages to:" field at the bottom of the extra tab will not allow to query & auto-complete folder names anymore - I can type whatever I want, the field just doesn't return any folder suggestions. After ticking off the named option from the Preferences, everything works fine again (in the extra tab with the threaded messages list).

This is somewhat annoying as I have a lot of local Archive folders and also folders with similar or identical names across different mailboxes which hence get displayed in every query unless I restrict the query to the current server.

So being able to restrict Nostalgy++ queries to the current server no matter in which tab or pane I am, would be a highly appreciated improvement.

Thanks for checking into it!


PayPal donnation/contribution page is not working

I love to use Nostalgy again!!!
For weeks I was struggling moving messages manually after I had updated TB to 78.4.x.x
Now life is easy again so I'd like to appreciate this project with few coins but... can't.
I've tried few times however PayPal website is informing me that "This organization website is not working".
Once again thanks for update keeping up with updated TB and once I'm able will donate for sure.
All the best.


Folder window not wide enough

When using s,g the folder window opens.
On a server with a deep folder tree (as ours), I cannot see the entier folder string and thus cannot make a selection and thus cannot use the Addon.

Possible solutions:

  1. the window would have to be about twice as wide.
  2. make the window width configurable in the settings
  3. align the string right instead of left. The right part is usually more important.

Personanlly I would prefer solution 2.

Thanks for this great tool

Feature Request: Divide history list into two groups: actual history vs commonly used

I understand that one of the beauties of Nostalgy is its simplicity. Because of that, I hesitate to suggest this, but this would be a huge benefit to me and perhaps to others...

I don't want to spam this, but I have also posted this to nostalgy-xpi since nostalgy seems to be at the end.

Currently, as I understand it, Nostalgy only tracks the history (locations) of its uses (filing, go to, etc.). However, I have a mix of about 10 very common locations that I file-into or go-to vs thousands of other locations (yes, thousands of mailboxes). As long as I regularly "use" those 10 common locations, they remain on the history list. (btw, I have already expanded the quantity of history items). However, if I decided to do a big batch of filing emails, perhaps to 50-200 different locations, then my "common locations" fall off the history list. Re-adding those to the history list is very time consuming as there can be many locations that have similar full paths or similar mailbox names.

If the "history" list could be divided into two sections, "actual history" vs "common locations", with a means to populate the items in the "common locations" section, that would be super helpful.

Regardless of this, thank you for such a useful add-on and for everything that has been done to keep it alive. I could not imagine using using Thunderbird without this -- it would otherwise be "impossible" for me with so many thousands of mailboxes and deep levels of structure.

Compose Dialog -> Always Show bcc -> Doubles the sets Reply To Email adress (and set BCC email address) in 2 cases

Reproducible error:

Compose Dialog -> Always Show bcc -> Doubles the set email address in a few cases

In some IMAP accounts I have set a Reply to email address and in those accounts also an automatic bcc address to collect my own outgoing emails in a separate emailaccount.

1 - When I have set in the Nostalgy setting
Compose Dialog ->
[x] Always Show cc
[x] Always Show bcc
Then, when I click New Email: in the Compose Window: The Reply to email address shows up twice, instead of once
Also in the BCC line: the bcc email address I use shows up twice, instead of once

When I reply in an account without these preset Reply to address and without the preset bcc address: These lines stay empty.
As one would expect.

2 - When I have set in the Nostalgy setting
Compose Dialog ->
[x] Always Show cc
[ ] Always Show bcc

Using the account with the preset Reply to address (and the preset bcc address)
Then, when I click New Email: in the Compose Window: The Reply email address shows up twice, instead of once

3 - When I have set in the Nostalgy setting back to
Compose Dialog ->
[ ] Always Show cc
[ ] Always Show bcc
Then, when I click New Email: in the Compose Window: The Reply to email address shows up once, which is normal.
Also in the BCC line: the bcc email address I use shows up once, which is normal.

Using 32 bit TB 78.4.1. in windows 10
Using a lot of TB add ons which I can list later when needed.
(I'm using the Dutch Language version of Thunderbird, so the Description of Menu settings is my 'translation' back to English)

Empty text field has keyboard focus after TB is started


I am using version 0.394 on Thunderbird 68.2.2/macOS 10.15.1. Immediately after starting Thunderbird, there is an empty text field appearing under the status bar. This text field has the keyboard focus as the characters I type appear there (see screenshot), but nothing happens. I need to click with the mouse elsewhere (e.g. on the message list), then this text field disappears, and only then I can use the keyboard normally (N to see the next under message, G/S/C Nostalgy keys, etc). This text field seems different from the folder autocompletion field, which in my setup just replaces the status bar, instead of appearing below.


Capture d’écran 2019-11-27 à 14 02 42

Status bar


First of all thank you a lot for this experimental update which is very very useful :)

One quick issue thought : that status bar that displays the number of unread emails, number of mails, etc has disapeared since I've installed the module.

How could i get it back?


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