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json-type-validation's Issues

object() compiles to Object() in Babel which breaks the lib

I'm planning on using this API in Vue that uses the Babel compiler. I found that you're using what I suspect are reserved words (object, number, string) as function names that I found are unsafe to compile in Babel. Example: object() is translated to Object() which fails to execute the correct function.

I'd need to fork your project and rename these to something like vObject(), vString() etc or perhaps use JsonDecode.

Recursion not working

Hello, I was testing some recursive JSON, but while the library does not give any error, it does not detect the incorrect fields either.
Here is my example:

const text = `
  "val2": [

interface Elem {
  val1: number;
  val2: Elem[];

var elemDecoder: Decoder<Elem> = object({
  val1: number(),
  val2: array(elemDecoder)

function Decode() {
  try {
    let elem1: Elem = JSON.parse(text);
    console.log("elem1", elem1);
    let elem2: Elem = elemDecoder.runWithException(elem1);
    console.log("elem2", elem2);
  catch (error) {

As you can see the field name "WRONG_val1" is not defined in the interface, but the decoder does not detect any error and returns a JSON object.
Here is the link to the running code at stackblits. You have to open the console for seeing the results.

So I was wondering if recursion is supported?
Thank you very much.

Support `nullable` type.

interface User {
    user_id: number,
    nickname: string | null

export const UserDecoder: Decoder<User> = object({
    user_id: number(),
    nickname: nullable(string())

Enum decoders are cumbersome and not intuitive

Given a TS enum

enum Directions { North, South, East, West }

We currently write the decoder as

const directionsDecoder: Decoder<Directions> = oneOf(

which isn't great.

It's worth noting that the most ideal syntax is not possible, since TS compiles out enums and hardcodes the enum values during compilation

const directionsDecoder = enumDecoder(Directions); // this doesn't work!

Something like this should be possible:

const enumDecoder = <E>(...enumValues: Array<E[keyof E]>): Decoder<E> =>
  oneOf( => constant(v)));

const directionsDecoder = enumDecoder(
  Directions.North, Directions.South, Directions.East, Directions.West

But no matter how I bash at the types I am unable to get the type checker to reconcile the relationship between the elements of the enum and the enum in total.

Feature: 'nullToUndefined' decoder type

Many APIs provide missing data fields with a value of null (see issue #29).

As a consumer of such an API using TypeScript and this very library it is currently not possible to decode such values to undefined.

Personally, I prefer to use undefined instead of null for my TypeScript models and I try to avoid null wherever possible. While this might be just my own preference, I believe it would make sense to add a standard decoder to this library that will automatically transform a given null value to undefined.

Here is snippet that does exactly what I need:
const nullToUndefined = <T>(decoder: Decoder<T>): Decoder<T | undefined> => JTV.union(decoder, JTV.constant(null)).map((val) => val === null ? undefined : val);

I am not sure if this is the best solution to the given problem, but it works.
I am happy to file a PR if that is desired 🙂

Possible to validate hash table of arbitrary length?

Is this library able to validate a hash table with arbitrary keys, yet consistent value types?

For example:

type Example = {
    a: string,
    b: number,
    c: { [name: string]: number }

Can c be validated to ensure the keys are strings and the values are numbers, even though the keys are not explicitly declared?

const exampleDecoder: Decoder<Example> = object({
  a: string(),
  b: number(),
  c: object(/* not sure what goes here */)

'runWithException' should throw instance of Error

Decoder.runWithException() throws a plain DecoderError object which is not an Error instance. This means that the error has no stack trace attached and does not play well with generic exception handling mechanisms that expect an Error instance. (In my case, the error object was logged by Sentry which failed to provide useful information like error message and stack trace.) The same issue exists with Decoder.runPromise().

I’d suggest turning DecoderError into a subclass of Error, providing it with a message, and keeping the rest of the attributes. (Maybe it would make sense to drop kind in favor of the more standard name.) This change would be backwards compatible. I’d be happy to implement the change.

andThen decoder should return intersection type

Hi There! Here is my case

class A {
  propA: string
  static decoder(): Decoder<A> {
    return object({
      propA: string()

class B extends A {
  propB: string

  static decoder(): Decoder<B> {
    return object({
      propB: string()
    }).andThen(() => A.decoder())

This code gives me the following error:

TS2322: Type 'Decoder<A>' is not assignable to type 'Decoder<B>'. 

  Type 'A' is not assignable to type 'B'.     Property 'propB' is missing in type 'A'.

I think that signature of this method should be changed from

andThen: <B>(f: (value: A) => Decoder<B>) => Decoder<B>;


andThen: <B>(f: (value: A) => Decoder<B>) => Decoder<A & B>;

I'm going to prepare the PR for this shortly :) Thanks :)

Support custom field name for validation

Sometimes the convention from the server in json doesn't directly map to the styles on the front end. For example, data from the API may be in snake_case when the javascript is using camelCase. Since this library is already parsing and converting raw json to correctly formed typescript compatible types, it seems this would be a great layer to adapt to these differences.

For example, something like the following syntax would be ideal:

const userDecoder: Decoder<User> = object({
  firstName: string('first_name'),
  lastName: string('last_name'),
  username: string()

where the the string decoder has an optional string parameter.

object decoder should have an option to throw error if extra properties are present

If an object is run through the decoder at runtime, there should be a way to configure the decoder to throw an error if the decoded object has extra properties not defined on the original decoder.

For example, given the following decoder:

interface MyType {
  myProperty?: string;

const MyTypeDecoder: Decoder<MyType> = object({
  myProperty: optional(string());

There should be an additional combinator to make the decoder throw an error given the following input:

const myTypeRuntimeValue: MyType = {
  myProperty: "someValue",
  myOtherProperty: "This one isn't defined on the interface"

// I want this to throw an error because myTypeRuntimeValue has
// an additional property not defined in the interface
const decoded = MyTypeDecoder.runWithException(myTypeRuntimeValue);

The combinator could be something like exact(value), e.g.

interface MyType {
  myProperty?: string;

const MyTypeDecoder: Decoder<MyType> = exact(object({
  myProperty: optional(string());

Possible to represent fixed-length arrays / "tuples"?

What would a decoder for type [number, number, number] look like?

For example,

import { array, Decoder, number } from '@mojotech/json-type-validation'

type customTuple = [number, number, number]

const tupleDecoder: Decoder<customTuple> = array(number())

results in:

Error:(5, 7) TS2322: Type 'Decoder<number[]>' is not assignable to type 'Decoder<[number, number, number]>'.
  Type 'number[]' is not assignable to type '[number, number, number]'.
    Property '0' is missing in type 'number[]'.

Should decoders match their decoded type exactly, or should there be multiple valid decoders for a type?

Recently I've been exploring ways to require that the optional decoder be used for fields that are optional. From that process I've realized that I need to make a number of subtle design decisions related to how loosely or strictly a decoder needs to match a type. On the one hand, we should leverage typescript to help us write decoders that are as accurate as possible. On the other hand, I don't want the rules/guidelines around writing decoders to get too complicated, and I also don't want to be overbearing and prevent the user from writing the exact decoder they intend to.

With all that in mind, I've got a few examples of situations where I could change the library to more strictly fit decoders to types. Please respond with feedback to the three questions, plus any other concerns or observations you've got.

  1. Here are four decoders for the interface AB. All four decoders are valid and will compile without errors. In an ideal world, which of these decoders would you want to be valid, and which ones should produce an error?
interface AB {
  a: string;
  b?: number;

const decoderAB1 = object({
  a: string(),
  b: optional(number())

const decoderAB2 = object({
  a: string(),
  b: number()

const decoderAB3 = object({
  a: string(),
  b: union(number(), constant(undefined))

const decoderAB4 = object({
  a: string()
  1. Ditto for CD. All four decoders are valid, but as a library user which ones would you want to be valid?
interface CD {
  c: string;
  d: number | undefined;

const decoderCD1 = object({
  c: string(),
  d: optional(number())

const decoderCD2 = object({
  c: string(),
  d: constant(undefined)

const decoderCD3 = object({
  c: string(),
  d: union(number(), constant(undefined))

const decoderCD4 = object({
  c: string()
  1. Ditto for E.
interface E {
  e: string | number;

const decoderE1 = object({
  e: union(string(), number())

const decoderE2 = object({
  e: string()

Release recent changes?

Is it possible to get a release that includes #32 and the other recent changes?

I'd like to grab those updates via npm.

object() decoder needs a 'strict' option to disallow undefined fields

Just discovered this awesome library. Just what I was looking for! Thanks very much.

I had a look at the code for the object decoder and noted that it iterates over the fields of the fields of the object specification and returns as a result only these fields. That great for cleaning JSON input values, however I often need to check that fields in the input json object are only those defined by the object decoder. To support this I think we need a strict argument on the object() decoder that checks and reports an error if any additional fields are found in the json object.

  static object<A>(decoders?: DecoderObject<A>, strict?: boolean = false) {
    return new Decoder((json: unknown) => {
      if (isJsonObject(json) && decoders) {
        let obj: any = {};
        for (const key in decoders) {
          if (decoders.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
            const r = decoders[key].decode(json[key]);
            if (r.ok === true) {
              // tslint:disable-next-line:strict-type-predicates
              if (r.result !== undefined) {
                obj[key] = r.result;
            } else if (json[key] === undefined) {
              return Result.err({message: `the key '${key}' is required but was not present`});
            } else {
              return Result.err(prependAt(`.${key}`, r.error));
        // ADDED
        if (strict) {
          for (const key in json) {
            if (!decoders.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
              return Result.err({message: `an undefined key '${key}' is present in the object`});
        return Result.ok(obj);
      } else if (isJsonObject(json)) {
        return Result.ok(json);
      } else {
        return Result.err({message: expectedGot('an object', json)});

Generate OpenAPI schema objects from decoders

Im working on generating OpenAPI for my server. I'm already using mojo tech json type validation so I figured I might as well use this syntax for defining POST body and response definitions.

TypeScript compilation error

% tsc
decoder.ts:432:55 - error TS2339: Property 'error' does not exist on type 'Result<A, Partial<DecoderError>>'.
  Property 'error' does not exist on type 'Ok<A>'.

432             return Result.err(prependAt(`[${i}]`, nth.error));

Found 1 error.

In this code block:

  static tuple<A>(decoders: Decoder<A>[]) {
    return new Decoder((json: unknown) => {
      if (isJsonArray(json)) {
        if (json.length !== decoders.length) {
          return Result.err({
            message: `expected a tuple of length ${decoders.length}, got one of length ${
        const result = [];
        for (let i: number = 0; i < decoders.length; i++) {
          const nth = decoders[i].decode(json[i]);
          if (nth.ok) {
            result[i] = nth.result;
          } else {
            return Result.err(prependAt(`[${i}]`, nth.error));
        return Result.ok(result);
      } else {
        return Result.err({message: expectedGot(`a tuple of length ${decoders.length}`, json)});

Inference from TypeScript objects

Would it be possible to have this library accept a TypeScript interface as a parameter and infer the Decoder shape from it?

There seems to be quite a lot of duplication involved in declaring a TS interface and then declaring (in most cases) the same exact shape for the Decoder of that object. Could this library provide a function that would accept the TS interface object as an argument and return a fully formed decoder from it?

I haven't look at TS internals enough yet to know, but I'm assuming we may be able to do this?

Lodash Dependency

May I suggest removing Lodash as a dependency?

The single call to the Lodash isEqual function could be probably replaced with a simple local implemention:

function isEqual(a: any, b: any) {
  if (a === b) {
    return true;
  if (a === null && b === null) {
    return true;
  if (typeof (a) !== typeof (b)) {
    return false;
  if (typeof (a) === 'object') {
    // Array
    if (Array.isArray(a)) {
      if (!Array.isArray(b)) {
        return false;
      if (a.length !== b.length) {
        return false;
      for (let i = 0; i < a.length; i++) {
        if (!isEqual(a[i], b[i])) {
          return false;
      return true;
    // Hash table
    const keys = Object.keys(a);
    if (keys.length !== Object.keys(b).length) {
      return false;
    for (let i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) {
      if (!b.hasOwnProperty(keys[i])) {
        return false;
      if (!isEqual(a[keys[i]], b[keys[i]])) {
        return false;
    return true;

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