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wraprun's Introduction


wraprun is a utility that enables independent execution of multiple MPI applications under a single aprun call.

To install:

wraprun includes a Smithy formula to automate deployment, for centers not using Smithy the build looks as follow:

$ mkdir build
$ cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/path/to/install ..
$ make
$ make install

Inside of /path/to/install a bin directory will be created containing the wraprun scripts and a lib directory will be created containing The WRAPRUN_PRELOAD environment variable must be correctly set to point to and in the case of fortran applications at runtime. e.g. WRAPRUN_PRELOAD=/path/to/install/lib/

On some systems libfmpich has a programming environment specific suffix that must be taken into account: e.g. WRAPRUN_PRELOAD=/path/to/install/lib/

To run:

Assuming that the module file created by the Smithy formula is used, or a similar one created, basic running looks like the following examples.

$ module load python wraprun
$ wraprun -n 80 ./foo.out : -n 160 ./bar.out ...

A maximum of 2048 separate : separated task groups is enforced to protect ALPS stability.

In addition to the standard process placement flags available to aprun the --w-cd flag can be set to change the current working directory for each executable:

$ wraprun -n 80 --w-cd /foo/dir ./foo.out : -n 160 --w-cd /bar/dir ./bar.out ...

This is particularly useful for legacy Fortran applications that use hard coded input and output file names.

Multiple instances of an application can be placed on a node using comma-separated PES syntax PES1,PES2,...,PESN syntax, for instance:

$ wraprun -n 2,2,2 ./foo.out : ...

would launch 3 two-process instances of foo.out on a single node.

In this case the number of allocated nodes must be at least equal to the sum of processes in the comma-separated list of processing elements divided by the maximum number of processes per node.

This may also be combined with the --w-cd flag :

$ wraprun -n 2,2,2 --w-cd /foo/dir1,/foo/dir2,/foo/dir3 ./foo.out : ...

For non MPI executables a wrapper application, serial, is provided. This wrapper ensures that all executables will run to completion before aprun exits. To use, place serial in front of your application and arguments:

$ wraprun -n 1 serial ./foo.out -foo_args : ...

Standard output/error Redirection

The stdout/stderr streams for each task are directed to a unique file for that task since it is generally undesirable for the standard output of all tasks to be merged into a single stream. By default, each task writes their own streams to files in the task's own current working directory named:


where JOBNAME is the batch job name (value of $PBS_JOBNAME for instance), JOBID is the batch job number (or PID of parent shell if $PBS_JOBID is unavailable), INSTANCE is the unique wraprun invocation called within the parent shell, and TASKID is the task index among all bundled tasks. The instance index is required so that multiple concurrent wraprun invocations in a single batch job do not collide with each other. The task index is fixed in the order that tasks are passed to wraprun such that for the following invocation:

$ wraprun -n 1,2 ./foo.out : -n 3 ./bar.out

task '0' is the instance of foo.out having 1 PE; task '1' is the 2 PE split of foo.out, and task '2' is the instance of bar.out.

In many cases, it is desirable to change the default standard output/error file names. The default names can be overridden by supplying a basename path to the group flag --w-oe:

$ wraprun -n 1,2 --w-oe name_a ./a.out : \
          -n 1,2 --w-oe name_b1,name_b2 ./b.out : \
          -n 1   --w-oe name_c1,sub/name_c2 ./c.out : \
          -n 1,1 ./d.out : \
          -n 1   ./e.out

The names can be either relative or absolute paths to an aprun-writable location. Relative names are taken from the task's CWD. Wraprun will not create missing directories. Wraprun will add .out and .err extensions to the given path for each stream.

When ambiguous names are provided as for a.out in the above example, wraprun will add _w${SPLITID} to the given path for each task split. To avoid this, a specific filename can be given to each task as a comma-separated list for each group split. The output of the above example would then be

├── name_a_w0.err
├── name_a_w0.out
├── name_a_w1.err
├── name_a_w1.out
├── name_b1.err
├── name_b1.out
├── name_b2.err
├── name_b2.out
├── name_c1.err
├── name_c1.out
├── sub/
│   ├── name_c2.err
│   └── name_c2.out
├── nameofbatchjob.123456._w0.6.err
├── nameofbatchjob.123456._w0.6.out
├── nameofbatchjob.123456._w0.7.err
├── nameofbatchjob.123456._w0.7.out
├── nameofbatchjob.123456._w0.8.err
└── nameofbatchjob.123456._w0.8.out

WARNING: Under no circumstances can standard shell redirection (>) be used to separate the stdout and stderr streams of individual task groups. In other words, the following is a shell syntax error and will not produce the desired outcome:

# This will fail - redirection operators in the middle of
# a command incantation is a syntax error.
wraprun -n 1 ./a.out > a.log : -n 1 ./b.out > b.log

Python API

Wraprun version 0.2.1 introduces a minimal API that can be used to bundle and launch tasks programatically via python scripts.

To use the API, load the wraprun environment module and import the wraprun python module into your script:

#!/usr/bin/env python
import wraprun

bundle = wraprun.Wraprun()
# Add tasks by single strings as would be passed to the commandline interface between `:`'s.
bundle.add_task('-n 2,4,6 --w-cd ./a,./b,./c -cc 2 -ss ./bin_a -cc')
bundle.add_task('-n 3,5,7 ./bin_b input_b')

# Add tasks by passing parameters as keyword arguments.
bundle.add_task(pes=[1,2,3], pes_per_node=5, exe='./bin_c with args', cd=['./aa', './bb','./cc'])

# Launch the job on the compute nodes (starts the `aprun` subprocess).

The Wraprun constructor accepts keyword arguments for global options. The two principle options are conf for passing a configuration file path (see below) or running in debug mode which does not launch a job.


The add_task method adds a new group to the bundle. It accepts either a string as would be passed via the command-line utility or keyword arguments for each group option.

Parameter CLI Flag API keyword API format
Task working directory --w-cd 'cd' str or [str,...]
Task stdout/stderr file basename --w-oe 'oe' str or [str,...]
Number of processing elements (PEs). REQUIRED -n 'pes' int or [int,...]
Host architecture -a 'arch' str
CPU list -cc 'cpu_list' str
CPU placement file -cp 'cpu_placement' str
Process affinity depth -d 'depth' int
CPUs per CU -j 'cpus_per_cu' int
Node list -L 'node_list' str
PEs per node -N 'pes_per_node' int
PEs per NUMA node -S 'pes_per_numa_node' int
NUMA node list -sl 'numa_node_list' int
Number of NUMA nodes per node -sn 'numa_nodes_per_node' int
Use strict memory containment -ss 'strict_memory' bool
Executable and argument string. REQUIRED 'exe' str

The launch method launches an aprun subprocess call for the added tasks.

API Examples

Bundle five instances of the same program.

from wraprun import Wraprun

bundle = Wraprun()
for _ in range(5):
    bundle.add_task('-n 1 a.out')


Loop over many similar input files organized in different directories, with customized stdout/stderr filenames for each task:

from os import environ
from wraprun import Wraprun

dir_template = './run_{run_id}x{ranks:02}'
log_template = 'run_{run_id}x{ranks:02}.log.{pbs_job}'.format(pbs_job=environ.get('PBS_JOBID', 'none'))
ranks_list = [5, 10, 15]
binary_path = '/ccs/proj/stf007/bin/my_executable'
input_template = '{binary} data_{run_id}.dat'

bundle = Wraprun()
for run_id in range(5):
        cd=[dir_template.format(run_id=run_id, ranks=ranks) for ranks in ranks_list],
        oe=[log_template.format(run_id=run_id, ranks=ranks) for ranks in ranks_list],
        exe=input_template.format(binary=binary_path, run_id=run_id)

This is equivalent to the following command line call, but is arguably easier to read and certainly easier to edit, maintain, and scale to larger numbers of runs.

wraprun -n 5,10,15 -N 5 --w-cd './run_0x05,./run_0x10,./run_0x15' --w-oe "run_0x05.log.${PBS_JOBID},run_0x10.log.${PBS_JOBID},run_0x15.log.${PBS_JOBID}" /ccs/proj/stf007/bin/my_executable data_0.dat : \
        -n 5,10,15 -N 5 --w-cd './run_1x05,./run_1x10,./run_1x15' --w-oe "run_1x05.log.${PBS_JOBID},run_1x10.log.${PBS_JOBID},run_1x15.log.${PBS_JOBID}" /ccs/proj/stf007/bin/my_executable data_1.dat : \
        -n 5,10,15 -N 5 --w-cd './run_2x05,./run_2x10,./run_2x15' --w-oe "run_2x05.log.${PBS_JOBID},run_2x10.log.${PBS_JOBID},run_2x15.log.${PBS_JOBID}" /ccs/proj/stf007/bin/my_executable data_2.dat : \
        -n 5,10,15 -N 5 --w-cd './run_3x05,./run_3x10,./run_3x15' --w-oe "run_3x05.log.${PBS_JOBID},run_3x10.log.${PBS_JOBID},run_3x15.log.${PBS_JOBID}" /ccs/proj/stf007/bin/my_executable data_3.dat : \
        -n 5,10,15 -N 5 --w-cd './run_4x05,./run_4x10,./run_4x15' --w-oe "run_4x05.log.${PBS_JOBID},run_4x10.log.${PBS_JOBID},run_4x15.log.${PBS_JOBID}" /ccs/proj/stf007/bin/my_executable data_4.dat

Configuration Files

Both the command line tool and the API can accept a YAML format configuration file for specifing tasks. See the command line utility help documentation wraprun --help for CLI usage.

See the testing/example_config.yaml file for format information.


  • It is recommended that applications be dynamically linked.

    • On Titan this can be accomplished by loading the dynamic-link module before invoking the Cray compile wrappers CC,cc, ftn.
    • The library may be statically linked although this is not fully supported.
  • All executables must reside in a compute node visible filesystem, e.g. Lustre. Executables will not be copied as they normally are.


wraprun works by intercepting all MPI function calls that contain an MPI_Comm argument. If an application calls an MPI function, containing an MPI_Comm argument, not included in src/split.c the results are undefined.

If any executable is not dynamically linked the results are undefined.

If you spot a bug or missing functionality please submit a pull request!

wraprun's People


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wraprun's Issues

Update readme and source comments

README is in need of refactor as well as code comments.

Python code contains references to earlier implementation strategies(environment variable / file).

C code needs better comments all around

Add global configuration

We want to have wraprun read user configuration settings from a location in the following precedence to save users from having to enter the same information for exotic invocations.


Proposed features

wraprun-env should be changed to write an output file that should contain space separated rank options including a list of comma (or other delimeter) environment variables.

ignores cd option

Hi, I have installed wraprun on bluewaters, almost works, but in python api totally ignores cd option. It doesn't give any other errors.

Add option to catch SEGV

We want to have an option where wraprun:

  • catches any SIGSEGV issued by a task
  • calls MPI_Finalize for that task's ranks
  • Allows other tasks to continue

The option would be enabled by a flag like --w-ignore-segv

Add environment variable flag to python

Add flag to enable per process/color environment variables to be set. List of environment variables should be passed into WRAPRUN_FILE as fourth column in the format "key1=value2;key2=value2".

Limit number of MPMD tasks

Some crays cannot support launching large numbers (16000, for instance) MPMD tasks in MPMD mode.

Wraprun should issue an exception if the number of task groups exceeds 8192.

Update documentation

Include more examples of using the API, especially looping over variations among the input groups.

Clearly indicate that redirection > within a group marker is fundamentally meaningless and is not how command lines work. Point users to wraprun's builtin stdout/stderrr redirection feature.

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