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yii2-datatables's People


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yii2-datatables's Issues

paging problem


the pagination always shows the number one and the button next page doesn't work with option 'serverSide' => true.

Search improvment

DataTableAction, line:

$dataProvider->query = $actionQuery->andWhere($originalQuery->where);

empty AND condition is created when original query is empty, and finally it generate SQL error.
I changed it to:

$dataProvider->query = empty($originalQuery->where) ? $actionQuery : $actionQuery->andWhere($originalQuery->where);

ServerSide with paging

Hello @ZAYEC77,
Hello All,

How to get serverSide work with paging?
Trying it with the basic example seems not working.
Got 10 displayed out of 2000+ without any pagination.
Just like in this screenshot.

In advance thanks.

Error while retriving custom generated field with ajax

I have extended column configuration like

                'label' => 'Name', 
                'value' => function($data) { 
                     return = $data->name

And serverSide is set to true.
It is work fine at simple column config, but custom column generates datatables error in alert window DataTables warning: table id=w1 - Requested unknown parameter '0' for row 0

Error while installing package


i got the problem when do the installation due datatables asset in bower repository is not found

Problem 1
- nullref/yii2-datatables v1.0.2 requires bower-asset/datatables ~1.10 -> no matching package found.
- nullref/yii2-datatables v1.0.1 requires bower-asset/datatables ~1.10 -> no matching package found.
- nullref/yii2-datatables 1.0 requires bower-asset/datatables ~1.10 -> no matching package found.
- Installation request for nullref/yii2-datatables ^1.0 -> satisfiable by nullref/yii2-datatables[1.0, v1.0.1, v1.0.2].

After i searching to the name of package has been changed to not datatables anymore.

Some basic questions of use and problems with the last version

  1. How can I define the HTML attributes for the column cells ?
    I mean, if I want to put data-attributes, or css classes, ...

  2. How can I define, for example, the orderSecuence in the "aoColumns" DataTable ?

  3. In the version you had in packagist, I can set orderable and orderSequence in the columns, now I can't

  4. In this code

          return [
             'datatables' => [
                 'class' => 'nullref\datatable\DataTableAction',
                 'query' => MyModel::find(),
                 'applyOrder' => function($query, $columns, $order) {
                    //custom ordering logic
                    return $query;
                 'applyFilter' => function($query, $columns, $search) {
                    //custom search logic
                    return $query;

how the ordering and search logic works ? Any example, I can not figure out how to manage $query, $columns and $oder/$search.

Is there any other documentation or advanced examples ?

  1. When using LinkColumn, neither label nor title works and the column label appears empty ... how can I put the label/title ?

Thank you

LinkColumn duplicated"?" at url link

At the class LinkColumn,

line 39

            link.attr("id", link.attr("id") + meta.row);link.attr("href", link.attr("href") + "?" + jQuery.param(q));

My suggestion

            var paramPrefix = link.attr("href").indexOf("?") < 0 ? "?" :"&";
            link.attr("id", link.attr("id") + meta.row);link.attr("href", link.attr("href") + paramPrefix + jQuery.param(q));

Server side issue

when i use serverside i get this error message

Exception 'yii\base\InvalidParamException' with message 'Response content must not be an array.'

     return [
         'datatables' => [
             'class' => 'karauia\datatables\DataTableAction',
             'query' =>  Model::find(),
            'applyOrder' => function($query, $columns, $order) {
            //custom ordering logic
            return $query;
         'applyFilter' => function($query, $columns, $search) {
            //custom search logic
            return $query;
     ] ; 

Change object to baseObject

As in php7.2 object is restricted word and causing Fatal error: Cannot use 'Object' as class name as it is reserved, hence we need to change for yii2 version

class LinkColumn extends \yii\base\Object


class LinkColumn extends \yii\base\baseObject

Please check and update, thank you

display relational field by using custom column

I want to display relational field

 <?= \nullref\datatable\DataTable::widget([
         'tableOptions' => [
            'class' => 'table',
            'style' => 'width: 100%',
        'data' => $dataProvider->getModels(),
        'scrollY' => '200px',
        'scrollCollapse' => true,
        'paging' => true,
        'columns' => [
                'label' => 'Bill / Invoice No', 
                'value' => function($data) { 
                     $invoice1 =$model->invoice->invoiceId ; 
                    return $invoice1; 
]) ?>

how fetch relational field like $model->invoice->invoiceId, current model has relation with Invoice Model

Add validation for order parameters

From email:

We use datatable component from your git repository. And there are potential risk during order data. Please add field name validation for order like filtering option.

DataTableAction.php bug

Order by not work correctly.
Error line: $actionQuery->addOrderBy([$columns[$key]['data'] => $sort]);
After correction: $actionQuery->addOrderBy([$columns[$item['column']]['data'] => $sort]);

Bug in the last release

After last update class DataTable starts throw exception:
throw new InvalidConfigException(get_class($this) . '::$data must be set.');

Once more server side pagination is not working....

I downloaded the newest package, and that was bad. There were already working code for server side by alladas, i dont know how did you managed to that, but upgrading to yours newest version messed up server side response. [Forking and updating to his code now and packaging, as i cannot allow production servers to stop working due to some not tested upgrades]

Column Definitions do not work after upgrade to 1.1.0

Hi and thank you for your awesome work!

I recently upgraded to the latest version of your widget and recognized that some column definitions I was using before do not work any longer. In detail: "type", "searchable", "sortable", "width", "visible" and I do not find out how to make it work again.

Please find some code (the commented sections do not work, one defintion as example).

'data' => 'id',
'title' => 'Column Title',
//'type' => 'num',
//'searchable' => false,
//'sortable' => false,
//'visible' => false,
//'width' => '140',
'render' => new JsExpression('
function ( data, type, full, meta ) {
return data

It would be cool to get some tips on how to use these definitions again.

Kind regards

filter with multiple tables in one page


I have multiple tables in one page and my row filtering won't works.
Wth one table, its working.

the error i get in console is:
TypeError: preSearch[column] is undefined jquery.dataTables.js:9072:6

How to use related table data

class Order extends ActiveRecord
public function getCustomer()
return $this->hasOne(Customer::className(), ['id' => 'customer_id']);

Now i want to make a datatable to show customer name with order id, how can i do that?

Encode field value

'columns' => [
'class' => 'nullref\datatable\LinkColumn',
'url' => ['intandem/view'],
'queryParams' => ['id'], -------------> Here i have to pass encoded id field value.
'label' => 'View',

i want to encode id field value in action column . how can i do this . In queryParams i have to pass encoded value of id field. Please let me know the work around.

How can I refer to custom functions and related data in model ?

I'm using last version (1.1.0)
I need to do a custom render of a field, using 2 variables of the model, and one function of the model ... how can I do it ?

I've tried with QueryParams but I think this works only with LinkColumn, not with DataTableColumn...

in my view:

                        'class' => 'nullref\datatable\LinkColumn',
                        'data' => 'name',
                        'title' => 'x',
                        'queryParams' => ['name', 'manager.username', 'age'],
                        'render' => new JsExpression('function render(data, type, row, meta ){
                            return  + " " + row["manager.username"] + " " + row["age"];

in my model:

public function age() {
   return date("Y") - $this->year_birth;

I've tried also with getAge() as function name.

There are twi problems; (althought the console.log(row) shows the correct data)

  1. I can not refer to use two variables in the render (it renders "undefined")
  2. I can not refer to use a model function in the render (it renders "undefined")

Thank you !

P.D. If i don't use "title" when using "LinkColumn" it returns a javascript error:
jquery.js:3841 jQuery.Deferred exception: Cannot read property 'replace' of null TypeError: Cannot read property 'replace' of null

Reference the DataTable initialization to a global variable

Many of the DataTables advanced usage needs to refer to Datatable instance as the variable used to create the object.

In your "run" method, instead of using this:

$this->getView()->registerJs('jQuery("#' . $id . '").DataTable(' . Json::encode($this->getParams()) . ');');

you should use this:

$this->getView()->registerJs('var ' . $id . ' = jQuery("#' . $id . '").DataTable(' . Json::encode($this->getParams()) . ');');

So you can use the variable $id in Javascript to refer to the Datatable instance.

Getting: No matching records found when data is returned


I am new to yii.

I am trying to use this widget with no success.

My view has this code:
<?= \nullref\datatable\DataTable::widget([ 'columns' => [ 'invoice_discount_report__debtor__name', 'invoices', 'amount', 'amount_paid', 'discount_applied' ], 'serverSide' => true, 'ajax' => '/api/dashboard/getinvoices/', "sAjaxDataProp"=> "datatables" ]) ?>

The js file:
`var myTable = $('#invoicesTbl').DataTable({
retrieve: true,
paging: false,
"language": {
"emptyTable": "There are no invoices for the company",
"bProcessing": true,
"bDestroy": true,
"sAjaxSource": '/api/dashboard/getinvoices',
"bAutoWidth": true,
"aaSorting": [[ 0, "asc" ]],
"aoColumns": [
{ "bSortable": true, "sWidth": "100%" },

yadcf.init(myTable, [
{column_number : 0, filter_type: "text", text_data_delimiter: ","}

getinvoices function:
`$company_id = Generic::COMPANY_ID;
$report_type = isset($this->dataBody['report_type'])?$this->dataBody['report_type']:Generic::AV;

    if ($company_id === null) 
        $this->sendResponse(501,array('error'=>'Invalid company found'));

    $this->sendResponse(200, [
         'datatables' => [
             'class' => 'nullref\datatable\DataTableAction',
             'query' => InvoiceDiscountReport::getInvoices($company_id, $report_type)

Json array returned:
{"datatables":{"class":"nullref\\datatable\\DataTableAction","query":[{"invoice_discount_report__debtor__name" :"BRAD PITT","invoices":"1","amount":"2500.75","amount_paid":"1000.00","discount":"150.00"},{"invoice_discount_report__debtor__name" :"SIGAL ZAHAVI","invoices":"1","amount":"1000.00","amount_paid":"500.00","discount":"100.00"}]}}

Yet, the tables says: No matching records found.

What am I doing wrong? Please help, I am trying to solve this for days now.

Thank you very much

Delete confirmation doesn't work.

So I'm using this column to display delete action link. But there is no action confirmation when I press it. Custom column with actions in GridView does work though. Any ideas how to fix this? My guess is it's something to do with yii js generation, but I'm not very familiar with framework yet.

    'class' => 'nullref\datatable\LinkColumn',
    'url' => ['/product/delete'],
    'options' => [
        'id' => 'link-delete',
        'title' => Yii::t('yii', 'Delete'),
        'data-confirm' => Yii::t('yii', 'Are you sure to delete this item?'),
        'data-method' => 'post',
    'queryParams' => ['id'],
    'label' => '<span class="fa fa-trash-o"></span>',

I came up with the following solution btw:

    'class' => 'nullref\datatable\LinkColumn',
    'url' => ['/product/delete'],
    'options' => [
        'id' => 'link-delete',
        'onclick' => "return confirm('Are you sure to delete this item?');",
    'queryParams' => ['id'],
    'label' => '<span class="fa fa-trash-o"></span>',

Ordering and filtering sample

Hello Guys,
I am looking for an example of custom ordering and filtering logic with a 'serverSide' option enabled?
That will be great to get a sample of a working sample.
@ZAYEC77 Bravo. Seems great.
In advance thanks.

extraColumns and serverSide does not get along well

Amazing package ;-)
I've tried to activate the serverSide but the datatables action ajax call gives me an error:

Unknown column 'columnNameSpecial' in 'order clause' The SQL being executed was: SELECT * FROM client ORDER BY columnNameSpecial LIMIT 10"

being "columnNameSpecial" one of the "extraColumns" I have declared in the widget.

When you use extraColumns to put enhanced information, you need to put the name of the model function in the "data" attribute of each column. I mean, for example:

            'columns' => [
                        'data' => 'columnNameSpecial',
                        'title' => 'Name',                    
                        'render' => new JsExpression('function render(data, type, row, meta ){
                            return row.columnNameSpecial;

having in the model for example:

function getColumnNameSpecial() {
   return $this->name . " " . $this->lastname;

But in the other hand, the applyOrder and applyFilter of 'datatables' array in actions() needs the $column["data"] to be a REAL attribute of the model, because it will construct with that name, the applyFilters and orderBy of the ActiveRecord. That's the reason I have the "sql error" of the beginning.

Any ideas ? ;-)

Add attributes to each column's cells


I'd like to add some attributes to each column's cells ... I think I have here what you'd need (it's tested and working):

In DatatableColumn.php add another public variable:

public $htmlOptions;

In Datatable.php , at the end of method run():

if (isSet($this->_options['htmlOptions'])) {
            $js = "";
            foreach ($this->_options['htmlOptions'] as $key => $data) {
                $column = $key + 1;
                $attrs = "";
                foreach ($data as $attribute => $value) {
                    $attrs .= ".attr('".$attribute."', '".$value."')";
                $js.= "jQuery('#".$id." tbody tr td:nth-child(".$column.")').each(function() { $(this)".$attrs."; });";

                            .on( 'init.dt', function () {



So then you can for example add htmlOptions in the columns definition:

'columns' => [
                        'data' => 'id',
                        'title' => 'Id',
                        'htmlOptions' => [
                            'class' => 'otherClass'
                        'data' => 'email',
                        'title' => 'Email',
                        'htmlOptions' => [
                            'class' => 'myClass',
                            'data-anything' => 'something'

This will generate this:

$('#my_datatable').on( 'init.dt', function () {
   jQuery('#my_datatable tbody tr td:nth-child(1)').each(function() { $(this).attr('class', 'otherClass'); });
   jQuery('#main_datatable tbody tr td:nth-child(7)').each(function() { $(this).attr('class', 'myClass').attr('data-anything', 'something'); });

Unknow column name

Setting unknown property: nullref\datatable\DataTableColumn::name

'columns' => [
'data' => 'branchName',
'title' => "Branch Name",
'name' => 'branchId'

Can you help with this? Currently on this version v1.1.0.


how do i apply formatter for a spesific collumn? in example I want to format date or number from the retrieved data

thanks for response

retrieving relations with datatable

Which option has used to retrieve models relations to datatable?

How this:
Post hasOne Author

$model = Post::find()->all();

How do it using this widget to datatables?

send parameter

Hallo Friend,
thank you for your extension.
i have a custom filter for datatable but i don't know to send parameter in your action. so how i can send my parameter in ajax server side datatable?
please help me..

input box tr of filter may not be rendered

Hi @ZAYEC77 , thanks for your awesome plugin, it helps a lot.
We are using server-side mode, anything works like a charm excepts the filter.
We set the withColumnFilter=>true but no filter was rendered, and we have just debugged the code, and noticed something strange.
Please see
L206 - L216 not executed because no tr/th is rendered in the thead while L203 is executing (as Chrome debugging).
Version of Chrome : 76.0.3809.100
Version of Firefox : 67.0.4 (Same thing like chrome)
We have tried to register table.on('init.dt', func) and table.on('draw.dt', func) events to the datatable and copy/move L203 - L229 to the callback func, now the filter input box are rendered but still work not properly. After input something to filter, ajax request had sent but the response just not filtered, because the parameters inputted was not sent with the request.
That's what we found so far, hope it will be useful to you.

Error while installing package

composer require nullref/yii2-datatables gives the following errors:

Your requirements could not be resolved to an installable set of packages.

Problem 1
- nullref/yii2-datatables v1.0.4 requires bower-asset/datatables ~1.10.15 -> no matching package found.
- nullref/yii2-datatables v1.0.3 requires bower-asset/ ~1.10 -> no matching package found.
- nullref/yii2-datatables v1.0.2 requires bower-asset/datatables ~1.10 -> no matching package found.
- nullref/yii2-datatables v1.0.1 requires bower-asset/datatables ~1.10 -> no matching package found.
- nullref/yii2-datatables 1.0 requires bower-asset/datatables ~1.10 -> no matching package found.
- Installation request for nullref/yii2-datatables ^1.0 -> satisfiable by nullref/yii2-datatables[1.0, v1.0.1, v1.0.2, v1.0.3, v1.0.4]

The datatables package name has been changed on bower. Probably that is causing the issue

custom value

Amazing package ;)

I've tried to activate the serverSide but i don't know custom value in column widget when i use code

'data' => function ($model){
return date_formate(date_created($model->time_created,"Y-m-d"));
'title' => \Yii::t('app', 'date'),
'filter' => ['true' => 'Yes', 'false' => 'No'],

that not working, so how to use that if i want to custom like that?

Thank you

Tabletool Extension

Hello budy, I'm working with DataTables in a Yii2 Advanced Application, and I was wondering If I could integrate TableTools Extension with your plug-in. Do you know how to do it? If there is another way to do data export (PDF, CSV, ...) I will be grateful if you give me an example.

Here is the extension doc.

I'm looking forward to hearing from you!

get cell value


Congratulations for this great extension.

I need your help, to get cell value after have selected a datatable row. How could i identify a cell to get this value later.

Thanks for all,


Using 'title' in LinkColumn shows an error


when using 'title' attribute in LinkColumn (to customize the name of the column)

            'class' => 'nullref\datatable\LinkColumn',
            'render' => new JsExpression('function render(data, type, row, meta ){
                return "<a href=\"/custom/url/"+row["id"]+"\">View</a>"
            'title' => 'My title'

shows this error:

Unknown Property โ€“ yii\base\UnknownPropertyException
Setting unknown property: nullref\datatable\LinkColumn::title

Empty table is generated

Hi guys,

Thanks for the extension you created. I have just installed it but cannot use it properly.

I have copied following part of code into my index.php file where I generate table with use of GridView widget but your code generates just

<table id="w0"></table>

without any data in it. Could you please help me?

<?= \nullref\datatable\DataTable::widget([
    'data' => $dataProvider->getModels(),
    'columns' => [
]) ?>

Problem with Styling

Hi Guys

Just style type that works is the STYLING_DEFAULT.

When i try use another, the layout shows broken.

Here how i tryed input the configuration at config.php

'assetManager' => [
            'bundles' => [
                 'nullref\datatable\DataTableAsset' => [
                    'styling' => \nullref\datatable\DataTableAsset::STYLING_BOOTSTRAP,

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