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Loading Bar (aka Progress Bar) for Redux and React

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License: MIT License

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middleware redux react promise-middleware loading-bar progress-bar progress-simulation

react-redux-loading-bar's Issues

Loading Bar not showing up

Hi I am using react/redux with react-redux-loading-bar plugin here is my store and saga and UI component. Could any one tell what i am doing wrong here.


const filterGetData = function* ( action ) {
  try {
    yield put(showLoading())
    const users = yield call(fetchUsers,action.payload);
    yield put({type: 'USERS_RECIEVED', users})
  } catch (error) {
  yield put({type: 'LOAD_USERS_FAILURE', error})
  }finally {
    yield put(hideLoading())
export function* watchForUsers() {
  while(true) {
    const action = yield take('LOAD_USERS');
    yield fork(filterGetData, action);


const rootReducers = combineReducers({
  loadingBar: loadingBarReducer,
const store = createStore(
  applyMiddleware(sagaMiddleware ,loadingBarMiddleware())

Ui component

 <LoadingBar style={{zIndex: 99999}}/>

How to make loading bar loops


I am wondering if I can make loading bar move in a loop until the components finishes loading. When there are multiple long running fetches, the current implementation makes me wonder if it hung.

Thank you!

Usage of `dispatch()`


I'm trying to make use of the dispatch(showLoading()) in my actions, using redux-api-middleware in actions like this:

export function getClients(page = 1, count = 10) {
  return (dispatch, getState) => {
    const { auth: {oauthToken, oauthTokenSecret}} = getState();
    return dispatch({
      [CALL_API]: {
        endpoint: `/api/clients?page=${page}&count=${count}`,
        method: 'GET',
        headers: {
          'xoauthtoken': oauthToken,
          'xoauthtokensecret': oauthTokenSecret,

I've managed to make it show but not hide, though, by putting right after the first return.

Possible to add option to export UI component separately ?

Hey !
Thanks for your work on this cool module.

I'm trying to run some tests on a dumb component that is used to render the LoadingBar.

I can't run tests on the UI part only as I can't import it separately because you're connecting to the store in the loading bar file and exporting the container.

Would it be possible to split the logic of connecting to store and rendering, and therefore allowing the user the option to import the smart connected component or the ui component and manage state herself ?

Leaving the connected as a default makes complete sense, it would just be cool to be able to import the dumb component.

Happy to submit a PR if you're interested !

Cheers !

Not sure if shouldShow is neccecary

For my personal use I found that if a page loaded really quickly and say percent was only at 30% when I called hideLoading() then the loading bar would fade out too quick before reaching the end and giving an appearance of it just disappearing.

Since width of the bar is tied to loading percentage (and wont be visible when loading = 0 in the redux store) I removed the shouldShow section from your render method so its just const style = this.buildStyle() before returning and now it behaves properly and animates to end before disappearing (width gets set to 0) when percent gets set to 100 via hideLoading().

I thought perhaps the shouldShow is intentional for use cases unlike mine but thought I'd let you know. Cheers.

EDIT: Oops. Just realised removing it completely causes the animation back to 0 to be visible. This achieves what I was after:

        const shouldShow = this.props.loading > 0 || this.props.loading == 0 &&  this.state.percent > 0
        if (shouldShow) {
            style.opacity = '1'
        } else {
            style.opacity = '0'

More default CSS animation styles customization options

What do you think of adding multiple CSS transition or animation styles, like stripes?

I cannot seem to add such custom styles using classNames or inline styles easily without having to go and make changes to the following code.

const style = {
      opacity: '1',
      transform: `scaleX(${this.state.percent / 100})`,
      transformOrigin: 'left',
      transition: `transform ${animationTime}ms linear`,
      width: '100%',
      willChange: 'transform, opacity',

    // Use default styling if there's no CSS class applied
    if (!this.props.className) {
      style.height = '3px'
      style.backgroundColor = 'red'
      style.position = 'absolute'

Can't make it work with redux-thunk


I followed the readme but can't make it work with redux-thunk.

import { routerReducer as routing } from 'react-router-redux'
import { combineReducers } from 'redux'
import { loadingBarReducer } from 'react-redux-loading-bar'

const rootReducer = combineReducers({
  loadingBar: loadingBarReducer,

export default rootReducer;
import { createStore, applyMiddleware } from 'redux';
import thunk from 'redux-thunk'
import { logger } from 'redux-logger'
import rootReducer from '../reducers'
import { loadingBarMiddleware } from 'react-redux-loading-bar'

export default function configureStore(preloadedState) {
  const store = createStore(
    applyMiddleware(thunk, loadingBarMiddleware(), logger)
  return store;

Also added <LoadingBar />
Can you please tell me where to look?

Loading Bar not displayed

Hi @mironov,

I am hoping you can help me solve an issue I am having with react-redux-loading-bar. I have installed the package and I created a component for <LoadingBar />. The component shows up when my app is loading (I can see my gradient overlay), however LoadingBar stays at opacity: 0; and transform: scaleX(0).

Here is my code...

LoadingBar component:

import React from 'react';
import styled from 'styled-components';
import { ImmutableLoadingBar as LoadingBar } from 'react-redux-loading-bar';
import {
} from '../constants';

// styles for progress bar wrap
const WrapProgressBar = styled.div`
  width: 100%;
  height: 10px;
  position: absolute;
  top: 0;
  left: 0;

  header, header > div {
    width: 100%;

// styles for gradient overlay
const GradientOverlay = styled.div`
  background: rgba(57,56,54,0.8);
  position: fixed;
  top: 0;
  bottom: 0;
  left: 0;
  right: 0;
  z-index: 99999;

const ProgressBar = ({ fetching }) => (
  <WrapProgressBar fetching={fetching}>
      <LoadingBar style={{ backgroundColor: InfoColor, height: '10px', opacity: '1', zIndex: '100000' }} />
    <GradientOverlay />

export default ProgressBar;

Added reducer to store:

const appReducer = combineReducers({
    route: routeReducer,
    language: languageProviderReducer,
    loadingBar: loadingBarReducer,

Apply middleware:

const store = createStore(

LoadingBar component in app:
{fetching && <ProgressBar fetching={fetching} />}

Any help is appreciated. Thank you!

Immutable TypeError: Cannot call a class as a function

I configure store like this

const initialState = fromJS({});
const store = createStore(reducer, initialState, compose(
	applyMiddleware(sagaMiddleWare, routerMiddleware(history), promiseMiddleware(), loadingBarMiddleware()),
	window.devToolsExtension ? window.devToolsExtension() : f => (f)

If I use Immutable in reducer like bellow, it pulls out error:
TypeError: Cannot call a class as a function

import { combineReducers } from 'redux-immutable';
import { reducer as form } from 'redux-form/immutable';
import { ImmutableLoadingBar as LoadingBar  } from 'react-redux-loading-bar';

export default combineReducers({

Event loading-bar/SHOW is being triggered but the component still hidden

I'm trying to use this component but for some reason it looks like the component is not reacting to the state, the events are triggered but the bar doesn't shows up.. I'm using version 2.9.0 btw and react 15.5.4...

my setup:

const middleware = applyMiddleware(
const store = createStore(


        <Provider store={store}>
            <ConnectedRouter history={history}>
                <div id="app">
                    <LoadingBar showFastActions className="progress-bar"/>


not even with saga and triggering the events manually it doesn't seems to work.

Force hide loading

Hi guys,

Thanks for the work you've done with the react-redux-loading-bar.
I am using react-redux-loading-bar without a middleware and I found myself in need for "force hide loading bar" functionality.
Meaning I need the ability to hide the loading bar with no consideration to how many times SHOW has been dispatched.
Do you plan on developing this ability?

Crash on IE11


My app works on all browsers except IE11, which for some reasons I have to support it. Here is the error message from console:

DOM7011: The code on this page disabled back and forward caching. For more information, see:
HTML1300: Navigation occurred.
The above error occurred in the <LoadingBar> component:
    in LoadingBar (created by Connect(LoadingBar))
    in Connect(LoadingBar) (at main.component.js:20)
    in Router (created by BrowserRouter)
    in BrowserRouter (at main.component.js:18)
    in Provider (at main.component.js:17)
    in Main (at App.js:40)
    in ApolloProvider (at App.js:39)
    in App (at index.js:13)

React will try to recreate this component tree from scratch using the error boundary you provided, App.
SCRIPT438: Object doesn't support property or method 'includes'
bundle.js (85239,9)

It seams problem is related to includes method for objects which is not available in IE11, I find a stack overflow question about it but I not expert on that area.
can you please check it maybe it can help to fix the problem?

BTW thanks for awesome work ๐Ÿ‘

simulateProgress will still clearInterval when loadingbar > 0

1 put(showLoading())
2 put(hideLoading())
3 put(showLoading())
4 put(hideLoading())
if 2 is very closely to 3, simulateProgress will ingnore the loadingbar state, and disappear the loading bar .

I solve the problem in this way:

    if (this.shouldStart(nextProps)) {
    } else if (this.shouldStop(nextProps)) {
        this.setState({ percent: this.props.maxProgress });

simulateProgress() {
    let { progressInterval, percent, endingAnimationTimeout } = this.state
    const { maxProgress } = this.props

    if (percent === this.props.maxProgress && this.props.loading === 0) {
      endingAnimationTimeout = setTimeout(
      percent = 100
      progressInterval = null
    } else if (this.newPercent() <= maxProgress) {
      percent = this.newPercent()

    this.setState({ percent, progressInterval, endingAnimationTimeout })

setState() called on an unmounted component if change path after success action

If you call browserHistory.push(somepath) after success action was dispatched, the next error would be:
setState(...): Can only update a mounted or mounting component. This usually means you called setState() on an unmounted component

Clearing interval in componentWillUnmount would resolve this issue.
I've added this in loading_bar.js and it helped me:

    key: 'componentWillUnmount',
    value: function componentWillUnmount() {
      var interval = this.state.interval;
      var percent = this.state.percent;
      interval = null;
      percent = 0;

error in isomorphic app

error = new Error(format.replace(/%s/g, function () {
Invariant Violation: React DOM tree root should always have a node reference.

set background color via className

Now I see the only way to override background color is by setting style prop. But I would like to use className prop only and configure style in sass. To override background I have to use !important which makes my sass linter unhappy

Hideloading not hiding the progress bar


I am using showLoading and hideLoading with redux forms. On successful form submission and return results, I am hiding the bar, but the loading bar is not getting hidden.

simpletask (values) 
      const {reset} = this.props
      return promise_returned(values.nPassword)
            this.props.dispatch(hideLoading())  **>> this hideLoading is not working**
          .catch( function(err){
              throw new SubmissionError({ _error: err.message })

The state keeps getting appended
Object {form: Object, loadingBar: 1} (for first time)
In fact my other forms are all working fine with redux-forms and following the same pattern. Let me know if i am required to provide further info

Cannot read property 'default' of undefined

Warning: performUpdateIfNecessary: Unexpected batch number (current 2, pending 1)

connectAdvanced.js?4805:241 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'default' of undefined
Function.mapStateToProps [as mapToProps] (loading_bar.js?3859:250)

Try add redux loading bar and have this error

My reducer

import { combineReducers } from 'redux-immutable';
import { routerReducer as router } from 'react-router-redux';

import { loadingBarReducer } from 'react-redux-loading-bar'
export default combineReducers({

  loadingBar: loadingBarReducer,


How I add

import LoadingBar from 'react-redux-loading-bar'
import { ImmutableLoadingBar as LoadingBar } from 'react-redux-loading-bar' - not helps to
and in render I add <LoadingBar  />

timeout until the loading bar is shown

Would be nice if it was possible to set an activation timeout. So that for fast actions (say under 300ms) the loading bar should not activate at all. This would make the UI less noisy in many cases.


I tryed to install and got this error:

npm ERR! notsup Unsupported
npm ERR! notsup Not compatible with your operating system or architecture: [email protected]
npm ERR! notsup Valid OS: darwin
npm ERR! notsup Valid Arch: any
npm ERR! notsup Actual OS: linux
npm ERR! notsup Actual Arch: x64

Darwin?! My system not compatible with loading-bar... Sounds strange...

Unallocated progressInterval handler

I basically perform the actions bellow:

  1. dispatch(showLoading())
  2. dispatch(hideLoading())
  3. dispatch(showLoading())
  4. dispatch(hideLoading())
    Sometimes the error bellow pops up in an infinite loop:
    @ VM54:27printWarning
    @ warning.js:36warning
    @ warning.js:60
    @ ReactUpdateQueue.js:48enqueueSetState
    @ ReactUpdateQueue.js:200ReactComponent.setState
    @ ReactComponent.js:64resetProgress
    @ loading_bar.js:104

I think that the resetProgress() from the 2) dispatch gets called after launch() function from 3) dispatch which overrides this.state.progressInterval.

A workaround/fix I did was to modify resetProgress:
resetProgress() {
if (this.state.progressInterval) {

Help me about loading bar in mxstbr/react-boilerplate

I used react-redux-loading-bar in mxstbr/react-boilerplate and maybe i wrong in config. Can you help me??

  • I added at root app
  • I added "loadingBar: loadingBarReducer" in root reducer (in combineReducers).
    And it's not working.. May I miss or something??

Add support for react-redux 5.x

A new redux version was just released. I think the API is backward compatible and thus it should be no problem to add redux 5.x also to the peer dependency of this package.

Bar showing and hiding delayed

I trigger the loading bar manually for my fetch requests by dispatching showLoading() before the fetch and hideLoading() after I received data. Although the loading bar shows, animates and then hides, everything is delayed! It almost looks like nothing is happening on showLoading() and the bar only shows once hideLoading() is called. Then it stays there for a default time and disappears.

Here is the part of my custom middleware action, where I dispatch the actions around the API call:


    type: requestType,
    [ pendingTask ]: begin

  // Passing the authenticated boolean back in our data will let us distinguish between normal and secret quotes
  return callApi(endpoint, authenticated).then(
    response => {
      return next({
        type: successType,
        [ pendingTask ]: end
    error => {
      return next({
        error: error.message || 'There was an error.',
        type: errorType,
        [ pendingTask ]: end

The console.log outputs next to the dispatches appear much earlier than the bar appears. I didn't measure it, but it might be a fifth of a second or more.

The completion and hiding of the bar is only delayed for short running requests. If the request runs longer (say 2 seconds or more), the bar seems to complete and hide once the request finished (and I see the "HIDE" message in the console).

The <LoadingBar /> tag uses the default values. But even playing with the params did not fix the delay.

Am I missing something?


Here you can see the behavior. When loading-bar/SHOW action is triggered, nothing happens. Only slightly before the loading-bar/HIDE action is triggered, does the bar appear and begin to move. Then, after the request has already finished, the bar still takes time to animate to 100% and finally disappear.


loading bar not display


I tried all of your description, but, the loading bar is not display. Do I need any css file or so? Please need your help.


Promise middleware does not support 'scope' property

The promise middleware here does not support any custom properties on the action except for type, payload and meta. Therefore, this library's middleware should check for the scope property within the meta property of the action, not on the action itself.

resetProgress is called after the loading-bar was unmounted

VM789:27 Warning: setState(...): Can only update a mounted or mounting component. This usually means you called setState() on an unmounted component.

window.console.error @ VM789:27
printWarning @ warning.js:36
warning @ warning.js:60
getInternalInstanceReadyForUpdate @ ReactUpdateQueue.js:48
enqueueSetState @ ReactUpdateQueue.js:200
ReactComponent.setState @ ReactComponent.js:64
resetProgress @ loading_bar.js:98

Unsafe legacy lifecycles warning

I use the latest build of react and I get this warning in my console.

warning.js?6327:33 Warning: Unsafe legacy lifecycles will not be called for components using new component APIs.

Connect(LoadingBar) uses getDerivedStateFromProps() but also contains the following legacy lifecycles:

The above lifecycles should be removed. Learn more about this warning here:

Upgrade to 2.9.0 caused loading bar to not appear in production builds of

Howdy there!

Sorry for the issue with minimal info but I looked at what I think is the diff between 2.8.2...2.9.0 and couldn't find much that would indicate a breaking change.

But our production builds which include serving the site with these CSP rules:

default-src 'none'; base-uri 'self'; child-src 'none'; connect-src; form-action 'self'; frame-src 'none'; img-src 'self' data:; media-src 'none'; object-src 'none'; script-src; style-src 'sha256-DiZjxuHvKi7pvUQCxCVyk1kAFJEUWe+jf6HWMI5agj4='; report-uri /__cspreport__; font-src

do not display the loading bar once updated to 2.9.0. Downgrading to 2.8.2 works fine. I can point you to our code usage if that would help, but I'm filing here because I'm a bit lost and I'm not sure why the loading bar stopped working.


props Children

Hi! I was trying to attach another div to <LoadingBar /> so that will block the component below. The idea is: when you click a button, after the dispatch I will lock the screen while showing the loading bar.

something like this.props.children will be usefull so I could do

    <div block />

Do you have another approach to sugest? I also created a Loading component that will render:

    <LoadingBar />
    <div block />

But while the LoadingBar disappears when needed the div below doesn't

Thanks! and great work, very useful and easy to implement

TypeDefinition support? [help wanted]

I'm currently using typescript to write my react app, therefore I need to have the TypeDefinition file for this library so that I can use it.
Are contributors going to write one for it?

TypeError: Cannot read property 'default' of undefined

Just installed react-redux-loading-bar in a kriasoft/starterkit-redux based application and I got following error:

TypeError: Cannot read property 'default' of undefined
at Function.mapStateToProps [as mapToProps] (/XXX/node_modules/react-redux-loading-bar/build/loading_bar.js:250:30)
at mapToPropsProxy (/XXX/node_modules/react-redux/lib/connect/wrapMapToProps.js:54:46)
at Function.detectFactoryAndVerify (/XXX/node_modules/react-redux/lib/connect/wrapMapToProps.js:63:19)
at mapToPropsProxy (/XXX/node_modules/react-redux/lib/connect/wrapMapToProps.js:54:46)
at handleFirstCall (/XXX/node_modules/react-redux/lib/connect/selectorFactory.js:37:18)
at pureFinalPropsSelector (/XXX/node_modules/react-redux/lib/connect/selectorFactory.js:85:81)
at Object.runComponentSelector [as run] (/XXX/node_modules/react-redux/lib/components/connectAdvanced.js:43:25)
at Connect.initSelector (/XXX/node_modules/react-redux/lib/components/connectAdvanced.js:195:23)
at new Connect (/XXX/node_modules/react-redux/lib/components/connectAdvanced.js:136:15)
at resolve (/XXX/node_modules/react-dom/cjs/react-dom-server.node.development.js:2086:14)

Is this supposed to work with server-side rendering?

I get this exception

Warning: setState(...): Can only update a mounting component. This usually means you called setState() outside componentWillMount() on the server. This is a no-op. Please check the code for the LoadingBar component.


Percent value isn't reset when animationTimeout is cleared

Thank you for your quick answers on the previous issues.

When the animationTimeout is cleared on the launch function the percent isn't reset to 0 , so on the next showLoading action the bar isn't displayed.
I put bellow a workaround that seems to solve this:

function launch() {
var progressInterval = this.state.progressInterval;
var animationTimeout = this.state.animationTimeout;
var percent = this.state.percent;

if (!progressInterval) {
progressInterval = setInterval(this.boundSimulateProgress, this.props.updateTime);
percent = 0;

this.setState(_extends({}, this.state, { progressInterval: progressInterval }, {percent: percent}));

Loading bar doesn't disappear on immediately props changing

I've found a possible problem. I use loading bar just passing a loading prop:

const loading = ... // different calculations

<LoadingBar loading={loading} />

So I've noticed when at first loading is equal 1 or 2 or whatever number not equal 0 and then this variable is quickly changing to 0, LoadingBar doesn't disappear.

I prepared a quick demo. This demo is a useless and incorrect, but it helps to understand the problem.
If you open a browser console, you'll see very interesting logs like this:

componentDidMount loading 1
launch progressInterval 1
shouldStop progressInterval null
shouldStop loading 0
componentWillReceiveProps shouldStop null
shouldStop progressInterval null
shouldStop loading 0
simulateProgress progressInterval 1
simulateProgress progressInterval 1
simulateProgress progressInterval 1
simulateProgress progressInterval 1
simulateProgress progressInterval 1
simulateProgress progressInterval 1

These logs tell us shouldStop method returns null because progressInterval is null:

shouldStop(nextProps) {
  return this.state.progressInterval && nextProps.loading === 0

And also let's look at progressInterval variable changes:

progressInterval: 1
progressInterval: null
progressInterval: null
progressInterval: 1
progressInterval: 1
progressInterval: 1
progressInterval: 1
progressInterval: 1

I think the problem is here because there are setState calls dependent of state values like this:

let { progressInterval, percent } = this.state
this.setState({ progressInterval, percent })

You should use a function here:

this.setState((prevState) => {
  return { progressInterval, percent }

If you want to look at my demo here is its code

Redux 4.x.x support in package.json

There was a new major version of Redux released recently Changelog. At first look it doesn't appear to contain any breaking changes. Any chance of updating the dependency in package.json to "redux": ">3.5.2"?

Handle fast request


I'm using your module for my API request and I'm facing a problem right now. Often the request are very fast - let's say 5 ms (right now the server is running on localhost). For those request you want even the see the loading bar.

I would appreciate to see the bar quickly moving towards 100% and then disappearing. I guess this can be easily implemented by just adding a property "transitionTime" or something similar. So if the hide function is triggered, it sets the loading width to 100% while slowly disappearing.

For testing this behaviour, you could just call show() and hide() directly behind each other. The users should see something - if it's only for a very short timespan.

Right now I'm trying to add a nice feature to your loading bar for my project. If the server request was successful the bar should become green shortly before disappearing. Otherwise it becomes red - maybe it doesn't disappear directly.

Example for a nice implementation:

Thank you for your work,

Showing bar for custom width fails

First of all, thanks for the plugin it works well, though I am finding some issues while it displays with added margin, see the screenshot below


What is happening is, I have a top nav bar in which I have added the Loader component which is supposed to show the loader from left 60px of the top bar, for this I have added marginLeft:60px which works well it starts leaving 60px from left, but when it finishes it crosses the header tag and goes beyond limit, see the screenshot which cause scroll bars to come up in the page.

Below is my code of Loader

const Loader = () => {
  return (
    <header style={{height:'3px',marginTop:'15px',marginLeft:'60px'}}>
      <LoadingBar style={{ backgroundColor: 'red', height: '3px', zIndex:9999, width:'100%', paddingRight:'60px' }} showFastActions updateTime={500} />

I tried to manipulate the width to some random value from 100%, it did work the progress bar was limited to that, but this is not way it should work, the progress bar should never go beyond header..

Any solution?


Creating an optimized production build... Failed to compile. after update to 4.0.2

I am using Create-react-app to build my app, but after I update my react-redux-loading-bar package to 4.0.2 version I got error below:

Creating an optimized production build...
Failed to compile.

Failed to minify the code from this file:


Read more here:

I am guessing if I downgrade my version to 4.0.0 it will work but I didn't test it yet.

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