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react-share's Issues

Option to override the `onClick` handler?

When we want to dynamically populate our meta tags, which are parsed by our social media bots like Twitter/Facebook/etc, it often takes a couple seconds for those tags to be generated. This is because we are using a solution, as outlined in this post:

in which case we need to wait for an html file that contains our metatags to be uploaded to and S3 bucket before react-share triggers the provided url to be parsed by our social media bots. But react-share immediately triggers the social media bots to parse the provided url when the button is clicked.

To solve this problem, I think we need an ability to override the onClick event handler function in a way that will prevent react-share from parsing the url until we are sure that our html file has been uploaded. The most reasonable way that I can see to do this is to override the onClick handler, and call this.onClick inside of our custom onClick handler when our metatags are ready to be parsed.

Also, here is a useful SO post that outlines some ideas about overriding the event handler function of a react component:

That post summarizes this issue in that we'll need to customize the ShareButton component to accept a custom onClick event handler, because React's "one-way data-flow" doesn't allow us to bind handlers outside of the child component.

Sharing in native apps

Hi, I started to use this plugin for sharing our posts on facebook from our website.

Everything is going well on desktop. When I share on mobile I can go 2 ways (see picture of new tab in mobile browser). I can share post without problems, when I log into facebook webpage. But when I choose to go with native app, I loose share title, description and also picture.

Is this bug or missing feature? Or is it completely unavailable?



I saw you're currently working on the Pinterest sharing feature as well.

Any updates on this? :)

util.inherits is not a function webpack 2

i have the next error when i try to include react-share in my app, all compile fine and if i go to another routes where no is loading this library works fine, but when i include it crash.

TypeError: util.inherits is not a function
i am using webpack dev server with webpack 2. i am mocked the next modules

note: i tried to mock utils so because util is not defined in not node env.

node: {
fs: "empty",
child_process: "empty",


Hi, just wondering if there are any plans to add Instagram in the near future? Thanks!

How to configure a Twitter card type and image?

How can I customize the card that is shared using Twitter with react-share? Twitter suggests using HTML meta tags for configuring and adding images to their share cards. For example, I'm trying to use the "summary_large_image" card type, as described here:

So I basically want to add these meta tags to my page:

<meta name="twitter:card" content="summary_large_image">
<meta name="twitter:title" content="Parade of Fans for Houston’s Funeral">
<meta name="twitter:image" content="">

To make this work with react using react-share, I am doing the following:

import {Component} from "react";
import Helmet from "react-helmet";
import {ShareButtons, generateShareIcon} from "react-share";
import styles from "./test.css";

class Test extends Component {

  render() {
    const title = "I wanna share this!";
    const {
    } = ShareButtons;
    const TwitterIcon = generateShareIcon('twitter');

    const url = this.getShareUrl();

    return (
      <div className={styles.shareHeader}>
             {"name": "twitter:card", "content": "summary_large_image"},
             {"name": "twitter:title", "content": "Parade of Fans for Houston’s Funeral"},
             {"name": "twitter:image", "content": ""}
        <div className={styles.socialShares} style={{display: 'flex'}}>
          <TwitterShareButton url={url}
                              hashtags={['test', 'test2']}
            <TwitterIcon size={32}/>
export default Explorer;

but the sharing page that appears after clicking the Twitter button doesn't have any of the information from my meta tags. How can I pass this information to react-share?

I think the solution here would also solve a similar problem with Facebook's sharing page, which uses the OpenGraph meta tags.

className on ShareButtons doesn't work

The className attribute of ShareButtons doesn't seem to have any effect on the rendered component.

Here is a snippet extracted from my code that illustrates the problem. First my jsx:

        <i className="fa fa-fw fa-lg fa-google-plus" />

And the rendered component:

<div class="SocialMediaShareButton SocialMediaShareButton--google-plus" data-reactid=".$366.1:$">
    <button type="button" class="btn btn-default" data-reactid=".$366.1:$">
        <i class="fa fa-fw fa-lg fa-google-plus" data-reactid=".$366.1:$"></i>

The same problem also appears in the demo code. I checked on both Chrome (47.0.2526.106, x64) and Safari (9.0.2).

Maximum Call Stack Size Exceeded

I was running into this issue a lot when using brunch v2.3.0 and babel-brunch v5.1.2. First maximum call stack size exceeded was being thrown on importing core-js or regenerate from babel-polyfill (would change between the two frequently). It eventually turned out that the issue was with the jsonp import.

The solution was to use brunch v2.4.x with babel-brunch v6.0.x. Note that brunch v2.5.x-v2.8.1 (current head) still had the issue present. I'm not exactly sure why in my digging, but if I have more time later I will update this.

This is probably a particularly rare bug to come across (and possibly exceeding the scope of this repo), so if you want to just immediately close it that's fine. It just seems note-worthy in case anyone else comes searching for it.

Sharing Message

Is it possible to pass a message to the component to prepend the link on share?

Email Share Button

Hey guys,

I started digging in your code to implement an email sharing button, and it seems like there's some work in there already for an email button.

Is this in the works or was it abandoned?

Mixed content error

previous issue is fixed but i got a new error.

Mixed Content: The page at '' was loaded over HTTPS, but requested an insecure script ''. This request has been blocked; the content must be served over HTTPS.

I think it's because of difference in http and https.
can you change to // in order to support both http and https?


babel-plugin-transform-class-properties missing from package.json

npm install fails for this reason.

Also, the package should not rely on any globally installed packages, and can instead point to the executables in node_modules/./bin.

A cursory glance at the package.json file shows that the following modules are expected to be installed globally:

  • babel
  • webpack
  • eslint
  • webpack-dev-server

These should either be added to the package.json, or installing these modules should be explained in the readme. (with the former being much more preferable)

Questions: Waiting for API data before opening the social share box

Hi, I am having an issue with an async problem. For my use case I have an element on the site that gets turned into an image and saved to a 3rd party storage site and then returns a url for the image. But I need to react-share popup not open until it successfully returns the url. I tried using beforeOnClick but the social share popup box opens before the promises for the beforeOnClick have finished. Is there a way to make sure the beforeOnClick returns data before the pop up box opens?

doesnt support npm2?

I use Google App Engine for my website, and it uses npm version 2.14.4. But this package supports npm3, so warning message comes out when installing this package.

npm WARN engine [email protected]: wanted: {"node":">=4.0.0","npm":">=3.0.0"} (current: {"node":"4.1.2","npm":"2.14.4"})

Is share Count dynamic?

I see the share counts being static.Is there a way to increment share count after each successful share?

Thanks in advance

Is there a way to share multiple urls?

From what I know it should be possible to share at least multiple images with Facebook.
So allowing to pass an array to the url props could be interesting for those cases.

Can I add an image in Twitter share button

The same as the title
For now i just can share links or messages with parameter, i used the meta parameter in html header

<meta property="og:image" content="path-to-my-image.png">

But it doesn't work, then I tried to edit the share-button.js with no results either

Anyone knows how to do that or a video or any media?

Thanks in advice 👍

Facebook sharing is not working

Hi ~

Facebook share button is not working, did I make any mistake?

<FacebookShareButton url={url} title={title}>
     <FacebookIcon size={32} round />

G+ count is not working.

I am using react-share in my web app, everything is working fine except G+ count.

I am getting below error:

Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'metadata' of undefined
onSuccessdata @ share-count-getters.js:66

Callback when user has Tweeted?

I display the Share buttons as part of a modal and would like to automatically close the modal if the user has succesfully share the page on Twitter / FB, etc. I was wondering if there would be any way to add a callback prop to the share buttons which is called when one of the share popups closes.

Youtube Icon


I'm currently using react-share to add icon to share face/twitter/etc. page. The problem is that I have multiple page where I need a Youtube Icon like the others. I don't need to be able to share on Youtube, just the icon.

Could you add the youtube Icon to react-share?

React 15.5 Deprecated React.createClass()

In share-buttons.jsx there is a function createShareButton which makes use of React.createClass()

This is deprecated behaviour now and should be changed to classes that extend React.Component

Icon style

Can it be styled to resemble a share button? Beside the width and height, the icon does not receive any styles.

Share count is not working

It seems that none of the share counts are working... In my console I'm also not seeing any external http requests of any sort that would load that number.

bug in meteor

Hello, thanks for this nice component.
I tried using it inside meteor, but got awkward errors(meteor/meteor#7839) cause by platform.js(bestiejs/platform.js#109)

After looking trough the react-share code i wondered why it even needs platform.js.
As far as I can see you basically only use it to check if ie < 11.
ie < 11 aren't supported any more anyways(lts has stopped and usage is below < 0.4 %), so eventually it would make sense to just also drop supporting them.

Would you accept a pr on this(drop platform.js and ie < 11 checks)?


Bug: From time to time I get "Uncaught Invariant Violation..."

Version: react-share 1.8.0
Error text:
Uncaught Invariant Violation: findComponentRoot(..., .0.$=$flipbook-$icons-twitter): Unable to find element. This probably means the DOM was unexpectedly mutated (e.g., by the browser), usually due to forgetting a <tbody> when using tables, nesting tags like <form>, <p>, or <a>, or using non-SVG elements in an <svg> parent. Try inspecting the child nodes of the element with React ID``.
Partial example:

import React from 'react';
import Icons from './Icons';

const Page = React.createClass({
  render: {
    return (
        <Icons />

export default Page;


import React from 'react';
import { ShareButtons, ShareCounts, generateShareIcon } from 'react-share';
const {
} = ShareButtons;
const FacebookIcon = generateShareIcon('facebook');
const TwitterIcon = generateShareIcon('twitter');
const GooglePlusIcon = generateShareIcon('google');
const LinkedinIcon = generateShareIcon('linkedin');
const PinterestIcon = generateShareIcon('pinterest');
const VKIcon = generateShareIcon('vk');

const Icons = React.createClass({
  render() {
    const title = 'Example';
    const shareUrl = '';
    return (
      <div className="icons">
        <div className="Demo__some-network">
              round />
        <div className="Demo__some-network">
              round />
        <div className="Demo__some-network">
              round />

export default Icons;

Cannot read property 'matches' of null

Error occurred when I run demo, then click on Facebook share button.

Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'matches' of null at getParent (<anonymous>:13:19) at blockWindow (<anonymous>:23:81) at (<anonymous>:34:9) at windowOpen (utils.js:33) at windowOpenBound (share-buttons.jsx:47) at ShareButton._this.onClick (share-buttons.jsx:52) at Object.ReactErrorUtils.invokeGuardedCallback (ReactErrorUtils.js:69) at executeDispatch (EventPluginUtils.js:85) at Object.executeDispatchesInOrder (EventPluginUtils.js:108) at executeDispatchesAndRelease (EventPluginHub.js:43)

Required Prop title in Facebook Share button

Why is title a required prop in FacebookShareButton? I rendered a facebook share button and it gave me an error

warning.js:36 Warning: Failed propType: Required prop `title` was not specified in `CreatedButton`

At first I count make out what i did wrong in my code and upon further investigation i figured it out.
I just wanna know what was the purpose behind keeping the title prop as required in the FacebookShareButton

Looks like the title prop is not required for facebook share?

How is the title prop being used for the facebook share? Looks like only url is being used for the constructing the popup url. I believe facebook figures out the title from the page's og:title or title metadata from their cache OR crawling the page again if no hit in their cache for this page.

I can create PR to change the doc but wanted to be sure before.

Let me know please and thanks,

  • Ganbi

Facebook picture

Hi, In my Facebok share never got picture show up when Im sharing, anyone have this issue?

Facebook ad warning: “it includes outdated facebook brand assets”

I recently tried to get an ad approved on Facebook and got a warning because "it includes outdated facebook brand assets". I believe it might be due to the Facebook share button that comes with react-share but am not entirely sure.

I was wondering if anyone else ran into this problem

Still get warnings on react 15.5.4


I just updated to 1.13.1 (thanks ! 👍 ), but I still get the warnings. The code pulled from npm seems to not have been updated. Is this me ?

Make just Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest Icon turn into a cursor pointer.

My code right now:

const SocialMediaSharing = (props) => (



however I want only the facebook, twitter, and pinterest icons to have the pointer turn into a cursor.

I have added the css in icon, but that makes the whitespace in between the icons to turn into cursors. Any thoughts ?


How to edit social media icon?

I have to integrate Google analytics and i am trying to add an attribute data-ga='click_btn_fb' in the code <FacebookShareButton url={shareUrl} title={title} picture={picture} className="shareIcn"> <FacebookIcon size={32} **data-ga={dataga}** round /> </FacebookShareButton>

But it is taking only size,round attributes.How can i customize it and add the data attribute to the icons?

Facebook Graph API limit reached

Hello, sometimes when I request Facebook counts, I get this error :

   "error": {
      "message": "(#4) Application request limit reached",
      "type": "OAuthException",
      "is_transient": true,
      "code": 4,
      "fbtrace_id": "E+h93KlSgIM"

Is there a way to add an api key to extends or control the limit ?

google share count doesn't work

Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'metadata' of undefined(…)

share-count-getters.js 67

xhr.onload = function onSuccessdata() {
  var data = JSON.parse(this.responseText);
  callback(!!data ? data.result.metadata.globalCounts.count : undefined);

data.result is undefined

counter is not updated when the prop url is changed


The counter is only updated on componentDidMount (Invoked once, only on the client). When we change prop url, the counter is not updated.

Maybe, we need update counter on componentWillReceiveProps or componentWillUpdate.


warning message due to react 15.2.0

react 15.2.0 makes following error messages. I think this package needs to follow link (Actually, not only this package, but also all packages that depend on react, including mine)

warning.js:44 Warning: Unknown props `url`, `opts` on <div> tag. Remove these props from the element. For details, see
    in div (created by ShareButton)
    in ShareButton (created by Constructor)
    in Constructor (created by Post)
    in div (created by Post)
    in article (created by Post)
    in div (created by Post)
    in Post (created by Connect(Post))
    in Connect(Post) (created by Connect(Connect(Post)))
    in Connect(Connect(Post)) (created by RouterContext)warning @ 
warning.js:44 Warning: Unknown prop `getCount` on <div> tag. Remove this prop from the element. For details, see
    in div (created by SocialMediaShareCount)
    in SocialMediaShareCount (created by Unknown)
    in Unknown (created by Post)
    in div (created by ShareButton)
    in ShareButton (created by Constructor)
    in Constructor (created by Post)
    in div (created by Post)
    in article (created by Post)
    in div (created by Post)
    in Post (created by Connect(Post))
    in Connect(Post) (created by Connect(Connect(Post)))
    in Connect(Connect(Post)) (created by RouterContext)

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