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Button component with variations, states and behaviour.


  • Primary
  • Secondary
  • Tertiary
  • Ghost button
  • Call-to-action
  • Disabled
  • Extra dimension: With/without icon


  • Static/default
  • Focus
  • Hover
  • Active/pressed
  • Disabled

Use cases

  • Form submission
  • Previous/next navigation
  • Calls to action
  • Triggering page interaction

Use when

  • Buttons are used to perform on-page actions.

Don’t use when

  • Don’t use button to link to other pages.

Documentation: Accessibility guidelines

Documentation for general accessibility guidelines. Component-specific accessibility guidelines will be added to the component documentation and where applicable should cross-link with the general guidelines.

Web Components can be used in React

Some projects use NL Design System inside React projects.

Since Web Components are the foundation of the NL Design System components, these components should be usable in the latest stable release of React. Currently that is version ^17.0.0.

We are looking for feedback from the community to gather the requirements.

Current considerations:

  • should web components be wrapped in React components?
  • documentation on how to use NL Design System components in React projects
  • how to automate testing the integration of NL Design System with React?
  • how to support lazy loading of components in React?

“What is a Design System?” elevator pitch

We need to come up with a clear and concise (as in ideally one paragraph) text snippet to explain what a design system is and how it benefits an organization.

The target audience for this piece of writing are for instance laymen who need to be sold on the benefits and opportunities for adopting a design system and the NL Design System in particular.

Web Components available as npm module

Every component in NL Design System that is a Web Component should be available separately to be used in projects, without installing many other components that are not relevant to the user.

  • documentation is available on how to publish an NL Design System web component on
  • documentation is available on how to structure an npm package
    • example of package.json settings
    • example of directory structure
  • users of the package can get started quickly with the documentation available in the file
  • developers that want to use the web component can see if the component is stable or unstable.

Page header


Page header

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A layout component which will wrap around the page-footer-content. Each organisation or project might have a different page-footer-content component.

Commonly wraps around:

  • Logo
  • Main navigation
  • Site search
  • Site-wide options and preferences
  • Account details or log in/out option

Icon: invalid notification

An icon that notifies the user the provided data does not meet the requirements. For example: "password is too short", "postal code is incorrect", "date of birth is missing".

Proposed name: nl-icon-notification-invalid.

Definition of Done

We should provide a definition of done to share the needs of the community and end-users with contributors.

  • The document is available as in this repository.
  • Specific variants for the Definition of Done are available as checklist template for pull requests in the code repository.




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De alert component is er voor berichten die de gebruiker snel moet weten, omdat ze belangrijk zijn voor het uitvoeren van de huidige taak. De alert is alleen voor eenvoudige berichten. Gebruik in de alert geen buttons, geen formulier-componenten en geen complexe opmaak zoals tabellen.

Let op: de alert component gebruiken kan essentieël zijn voor gebruikers van een schermvoorlezer, maar onjuist gebruik kan heel erg vervelend zijn.

Gebruik niet een alert voor een algemene aankondiging die op meerdere pagina's staat, als het niet per se relevant is voor de huidige taak van de bezoeker. De alert wordt door schermvoorlezers als eerste voorgelezen op elke pagina waar de alert staat, het kan lastig zijn de website te gebruiken als de schermlezer elke keer wordt geblokkeerd met steeds dezelfde melding. Gebruik in die situaties de notification banner component.

de alert: wordt zo snel mogelijk aangekondigd.

Componenten die lijken op alert

  • de notification banner #169: wordt ook snel aangekondigd, omdat het één van eerste onderdelen van de pagina is als je de banner plaatst aan het begin van de page header. Je kunt de banner overslaan een skip link.
  • de error appearance van de form field description: voor feedback in een formulier die hoort bij een form control. Wordt aangekondigd door schermlezers wanneer de form control focus heeft.

Group: Card

Card is een groep van componenten een beetje net als badges. Dat komt omdat sommige cards een Card-as-link zijn en anderen bijvoorbeeld een cta-button en een external-link erin hebben zitten. Den Haag heeft bijvoorbeeld ook nog een card die heel specifieke styling heeft zodat hij eruit ziet als een case-folder.

Todo: definieer welke card componenten er veel gebruikt worden.

Web Components can be used in Angular

Some projects use NL Design System inside Angular projects.

Since Web Components are the foundation of the NL Design System components, these components should be usable in the latest stable release of Angular. Currently that is version ^11.0.0.

We are looking for feedback from the community to gather the requirements.

Current considerations:

  • should web components be wrapped in Angular components?
  • should TypeScript definitions be included in the web component npm packages by default?
  • documentation on how to use NL Design System components in Angular projects
  • how to automate testing the integration of NL Design System with Angular?
  • how to support lazy loading of components in Angular?

#nl-design-system Slack channel

Currently over 300 folks have joined our Slack channel at the Code for NL Slack, since starting the channel on October 17th, 2017:

  • #nl-design-system

Everyone is able to join via the form on the homepage of

We currently have 3 channels for slow-chat and sharing links for specific disciplines.

  • #nl-design-system-content
  • #nl-design-system-designers
  • #nl-design-system-developers

There is one private channel for sharing links to video meetings. The channel is invite-only, to prevent harassment (by bots or otherwise) of our video meetings. Sharing the link here or privately by other means is much preferred over adding a link in a public channel.

  • #nl-design-system-meetings

Page footer


Page footer

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A layout component which will wrap around the page-footer-content. Each organisation or project might have a different page-footer-content component.

Commonly wraps around:

  • Copyright notice
  • Link to copyright information
  • Link to about pages
  • (Link to) contact details
  • Link to policies, disclaimers and legal information
  • Newsletter subscription
  • Social media links

Component: Backlink

  • HTML/CSS component
  • Web Component
  • Figma component
  • Design tokens
  • Documentation




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<textarea> component allows users to enter multi-line text for use when more data is expected than a regular text input can contain.

Use when

You expect users to enter large amounts of text.

Don’t use when

You expect users to only enter small amounts of text.

Icon: navigate back

"Back links" often use a "← left arrow" icon. We should have an identifier for this use case.

Proposed name: nl-icon-navigate-back.

We should link to a couple of popular icon sets with an implementation of this icon.

Documentation: Content guidelines

Documentation for general content guidelines. Component-specific content guidelines will be added to the component documentation and where applicable should cross-link with the general guidelines.

Documentation: Dashboard pattern

A dashboard displays a collection of related or unrelated information.

A dashboard must present the most important and relevant information to the user in a single glance.

Main navigation

  • HTML/CSS component
  • Web Component
  • Figma component
  • Design tokens
  • Documentation


The main navigation provides quick access to most often used sections of a site or product. It also provides users a quick glance of a product’s information architecture and highest level of hierarchy.


  • Categories should be understandable and meaningful
  • Only prominent sections should be placed in the main navigation
  • To help orient users, highlight the current section in the main navigation


Google Docs to Markdown

To make our documentation as portable as possible while still retaining the ease of writing in Google Docs we need to investigate an unobtrusive Google Docs to Markdown pipeline.

We can then make sure that documentation in Markdown can live inside of Storybook, next to design files and code implementation.

Form navigation

Den Haag

Screenshot 2024-05-03 at 15 22 01

Open Forms

Screenshot 2024-05-03 at 14 56 59


Net als alle andere navigations voor een specifiek doel, zoals breadcrumb-navigation, side-navigation, main-navigation en language-navigation


  • Overzicht van stappen in een formulier
  • Kan je navigeren tussen de stappen, technisch kan het zijn dat je alleen terug kan navigeren.
  • ...

Formerly known as

progress steps



De horizontale step indicator wordt afgeraden omdat je zelden alle stapnamen horizontaal kwijt kan. Op kleinere schermen sowieso niet en dan heb je weer een ander patroon nodig. Daarnaast is er moeilijk ruimte om de stappen een touch-target te geven die groot genoeg is om lekker te klikken. zegt dat ook, niet doen dus!


Dit is de standaard step indicator en hoeft dus niet een losse variant te zijn.

Use when

Don’t use when

Als PO wil ik begrijpen hoe releases/versioning van het NL Design System werkt

Als PO ben ik niet inhoudelijk deskundig op UX terrein en al wat daar onder de motorkap mee te maken heeft. Als PO van het Virtueel Inkomens Loket wens ik wel de verantwoordelijkheid te bezigen om dit product te sturen op juiste match live versie tov releases/versioning van het NL Design System.

Om die rol waar te kunnen maken is het goed snappen van hoe NL Design System te volgen in het gebruik en/of bij te (laten) dragen met 'mijn' UX team.

Contributor License Agreement

To ensure all contributions are open source, we use a Contributor License Agreement (CLA).

The project uses CLA Assistant for GitHub, to automatically check if code contributors have signed the CLA when they make a Pull Request. Contributions via other channels, to a Design Kit in Figma or Sketch for example, do not yet have a process to ensure there is a CLA.

  • Have a CLA document:
  • Ensure there is a CLA with the cpde contributor, before their code is made available in a release branch
  • Ensure there is a CLA with design contributors, before their contributions are made part of the NL Design System project in Figma

Icon: warning notification

Used to indicate a warning message and ensure it receives the attention required. Usually similar to the Unicode warning sign emoji ⚠️. The usually associated color is yellow or amber. Also see Wikipedia: Warning sign.

Proposed name: nl-icon-notification-warning

Web Components can be used in Blazor

At least one organisation uses NL Design System inside Blazor projects.

Since Web Components are the foundation of the NL Design System components, these components should be usable in the latest stable release of Blazor.

We are looking for feedback from the community to gather the requirements.

Current considerations:

  • should web components be wrapped in Blazor components, or can they be used directly?
  • how can npm packages be installed in a Blazor projects?
  • documentation on how to use NL Design System components in Blazor projects
  • how to automate testing the integration of NL Design System with Blazor?

What would be great to start with, is to have a small demo repository that uses Blazor to render a few of our web components.

Code of Conduct

The project would benefit from having a code of conduct, to provide a safe environment for everyone to contribute.

Based on the choice for the Contributor Covenant by the COVID-19 project, I decided to go for that as well. Their document is based on the version 1.4.

Version 2.0 provides some structure to have consequences for code of conduct violations, which seemed essential to me. This is the main reason I chose to go for that. @usethetics found out there is no Dutch translation for version 2.0. This means making the choice:

  • providing no Dutch translation
  • using v1.4 in Dutch and v2.0 in English side by side
  • make an effort to translate v2.0 to Dutch
  • switch to v1.4 so we can have Dutch and English with the same content.

For now, the status quo is v1.4 in Dutch and v2.0 in English.

An open question is: where do we need to make mention of the code of conduct?

Current status:

  • The Code of Conduct is named so it can be detected by Github and linked from the interface automatically
  • Choose a template for the Code of Conduct
  • Include the Code of Conduct in the GitHub repository
  • Give the Code of Conduct visibility in Slack
  • Provide a Dutch translation for the latest Contributor Covenant v2.0
  • Add Code of Conduct to the GitHub organisation overview

Icon: error notification

An icon that indiciates that information could not be retrieved or an action could not be performed. The error is usually caused outside of the control of the user.

A related icon is the invalid notification (#25), where user provided data does not meet the requirements.

Proposed name: nl-icon-notification-error.





A tooltip discloses extra contextual information. Commonly a tooltip is displayed after being triggered by an on-page action indicating that extra information is available.

Use instead

Toggletip #170




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  • With/without table headers top
  • With/without table headers side (row headers)
  • With/without table caption
  • With/without ‘zebra stripping’, alternate row colors
  • With/without row lines
  • Tabular number column
  • Left/right alignment of text in cells

Related components


  • Responsive behaviour
  • (Text) truncation
  • Line wrapping

Icon: list item arrow

Some lists, link lists in particular, use the "→ right arrow" as list item icon. The arrow should point in the text direction. This icon should be available for this purpose. We should link to a couple of examples of this icon in popular icon sets.

Proposed name: nl-icon-list-item-arrow.

Future considerations:

  • should this icon have localization options, where the "arrow right" is used in "left-to-right" scripts, and the "arrow left" should be used in "right-to-left" scripts?

  • Unicode fallback: → (RIGHTWARDS ARROW U+2192)
  • Example icon SVG is available
  • Links to popular icon set
  • Identifier name is stable
  • Symbol available in Figma, references the identifier
  • Icon documented in Storybook, references the identifier
  • Documentation on the use cases for the icon

Design tokens Figma library

A separate Figma library that houses all design tokens for the white-label theme. This library can be used as a starting point for other themes, new and translations of existing organisation brand styles.

  • Figma library with component setup and Design Token plugin
  • Connection between tokens in Figma and GitHub for code
  • Documentation on getting started with the Figma library
  • Documentation on getting started with Design Tokens
  • Discuss when a Figma component should be added, in the community or candidate state?
    • Add creation of a Figma component to the Definition of Done for components

Recommend Projects

  • React photo React

    A declarative, efficient, and flexible JavaScript library for building user interfaces.

  • Vue.js photo Vue.js

    🖖 Vue.js is a progressive, incrementally-adoptable JavaScript framework for building UI on the web.

  • Typescript photo Typescript

    TypeScript is a superset of JavaScript that compiles to clean JavaScript output.

  • TensorFlow photo TensorFlow

    An Open Source Machine Learning Framework for Everyone

  • Django photo Django

    The Web framework for perfectionists with deadlines.

  • D3 photo D3

    Bring data to life with SVG, Canvas and HTML. 📊📈🎉

Recommend Topics

  • javascript

    JavaScript (JS) is a lightweight interpreted programming language with first-class functions.

  • web

    Some thing interesting about web. New door for the world.

  • server

    A server is a program made to process requests and deliver data to clients.

  • Machine learning

    Machine learning is a way of modeling and interpreting data that allows a piece of software to respond intelligently.

  • Game

    Some thing interesting about game, make everyone happy.

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    Open source projects and samples from Microsoft.

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    Data-Driven Documents codes.