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np-dl-assign-1's Introduction

DL Assignment 1

This repository contains the Deep Learning (DL) models developed as part of image classification task assigned as part of the Deep Learning Assignment 1 at Ngee Ann Polytechnic.


The following report gives a detailed look at the DL work done in the Assignment.

Assignment 1 - Report

By Zhu Zhanyan

Table of Contents

Table of Contents 2

Overview 3

Data Preprocessing and Data Loading 3

Develop the Image Classification Models 3

Evaluate models using Test images 3

Use the Best Model to perform classification 3

1. Overview

Describe the problem, the objective and the approach. (500-1000 words)


This report explores the problem of training a Deep Learning (DL) model to recognise and classify 10 different types of foods sampled from the Food-101 dataset to satisfactory level of accuracy. It also explores two methods for developing and building DL models to solve the image classification task, building a model from scratch and fine tuning a pretrained model trained on a similar dataset to this task. Finally, This report explores the techniques used during, training and tuning of the DL models to evaluate and improve the models predictive performance.


The Food-101 dataset contains a collection of 1000 images for each of its 101 food types, culminating in a total of 101,000 images of varying dimensions. The Food-101 dataset stands out from older food-based datasets by including food images from real-world environments sampled from Older food-based datasets such as PFID-Dataset contain images taken in laboratory conditions which may produce models that are overly environment independent. Training images may contain extreme color values and may include some mislabeled images [1].

The objective in this assignment is to build an image classification model to classify 10-types of food. These 10 types of food are randomly sampled from the 101 food types in the Food-101 dataset. The sampled dataset is referred to as the “Assignment Dataset”. This sampling is done by a provided notebook Image_Preprocessing.ipynb based on a preassigned set of categories given as a text file. The following food types was assigned (50.txt):











Assigned Image Categories

Samples from Assigned Categories

The provided Image_Preprocessing.ipynb notebook also splits the dataset into a training, validation and test set with 7500, 2000 and 500 images in each subset respectively. With a relatively small training set, the DL models are prone to overfit to the training images. To combat this, image augmentation could be applied to prevent the DL models from quickly overfitting to the small training set.

Images Distribution by Dataset Subset


A high level overview of the approach used in solve this problem is as follows:

  1. Apply exploratory data analysis to analyze dataset

    characterististics. Here we inspect the dataset by checking for problems such as class/label imbalance, inconsistent image sizes between data examples.

  2. Use data preprocessing on a dataset to prepare the data to be used

    by the model:

    • Cropping is used to ensure that input image samples have the

      same dimensions.

    • Standard scaling is applied to the image features used to train

      the model to normalize the image features to a normalized scale.

    • Image Augmentation techniques are added to combat the relatively

      small training set size and introduce a regularization effect.

  3. Developing the From Scratch and Pretrained DL models:

    • Parameterized model generation using function allows

      hyperparameters to be selected and tuned from one place.

    • Using BatchNormalization to accelerate model training.

    • LeakyReLU to combat the vanishing gradient problem due to ReLU

      dead zone < 0

    • Using Global Average Pooling to remove spatial dimensions and

      prevent explosion in no. of weights.

    • From Scratch: Using ResNET skip connections to train deep models

      and prevent vanishing gradient problems.

  4. Training & Tuning the DL Models

    • Using MLFlow to log model parameters, metrics, and other

      metadata during training.

    • Tuning the learning rate for faster model convergence.

    • Ensuring that the model trains for a sufficient no. of epochs.

    • Using Learning Rate Annealing to help models better converge

      into minina at higher epochs.

    • Using Adaptive Gradient Optimizer: Adam to speed up training.

    • From Scratch Model: Selecting the no. of Convolutional

      Blocks/Filter size to use.

    • Pretrained Model: Freezing a fraction of layers allows layers

      frozen to be a tunable hyperparameter.

  5. Evaluate trained models performance and conduct error analysis

    • Evaluate trained models performance by evaluating the metrics on

      the test set.

    • Performing model selection on the test set.

  6. Using the best model to make predictions.

2. Data Preprocessing and Data Loading


EDA is conducted on the Assignment Dataset and gathers more information on the dataset. The dataset is first inspected for anomalies that should be corrected before using the data to train the DL models. Finally, Descriptive statistics are computed on the dataset features, giving summary information on the dataset. A Pandas dataframe is constructed containing the metadata of the images in the dataset, such as class/label, image file path etc. This facilitates easier EDA on the dataset as Pandas is an established Python Package for manipulating columnar data, making it likely to integrate with other Python Packages for visualization and EDA. One such package is Seaborn which allows the data frame directly when plotting the graph, removing the need to add additional data manipulation required to message the data for plotting.

Samples by Class/Label

Seaborn Code used produce the Bar Graph

Checking for difference in class ratio due to Sampling Bias

Since there are the same no. of images for every class, there is no class imbalance in the Assignment Dataset. Hence class imbalance corrections such as over sampling or undersampling are not required. A quick check of the ratio of labels/classes in each train/validation/test subset against the ratio computed on the entire Assignment Dataset shows that the method used by the notebook to sample data into the train/validation/test subset did not introduce any difference in label/class ratio between the subsets and the full dataset due to sampling bias. As such, we can be fairly confident that the sampled dataset subsets are representative of the entire dataset.

Image Sizes

However the images in the dataset do not have consistent dimensions. All together, there 221 different image sizes in the data, ranging from the largest images at 512 by 512 to the smaller 512 by 222 images. Since DL models discussed in this report include a fully connected/dense layer to output predicted class probability, the input image provided to the models has to be the same. A crop or resize operation is required to ensure that the images provided to the model have the same dimensions.

Descriptive Statistics computed on the Dataset

Finally descriptive statistics such as minimum, maximum, mean standard deviation on the dataset. This is done to provide summary information on the dataset, such minimum and maximum pixel values of the images. Other statistics such as mean and standard deviation computed to be used in preprocessing methods such standard scaling. Computing descriptive statistics on the dataset is difficult as the dataset does not fit in the system’s RAM, causing Out Of Memory (OOM) errors if traditional methods of computing such statistics are used (ie np.mean()). Instead, Dask is used to compute the statistics across the dataset. Dask partitions the dataset into more manageable chunks that can actually fit into RAM and computates the statistics on those partitions. It then aggregates the statistics computed on each partition to give the statistic computed on the whole dataset, allowing statistics to be computed on a dataset larger than RAM.

From the descriptive statistics, the images in the dataset have values inputs in the range from 0 to 255. 0-255 is a relatively Feature large range for DL models, which would compensate during training by training a larger weight in order to cater to this large range. Larger weights are harder and take longer to train, making training such DL models tedious and difficult to train. Feature scaling would need to be done on the images feature values to counter this by scaling the input features fed to the DL models into a more manageable range.

Loading Data

  • Describe how you preprocess the data and load data into Jupyter

    (300-500 words)

The Assignment Data prepared by the provided Image_Preprocessing.ipynb notebook is cached in Minio, a locally hosted S3 object storage service. A custom image generator MinioImgGen is developed with the ability to pull data images from the dataset from Minio. Dataset images are retrieved from Minio using MinioClient and read using Pillow, a Python Image library, into 3D numpy arrays. MinioImgGen is similar to Keras's built-in ImageDataGenerator, implementing the same Sequence API. This allows MinioImgGen to be transparently swapped where ImageDataGenerator is typically used to provide training and evaluation data retrieved from Minio when training a model with A MinioImgGen is configured to load dataset images for each train/validation/test subset of the Assignment Dataset.

Preprocessing Data

The image data prepared by MinioImgGen is preprocessed for DL model consumption with Image Augmentation to increase training set size and Standard Scaling to scale image pixel values to a smaller range. Since our DL models contain fully connected/dense layers, we also need to ensure that the prepared images fed the DL are of a consistent and standardized size.

One useful feature of Keras’s ImageDataGenerator is the built-in, ready to use Image Augmentation. Image Augmentation artificially increases the amount of training data seen by the model, and provides regularizing effect, making it useful to combat the Assignment Dataset’s small training set size leading to proneness to the DL model overfitting. To implement the image augmentation, MinioImgGen uses Alblumations to set the image transforms used to augment image samples from the dataset, such as random resizing and cropping, random rotations and brightness adjustments. Additionally, gaussian noise and blurs are added to the image to make sure that the DL model trained on these images is resilient to these image distortions. Although Image augmentation is a useful technique to expand the training set, special care has to be taken to ensure that augmentation is not applied to the test set to get consistent and accurate test and validation metrics.

Image Augmentation transforms applied to Trainign Images

Standard Scaling is performed by MinioImgGen to scale feature values to the large 0-250 into a smaller range to combat the large feature ranges resulting in harder to train DL models issue. Standard Scaling subtracts the mean and divides by standard deviation, producing a smaller, more manageable range of values. MinioImgGen performs standard scaling using mean and standard deviation computed by Dask of the Assignment Dataset.

Finally, the preprocessing done in MinioImgGen has to ensure that prepared images have identical dimensions. Dense/Fully Connected Layers to be used in the DL Models only support a fixed size vector as input from earlier layers. This translates to a fixed dimension constraint on the input. From EDA done on the Assignment Dataset, we can observe that the raw images come in various sizes. As such, the images have to be resized into a fixed size. Instead of using the resize operation to resize the dataset images which can distort the proportions of the objects in the image, cropping is used to cut out a standardized sized, undistorted piece of each dataset image. This is done during Image Augmentation on the training set when making a random sized crop of the image and on the test/validation using a deterministic centre crop of the dataset image.

Total Time spent in each Function

Since this preprocessing is done once every data batch during training, it is critical that it is performant as any performance overhead would be incurred a couple hundred times every training epoch, and given the hundreds of epochs required to fully train the DL models, this overhead can quickly snowball into long and protracted model training times. By profiling the code, we can observe that the function that implements standard scaling processing spends several magnitudes larger total execution time when fetching a batch of images from MinioImgGen. The Numba Python Package provides a just-in-time (JIT) Python compiler that converts a subset of Python Code into highly optimized machine code [5]. By applying Numba JIT to compile the Standard Scaling Preprocessing function into optimized machine code, the Total Time spent in the function is cut in about half from 1.4 seconds to 0.57 seconds

Total Time spent Preprocessing with/without Numba JIT

3. Develop the Image Classification Models

  • Describe how you build the models and train the models

This section discusses the DL model architectures developed and built to solve the Assignment Task. One architecture, “From Scratch”, is developed entirely from scratch while the other “Fine Tuned” architecture splices pretrained layers obtained from another Model in its architecture.

From Scratch Model High Level Architecture

From Scratch Model

The From Scratch model’s architecture is deeply inspired by the architecture of the ResNET model described in “Deep Residual Learning for Image Recognition” [2]. From a high level, the From Scratch model is composed of a Input Convolution Layer, 4 ResNET-style Convolutional Blocks with skip connections, a Global Average Pooling layer to remove spatial dimensions from the Feature Maps, followed by a Dense Classifier block configured to predict class/label.

The preprocessed image is first fed into a Input Convolution Layer with a large 7 by 7 filter, which allows the convolution to capture more contextual information using the filter’s larger receptive field over the input image, followed by a max pooling that halves the size of the feature map to aggressively half the spatial dimensions in order to reduce computation cost of training and evaluating the DL model by reducing the no.

of weights in the DL model.

ResNET Convolution Block

This is followed by multiple ResNET Convolution blocks which are composed of 3 sets of 3 by 3 convolution, Batch Normalization and Leaky ReLU layer and ResNET style skip connection. Ordinary Convolution layers 3 by 3 are added to extract spatial features in the input feature map useful for later layers to build upon. Batch Normalization is added to normalise the outputs after every convolution, which reduces the amount of training required to adapt later layers to the changing outputs of earlier layers during model training. This accelerates DL model training and allows higher learning rates to be used when training [3]. This is followed by a Leaky ReLU activation function, which introduces a nonlinearity that allows the DL model to express complex functions with multiple layers. Leaky ReLU is used instead of its more common cousin ReLU as ReLU has a dead zone when the activation produced by layers is equal or below zero. Since ReLU evaluates to 0 in this zone, the gradient update computed by the optimizer would also be zero for the rest of the training run. Leaky ReLU outputs a small value when activation is below zero, ensuring that there always be at least a small gradient update during training. [4] Finally, a ResNet style skip connection is added to create a shortcut connection from the input of the Convolution Block to the output. This combats the vanishing gradient problem when training deep neural networks by creating a shortcut connection where significant gradient updates can be computed. [2] A 1 by 1 Convolution layer is added on the skip connection to ensure that shape of the output both via the skip connection and the convolution layers align and can be added.

Dense Classifier Block

Finally a Dense Classifier Block is responsible for the last mile mapping between the output Feature Maps of the Convolution layers to predict class probabilities. Global Average Pooling is first applied to remove spatial dimensions from the Feature Maps, converting the 3D Feature Maps to 1D Feature Vectors so that they can be consumed by Dense/Fully Connected Layers which only supports operating on 1D inputs. Global Average Pooling is used instead of Flattening as it removes spatial dimensions with the average entirely while Flattening only merely squashes the spatial dimensions into 1D, which in turn provides more total dimensionality reduction as compared to Flattening. This is important because the Dense Layer will add an additional weight for each element of the Feature Vector and Dense unit pair, which could result in an explosion of weights between the Global Average Pooling and Dense Layer. More weights means more training epochs would be required to fully train the model while also making the model more prone to overfitting. This is followed by a hidden Dense layer that allows it to fit a more complex transformation between the 1D Feature Vector and target prediction class probabilities. Finally a output Dense layer is introduced to produce the expected output of probabilities of the input image belonging to each class/label. Since there are 10 classes/labels in the Assignment Dataset, we configure the output layer to include 10 Dense units, one for each of the 10 classes. To coerce the model to output class probabilities instead of unbounded values, we apply the softmax activation function on the output Dense layer. The softmax activation extends the sigmoid activation functions to multiple classes, coercing output values such that they sum up to 1, ensuring that output values are valid class probabilities. Dropout layers are added between Dense Layers to allow for regularization to be introduced in case of overfitting.

Fine Tuned Model Architecture

The Fine Tuned Model shares the same Global Average Pooling and Dense Classifier Block as the From Scratch model, but uses pre-trained Convolutional layers from the NasNET mobile model in place of the From Scratch Model’s Resnet-style Convolution Block to perform convolution.

The NasNET model is composed of NasNET cells which are Convolutional blocks with an architecture selected via Reinforcement Learning (RL) method. A “Controller” Recurrent Neural Network (RNN) is tasked with proposing an architecture for the NasNET normal and reduction cells from a fixed NasNET search space of convolutions. This controller RNN is trained with RL to select the best cell architecture that maximizes the model’s predictive performance. Normal cells perform convolution maintaining the size of the feature map while reduction cells reduce the spatial dimensions halves the size of the feature map. The NasNET model is then built by stacking a series of these Normal and Reduction cells. The pretrained layers sampled to build the Fine Tuned Model is from the NasNET Mobile model, which is a smaller cousin of the NasNET model designed to be lighter on computation resources [6]. To preserve the pre-trained weights in the NasNET layers and prevent the overfitting, a fraction of the layers is frozen before training.

Training Curve (Accuracy) comparing Fine Tuned and From Scratch Models

The NasNET mobile model is pre-trained on the ImageNet dataset and since both the Assignment Dataset and ImageNET dataset are Image Classification tasks, the pre-training of NasNET layers on the ImageNET layers should generalize to the Assignment Dataset’s task, thereby reducing the amount of training required to train the Fine Tuned Model that leverages the pre-trained layers. We can verify this during training by comparing the training curves of the DL Models: the From Scratch model takes about 300 epochs to train and converge. The Fine Tune Model with pre-trained NasNET layers is able to exceed 90% training accuracy with only 50 training epochs, finishing training and converging at around 100 training epochs. This shows empirically that the Fine Tuned Model is able to leverage the pre-training on ImageNet in the Assignment Dataset task, training around 2-3 times faster as compared to the From Scratch model.

4. Training & Tuning

  • Talk about both from scratch and pretrained model (1000-2000 words)

Training & Tuning Process

The Training & Tuning Process

The Training & Tuning Process implemented by train_eval_model() used to train the DL models is as follows:

  1. The DL Model is built, compiled and trained for a given set of

    hyperparameters such as learning rate, optimizer, no. of epochs to train for etc on the training subset of the Assignment Dataset. Training hyperparameters, metrics, model weights are recorded for training run and are recorded to MLFlow for later analysis or use.

  2. The Trained DL Model is evaluated on the validation subset to

    produce validation metrics which provide an estimate of the models predictive performance and ability to generalize to unseen data. These validation metrics are also committed to MLFlow for later evaluation.

  3. Parameters and metrics from multiple training runs recorded in

    MLFlow are visualized and evaluated to pick a new set of hyperparameters to experiment and attempt to improve the model’s predictive performance.

  4. Repeat steps 1-3 with a new set of hyperparameters.


Logging Parameters to MLFlow

MLFlow is an End to End Machine Learning (ML) platform that provides a framework of tools to facilitate the development of ML models in the ML lifecycle. MLFlow consists of multiple components that address different problems in the ML lifecycle. In this Assignment, we will use only one component: MLFlow Tracking to track hyperparameters and metrics for each training run and store the trained model’s weights as an artifact for later use. MLFlow provides a simple, easy to use API to record model parameters, metrics and weights for each training. Additionally, MLFlow tracks useful metadata about the training runs, such that if the training run ran without errors and the total elapsed time it took to complete training. This is then automatically uploaded to a central MLFlow tracking server which provides a central repository for tracking training runs in a structured manner. The parameters and metrics and then be retrieved from the tracking server and converted into Pandas dataframe for further analysis.

MLFlow Tracking UI showing Training Runs sorted by Validation Accuracy

The Tracking Server provides an interactive UI that provides a listing of all training runs at a glance, ability to filter or search for training runs based on the parameters or metrics used or quickly sort training runs by a metric such as by validation accuracy. The MLFLow Tracking Server UI also makes it easy to quickly evaluate and compare training runs. The UI allows quick access to metric plots, so a training/validation accuracy curve is always a few clicks away. It also allows the user to select multiple runs and compare. The UI would display each of the selected models parameters and metrics side by side, making it easy to infer what effect a change in a certain hyperparameter has on the model’s metrics and thereby its predictive performance. Making it easier to choose better hyperparameters for the next training run.

Comparing Multiple Runs in MLFlow Tracking UI

Tuning Hyperparameters: Learning Rate

Effect of LR on Training Curve

The first order of business when tuning a DL model is tuning the Learning Rate (LR). The LR is one of the more important hyperparameters to tune as it affects the DL models ability to coverage during training. If the LR is too high, the DL model may not be able to converge to an optimal solution as the large gradient updates produced by the high LR can cause the DL model to bounce around the optimal solution’s minima instead of converging in it. In an extreme case where the learning rate is extremely high, the DL model’s loss can increase and diverge, moving in the opposite direction as intended. On the other end, the model might take many training epochs and a long duration of time to train where the LR is too low as the gradient updates created by the LR make tiny steps to the minima. The LR for both From Scratch and Fine Tuned models are tuned by running trials with LR values chosen on the logarithmic scale such as 0.01, 0.001 or 0.0001 and analyzing its effects of trained DL model’s validation accuracy. From this experimentation, the LRs 0.001 and 0.0001 are chosen for the From Scratch and Fine Tuned models respectively.

LR effects on Validation Accuracy

Tuning Hyperparameters: No. of Training Epochs

Another important hyperparameter to tune when training DL models is the no. of epochs to train the DL model. Special care has to be taken to ensure that the no. of training epochs is sufficient for the DL to fully train and fully converge. Training for too little epochs and cutting off training too early means that the metrics and weights gathered from training may not be representative of the DL model’s full potential fully trained. For example, conventional wisdom indicates that adding more weights to a DL model should increase its ability to fit the training set and should improve at least training metrics as compared to the smaller DL model. If the training epochs are insufficient, the larger DL model may appear to have worse or equivalent training metrics to the smaller model. Only with a sufficient amount of training epochs is this increase in weights reflected in the training metrics. The no. of training epochs is tuned for both From Scratch and Fine Tuned models by observing the training curve: If the training metrics are still improving by the end of the training run, more training epochs are required to train the model to its full potential.

Effect of No. of Training(FIt) Epochs on Validation Accuracy

Tuning Hyperparameters: LR Annealing

LR annealing is the technique of reducing the LR during training to help it to converge at closer to the end of the training. Due to the relatively small batch size used during training, the gradient updates estimated by the optimizer are less accurate due to the small sample size, leading to the DL model bouncing around the minima towards the end of training instead of converging. Reducing the LR towards the makes these inaccuracies less damaging by reducing their impact on convergence. There are various methods of scheduling the amount and rate in which the LR is reduced during training such as by decaying LR every constant no. of epochs, exponentially decaying the LR as training progresses. Here we use Keras’s the ReduceLROnPlateau to schedule the LR annealing, which monitors the training loss during training which halves the LR if the loss does not improve in 10 training epochs. From experimentation reducing the LR after 10 epochs by half allows the LR to be reduced gradually, instead of suddenly causing training progress to grind to an almost halt. LR Annealing improves the From Scratch model to converge but gives a very slight and negligible benefit to the fine tuned model. We can observe the effect of LR annealing in the training curve of the From Scratch Model with the sudden jumps in training and validation accuracy, and the reduced noise on validation accuracy towards the end of training where LR annealing is active.

Effect of LR Annealing on Validation Accuracy

Effect of LR Annealing on Training Curve

**Tuning Hyperparameters: Optimizer
**The optimizer is an algorithm in which gradient updates are computed to train the DL models weights. In this assignment, we experimented with using SGD with Momentum and Adam optimizers to train the models. SGD with Momentum adds exponential moving average to SGD, making gradient updates more stable and allowing the gradient updates to accelerate towards the minima. Adam matains adaptive learning rates for each weight in the DL model from moving averages of the gradient updates. From experimentation we can observe that Adam is able to train the DL model to certain accuracy faster than SGD with momentum although its not clear if Adam or SGD with Momentum converges to the better final model. Adam is used for both From Scratch and Fine Tuned Models

Effect of Optimizer on Validation Accuracy

**Tuning Hyperparameters: No. of Convolution Blocks/Size of Filters (From Scratch only)
**For the From Scratch Model, the No. of ResNET-style Convolution Blocks to include in the model and the size of the Filters used in the Convolution Layers of each ResNET-style Convolution Block have to be tuned. From experimentation, increasing the, the No. of ResNET-style Convolution Blocks from 3 to 4 provides a significant bump to validation metrics while doubling the filter sizes of each Convolution Layer did provide a negligible effect on the model’s predictive performance.

Effect of Conv Blocks/Filter Size on Validation Accuracy

**Tuning Hyperparameters: Fraction of Frozen Pretrained Layers (Fine Tuned only)
**For the Fine Tuned model, the Fraction of pre-trained NasNET layers that should be frozen during training needs to be tuned. Freezing the pre-trained layers allows the model to keep the weights pre-trained on ImageNet intact, while reducing the no. of trainable parameters in the DL model, thus reducing the models tendency to overfit to training set. From experimentation, the lower fractions of pre-trained layers frozen tended to correlate with higher final validation accuracy up to around 0.6 of the layers frozen

Effect of Fraction of Frozen Pretrained Layers on Validation Accuracy

5. Evaluate Models using Test images

Evaluating Models on Test Set

The best variant of each model type: From Scratch and Fine Tuned model, are selected by selecting the variant with the best Validation Accuracy. The models are evaluated on the test set to obtain test metrics which give unbiased estimates of the DL model’s predictive performance and ability to generalize to unseen data. This is required as training and validation metrics only gives a biased estimate of the model’s predictive performance as the DL model has tuned its weights to the training set and we have tuned the DL model’s hyperparameters to the validation set. The evaluation of the best variant of each model type on the test set is as follows:

Model Type Test Accuracy Test Loss
From Scratch (Best Variant) 0.8750 0.4528
Fine Tuned (Best Variant) 0.9000 0.4108

Model Selection

From the test metrics, we can select the Fine Tuned (Best Variant) model as the best model to be used for prediction.

6. Use the Best Model to perform classification

Online Image

With the best model, we can use the model to predict the food type of images out of the dataset. Here we use an image of dumplings obtained online. The image must first be preprocessed in the same manner as test and validation set images. The prepared image can then be fed into the model for prediction using model.predict(), which returns a set of 10 class/label probabilities, which maps to the likelihood of the image being of each food-type image. The predicted food type can be resolved by finding the food type with the highest class predicted probability which can be computed with np.argmax().

7. Conclusion

  • Summarize your model performance and provide suggestions for further

    improvements (300-500 words)

Summary of Performance of Best Model

Model Type Training Accuracy Training Loss Validation Accuracy Validation Loss Test Accuracy Test Loss
Fine Tuned (Best Variant) 0.9836 0.0559 0.9057 0.3771 0.9000 0.4108

Further Improvements

One way to improve the DL models trained in this Assignment is to pretrain some layers of the model on the other Food Images Food-101 dataset. This expands the set of unique training images used to train the model, making the DL model less prone to overfitting to the training set. Expanding the training set is preferable to applying Image Augmentation to artificially increase the training set as augmentation relies on artificial transforms that may not be representative to what is seen in the real world images. Another way is to use pre trained layers in the Fine Tuned Model from another model trained on the food-101 dataset. Since the model has seen the images in the Assignment Dataset when training on the food-101, fine tuning the model to the Assignment Dataset’s tasks should be easier and faster.


[1] Food-101 -- Mining Discriminative Components with Random Forests. (2014, December 01). Retrieved from

[2] He, K., Zhang, X., Ren, S., & Sun, J. (2015). Deep Residual Learning for Image Recognition. arXiv, 1512.03385. Retrieved from

[3] An Intuitive Explanation of Why Batch Normalization Really Works (Normalization in Deep Learning Part 1). (2019, March 15). Retrieved from

[4]CS231n Convolutional Neural Networks for Visual Recognition. (2020, September 22). Retrieved from

[5] Numba: A High Performance Python Compiler. (2020, August 15). Retrieved from

[6] Zoph, B., Vasudevan, V., Shlens, J., & Le, Q. V. (2017). Learning Transferable Architectures for Scalable Image Recognition. arXiv, 1707.07012. Retrieved from

[7] Introducing MLflow: an Open Source Platform for the Complete Machine Learning Lifecycle. (2020, November 11). Retrieved from

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