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forum's Issues

Information for Week 8

Dear Students,
Please take note of the following:

A. Week 8 Project and Tutorial (after recess week)

B. We mentioned at the lecture that you should not have an excessive number of PRs per week. You may try to have one PR per team member, or one PR for each important feature (partially) completed. 3-7 PRs per week would be a reasonable number. This is not a strict rule, you are free to make as many PRs as you need every week.

Best regards,

AddressBook - Level1 assignment

During the tutorial on Wednesday I was able to fork the repository to my github.

I implemented the 3 TODO: tasks. I am not sure what "permissive validation" means. I understood it as we should loosen the requirements and make them less strict for the values to be entered.

I tried to push to my github account but I keep getting an error I do not know how to fix. It says:

git -c diff.mnemonicprefix=false -c core.quotepath=false --no-optional-locks push -v --tags origin master:master
remote: Permission to nus-cs2103-AY1819S2/addressbook-level1.git denied to PhilipPhil.
fatal: unable to access '': The requested URL returned error: 403

Pushing to

Completed with errors, see above.

I am not sure what I'm doing wrong.

I also noticed the test folder does not have any JUnit or other testing classes. I'm not sure how we should go about testing the code for this assignment.

Organization names case-sensitive

In the projects list, the Travis-CI build emblems are broken for my team, and for some others too.

It seems like the issue is in the naming of our organizations, where my team has our org name as cs2103-ay1819... instead of CS2103-AY1819, as assumed in the script that built that page.

Should we rename our organization? Github does warn that it may cause various issues especially with the CIs.

Update diagrams in Developer Guide

How should we coordinate in updating diagrams in our DG? Some diagrams are generic enough that multiple people may be working on it simultaneously. However as we were told to not have more than 1 PR/week, it will be rather time-consuming to deal with ppt merge conflict.

So should we just let 1 person do the final update on all the generics ppt and diagrams? Outside of GitHub, we will collaborate on the update, just that on paper, it seems like only one person is making the update. Is this okay? Or is there a better way to do this?

Complete pre-module survey on LumiNUS

Dear Students, 

This is a reminder to complete the CS2103/T pre-module survey (compulsory) in LumiNUS under Survey before today, Mon, 21 Jan, 23:59. Through this survey we collect information about your Github account. This information is essential for grading later on. 

Best regards,

How best to handle asynchronous commands?

I don't know if I can ask about this, but if it's possible, can I get pointers on how best to handle asynchronous Commands?

For example, there might be a Command that involves fetching data from the Internet, but it should return first to keep the UI responsive while a background task does the fetching and updates the Model. However, this isn't possible currently because the LogicManager only saves the AddressBook to disk upon command execution, and also the ResultDisplay is only updated upon command execution.

There must be many possible ways to go about it, but I'm asking because it looks like there was an EventsCenter in the past that would seemingly make all these much easier, but has been removed now. I wonder if this removal is for practical or pedagogical reasons? Would it be better to spend effort reimplementing something like EventsCenter to prevent future headache or try to work around the limitations of the current design? Thanks.

Tutorial slots for CS2103 students

Dear Students taking CS2103,

Since there are only 58 students in class, we will open 3 tutorial slots, as follows:

  1. Wed, 1pm
  2. Wed, 3pm
  3. Wed, 4pm

Please note that the tutorial slots scheduled on Wed, 12pm and Fri, 9am will be canceled.

There is no change for students taking CS2103T.

Best regards,

PUSH-fatal: permission denied + the requested URL returned error 403

Hi everyone, I am trying topics of week2, PUSH part. I met with one problem shown as below, when clicking PUSH in SourceTree.

git -c diff.mnemonicprefix=false -c core.quotepath=false --no-optional-locks push -v --tags origin master:master
remote: Permission to se-edu/samplerepo-things.git denied to JillWangJill.
fatal: unable to access '': The requested URL returned error: 403
Pushing to
Completed with errors, see above.

I check git config --list, and & are correct github information.

I tried method here Open Credential Manager and delete Generic Credential, but still it shows the failed message.

Any step I missed? Thanks in advance!

Can we rename all variables, filenames, classnames etc in one commit?

Will it violate the incremental updates constraint? Current I am trying to morph my project by changing Person to another name. This requires updating 2121 lines of code, which I can do in one go using Intellij's refactoring feature. I don't see how I can break this update down any further since the Person name is so inextricably interlinked throughout the project.

AB2 ValidInput Assertion Error


I realised that there is an assertion error in AB2 for the following:
screen shot 2019-02-10 at 2 24 11 pm

Which comes from this:
screen shot 2019-02-10 at 2 20 44 pm

I'm not sure why ValidData.txt will yield true in both !Files.exists(path) and !Files.isRegular(Path).

Thank you.

Welcome to CS2103/T!

Dear Students,

A very warm welcome to CS2103/T! The first lecture will take place on Fri, 18 Apr, 2pm in iCUBE Auditorium (I3-AUD). The lecture slides will be published after the lecture.

Tutorials start in week 2. Please attend your pre-allocated tutorial slot (for CS2103T students), or any other tutorial slot (for CS2103 students) for week 2. Starting from week 3 when the project teams are formed, it is mandatory to attend your allocated tutorial slot.

The module website is: This website is the prime source of information, both subject matter and deliverables.

A few things to note:

  • Complete the pre-module survey this week (compulsory) in LumiNUS under Survey before Fri, 18 Jan, 23:59.
  • We use LumiNUS to publish important announcements, the lecture slides, webcast, and surveys. Selected student submissions will take place on LumiNUS.
    *We use this Github repository's issue tracker as our discussion forums:
  • Announcements related to the module will be posted both in LumiNUS and GitHub forum
  • [Optional] Join the Slack workspace for this module:

Disclaimer: LumiNUS platform is in BETA (not fully developed and tested), and many of the features are not fully comprehensive. The platform loads slowly, and we understand that there are unavailability periods. Please fill in bug reports and ask questions for any problems you might encounter related to LumiNUS at the following link: (CIT NUS)

Best regards,
On behalf of CS2103/T teaching team

Updating Tests

What is the best way to update the test cases? Should I just add input at the bottom of the txt input file and copy and paste what the output should be on the expected file? Or is there a more precise way to update the tests?

Unable to create a team PR to nus-cs2103-AY1819S2/addressbook-level4


Under Week 4 Project instructions we're supposed to create a GH organization, set up our repo, etc. and make a PR to nus-cs2103-AY1819S2/addressbook-level4.


I got stuck at this step, because I'm unable to make a PR to that repo - it doesn't exist as an available base repo to make a PR to.


Am I missing something?

Definition of 'Repository' in the textbook


In the online textbook W2.2b, it says that "the repository is the database where the meta-data about the revision history are stored", which to me seems like it refers only to the meta-data folder. Instead, from what I know, it refers to the entire directory of the project + the meta-data about the history and revisions.

It seems a bit misleading to me.

systemtests assertion error


I ran systemtests in AB4 and obtained 3 assertion errors similar to this:
screen shot 2019-02-07 at 11 14 45 pm

These errors also caused Travis to fail its build.

After that, I changed the variable SEARCH_PAGE_URL to the following:
screen shot 2019-02-07 at 11 35 11 pm

Now systemtests works fine and Travis' build passed as well.

Hope this helps anyone who had the same issue!


Cannot run tests with Gradle

I'm doing a test run on AB4 and while I could pass all tests using IntelliJ, I couldn't quite seem to run tests with Gradle. It looks like it has problem importing javafx. Can anyone help me?


Information for Week 6

Dear Students,

Please take note of the following:

Best regards,

CommandSystemTest failing within Travis CI


My group is having these issues within the Travis CI tests of our PR to the class repo. I have tracked these tests within the application code, but I am not sure what these tests actually do or how to remedy the issues within the failed assertions. Could anyone point me in the right direction?

Information for week 4

Dear Students,

Please take note of the following:

  1. There is no tutorial next week (week 4) due to Chinese New Year. However, we will have a lecture next week (8 Feb, 2pm).
  2. You are advised to set a time and meet with your team to complete the tasks for Project mid-v1.0 and start working towards completing the first draft of the user guide.
  3. In case you created pull requests (PRs) to addressbook-level1 repository, tag your tutor such that she/he will get a notification to review your work. (Tutor details here:
    We will automatically check your forks from addressbook-level1 repository made using your Github username. You should receive an email by Tue, 5 Feb. Participation marks will be allocated if you have forked and updated source/test files before the deadline (PR is not mandatory, but updates are mandatory).
  4. Deadlines are firm for all submissions. Late submissions will not receive marks. However, our TAs will review ALL submissions we receive.
  5. For the following weeks only PRs made to the Sem 2 repositories (for example: will be graded. You need to use the semester's repositories (AY1819S2) because they use Java 9, while the upstream repos (se-edu) use Java 8.
    PRs made to the upstream repos (se-edu, for example: will be closed automatically and not receive any grades.
    For week 3, forks from both repositories (sem 2 and se-adu) are acceptable and graded.
  6. If you have not registered on LumiNUS for your project team, please go ahead and do so. To register for your team, navigate to Class Gorups, “Join” your tutorial group (for example, W15 if your tutorial is on Wed, 15:00), click on the group name (W15) and “Join” your team (for example, W15-2).
  7. Since Fri, 19 Apr (week 13) is a public holiday, the final testing session will take place on Saturday, 20 Apr, 10am-12pm. Attendance for this final testing session is mandatory since this is considered a practical exam for CS2103/T.

Finally, we wish you a happy Chinese New Year!

Best regards,

Duplicate person error- is this the intended behaviour?

AB4 is designed to not allow duplicate entries in the book. However, the following sequence of commands result in a strange exception being thrown:

add n/aaa p/123 e/[email protected] a/address
Output: "New person added: aaa Phone: 123 Email: [email protected] Address: address Tags:" (expected)
add n/aaa p/234 e/[email protected] a/address
Output: "New person added: aaa Phone: 234 Email: [email protected] Address: address Tags:" (expected)
edit 8 p/123

Now an exception is thrown

Caused by: seedu.address.model.person.exceptions.DuplicatePersonException: Operation would result in duplicate persons
at seedu.address.model.person.UniquePersonList.setPersons(
at seedu.address.model.AddressBook.setPersons(
at seedu.address.model.AddressBook.resetData(
at seedu.address.model.AddressBook.(
at seedu.address.model.VersionedAddressBook.commit(
at seedu.address.model.ModelManager.commitAddressBook(
at seedu.address.logic.commands.EditCommand.execute(
at seedu.address.logic.LogicManager.execute(
at seedu.address.ui.MainWindow.executeCommand(
at seedu.address.ui.CommandBox.handleCommandEntered(

Is this a AB4 bug or is this the intended behavior?

Java release version 11 not supported

I have Java 9, but when I try to run AddressBook-Level1 I get an error regarding Java release version 11 not supported.
screen shot 2019-01-28 at 12 52 32 pm
Im not sure what the issue is or how to resolve it.

Github Username Requested

Dear all,

The PR bot will be enabled for this module soon. If you encountered GithubUsernameRequested label applied to your pull request and you believe it is incorrect, please reference the pull request here.

Accidental wrong labeling of PRs

Dear Students,

Unfortunately nus-se-pr-bot was not updated with the latest naming conventions on time. As such, your PRs might get wrongly labeled FormatCheckRequested with a wrong message asking you to change the format of the name.

Please continue to use the format [WEEK_ID][TEAM_ID]Your Name for your individual PRs and ignore the comment from the bot.

We will rectify the problem for the next weeks.

Best regards,

Java Linter

Can you recommend any any Java linter we can use with Travis to follow your coding style?

Checkstyle trailing whitespaces error

I keep getting the following error:

ERROR:src/main/java/seedu/address/model/person/ trailing whitespace.
ERROR:src/main/java/seedu/address/model/person/ trailing whitespace.

I've manually checked and remove all whitespaces + replaced them using linebreak, but IntelliJ still highlights that there are trailing whitespaces.


This is my current setting.

Anyone else facing this issue too?

Third party library requests

Make your requests to use third-party libraries here.

  • We will have one thread with all the library requests.
  • Once a library is approved for one team, it is approved for all teams, no need to send another request for the same library.
  • Take care of the license terms; Apache/BSD/MIT licenses are generally safe 🙂

[JavaFX WARNING: Loading FXML document with JavaFX API of version 10.0.1 by JavaFX runtime of version 9.0.4]

Hi, everyone.

I am trying week 6's topics, JavaFX part 1 Scene Builder.

I ensure that IntelliJ Configurations has been down. After all the steps, when I click to run, it gives the warning as follow.

WARNING: Loading FXML document with JavaFX API of version 10.0.1 by JavaFX runtime of version 9.0.4

I searched online and find this link, I follow the instruction to change line 14 in PersonOverview.fxml
<AnchorPane prefHeight="400.0" prefWidth="600.0" xmlns="" xmlns:fx="" >
<AnchorPane prefHeight="400.0" prefWidth="600.0" xmlns="" xmlns:fx="" >
But the warning still exist.

Any step I miss? Thanks in advance!

addressbook-level3 javax.xml.bind error


Upon importing the addressbook-level3 project, I faced the 'javax.xml.bind does not exist' error. I then found out it is because from Java 9 onwards it has been removed. Does anyone have any ideas how to solve this error without having to switch back to jdk8?


Tips for preventing auto-grouping of import statements in Intellij

I found out that and few of my friends and myself are facing the problem of auto-grouping of import statements from the same package with '*'. Refer below for the tips:

Go to Settings (Ctrl – Alt – S) -> Editor -> Code Style -> Java. Under the imports tab, enter a high value, e.g. 999, for “Class count to use import with ‘*’.


Unable to pass all test case from AB4

Setting up process was:

  1. Clone the latest AB4 (as of 04/03/19) to local
  2. import project with 'build.gradle'
  3. SDK set to be Java 9.0.4
  4. Run './gradlew processResources' successfully
  5. Run 'All Test'
  6. Failed 15 test cases (did not move cursor while test is running)

screenshot 2019-03-04 at 5 30 52 pm


Question about Navigability

Dear Profs/All

This is the question I asked in the Lecture in week 6.
How is navigability shown in class/object diagrams?

As seen from the first photo taken from the lecture slides, it was mentioned that the navigability is different as indicated by the label's direction. However, according to the CS2103T website topics lecture notes, the label's direction has nothing to do with navigability and just describes the meaning of the association and the direction it is read.

Instead, the navigability should be shown by the direction of the arrowhead as shown in the 2nd photo. If so, then for the lecture note's example, the navigability should be the same (that is, only Student is aware of Book and Book is not aware of Student)

Can someone confirm this? :) Thank you!

Lecture note:


Website description of labels direction:


Website description how navigability is shown:


Information for Week 5

Dear Students,

Please take note of the following:

Best regards,

Information for Week 7

Dear Students,
Please take note of the following:

A. Week 7 Project and Tutorial (after recess week)

B. Request permission for using third- party libraries in your project.
You need to request permission to use a third-party library in your project. Not doing so will result in marks being deducted for non-compliance. Use this issue to make a request: #37

  • We will review the request and approve/deny it.
  • Once a library is approved for use for one team, it stands approved for the entire class. No need to request permission again to use the same library.

C. Peer feedback for your team mates
We opened the peer feedback on TEAMMATES. You should have received an email regarding this.
Participation marks will be awarded to you only if you submit your peer feedback. Complete your peer feedback by Fri, 8 March, 23:59.

Best regards,

gh-pages Travis CI

Hello all,

I would like to know if we have to fork the main repository under our organisation to the new, external account for Travis CI to recognise it as a repository. This is because although I have allowed admin rights to the collaborator, I cannot see the repository in Travis CI.

This is with regards to the Travis CI and auto-publishing documentation.

Thank you,
Ian Wu

Repo setup- link broken

When I was trying to setup the team repo, these were the steps 5 and 6:
5. Enable Travis CI for the team repo.
6. Set up auto-publishing of docs. When set up correctly, your project website should be available via the URL https://nus-cs2103-ay1819s2-{team-id} e.g., This also requires you to enable the GitHub Pages feature of your team repo and configure it to serve the website from the gh-pages branch.

Unfortunately, both of these links are broken and I do not know what to do.
Any advice?

Inquiry about PDF submission

Hi all, may I check if the PDF on v1.0, does every team member need to submit or would one submission for the team be sufficient?

Thank you!

Minor fix for AB4

Dear Students,

Due to a change in the URL, some tests fail on Travis for addressbook-level4 repo.
This has been fixed in the following commit: nus-cs2103-AY1819S2/addressbook-level4@231b72b

You can either sync changes from the semester fork of AB4 or make the necessary change based on the commit in your organization repository.

Best regards,

[W10-1] Request to use third-party libraries

@thomastanck @qjqqyy @epicfailname @rlrh

We would like to request the use of these third-party libraries (ranked by priority):

Thank you.

Reviews for user guide

Dear Students,

You may find our comments for your UG submission under Luminus folder UserGuide Drafts with Review.
Let your tutorial TA know if you have any questions.

Best regards,

Information for week 3

Dear Students,

Please take note of the following:

  1. The lesson plan with important deadlines and topics for this module has been published under Files->Lecture Slides
  2. The pre-module survey has been re-opened for you to check the correctness of your Github username (if you do not have one, please go ahead and create one). Check that you gave us your correct username. This username will be used for your grading during the entire semester. Do not change your username throughout this semester!
  3. In preparation for tutorial in week 3, you are expected complete the following tasks before 23:59 the day before your tutorial (for example, Tue, 23:59):

Creating pull requests (PRs) to addressbook-level1 repository is optional for this week.
We will automatically check your forks for your Github username (mandatory task), and your TA will review any PRs by Mon, 3 Feb.

Best regards,

I forgot my charger in the tutorial room

I forgot my laptop charger in the tutorial room. Black lenovo charger has a Cad plug to Sing plug converter on the tip. I really need it back if someone could pick it up to me. I sit at the table closest to the door

IntelliJ could not find or load main class

After I clone the addressbook-level1 on my computer and built the project in IntelliJ, when I tried to run AddressBook, the following error appeared.

Error: Could not find or load main class seedu.addressbook.AddressBook
Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: seedu.addressbook.AddressBook

I've tried most methods listed in such as editing configuration, rebuilding project, check project compiler output path, reinstalling IntelliJ, recloning project and even reinstalling java 9. So far nothing works. Could someone help me with this issue?


My project was running fine. I tried changing the name of a class from Type to Clothing Type. After that the entire thing wouldn't run. I couldn't just click edit undo so I tried reverting to a previous commit. For some reason SourceTree was saying that is not allowed so I decided to just delete and re-download the entire Main project. When I did this I changed 2 classes but didn't run the project before pushing to GitHub because I assumed it would work since it did in my first implementation before everything broke. Well now my project won't run at all! I do not know why so I tried to revert my project back to the version that worked. But that didn't seem to get rid of the code I wrote but just added more! Now I have no idea how to get back to a working version and I am totally confused and a about several hours of coding was deleted. Please help :(

Can we kill existing AB4 features?

In particular, is it acceptable if our final product cannot support the undo/redo features (assuming that we appropriately remove them from the user guide)?

Team organisation naming scheme

Is the naming scheme CS2103-AY1819S2-TEAM_ID or NUS-CS2103-AY1819S2-TEAM_ID? The org setup extract uses the former but in the repo setup extract, it assumes the latter naming scheme. Normally I'd prefer the first scheme, but in this case it makes more sense to use the latter scheme as it has an NUS- prefix that helps prevent possible conflict with other courses, and is also more consistent with the module's organisation's own naming schemes.

Recommend Projects

  • React photo React

    A declarative, efficient, and flexible JavaScript library for building user interfaces.

  • Vue.js photo Vue.js

    🖖 Vue.js is a progressive, incrementally-adoptable JavaScript framework for building UI on the web.

  • Typescript photo Typescript

    TypeScript is a superset of JavaScript that compiles to clean JavaScript output.

  • TensorFlow photo TensorFlow

    An Open Source Machine Learning Framework for Everyone

  • Django photo Django

    The Web framework for perfectionists with deadlines.

  • D3 photo D3

    Bring data to life with SVG, Canvas and HTML. 📊📈🎉

Recommend Topics

  • javascript

    JavaScript (JS) is a lightweight interpreted programming language with first-class functions.

  • web

    Some thing interesting about web. New door for the world.

  • server

    A server is a program made to process requests and deliver data to clients.

  • Machine learning

    Machine learning is a way of modeling and interpreting data that allows a piece of software to respond intelligently.

  • Game

    Some thing interesting about game, make everyone happy.

Recommend Org

  • Facebook photo Facebook

    We are working to build community through open source technology. NB: members must have two-factor auth.

  • Microsoft photo Microsoft

    Open source projects and samples from Microsoft.

  • Google photo Google

    Google ❤️ Open Source for everyone.

  • D3 photo D3

    Data-Driven Documents codes.