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Dubbo + Zipkin + Brave + Kafka 实现全链路追踪

分布式跟踪系统还有其他比较成熟的实现,例如:Naver的Pinpoint、Apache的HTrace、阿里的鹰眼Tracing、京东的Hydra、新浪的Watchman,美团点评的CAT,skywalking等。 本次主要利用Dubbo数据传播特性扩展Filter接口来实现链路追踪的目的

重点和难点主要是zipkin及brave使用及特性,当前brave版本为 5.2.0 为 2018年8月份发布的稳定版 , zipkin版本为2.2.1 所需JDK为1.8



wget -O zipkin.jar ''
java -jar zipkin.jar

输入 http://localhost:9411/zipkin/ 进入WebUI界面如下 zipUI


  • Dubbo sync async oneway 调用处理
  • RPC异常处理
  • 普通业务异常处理


  • Dubbo sync async oneway 测试
  • RPC异常测试
  • 普通业务异常测试
  • 并发测试





Key Default Value Description
transport_type http 数据传输方式,支持 http/kafka 两种
zipkin_host localhost:9411 传输目的地:
传输方式为http时,为zipkin地址 .
传输方式为kafka时,为 kafka地址,broker之间以逗号间隔 .
service_name trace-default 项目(节点)标识
kafka_topic zipkin 传输方式为kafka时的topic


一次调用信息 调用链 调用成功失败汇总




import brave.Span;
import brave.Tracer;
import brave.Tracing;
import brave.propagation.*;
import brave.sampler.Sampler;
import zipkin2.codec.SpanBytesEncoder;
import zipkin2.reporter.AsyncReporter;
import zipkin2.reporter.Sender;
import zipkin2.reporter.okhttp3.OkHttpSender;

import java.util.Map;
import java.util.concurrent.Future;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;

 * Created with IntelliJ IDEA.
 * @author: bakerZhu
 * @description:
 * @modifytime:
@Activate(group = {Constants.PROVIDER, Constants.CONSUMER})
public class TracingFilter  implements Filter {

	private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(TracingFilter.class);

	private static Tracing tracing;
	private static Tracer tracer;
	private static TraceContext.Extractor<Map<String, String>> extractor;
	private static TraceContext.Injector<Map<String, String>> injector;

	static final Propagation.Getter<Map<String, String>, String> GETTER =
			new Propagation.Getter<Map<String, String>, String>() {
				public String get(Map<String, String> carrier, String key) {
					return carrier.get(key);

				public String toString() {
					return "Map::get";

	static final Propagation.Setter<Map<String, String>, String> SETTER =
			new Propagation.Setter<Map<String, String>, String>() {
				public void put(Map<String, String> carrier, String key, String value) {
					carrier.put(key, value);

				public String toString() {
					return "Map::set";

	static {
		// 1
		Sender sender = OkHttpSender.create("http://localhost:9411/api/v2/spans");
		// 2
		AsyncReporter asyncReporter = AsyncReporter.builder(sender)
				.closeTimeout(500, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)
		// 3
		tracing = Tracing.newBuilder()
				.propagationFactory(ExtraFieldPropagation.newFactory(B3Propagation.FACTORY, "user-name"))
		tracer = tracing.tracer();
		// 4
		// 4.1
		extractor = tracing.propagation().extractor(GETTER);
		// 4.2
		injector = tracing.propagation().injector(SETTER);

	public TracingFilter() {

	public Result invoke(Invoker<?> invoker, Invocation invocation) throws RpcException {

		RpcContext rpcContext = RpcContext.getContext();
		// 5
		Span.Kind kind = rpcContext.isProviderSide() ? Span.Kind.SERVER : Span.Kind.CLIENT;
		final Span span;
		if (kind.equals(Span.Kind.CLIENT)) {
			span = tracer.nextSpan();
			injector.inject(span.context(), invocation.getAttachments());
		} else {
			TraceContextOrSamplingFlags extracted = extractor.extract(invocation.getAttachments());
			span = extracted.context() != null ? tracer.joinSpan(extracted.context()) : tracer.nextSpan(extracted);

		if (!span.isNoop()) {
			String service = invoker.getInterface().getSimpleName();
			String method = RpcUtils.getMethodName(invocation);
			span.kind(kind); + "/" + method);
			InetSocketAddress remoteAddress = rpcContext.getRemoteAddress();
					remoteAddress.getAddress() != null ? remoteAddress.getAddress().getHostAddress() : remoteAddress.getHostName(),remoteAddress.getPort());

		boolean isOneway = false, deferFinish = false;
		try (Tracer.SpanInScope scope = tracer.withSpanInScope(span)){
			collectArguments(invocation, span, kind);
			Result result = invoker.invoke(invocation);

			if (result.hasException()) {
				onError(result.getException(), span);
			// 12
			isOneway = RpcUtils.isOneway(invoker.getUrl(), invocation);
			// 13
			Future<Object> future = rpcContext.getFuture();

			if (future instanceof FutureAdapter) {
				deferFinish = true;
				((FutureAdapter) future).getFuture().setCallback(new FinishSpanCallback(span));// 14
			return result;
		} catch (Error | RuntimeException e) {
			onError(e, span);
			throw e;
		} finally {
			if (isOneway) { // 15
			} else if (!deferFinish) { // 16

	static void onError(Throwable error, Span span) {
		if (error instanceof RpcException) {
			span.tag("dubbo.error_msg", RpcExceptionEnum.getMsgByCode(((RpcException) error).getCode()));

	static void collectArguments(Invocation invocation, Span span, Span.Kind kind) {
		if (kind == Span.Kind.CLIENT) {
			StringBuilder fqcn = new StringBuilder();
			Object[] args = invocation.getArguments();
			if (args != null && args.length > 0) {
				try {
				} catch (IOException e) {
					log.warn(e.getMessage(), e);
			span.tag("args", fqcn.toString());

	static final class FinishSpanCallback implements ResponseCallback {
		final Span span;

		FinishSpanCallback(Span span) {
			this.span = span;

		public void done(Object response) {

		public void caught(Throwable exception) {
			onError(exception, span);
	// 17
	private enum RpcExceptionEnum {
		UNKNOWN_EXCEPTION(0, "unknown exception"),
		NETWORK_EXCEPTION(1, "network exception"),
		TIMEOUT_EXCEPTION(2, "timeout exception"),
		BIZ_EXCEPTION(3, "biz exception"),
		FORBIDDEN_EXCEPTION(4, "forbidden exception"),
		SERIALIZATION_EXCEPTION(5, "serialization exception"),;

		private int code;

		private String msg;

		RpcExceptionEnum(int code, String msg) {
			this.code = code;
			this.msg = msg;

		public static String getMsgByCode(int code) {
			for (RpcExceptionEnum error : RpcExceptionEnum.values()) {
				if (code == error.code) {
					return error.msg;
			return null;
  1. 构建客户端发送工具
  2. 构建异步reporter
  3. 构建tracing上下文
  4. 初始化injector 和 Extractor [tab]4.1 extractor 指数据提取对象,用于在carrier中提取TraceContext相关信息或者采样标记信息到TraceContextOrSamplingFlags 中 -4.2 injector 用于将TraceContext中的各种数据注入到carrier中,其中carrier一半是指数据传输中的载体,类似于Dubbo中Invocation中的attachment(附件集合)
  5. 判断此次调用是作为服务端还是客户端
  6. rpc客户端调用会从ThreadLocal中获取parent的 TraceContext ,为新生成的Span指定traceId及 parentId如果没有parent traceContext 则生成的Span为 root span
  7. 将Span绑定的TraceContext中 属性信息 Copy 到 Invocation中达到远程参数传递的作用
  8. rpc服务提供端 , 从invocation中提取TraceContext相关信息及采样数据信息
  9. 生成span , 兼容初次服务端调用
  10. 记录接口信息及远程IP Port
  11. 将创建的Span 作为当前Span (可以通过Tracer.currentSpan 访问到它) 并设置查询范围
  12. oneway调用即只请求不接受结果
  13. 如果future不为空则为 async 调用 在回调中finish span
  14. 设置异步回调,回调代码执行span finish() .
  15. oneway调用 因为不需等待返回值 即没有 cr (Client Receive) 需手动flush()
  16. 同步调用 业务代码执行完毕后需手动finish()
  17. 设置枚举类 与 Dubbo中RpcException保持对应


1.搭建Kafka运行环境 Scala 2.搭建并启动Kafka 3.启动zipkin:启动zipkin时 建议先看官方文档,鉴于kafka版本更新较快,zipkin连接kafka时不同版本之间的差异, 建议先看GitHub 后进行zipkin的启动 针对不同的kafka版本 zipkin的启动配置方式不同 , 基于Kafka 0.10.+ 以上版本重要配置做下说明:

Attribute Property Description
KAFKA_BOOTSTRAP_SERVERS bootstrap.servers Comma-separated list of brokers, ex. No default
KAFKA_GROUP_ID The consumer group this process is consuming on behalf of. Defaults to zipkin
KAFKA_TOPIC N/A Comma-separated list of topics that zipkin spans will be consumed from. Defaults to zipkin
KAFKA_STREAMS N/A Count of threads consuming the topic. Defaults to 1

Overriding other properties

You may need to override other consumer properties than what zipkin explicitly defines. In such case, you need to prefix that property name with "zipkin.collector.kafka.overrides" and pass it as a CLI argument or system property.

For example, to override "", you can set a prefixed system property:

$ KAFKA_BOOTSTRAP_SERVERS= java -jar zipkin.jar

进行Kafka中属性覆盖 例如,要覆盖auto.offset.reset,可以设置名为的系统属性

Logging 日志打印级别控制

By default, zipkin writes log messages to the console at INFO level and above. You can adjust categories using the --logging.level.XXX parameter, a -Dlogging.level.XXX system property, or by adjusting yaml configuration.

For example, if you want to enable debug logging for all zipkin categories, you can start the server like so:

$ java -jar zipkin.jar --logging.level.zipkin2=DEBUG


基于Kafka 0.10.+ 以上配置:

java -DKAFKA_BOOTSTRAP_SERVERS=,, -DKAFKA_TOPIC=zipkin -jar zipkin.jar  --logging.level.zipkin2=DEBUG

zipkin 数据存储及其他配置

Environment Variables

zipkin-server is a drop-in replacement for the scala query service.

yaml configuration binds the following environment variables from zipkin-scala:

  • QUERY_PORT: Listen port for the http api and web ui; Defaults to 9411
  • QUERY_ENABLED: false disables the query api and UI assets. Search may also be disabled for the storage backend if it is not needed; Defaults to true
  • SEARCH_ENABLED: false disables trace search requests on the storage backend. Does not disable trace by ID or dependency queries. Disable this when you use another service (such as logs) to find trace IDs; Defaults to true
  • QUERY_LOG_LEVEL: Log level written to the console; Defaults to INFO
  • QUERY_LOOKBACK: How many milliseconds queries can look back from endTs; Defaults to 24 hours (two daily buckets: one for today and one for yesterday)
  • STORAGE_TYPE: SpanStore implementation: one of mem, mysql, cassandra, elasticsearch
  • COLLECTOR_SAMPLE_RATE: Percentage of traces to retain, defaults to always sample (1.0).

Cassandra Storage

Zipkin's Cassandra storage component supports version 3.11+ and applies when STORAGE_TYPE is set to cassandra3:

* `CASSANDRA_KEYSPACE`: The keyspace to use. Defaults to "zipkin2"
* `CASSANDRA_CONTACT_POINTS`: Comma separated list of host addresses part of Cassandra cluster. You can also specify a custom port with 'host:port'. Defaults to localhost on port 9042.
* `CASSANDRA_LOCAL_DC`: Name of the datacenter that will be considered "local" for latency load balancing. When unset, load-balancing is round-robin.
* `CASSANDRA_ENSURE_SCHEMA`: Ensuring cassandra has the latest schema. If enabled tries to execute scripts in the classpath prefixed with `cassandra-schema-cql3`. Defaults to true
* `CASSANDRA_USERNAME` and `CASSANDRA_PASSWORD`: Cassandra authentication. Will throw an exception on startup if authentication fails. No default
* `CASSANDRA_USE_SSL`: Requires `` and ``, defaults to false.

The following are tuning parameters which may not concern all users:

* `CASSANDRA_MAX_CONNECTIONS`: Max pooled connections per datacenter-local host. Defaults to 8
* `CASSANDRA_INDEX_CACHE_MAX`: Maximum trace index metadata entries to cache. Zero disables caching. Defaults to 100000.
* `CASSANDRA_INDEX_CACHE_TTL`: How many seconds to cache index metadata about a trace. Defaults to 60.
* `CASSANDRA_INDEX_FETCH_MULTIPLIER`: How many more index rows to fetch than the user-supplied query limit. Defaults to 3.

Example usage with logging:

$ STORAGE_TYPE=cassandra3 java -jar zipkin.jar --logging.level.zipkin=trace --logging.level.zipkin2=trace

Elasticsearch Storage

Zipkin's Elasticsearch storage component supports versions 2-6.x and applies when STORAGE_TYPE is set to elasticsearch

The following apply when STORAGE_TYPE is set to elasticsearch:

* `ES_HOSTS`: A comma separated list of elasticsearch base urls to connect to ex. http://host:9200.
              Defaults to "http://localhost:9200".
* `ES_PIPELINE`: Only valid when the destination is Elasticsearch 5+. Indicates the ingest
                 pipeline used before spans are indexed. No default.
* `ES_TIMEOUT`: Controls the connect, read and write socket timeouts (in milliseconds) for
                Elasticsearch Api. Defaults to 10000 (10 seconds)
* `ES_MAX_REQUESTS`: Only valid when the transport is http. Sets maximum in-flight requests from
                     this process to any Elasticsearch host. Defaults to 64.
* `ES_INDEX`: The index prefix to use when generating daily index names. Defaults to zipkin.
* `ES_DATE_SEPARATOR`: The date separator to use when generating daily index names. Defaults to '-'.
* `ES_INDEX_SHARDS`: The number of shards to split the index into. Each shard and its replicas
                     are assigned to a machine in the cluster. Increasing the number of shards
                     and machines in the cluster will improve read and write performance. Number
                     of shards cannot be changed for existing indices, but new daily indices
                     will pick up changes to the setting. Defaults to 5.
* `ES_INDEX_REPLICAS`: The number of replica copies of each shard in the index. Each shard and
                       its replicas are assigned to a machine in the cluster. Increasing the
                       number of replicas and machines in the cluster will improve read
                       performance, but not write performance. Number of replicas can be changed
                       for existing indices. Defaults to 1. It is highly discouraged to set this
                       to 0 as it would mean a machine failure results in data loss.
* `ES_USERNAME` and `ES_PASSWORD`: Elasticsearch basic authentication, which defaults to empty string.
                                   Use when X-Pack security (formerly Shield) is in place.
* `ES_HTTP_LOGGING`: When set, controls the volume of HTTP logging of the Elasticsearch Api.
                     Options are BASIC, HEADERS, BODY

Example usage:

To connect normally:

$ STORAGE_TYPE=elasticsearch ES_HOSTS=http://myhost:9200 java -jar zipkin.jar

To log Elasticsearch api requests:

$ STORAGE_TYPE=elasticsearch ES_HTTP_LOGGING=BASIC java -jar zipkin.jar

Legacy (v1) storage components

The following components are no longer encouraged, but exist to help aid transition to supported ones. These are indicated as "v1" as they use data layouts based on Zipkin's V1 Thrift model, as opposed to the simpler v2 data model currently used.

MySQL Storage

The following apply when STORAGE_TYPE is set to mysql:

* `MYSQL_DB`: The database to use. Defaults to "zipkin".
* `MYSQL_USER` and `MYSQL_PASS`: MySQL authentication, which defaults to empty string.
* `MYSQL_HOST`: Defaults to localhost
* `MYSQL_TCP_PORT`: Defaults to 3306
* `MYSQL_MAX_CONNECTIONS`: Maximum concurrent connections, defaults to 10
* `MYSQL_USE_SSL`: Requires `` and ``, defaults to false.

Example usage:

$ STORAGE_TYPE=mysql MYSQL_USER=root java -jar zipkin.jar

Cassandra Storage

Zipkin's Legacy (v1) Cassandra storage component supports version 2.2+ and applies when STORAGE_TYPE is set to cassandra:

The environment variables are the same as STORAGE_TYPE=cassandra3, except the default keyspace name is "zipkin".

Example usage:

$ STORAGE_TYPE=cassandra java -jar zipkin.jar

参考: zipkin-server模块


  • 抽象数据传输(扩展Kafka数据传输)支持HTTP/Kafka数据传输 - 已完成
  • Web扩展
  • 调用返回值数据打印
  • 更灵活的配置方式

tracing's People



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