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plsnpairs's Issues

PET testing

Test the results displayer with PET files and check for possible errors.

Original issue reported on by [email protected] on 30 Sep 2008 at 7:37

Add mask option to scatterplot

Plot only the points included in input mask.  Eventually want to go the
other way, i.e., select area of scatterplot and produce mask (probably
containing multiple disjoing clusters).

Original issue reported on by [email protected] on 21 Nov 2008 at 9:48

Crosshair and other things don't need to cause a reinitialization of the brain image

For each brain image, we could probably just draw the crosshair and lag/slice 
labels onto the 
graphics of it on each call to the repaint() method rather than modify the 
image directly.  This would 
cause repaint to be slightly slower but would eliminate delays when we modify 
things such as the 
transparency and colour of the crosshair and lag/slice labels. 

Note: Labels have already been changed.

Original issue reported on by [email protected] on 30 Sep 2008 at 7:20

Enhance histogram

The histogram lacks certain features which could be useful, such as extra 
numbers and tick marks, 
as well as the 95% percentile marks or other percentile marks.

Original issue reported on by [email protected] on 30 Sep 2008 at 7:38

Plot Manager

Create a plot manager class that performs checks on each results file as it is 
loaded by the results 
displayer and determines which can be allowed for which plot, and also 
displays/removes certain 
plots depending on what data is provided by the results files.

By doing this, we can potentially have both PLS and NPAIRS results files loaded 
in the results 
displayer together, with both their plots available.

Original issue reported on by [email protected] on 30 Sep 2008 at 7:11

Matrix Library Consistency

Make the matrix library used by PLS consistent with what NPAIRS is using, and 
make sure the most 
efficient one is being used. Profile the speed, if possible.

Original issue reported on by [email protected] on 30 Sep 2008 at 7:33

Optimize JMatio

Go through the JMatio code and try to optimize it as much as possible, or 
consider a new package 
for reading .mat files if possible

Original issue reported on by [email protected] on 30 Sep 2008 at 7:30

Improve functionality of 'Deselect conditions' option in NPAIRS Analysis window

Currently, user must choose 'Deselect' in menu bar and select conditions to
include in analysis before saving Analysis setup params file. If user does
not do this, condition selection info is not initialized so analysis
crashes when user tries to run it.  

Solve this by initializing condition selection info to include all
conditions by default.

* Note also that deselect conditions option could be moved into main
Analysis window to make it more prominent; otherwise user can forget to
specify this info.  It was originally included in menu bar instead in order
to be as close as possible to PLS Analysis window.

Original issue reported on by [email protected] on 28 Oct 2008 at 4:58

There is no option to end the currently-running process

In the progress dialog, there is a "Stop" button provided, which so far
just disposes of the dialog itself and its parent frame. Depending on what
the progress dialog is being used for, disposing the parent frame may not
be enough to end the currently-running process. This is the case for
running a PLS or NPAIRS analysis. This so far only works for loading the
results displayer since it completely relies on the parent frame, since
that is the window containing all the plots.

Original issue reported on by [email protected] on 17 Dec 2008 at 8:53

Fix Edit menu bar in Npairs Session window

Edit option lets user change data path of input data volumes.  In PLS, 
data for each run is required to live in its own directory, and all run 
directories must be located in a single parent directory.  The Edit option 
lets the user change only the parent directory for all runs 

For NPAIRS, no such requirement exists for the data.  The Edit option for 
NPAIRS should let the user change the data path of each run's data 
separately.  The path change should be applied directly to the data files, 
not to the directory containing the data files as in PLS. 

Original issue reported on by [email protected] on 4 Dec 2008 at 8:35

Error handling

Determine a way of displaying error messages when the application is being run 
from a jar file or 
from PLS.jnlp and not from Eclipse.

Original issue reported on by [email protected] on 30 Sep 2008 at 7:41

Make NPAIRS session files compatible for PLS analysis

Include all variables required for PLS analysis in an Npairs session file;
fill with dummy or default values as appropriate (e.g. datamat prefix can
be resultsFilePrefix).  Then PLS analysis can load Npairs session files. 
Note that PLS users will still have to create datamat files before running
PLS analysis, since datamat files aren't generated for Npairs.

Original issue reported on by [email protected] on 14 Oct 2008 at 7:40

Correct NPAIRS results matfile image orientation bug

What steps will reproduce the problem?
1. Run and save Npairs analysis
2. Try to view results
3. Images can't be read in

Problem: CV eigenimages (full-data,avg and zs-avg) are transposed when
saved in results .mat file

Solution: don't transpose before saving in

Original issue reported on by [email protected] on 14 Oct 2008 at 7:35

Improve results save info field in NPAIRS Analysis window - see issues 31, 33

Results are saved using whatever full-path prefix is supplied in Results
text field; if user wants all results saved in a single directory, the
directory must be explicitly created when using the file browser to select
the Results file name/prefix.  Should improve this so directory is
automatically created and files with same prefix as directory name are
saved in the directory. 

Original issue reported on by [email protected] on 12 Dec 2008 at 5:44

Checkboxes to hide/display cross-hair and slice/lag numbers redundant due to transparency option?

In the BrainData results display:

Since we are able to control the transparency for both the cross-hair and 
the slice/lag numbers, we can set both transparency values to 100% to make 
them disappear.  This makes the checkboxes to toggle cross-hair, and slice/
lag numbers redundant and add needless options for the user.  Can we 
remove the checkboxes?

Also I like that there is a button that brings up dialogues for these 
options now reducing clutter, but perhaps it would be *even better* to 
remove the buttons on the left hand side of the result panel and put the 
transparency sliders on the right hand side above the brain slices 
instead.  To me that's where they belong since those controls all 
manipulate the contents of the slice images (ex. magnification, 
orientation) whereas the ones on the left hand side seem more to 
manipulate what slices are displayed (ex. which slices/lags, which files).

Original issue reported on by [email protected] on 27 Sep 2008 at 2:47

Split .vols file validity check; NaNs in results?

If splits .vols file is uploaded, no check is done to see whether list of
indices in file 
(a) are within range
(b) include each input vol in at least one sample.

If some vols are not included in any samples, then the average
training/test CV Scores for those vols will be Nan.  

Note that we might eventually want the option to analyze only a subset of
the data, so it's not necessarily the case that we always require every vol
to be included somewhere.  

Original issue reported on by [email protected] on 25 Nov 2008 at 9:24

Lag drop-down menu contains useless values

We do not want the user to be able to select coordinates and/or lags that are 
not currently visible. 
Do not give them the ability to select non-visible lags by filtering the drop 
down combo box.

Original issue reported on by [email protected] on 30 Sep 2008 at 7:04

Detect changes in NPAIRS Analysis window fields - see also Issues 31. 48

NPAIRS currently runs using parameters found in an NPAIRSAnalysisSetup 
(npairs setup params) .mat file.  If the user fills in Analysis window 
fields and hits 'Run' without saving, then an error window pops up telling 
the user to save first.  But if the user loads a .mat file into the 
Analysis window and then changes some fields without resaving before 
pressing 'Run', NPAIRS actually runs using the parameters saved in the 
original .mat file instead of reading values directly from the GUI 
fields.  The user is not warned that this is happening.

SOLUTION: A message should pop up telling the user to save the new field 
info first.  

Could also refactor code to read Analysis field info directly into an 
NpairsSetupParams object instead of reading the info in via the .mat file, 
but in that case we should still warn the user that field info has changed 
and either ask if the new info should be saved or else save it 
automatically.  But the first Solution is the easiest to implement.

Original issue reported on by [email protected] on 29 Oct 2008 at 7:22

Want results viewer to accept multiple bkgd images

Viewer should be generalized so that a different background images can be
uploaded for each results file.  Currently, only a single background images
can be loaded, and it is applied to all results files.  

Note that the dimensions of each of the background images are still
expected to be the same.

Original issue reported on by [email protected] on 21 Nov 2008 at 9:45

Add option to run multiple npairs CVA analyses given range of PCs

Can currently set up and run only one NPAIRS analysis at a time from GUI.  
Each NPAIRS analysis requires user to fill in which PC dimensions to enter 
into CVA after PCA (PC dims given for full and split data as reg exp, 
e.g. '2, 4, 9-22').  Want to be able to give a range of number of PCs to 
keep, including incrementation step size.  

e.g.: PC range = '2-100', Step size = '2' 

--> do 50 npairs analyses: 
Analysis 1: use PC dims 1-2
Analysis 2: use PC dims 1-4
Analysis 3: use PC dims 1-6...
Analysis 50: use PC dims 1-100

Original issue reported on by [email protected] on 22 Oct 2008 at 9:16

Fix NPAIRS so not all input scans need to have condition info assigned

Currently, all input scans are expected to have an assigned condition
(except for any 'scans skipped' at the beginning of a run.  If number of
input scans is more than number of scans assigned a condition, then we get
the following error:

Stack Trace:
java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: -1
    at npairs.NpairsSetupSessionInfo.getSesStack Trace:
java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: -1
    at npairs.NpairsSetupSessionInfo.<init>(
    at npairs.NpairsjSetupParams.<init>(
    at npairs.Npairsj.<init>(
    at pls.analysis.NpairsjAnalysis.doTask(
    at npairs.NpairsSetupSessionInfo.<init>(
    at npairs.NpairsjSetupParams.<init>(
    at npairs.Npairsj.<init>(
    at pls.analysis.NpairsjAnalysis.doTask(

Solution: apply default condition value to scans not included in onset info
and then 'exclude' this condition.

Original issue reported on by [email protected] on 5 Nov 2008 at 8:40

Stacked Bar Charts (i.e. multi-plots)

Provide a stacked bar chart option where applicable for plots when more than 
one result file is 
loaded (ie. an "all" option in the dropdown menu when switching between result 

Original issue reported on by [email protected] on 30 Sep 2008 at 7:26

Fix scatterplot domain/range boundary info

When domain and range max and min are very small, they are not displayed
correctly.  Presumably the same would be true for very large values, since
it seems that the problem arises when they're small enough to be written in
exponential notation (e.g. 3.14159E-8); then they are rounded without
exponent info (e.g. just 3.1416).  

Original issue reported on by [email protected] on 12 Dec 2008 at 5:38

Fix crosshair alignment in results viewer

When images are rotated (90, 180, 270 degrees) then crosshairs do not
coincide with wherever the mouse is pointing.  If the images are rotated to
original orientation again, then crosshairs align properly.

Original issue reported on by [email protected] on 12 Dec 2008 at 5:33

Improve NPAIRS Analysis window Save and Run functionality - see also Issue 33, 48

Currently, user must save Analysis setup params info in .mat file before
running analysis, since Analysis info is read in directly from .mat file. 
If user does not save before running, then either:
(1) Error pops up telling user to save before running, if file wasn't loaded.
(2) If file was loaded and changes were made to some Analysis fields, then
analysis will run, but using orig field info saved in file loaded.

Also, when 'Save Npairs Setup Parameters' button is pressed, Save As window
always pops up with no default filename info displayed, hence user always
has to navigate path and enter filename from scratch - a big pain. 

(1) Populate Save As window with loaded filename as default in the case
that file has been uploaded instead of making user nagivate from scratch.
(2) Consider what to do when fields have not been saved in file: should
user be forced to save?  

Original issue reported on by [email protected] on 28 Oct 2008 at 5:36

Improve layout of condition/class labels in 'Deselect' Analysis frame

Conditions/classes are currently laid out in a single row across Deselect 
frame; this gets awkward when there are many conds/classes.  Laying them 
out vertically without changing dims of frame is awkward as well, since 
the deselect frame seems to be fixed.  Try laying them out vertically but 
displaying more of them at once. 

Original issue reported on by [email protected] on 17 Nov 2008 at 9:22

Allow user to save and print an overview of Brain vs Behav scores

In the Matlab version of PLS, it is possible to look at an overview of the
Brain vs Behav scores, as well as an overview of the correlations.  It
basically displays all the groups and conditions / lvs at once.

This is useful because in the Matlab version of PLS, the user can print
that overview.  So this task is twofold:

1 - allow the user to look at an overview
2 - allow the user to print that overview as a single image, otherwise it
is mostly useless.

Original issue reported on by [email protected] on 30 Dec 2008 at 9:03

Values on plots hard to find

Currently a user has to mouse-over an item in a plot to see its value.  Perhaps 
the numbers 
themselves could also be displayed on the graphs. For example, display a value 
above each bar in a 
bar graph.

Original issue reported on by [email protected] on 30 Sep 2008 at 7:14

Switching from block to event and vice-versa can cause crashes.

Many of the widgets are hidden when there is only one lag (i.e. when you view a 
block fMRI).  If you 
use the add/remove files dialog to remove the block file and add an event 
related file, the widgets 
do not update and you are stuck looking at lag 1 only.

Original issue reported on by [email protected] on 30 Sep 2008 at 7:27

Zoom feature on plots needs improvement

Zooming in on domain/range just zooms towards middle of original
domain/range.  This means the plot itself can be zoomed right out of view.
 The zoom should centre on the middle of the plot instead.

Original issue reported on by [email protected] on 12 Dec 2008 at 5:40

Error dialog modal bug when loading result file

In Windows, the progress dialog is modal but the error dialogs that are 
generated if for example a datamat for a group is not found are also modal 
but show up underneath the progress dialog so it's very hard to figure out 
what's going on until you start getting bored and start switching windows 
and realise that there are errors hidden underneath this dialog.  I would 
much prefer these errors be displayed in the progress text area since 
there is no point in bringing up an error in which the user has to press 
okay to continue.  Just list all the errors unless the user can physically 
do something to avoid the error in which case a dialog is necessary.

Original issue reported on by [email protected] on 5 Dec 2008 at 10:56

ONGOING ISSUE: Update user guide to include latest changes

Must update user guide whenever changes are made, e.g.:

- PLS analysis window info can now be saved
- NPAIRS analysis window file now saved as _NPAIRSAnalysisSetup.mat 
- Onsets can now be loaded from textfile
- other changes to NPAIRS analysis window: deselect,save,run options

Original issue reported on by [email protected] on 28 Oct 2008 at 5:41

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