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react-form-validator-core's People


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react-form-validator-core's Issues

How can I handle multiple input component ?

Hi guys, first thank you for your work. Your package is the only one that covered all my uses cases... Until now.
I'm trying to make a Radio ValidatorComponent (RadioGroupValidator) that contain some Radio components (<input type="radio" {...props} />). I use the "required" rule with an error message as it is a radio (I just want to check if at least on radio has been checked).
The problem is that when i submit my form, the error appears event if one of my radio is checked.
I make the error disappear with the "makeValid" methode of ValidatorComponent but when validation is call it still returns an error.


  • Is it possible to handle multiple inputs component with react-form-validator-core?
    (radio, checkbox...)

  • If yes can you give an example ?

Getting a warning on form submit

I am using react-material-ui-form-validator (which depends on react-form-validator-core) in one of my projects and every form throws a warning when submitting like this:

Warning: This synthetic event is reused for performance reasons. If you're seeing this, you're accessing the method preventDefault on a released/nullified synthetic event. This is a no-op function. If you must keep the original synthetic event around, use event.persist(). See for more information.

This happens in ValidatorForm.jsx in the submit method.

react - v16.8.4
react-material-ui-form-validator - v2.0.7
react-form-validator-core - v0.6.2

new validation rules

Hi, I would like to add two new validation rules

  • maxFileSize
  • allowedFileTypes

How to pass an actual regex?

matchRegexp: (value, regexp) => {
        const validationRegexp = (regexp instanceof RegExp ? regexp : (new RegExp(regexp)));
        return (!isExisty(value) || isEmpty(value) || validationRegexp.test(value));

I don't see how one can pass a regex? For example I am wanting to use modifiers such as the case insensitive 'i' but ['matchRegep:/^[a-z0-9]+$/i'] gets handled as a string and doesn't work. I saw an issue on formsy react with a similar unanswered question so perhaps it stems from that.

I am able to do what I need using [A-Za-z0-9] for my needs so this is more of a general curiosity question.

cannot locate @types/react-form-validator-core

I cannot find the @types/eact-form-validator-core and I cannot use react-form-validator-core yet in a typescript project. Linting is failing on every component extending ValidatorComponent.
Any suggestion?

Why there is no ValidatorForm.removeValidationRule?


After adding a custom validation rule with ValidatorForm.addValidationRule in componentDidMount(), I think it is reasonable to remove it in componentWillUnmount(). It looks like there could be a memory leak because the custom rule function stays in the Rules collection with all its closures.
Why there is no ValidatorForm.removeValidationRule?


Unhandled Promise Rejection on using resetValidations()

I am having a form for signing, having as state

this.state = {
  email: '',
  fullName: '',

I am using the ValidatorForm alongside the ValidatorComponent. And it is working successfully.

But I would like to clean my fields values on success submit, the idea was naturally to clean state value as follow:

handleSubmit = () => { the backend
       email: '',
       fullName: '',

This is retriggering the validation process, causing the required field message to reappear.

I have got the idea of using ValidationForm.resetValidations(); to reset all validation

And now my handleSubmit() methods looks like this:

import { ValidatorForm } from 'react-form-validator-core';


handleSubmit = () => { the backend
       email: '',
       fullName: '',

But I am getting this error:

Possible Unhandled Promise Rejection: TypeError: react_form_validator_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__.ValidatorForm.resetValidations is not a function
    at Object.Contact.handleSubmit [as onSubmit] (Contact.jsx:93)
    at ValidatorForm.js:83
    at index.js:53
    at run (setImmediate.js:40)
    at runIfPresent (setImmediate.js:69)
    at onGlobalMessage (setImmediate.js:109)

Extending validation logic.

Hi. I've special validation case. Literally we should not allow to submit form if component marked as Claimed, while the value was not changed.

Next code, works fine, it's check if this field is claimed, marks it's as invalid and trigger related error msg. But it's works only visually, user can submit this form despite that was not changed=invalid.

I tried all possible ways to achieve this result and didn't get success. makeInvalid etc seems that not working, because this.validate() overwrite isValid state on form submit.
Is it possible somehow extend/override validate() method to prevent from submit when it's not valid based on custom rule?

return class ClaimedValidator extends ValidatorComponent {
        constructor(props) {
            this.state = { ...this.state, changed: false, initialValue: ''}

        onChangeValue(value) {
            const {onChange} = this.props;
            if (!this.state.changed) {
                this.setState({initialValue: this.props.value})                 
            this.setState({changed: true})                 

        getHelperText() {
            const {isValid} = this.state;
            const {claimText, helperText} = this.props;

            if (isClaimError(this.props, this.state)) {
                return claimText;
            else if (!isValid) {
                return this.getErrorMessage() || helperText;

        render() {
            /* eslint-disable no-unused-vars */
            const {
            } = this.props;

            const { isValid } = this.state;
            return (
                    error={!isValid || isClaimError(this.props, this.state)}

Trigger error after form submit and api return

I have a return of the api, with an error for my form element.
And I made a validation function.
But, how can I trigger this after api returns my error?

ValidatorForm.addValidationRule('hasApiEmailError', (value) => {
    if (form_error && && {
        return false;
    return true;

    value={ }
    validators={ ['required', 'isEmail', 'hasApiEmailError'] }
    errorMessages={ ['this field is required', 'email is not valid', this.getErrorMessage(form_error, 'email')] }
    onChange={ (event) => this.handleChange(event) }

Getting a warning on form submit

I am using react-form-validator-core in one of my projects, and I have noticed that I am getting a warning while performing certain actions. I have stripped down the code to the minimum where I can consistently reproduce this issue. You can find the code at

This is observed in Chrome and Edge. Did not test on any other browsers.

Steps to reproduce

  • git clone
  • npm install
  • npm start ( http://localhost:3000. Open the browser dev tool console)
  • Initially, you should see a form with a single textbox. Fill some value and submit the form. This action hides the form and shows a div with the text that was entered in the textbox and a button that clears the redux state.
  • You will notice that there is a warning in the dev tool console ( screenshot attached )


This warning appears only on page load. You can see the textbox again by clicking on the Clear State button. No warning is thrown if you submit the form again without refreshing the page.

Files to look for

  • src/components/User.js ( This file has a lot of useful comments which will be helpful in making changes and testing )

Warning Text

Warning: Can't perform a React state update on an unmounted component. This is a no-op, but it indicates a memory leak in your application. To fix, cancel all subscriptions and asynchronous tasks in the componentWillUnmount method.

Is there any way to have ValidateOnChangeAfterInitialBlur ?


  • when user focuses field, there is no error and the field is empty, no validation nor error message is displayed till the blur event.
  • If the user focuses the field, there is no error and the field has values, on change(instantValidation) the validation is performed
  • If the user focuses the field with an error, the validation is performed on change(instantValidation).

Async Validator Rule

Hey Guys, i want to add a new validation rule to check if mail is available.
Somethink like

ValidatorForm.addValidationRule('isEmailAvailable', (value) => {'/api/users/emailavailable', formDataClear)
            .then((response) => {
                if ( == "ok") {
                    return true
                return false

Is there a way to set async validators?

Validity of the whole form


Can you add a property or method to the ValidatorForm to see if the whole form is valid or not.

Something like

isValid=()=> { => { if(child.isValid) { return true } }); return false }

Why does it that isFormValid delayed?

I have the following code

    handleFullnameChange = (fullname) => {
        this.setState({ fullname });
        this.refs['form'].isFormValid(false).then((response) => {
            console.log("is Valid "+response)

And this too

                                placeholder="Full Name"
                                onChangeText={this.handleFullnameChange} />

I'm expecting that when I type 3 characters that the log will return "is Valid true". Instead it returns "is Valid false" on the first 3 times I type a letter, and then returns "is Valid true" on the 4th time.

maxStringLength issue with null value


In mostly "add new screen", object's properties will be null.
Without input anything, the text field have null value should still satisfy all maxStringLength validation.

Current code :

Can we update it to something like this :

 maxStringLength: (value, length) => !isExisty (value)  || (validations.isString(value) && value.length <= length),

Thank you and Best regards,

instantValidate function not being called

Using should prevent instant validation. It looks like in the ValidatorComponent.jsx you guys are checking if the this.instantValidate exists rather than calling it.

Current Code:
componentDidUpdate(prevProps, prevState) { if (**this.instantValidate** && this.props.value !== prevState.value) { this.validateDebounced(this.props.value, this.props.withRequiredValidator); } }

Suggested Fix:
componentDidUpdate(prevProps, prevState) { if (**this.instantValidate()** && this.props.value !== prevState.value) { this.validateDebounced(this.props.value, this.props.withRequiredValidator); } }

Error: resetValidations is not a function.

I tried to use resetValidations, however I got error: this.form.resetValidations is not a function. And when I looked into the source in browser, I didn't even see the function under ValidatorForm.js.
I think the reason is we didn't bind it correctly in ValidatorForm.

isFormValid() issue

Hi @NewOldMax ,

Thanks for providing the isFormValid() method to get the form state if its valid or not.

I was trying to use it in the validatorListener but it keeps going into infinite loop. Where do you suggest we should use isFormValid() method?

Uncaught TypeError: _this.props.validatorListener is not a function

I am implementing form validation inside my material-ui TextField as follow:

TextInput component

class TextInput extends ValidatorComponent {
   * render the component
   * @returns {object} JSX
  render() {
    const {
    } = this.props;

    const { isValid } = this.state;

    return (
        error={!isValid || error}
        helperText={(!isValid && this.getErrorMessage()) || helperText}

TextInput.propTypes = {
  id: PropTypes.string.isRequired,
  label: PropTypes.string.isRequired,
  error: PropTypes.bool,
  helperText: PropTypes.string,
  variant: PropTypes.string,
  autoFocus: PropTypes.bool,
  multiline: PropTypes.bool,
  rows: PropTypes.string,

TextInput.defaultProps = {
  error: false,
  helperText: undefined,
  variant: 'outlined',
  autoFocus: false,
  multiline: false,
  rows: '8',

export default TextInput;

My Form

    validators={['required', 'isEmail']}
    errorMessages={['this field is required', 'email is not valid']}
  <Box marginTop={2}>
    <Button variant="contained" type="submit" className="button" fullWidth>
      send message


I don't understand why every time I enter a value on the TextField, I am getting this error:

Uncaught TypeError: _this.props.validatorListener is not a function

Would like to know the effective way of using this library alongside material-ui

Update dependency of react-lifecycles-compat to 3.0.2+


I've using [email protected] on my project scaffolded by create-react-app and on build to production step react-scripts build throws the error:

Failed to minify the code from this file:

The real problem is related here, and the solution is the react-form-validator-core upgrade the dependency version of react-lifecycles-compat to 3.0.2+ if you are using version 0.4.3.

On version 0.4.4 all works as expected.

File input validators not working as expected

I have added these props to my file input:

validators={['isFile', 'maxFileSize:' + 2 * 1024 * 1024, 'allowedExtensions:image/png,image/jpeg']}
errorMessages={['File not valid.', 'The file size must not exceed 2MB.', 'The file must be png or jpeg.']}

But when I don't add a file, it still shows "File not valid" (or the first error of the array)

isFormValid() returs Promise

isFormValid dryRun: bool (default true) bool Get form validation state (true if whole form is valid). Run with dryRun = false to show validation errors on form

but i am getting return value as promise. I try to check the code and found the same

Let me know if I am missing something.

Support for radio type

Is there planned support for radio type (or perhaps something I'm missing in what's currently available)?

In the source, it looks like your forcibly looking at value, value = _input$props.value, in ValidateForm.js.

Is there a plan to allow a prop to specify a key (naturally defaulted to "value") such as 'checked'.

However, it looks like you probablyhave to either:

  1. look at the actual dom element instead of the component element.
    or 2. force the named prop to also be present as a property.

Issue in TextValidator children rendering

I have used InputMask component in side of TextValidator and its worked fine in react.15x after updating its not working. Please check below code. How i can make it happen please help us

                hintText="Home Phone"
                label="Home Phone"
                  hintText="Home Phone"
                  mask="(999) 999-9999"

TextValidators not displayed in error state on submit of form when there are validation issues

Hello, I'm having an issue with a form that has multiple TextValidators with the same name prop value. I'll try to explain a simplified version of my setup for some context.

I have a component that contains an array of objects of type A. So, for example, each of these A objects has a name, description, etc because they're all of the same type. I'm rendering a form that contains TextValidator components for the fields that are editable on these A objects. So, after rendering an entire form containing form fields for this array of object, there will be multiple TextValidators with the same name prop because I'm using a sub-component to render these objects. In order to update the state of this array of objects, the sub-components just pass an index to a onUpdate handler with the onChange event which is just the browser event. So, using the index and the browser event (and more specifically, the parent component knows how to update the correct A object that it is managing because it can index into its array of A objects and then use to update the correct field value.

It seems, however, that the ValidatorForm component requires that TextValidator names be unique because of this line where it tries to find a child component of the form that has the same name as the input. If you have more than 1 input with the same name, then that find() call will only ever return the first one (as far as i can tell).

So, I have two questions about that. The first is: should name props of TextValidators be unique? The second is: In my debugging and in that particular piece of code I referenced, input is always a TextValidator component, so why would you then need to find a child component with the same name if you've already got the component? If that code just used the input param passed to the validate function, then I think my issue would be solved because the submit()->walk()->checkInput() function chain wouldn't care about matching names, it would just go through each form field and validate them regardless of names.

This is a problem mainly on submit because the default onSubmit handler in ValidatorForm rolls through all of its managed inputs and checks to see which ones are invalid by name (and has runs into the issue I mentioned above). So, currently the form I have will only display the first field with a given name as being invalid and any others will just remain in a normal state (no error message, no red outline, etc.)

Sorry for being a bit long-winded. Any advise?

Setting props dynamically doesn't work

I'm trying to set the "instantValidate" property dynamically and there is no effect.

I've also tried to use refs like you suggested here (#33 (comment)), and I can successfully alter the property via the ref, but it as no real effect.

Memory leak with debounceTime

I have next warning when I am using debounceTime,
Warning: Can't call setState (or forceUpdate) on an unmounted component. This is a no-op, but it indicates a memory leak in your application. To fix, cancel all subscriptions and asynchronous tasks in the componentWillUnmount method

my code:


When I am typing something in validation input and then I change route or close form component I always get this Warning, without debounceTime everything works correctly, but I need debounceTime.
As I understand we need unsubscribe from debounceTime before component will unmaunt, but how can I handle it?

Please help me if you can

onChange, setState doesn't work!

Hi. Many things doesn't work.
I have code example:

<ValidatorForm instantValidate={false} onSubmit={::this.submit} className="form">
    validators={['required', 'matchRegexp:^@+.?' ]}
    errorMessages={['this field is required', 'telegramm link should be like in example @your_name']}
    value={contactInfo && contactInfo.telegramAccount}

and part of my Input component:

class Text extends ValidatorComponent {
 static propTypes = {......}
 static defaultProps = {......}
    this.state = {
        ...{id: uniqid( + '-')}

errorText() {....From example...}

     let value = event && && || '';
            value: value
          ref={(r) => { this.input = r; }}

1: when page is loaded validation start to run even if instantValidate={false}.
2: when i try to change input value -validation started again.
3: I can't change input value through method onChange, value doesn't change because of method in your component getDerivedStateFromProps
4: When i submit the form your component get old value that was when the page loaded, and validation passing, however value in field have already deferent value.

Can you clarify something?

multiple custom validators

was checking out this package but noticed if you have more than one custom validator, there is a warning logged in the console.


Possible Unhandled Promise Rejection: TypeError: _ValidationRules2.default[name] is not a function at Function.ValidatorForm.getValidator (ValidatorForm.js?5676:198) at eval (ValidatorForm.js?5676:131) at (<anonymous>) at eval (ValidatorForm.js?5676:130) at doResolve (index.js?305e:129) at new Promise (index.js?305e:33) at ValidatorForm._this.validate (ValidatorForm.js?5676:123) at eval (ValidatorForm.js?5676:112) at doResolve (index.js?305e:129) at new Promise (index.js?305e:33)

[Reactjs] addValidationRule log err message in console

Thanks for your great lib,
I have an issue when use your add custom rule.

  1. I add new Rule for my checkbox
    ValidatorForm.addValidationRule('isChecked', (value) => { return value; });

  2. Then, I use this rule in my component

<GMForm onSubmit={this.handleSubmit}>
              errorMessages={["This field is required"]}

              onChange={(e) => {
                  target: {
                    value: !this.state.is_valid
              label="How to Valid"
              errorMessages={["You Must Checked"]}

            <ButtonPrimary type="submit">Submit</ButtonPrimary>

Input work perfect with rule required

  1. My console show this error
    unknown errorMessages type ["You Must Checked"]

I check your lib, and see

_this.getErrorMessage = function () {
            var errorMessages = _this.state.errorMessages;

            var type = typeof errorMessages === 'undefined' ? 'undefined' : _typeof(errorMessages);

            if (type === 'string') {
                return errorMessages;
            } else if (type === 'object') {
                if (_this.invalid.length > 0) {
                    return errorMessages[_this.invalid[0]];

            // eslint-disable-next-line
            console.log('unknown errorMessages type', errorMessages);
            return true;

Error come from _this.invalid is a empty array.

So, What wrong in my setting new rule, can you reply me an example.
Thanks for your reading.

isFloat not allowing negative numbers

The isFloat validation rule is not allowing negative numbers, is this correct behaviour?

Comparing to isNumber, it appears isFloat is deliberately not allowing -:

isNumber: value => validations.matchRegexp(value, /^-?[0-9]\d*(\d+)?$/i),

isFloat: value => validations.matchRegexp(value, /^(?:[1-9]\d*|0)?(?:\.\d+)?$/i),

Validate onBlur

Have any plans for allowing validate onBlur as a prop/config as well? I can look into opening a PR if I get some free time. Thanks for the package, it was exactly what I was looking for.

onSubmit is required

Is there any reason why onSubmit is required? If I am going to do a custom submission by ValidatorForm methods, I will have console errors onSubmit is required

Is there a way to reset the form content + all validations at once?

Is there a way to programmatically reset the whole form and keep isValid true?

My scenario is the following:

  • I have a form with a few fields (different rules, but all of them are required fields).
  • I am using instantValidate
  • I have a button that clears the global state that holds the values of every single field.

What happens
Once I clear the values, <ValidatorComponent /> 's didUpdate understands prev and next props are different and starts the debounced validation cycle which results in isValid = false.

What I wanted
A way to clear the values + reset all validations, like a start again feature.

What I have tried
I have tried to use resetValidations(), but it runs before didUpdate lifecycle, therefore I end up with isValid = false anyways.

The only way I managed this to work was by placing resetValidations() inside a timeout 😞

Things I would/wouldn't want to do:

  • I would like to keep using instantValidate
  • I wouldn't like to unmount the form and mount it again.

disable submit button with onError

After going through the issue:

And trying to implement the solution in codepen, here:

After switching the handleError to handle the promise from isFormValid instead of the old boolean, I'm having troubles toggling disabled in state to disable/enable the submit button.

If a form is invalid, this is fine as handleError sets disabled in state to true. However, when the form is valid I'd assume handleError doesn't get called, so other than creating our own isValid function which returns true or false and constantly calling it perhaps using validationListener (maybe?), is there a solid way to determine a valid form so that the button is enabled?

I'm also going to have additional login in handleSubmit, but figuring out a solution to the above problem would be useful to start! Any info is appreciated.

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