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Tx (LINQ to Logs and Traces)

Tx allows you to do Language Integrated Query (LINQ) directly on raw event sources:

  • ad-hoc query on past history in trace and log files
  • standing queries on real-time feeds, such as Event Tracing for Windows (ETW) sessions

The Tx approach is different than Databases, Hadoop, Splunk, Dapper, etc. which all require a stage of uploading before the events become available to queries.

Instead, mixing Reactive Extensions (Rx) and LINQ-to-Objects allows the query to be embedded anywhere including:

The following picture shows the dependencies among the main Tx components:



  • Dark green is .Net
  • Light green is mature open source
  • Light grey are framework components, also available on NuGet
  • Darker gray are tool experiences that come with Tx
  • White are samples

For more see the documentation


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tx's Issues

PerfCounterRealTimeProbe without separate timer?

I need to query several performance counters at the same time. For that reason I need to use my own timer and explicitly read out the realtime performance counter. Would be great to have that possibility.

Tx.LinqPad: Could not load file or assembly 'Tx.LinqPad.resources'

When I attempt to load the current (1.0.51230) version, I get the following exception. Any ideas?


I started getting this because the assembly must have been auto-updated. I tried removing everything and starting from a clean install and I still get the exception.


Is it possible to read FailedReqLogFiles with TX?
FailedReqLogFiles logs are the logs made by IIS with the "Failed Request Tracing Rules" and generate xml files with name frXXXXXX.xml in ..\inetpub\logs\FailedReqLogFiles\W3SVCX

PerformanceSample.Timestamp is always the same when using PerfCounterObservable.FromFile

I opened a BLG file and read to the end. Every Timestamp have the same value, the same as the first sample.


        var perfs = PerfCounterObservable.FromFile("MyPcPerfMon.blg");

            perfs.Subscribe(x =>
                Console.WriteLine($"{x.Timestamp} - {x.CounterSet}/{x.CounterName}/{x.Instance}: Value: {x.Value}"); // All Timestramps are the same

                if (x.Index % 3 == 2)
                    Console.WriteLine("Enter to continue");

Next release breaking changes (v.2)

Dependency to Reactive Extensions is changed to use version 3.0.0.
The support of .NET 4.0 is dropped.

Also specifically for each component the additional breaking changes are:

  • Tx.Core, Tx.Windows, Tx.Windows.TypeGeneration, Tx.SqlServer
    • No Changes
  • Tx.Bond
  • Tx.Network
    • Removed deprecated Syslog classes, use new ones from Tx.Network.Syslogs namespace.
    • IpPacket class: removed the following properties - IpVersion, ProtocolNumber, DataBuffer.
    • IpPacket class: the following properties moved to PacketHeader property - SourceIpAddress, DestinationIpAddress, InternetHeaderLength, DscpValue, ExplicitCongestionNotice, IpPacketLength, FragmentGroupId, IpHeaderFlags, FragmentOffset, TimeToLive, ProtocolNumber, PacketHeaderChecksum.
    • IpPacket class: Type of PacketData changed to ArraySegment<byte> from byte[].
    • UdpDatagram class: the following properties moved to UdpDatagramHeader property - SourcePort, DestinationPort, UdpLength, UdpCheckSum.
    • UdpDatagram class: Type of UdpData changed to ArraySegment<byte> from byte[].
    • UdpDatagram class: It does not inherit from IpPacket anymore.
    • UdpReceiver now implements IObservable<IUdpDatagram> not IObservable<IpPacket>.
    • TrapTypeMap now implements IPartitionableTypeMap<IUdpDatagram, ObjectIdentifier> not IPartitionableTypeMap<IpPacket, ObjectIdentifier>.
    • SnmpCapture.ParseUdp now returns IEnumerable<IUdpDatagram> instead of IEnumerable<UdpDatagram>.
    • SnmpSimpleDatagram constructor replaced to accept ArraySegment<byte> instead of byte[].
    • SnmpTrapV1: constructor replaced to accept ArraySegment<byte> instead of byte[], removed constructor that accepts UdpDatagram.
    • SnmpTrapV2: constructor replaced to accept ArraySegment<byte> instead of byte[], removed constructor that accepts UdpDatagram.
    • SnmpEncodeDecoder class was removed.
    • SnmpSimpleTrapV2C class was removed.
    • VarBindExtensions class was removed.
    • ByteArrayExtentions class was removed.
    • NetworkTransformExtentions: removed PacketHeaderToWireBytes, UdpHeaderToWireBytes, ToWireBytes, UdpPseudoHeader, GetInternetChecksum, NetworkOrderUshort methods.

Does not work with LINQPad 5

Adding the Tx provider to LinqPad 5 (32-bit) I get 'Could not load file or assembly 'Tx.LinqPad.resources, Version=1.0l.60318.0.... or one of its dependencies. The system cannot find the path specified.'

Playback throws NotImplementedException when using Delay()

Playback.GetObservable() throws a NotImplementedException when the Delay() operator is used.

    using (var playback = new Playback())
        var evtTime = new DateTimeOffset(2018, 1, 1, 12, 0, 0);

        playback.AddInput(new[] { new Timestamped<object>(evtTime, evtTime) });
            .Delay(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(10), playback.Scheduler)
            .Subscribe(x => Debug.WriteLine($"Data Time: {x}    SchedulerTime: {playback.Scheduler.Now}"));

PerfCounterSample's instance field is truncated if contains '#' symbol

PerfCounterSample's instance field is truncated if contains '#' symbol.

Repro steps:

  • Start multiple instances of LINQpad for example
  • Collect any process counters for process with LINQpad.UserQuery#1 instance name. Use the following code snippet: PerfCounterObservable.FromRealTime(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1), @"\Process(LINQPad.UserQuery#1)\Private Bytes").Dump()
  • See that instances in the result set will be truncated to LI

Linqpad Driver is missing event classes in the connection view

Linqpad driver is missing some of the event classes in the connection view:


In this case, all the 4 classes have Info and Associate events (some Enter/Exit). For some reason they only appear in the Device_Client class.

The query though works as expected and returns the same counts as PerfView:


PerfCounterReader.cs AddCounter throws exception on status PdhStatus.PDH_CSTATUS_NO_INSTANCE

update PerfCounterReader.cs AddCounter throws exception on status PdhStatus.PDH_CSTATUS_NO_INSTANCE

current functionality fails playback.Run() for entire .blg if any counter fails due to status PDH_CSTATUS_NO_INSTANCE with no option to handle

code calling into Tx.Windows:
Playback playback = new Playback();
IObservable o = playback.GetObservable();
o.Subscribe(p => records.Add(p), x => Log.Warning($"{x.Message}"));

failing function:
protected void AddCounter(string counterPath, int index)
PdhCounterHandle counter;
PdhStatus status = PdhNativeMethods.PdhAddCounter(_query, counterPath, IntPtr.Zero, out counter);
if (status == PdhStatus.PDH_ENTRY_NOT_IN_LOG_FILE)

        PdhUtils.CheckStatus(status, PdhStatus.PDH_CSTATUS_VALID_DATA);

        var counterInfo = new PerfCounterInfo(counterPath, counter, index);

LINQPad: Domain name has expired

When trying to install this into a new instance of LINQPad, I see this in the "Choose a Driver" screen for the "LINQ to Traces" driver:


Error instantiating type Tx.LinqPad.TxDataContextDriver

Throws this exception when installed from LinqPad drivers page

Error instantiating type Tx.LinqPad.TxDataContextDriver in C:\Users\xyz\AppData\Local\LINQPad\Drivers\DataContext\4.6\Tx.LinqPad (3d3a4b0768c9178e)\Tx.LinqPad.dll

  • Could not load file or assembly 'file:///C:\Users\xyz\AppData\Local\LINQPad\Drivers\DataContext\4.6\Tx.LinqPad (3d3a4b0768c9178e)\Tx.SqlServer.dll' or one of its dependencies. An attempt was made to load a program with an incorrect format.

How to build from source?

I'm trying to build from source.
Have tried the following:

  • Opened Source\Tx.sln in VS 2015, but getting a bunch of CS0234 and CS0246 errors
  • Tried running Source\build.cmd, but it fails with 'error MSB4126: The specified solution configuration "Release40|X64" is invalid.'

Any suggestions?

update releases page to match nuget

Nuget shows last version ad 3.0.4, Github releases shows v2.1.1 as the last one, it would be good to understand what is new in the recent versions.

CS0433 [EVENT_NAME]' exists in both 'LogFile1' and 'LogFile2'

CS0433 The type '[EVENT_NAME]' exists in both 'LogFile1, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null' and 'LogFile2, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null'

If the event exists in both with the same schema then one should be chosen. This would increase the debugging experience by a lot since we could actually import multiple files in the same session.

This is in reference to the LinqPad Tx driver

Unhandled exception. System.Exception: PDH_CSTATUS_NO_OBJECT

Getting PDH_CSTATUS_NO_OBJECT error when attempting to parse blg files

Unhandled exception. System.Exception: PDH_CSTATUS_NO_OBJECT
   at Tx.Windows.PdhUtils.CheckStatus(PdhStatus actualStatus, PdhStatus[] expectedStatus)
   at Tx.Windows.PdhUtils.GetCounterAndInstanceList(String logFilename, String machineName, String objectName, List`1& counterList, List`1& instanceList)
   at Tx.Windows.PdhUtils.GetCounterPaths(String dataSource)
   at Tx.Windows.PerfCounterFileReader..ctor(IObserver`1 observer, String file)
   at Tx.Windows.PerfCounterObservable.<>c__DisplayClass0_0.<FromFile>b__0(IObserver`1 o)
   at System.Reactive.AnonymousObservable`1.SubscribeCore(IObserver`1 observer) in D:\a\1\s\Rx.NET\Source\src\System.Reactive\AnonymousObservable.cs:line 37
   at System.Reactive.ObservableBase`1.ScheduledSubscribe(IScheduler _, AutoDetachObserver`1 autoDetachObserver) in D:\a\1\s\Rx.NET\Source\src\System.Reactive\ObservableBase.cs:line 82
--- End of stack trace from previous location ---
   at System.Reactive.PlatformServices.ExceptionServicesImpl.Rethrow(Exception exception) in D:\a\1\s\Rx.NET\Source\src\System.Reactive\Internal\ExceptionServicesImpl.cs:line 16
   at System.Reactive.ExceptionHelpers.ThrowIfNotNull(Exception exception) in D:\a\1\s\Rx.NET\Source\src\System.Reactive\Internal\ExceptionServices.cs:line 20
   at System.Reactive.Linq.ObservableImpl.GetEnumerator`1.MoveNext() in D:\a\1\s\Rx.NET\Source\src\System.Reactive\Linq\Observable\GetEnumerator.cs:line 70

Code that causes the error:

var rawcounters = PerfCounterObservable.FromFile(filename);
int count = rawcounters.Count().Wait();

Playback throws exception when merging windowed observable

Playback object throws an exception when merging a windowed observable that doesn't have inputs with an empty observable on the playback scheduler. The following code snippet throws an InvalidOperationException:

using (var playback = new Playback())
    playback.AddInput(new[] { new Timestamped<object>(4L, DateTimeOffset.UtcNow), });
            .Window(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(40), playback.Scheduler)
            .Merge(Observable.Empty<object>(), playback.Scheduler)

Example for realtime sampling of "\\Processor(*)\\% processor time"?

Can you please give an example on how to do this?

 string[] arr = new string[1];
 arr[0] = "\\Processor(*)\\% processor time";
 PerfCounterRealTimeProbe pcrtp = new PerfCounterRealTimeProbe(this, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1), arr);

However, that causes a PDH_CSTATUS_NO_OBJECT exception.

PerformanceSample has local time, but Kind is DateTimeKind.Utc

On commit 49369b4 when the TImeUtil.cs was removed, the returned timestamp appears to be incorrect. The dates are local date/times to based on the time zone the machine is running on, however, the Timestamp.Kind == DateTimeKind.Utc


DateTime timestamp = DateTime.FromFileTimeUtc(time);

The docs for PdhCollectQueryDataWithTime says:

pllTimeStamp [out]
Time stamp when the first counter value in the query was retrieved. The time is specified as FILETIME.

This is also a problem with: PerfCounterRealTimeProbe.cs.

EtwNativeEvent.cs and BondTypeMap.cs also call DateTime.FromFileTimeUtc() but I haven't looked into what those FILETIMEs are supposed to be.

After looking at the source for DateTime.FromFileTime(long) and DateTime.FromFileTImeUtc(long), it seems nether is correct. The FILETIME returned is a local time, and you want a the kind to be DateTimeKind.Local.

appveyor build fail error NETSDK1004: Assets file 'C:\tx\Source\Tx.Core\obj\project.assets.json' not found.

appveyor failing on issue #50 pr #52 due to missing nuget dependencies

error NETSDK1004: Assets file 'C:\tx\Source\Tx.Core\obj\project.assets.json' not found. Run a NuGet package restore to generate this file. [C:\tx\Source\Tx.Core\Tx.Core.csproj]

AnyCPU version of LINQpad v4/v5 cannot load Tx (LINQ to Logs and Traces) LINQpad driver

LINQpad v4 AnyCPU edition cannot load Tx (LINQ to Logs and Traces) LINQpad driver.

It will show the following error:

Error instantiating type Tx.LinqPad.TxDataContextDriver in C:\ProgramData\LINQPad\Drivers\DataContext\4.0\Tx.LinqPad (3d3a4b0768c9178e)\Tx.LinqPad.dll

  • Could not load file or assembly 'file:///C:\ProgramData\LINQPad\Drivers\DataContext\4.0\Tx.LinqPad (3d3a4b0768c9178e)\Tx.SqlServer.dll' or one of its dependencies. An attempt was made to load a program with an incorrect format.

That is due to mismatch between the processor architecture of the Tx.SqlServer assembly and the processor architecture of the reference "LINQPad", the only workaround is to use x86 version of LINQpad v4 (default one).

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