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aosp_build's Introduction

OpenGApps AOSP based build system

++Infrastructure Issues++

05-Nov-2019 Gitlab maintenance: we've recreated all of our package repos (all, arm, arm64, x86, x86_64) from scratch. Please make sure to:

  • install git-lfs (more info here) since we're now using it
  • clean and do a fresh pull before building

25-Feb-2019 Please see Ilya Danilkin's blog post on the main OpenGapps project page that explains GitHub infrastructure issues that affected certain opengapps projects:

In short, the git-remote has changed for the projects all, arm, arm64, x86, x86_64. You should update your manifest entries for those projects (see the updated example below that uses the remote "gitlab").

More discussion on this issue can be found here:



  1. Use this at your own risk. Cyanogenmod received a cease and desist letter from Google when they included Google Apps in their ROM. See: A Note on Google Apps for Android
  2. This project is in no way affiliated with, sponsored by, or related to Google.

Getting started

1. Add the build system, and the wanted sources to your manifest.

Find your manifest file (check inside ${ANDROID_BUILD_TOP}/.repo/manifests/) and add the following towards the end:

<remote name="opengapps" fetch=""  />
<remote name="opengapps-gitlab" fetch=""  />

<project path="vendor/opengapps/build" name="aosp_build" revision="master" remote="opengapps" />

<project path="vendor/opengapps/sources/all" name="all" clone-depth="1" revision="master" remote="opengapps-gitlab" />

<!-- arm64 depends on arm -->
<project path="vendor/opengapps/sources/arm" name="arm" clone-depth="1" revision="master" remote="opengapps-gitlab" />
<project path="vendor/opengapps/sources/arm64" name="arm64" clone-depth="1" revision="master" remote="opengapps-gitlab" />

<project path="vendor/opengapps/sources/x86" name="x86" clone-depth="1" revision="master" remote="opengapps-gitlab" />
<project path="vendor/opengapps/sources/x86_64" name="x86_64" clone-depth="1" revision="master" remote="opengapps-gitlab" />

2. Set the desired OpenGapps variant

In your device/manufacturer/product/ file, in the beginning, add:

GAPPS_VARIANT := <variant>

where <variant> is one of the package types in lowercase. E.g:


3. Include the file

The file will make the Android build system build the necessary PRODUCT_PACKAGES, and include the necessary PRODUCT_COPY_FILES.

In device/manufacturer/product/ file, towards the end, add:

$(call inherit-product, vendor/opengapps/build/

4. Install git LFS and pull in all dependencies

# More info:
# Apt/deb
sudo apt install git-lfs
# Yum/rpm
sudo yum install git-lfs
# on macOS
brew install git-lfs

git lfs install
repo forall -c git lfs pull

5. Build Android


Adding extra packages

You can add packages from versions higher then your set version. E.g. if you want to include Chrome, but you use GAPPS_VARIANT := micro

In your device/manufacturer/product/ just add, for example:


This uses the module name. You can find the module name for a package by checking vendor/opengapps/build/modules/ and look at the LOCAL_MODULE value.

Excluding packages

You can exclude certain packages from the list of packages associated with your selected OpenGapps variant. E.g. if you have GAPPS_VARIANT := stock and want all those apps installed except for Hangouts, then in your device/manufacturer/product/ just add:


Force stock package overrides

You can force GApps packages to override the stock packages. This can be defined in two ways inside device/manufacturer/product/

For all package:


If you want to include WebViewGoogle on a non-stock build you need:


If you want to include Messenger on a non-stock build you need:


If you want to include Google Dialer on a non-stock build you need:


If you want to include Chrome on a non-full build you need:


PixelLauncher is the default launcher in Oreo builds (and newer); in builds older than Oreo, the default launcher is GoogleNow. If desired, then you can force PixelLauncher to be used by setting the following variable:


On a per-app basis, add the GApps package to GAPPS_PACKAGE_OVERRIDES. Example:


Disable stock packages overrides

You can tell the GApps packages not to override the stock packages. This can be defined inside device/manufacturer/product/ by adding the GApps package to GAPPS_BYPASS_PACKAGE_OVERRIDES. Example:


Force the system to get the correct DPI package for your device

By default, the latest package version will be selected with the closest DPI. You can force the system to select either a matching DPI package or "nodpi" package even if it is not the latest version.

This can be defined inside device/manufacturer/product/ using:


DEX pre-optimization

It is possible to build Android with dex preoptimization. This results in a quicker boot time, at the cost of additional storage used on /system.

This is normally done by setting the value:


in This will, by default, if set to true, also enable DEX Preoptimization for Google Apps.

You can disable this entirely by setting:


How it works

When building in an AOSP tree, the build system processes the file device/manufacturer/product/ very early, which means that the file vendor/opengapps/build/ is also processed very early. This causes two special build "functions" (generic build rules) to be defined before any files are read:


The definitions use the already existing AOSP build infrastructure for prebuilt APKs and SHARED_LIBRARYs, but remove a lot of the boilerplate.

The build rules take care of locating the correct APK/libraries in an architecture-independent way. The AOSP based build system already prioritizes SoC architecture. E.g. if it finds an apk in sources/arm64 and sources/arm, it will automatically prioritize sources/arm64.

The APK rule will also scan the APK for any libraries, and if it finds libraries it will get the AOSP build system to automatically extract them and place them at the expected place.


Some modules are missing overrides

With reference to the package comparison, currently only package overrides has been setup for a GAPPS_VARIANT of micro or lower, + Chrome.

Pull requests to add package overrides for more modules is welcome. See modules/Chrome/ for an example.

Chrome on Lollipop requires an extra patch

Run these commands:

cd build
curl | git am -

(Patch only tested on 5.1.1 r37).

aosp_build's People


acr92 avatar alviteri avatar anggasp avatar argraur avatar ayufan avatar bkuhls avatar davidtrpchevski avatar dudulle avatar edward-p avatar invisiblek avatar jamuir avatar javelinanddart avatar maniac103 avatar marijns95 avatar nezorflame avatar nicholasbuse avatar pablomh avatar pbellanger avatar peterlolty avatar rashed97 avatar rootinchase avatar scaronni avatar sevenrock avatar sigmadeltasoftware avatar stefanhh0 avatar stellirin avatar tombriden avatar tortel avatar tsubus avatar webgeek1234 avatar


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aosp_build's Issues


I'm trying to build a custom device with only PrebuiltGmsCore and GoogleServicesFramework Gapps and my looks a bit like this :


    GoogleBackupTransport \
    GooglePartnerSetup \
    GoogleOneTimeInitializer \
    GoogleContactsSyncAdapter \
    GoogleFeedback \
    GoogleContactsSyncAdapter \
    GoogleLoginService \
    SetupWizard \
    Phonesky \
    GoogleCalendarSyncAdapter \
    GoogleTTS \

$(call inherit-product, vendor/google/build/

But when I build the device, I saw that the supposed excluded packages where embeded in the final image.

I tried to debug it and I saw that the variable PRODUCT_PACKAGES contains exactly what I need so I don't know why I have all theses extra packages.

Builds for Archlinux?

Hey, I'm on archlinux which proves unzip but not lunzip.
There's no way to get this working on ArchLinux?

copying to system/vendor not allowed when building separate vendor partition

We hit the following error when building a Marshmallow image for bullhead:

Non-symlink out/target/product/bullhead/system/vendor detected!
You cannot install files to out/target/product/bullhead/system/vendor while building a separate vendor.img!
build/core/Makefile:1030: recipe for target 'out/target/product/bullhead/obj/PACKAGING/systemimage_intermediates/system.img' failed
make: *** [out/target/product/bullhead/obj/PACKAGING/systemimage_intermediates/system.img] Error 1

It is caused by the PRODUCT_COPY_FILES statements generated for "pittpatt" in vendor/google/build/

# Pico and higher
ifneq ($(filter $(TARGET_GAPPS_VARIANT),pico),)
# vendor/pittpatt seems to be removed on N+ (so only copy it to older than N)
ifeq ($(filter $(call get-allowed-api-levels),24),)
  PRODUCT_COPY_FILES += $(call gapps-copy-to-system,all,vendor/pittpatt)
  PRODUCT_COPY_FILES += $(call gapps-copy-to-system,all,usr/srec)

Since we build a vendor image in our build, the pittpatt files should be copied to "/vendor" rather than "/system/vendor"., does not exist


I am following your instructions to include open gapps to my aosp build but when I try to make I receive the following errors. Any suggestions?

Thanks a lot

target Unpacked: libfilterpack_facedetect (out/target/product/bullhead/obj/SHARED_LIBRARIES/libfilterpack_facedetect_intermediates/PACKED/
target Unpacked: libfacelock_jni (out/target/product/bullhead/obj/SHARED_LIBRARIES/libfacelock_jni_intermediates/PACKED/
target Unpacked: libfrsdk (out/target/product/bullhead/obj/SHARED_LIBRARIES/libfrsdk_intermediates/PACKED/
acp: file 'out/target/product/bullhead/obj/SHARED_LIBRARIES/libfacelock_jni_intermediates/LINKED/' does not exist
make: *** [out/target/product/bullhead/obj/SHARED_LIBRARIES/libfacelock_jni_intermediates/PACKED/] Error 1
make: *** Waiting for unfinished jobs....
acp: file 'out/target/product/bullhead/obj/SHARED_LIBRARIES/libfilterpack_facedetect_intermediates/LINKED/' does not exist
make: *** [out/target/product/bullhead/obj/SHARED_LIBRARIES/libfilterpack_facedetect_intermediates/PACKED/] Error 1
acp: file 'out/target/product/bullhead/obj/SHARED_LIBRARIES/libfrsdk_intermediates/LINKED/' does not exist
make: *** [out/target/product/bullhead/obj/SHARED_LIBRARIES/libfrsdk_intermediates/PACKED/] Error 1

leanback support

Can you pleas add support to build for leanback
' ' '
ric@ric-ubuntu:~/androidx86tv$ lunch android_x86_64-userdebug
vendor/google/build/ *** GAPPS_VARIANT leanback was not found. Use of one of pico,nano,micro,mini,full,stock,super. Stop.
' ' '

Could not build FEC data! Error: terminating with uncaught exception of type std::bad_alloc: std::bad_alloc & system image is out of space

I am trying to build android N code for flounder device. I am getting the following error. Kindly please help,

[ 88% 40323/45738] Target system fs image: out/target/product/flounder/obj/PACKAGING/systemimage_intermediates/system.img
FAILED: /bin/bash -c "(mkdir -p out/target/product/flounder/obj/PACKAGING/systemimage_intermediates/ out/target/product/flounder/obj/PACKAGING/systemimage_intermediates && rm -rf out/target/product/flounder/obj/PACKAGING/systemimage_intermediates/system_image_info.txt ) && (echo "fs_type=ext4" >> out/target/product/flounder/obj/PACKAGING/systemimage_intermediates/system_image_info.txt ) && (echo "system_size=2782920704" >> out/target/product/flounder/obj/PACKAGING/systemimage_intermediates/system_image_info.txt ) && (echo "userdata_fs_type=f2fs" >> out/target/product/flounder/obj/PACKAGING/systemimage_intermediates/system_image_info.txt ) && (echo "cache_fs_type=ext4" >> out/target/product/flounder/obj/PACKAGING/systemimage_intermediates/system_image_info.txt ) && (echo "cache_size=268435456" >> out/target/product/flounder/obj/PACKAGING/systemimage_intermediates/system_image_info.txt ) && (echo "extfs_sparse_flag=-s" >> out/target/product/flounder/obj/PACKAGING/systemimage_intermediates/system_image_info.txt ) && (echo "squashfs_sparse_flag=-s" >> out/target/product/flounder/obj/PACKAGING/systemimage_intermediates/system_image_info.txt ) && (echo "selinux_fc=out/target/product/flounder/root/file_contexts.bin" >> out/target/product/flounder/obj/PACKAGING/systemimage_intermediates/system_image_info.txt ) && (echo "boot_signer=false" >> out/target/product/flounder/obj/PACKAGING/systemimage_intermediates/system_image_info.txt ) && (echo "verity=true" >> out/target/product/flounder/obj/PACKAGING/systemimage_intermediates/system_image_info.txt ) && (echo "verity_key=build/target/product/security/verity" >> out/target/product/flounder/obj/PACKAGING/systemimage_intermediates/system_image_info.txt ) && (echo "verity_signer_cmd=verity_signer" >> out/target/product/flounder/obj/PACKAGING/systemimage_intermediates/system_image_info.txt ) && (echo "verity_fec=true" >> out/target/product/flounder/obj/PACKAGING/systemimage_intermediates/system_image_info.txt ) && (echo "system_verity_block_device=/dev/block/platform/sdhci-tegra.3/by-name/APP" >> out/target/product/flounder/obj/PACKAGING/systemimage_intermediates/system_image_info.txt ) && (echo "vendor_verity_block_device=/dev/block/platform/sdhci-tegra.3/by-name/VNR" >> out/target/product/flounder/obj/PACKAGING/systemimage_intermediates/system_image_info.txt ) && (echo "skip_fsck=true" >> out/target/product/flounder/obj/PACKAGING/systemimage_intermediates/system_image_info.txt ) && (PATH=out/host/linux-x86/bin/:$PATH ./build/tools/releasetools/ out/target/product/flounder/system out/target/product/flounder/obj/PACKAGING/systemimage_intermediates/system_image_info.txt out/target/product/flounder/obj/PACKAGING/systemimage_intermediates/system.img out/target/product/flounder/system || ( echo "Out of space? the tree size of out/target/product/flounder/system is (MB): " 1>&2 ; du -sm out/target/product/flounder/system 1>&2; if [ "ext4" == "ext4" ]; then maxsize=2782920704; if [ "" == "true" ]; then maxsize=$((maxsize - 4096 * 4096)); fi; echo "The max is $(( maxsize / 1048576 )) MB." 1&gt;&amp;2 ; else echo "The max is $(( 2782920704 / 1048576 )) MB." 1>&2 ; fi; mkdir -p out/dist; cp out/target/product/flounder/installed-files.txt out/dist/installed-files-rescued.txt; exit 1 ) )"

error: failed to build out/target/product/flounder/obj/PACKAGING/systemimage_intermediates/system.img from out/target/product/flounder/system
Running: -s out/target/product/flounder/system out/target/product/flounder/obj/PACKAGING/systemimage_intermediates/system.img ext4 system 2739474432 -D out/target/product/flounder/system -L system out/target/product/flounder/root/file_contexts.bin
make_ext4fs -s -T -1 -S out/target/product/flounder/root/file_contexts.bin -L system -l 2739474432 -a system out/target/product/flounder/obj/PACKAGING/systemimage_intermediates/system.img out/target/product/flounder/system out/target/product/flounder/system
Creating filesystem with parameters:
Size: 2739474432
Block size: 4096
Blocks per group: 32768
Inodes per group: 7968
Inode size: 256
Journal blocks: 10450
Label: system
Blocks: 668817
Block groups: 21
Reserved block group size: 167
Created filesystem with 2133/167328 inodes and 233530/668817 blocks
build_verity_tree -A aee087a5be3b982978c923f566a94613496b417f2af592639bc80d141e34dfe7 out/target/product/flounder/obj/PACKAGING/systemimage_intermediates/system.img /tmp/tmphjpKsV_verity_images/verity.img
system/extras/verity/ 2739474432 /tmp/tmphjpKsV_verity_images/verity_metadata.img afeb5dcc51a79493469bc5557de66090066d65223224d17f54b99a034c78a550 aee087a5be3b982978c923f566a94613496b417f2af592639bc80d141e34dfe7 /dev/block/platform/sdhci-tegra.3/by-name/APP verity_signer build/target/product/security/verity.pk8
cat /tmp/tmphjpKsV_verity_images/verity_metadata.img >> /tmp/tmphjpKsV_verity_images/verity.img
fec -e out/target/product/flounder/obj/PACKAGING/systemimage_intermediates/system.img /tmp/tmphjpKsV_verity_images/verity.img /tmp/tmphjpKsV_verity_images/verity_fec.img
Could not build FEC data! Error: terminating with uncaught exception of type std::bad_alloc: std::bad_alloc
Aborted (core dumped)
Out of space? the tree size of out/target/product/flounder/system is (MB):
827 out/target/product/flounder/system
The max is 2654 MB.
ninja: build stopped: subcommand failed.
make: *** [ninja_wrapper] Error 1

make failed to build some targets (12:12:56 (hh:mm:ss))

Make targets fail due to GAPPS_VARIANT not being set

When OpenGApps is part of the source tree, several make targets fail, e.g. make clean. This is due to the fact that or is not included when making these targets, thus GAPPS_VARIANT is undefined.

I would suggest the the following patch for vendor/google/build/

# Device should define their GAPPS_VARIANT in device/manufacturer/product/
ifeq ($(GAPPS_VARIANT),)
  #$(error GAPPS_VARIANT must be configured)
  # If GAPPS_VARIANT is not set, default to variant 'stock'
  GAPPS_VARIANT := stock
GAPPS_VARIANT_EVAL := $(call get-gapps-variant,$(GAPPS_VARIANT))

Also, it should probably print a note stating that GAPPS_VARIANT was not set and now defaults to 'stock'. Since 'stock' is the recommended variant anyway, I think this something people can live with.

Check for PRODUCT_AAPT_* value in required

I think opengapps should check if PRODUCT_AAPT_* values are present/set in

I integrated opengapps in my AOSP build for the HiKey reference board (device/linaro/hikey) and encountered strange build errors because the for that device lacks those values. If they are missing, vendor/google/build/core/ receives wrong arguments and fails to locate packages.

Name for modules


I would like to finish contributing the remaining overrides for the other Google modules.
I'm a bit confused about the module names. I'm looking at the following locations:

The names inside the aosp_build do not match with the ones in the "normal" opengapps installer. I see "PrebuiltXXX", "GoogleXXXPrebuilt" or "GoogleXXX" names.

As an example, the calculator is missing and I would like to add it; how should I name it under the modules directory? Any pointer?


"Cannot have overlay in vendor tree"

Building the latest CopperheadOS with OpenGapps stock variant for the Nexus 6P results in the following error:

build/core/tasks/ *** Error: Product "aosp_angler" cannot have overlay in vendor tree: vendor/google/build/overlay/pico vendor/google/build/overlay/webview/24 vendor/google/build/overlay/browser vendor/google/build/overlay/dialer vendor/google/build/overlay/mms. make: *** [build/core/ out/] Error 1

BUILD_PREBUILT issue on Copperhead OS on N

Hello there,

I'm trying to integrate opengapps into AOSP N (CopperheadOS) and I'm encountering the following issue:

build/core/Makefile:34: *** Prebuilt apk found in PRODUCT_COPY_FILES: vendor/opengapps/sources/all/app/, use BUILD_PREBUILT instead!.

I did try to naively edit vendor/googlel/build/ to change from PRODUCT_COPY_FILES to BUILD_PREBUILT, but it's not working either:

build/core/ vendor/opengapps/sources/all/etc/sysconfig/ No such file or directory

Any idea on this?

Localization is not working in nougat devices

Locale locale = new Locale("es");
Configuration config = new Configuration();
config.locale = locale;

    Resources.getSystem().updateConfiguration(config, null);

Google Ears removed

Fyi I dropped Google Ears from the regular packages, as they are not found on recent images from Google anymore and it's functionality it is in the Google app nowadays

Changes for Nougat

The following changes may need to be ported to aosp_build:

  • New config file /etc/sysconfig/google_vr_build.xml (all Android versions)
  • /vendor/pittpatt/ seems to be dropped in Nougat
  • has been renamed to (Nougat only)
  • the keyboard swypelibs have been dropped (Nougat only)
  • New app (all Android versions)
  • Path of Google Keyboard has changed to LatinIMEGooglePrebuilt (Nougat only)
  • New apps, and (Nougat only)

SetupWizard Crashes Immediately

Any ideas welcome!

Not sure what would cause this, I have tried with GAPPS_FORCE_MATCHING_DPI := true and GAPPS_FORCE_MATCHING_DPI := false .

E/AndroidRuntime( 1981): FATAL EXCEPTION: main
E/AndroidRuntime( 1981): Process:, PID: 1981
E/AndroidRuntime( 1981): java.lang.RuntimeException: Unable to start activity ComponentInfo{}: android.content.res.Resources$NotFoundException: Resource ID #0x1110038
E/AndroidRuntime( 1981):    at
E/AndroidRuntime( 1981):    at
E/AndroidRuntime( 1981):    at$900(
E/AndroidRuntime( 1981):    at$H.handleMessage(
E/AndroidRuntime( 1981):    at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(
E/AndroidRuntime( 1981):    at android.os.Looper.loop(
E/AndroidRuntime( 1981):    at
E/AndroidRuntime( 1981):    at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
E/AndroidRuntime( 1981):    at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
E/AndroidRuntime( 1981):    at$
E/AndroidRuntime( 1981):    at
E/AndroidRuntime( 1981): Caused by: android.content.res.Resources$NotFoundException: Resource ID #0x1110038
E/AndroidRuntime( 1981):    at android.content.res.Resources.getValue(
E/AndroidRuntime( 1981):    at android.content.res.Resources.getValue(
E/AndroidRuntime( 1981):    at android.content.res.Resources.getBoolean(
E/AndroidRuntime( 1981):    at
E/AndroidRuntime( 1981):    at
E/AndroidRuntime( 1981):    at
E/AndroidRuntime( 1981):    at
E/AndroidRuntime( 1981):    at
E/AndroidRuntime( 1981):    ... 10 more

The Tycho build module is missing

There are apks for Tycho in the opengapps projects, but there is no build module:

vendor/google/build$ mgrep Tycho
./    Tycho \
vendor/google/build$ cd ../../opengapps/sources/
vendor/opengapps/sources$ find . -type d -iname "*tycho*"
vendor/opengapps/sources$ find ./all/app/

CalculatorGoogle is now API21


CalculatorGoogle used to be API23+ but their newest versions are API21+
It has been tested to work well on Android 5.x devices, and the regular opengapps scripts are already updated now to put the calculator for the 5.x packages too.
It would be nice to also update aosp_build and add CalculatorGoogle to the API21+ builds.

WebViewGoogle causes crashes on Nougat

Including WebViewGoogle in N5X Nougat builds causes many apps to crash.

Google Setup wizard crashes and other apps that require webview crash.

There is logcat output below. Note the following line:

09-28 09:56:31.714 E/WebViewFactory( 4825): Caused by: java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: dlopen failed: "/system/app/Chrome/Chrome.apk!/lib/armeabi-v7a/" is 32-bit instead of 64-bit
09-28 09:56:31.714 E/WebViewFactory( 4825): u0 : error instantiating provider
09-28 09:56:31.714 E/WebViewFactory( 4825): java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException
09-28 09:56:31.714 E/WebViewFactory( 4825):     at java.lang.reflect.Constructor.newInstance0(Native Method)
09-28 09:56:31.714 E/WebViewFactory( 4825):     at java.lang.reflect.Constructor.newInstance(
09-28 09:56:31.714 E/WebViewFactory( 4825):     at android.webkit.WebViewFactory.getProvider(
09-28 09:56:31.714 E/WebViewFactory( 4825):     at android.webkit.CookieManager.getInstance(
09-28 09:56:31.714 E/WebViewFactory( 4825):     at
09-28 09:56:31.714 E/WebViewFactory( 4825):     at
09-28 09:56:31.714 E/WebViewFactory( 4825):     at
09-28 09:56:31.714 E/WebViewFactory( 4825):     at$
09-28 09:56:31.714 E/WebViewFactory( 4825):     at java.util.concurrent.Executors$
09-28 09:56:31.714 E/WebViewFactory( 4825):     at
09-28 09:56:31.714 E/WebViewFactory( 4825):     at java.util.concurrent.Executors$
09-28 09:56:31.714 E/WebViewFactory( 4825):     at
09-28 09:56:31.714 E/WebViewFactory( 4825):     at
09-28 09:56:31.714 E/WebViewFactory( 4825):     at
09-28 09:56:31.714 E/WebViewFactory( 4825):     at
09-28 09:56:31.714 E/WebViewFactory( 4825):     at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(
09-28 09:56:31.714 E/WebViewFactory( 4825):     at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$
09-28 09:56:31.714 E/WebViewFactory( 4825):     at
09-28 09:56:31.714 E/WebViewFactory( 4825):     at$
09-28 09:56:31.714 E/WebViewFactory( 4825): Caused by: java.lang.RuntimeException: Cannot load WebView
09-28 09:56:31.714 E/WebViewFactory( 4825):     at org.chromium.android_webview.AwBrowserProcess.loadLibrary(
09-28 09:56:31.714 E/WebViewFactory( 4825):     at
09-28 09:56:31.714 E/WebViewFactory( 4825):     at<init>(
09-28 09:56:31.714 E/WebViewFactory( 4825):     ... 19 more
09-28 09:56:31.714 E/WebViewFactory( 4825): Caused by: org.chromium.base.library_loader.ProcessInitException
09-28 09:56:31.714 E/WebViewFactory( 4825):     at org.chromium.base.library_loader.LibraryLoader.loadAlreadyLocked(
09-28 09:56:31.714 E/WebViewFactory( 4825):     at org.chromium.base.library_loader.LibraryLoader.loadNow(
09-28 09:56:31.714 E/WebViewFactory( 4825):     at org.chromium.android_webview.AwBrowserProcess.loadLibrary(
09-28 09:56:31.714 E/WebViewFactory( 4825):     ... 21 more
09-28 09:56:31.714 E/WebViewFactory( 4825): Caused by: java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: dlopen failed: "/system/app/Chrome/Chrome.apk!/lib/armeabi-v7a/" is 32-bit instead of 64-bit
09-28 09:56:31.714 E/WebViewFactory( 4825):     at java.lang.Runtime.loadLibrary0(
09-28 09:56:31.714 E/WebViewFactory( 4825):     at java.lang.System.loadLibrary(
09-28 09:56:31.714 E/WebViewFactory( 4825):     at org.chromium.base.library_loader.LibraryLoader.loadAlreadyLocked(
09-28 09:56:31.714 E/WebViewFactory( 4825):     ... 23 more
09-28 09:56:31.718 E/VelvetBackgroundTasksIm( 4825): u0 : Background task refresh_search_domain_then_send_gsa_home_request failed
09-28 09:56:31.718 E/VelvetBackgroundTasksIm( 4825): android.util.AndroidRuntimeException: java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException
09-28 09:56:31.718 E/VelvetBackgroundTasksIm( 4825):    at android.webkit.WebViewFactory.getProvider(
09-28 09:56:31.718 E/VelvetBackgroundTasksIm( 4825):    at android.webkit.CookieManager.getInstance(
09-28 09:56:31.718 E/VelvetBackgroundTasksIm( 4825):    at
09-28 09:56:31.718 E/VelvetBackgroundTasksIm( 4825):    at
09-28 09:56:31.718 E/VelvetBackgroundTasksIm( 4825):    at
09-28 09:56:31.718 E/VelvetBackgroundTasksIm( 4825):    at$
09-28 09:56:31.718 E/VelvetBackgroundTasksIm( 4825):    at java.util.concurrent.Executors$
09-28 09:56:31.718 E/VelvetBackgroundTasksIm( 4825):    at
09-28 09:56:31.718 E/VelvetBackgroundTasksIm( 4825):    at java.util.concurrent.Executors$
09-28 09:56:31.718 E/VelvetBackgroundTasksIm( 4825):    at
09-28 09:56:31.718 E/VelvetBackgroundTasksIm( 4825):    at
09-28 09:56:31.718 E/VelvetBackgroundTasksIm( 4825):    at
09-28 09:56:31.718 E/VelvetBackgroundTasksIm( 4825):    at
09-28 09:56:31.718 E/VelvetBackgroundTasksIm( 4825):    at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(
09-28 09:56:31.718 E/VelvetBackgroundTasksIm( 4825):    at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$
09-28 09:56:31.718 E/VelvetBackgroundTasksIm( 4825):    at
09-28 09:56:31.718 E/VelvetBackgroundTasksIm( 4825):    at$
09-28 09:56:31.718 E/VelvetBackgroundTasksIm( 4825): Caused by: java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException
09-28 09:56:31.718 E/VelvetBackgroundTasksIm( 4825):    at java.lang.reflect.Constructor.newInstance0(Native Method)
09-28 09:56:31.718 E/VelvetBackgroundTasksIm( 4825):    at java.lang.reflect.Constructor.newInstance(
09-28 09:56:31.718 E/VelvetBackgroundTasksIm( 4825):    at android.webkit.WebViewFactory.getProvider(
09-28 09:56:31.718 E/VelvetBackgroundTasksIm( 4825):    ... 16 more
09-28 09:56:31.718 E/VelvetBackgroundTasksIm( 4825): Caused by: java.lang.RuntimeException: Cannot load WebView
09-28 09:56:31.718 E/VelvetBackgroundTasksIm( 4825):    at org.chromium.android_webview.AwBrowserProcess.loadLibrary(
09-28 09:56:31.718 E/VelvetBackgroundTasksIm( 4825):    at
09-28 09:56:31.718 E/VelvetBackgroundTasksIm( 4825):    at<init>(
09-28 09:56:31.718 E/VelvetBackgroundTasksIm( 4825):    ... 19 more
09-28 09:56:31.718 E/VelvetBackgroundTasksIm( 4825): Caused by: org.chromium.base.library_loader.ProcessInitException
09-28 09:56:31.718 E/VelvetBackgroundTasksIm( 4825):    at org.chromium.base.library_loader.LibraryLoader.loadAlreadyLocked(
09-28 09:56:31.718 E/VelvetBackgroundTasksIm( 4825):    at org.chromium.base.library_loader.LibraryLoader.loadNow(
09-28 09:56:31.718 E/VelvetBackgroundTasksIm( 4825):    at org.chromium.android_webview.AwBrowserProcess.loadLibrary(
09-28 09:56:31.718 E/VelvetBackgroundTasksIm( 4825):    ... 21 more
09-28 09:56:31.718 E/VelvetBackgroundTasksIm( 4825): Caused by: java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: dlopen failed: "/system/app/Chrome/Chrome.apk!/lib/armeabi-v7a/" is 32-bit instead of 64-bit
09-28 09:56:31.718 E/VelvetBackgroundTasksIm( 4825):    at java.lang.Runtime.loadLibrary0(
09-28 09:56:31.718 E/VelvetBackgroundTasksIm( 4825):    at java.lang.System.loadLibrary(
09-28 09:56:31.718 E/VelvetBackgroundTasksIm( 4825):    at org.chromium.base.library_loader.LibraryLoader.loadAlreadyLocked(
09-28 09:56:31.718 E/VelvetBackgroundTasksIm( 4825):    ... 23 more

There are some comments/references in #78 that may be relevant.

Build errors if ${ANDROID_BUILD_TOP} contains spaces

At first I put my Android sources in a path containing spaces (Android AOSP). This results in build errors. I'm not entirely sure if this is a problem with OpenGApps or the AOSP build system itself.

Either this is fixed or the README is updated with a note regarding this.

App availability in Play Store

I don't think this is an actual issue with OpenGApps, but I think this is the right place to ask so I give it a try.

I integrated OpenGApps in my AOSP build for Play Store support. But when I run my build on the target device (hardware very similar to Nexus 5x), only very few apps show up in the Play Store and most of them are marked as 'incompatible with your device'

I tried several how-tos which describe this problem, I tried to alter the build.prop, cleared the caches of Play Services and Play Store but there's no change at all.

What am I missing?

fail to build shamu with super on aosp

aosp master branch, shamu builds and boots successfully without open gapps.

Full log attached:

frameworks/base/core/res/res/values/public.xml:652: warning: No comment for public symbol android:style/Widget.WebView
nothing matches overlay file eri.xml, for flavor mcc204-mnc4
nothing matches overlay file eri.xml, for flavor mcc310-mnc4
nothing matches overlay file eri.xml, for flavor mcc310-mnc120
nothing matches overlay file eri.xml, for flavor mcc311-mnc480
nothing matches overlay file eri.xml, for flavor mcc311-mnc490
nothing matches overlay file eri.xml, for flavor mcc311-mnc870
nothing matches overlay file eri.xml, for flavor mcc312-mnc530
ninja: build stopped: subcommand failed.
build/core/ recipe for target 'ninja_wrapper' failed
make: *** [ninja_wrapper] Error 1

make failed to build some targets (30 seconds)

system image is out of space

At the end of make aosp+gapps for nexus 7 device, i got a error about system folder is too large to fit in the allocated size of system image. Can i change the image size safely? how can i find the max image size i can change to, or should i adjust nexus 7's partition table definition?

make_ext4fs -s -T -1 -S out_6.0/aosp/target/product/deb/root/file_contexts -L system -l 880803840 -J -a system out_6.0/aosp/target/product/deb/obj/PACKAGING/systemimage_intermediates/system.img out_6.0/aosp/target/product/deb/system out_6.0/aosp/target/product/deb/system
error: ext4_allocate_best_fit_partial: failed to allocate 1807 blocks, out of space?
Creating filesystem with parameters:
    Size: 880803840
    Block size: 4096
    Blocks per group: 32768
    Inodes per group: 7680
    Inode size: 256
    Journal blocks: 0
    Label: system
    Blocks: 215040
    Block groups: 7
    Reserved block group size: 55
error: failed to build out_6.0/aosp/target/product/deb/obj/PACKAGING/systemimage_intermediates/system.img from out_6.0/aosp/target/product/deb/system
Out of space? the tree size of out_6.0/aosp/target/product/deb/system is (MB):
1136    out_6.0/aosp/target/product/deb/system
The max is 840 MB.
build/core/Makefile:1018: recipe for target 'out_6.0/aosp/target/product/deb/obj/PACKAGING/systemimage_intermediates/system.img' failed
make: *** [out_6.0/aosp/target/product/deb/obj/PACKAGING/systemimage_intermediates/system.img] Error 1

The size of system dir

# du -h out_6.0/aosp/target/product/deb/system --max-depth=1
660M    out_6.0/aosp/target/product/deb/system/app
5.0M    out_6.0/aosp/target/product/deb/system/etc
69M     out_6.0/aosp/target/product/deb/system/usr
11M     out_6.0/aosp/target/product/deb/system/bin
84M     out_6.0/aosp/target/product/deb/system/lib
166M    out_6.0/aosp/target/product/deb/system/priv-app
3.7M    out_6.0/aosp/target/product/deb/system/xbin
6.8M    out_6.0/aosp/target/product/deb/system/tts
35M     out_6.0/aosp/target/product/deb/system/fonts
57M     out_6.0/aosp/target/product/deb/system/vendor
33M     out_6.0/aosp/target/product/deb/system/framework
11M     out_6.0/aosp/target/product/deb/system/media
1.2G    out_6.0/aosp/target/product/deb/system

Possible missing parts from GApps N

09-12 23:17:37.782: E/Icing(3577): dlopen failed: library "/data/data/" not found
09-12 23:17:37.782: E/Icing(3577): Loading extension /data/data/ failed

That sounds like something which should come from GApps?

Build problem with Nexus 5X (possibly Nexus 6P too) due to new vendor partition

Hello there,

I did follow the instructions on the readme to integrate opengapps into my AOSP build but I'm encountering problems:

Target system fs image: out/target/product/bullhead/obj/PACKAGING/systemimage_intermediates/system.img Non-symlink out/target/product/bullhead/system/vendor detected! You cannot install files to out/target/product/bullhead/system/vendor while building a separate vendor.img! make: *** [out/target/product/bullhead/obj/PACKAGING/systemimage_intermediates/system.img] Error 1 make: *** Waiting for unfinished jobs....

I guess it has to do with the new partition layout of N5X/N6P:

I did try to edit every scripts from this repo mentioning /system/vendor, to point to /vendor instead, but it wasn't enough.

I'm not a git guru nor an Android one (first AOSP build attempt here), so I'll be glad to receive some help here ;)

Thanks again for your work!

Setup wizard no detect ethernet network connected

hi all after build with prebuilts gapps setupwizard no detect ethernet conection is properly configured in my framework overlay but always apear wifi configuratión step i think that is application problem.

How to exclude multiple packages?

Hello, I successfully built a nexus 6 aosp rom with the stock package. However, I am unable to complete a dist build (I am experimenting with signing the rom), it says that system.img runs out of space. I am new to makefiles and would like to know how to exclude multiple packages from the build, in order to free up more space in /system.

Thanks in advance.

Running into an overlay issue with 6.0.1

build/core/tasks/ *** Error: Product "aosp_hammerhead" cannot have overlay in vendor tree: vendor/google/build/overlay/stock. Stop.

Could not solve api level

Hi all im triying build them into custom device, my surprise are that libraries are all into subdir and these could not be solved by api lvl when lauch build sistem try to copy libs from sources/arm/lib/(lib_name) but rigth path is under sources/arm/lib/(api level)/(libname), can some one check these issue thanks, regards.

Nougat builds fail

acp: missing destination file
FAILED: /bin/bash -c "(out/host/linux-x86/bin/acp -fp  out/target/product/tulip-chiphd/obj/APPS/GoogleTTS_intermediates/package.apk ) && (if (zipinfo out/target/product/tulip-chiphd/obj/APPS/GoogleTTS_intermediates/package.apk 'lib/*.so' 2>/dev/null | grep -v ' stor ' >/dev/null) ; then rm -rf out/target/product/tulip-chiphd/obj/APPS/GoogleTTS_intermediates/uncompressedlibs && mkdir out/target/product/tulip-chiphd/obj/APPS/GoogleTTS_intermediates/uncompressedlibs; unzip out/target/product/tulip-chiphd/obj/APPS/GoogleTTS_intermediates/package.apk 'lib/*.so' -d out/target/product/tulip-chiphd/obj/APPS/GoogleTTS_intermediates/uncompressedlibs && zip -d out/target/product/tulip-chiphd/obj/APPS/GoogleTTS_intermediates/package.apk 'lib/*.so' && ( cd out/target/product/tulip-chiphd/obj/APPS/GoogleTTS_intermediates/uncompressedlibs && find lib -type f | sort | zip -D -X -0 ../package.apk -@ ) && rm -rf out/target/product/tulip-chiphd/obj/APPS/GoogleTTS_intermediates/uncompressedlibs; fi ) && (if ! out/host/linux-x86/bin/zipalign -c -p 4 out/target/product/tulip-chiphd/obj/APPS/GoogleTTS_intermediates/package.apk >/dev/null ; then mv out/target/product/tulip-chiphd/obj/APPS/GoogleTTS_intermediates/package.apk out/target/product/tulip-chiphd/obj/APPS/GoogleTTS_intermediates/package.apk.unaligned; out/host/linux-x86/bin/zipalign -f -p 4 out/target/product/tulip-chiphd/obj/APPS/GoogleTTS_intermediates/package.apk.unaligned out/target/product/tulip-chiphd/obj/APPS/GoogleTTS_intermediates/package.apk.aligned; mv out/target/product/tulip-chiphd/obj/APPS/GoogleTTS_intermediates/package.apk.aligned out/target/product/tulip-chiphd/obj/APPS/GoogleTTS_intermediates/package.apk; fi )"
acp: missing destination file

not sure what the exact issue is otherwise I would supply a PR.

GBoard Preferences app keeps crashing

I have a Nexus 5 device and I've installed Android 7.1.1 AOSP and a customized opengapps aroma package via TWRP.
Everything plays well together except the GBoard not having Russian (Cyrillic) input. In order to fix this I headed to Settings > Languages & input > Virtual keyboard > GBoard and then I see a list of options (like Languages, Preferences, etc.). Tapping on any of them results in the GBoard application crash with the following stacktrace:

01-06 18:29:49.857	2256	5539	I	Icing	Usage reports 0 indexed 0 rejected 0 imm upload false
01-06 18:29:50.316	917	2394	I	ActivityManager	START u0 {act=android.intent.action.MAIN (has extras)} from uid 10018 on display 0
01-06 18:29:50.372	7938	7938	D	AndroidRuntime	Shutting down VM
01-06 18:29:50.376	7938	7938	E	AndroidRuntime	FATAL EXCEPTION: main
01-06 18:29:50.376	7938	7938	E	AndroidRuntime	Process:, PID: 7938
01-06 18:29:50.376	7938	7938	E	AndroidRuntime	java.lang.RuntimeException: Unable to start activity ComponentInfo{}: java.lang.RuntimeException: Preference xml file not specified
01-06 18:29:50.376	7938	7938	E	AndroidRuntime		at
01-06 18:29:50.376	7938	7938	E	AndroidRuntime		at
01-06 18:29:50.376	7938	7938	E	AndroidRuntime		at
01-06 18:29:50.376	7938	7938	E	AndroidRuntime		at$H.handleMessage(
01-06 18:29:50.376	7938	7938	E	AndroidRuntime		at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(
01-06 18:29:50.376	7938	7938	E	AndroidRuntime		at android.os.Looper.loop(
01-06 18:29:50.376	7938	7938	E	AndroidRuntime		at
01-06 18:29:50.376	7938	7938	E	AndroidRuntime		at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
01-06 18:29:50.376	7938	7938	E	AndroidRuntime		at$
01-06 18:29:50.376	7938	7938	E	AndroidRuntime		at
01-06 18:29:50.376	7938	7938	E	AndroidRuntime	Caused by: java.lang.RuntimeException: Preference xml file not specified
01-06 18:29:50.376	7938	7938	E	AndroidRuntime		at
01-06 18:29:50.376	7938	7938	E	AndroidRuntime		at
01-06 18:29:50.376	7938	7938	E	AndroidRuntime		at
01-06 18:29:50.376	7938	7938	E	AndroidRuntime		at
01-06 18:29:50.376	7938	7938	E	AndroidRuntime		at
01-06 18:29:50.376	7938	7938	E	AndroidRuntime		at
01-06 18:29:50.376	7938	7938	E	AndroidRuntime		at
01-06 18:29:50.376	7938	7938	E	AndroidRuntime		at
01-06 18:29:50.376	7938	7938	E	AndroidRuntime		at
01-06 18:29:50.376	7938	7938	E	AndroidRuntime		at
01-06 18:29:50.376	7938	7938	E	AndroidRuntime		... 9 more
01-06 18:29:50.380	917	1133	W	ActivityManager	  Force finishing activity
01-06 18:29:50.387	917	1133	W	ActivityManager	  Force finishing activity

There are other people experiencing the same problem: (1), (2), (3). I'm using another keyboard as a workaround but I would like to know what's the cause of this problem.

typos in calls to get-allowed-api-levels

vendor/google/build$ git diff

diff --git a/modules/FaceLock/ b/modules/FaceLock/
index 043cfac..a86f289 100644
--- a/modules/FaceLock/
+++ b/modules/FaceLock/
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 # was renamed to in Nougat+
-ifeq ($(filter $(call-get-allowed-api-levels),24),)
+ifeq ($(filter $(call get-allowed-api-levels),24),)
 FACELOCK_JNI_NAME := libfacelock_jni
 FACELOCK_JNI_NAME := libfacenet
diff --git a/ b/
index 3b6515b..f57cd66 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ PRODUCT_COPY_FILES += $(call gapps-copy-to-system,all,etc framework)
 # Pico and higher
 ifneq ($(filter $(TARGET_GAPPS_VARIANT),pico),)
 # vendor/pittpatt seems to be removed on N+ (so only copy it to older than N)
-ifeq ($(filter $(call-get-allowed-api-levels),24),)
+ifeq ($(filter $(call get-allowed-api-levels),24),)
   PRODUCT_COPY_FILES += $(call gapps-copy-to-system,all,vendor/pittpatt)
   PRODUCT_COPY_FILES += $(call gapps-copy-to-system,all,usr/srec)

Chrome crashing because cannot load

Any clue where I could look to figure out why isn't loaded?

I'm doing a build based off of CM 12 ( Android 5.0.2 ).

I/cr_LibraryLoader(10337): Using linker: org.chromium.base.library_loader.LegacyLinker
I/cr_LibraryLoader(10337): Loading chrome from within /system/app/Chrome/Chrome.apk
E/cr_ChromiumAndroidLinker(10337): Open: Could not open in zip file /system/app/Chrome/Chrome.apk: (null)
E/cr_LibraryLoader(10337): Unable to load library:, in: /system/app/Chrome/Chrome.apk
E/NativeInitializationController(10337): Unable to load native library.
E/NativeInitializationController(10337): org.chromium.base.library_loader.ProcessInitException
E/NativeInitializationController(10337):        at org.chromium.base.library_loader.LibraryLoader.loadAlreadyLocked(
E/NativeInitializationController(10337):        at org.chromium.base.library_loader.LibraryLoader.ensureInitialized(
E/NativeInitializationController(10337):        at$
E/NativeInitializationController(10337): Caused by: java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: Unable to load library:, in: /system/app/Chrome/Chrome.apk
E/NativeInitializationController(10337):        at org.chromium.base.library_loader.LegacyLinker.loadLibraryImpl(
E/NativeInitializationController(10337):        at org.chromium.base.library_loader.Linker.loadLibrary(
E/NativeInitializationController(10337):        at org.chromium.base.library_loader.LibraryLoader.loadLibrary(
E/NativeInitializationController(10337):        at org.chromium.base.library_loader.LibraryLoader.loadAlreadyLocked(
E/NativeInitializationController(10337):        ... 2 more

Cleanup unnecessary extracted .lz files

We now extract .lz files and keep them for old APKs. We'll properly select the new APK, but we should delete the old APKs, otherwise the vendor/opengapps/sources dirs will grow for each new updated version.

See PR #90 for a discussion on this topic.

Phone recognized as Pixel in Google Photos

Nexus 6 build with stock OpenGapps package. There are no build.prop tweaks, yet the phone is recognized as a Pixel in Google Photos, which doesn't let me change the backup type. My Google Drive storage gets depleted every time I backup a photo.

It is a user build, so I have no root. Any suggestions?

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