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schedule's Introduction

Daily Schedule Overview

Time Activity
9:00 Morning Warm-Up
9:30 Module 1
11:00 Module 2
12:30 Lunch
1:30 Module 3
3:00 Module 4
4:00 Independent Work

Unit 1: The Client

Week 1 - Fundamentals and Tools (6/26-6/30)

Time Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5
9:00am Warm-Up Welcome to GA (Both) Animal Style - CSS selector basics (Nick) Work through Lab Issues Kyrel 1 - JS Problem Solving (Zeb) Kyrel 2 - JS Problem Solving (Zeb)
9:30am Module 1 Orientation (Both) Everything's a Box - CSS Box model and positioning (Nick) Math, Stooges, and Sports Teams - JS Data types, variables, and arrays (Zeb) Names and Nesting Dolls - Functions and scope (Zeb) Second Pass and Questions in a Line (Zeb)
11:00am Module 2 7 Layers and the Sharks Who Love Them - How the Internet Works (Zeb) * Lab: From Idea to Website - Mockup to HTML/CSS (Nick) Class Full of Monkeys - Objects in JavaScript (Zeb) Lab: Max, Sum, Reverse - JavaScript functions (Zeb) Rollercoaster, Donuts, and Fruit - Mastering control flow (Zeb)
1:30pm Module 3 Jurassic Park and chmod - Navigating the file system + some meta skills (Zeb) Remove the ./ piece and chmod section Your WDI Workflow - Git Commands and GitHub (Zeb) Outcomes (Nick and Becca) Hack the Planet - DOM manipulation and events (Nick) Mobile-Friendly Class Page - Responsive Design and Media Queries (Nick)
3:00pm Module 4 WDI Diagnostic and GH Issue Lab (Zeb) Lab: Relaxr - Design and CSS Challenge (Nick) Elements, Network, and Console Tabs - Chrome dev tools (Nick) Lab: LOTR - DOM manipulation (Nick) Week 1 Assessment - Pixel Perfect Website Recreation (Zeb)
Training Lab: Best Music/Movies/Books of the Year - Command Line Practice (Zeb) Continue Design/CSS Lab Lab: Build a Portfolio Page - HTML/CSS from Scratch (Nick) Continue LOTR Lab Continue Instagram Recreation

* Student Profile and Headshot

Weekly Goals:

  • Understand the roles of HTML, CSS, and JS
  • Utilize the main tools of web developers
  • Git and GitHub
  • The Terminal
  • Chrome Developer Tools
  • Build a website with HTML
  • Style a page with CSS
  • Implement Control Flow with loops and conditionals
  • Use the building blocks of Javascript like strings, functions, and objects
  • Manipulate the DOM with Javascript
  • Think about problems programmatically

Week 2 - JavaScript & Front-end Libraries (7/3-7/7)

Time Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5
9:00am Warm-Up Intro to ES6 - Let, Const, Defaults, and Destructuring (Zeb) 4th Egg Drop and Polygon - Whiteboarding (Zeb) Publishing Your First Webpage - GH Branching and gh-pages (Zeb) Native JS v jQuery Choice and Code (Zeb)
9:30am Module 1 Common Character, Missing Number, and Second Highest Number - Whiteboarding 101 (Zeb) OF Replacing Vanilla JS on Reddit - Intro to jQuery (Zeb) Real Estate - Intermediate jQuery (Zeb) Flower Power - OOP in JS (Zeb)
11:00am Module 2 Pseudocode Your Life - Computational Thinking Lab (Zeb) JULY Saving Counters and Form Data on the Front End - jQuery & Browser Storage (Zeb) Lab: Create jQuery Selector (Zeb) Hermit Crabs and Turtles - OOP concepts (Zeb)
1:30pm Module 3 Callbacks & Iterators - forEach, map, filter, reduce (Zeb) NO Doomed?, Music, and Color Picker - HTML Forms (Nick) Tweens and Rotating Greetings - CSS Transitions & Animations (Nick) Lab: Tic Tac Toe Refactor - OOP (Zeb)
3:00pm Module 4 Lab: Build Your Own Callbacks & Iterators (Zeb) CLASS Lab: Mad Libs - CSS for HTML Forms (Nick) Lab: Tic-Tac-Toe - jQuery DOM Manipulation (Nick) Outcomes (Nick)
Training Part 1: Make up old HWs NO Part 1: Continue CSS for HTML Forms Lab Part 1: Continue and Deploy Tic-Tac-Toe Lab: Racer Game - HTML/CSS/JS Game (Zeb)
Training Part 2: Continue Callbacks and Iterators CLASS Part 2: Read HTML/CSS and JS Style Guides and Quiz "w02_d03_Style_Guides" Part 2: OOP Prep

Weekly Goals:

  • Understand the principles of Object Oriented Programming with Javascript
  • Answer technical questions on a whiteboard
  • Utilize and understand iterators and callbacks
  • Create and use HTML Forms
  • Use jQuery for DOM manipulation and Browser Storage
  • Communicate with other developers to improve code using Github
    • Create a fork of a repository
    • Use Pull Requests to improve a repository's quality

Week 3 - Project 1: Browser Game (7/10-7/14)

Time Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5
9:00am Warm-Up Developer Resources Agile Development - Pair Programming, TDD, and User Stories (Zeb) Phone Books and Bottles of Beer - Binary Search (Zeb) Pancakes and Line Cutters - Stacks and Queues (Zeb) Project 1
9:30am Module 1 Solutions Run-through and Questions in a Line (Zeb) Agile Development - Pair Programming, TDD, and User Stories (Zeb) Phone Books and Bottles of Beer - Binary Search (Zeb) Pancakes and Line Cutters - Stacks and Queues (Zeb) Project 1
11:00am Module 2 Second Pass (Zeb) Lab: Plan Project 1 - Agile Development (Zeb) Standup / Project 1 Standup / Project 1 Standup / Project 1
1:30pm Module 3 Wireframes (Nick) Project 1 Approvals Outcomes Project 1 Project 1
3:00pm Module 4 CodeWars Intro and Project 1 Intro (Zeb) Project 1 Project 1 Project 1 Project 1
Training Continue Racer Game and Project 1 Proposal Project 1 Project 1 Project 1 Project 1

Weekly Goals:

  • Create a browser-based game for your porfolio
  • Learn about common ways software companies organize projects
  • Explain the binary search algorithm
  • Explain the structure of stacks and queues

Unit 2: The Server

Week 4 - Full-Stack JS: AJAX, Node, Express, and Mongo (7/17-7/21)

Time Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5
9:00am Warm-Up Final Prep Intro to Full-Stack - Diagram and Key Terms Lab: Shakeitspear - AJAX API Calls (Nick) Troubleshooting for Steve - Dev Tools (Zeb) School Supplies - Intro to EJS (Zeb)
9:30am Module 1 Project 1 Cats API - Requests and Postman (Zeb) Build a Search Engine - Connecting Forms to APIs via AJAX (Nick) Routing, Tacos, and Cats - Intro to Express (Zeb) Restaurants and More - Mongo Intro (Nick)
11:00am Module 2 Final Prep and Submission Cats API Pt 2 - AJAX (Zeb) Intro to Node.js - Asynchronicity, TDD, File I/O, HTTP Server, and Modules (Nick) Time and Bicycles - Building Express Routes (Zeb) Lab: Restaurants - Mongo CLI (Nick)
1:30pm Module 3 Presentations Lab: Cats API AJAX (Zeb) Lab: Weather Underground - Node CLI (Nick) Lab: Candies - Building Express Routes (Zeb) Reminders - Mongoose Intro (Zeb)
3:00pm Module 4 Retrospective and Fix an Issue (Nick) SuperCRUD Queries - API Practice (Nick) Lab: Favorite Movies - Requesting with Node (Stefan) Burgers and Tacos - Express, Parameters, and Middleware (Nick) More Mongoose (Zeb)
Training Fixing Issues Continue Cats API (AJAX) Lab Continue Requesting with Node (Movies) Lab Continue Candies (Express Routing) Lab Continue Restaurants (Mongo CLI) Lab

Weekly Goals:

  • Leverage other developers to support and improve projects
  • Communicate between front-end and back-end with APIs and AJAX
  • Create a basic back-end with Node
  • Build a web server with Express
  • Define server responses with routes and controllers
  • Save JSON-like data to a server's Mongo database

Week 5 - Full-Stack Apps, MVC, and Testing (7/24-7/28)

Time Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5
9:00am Warm-Up Organizing Food and Tweets - Referenced and Embedded Data with Mongo (Zeb) Questions in a Line (Zeb) Second Pass (Zeb) CodeWars Outcomes (Nick)
9:30am Module 1 Candies Again - Views in Express (Zeb) Lab: Full-Stack Books - Mongoose and Full-Stack JS (Nick) UX Crash Course - UX Ideation and Hierarchy of Needs (Nick) ShakeItSpeare API Testing - Node Requests and Mocha (Zeb) Intro to Gulp - Tasks, Transpilation, and Minification (Zeb)
11:00am Module 2 Lab: Quotes - Views in Express (Zeb) Lab: Full-Stack Books - Mongoose and Full-Stack JS (Nick) Dogs and TDD - Acceptance vs Unit Tests and Mocha (Zeb) Lab: Research and Test External API for Project 2 (Zeb) Intro to Bootstrap - Columns, Responsiveness, and More (Nick)
1:30pm Module 3 Outcomes (Nick) Lab: Full-Stack Books - Mongoose and Full-Stack JS (Nick) Lab: Fibonacci Tests - TDD, Mocha, and Recursion (Zeb) and Project 2 Intro Lab: Research and Test External API for Project 2 (Zeb) Questions in a Line
3:00pm Module 4 Lab: TODO API - JSON API Creation (Nick) Cargo Planes - Intro to MVC (Zeb) Lab: Personal API - Heroku and JSON APIs (Nick) Project 2 Ideation / Wireframes (Nick) Map Wireframes to Views (Nick)
Training Continue TODO API Testing Reading and Quiz Personal API Get External API Set Up for Project 2 & Project 2 Proposal Mock out Project 2 w/ Lorem and Mock Data Only

Weekly Goals:

  • Utilize server-side rendering with templates
  • Utilize Sass to improve and DRY out CSS code
  • Utilize Gulp to save time on repetitive tasks
  • Write a software test suite with Mocha and Chai
  • Build and test an API integration
  • Integrate tools like Gulp and Bootstrap to improve development

Week 6 - User Management and Project 2: Full-stack CRUD App (7/31-8/4)

Time Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5
9:00am Warm-Up Non-Tech Lightning Talks Non-Tech Lightning Talks Second Pass (Zeb) FizzBuzz - JS Problem Solving A-Ha Moments
9:30am Module 1 Planes in Folders - MVC App Organization (Nick) Sass Preprocessing Research - Variables, Nesting, Inheritance, and Mixins (Zeb) Outcomes (Becca) Standup Standup
11:00am Module 2 Planes in Folders - MVC App Organization (Nick) Fireworks and Passwords - bcrypt, Authentication, and Authorization (Zeb) Project 2 Trello and First Scrum (Zeb) Project 2 Project 2
1:30pm Module 3 Lab: Tunely - Full-Stack JS (Zeb) Intro to Passport - Login, Logout, Signup with Node (Zeb) Project 2 Project 2 Project 2
3:00pm Module 4 Lab: Tunely - Full-Stack JS (Zeb) Integrate Passport into Project 2 Project 2 Project 2 Project 2
Training Continue Tunely Work on Project 2 Structure Project 2 Project 2 Project 2

Weekly Goals:

  • Design a full-stack app
  • Understand and create Models, Views, and Controllers
  • Use Sass to DRY out and improve CSS
  • Understand and create a user model with authentication
  • Build a personal full-stack Javascript App from scratch

Extra Resources:

Unit 3: SEAN Stack and Group Work

Week 7 - Angular and Angular Tools (8/7-8/11)

Time Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5
9:00am Warm-up Standup Project 2 Project 3 Intro Master Sword and Hylian Shield - Angular Components (Zeb) Project 3 Pitches
9:30am Module 1 Project 2 Retrospective ES6 Lesson Part 2 - Concise Objects, Template Literals, Arrow Functions, and Spread (Zeb) Master Sword and Hylian Shield - Angular Components (Zeb) Star Wars API Pt 1 - Angular APIs (Zeb)
11:00am Module 2 Project 2 Project 2 Presentations Postal Systems and Authentication - Modular Arithmetic and Public/Private Keys (Zeb) Summary of Components and Angular Basics & Death Square Pt 1 - Components Project (Zeb) Death Square Pt 3 - API Mini-Project (Zeb)
1:30pm Module 3 Project 2 Outcomes (Becca) Intro to Angular and Multiplying and Battle - Typescript (Zeb) Personal Site - Angular Routing and Single Page Apps (Zeb) Star Wars API Pt 2 - HTTP Observables (Zeb)
3:00pm Module 4 Project 2 Create Issues (Zeb) Game of Thrones and Math - More TypeScript (Zeb) & Our First Angular App - Angular Basics (Zeb) Death Square Pt 2 - Angular Routing Mini-Project (Zeb) Star Wars API Pt 2 - HTTP Observables (Zeb)
Training Project 2 Fix Issues Angular and Typescript Quiz Project 3 Pitch Prep Death Square Pt 4 - Observables Mini-Project & Testing Reading and Quiz

Weekly Goals:

  • Wrap up ES6 Fundamentals
  • Understand what Angular is
  • Start an Angular project with the Angular CLI
  • Create your own components with the Angular CLI
  • Use Http to communicate from Angular front-end to back-end
  • Configure front-end routing with Angular
  • Differentiate between promises and observables

Week 8 - More Angular/Full-stack and SQL (8/14-8/18)

Time Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5
9:00am Warm-up CodeWars and Angular Cleanup Intro to Vending Machine - Angular User Stories (Zeb) Comments App Pt 3 - Fixing Bugs (Zeb) Steve's Return - Angular Troubleshooting (Zeb) Roman Numerals - JS Problem Solving (Zeb)
9:30am Module 1 Dogs and People - Intro to Jasmine (Zeb) & Death Square Pt 5 - Testing Mini-Project More Vending Machine (Zeb) Comments App Pt 3 - Fixing Bugs (Zeb) The Return of the Boxes - Flexbox (Nick) Students and Instructors - Intro to SQL and Relational DBs (Zeb)
11:00am Module 2 Offline Angular - Service Workers (Zeb) & Death Square Pt 6 - Service Workers Mini-Project Questions in a Line & Second Pass Choose Your Own Adventure (Zeb) Sassy Node - Gulp, Nesting, Variables, Functions, Mixins, Partials, and Inheritance (Nick) Lab: Carmen Sandiego - SQL Practice (Nick)
1:30pm Module 3 Serverside Angular - Angular Universal (Zeb) Comments App Pt 1 - Adding a Feature (Zeb) Choose Your own Adventure and Recap Exercise (Zeb) Sketch and Photoshop Basics (Nick) Outcomes (Nick)
3:00pm Module 4 Recap Lesson & Angular Packages Activity (Zeb) Comments App Pt 2 - Changing a Feature (Zeb) Competitive and User Research (Nick) Library and Crow's Feet - Relational Data Modeling (Nick) eCommerce Site - SQL Relationships and JOINs (Zeb)
Training Project 2 Continue Feature Add and Change Interview Potential Users & Turn in Choose Your Own Adventure Work Reading Assignments: DBs and SQL #1 #2 #3 and Quiz Lab: Library - SQL Practice

Weekly Goals:

  • Use Jasmine to test Angular apps
  • Use ServiceWorkers to enable smooth offline performance
  • Use Angular Universal to improve Angular SEO
  • Solidify knowledge of major Angular packages
  • Improve a legacy code base through bug fixes, feature fixing, and feature creation
  • Understand the basics of Sketch and Photoshop
  • Utilize FlexBox to improve CSS
  • Map out data relations for a web app
  • Create a SQL DB and perform queries on it

Week 9 - Project 3: SEAN Stack Group Project (8/21-8/25)

Time Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5
9:00am Warm-up Intro to Sequelize Comparing Mongo/Mongoose to SQL/Sequelize (Zeb) Questions in a Line (Zeb) Mock Interviews - Behavioral Interviews (Nick) Mock Interviews - Hybrid Behavioral/Technical (Zeb) Mock Interviews - Technical (Zeb)
9:30am Module 1 Lab: Tunr Models - Sequelize / SEAN Stack (Zeb) Second Pass (Zeb) Outcomes (Nick) Project 3 Outcomes (Nick)
11:00am Module 2 Lab: Tunr Models - Sequelize / SEAN Stack (Zeb) Hacking Round Two - Intro to Ops (Zeb) Team Git Workflow - Resolving Merge Conflicts (Zeb) Project 3 Project 3
1:30pm Module 3 Lab: Tunr Models - Sequelize / SEAN Stack (Zeb) Getting Angular on Your Phone - Intro to Ionic (Zeb) Linked Lists Intro (Zeb) Project 3 Project 3
3:00pm Module 4 Lab: Tunr Relationships - Sequelize one-to-many and one-to-one (Zeb) Getting Angular on Your Phone - Intro to Ionic (Zeb) Lab: Traverse a Linked List - Computer Science and JS Practice (Zeb) Project 3 BoomTown Interviews
Training Continue Tunr Continue Ionic App Project 3 Project 3 Work on Boomtown Prototype

Weekly Goals:

  • Use Sequelize to create a CRUDable model with SQL and Node
  • Use Sequelize to create inter-connected models with data mappings
  • Manage group code submissions with GitHub
  • Create a hybrid mobile app with Angular and Ionic
  • Understand basic operations and web-dev IT
  • Learn the basics of Linked Lists to prepare for interviews
  • Thoughtfully answer behavioral and technical interview questions

Unit 4: Becoming a Developer

Week 10 - Angular 1, BoomTown, Group Project, and Legacy Code (8/28-9/1)

Time Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5
9:00am Warm-up CodeWars CodeWars Getting a Freelance Gig (Nick) Project 3 What's Different in Angular 2 (Zeb)
9:30am Module 1 BoomTownPrep Project 3 Project 3 Project 3 Lab: Cartoons - Angular 2 Refactor (Zeb)
11:00am Module 2 BoomTown Prep Project 3 Project 3 Project 3 Retro Intro to Legacy Code (Zeb)
1:30pm Module 3 BoomTown Prep Project 3 Project 3 Project 3 Presentations Lab: Sensus Debugging - Legacy Code (Zeb)
3:00pm Module 4 BoomTown Demos Project 3 Project 3 Create Issues (Zeb) Lab: Sensus Debugging - Legacy Code (Zeb)
Training Project 3 Project 3 Project 3 Fix Issues Continue Legacy Code

Weekly Goals:

  • Create a basic Angular 2 app from an Angular 1 base
  • Deliver a prototype to a local startup
  • Create a full-stack web application with a team
  • Improve Legacy Code

Week 11 - React, PHP and Developer-Chosen Topics/Projects (9/4-9/8)

Time Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5
9:00am Warm-up LABOR Git and GitHub Refresher (Zeb) CodeWars CodeWars Second Pass (Zeb)
9:30am Module 1 DAY Outcomes (Nick) React TODO App PHP Intro - Conditionals, Arrays, Constructors, and MAMP (Stefan) Cars - PHP CRUD (Gregory)
11:00am Module 2 NO Hello World Component - React (Nick) React TODO App Lab: Animals, Names, and Ages - PHP Exercises (Stefan) Lab: Cars - PHP CRUD (Gregory)
1:30pm Module 3 CLASS Props and State - React (Nick) React TODO App PHP Wordpress - Themes, Partials, and Plugins(Nick) Freelance Project
3:00pm Module 4 NO Lab: Tic-Tac-Toe Again - React Tutorial (Nick) React TODO App Lab: Brian's Photography - PHP Wordpress (Nick) Freelance Project
Training CLASS Continue React Tutorial Continue React TODO App Pick a Lightning Talk Topic & Continue Wordpress Site Lightning Talks Prep & Continue Outside Project

Weekly Goals:

  • Create a PHP CRUD App
  • Create a Wordpress App
  • Do work for someone outside of the class
  • Create a software-hardware hybrid project
  • Answer quasi-technical interview questions

Week 12 - Final Project and Interview Work (9/11-9/15)

Time Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5
9:00am Lightning Talks Prep Scrum Scrum Scrum Scrum
11:00am Lightning Talks Prep Approvals Project 4 Mock Interviews / Project Work Project 4
2:00pm Lightning Talks Approvals Project 4 Mock Interviews / Project Work Project 4
3:00pm Project 4 Intro (Zeb) Project 4 Project 4 Mock Interviews / Project Work Project 4
Training Project 4 Project 4 Project 4 Project 4 Project Work

Weekly Goals:

  • Answer technical interview questions
  • Distill and deliver a lesson on a modern technology
  • Fully formulate an idea for a full-stack project and execute it independently
  • Answer mock interview questions from instructors and outside developers
  • Demonstrate work to technical and non-technical observers

Week 13 - Home Stretch (9/18-9/19)

Time Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5
9:00am Scrum Make-up Project Work NO NO NO
11:00am Project Work Make-up Project Work CLASS CLASS CLASS
2:00pm Project Presentations Practice Showcase WORK WORK WORK
3:00pm Project Presentations Final Survey, Certificates, and Recap (Graduation) ON ON ON

Note: Someone will be available ** by appointment** for mock interviews and portfolio help after graduation. Please set up a time with them by Direct Messaging them in Slack.


All content is licensed under a CC­BY­NC­SA 4.0 license. All software code is licensed under GNU GPLv3. For commercial use or alternative licensing, please contact [email protected].

schedule's People


zebgirouard avatar jpbarela avatar nickandersonr avatar


James Cloos avatar

Recommend Projects

  • React photo React

    A declarative, efficient, and flexible JavaScript library for building user interfaces.

  • Vue.js photo Vue.js

    🖖 Vue.js is a progressive, incrementally-adoptable JavaScript framework for building UI on the web.

  • Typescript photo Typescript

    TypeScript is a superset of JavaScript that compiles to clean JavaScript output.

  • TensorFlow photo TensorFlow

    An Open Source Machine Learning Framework for Everyone

  • Django photo Django

    The Web framework for perfectionists with deadlines.

  • D3 photo D3

    Bring data to life with SVG, Canvas and HTML. 📊📈🎉

Recommend Topics

  • javascript

    JavaScript (JS) is a lightweight interpreted programming language with first-class functions.

  • web

    Some thing interesting about web. New door for the world.

  • server

    A server is a program made to process requests and deliver data to clients.

  • Machine learning

    Machine learning is a way of modeling and interpreting data that allows a piece of software to respond intelligently.

  • Game

    Some thing interesting about game, make everyone happy.

Recommend Org

  • Facebook photo Facebook

    We are working to build community through open source technology. NB: members must have two-factor auth.

  • Microsoft photo Microsoft

    Open source projects and samples from Microsoft.

  • Google photo Google

    Google ❤️ Open Source for everyone.

  • D3 photo D3

    Data-Driven Documents codes.