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public-wqualpha2's Introduction

Alpha 2
Final Project

Nick Pollari


Fetch historical data for the Dow 30 stocks for the last 25 years. Construct two strategies which utilize three different pyramid models and three different position sizing models.

Test the various strategies and compare them to the Buy and Hold model.


This Notebook makes use of an event-driven backtesting engine which I created (known as WQUTrader) which provides interchangeable "parts" which allow for a common and uniform API to be utilized across the platform.


WQUTrader is an event driven backtesting engine which allows for users to test trading strategies using various inputs and models. Currently only Equities are supported since that is all I have needed this for. The package includes the following parts;

  1. AlphaLab
  2. Backtester
  3. DataHandler
  4. Events
  5. ExecutionHandler
  6. Output
  7. Portfolio
  8. PositionSizers
  9. PyramidModels
  10. Strategey


AlphaLab is a module which contains functions which can be used to create alpha signals. AlphaLab functions are imported by a strategy and used by the strategy to determine the signal allocation to a particular ticker.


The Backtester module is what contains the main loop for executing a backtest. We have two "While" loops to run the backtest.

The first "While" loop is responsible for asking the DataHandler to update the data so that it contains the latest bars.

The second "while" loop is responsible for pulling down the latest events from the queue and executing the relevant methods with their respective classes.

The cycle works as such:

  1. DataHandler updates data --> Push MarketEvent on to queue
  2. MarketEvent triggers Portfolio to update NAV and market value
  3. MarketEvent triggers Strategy to use the latest data and create signals. Strategy --> Push SignalEvent on to queue
  4. SignalEvent triggers Portfolio to process the signal as it relates to a ticker. Convert the signal into an order to buy or sell a ticker. Portfolio --> Push OrderEvent on to queue
  5. OrderEvent triggers ExecutionHandler to process the order and send it out for execution to the broker. Upon receiving the fill information the ExecutionHandler creates a FillEvent. ExecutionHandler --> Push FillEvent on to queue
  6. FillEvent triggers the Portfolio to process the fill. The portfolio updates the cash position of the portfolio and the holdings of the portfolio. This is also where commissions impact the portfolio.


The DataHandler module is what contains all of the data that will be used in the backtest. The data is released to the other pieces of the backtesting engine one by one through a generator. The data is loaded from GoogleFinance only currently.


The Events are the individual events that current during any 1 time-interval (such as 1 day). These events with their specific type are what force the backtester to call certain functions on certain classes. The Following Events Exist:

  1. MarketEvent - MarketEvent is triggered at the beginning of each new time interval by the DataHandler when it updates its data from the datasource to signal to the portfolio to update its NAV and to the strategy to calculate new signals based on the latest data.

  2. OrderEvent - OrderEvent is triggered by the portfolio after receiving a signal on a ticker and contains the information on the order to be passed to the execution handler.

  3. SignalEvent - SignalEvent is triggered by the strategy after it has processed a MarketEvent and used the latest data available to create new signals for the tickers we are trading. SignalEvent triggers the portfolio to convert the signal into an order.

  4. FillEvent - The FillEvent is triggered by the ExecutionHandler after it has processed an order, sent it to a broker, and recieved the fill information on that order.


The ExecutionHandler is the responsible party for communicating with the broker about orders that are being posted and fills that are being received.


Generates useful output for strategies performance. Alt text


The Portfolio Class is the life and blood of the backtesting engine. Here is where we store the NAV, current positions, interpret our signals from the strategy, ask the ExecutionHandler to execute our orders, and use the Fills from the ExecutionHandler to book our trades.


The Position Sizer classes are used by the Portfolio to determine the position size of the signal that is passed to the portfolio.


The PyramidModel classes are used by the strategy to determine the signal that is passed to the portfolio for creating position size.

A signal of 1.0 means that the strategy wants to invest 1x whatever the portfolio will let it invest.

A signal of 1.5 means that the strategy wants to invest 1.5x whatever the portfolio will let it invest.


The Strategy class is what contains the logic of any strategy. The Strategy class is triggered by a MarketEvent which notifies the strategy that we have new data to use. The strategy calculates the new signals and then pushes a SignalEvent on to the event queue for the Portfolio to process.


Now I detail each subsection of the code and walk you through the entire process from start to finish.


Begin importing all the pieces from WQUTrader and the usual packages like pandas and numpy.

import datetime as dt
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import WQUTrader.Strategy as Strategy
import WQUTrader.Backtester as Backtester
import WQUTrader.DataHandler as DataHandler
import WQUTrader.Portfolio as Portfolio
import WQUTrader.ExecutionHandler as ExecutionHandler
import WQUTrader.PositionSizers as PositionSizers
import WQUTrader.PyramidModels as PyramidModels
import WQUTrader.Output as Output
import WQUTrader.AlphaLab as AlphaLab
import itertools
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import sys

Now I list all the stocks we are going to test and set up the in-sample and out-sample dates. I also provide the starting capital as $ 1,000,000.

# ####### SETTINGS ####### #

# create all the static input variables
ticker_list = ['MMM', 'AXP', 'AAPL', 'BA',
               'CAT', 'CVX', 'CSCO', 'KO', 'DIS',
               'XOM', 'GE', 'GS', 'HD', 'IBM', 'INTC',
               'JNJ', 'JPM', 'MCD', 'MRK', 'MSFT', 'NKE', 'PFE',
               'PG', 'TRV', 'UTX', 'UNH', 'VZ', 'V', 'WMT']
init_capital = 1000000

# create the date related inputs
in_sample_s_dt = dt.datetime(2005, 1, 1)
in_sample_e_dt = dt.datetime(2010, 12, 31)
out_sample_s_dt = dt.datetime(2011, 1, 1)
out_sample_e_dt =

# ##### SETTINGS END ##### #


We make use of the abstract base class of Strategy module in the WQUTrader and create a strategy which utilizes an Exponentially Weighted Moving Average to decide on buying and selling decisions and also a Buy and Hold strategy.

Buy and Hold Strategy
class BuyHold_Strategy(Strategy.Strategy):
    def __init__(self, ticker_list):
        This Strategy executes a simple Buy and Hold
        with Daily Rebalancing

            ticker_list (list): list of tickers interested in trading
        self.ticker_list = ticker_list

    def create_signals(self):
        This method creates the signals for the tickers in self.ticker_list
        utilizing the latest data from the DataHandler. After calculating
        the latest signals the strategy will create a SignalEvent
        to push that information on to the event queue

        for ticker in self.ticker_list:
            self.create_signal_event(ticker, 1.0)
EMA Strategy
class EMA_Strategy(Strategy.Strategy):
    def __init__(self, ticker_list, ema_com, PyramidModel):
        This Strategy executes a trend following system whereby
        we enter into a long position when the current
        price of a ticker is greater than 0.5ATR (lookback equal to ema_com)
        above the EMA price (with lookback equal to ema_com)
        and a short position if the exact opposite is true

            ticker_list (list): list of tickers interested in trading
            ema_com (int): center of mass for the EMA calculation
            PyramidModel (PyramidModel.PyramidModel): PyramidModel class to scale signals
        self.ticker_list = ticker_list
        self.ema_com = ema_com
        # set current signals for each ticker to 0
        self.current_signals = dict(zip(ticker_list, np.zeros(len(ticker_list))))
        # create a dictionary to store any entry prices when I enter a position
        self.enter_prices = dict()
        self.PyramidModel = PyramidModel

    def determine_open_position(self, current_price, current_ema, current_atr):
        Determine whether or not I should consider opening a position
        in a ticker

            current_price (float): Current price of the ticker
            current_ema (float): Current EMA price of the ticker
            current_atr (float): Current ATR value of the ticker

            float: returns signal for entering into a position
        signal = 0.0
        # calculate half the current ATR value
        current_atr_half = current_atr * 0.5
        # create the cutoff values for entering a long / short position
        enter_long_pr = current_ema * (1.0 + current_atr_half)
        enter_short_pr = current_ema * (1.0 - current_atr_half)
        # if the current price is greater than the enter long cutoff then use signal of 1.0
        if (current_price > enter_long_pr):
            signal = 1.0
        # if the current price is less than the enter short cutoff then use the signal of -1.0
        elif (current_price < enter_short_pr):
            signal = -1.0
        return signal

    def calculate_rebalance_signal(self, current_signal, prev_cum_profit, curr_cum_profit):
        Determine what the new signal for the ticker should be because
        we are rebalancing based on the latest data. This is what
        utilizes the Pyramid Model

            current_signal (float): The current signal for the ticker
            prev_cum_profit (float): The amount of cumulative profit I have made on this ticker prior to today
            curr_cum_profit (float): The amount of cumulative profit I have made on this ticker including today

            float: the scaled signal value
        # create tuple of input and bool for scaling
        signal_scale_inputs = tuple([current_signal])
        scale_signal = False

        # if we are doing the reflective pyramid we need to do some calculations
        if == 'RPM':
            scale_signal = True
            cum_prof_diff = curr_cum_profit - prev_cum_profit
            cum_profit_up = cum_prof_diff > 0
            signal_scale_inputs = tuple([current_signal, cum_profit_up])
        # if we are not doing the reflecting pyramid then we just
        # scale up the signal if our current cumulative profit is positive
        elif curr_cum_profit > 0:
            scale_signal = True

        # if we are going to scale the signal then call the Pyramid Model
        if scale_signal:
            new_signal = self.PyramidModel.scale_signal(*signal_scale_inputs)
            new_signal = current_signal
        return new_signal

    def create_signals(self):
        This method creates the signals for the tickers in self.ticker_list
        utilizing the latest data from the DataHandler. After calculating
        the latest signals the strategy will create a SignalEvent
        to push that information on to the event queue
        # the number of latest bars to get from the DataHandler
        num_bars_to_fetch = self.ema_com + 10

        for ticker in self.ticker_list:
                # set bool to False. We don't trade unless we need to
                submit_signal_to_trade = False
                # get the latest ticker data bars and convert to DataFrame
                ticker_df = self.DataHandler.get_latest_dataframe(ticker, num_bars_to_fetch)
                # get the latest price
                current_pr = ticker_df.iloc[-1]['close']
                # calculate the EMA of the ticker prices
                ticker_ema = AlphaLab.calc_ewma(ticker_df['close'], self.ema_com)
                # calculate the True Range of the ticker prices
                ticker_tr = AlphaLab.calc_true_range(ticker_df)
                # calculate the Average True Range of the ticker prices
                ticker_atr = ticker_tr.rolling(self.ema_com).mean()
                # get the current EMA, ATR, and Signal
                current_ema = ticker_ema.iloc[-1]
                current_atr = ticker_atr.iloc[-1]
                current_signal = self.current_signals.get(ticker)
                # if I currently am not invested with this ticker then lets look
                # to see if we should enter a trade
                if current_signal == 0.0:
                    # check to enter the trade
                    new_signal = self.determine_open_position(current_pr,
                    # If I am not going to open up a trade then continue to the next ticker
                    if new_signal == 0.0:
                        # I am going to enter a position then lets record the enter price
                        # and lets set the submit_signal_to_trade bool to True so I will
                        # create a signal event for this ticker with its new signal
                        self.enter_prices[ticker] = current_pr
                        submit_signal_to_trade = True

                    # if my current signal is != to 0 then I must currently have
                    # a trade on for this ticker.
                    close_trade = False
                    # check if the current price is higher or lower than the current
                    # EMA value
                    curr_pr_higher_lower = current_pr > current_ema
                    # If I am long and the current price is not greater than the EMA
                    # then lets close the position
                    if (current_signal > 0.0) & (not curr_pr_higher_lower):
                        # check to exit the long position
                        close_trade = True
                    # If I am short and the current price is greater than the EMA
                    # then lets close the position
                    elif (current_signal < 0.0) & (curr_pr_higher_lower):
                        # check to exit the short position
                        close_trade = True

                    if close_trade:
                        # If I am closing the position then my new signal
                        # must be set to 0
                        new_signal = 0.0
                        # If I am not closing my trade then I need to
                        # rebalance the trade and use the Pyramid Model
                        curr_signal_sign = np.sign(current_signal)
                        enter_price = self.enter_prices.get(ticker)
                        previous_pr = ticker_df.iloc[-2]['close']

                        prev_cum_profit = ((previous_pr / enter_price) - 1.0) * curr_signal_sign
                        curr_cum_profit = ((current_pr / enter_price) - 1.0) * curr_signal_sign
                        # call Pyramid Model for the scaled signal
                        new_signal = self.calculate_rebalance_signal(current_signal,

                    # if my new signal and the current signal are not the same
                    # then we need to rebalance the ticker in the portfolio
                    if new_signal != current_signal:
                        submit_signal_to_trade = True

                # check to see if we should submit this new signal
                if submit_signal_to_trade:
                    self.current_signals[ticker] = new_signal
                    self.create_signal_event(ticker, new_signal)

Helper Functions

These helper functions exist to provide for the ability to support MultiProcessing in the future. The helper functions run a backtest as a single function by taking in a ParameterCombo list. This also includes some plotting functionality and a correltion screener

def run_ema_backtest(ParameterCombo):
    # extract components of the backtest run
    EMA_CenterOfMass = ParameterCombo['EMA_Lookback']
    PyramidClass, PyramidParams = ParameterCombo['PyramidModels']
    PositionSizerClass, PositionSizerParams = ParameterCombo['PositionSizers']
    SampleStartDt = ParameterCombo['SampleStartDt']
    SampleEndDt = ParameterCombo['SampleEndDt']
    TickerList = ParameterCombo['TickerList']
    InitialCapital = ParameterCombo['InitialCapital']
    # instantiate the PyramidObject and the PositionSizerObject
    PyramidObject = PyramidClass(*PyramidParams)
    PositionSizerObject = PositionSizerClass(*PositionSizerParams)

    # create a name for the backtest
    BacktestName = '%iEMA - %s - %s' % (EMA_CenterOfMass,,
    # create a generic string for printing the status of the backtest
    backtest_string = "\nEMA Lookback: %i\nPyramid Class: %s\nPositionSizer Class: %s\n" % (EMA_CenterOfMass,,
    # instantiate the StrategyObject for executing the Strategy Logic
    StrategyObject = EMA_Strategy(TickerList, EMA_CenterOfMass, PyramidObject)
    # instantiate the backtesting engine
    backtester = Backtester.Backtester(SampleStartDt, SampleEndDt, TickerList, StrategyObject,
                                      InitialCapital, DataHandler.GoogleDataHandler,
                                      Portfolio.Portfolio, ExecutionHandler.SimulatedExecutionHandler,
                                      PositionSizer = PositionSizerObject)
    print "%s - Beginning Backtest%s" % ('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'), backtest_string)
    # begin the backtest
    print "%s - Finished Running Backtest%s" % ('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'), backtest_string)
    # generate the backtest output
    return backtester, BacktestName

def run_buy_hold_backtest(ParameterCombo):
    # extract components of the backtest run
    PositionSizerClass, PositionSizerParams = ParameterCombo['PositionSizers']
    SampleStartDt = ParameterCombo['SampleStartDt']
    SampleEndDt = ParameterCombo['SampleEndDt']
    TickerList = ParameterCombo['TickerList']
    InitialCapital = ParameterCombo['InitialCapital']
    BacktestName = ParameterCombo['BacktestName']
    # instantiate the PositionSizerObject
    PositionSizerObject = PositionSizerClass(*PositionSizerParams)

    # instantiate the StrategyObject for executing the Strategy Logic
    StrategyObject = BuyHold_Strategy(TickerList)
    # instantiate the backtesting engine
    backtester = Backtester.Backtester(SampleStartDt, SampleEndDt, TickerList, StrategyObject,
                                      InitialCapital, DataHandler.GoogleDataHandler,
                                      Portfolio.Portfolio, ExecutionHandler.SimulatedExecutionHandler,
                                      PositionSizer = PositionSizerObject)
    print "%s - Beginning Buy and Hold Backtest - %s" % ('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'), BacktestName)
    # begin the backtest
    print "%s - Finished Running Buy and Hold Backtest - %s" % ('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'), BacktestName)
    # generate the backtest output
    return backtester, BacktestName

def create_bar_plot(series):
    # create plot
    f_, a_ = plt.subplots()
    # create x axis labels
    x_axis = [str(x) for x in series.index]
    # create y axis values
    y_axis = [round(x, 2) for x in series.tolist()]
    # create x axis ticks
    ind = np.arange(len(x_axis))
    # add to plot, y_axis)
    # set x ticks and labels and rotate
    for label in a_.get_xticklabels():
    # set y label
    # set x label
    a_.set_xlabel('Strategy Name (EMA Days - PyramidModel - PositionSizer)')
    # set tot;e
    a_.set_title('%s Comparison' %
    return f_, a_

def create_line_plot(dataframe, ylabel, title):
    # create line plot
    f_, a_ = plt.subplots()
    # plot the columns
    for col in dataframe:
        a_.plot(dataframe.index, dataframe[col].values, label = col)
    # set the y label
    # set the title
    # position legend outside the image
    box = a_.get_position()
    a_.set_position([box.x0, box.y0, box.width * 0.8, box.height])

    # Put a legend to the right of the current axis
    a_.legend(loc='center left', bbox_to_anchor=(1, 0.5))

    return f_, a_

def sort_and_score_series(series):
    # get the series values and sort them
    sorted_series = series.sort_values()
    # score the values
    new_series = pd.Series(index = sorted_series.index, data = range(1, len(sorted_series) + 1), name =
    return new_series

def get_ticker_correlations(backtester_object):
    # extract ticker pair by pair correlations
    returns_df_list = list()
    for ticker in backtester_object.ticker_list:
        # get the ticker data from DataHandler
        ticker_df = backtester_object.DataHandler.get_latest_dataframe(ticker, 0)
        # get the returns
        ticker_returns = ticker_df['return'] = ticker
    # create a DataFrame for the returns
    returns_df = pd.concat(returns_df_list, axis=1)
    # return the correlated returns
    return returns_df.corr()

def find_N_least_correlated_tickers(correlation_df, N):
    # get the combination of tickers
    ticker_pairs = itertools.combinations(correlation_df.index.tolist(), 2)
    # create a dictionary of all the pairs and their values
    correlation_dict = {pair : correlation_df.loc[pair[0], pair[1]] for pair in ticker_pairs}
    # convert the dictionary to a pandas series
    correlation_series = pd.Series(correlation_dict).drop_duplicates().sort_values()
    # select the least correlated tickers
    tickers_to_select = list()
    for ticker_pair in correlation_series.index:
        ticker1, ticker2 = ticker_pair
        if ticker1 not in tickers_to_select:

        if len(tickers_to_select) < 4:
            if ticker2 not in tickers_to_select:
    return tickers_to_select

Main Run Cell

This cell launches the program and prints various status points to stdout. This also produces all the output found in the final project PDF including tables and charts. We run the in-sample test, store all the in-sample results, run the out-of-sample test, store all the out-of-sample results, and compute aggregated results for all strategy types.

print "%s - Program Launched" % ('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'))
# create a dictionary which has the MultiTierModel Thresholds
PositionSizer_MultiTierModel_Thresholds = {0.03 : 1.1, 0.05 : 1.25, 0.1 : 1.5, 0.15 : 2.0, 0.2 : 2.5}
# create a dictionary which stores all the possible elements of the various model parameter sets
ParameterSet = {'TickerList' : [ticker_list],
                'InitialCapital' : [init_capital],
                'SampleStartDt' : [in_sample_s_dt],
                'SampleEndDt' : [in_sample_e_dt],
                'EMA_Lookback' : [45, 21],
                'PyramidModels' : [(PyramidModels.ReflectingPyramidModel, tuple([2.0])),
                                   (PyramidModels.UprightPyramidModel, tuple([2.0])),
                                   (PyramidModels.InvertedPyramidModel, tuple([2.0]))],
                'PositionSizers' : [(PositionSizers.PercentVolatilityModel, tuple([0.01, 0.2])),
                                    (PositionSizers.MarketMoneyModel, tuple([0.01, 0.5])),
                                    (PositionSizers.MultiTierModel, tuple([0.01, PositionSizer_MultiTierModel_Thresholds]))]

print "%s - Creating All Possible Parameter Combinations" % ('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'))
# create all the combinations of the parameters
ParameterCombinations = (dict(itertools.izip(ParameterSet, x)) for x in itertools.product(*ParameterSet.itervalues()))

# create a dictionary to store all the output
InSampleOutputDict = dict()
# In Sample Backtesting Object
InSampleBacktesterObj = None
print "%s - Beginning In Sample Backtests" % ('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'))

# These could all be done at once through multiprocessing
# but because Python has different behavior depending on the
# OS it is running on, I will leave that out for now.
for ParameterCombo in ParameterCombinations:
    BacktesterObj, BacktestName = run_ema_backtest(ParameterCombo)
    if InSampleBacktesterObj is None:
        InSampleBacktesterObj = BacktesterObj
    InSampleOutputDict[BacktestName] = {'nav_df' : BacktesterObj.nav_df,
                                        'trades_df' : BacktesterObj.trades_df,
                                        'components' : ParameterCombo}

print "%s - Creating In Sample Wealth Paths" % ('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'))
# Create Wealthpaths
WealthPathList = list()
for BacktestName, BacktestOutputDict in InSampleOutputDict.items():
    nav_df = BacktestOutputDict['nav_df'].set_index('date')
    wealthpath = nav_df['nav'].divide(nav_df['nav'].iloc[0]) = BacktestName
InSampleWealthPath_Df = pd.concat(WealthPathList, axis=1)

# Create Wealthpath Plot
InSampleWealthPathFig, InSampleWealthPathAx = create_line_plot(InSampleWealthPath_Df,
                                                               'Growth of $1',
                                                               'In Sample WealthPath Chart Growth of $1')
InSampleWealthPathFig.savefig('InSample - WealthPaths.png')

print "%s - Creating In Sample Return Statistics and Charts" % ('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'))
# create insample output stats
InSampleOutput_Obj = Output.Output(InSampleWealthPath_Df.pct_change())
InSampleOutput_Df = InSampleOutput_Obj.generate_output()

# create all the bar charts
BarChartColumns = ['Annualized Return', 'Sharpe Ratio',
                   'Sortino Ratio', 'Win Rate',
                   'Trade Expectancy', 'Max Drawdown',
                   'Lake Ratio', 'Win Loss Ratio', 'Gain to Pain Ratio']
BarChartsList = list()
for BarChartCol in BarChartColumns:
    BarChartDataset = InSampleOutput_Df.loc[BarChartCol, :]
    if 'Ratio' not in BarChartCol: = BarChartCol + ' (%)'
        BarChartDataset = BarChartDataset.multiply(100.0)

    fig, ax = create_bar_plot(BarChartDataset)
    filename = 'InSample - %s.png' % BarChartCol
    BarChartsList.append((fig, ax))

print "%s - Selecting The Best In Sample Model" % ('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'))
# sort and score the in sample strategies based on their metrics
MetricsToScore = ['Sharpe Ratio', 'Sortino Ratio', 'Max Drawdown', 'Trade Expectancy', 'Win Rate']
ScoredMetrics = list()
for Metric in MetricsToScore:
    ScoredSeries = sort_and_score_series(InSampleOutput_Df.loc[Metric, :])

# select the backtest to use for out of sample
InSampleScoredBacktests = pd.concat(ScoredMetrics, axis=1).sum(axis=1).sort_values()
BestInSampleBacktestName = InSampleScoredBacktests.index[-1]
BestInSampleParameters = InSampleOutputDict[BestInSampleBacktestName]['components']
BestInSampleParameters['SampleStartDt'] = out_sample_s_dt
BestInSampleParameters['SampleEndDt'] = out_sample_e_dt

print "%s - Running Out Of Sample with Best In Sample Model" % ('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'))
# run the out of sample backtest
BestInSampleBacktesterObj, BestInSampleBacktestName = run_ema_backtest(BestInSampleParameters)
BestInSampleBacktestNav = BestInSampleBacktesterObj.nav_df.set_index('date')['nav'] = BestInSampleBacktestName

# generate output statistics for out of sample period
OutSampleOutput_Obj = Output.Output(BestInSampleBacktestNav.pct_change())
OutSampleOutput_Df = OutSampleOutput_Obj.generate_output()

# create out of sample wealthpath to plot
OutSampleWealthPath_Df = pd.DataFrame(BestInSampleBacktestNav)
OutSampleWealthPath_Df.columns = [BestInSampleBacktestName]
OutSampleWealthPath_Df = OutSampleWealthPath_Df.divide(OutSampleWealthPath_Df.iloc[0])
OutSampleWealthPath_Df = pd.DataFrame(OutSampleWealthPath_Df)

OutSampleWealthPathFig, OutSampleWealthPathAx = create_line_plot(OutSampleWealthPath_Df,
                                                                 'Growth of $1',
                                                                 'Out Sample WealthPath Chart Growth of $1')
OutSampleWealthPathFig.savefig('OutSample - WealthPaths.png')

print "%s - Running Full Period Simulations" % ('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'))
# now we get the in sample ticker correlations
Correlation_Df = get_ticker_correlations(InSampleBacktesterObj)
# now we find the 10 least correlated tickers
LeastCorrelatedTickers = find_N_least_correlated_tickers(Correlation_Df, 10)

# create some new parameter groups for backtesting
FullPeriodParameters = [{'TickerList' : ['DIA'],
                         'InitialCapital' : init_capital,
                         'SampleStartDt' : in_sample_s_dt,
                         'SampleEndDt' : out_sample_e_dt,
                         'PositionSizers' : (PositionSizers.PercentEquityModel, tuple([1.0])),
                         'BacktestName' : 'Buy & Hold DIA Index'
                         {'TickerList' : LeastCorrelatedTickers,
                          'InitialCapital' : init_capital,
                          'SampleStartDt' : in_sample_s_dt,
                          'SampleEndDt' : out_sample_e_dt,
                          'PositionSizers' : (PositionSizers.PercentEquityModel, tuple([1.0 / len(LeastCorrelatedTickers)])),
                          'BacktestName' : 'Buy & Hold 10 Least Correlated'

# get full period results for the Buy and Hold Strategies
FullPeriod = dict()
for ParameterCombo in FullPeriodParameters:
    BacktesterObj, BacktestName = run_buy_hold_backtest(ParameterCombo)
    FullPeriod[BacktestName] = {'nav_df' : BacktesterObj.nav_df,
                                'trades_df' : BacktesterObj.trades_df,
                                'components' : None}

# get full period results for the Best In Sample Strategy
BestInSampleParameters['SampleStartDt'] = in_sample_s_dt
FullPeriodBacktesterObj, BacktestName = run_ema_backtest(BestInSampleParameters)
FullPeriod[BacktestName] = {'nav_df' : FullPeriodBacktesterObj.nav_df,
                            'trades_df' : FullPeriodBacktesterObj.trades_df,
                            'components' : None}

print "%s - Creating Full Period Wealth Paths and Return Stats" % ('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'))
# Create Full Period Wealthpaths
FullPeriodWealthPathList = list()
for BacktestName, BacktestOutputDict in FullPeriod.items():
    nav_df = BacktestOutputDict['nav_df'].set_index('date')
    wealthpath = nav_df['nav'].divide(nav_df['nav'].iloc[0]) = BacktestName

FullPeriodWealthPath_Df = pd.concat(FullPeriodWealthPathList, axis=1)
# Create Wealthpath Plot
FullPeriodWealthPathFig, FullPeriodWealthPathAx = create_line_plot(FullPeriodWealthPath_Df,
                                                                   'Growth of $1',
                                                                   'Full Period WealthPath Chart Growth of $1')
FullPeriodWealthPathFig.savefig('FullPeriod - WealthPaths.png')

# generate output statistics for full sample period
FullPeriodOutput_Obj = Output.Output(FullPeriodWealthPath_Df.pct_change())
FullPeriodOutput_Df = FullPeriodOutput_Obj.generate_output()
print "Finished Running"
2017-10-24 17:00:03 - Program Launched
2017-10-24 17:00:03 - Creating All Possible Parameter Combinations
2017-10-24 17:00:03 - Beginning In Sample Backtests
2017-10-24 17:00:24 - Beginning Backtest
EMA Lookback: 45
Pyramid Class: RPM
PositionSizer Class: PVM

2017-10-24 17:04:49 - Finished Running Backtest
EMA Lookback: 45
Pyramid Class: RPM
PositionSizer Class: PVM

2017-10-24 17:05:09 - Beginning Backtest
EMA Lookback: 21
Pyramid Class: RPM
PositionSizer Class: PVM

2017-10-24 17:09:29 - Finished Running Backtest
EMA Lookback: 21
Pyramid Class: RPM
PositionSizer Class: PVM

2017-10-24 17:09:47 - Beginning Backtest
EMA Lookback: 45
Pyramid Class: UPM
PositionSizer Class: PVM

2017-10-24 17:12:37 - Finished Running Backtest
EMA Lookback: 45
Pyramid Class: UPM
PositionSizer Class: PVM

2017-10-24 17:12:55 - Beginning Backtest
EMA Lookback: 21
Pyramid Class: UPM
PositionSizer Class: PVM

2017-10-24 17:16:01 - Finished Running Backtest
EMA Lookback: 21
Pyramid Class: UPM
PositionSizer Class: PVM

2017-10-24 17:16:20 - Beginning Backtest
EMA Lookback: 45
Pyramid Class: IPM
PositionSizer Class: PVM

2017-10-24 17:19:21 - Finished Running Backtest
EMA Lookback: 45
Pyramid Class: IPM
PositionSizer Class: PVM

2017-10-24 17:19:49 - Beginning Backtest
EMA Lookback: 21
Pyramid Class: IPM
PositionSizer Class: PVM

2017-10-24 17:23:19 - Finished Running Backtest
EMA Lookback: 21
Pyramid Class: IPM
PositionSizer Class: PVM

2017-10-24 17:23:56 - Beginning Backtest
EMA Lookback: 45
Pyramid Class: RPM
PositionSizer Class: MMM

2017-10-24 17:28:24 - Finished Running Backtest
EMA Lookback: 45
Pyramid Class: RPM
PositionSizer Class: MMM

2017-10-24 17:28:45 - Beginning Backtest
EMA Lookback: 21
Pyramid Class: RPM
PositionSizer Class: MMM

2017-10-24 17:33:05 - Finished Running Backtest
EMA Lookback: 21
Pyramid Class: RPM
PositionSizer Class: MMM

2017-10-24 17:33:24 - Beginning Backtest
EMA Lookback: 45
Pyramid Class: UPM
PositionSizer Class: MMM

2017-10-24 17:36:17 - Finished Running Backtest
EMA Lookback: 45
Pyramid Class: UPM
PositionSizer Class: MMM

2017-10-24 17:36:35 - Beginning Backtest
EMA Lookback: 21
Pyramid Class: UPM
PositionSizer Class: MMM

2017-10-24 17:39:43 - Finished Running Backtest
EMA Lookback: 21
Pyramid Class: UPM
PositionSizer Class: MMM

2017-10-24 17:40:02 - Beginning Backtest
EMA Lookback: 45
Pyramid Class: IPM
PositionSizer Class: MMM

2017-10-24 17:42:59 - Finished Running Backtest
EMA Lookback: 45
Pyramid Class: IPM
PositionSizer Class: MMM

2017-10-24 17:43:20 - Beginning Backtest
EMA Lookback: 21
Pyramid Class: IPM
PositionSizer Class: MMM

2017-10-24 17:46:35 - Finished Running Backtest
EMA Lookback: 21
Pyramid Class: IPM
PositionSizer Class: MMM

2017-10-24 17:46:54 - Beginning Backtest
EMA Lookback: 45
Pyramid Class: RPM
PositionSizer Class: MTM

2017-10-24 17:51:23 - Finished Running Backtest
EMA Lookback: 45
Pyramid Class: RPM
PositionSizer Class: MTM

2017-10-24 17:51:42 - Beginning Backtest
EMA Lookback: 21
Pyramid Class: RPM
PositionSizer Class: MTM

2017-10-24 17:56:02 - Finished Running Backtest
EMA Lookback: 21
Pyramid Class: RPM
PositionSizer Class: MTM

2017-10-24 17:56:21 - Beginning Backtest
EMA Lookback: 45
Pyramid Class: UPM
PositionSizer Class: MTM

2017-10-24 17:59:12 - Finished Running Backtest
EMA Lookback: 45
Pyramid Class: UPM
PositionSizer Class: MTM

2017-10-24 17:59:31 - Beginning Backtest
EMA Lookback: 21
Pyramid Class: UPM
PositionSizer Class: MTM

2017-10-24 18:02:39 - Finished Running Backtest
EMA Lookback: 21
Pyramid Class: UPM
PositionSizer Class: MTM

2017-10-24 18:02:57 - Beginning Backtest
EMA Lookback: 45
Pyramid Class: IPM
PositionSizer Class: MTM

2017-10-24 18:05:54 - Finished Running Backtest
EMA Lookback: 45
Pyramid Class: IPM
PositionSizer Class: MTM

2017-10-24 18:06:14 - Beginning Backtest
EMA Lookback: 21
Pyramid Class: IPM
PositionSizer Class: MTM

2017-10-24 18:09:30 - Finished Running Backtest
EMA Lookback: 21
Pyramid Class: IPM
PositionSizer Class: MTM

2017-10-24 18:09:30 - Creating In Sample Wealth Paths
2017-10-24 18:09:31 - Creating In Sample Return Statistics and Charts
2017-10-24 18:09:33 - Selecting The Best In Sample Model
2017-10-24 18:09:33 - Running Out Of Sample with Best In Sample Model
2017-10-24 18:09:52 - Beginning Backtest
EMA Lookback: 45
Pyramid Class: IPM
PositionSizer Class: MTM

2017-10-24 18:13:25 - Finished Running Backtest
EMA Lookback: 45
Pyramid Class: IPM
PositionSizer Class: MTM

2017-10-24 18:13:26 - Running Full Period Simulations
2017-10-24 18:13:27 - Beginning Buy and Hold Backtest - Buy & Hold DIA Index
2017-10-24 18:13:48 - Finished Running Buy and Hold Backtest - Buy & Hold DIA Index
2017-10-24 18:13:52 - Beginning Buy and Hold Backtest - Buy & Hold 10 Least Correlated
2017-10-24 18:15:36 - Finished Running Buy and Hold Backtest - Buy & Hold 10 Least Correlated
2017-10-24 18:16:05 - Beginning Backtest
EMA Lookback: 45
Pyramid Class: IPM
PositionSizer Class: MTM

2017-10-24 18:24:23 - Finished Running Backtest
EMA Lookback: 45
Pyramid Class: IPM
PositionSizer Class: MTM

2017-10-24 18:24:24 - Creating Full Period Wealth Paths and Return Stats
Finished Running

public-wqualpha2's People





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