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nerves_hub's Issues

CLI Tool can't activate deployments with spaces in name.

 nerves_team_device $ 1 mix nerves_hub.deployment update "Test 1" is_active true
NervesHub server:
NervesHub organization: aselder
Local NervesHub user password:
Failed to update deployment.
Reason: {:error, %{"errors" => %{"detail" => "Not Found"}}}

Rename to `nerves_hub_device`

At the risk of introducing a painful project name change, I'm having lots of trouble verbally communicating with people about this library. "NervesHub", the server, and nerves_hub, this package, sound the same. To limit confusion, I've been calling this "NervesHub device" or "nerves underscore hub".

I want to start this issue so that the decision process on the name, if any, is logged and I can point people to it when they ask. I'm not in any rush to commit to a new name and I'm not set on nerves_hub_device if there are other better ones. If we're going to switch, I'd like it to be before 1.0.

HTTP Tunnel to devices

Just an idea, but depending on the device's connection it might be interesting to not only have a iex shell to the device, but also a tunnel to send http requests through. E.g. a device I currently use has a small phoenix app for "device admin" tasks, which I gathered would be quite nice to be able to access through nerves_hub as well.

Timeout and error handling

A few times i've had a device open a stream connection then the connection gets dropped. The stream never exits requiring a reboot to try again.

Support firmware validation callback on successful connect to NervesHub

For devices that require firmware to be marked valid by application software, it would be useful to have a callback or way to trigger that to happen on a successful connection to NervesHub. The logic being that if a device can connect to NervesHub, it's working well enough to receive a firmware update.

Run client behind a proxy

The ability to run the client behind an HTTP proxy would be nice, because Nerves devices are likely to be deployed inside of corporate networks where use of a proxy is required to get to the web.

It looks like :hackney.request/5 allows specification of a proxy to use. I also saw :hackney_http_proxy.connect_proxy/5

I haven't been able to find a way to do this with websocket_client yet, but perhaps I just haven't dug far enough into it.

Gracefully handle missing firmware UUID

See #16 for failure log.

A missing firmware UUID is a pretty bad situation, but we shouldn't crash. I think the right answer is to connect to NervesHub anyway and provide an empty UUID. Given how rare this situation should be in deployed devices, it seems fine for NervesHub to just log that the device is running unknown firmware. We may eventually want to force a firmware download to the device for a last-ditch attempt to remotely recover it. However, no remote recovery is possible if the device doesn't connect.

Cleanup Logger messages

Right now we're spewing Logger messages multiple times all over the place which leads to basically the same log messages over and over cluttering the logs. And each message is basically the same, but just different enough that it can cause some confusion troubleshooting what might be going on.

We also send pretty much every error to a Client and the Client.Default logs with a "Firmware stream error: #{error}" but not every error is fully related to the firmware stream.

It would be nice to clean this up a little bit and make greping through logs a little easier.

Application exits before Wifi connection is established yet

Running firmware on a RPI0 with nerves_hub (mix nerves_hub.device burn IDENTIFIER), resulted in an early exit of the applicaion

  url: wss://,
  serializer: Jason,
  ssl_verify: :verify_peer,
  socket_opts: [
    cert: “”,
    key: {:ECPrivateKey, “”},
    cacerts: [
      <<48, 130,  ...>>,
      <<48, 130,  ...>>,
      <<48, 130, ...>>
10:47:43.365 [info]  Application nerves_hub exited: exited in: NervesHub.Application.start(:normal, [])
    ** (EXIT) an exception was raised:
        ** (ArgumentError) argument error
            (nerves_hub) lib/nerves_hub/firmware_channel.ex:8: NervesHub.FirmwareChannel.topic/0
            (nerves_hub) lib/nerves_hub/application.ex:17: NervesHub.Application.start/2
            (kernel) application_master.erl:273: :application_master.start_it_old/4

10:47:43.366 [info]  Application phoenix_channel_client exited: :stopped

10:47:43.366 [info]  Application jason exited: :stopped

10:47:43.366 [info]  Application websocket_client exited: :stopped

10:47:43.366 [info]  Application nerves_time exited: :stopped

10:47:43.367 [info]  Application muontrap exited: :stopped

10:47:43.367 [info]  Application nerves_leds exited: :stopped

10:47:43.367 [info]  Application nerves_init_gadget exited: :stopped

10:47:43.367 [info]  Application one_dhcpd exited: :stopped

10:47:43.440 [info]  Application mdns exited: :stopped

10:47:43.458 [info]  Application dns exited: :stopped

10:47:43.467 [info]  Application ring_logger exited: :stopped

10:47:43.513 [info]  Application nerves_firmware_ssh exited: :stopped

10:47:43.650 [info]  Application ssh exited: :stopped

10:47:43.770 [info]  Application nerves_network exited: :stopped

10:47:43.838 [info]  Application nerves_network_interface exited: :stopped

10:47:43.950 [info]  Application nerves_wpa_supplicant exited: :stopped

10:47:43.954 [info]  Application elixir_ale exited: :stopped

10:47:43.961 [info]  Application instream exited: :stopped

10:47:43.965 [info]  Application poolboy exited: :stopped

10:47:43.971 [info]  Application poison exited: :stopped

10:47:44.059 [info]  Application hackney exited: :stopped

10:47:44.093 [info]  Application metrics exited: :stopped

10:47:44.100 [info]  Application ssl_verify_fun exited: :stopped

10:47:44.103 [info]  Application certifi exited: :stopped

10:47:44.115 [info]  Application mimerl exited: :stopped

I assume this is because the Wifi connection is not established yet.

Documentation for for interaction with NervesHub and NervesHubWeb

Right now there is only one FirmwareChannel open between NervesHub and NervesHubWeb. I think as more features are implemented, it's going to be hard to wedge documentation of the messages passed back and forth over the socket and we should consider adopting a common message format/RPC format.

In other apps i usually use a format along the lines of:

@typedoc "Common RPC format"
@type t %__MODULE__{
   kind: atom(),
   args: map()

@type firmware_update_rpc :: %__MODULE__{
  kind: :firmware_update,
  args: %{required(:url) => String.t()}

@type some_other_rpc :: %__MODULE__{
  kind: :some_other,
  args: %{optional(:data) => number}

@typedoc "All possible RPCs that need to be implemented"
@type rpc :: firmware_update_rpc | some_other_rpc

Pre/Post upgrade hooks

I find that i frequently need to do one time things such as upgrade embedded firmware connected to my devices. I think allowing nerves_hub to execute these one off tasks could be beneficial in a lot of cases. It could also allow a "status" of some sort to be updated on the
nerves hub web app if an error happens.

defmodule SomeUpgradeHook do
   use NervesHub.PostUpgradeHook

    def upgrade(old_version, new_version) do "upgrading from #{old_version} to #{new_version}"
      case SomeEmbeddedDevice.upgrade() do
         :ok -> :ok:
         {:error, reason} -> {:error, "Failed to upgrade: #{reason}"}

Crash on no update available

** (CaseClauseError) no case clause matching: {:ok, %{"data" => %{"update_available" => false}}}
    (nerves_hub) lib/nerves_hub.ex:13: NervesHub.update/0

Fix coming.

Remote console IO error

not 100% sure what is going on here..

** (EXIT from #PID<0.16173.6>) shell process exited with reason: an exception was raised:
    ** (FunctionClauseError) no function clause matching in RingLogger.Client.handle_info/2
        (ring_logger) lib/ring_logger/client.ex:155: RingLogger.Client.handle_info({:io_reply, #Reference<0.2340004039.277086209.158264>, "Supervisor.which_children(FarmbotExt.Bootstrap.Supervisor)"}, %RingLogger.Client.State{colors: %{debug: :cyan, enabled: true, error: :red, info: :normal, warn: :yellow}, format: ["\n", :time, " ", :metadata, "[", :level, "] ", :levelpad, :message, "\n"], index: 0, io: :stdio, level: :debug, metadata: [], module_levels: %{}})
        (stdlib) gen_server.erl:637: :gen_server.try_dispatch/4
        (stdlib) gen_server.erl:711: :gen_server.handle_msg/6
        (stdlib) proc_lib.erl:249: :proc_lib.init_p_do_apply/3

EC private keys cause devices' non-socket NervesHub requests to fail from v0.4.0


  1. have a device with an ec private key
  2. on the device: NervesHub.update/0


The root of the issue is here

We pass the private key to Certificate.pem_to_der() here:

which uses X509.Certificate.from_pem/1 in all cases, even though as in this case it is possible it will be called with a key, not a cert.


In this case, we should be calling X509.PrivateKey.from_pem/1 like Socket does here:


Edit: In the wild this leads to a relatively cryptic error message:

** (exit) exited in:<0.1835.0>, {:start, 8000}, :infinity)
    ** (EXIT) an exception was raised:
        ** (MatchError) no match of right hand side value: {:error, {:asn1, {{:invalid_value, 0}, [{:asn1rt_nif, :decode_ber_tlv, 1, [file: 'asn1rt_nif.erl', line: 85]}, {:"OTP-PUB-KEY", :decode, 2, [file: 'OTP-PUB-KEY.erl', line: 1109]}, {:public_key, :der_decode, 2, [file: 'public_key.erl', line: 280]}, {:ssl_config, :init_private_key, 5, [file: 'ssl_config.erl', line: 121]}, {:ssl_config, :init, 2, [file: 'ssl_config.erl', line: 38]}, {:ssl_connection, :ssl_config, 4, [file: 'ssl_connection.erl', line: 602]}, {:tls_connection, :init, 1, [file: 'tls_connection.erl', line: 132]}, {:proc_lib, :init_p_do_apply, 3, [file: 'proc_lib.erl', line: 249]}]}}}
            (public_key) public_key.erl:284: :public_key.der_decode/2
            (ssl) ssl_config.erl:121: :ssl_config.init_private_key/5
            (ssl) ssl_config.erl:38: :ssl_config.init/2
            (ssl) ssl_connection.erl:602: :ssl_connection.ssl_config/4
            (ssl) tls_connection.erl:132: :tls_connection.init/1
            (stdlib) proc_lib.erl:249: :proc_lib.init_p_do_apply/3
    (stdlib) gen.erl:177: :gen.do_call/4
    (stdlib) gen_statem.erl:598: :gen_statem.call_dirty/4
    (ssl) ssl_connection.erl:2202:
    (ssl) ssl_connection.erl:122: :ssl_connection.handshake/2
    (ssl) tls_connection.erl:90: :tls_connection.start_fsm/8
    (ssl) ssl_connection.erl:91: :ssl_connection.connect/8
    (ssl) ssl.erl:125: :ssl.connect/4
    (hackney) /Users/daniel/dev/git/very-possible/some_client/some_repo_name/deps/hackney/src/hackney_connect.erl:279: :hackney_connect.do_connect/5

Only the first line of the NERVES_HUB_CERT and NERVES_HUB_KEY are set in the Nerves.Runtime.KV

After burning my firmware with identifier on a RPI0

mix nerves_hub.device burn 0001

I'm not able to start my RPi0. It crashes:

15:29:17.647 [info]  Application nerves_hub exited: exited in: NervesHub.Application.start(:normal, [])
    ** (EXIT) an exception was raised:
        ** (FunctionClauseError) no function clause matching in :pubkey_pem.join_entry/2
            (public_key) pubkey_pem.erl:180: :pubkey_pem.join_entry([], [])
            (public_key) pubkey_pem.erl:120: :pubkey_pem.decode_pem_entries/2
            (nerves_hub) lib/nerves_hub/certificate.ex:6: NervesHub.Certificate.pem_to_der/1
            (nerves_hub) lib/nerves_hub/socket.ex:15: NervesHub.Socket.configure/1
            (nerves_hub) lib/nerves_hub/application.ex:13: NervesHub.Application.start/2
            (kernel) application_master.erl:277: :application_master.start_it_old/4

I did discover that the contents of the nerves_hub_key and nerves_hub_cert in Nerves.Runtime.KV. only contain the first line of the specific files:

iex(9)> Nerves.Runtime.KV.get_all
  "a.nerves_fw_application_part0_devpath" => "/dev/mmcblk0p3",
  "a.nerves_fw_application_part0_fstype" => "ext4",
  "a.nerves_fw_application_part0_target" => "/root",
  "a.nerves_fw_architecture" => "arm",
  "a.nerves_fw_author" => "The Nerves Team",
  "a.nerves_fw_description" => "",
  "a.nerves_fw_misc" => "",
  "a.nerves_fw_platform" => "rpi0",
  "a.nerves_fw_product" => "zero_i2c",
  "a.nerves_fw_uuid" => "14b1bcd7-b618-5cf9-dc77-3b286006628e",
  "a.nerves_fw_vcs_identifier" => "",
  "a.nerves_fw_version" => "0.1.0",
  "nerves_fw_active" => "a",
  "nerves_fw_devpath" => "/dev/mmcblk0",
  "nerves_hub_cert" => "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----",
  "nerves_hub_key" => "-----BEGIN EC PRIVATE KEY-----",
  "nerves_serial_number" => "0001"

I was able to reproduce the same error with only the first line of the certificate:

iex(14)> NervesHub.Certificate.pem_to_der("-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----")
** (FunctionClauseError) no function clause matching in :pubkey_pem.join_entry/2

    The following arguments were given to :pubkey_pem.join_entry/2:

        # 1

        # 2

    (public_key) pubkey_pem.erl:180: :pubkey_pem.join_entry/2
    (public_key) pubkey_pem.erl:120: :pubkey_pem.decode_pem_entries/2
    (nerves_hub) lib/nerves_hub/certificate.ex:6: NervesHub.Certificate.pem_to_der/1

I can confirm that the whole contents of the cert and key where put in the environment variables before the burn in r176 of Mix.Tasks.NervesHub.Device

   def burn(identifier, opts) do 
    ..."Burning firmware")
    System.put_env("NERVES_SERIAL_NUMBER", identifier)

    IO.puts System.get_env("NERVES_HUB_KEY")
    IO.puts System.get_env("NERVES_HUB_CERT")"firmware.burn", [])
mix nerves_hub.device burn 0001

Nerves environment
  MIX_TARGET:   rpi0
  MIX_ENV:      dev

NervesHub org: dovadi
Burning firmware
[the real contents of the key]

[the real contents of the cert]

Use 3.69 GiB memory card found at /dev/rdisk2? [Yn] y
|====================================| 100% (31.79 / 31.79) MB

and this is where I'm now ......

(BTW1: I'm using the latest version of nerves 1.3.0 and nerves_system_rpi0 1.4.0)

(BTW2: awesome work on nerves hub!)

FWUP errors cause the whole channel process to restart

When a FWUP error occurs, the whole channel process is restarted, joins the channel in again, gets told to update, then fails etc etc. I'm not 100% sure why, but I definitely think we should not restart the whole channel process and instead decide if the error is recoverable and can be restarted, or just let it crash, keep the channel connected, and wait for the next update message.

This is definitely a big contributor to a device attempting crazy amounts of updates just from rejoining over and over. I'm attempting to adjust a bit on the side, but I think this would be a quick win here as well

Handle updates when firmware isn't validated

I just ran into a case where I get stuck in a loop trying to install a fw update from, but it constantly fails with:

22:39:17.656 [info]  [NervesHub] Downloading firmware:
22:39:17.656 [debug] FWUP PROG: 0%
22:39:17.755 [debug] Stream Start: [{'cache-control', 'public'}, {'date', 'Thu, 02 May 2019 22:39:16 GMT'}, {'accept-ranges', 'bytes'}, {'etag', '3D15AF6'}, {'server', 'Cowboy'}, {'content-length', '28359000'}, {'content-type', 'application/octet-stream'}]
22:39:17.827 [error] FWUP ERROR: Please validate the running firmware before upgrading it again.

The case is I built and installed a firmware manually (mix firmware && ./ my_device). On boot, it quickly connected to (my local instance) and was told to update but apparently didn't quite finish validating the firmware, so it got this error.

This seems normal except the error crashes the whole channel process, it rejoins, gets told to update again, and is still not validated (see #95)

This seems like an error we could handle on the nerves_hub side to either wait for validation, or report an error, etc pending the fix of #95

0.2.0 is unable to connect to NervesHub by default

this commit
tries to pull the ca certs from the wrong application, OR the certs in nerves_hub_core are wrong.

The following fixes the problem

env NERVES_HUB_CA_CERTS=$PWD/deps/rpi/nerves_hub/priv/ca_certs MIX_TARGET=rpi mix do deps.compile nerves_hub --force, firmware

'Local NervesHub user password' might be confusing

Just a few questions about the ssh certificate that is being generated upon registering for NervesHub.

Most users should be familiar with GitHub's way of setting up an ssh certificate that's used by (commandline) git to authenticate the user. There are guides here:


  1. wouldn't it be less confusing when the same terminology is used? ie SSH key passphrases instead of local user password?
  2. would it also be possible to guide the user to register it with a ssh-agent so (s)he won't have to re-enter the password every time the certificate is used?

Maybe also refer to ?

enable Toolshed for remote IEx sessions

Right now Toolshed doesn't work with the remote IEx sessions. In fact, it basically crashes it if you try to send use Toolshed as a command from NervesHub.

This would be a "nice have" for the remote IEx work.

EC private keys which include their params fail in NervesHub.Certificate

A device key generated like so:

$ openssl ecparam -out key_to_fargo -name prime256v1 -genkey



Which chokes here:

Like this:

** (MatchError) no match of right hand side value: [{:EcpkParameters, <<6, ...>>, :not_encrypted}, {:ECPrivateKey, <<48, ...>>, :not_encrypted}]
    (nerves_hub) lib/nerves_hub/certificate.ex:27: NervesHub.Certificate.pem_to_der/1
    (nerves_hub) lib/nerves_hub/http_client.ex:98: NervesHub.HTTPClient.ssl_options/0
    (nerves_hub) lib/nerves_hub/http_client.ex:87: NervesHub.HTTPClient.opts/0
    (nerves_hub) lib/nerves_hub/http_client.ex:31: NervesHub.HTTPClient.request/3
    (nerves_hub) lib/nerves_hub.ex:13: NervesHub.update/0

It would be nice if we supported this, but I imagine there are a lot of things that could be in that key to account for.

Dropping that section from the key fixes the issue, and key generate can add -noout to the command to ensure that section isn't output into the generated key:

$ openssl ecparam -out key_to_fargo -name prime256v1 -genkey -noout

Add callback/behaviour for deciding to download/apply an update or not

Currently, when a new firmware is published, nerves_hub will always try to download and apply it. This isn't always a ideal behavior. It's be nice to have defined hooks that can influence the decision to download/apply the firmware. Something like this: (but with a better name)

defmodule FirmwareHandler do
   @typedoc "Map of meta information about a firmware"
   @type meta() :: map()

   @callback should_download_firmware(meta) :: boolean
   @callback should_apply_firmware(meta) :: boolean

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