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test's Introduction

Test i 2012

Områder og emner for test i 2012:

Afspilning af tegneserier
Afspilning af lydbøger m. tekst + billeder, lydbøger u. tekst
eng. lydbøger samt meget store lydbøger m. tekst. 

Generel stress-test
(Test med ikke-ordblinde)
(Kvalitativ forundersøgelse af muligheder for
Login-funktionalitet samt oprettelsesprocedure for nye
Download + afspilning (af samme typer lydbøger som for 
(Kvalitativ undersøgelse
af indhold)
(Kvalitativ undersøgelse af indhold)

(Generel test af layout)

Test af I mobilafspilleren er særligt søgning, login og
stress-test af essentiel bestydning, samt underlagt en skrap
deadline. På nuværende tidspunkt afventes (såvidt vides i skrivende
stud) den nyeste version af kodebasen - så snart færdiggørelsen af
denne er i horisonten skal praktiske foranstaltninger til test af de
tre områder. Her foreslår jeg at søgning og login slåes sammen i én
test-session, helst på en nogenlunde stor gruppe unge
mennesker. Generel stress-test foreslår jeg at vi udfører mindst to af
- gerne én med undervisere og én med unge ordblinde.

Test af tegneserier vil sandsynligvis kunne udføres før de andre
tests, da den er mere nichepræget og ikke sigter til at evaluere hele
systemet som sådan.

Som et muligt aber dabei har jeg noteret test af mobilafspilleren med
ikke-ordblinde, da dette måske ville give noget interessant data men
ikke er af livsnødvendig betydning før launch af
applikationen. Såfremt launchen og den indledende brugsfase forløber
nogenlunde gnidningsfrit har jeg i også tilføjet en mulig kvalitativ
undersøgelse af hvilke ting man potentielt ville kunne udvide
mobilafspilleren med.

Noter til test af
I denne forbindelse synes jeg at søgning og
download/afspilning bør have førsteprioritet, da disse umiddelbart
virker som de mest problemfyldte af sitets funktionaliteter, med
afspilning/download som en tæt tredjeplads. Ifbm. søgning skal vi
blive bedre til at forstå hvordan (og hvorvidt) vores brugere benytter
tab completion, samt hvorvidt de egentlig foretrækker at bruge
søgefunktionen i stedet for andre former for navigation.

Noter til test af
Test af firmahjemmesiden er i høj grad i den
sidste del af ‘neeed to have/nice to have’-inddelingen, og er mest
noget jeg synes vi bør foretage hvis vi pludselig står med ekstra tid
på hænderne. Ligesom de to andre sider har ikke en synderlig
god søgefunktion, og det kunne tillige være rart at høre lidt fra
marketing om hvordan vi kan optimere den og gøre den sexet.

Noter til test af nyhedsbrev:
Nyhedsbrevet har jeg ikke selv set så
meget til, og jeg ved ikke så meget om hvad der kunne trænge til at
blive testet, eller hvor høj prioritet det bør have. Jeg har noteret
det her for at sikre mig at få det meste med til at begynde med.

test's People


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test's Issues

Playing english books

The testing of this issue is exactly the same, just checking that the player also works with the english books.

No real problems.

Test af ny DODP version benytter nu en nyere version af DODP, bla. er hele sessionstyringen samlet under NotaSecure hvilket øger overskueligheden og hastigheden.

Den nye udgave af DODP er forberedt til brug af den nye DCSOnline server/master, men kører pt. på det nuværende (i drift) system.

Det ønskes at få testet at afspilleren fungerer som forventet på Jeg vil dog mene at det er i orden kun at teste på et mindre udvalg af enheder da det 100% backend funktionalitet der testes.. Der er ingen ændringer i forhold til funktion udaftil - med mindre vi har en dybere liggende fejl..

Efter afsluttet test med godt resultat, kan vi opgradere produktions platformen til at benytte den nye version.

Test af Min side

Min side skal gennemgå en generel test.

  • Virker knapperne som de skal?
  • Hvad sker der når man bestiller bøger i Vubis - bliver de tilføjet Mine bestillinger og historikken på E17?

Test af ny tegneseriefunktion med preload af billeder

På er en ny tegneseriefunktion slået til hvor billedet preloader inden lyden sættes i gang. Her er umiddelbare testresultater:

Det kører ret nice mange steder, fx i Scott Pilgrimm:

Men der virker som om der kan være et problem med frem tilbagespoling, mens loaderen er i gang; Fx i indledningen til Opikayana, hvor persongalleriet præsenteres. Du kan ikke rigtig spole i tegneserien, mens der afspilles, prøv fx her:

-det den gør i safari (mac) er i hvert fald at aktuere spolefunktionen - den springer kortvarigt videre til næste afsnit - men springer så tilbage til det afsnit man kom fra. Måske kan man deaktivere loaderen indtil brugeren har spolet færdig..?

Problemet er ikke det samme på iPhone, omend spoling virker noget sløjt (langsomt) og at den her synes at springe først et afsnit for langt frem - og SÅ tilbage til det rigtige afsnit.. Det er måske noget med det særlige i at der her er billeder på ca hveranden side..?

Dvs der er forskel på hvordan indholdet er formatteret eller hvordan..? I hvert fald skal forskellen mellem de forskellige tegneserier lige tjekkes ud. Tintin kører også fint..

E-mail notification

Test the notification mail i various mail-readers.
Includes test of the links in the mail.

I need to be informed which test borrowers (with a registered mail address) to send to, or alternatively which email addresses to send test mails to.

Playing books without text

Being able to play a book consists of being able to hear the recordings it contains, pausing it, jumping around in chapters via the forwards and backwards buttons, viewing and jumping to the elements listed in the contents page.
When stopped and exited at a particular chapter or paragraph, the player should resume playing from that position when asked to play again.

Point, however: When a book is done playing, I am not sure how the player should react. Should it return the user to the book shelf?

Borderline cases for testing include:

  1. Click 'play', and 'pause'
  2. Click 'forward' and 'backward'
  3. Exit the book at a chapter, and resume playing it
  4. Exit the book at paragraph and resume playing it

No problems (with the obvious exception of the fact that IE9 does not skip to the right chapter after being closed and re-opened – but I think this problem has been reported sufficiently). 


As there is significant difference between the different currently available comics in the player, we have postponed coming up with a standardized form of testing until there is more clarity as to how exactly the player and material is supposed to act and what they need to be able to do.

Until such time, we test all comics individually, on all platforms. The tests carried out consist only of playing the cartoon, checking to see that sound and images are coordinated, that all the images are actually shown, that basic player functionality (jumping from place to blace, stopping, starting) works and that picture scaling works.

Problems regarding picture scaling are reported to under LYT/issues to Marius (GitHub user name: Malebarius)

Problems regarding the functionality of the player itself are reported o LYT/issues to Lars as usual.

Problems regarding syncronization of pictures and sound etc. are reported under Materialer/issues. @simmoe to whom? Marius still, or one of the people working with the actual recording?

----- ::Conclusion:: -----

This test has been carried out, but as it is decidedly more complex than any of the other test issues, we direct the interested reader to either the Materialer repository or the LYT issues list, respectively for issues reported regarding the markup of the comics themselves or issues regarding the player's dealings with the materials.

----:: Update ::----
Since the test results did not fit in well in the ' Materials' section of the Notalib organization, we are moving the results back to this issues - the results for each individual comic can be found as a comment below.

First time login

Basically, testing first time login consists of making sure that the only way to log onto the sit is by giving a correct registered username and password. On all manner of disallowed input to the user/passwd-fields, the system should give the same error message and not log in.

The only way of loggin out should be by clicking the 'log out'-button. Thus, if logged on, the user will not be logged out by closing the tab or turning off the device.

A special case is the guest login, which is described as a separate issue.

Suggested borderline cases for testing are, so far:
Log on using correct username + password

Log on using incorrect username + correct password

Log on using correct username + incorrect password

Log on using password/username with non-UTF8 characters

Log on, close tab, return to Are you still logged on?

Log on, log out, return to m.e17,dk. Still logged on?

As described below in the comments the test has been done, and no serious problems appeared. With the exception of the fact that some browsers use different names for the user, everything seems to work as intended.

Modifying settings

Testing the settings feature consists mainly of making sure that all the pre-set options are registered when clicked, and that they still exist between loggins on and loggins off.

Assumption: In context of the guest logon, changes should not persist between sessions.

Borderline cases:

  1. Log on, change background colour, etc and play a book, checking that the changes are registered.
  2. Log out again, log on and check that the changes still persist
  3. Log on as a guest, change background colour, text size, and font, play a book.
  4. Log out, log on as guest again and check that the changes are not registered,

To problems occurred while testing the settings. 

  1. When changing the settings while logged on as a guest the changes remain.
  2. When changing the settings in IE9 the screen freezes.  

As it turns out the first problem described above is not a problem. Nothing else to report.

Guest login

A guest login is used to give access to a limited amount of books to try the mobile player without an e17 account;
It can either be used by

Logging on with the credentials: guest/anypassword

By following a deeplink with the guest=true parameter set; ie
The test includes both options, where it is taken into consideration that

If a user following a deeplink is allready logged in with an e17 account, he is NOT logged on to the guest account.
There is sufficient error messages that explains to the guest user why he can't listen to other books that those on the shelf - this is in part solved because the buttons are not there, but still - if someone should get the idea of writing another bookid in the URL for instance.

Assumption: When logged on as a user, one should be able to find and add books to the book shelf, assuming that these books are freely available.

Borderline test cases:

  1. Log on with credentials as described above.
  2. Log on by following a deep link as described above.
  3. Log on following a deep link to a non-free book (by just adding the '&guest=true'-parameter to the address)
  4. Search for a random (non-free) book and try to add it to the book shelf
  5. Search for a free book and add it to the book shelf
  6. Play a book on the book shelf
  7. Change one of the settings and start the book
  8. Use the 'Del bog' feature by sending a mail to yourself - does the link to the book work?
  9. Log on as a normal user, and click the guest deep link. Are you logged on as normal user or guest?
  10. Log out as guest

Issues so far: When loggin on as a guest, an error message is presented to the user. After clicking 'Annulér' on the message, the user is logged in as a guest as intended.

Furthermore, when logged in as guest, none of the books on the book shelf are actually playable, this supposedly because they are carried in from the wrong catalogue.

SMS Notification

Test general usability (readability) of the notification text message ('SMS') and asses the phones ability to follow the 'links' to mobile player and e17-website.

In order to test I need phone numbers to send to on each of the platforms (phone numbers with ability to receive sms).

Playing books w. text + images

This is a special case of the playing books-testing, and as such does not differ greatly in its border cases. When testing this particular type of book it is simply necessary to check that no errors in the usual functionalities occur due t the inclusion of both text and images.

Borderline cases for testing thus include:

  1. Click 'play', and 'pause'
  2. Click 'forward' and 'backward'
  3. Exit the book at a chapter, and resume playing it
  4. Exit the book at paragraph and resume playing it
  5. Click the pictures whilst playing

Only one problem:
IE9 was unable to display the letters "Æ", "Ø", and "Å"

'Del bog' feature

Testing the this feature might require setting up accounts for all the different clients to see if the mails received are actually working.

Adding and removing books from book shelf

Testing the add + remove feature consists obvously of making sure of the basics (that the user is able to add any given book in the player and remove it again) and that the contents of the book shelf persists between sessions.

I am making this a separate issue, since it would otherwise likely be tested during both the testing of the search function and the actual playing of the books.

Borderline cases for testing:

  1. Log on, find a book without text and add it to the book shelf
  2. Find a book with text and add it
  3. Find a book with text + images and add it
  4. Find a very long book and add it
  5. Find an english (or just foreign) book and add it.
  6. Remove all the books that have just been added.
  7. Log out, close the tab and log back in to check that the book shelf doesn't contain the above books
  8. Try the above with the player open on two separate devices simultaneously - does the book shelf still register the correct changes?
  9. Fin

Stress test

Stress testing will consist of a compilation of all the existing border case test jobs, and given to a larger group of people working on all the different platforms. I am thinking that we do it in two batches with half of the platforms bein tested in each.

This is a reasonably difficult way of testing, but helpful in uncovering oddities not found in more regulated test scenarios. As we need a more general view of where we stand on functionality as the first thing, stress test is pushed till after the launch.

Search funktion

This needs to be tested on all platforms as well. It hasn't been tried out systematically.

I consider this test issue as fundamentally different from the other issues in this repository. What we would like to test is not whether the basic functionality works - that is, that entering a search phrase returns some output to
the user in the expected way. What we need to test is how well our search algorithm is working, and whether the choices it makes corresponds to the intentions of our users.

I think we need to test search a) first when it has been definitively decided what type of search engine we would like to have, b) with users.

Playing books w. text

Same as testing the books without text, just making sure that the text in the file does not cause trouble and follows the recording.

Borderline cases for testing include:

  1. Click 'play', and 'pause'
  2. Click 'forward' and 'backward'
  3. Exit the book at a chapter, and resume playing it
  4. Exit the book at paragraph and resume playing it

Almost everything worked out as it was supposed to. Only two problems:

  1. IE9 did not skip ahead to the right paragraph
  2. The Windows Phone did neither skip ahead to the right chapter nor the right paragraph
    Both problems have been posted as issues


Den enkelte bruger skal kun have de kanpper tilgængelige, som de har rettigheder til.

  • Anonyme brugere
  • Brugere med ret til punkt
  • Brugere med ret til cd-bestlling
  • E17 assistenter
  • Digitale brugere - må kun downloade og streame bøger
  • Undervisere - er udelukkende digitale brugere


We need to know how the player works with JAWS. So far this has not been tested at all.

I am assuming that we will have plenty of immediately demanding things to test, so I have placed the deadline of this further into the future than the other issues.

Test på 3G

Lidt generisk test-beskrivelse, men i den storstilede Aprøvning 2.0 skal vi også huske at teste på 3G-netværk, og ikke udelukkende på wifi.



Deeplinks should direct to the login page, if the user is not already logged in, and then proceed directly to the book. Example deep link: It is not possible to link to a specific part of a book, e.g. a chapter or paragraph.

Issues so far: Loading stalls when using all deep links on all available platforms (counting all but the Windows phone, which hasn't been tried today), but as for now (14/03/2012) it seems that the code base is being fiddled with.

Borderline cases for test include:

  1. Enter the address in the search bar whilst not logged in.
  2. Enter the address the search bar whilst logged in as a normal user.
  3. Enter the address whilst logged in as a guest user.
  4. Log in as a normal user, log out, enter the address in the search bar.
  5. Try deeplinking to a comic.
  6. Add paragraph or chapter to the address and try to enter it. på ikke-understøttet platform

Det skal undersøge, hvordan virker, hvis linket tilgås på en platform der ikke understøtter HTML5,
dvs. fx Android 2.2, IOS3 osv, osv.

Er der ikke behov for en (fejl-)meddelelse om at afspilning ikke understøttes på disse platforme?

'Del bog' feature

Testing the this feature might require setting up accounts for all the different clients to see if the mails received are actually working.

---- :: Conclusion :: ----
This feature seems to work without issues. One remark: When trying to send a link to a non-free book to someone who then logs in as a guest user, the guest is simply logged in to the default guest book shelf - the fact that the book from the original link is not there is not made explicit to him/her.

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