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pibuilder's Introduction


This project documents my approach to building Raspberry Pi operating systems to support SensorsIot/IOTstack.

Design goals:

  1. To have a reliable, repeatable and auditable approach to building Raspberry Pi OS, primarily as a support platform for SensorsIot/IOTstack.
  2. As far as possible, to favour speed over any need for interaction during the build process.
  3. All work done "headless" via ssh.

PiBuilder can't possibly be a "one size fits all" for all possible Raspberry Pi configurations. Of necessity, the scripts and supporting files implement my decisions and assumptions. You will almost certainly need to make adjustments for your own situation, and I have tried to make allowances for that by providing a patching system that is flexible and extensible.

I have tested PiBuilder on:

  • Raspberry Pi 3B+, 4B and Zero W2 hardware
  • 32-bit versions of Raspberry Pi OS (aka Raspbian) "Buster" and "Bullseye"
  • 64-bit version of "Bullseye".

The scripts will probably work on other Raspberry Pi hardware but I have no idea about other hardware platforms (eg Nuc) or operating systems (eg Debian). I have nothing against either non- Raspberry Pi hardware or operating systems. I can only test with what I have.

  • "your support host" means the system where you have cloned the PiBuilder repository. It will usually be a Mac or PC.
  • "~/PiBuilder" means the path to the directory where you have cloned the PiBuilder repository from GitHub onto your support host. The directory does not have to be in your home directory on your support host. It can be anywhere.
  • "your Raspberry Pi" means the Raspberry Pi device for which you are building an operating system using PiBuilder.
  • "iot-hub" is the example hostname for your Raspberry Pi. You can choose any name you like for your Raspberry Pi (save that "raspberrypi" is not recommended). Just substitute the name of your Raspberry Pi wherever you see "iot-hub".
  1. Download this repository.
  2. Choose an imaging tool.
  3. Choose a Raspbian image.
  4. Use the imaging tool to transfer the Raspbian image to your media (SD card or SSD).
  5. Configure PiBuilder.
  6. Run the PiBuilder script to add installation files to the media.
  7. Move the media to your Raspberry Pi and apply power.
  8. Connect to your Raspberry Pi using SSH and run the PiBuilder scripts in order.

The end point is a system with IOTstack and all dependencies installed. You can either start building a Docker stack using the IOTstack menu or restore an IOTstack backup.

Please don't be put off by the length of this README document. You can start using PiBuilder without having to worry about any customisations. You will get a Raspberry Pi that is a solid foundation for IOTstack.

Later, when you start to customise your Raspberry Pi, you will realise that you might have trouble remembering all the steps if you ever have to rebuild your Raspberry Pi in a hurry (failed SD card; magic smoke; operator error). That's when the true power of PiBuilder will start to become apparent. You can dig into the how-to when you are ready.

  1. Download this repository from GitHub:

    $ git clone ~/PiBuilder

    You don't have to keep the PiBuilder folder in your home directory. It can be anywhere. Just remember the definition that ~/PiBuilder always means "the path to the PiBuilder folder on your support host".

  2. Create a branch to keep track of your changes:

    $ cd ~/PiBuilder
    $ git checkout -b custom

    You don't have to call your branch "custom". You can choose any name you like.

    A dedicated branch helps you to keep your own changes separate from any changes made to the master version on GitHub, and makes it a bit simpler to manage merging if a change you make conflicts with a change coming from GitHub.

I use and recommend Raspberry Pi Imager. The instructions below assume you are using Raspberry Pi Imager.

BalenaEtcher is an alternative that does a similar job.

The most recent Raspberry Pi OS can always be found at:

Currently, this leads both 64-bit and 32-bit versions of Raspbian Bullseye, plus a legacy version of 32-bit Raspbian Buster.

I always start from "Raspberry Pi OS with desktop" so that is what I recommend.

Images for the Raspberry Pi are downloaded as .zip files. In all cases, you always have the choice of:

  1. downloading the .zip directly; or
  2. downloading the .zip indirectly by starting with the .torrent.

It is always a good idea to check the SHA256 signature on each zip. It gives you assurance that the image has not been tampered with and wasn't corrupted during download. The magic incantation is:

$ SIGNATURE=«hash»
$ IMAGE=«pathToZip»
$ shasum -a 256 -c <<< "$SIGNATURE *$IMAGE"

You get the «hash» either by clicking the Show SHA256 file integrity hash link. Here's an example:

$ SIGNATURE=6e9faca69564c47702d4564b2b15997b87d60483aceef7905ef20ba63b9c6b2b
$ IMAGE=./
$ shasum -a 256 -c <<< "$SIGNATURE *$IMAGE"
./ OK

If you don't see "OK", start over!

If your first attempt was a direct download of the .zip, consider trying the indirect method using a torrent.

on the topic of 32- vs 64-bit …
  • "32-bit" systems:

    • Are capable of running both 32-bit and 64-bit kernels. See also the PiBuilder option: PREFER_64BIT_KERNEL.
    • User mode is fixed to 32-bit.
    • Docker will pull images built for "arm" architecture.

    The ability to switch kernel modes can come in handy if you find a container misbehaving under a 64-bit kernel.

  • "64-bit" systems:

    • Run 64-bit in both kernel and user modes.
    • Docker will pull images built for "arm64" architecture.
    • Installs, looks, feels and behaves like Raspberry Pi OS (Raspbian) but self-identifies as "Debian".

    Once you are running full 64-bit, you have no ability to chop and change.

    Please don't pick a 64-bit image as your starting point for no better reason than "64-bit must be better than 32-bit". PiBuilder will install 64-bit versions of everything, including docker, docker-compose and Supervised Home Assistant, and Docker will pull "arm64" images when you bring up your stack. Just because something installs without error does not guarantee that it will run correctly. If you are upgrading from a 32-bit system, you will need to assure yourself that all your containers still work as expected.

The steps are:

  1. Connect your media (SD or SSD) to your support platform (eg Mac/PC).
  2. Launch Raspberry Pi Imager.
  3. Click CHOOSE OS.
  4. Scroll down and choose "Use custom".
  5. Select the .img (or .zip) you downloaded earlier.
  7. Select the media connected in step 1. Be careful with this step!
  8. Click WRITE.

At the end of the process, Raspberry Pi Imager ejects your media (BalenaEtcher does the same).

Decide whether you want your Raspberry Pi's WiFi interface to be enabled. On a Raspberry Pi which has both Ethernet and WiFi interfaces, you may not wish to have both enabled.

The Raspberry Pi does not care. It will happily activate both interfaces. The two interfaces can be in the same or different broadcast domains (subnets). If both interfaces are active, the Raspberry Pi will advertise its multicast DNS name (eg "iot-hub.local") on each, will respond to pings and accept connections on each, and will treat the interfaces as viable alternate paths for the traffic it transmits.

In the case of Ethernet, the physical interface will not be enabled unless a cable is connected and the proper electrical signals are present. You can always control Ethernet by connecting and disconnecting cables.

WiFi is different. You need to make the decision up front.

Use a text editor to open the following file:


The file supplied with PiBuilder looks like this:

# set your country code, WiFi SSID and pre-shared key here.
# if you DON'T want to enable WiFi, just delete this file.
ctrl_interface=DIR=/var/run/wpa_supplicant GROUP=netdev


You should replace three values:

  1. «CC» with your two-character country code (eg AU).
  2. «SSID» with your WiFi Service Set IDentifier (otherwise known as the name of your WiFi network).
  3. «PSK» with your Pre-Shared Key (otherwise known as the join password for your WiFi network).

Unless you change your WiFi password frequently, you should only need to edit this file once. The configuration can be re-used for all of your Raspberry Pis.

That's all you have to do. Skip down to Configure PiBuilder installation options.

If you don't want to enable WiFi then either delete or rename the wpa_supplicant.conf file. For example:

$ mv ~/PiBuilder/boot/wpa_supplicant.conf ~/PiBuilder/boot/

If /boot/wpa_supplicant.conf does not exist when you first boot your Raspberry Pi then the WiFi interface will not be enabled and you can expect to see the following message when you first login:

Wi-Fi is currently blocked by rfkill.
Use raspi-config to set the country before use.

PiBuilder will still set the WiFi country code (see LOCALCC) even though the WiFi interface is disabled, so you can ignore the instruction to use raspi-config.

If you change your mind after your system is up and running, and decide to activate WiFi:

  1. Follow the if you want WiFi enabled … instructions to edit wpa_supplicant.conf.

  2. Copy the file onto your Raspberry Pi at the path (you will need sudo):

  3. Reboot your Raspberry Pi.

After the reboot, your WiFi interface will be enabled and the wpa_supplicant.conf will have disappeared from your /boot directory.

Use a text editor to open:


The file supplied with PiBuilder looks like this:

# this file is "sourced" in all build scripts.

# - country-code for WiFi

# - local time-zone

# - skip full upgrade in the 01 script.

# - preference for kernel. Only applies to 32-bit installations. If
#   true, adds "arm_64bit=1" to /boot/config.txt

# - preference for disabling swap. You should consider this on any Pi
#   that boots from SD.

# - default language
#   Whatever you change this to must be in your list of active locales
#   (set via ~/PiBuilder/boot/scripts/support/etc/locale.gen.patch)

# - Raspberry Pi ribbon-cable camera control
#   Options are: disabled, "false", "true" and "legacy"

# - override for docker-compose version number. See:
# - override for docker-compose architecture. Options are:
#     armv7
#     aarch64
#   armv7 will work on both 32-bit and 64-bit kernels (this is the
#   default) while aarch64 will only work on a 64-bit kernel.

# set true to install Home Assistant supervised
# - override for Home Assistant agent version number. See:

# only used if you run the script. These should be kept up-to-date:

You should set the right hand side of:

  • LOCALCC to your two-character country code. This should be the same value you used in wpa_supplicant.conf.
  • LOCALTZ to a valid country and city combination. It is OK to leave this alone if you are not certain about the correct values.

You can set the right hand sides of the following variables:

  • SKIP_FULL_UPGRADE to true. This prevents Script 01 from performing a "full upgrade", which may be appropriate if you want to test against a base release of Raspberry Pi OS.

  • PREFER_64BIT_KERNEL to true. This only applies to 32-bit versions of Raspbian. Electing to run the 64-bit kernel gets some speed improvements and mostly works but, occasionally, you may strike a container that won't "play nice". For example:

    • OctoPrint Docker seems to not like the 64-bit kernel but it is not clear whether the problem is the kernel, that I'm running it on a Raspberry Pi 3B+, or something intrinsic to the way the container is built.

    If you enable the 64-bit kernel by setting PREFER_64BIT_KERNEL to true, but you later decide to revert to the 32-bit kernel:

     $ cd /boot
     $ sudo mv config.txt.bak config.txt
     $ sudo reboot
  • DISABLE_VM_SWAP to true to disable virtual memory (VM) swapping to mass storage. This is appropriate if your Raspberry Pi boots from SD and has limited RAM.

    Running out of RAM causes swapping to occur and that, in turn, has both a performance penalty (because SD cards are quite slow) and increases the wear and tear on the SD card (leading to a heightened risk of failure). There are two main causes of limited RAM:

    • Insufficient physical memory. A good example is a Raspberry Pi Zero W2 which only has 512MB to start with; and/or
    • Expecting your Raspberry Pi to do too much work, such as running a significant number of containers which either have large memory footprints, or cause a lot of I/O and consume cache buffers, or both.

    If you disable VM swapping by setting DISABLE_VM_SWAP to true, but you later decide to re-enable swapping, run these commands:

     $ sudo systemctl enable dphys-swapfile.service
     $ sudo reboot

    You can always check if swapping is enabled using the swapon -s command. Silence means swapping is disabled.

    It is important to appreciate that VM swapping is not bad. Please don't disable swapping without giving it some thought. If you can afford to add an SSD, you'll get a better result with swapping enabled than if you stick with the SD and disable swapping.

  • LOCALE_LANG to a valid language descriptor but any value you set here must also be enabled via a locale patch. See setting localisation options tutorial. "en_GB.UTF-8" is the default language and I recommend leaving that enabled in any locale patch that you create.

  • ENABLE_PI_CAMERA controls whether the Raspberry Pi ribbon-cable camera support is enabled at boot time.

    • false (or undefined) means "do not attempt to enable the camera".
    • true means "enable the camera in the mode that is native for the version of Raspberry Pi OS that is running".
    • legacy, if the Raspberry Pi is running:
      • Buster, then legacy is identical to true;
      • Bullseye the legacy camera system is loaded rather than the native version. In other words, Bullseye's camera system behaves like Buster and earlier. This is the setting to use if downstream applications have not been updated to use Bullseye's native camera system.
  • DOCKER_COMPOSE_VERSION is the version of docker-compose to be installed. See the releases page for current version numbers. Unfortunately, it is not yet possible to use a generic value like "native". Also note that version numbers begin with the letter "v". In other words, "v2.3.4" is correct while "2.3.4" will fail.

  • DOCKER_COMPOSE_ARCHITECTURE. Valid values are armv7 and aarch64. Script 04 chooses aarch64 if the full 64-bit OS is running, armv7 otherwise. In essence, if the Raspberry Pi is running a version of Raspberry Pi OS which is capable of running in 32-bit user mode, Script 04 will choose armv7 irrespective of whether the kernel is running in 32- or 64-bit mode. This variable lets you override that behaviour and force the choice.

  • HOME_ASSISTANT_SUPERVISED_INSTALL to true if you want the "supervised" version of Home Assistant to be installed. With PiBuilder+IOTstack you have the choice of:

    • The supervised installation (a set of Docker containers managed outside of IOTstack); or
    • A standalone home_assistant container selectable from the IOTstack menu "Build Stack" option.

    You can't have both. The standalone container can be installed at any point in your IOTstack journey. Conversely, the supervised installation must be installed at system build time. You can't (easily) change your mind later so please make the decision now and choose wisely.


    • The IOTstack menu also has a "native install" for The script that option relies upon is currently broken (upstream of IOTstack). PiBuilder is the replacement.
  • HOME_ASSISTANT_AGENT_RELEASE lets you choose the version number of the Supervised Home Assistant agent. See the releases page.

  • SQLITEYEAR and SQLITEVERSION let you choose the values which govern the version of SQLite that is installed, if you run the optional Script 06. See the releases page.

The file:


contains general options that will be used for all of your Raspberry Pis. If you want to create a set of options tailored to the needs of a particular Raspberry Pi, start by making a copy of the general file and append @ followed by the host name to the copy. For example:

$ cd ~/PiBuilder/boot/scripts/support/pibuilder
$ cp

At run time, PiBuilder will give preference to an options file where the @ suffix matches the name of the host.

The file at the path:


is only a template. It contains:

	excludesfile = ~/.gitignore_global
	pager = less -r
	name = Your Name
	email = [email protected]
	signingkey = 04B9CD3D381B574D
	rebase = false

At the very least, you should:

  1. Replace "Your Name"; and
  2. Replace "[email protected]"

If you have not created a key for signing commits, remove the signingkey line, otherwise set it to the correct value.


  • You may find it simpler to replace .gitconfig with whatever is in .gitconfig in your home directory on your support host.

You should only need to change .gitconfig in PiBuilder if you also change .gitconfig your home directory on your support host. Otherwise, the configuration can be re-used for all of your Raspberry Pis.

PiBuilder can enable SMB services as an option. PiBuilder assumes that you have a working configuration that you want to preserve across rebuilds. If you do not have a working configuration, you need to do that first. You may find the following tutorials helpful:


  • Tutorials differ in the packages they tell you to install. You only need:

     $ sudo apt install -y samba smbclient

    The samba package includes samba-common and samba-common-bin so you do not need to install those separately.

After you have SAMBA working on your Raspberry Pi, you need to preserve three files:

  1. Your configuration:

    $ cp /etc/samba/smb.conf $HOME
  2. Any SAMBA credentials you may have set up:

    $ touch $HOME/passdb.tdb
    $ sudo cp /var/lib/samba/private/passdb.tdb $HOME/passdb.tdb
  3. Host-specific information generated when SAMBA is first installed on any given host:

    $ touch $HOME/secrets.tdb@$HOSTNAME
    $ sudo cp /var/lib/samba/private/secrets.tdb $HOME/secrets.tdb@$HOSTNAME

    @HOSTNAME syntax is used because secrets.tdb contains host-specific information. While you may use common smb.conf and passdb.tdb files on several hosts, you should obtain secrets.tdb from the host on which it was created.

Next, navigate to the top level of your copy of PiBuilder and create two directories:

$ cd ~/PiBuilder
$ mkdir -p boot/scripts/support/etc/samba boot/scripts/support/var/lib/samba/private


  1. Move smb.conf into ~/PiBuilder/boot/scripts/support/etc/samba; and
  2. Move the .tdb files into ~/PiBuilderboot/scripts/support/var/lib/samba/private.

When the 03 script runs, it detects the presence of smb.conf and uses it as a trigger to:

  1. Install SAMBA;
  2. Replace the default versions of the three files with your custom versions; and
  3. Create $HOME/share as a home for your SMB mount points.

Re-insert the media so the "boot" volume mounts. Run:

$ cd ~/PiBuilder
$ ./ «path-to-mount-point»

If your support platform is a Mac you can omit «path-to-mount-point» because it defaults to /Volumes/boot.

I have tried to make this a generic script but I don't have the ability to test it on Windows. If the script does not work on your system, you can emulate it as follows:

  1. Notice that the ~/PiBuilder/boot folder contains three items:

    • a folder named scripts
    • a file named ssh
    • a file named wpa_supplicant.conf
  2. Copy those three items from ~/PiBuilder/boot to the top level of the boot volume.

  3. Eject the media.


  • Do not activate the 64-bit kernel at this stage. Defer this until your system is running.

Transfer the media to your Raspberry Pi and apply power.

A Raspberry Pi normally takes 20-30 seconds to boot. However, the first time you boot from a clean image it takes a bit longer (a minute or so). The longer boot time is explained by one-time setup code, such as generating host keys for SSH and expanding the root partition to fully occupy the available space on your media (SD or SSD). Be patient.

You will know your Raspberry Pi is ready when it starts responding to pings:

$ ping -c 1 raspberrypi.local

When your Raspberry Pi responds to pings, connect to it like this:

$ ssh-keygen -R raspberrypi.local
$ ssh -4 [email protected]


  • The ssh-keygen command is protective and removes any obsolete information from your "known hosts" file. Ignore any errors.
  • The -4 parameter on the ssh command instructs SSH to stick to IPv4.

Normally, SSH will issue a challenge like this:

The authenticity of host '«description»' can't be established.
ED25519 key fingerprint is SHA256:gobbledegook/gobbledegook.
Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)? 

This is sometimes referred to as the TOFU (Trust On First Use) pattern. Respond with:


Your Raspberry Pi will ask for a password for the user pi. Respond with:


Now it is time to run the first script. You need to decide on a name for your Raspberry Pi. The name "iot-hub" is used in this documentation but you should choose a name that makes sense to you. In choosing a name, you need to follow the rules for domain names:

  • letters ("a".."z", "A".."Z") but all lower case is recommended
  • digits ("0".."9")
  • hyphen ("-") not underscore

Please don't use "raspberrypi". Always choose a different name that is unique on your network. Even if you only have a single Raspberry Pi, now, you have no idea what the future holds. You have only yourself to blame if you ever get into the situation where two or more Raspberry Pis are using the same name. It will confuse both you and your Raspberry Pis.

When you have chosen a name, substitute it for iot-hub in the following:

$ /boot/scripts/ iot-hub

The script will ask for a new password for the user "pi". The password you choose here replaces the default raspberry password.

It will also become the password for VNC access but VNC is not enabled by default.

The characters you type are not echoed to the console so you will be prompted to enter the password twice:

New password for pi@iot-hub: 
Re-enter new password: 

The 01 script runs to completion and reboots your Raspberry Pi. Rebooting disconnects your SSH session, returning you to your support host.

Changing the name of your Raspberry Pi to something other than raspberrypi invalidates the associated SSH fingerprint that was set up earlier (the TOFU pattern). You should remove it from your "known hosts" file by typing:

$ ssh-keygen -R raspberrypi.local

When your Raspberry Pi reboots, it will have the name "iot-hub" (or whatever name you chose). It should respond to:

  • iot-hub.local – its multicast DNS name;
  • – if you have done the necessary work with local DHCP and DNS servers;
  • iot-hub – either implicitly because is assumed and the above applies, or because you have added an entry to /etc/hosts on your support host; or
  • your Raspberry Pi's IP address(es) – one IP address per interface if both Ethernet and WiFi are active.

These instructions assume you will use the multicast DNS name but you can substitute the other forms if those make more sense in your environment.

You will know your Raspberry Pi is ready when it starts responding to pings:

$ ping -c 1 iot-hub.local

Connect and login:

$ ssh-keygen -R iot-hub.local
$ ssh -4 [email protected]


  • The ssh-keygen is a protective command in case you had another host with the same name but a different fingerprint. Ignore any errors.

You can expect to see the TOFU pattern again. Respond with "yes". Then run:

$ /boot/scripts/

The 02 script runs to completion and reboots your Raspberry Pi. It is quite a quick script so don't be surprised or think it hasn't done anything.

The 02 script also disables IPv6 so, from this point onwards, you can omit the -4 parameter from SSH commands.

Connect and login:


$ /boot/scripts/

A common problem with this script is the error "Unable to connect to". This seems to be transient but it also happens far more frequently than you would like or expect. The script attempts to work around this problem by processing each package individually, while keeping track of packages that could not be installed. Then, if there were any packages that could not be installed, the script:

  • displays a list of the failed packages;
  • invites you to try running the failed installations by hand; and
  • asks you to re-run (which will skip over any packages that are already installed).

The 03 script ends with a logout (not a reboot) so you can login again immediately.

Connect and login:

Whether Supervised Home Assistant is installed depends on two things:

  • The value of the HOME_ASSISTANT_SUPERVISED_INSTALL variable set in your configuration options; and
  • The value of an optional argument that you can pass to the script.

The table below explains the relationships:

HOME_ASSISTANT_SUPERVISED_INSTALL Command (argument is optional) HA Installed?
undefined or false /boot/scripts/ no
true /boot/scripts/ yes
undefined or false or true /boot/scripts/ false no
undefined or false or true /boot/scripts/ true yes

In other words:

  • if you do not pass an argument to the script, Supervised Home Assistant will only be installed if HOME_ASSISTANT_SUPERVISED_INSTALL=true.
  • if you do pass an argument to the script, Supervised Home Assistant will only be installed if the value of that argument is the literal string true.

The optional argument gives you the ability to override the installation of Supervised Home Assistant without forcing you to edit the configuration options file if you forgot to set HOME_ASSISTANT_SUPERVISED_INSTALL before copying the PiBuilder files to your boot volume.

What you do next depends on whether you want to install Supervised Home Assistant:

This section assumes that you do not want to install Supervised Home Assistant. Run ONE of the following commands:

  1. This command assumes HOME_ASSISTANT_SUPERVISED_INSTALL=false:

    $ /boot/scripts/
  2. This command assumes HOME_ASSISTANT_SUPERVISED_INSTALL=true but you want to override it:

    $ /boot/scripts/ false

The 04 script installs Docker and ends with a reboot. Go to Script 05.

This section assumes that you do want to install Supervised Home Assistant.

The discussion below recommends that you connect your Raspberry Pi to Ethernet. I have installed Supervised Home Assistant, successfully, on a Raspberry Pi Zero W2. There is no Ethernet interface so, clearly, it works. A logical conclusion is that Supervised Home Assistant installer is now able to work around the problems that previously gave rise to the "use Ethernet" recommendation. What is unknown at this point is whether this new behaviour generalises to all Raspberry Pis. The Zero did hang but it was at the end of the 05 script. It's possible it was busy trying to get HA going and I was far too impatient. It came back OK after a power-cycle.

One of Supervised Home Assistant's dependencies is Network Manager. Network Manager makes serious changes to your operating system, with side-effects you may not expect such as giving your Raspberry Pi's WiFi interface a random MAC address.

See Why random MACs are such a hassle if you want a deeper understanding.

You are in for a world of pain if you do not understand what is going to happen and take appropriate precautions:

  1. Make sure your Raspberry Pi is connected to Ethernet. This is only a temporary requirement. You can return to WiFi-only operation after Home Assistant is installed.

  2. When the Ethernet interface initialises, work out its IP address:

    $ ifconfig eth0
    eth0: flags=4163<UP,BROADCAST,RUNNING,MULTICAST>  mtu 1500
            inet  netmask  broadcast
            ether ab:cd:ef:12:34:56  txqueuelen 1000  (Ethernet)
            RX packets 4166292  bytes 3545370373 (3.3 GiB)
            RX errors 0  dropped 0  overruns 0  frame 0
            TX packets 2086814  bytes 2024386593 (1.8 GiB)
            TX errors 0  dropped 0 overruns 0  carrier 0  collisions 0

    In the above, the IP address assigned to the Ethernet interface is on the second line of output, to the right of "inet":

  3. Disconnect from your Raspberry Pi by pressing control+d.

  4. Re-connect to your Raspberry Pi using its IP address. For example:

    Connecting via IP address guarantees you are connected to your Raspberry Pi's Ethernet interface, whereas a multicast DNS address like iot-hub.local can connect to any available interface.

    If you are challenged with the TOFU pattern, respond with "yes".

  5. Run ONE of the following commands:

    • This command assumes HOME_ASSISTANT_SUPERVISED_INSTALL=true:

       $ /boot/scripts/
    • This command assumes HOME_ASSISTANT_SUPERVISED_INSTALL=false but you want to override it:

       $ /boot/scripts/ true

As well as installing Home Assistant and Docker, the 04 script:

  • alters the default Network Manager configuration and turns off random WiFi MAC addresses; and
  • reboots your Raspberry Pi.

Once your Raspberry Pi comes back, login using:


$ /boot/scripts/

That ends in a logout. Login again.

At this point, your Raspberry Pi is ready to run IOTstack. You can either restore a backup or go into the IOTstack menu and start choosing your containers:

$ cd ~/IOTstack
$ ./

This script is entirely optional. It rebuilds SQLite from source code. The version of SQLite you get from apt install doesn't have all the features you might expect if SQLite is your thing.

If you have no plans to run SQLite and/or don't need its more advanced features, just skip this step.

It is also OK to defer running this script until you have an actual need:

$ /boot/scripts/

Every script has the same basic scaffolding:

  • source the common functions from /boot/scripts/support/pibuilder/
  • invoke run_pibuilder_prolog which:
    • sources the installation options from either:

      • /boot/scripts/support/pibuilder/$HOSTNAME or
      • /boot/scripts/support/pibuilder/
    • sources a script-specific user-defined prolog, if one exists

  • perform the installation steps defined in the script
  • invoke run_pibuilder_epilog which sources a script-specific user-defined epilog, if one exists
  • either reboot your Raspberry Pi or logout, as is appropriate.

When used in the context of shell scripts, the words "source", "sourcing" and "sourced" mean that the associated file is processed, inline, as though it were part of the original calling script. It is analogous to an "include" file.

The script:

  • Assumes fresh install of Raspberry Pi OS.

  • Snapshots /etc as /etc-baseline (a baseline reference).

  • Snapshots /boot/cmdline.txt and /boot/config.txt (baseline references).

  • Initialises ~/.ssh and ~/.gnupg directories with correct permissions (700).

  • If the operating system is Raspbian Buster, adds support for fetching libseccomp2 as a backport (needed for Alpine-based Docker images).

  • Runs an OS update.

  • Runs an OS full-upgrade followed by an autoremove unless SKIP_FULL_UPGRADE is true.

  • Optionally replaces /etc/ssh with a preset.

  • Sets the user password.

  • Sets up VNC with the same password (but does NOT activate VNC)

  • Optionally sets up locale(s).

  • Optionally enables the 64-bit kernel (see PREFER_64BIT_KERNEL).

  • Optionally enables the Raspberry Pi ribbon-cable camera (see ENABLE_PI_CAMERA).

  • Sets raspi-config options:

    • boot to console
    • WiFi country code
    • TimeZone
    • Machine name
  • Reboots

The script:

  • Cleans up any leftovers from /etc/ssh replacement.
  • Optionally sets up default language for your locale.
  • Applies the recommended allowinterfaces eth*,wlan* patch.
  • Applies Does your Raspberry Pi's Wireless Interface freeze?. Only probes interfaces that are defined, are active, and obtain their IP addresses via DHCP.
  • Optionally sets up local DNS.
  • Disables IPv6.
  • Alters /etc/systemd/journald.conf to reduce endless docker-runtime mount messages.
  • Optionally disables virtual memory swapping (see DISABLE_VM_SWAP).
  • Reboots.

The script:

  • If the operating system is Raspbian Buster, installs libseccomp2 as a backport (needed for Alpine-based Docker images).
  • Installs add-on packages (IOTstack dependencies and useful tools including crypto support).
  • Optionally installs SAMBA support.
  • Makes Python3 the default.
  • Optionally sets up Network Time Protocol sync with local time-servers. See Configuring Raspbian to use local time-servers.
  • Installs any custom UDEV rules in /etc/udev/rules.d.
  • Replaces ~/.profile.
  • Initialises crontab (scaffolding only; does nothing).
  • Ensures ~/.local/bin exists.
  • Clones SensorsIot/IOTstack to ~/IOTstack.
  • Clones IOTstackAliases to ~/.local/IOTstackAliases.
  • Installs rclone and niet packages (IOTstackBackup dependencies).
  • Clones IOTstackBackup to ~/.local/IOTstackBackup and installs scripts in ~/.local/bin.
  • Copies placeholder configuration files for rclone and IOTstackBackup into ~/.config
  • Ends with a logout.

The HOME_ASSISTANT_SUPERVISED_INSTALL variable is set in the installation options.

  • If true (or overridden to be true), the script:

    • Displays a hint to choose either "raspberrypi3" or "raspberrypi4" when prompted by the Home Assistant installation process.
    • Installs Home Assistant dependencies.
    • Installs Docker.
    • Installs the Home Assistant agent and package.
    • Turns off random WiFi MAC address generation imposed by NetworkManager.
  • If false' (or overridden to be false`), the script only installs Docker.

The script then continues and:

  • Sets up the docker and bluetooth group memberships assumed by IOTstack.

  • Installs Docker-Compose.

  • Installs the ruamel.yaml and blessed Python dependencies assumed by IOTstack.

  • Appends directives to /boot/cmdline.txt:

    • cgroup_memory=1 cgroup_enable=memory (so docker stats will report memory utilisation)
    • apparmor=1 security=apparmor (if Supervised Home Assistant is installed; so AppArmor will be enabled).
  • Reboots.

The script:

  • Sets up Git scaffolding (.gitconfig and .gitignore_global).

  • Adds mkdocs support. With that in place, you can do:

     $ cd ~/IOTstack
     $ mkdocs serve -a «ipaddress»:«port»

    where «ipaddress» is the IP address of your Raspberry Pi, and «port» is a port not otherwise in use (eg 9780). Then, from another host you can point your browser at:


    and see the Wiki view of the IOTstack documentation.

  • Erases bash history.

  • Ends with a logout.

This script is optional. It rebuilds SQLite from source code. The version you get from apt install doesn't have all the features you might want.

PiBuilder's search function is called supporting_file(). Despite the name, it can search for both files and folders.

supporting_file() takes a single argument which is always a path beginning with a /. In this context, the leading / means "the support directory".

On your support host (Mac/PC), the support directory is at the path:


When you run the PiBuilder setup script, the scripts folder and its contents are copied to the boot partition. When the media is mounted on your Raspberry Pi, the absolute path to the support directory is:


That path is the starting point for all searching. Suppose a script invokes:

$ supporting_file "/etc/resolv.conf"

The supporting_file() function first prepends the absolute path to the support directory on your Raspberry Pi, which results in:


That path is considered the general path.

The supporting_file() function also prepares a host-specific path by appending @ plus the $HOSTNAME environment variable. For example:


If the host-specific path exists, the general path is ignored. The general path is only used if the host-specific path does not exist.

If whichever path emerges from the preceding step:

  • is a file of non-zero length; or
  • is a folder containing at least one visible component (file or sub-folder),

then supporting_file() returns that path and sets its result code to mean that the path can be used. Otherwise the result code is set to mean that no path was found.

In most cases, supporting_file() is used like this:

if SOURCE="$(supporting_file "$TARGET")" ; then
   # do something like copy $SOURCE to $TARGET


The try_patch() function takes two arguments:

  1. A path beginning with a / where the / means "the support directory".
  2. A comment string summarising the purpose of the patch.

For example:

try_patch "/etc/resolv.conf" "this is an example"

The patch algorithm appends .patch to the path supplied in the first argument and then invokes supporting_file():

supporting_file "/etc/resolv.conf.patch"

Calling supporting_file() implies two candidates will be considered:


The host-specific form is given precedence over the general form.

If supporting_file() returns a candidate, the patching algorithm will assume it is a valid patch file and attempt to apply it to the target file. It sets its result code to mean "success" if and only if the patch was applied.

The try_patch() function has two common use patterns:

  • unconditional invocation where there are no actions that depend on the success of the patch. For example:

     try_patch "/etc/dhcpcd.conf" "allowinterfaces eth*,wlan*"
  • conditional invocation where subsequent actions depend on the success of the patch. For example:

     if try_patch "/etc/locale.gen" "setting locales (ignore errors)" ; then
     	sudo dpkg-reconfigure -f noninteractive locales

PiBuilder can apply patches for you, but you still need to create each patch.

Understanding how patching works will help you to develop and test patches before handing them to PiBuilder. Assume:

  1. an «original» file (the original supplied as part of Raspbian); and
  2. a «final» file (after your editing to make configuration changes).

To create a «patch» file, you use the diff tool which is part of Unix:

$ diff «original» «final» > «patch»

Subsequently, given:

  1. a fresh Raspbian install where only «original» exists; plus
  2. your «patch» file,

you use the patch tool which is also part of Unix:

$ patch -bfnz.bak -i «patch» «original»

That patch command will:

  1. copy «original» to «original».bak; and
  2. apply «patch» to «original» to convert it to «final».

The basic process for creating a patch file for use in PiBuilder is:

  1. Make sure you have a baseline version of the file you want to change. The baseline version of a «target» file should always be whatever was in the Raspbian image you downloaded from the web. Typically, there are two situations:

    • You have run PiBuilder and PiBuilder has already applied a patch to the «target» file. In that case, «target».bak is a copy of whatever was in the Raspbian image you downloaded from the web. That means «target».bak is your baseline and you don't need to do anything else.

    • The «target» file has never been changed. The currently-active file is your baseline so you need to preserve it by making a copy before you start changing anything. The most likely place where you will be working is the /etc directory so sudo is usually appropriate:

       $ sudo cp «target» «target».bak


    • One of PiBuilder's first actions in the 01 script is to make a copy of /etc as /etc-baseline. PiBuilder does this before it makes any changes. If you make some changes in the /etc directory and only then realise that you forgot to save a baseline copy, you can always fetch a copy of the original file from /etc-baseline.
  2. Make whatever changes you need to make to the «target». Sometimes this will involve using sudo and a text editor. Other times, you will be able to run a configuration tool like raspi-config and it will change the «target» file(s) for you.

  3. Create a «patch» file using the diff tool. For any given patch file, you always have two options:

    • If the patch file should apply to a specific Raspberry Pi, generate the patch file like this:

       $ diff «target».bak «target» > «target».patch@$HOSTNAME
    • If the patch file should apply to all of your Raspberry Pis each time they are built, generate the patch file like this:

       $ diff «target».bak «target» > «target».patch

    You can do both. A host-specific patch always takes precedence over a general patch.

  4. Place the «patch» file in its proper location in the PiBuilder structure on your support host.

    For example, suppose you have prepared a patch that will be applied to the following file on your Raspberry Pi:


    Remove the file name, leaving the path component:


    The path to the support folder in your PiBuilder structure on your support host is:


    Append the path component ("/etc") to the path to the support folder:


    That folder is where your patch files should be placed. The patch file you prepared will have one of the following names:


    The proper location for the patch file in the PiBuilder structure structure on your support host is one of the following paths:


PiBuilder already has "hooks" in place for some common situations. All you need to do is prepare a patch file and PiBuilder will apply it the next time you build an operating system:

The next tutorial covers a situation where PiBuilder does not have a "hook". It explains how to prepare the patches, how to add them to your PiBuilder structure, and how to hook the patches into the PiBuilder process using a script epilog:

The instructions in download this repository recommended that you create a Git branch ("custom") to hold your customisations. If you did not do that, please do so now:

$ cd ~/PiBuilder
$ git checkout -b custom


  • any changes you may have made before creating the "custom" branch will become part of the "custom" branch. You won't lose anything. After you "add" and "commit" your changes on the "custom" branch, the "master" branch will be a faithful copy of the PiBuilder repository on GitHub at the moment you first cloned it.
  • once the "custom" branch becomes your working branch, there should be no need to switch branches inside the PiBuilder repository. The instructions in this section assume you are always in the "custom" branch.

From time to time as you make changes, you should run:

$ git status

Add any new or modified files or folders using:

$ git add «path»


  • You can't add an empty folder to a Git repository. A folder must contain at least one file before Git will consider it for inclusion.

Whenever you reach a logical milestone, commit your changes:

$ get commit -m "added a patch for something or other"

naturally, you will want to use a far more informative commit message!

Periodically, you will want to check for updates to PiBuilder on GitHub:

$ git fetch origin master:master

That pulls changes into the master branch. Next, you will want to merge those changes into your "custom" branch:

$ git merge master --no-commit

If the merge:

  • succeeds, you will see:

     Automatic merge went well; stopped before committing as requested
  • is blocked before it completes, you will see one or more messages like this:

     CONFLICT (content): Merge conflict in «filename»

    That tells you that the problem is in «filename». For each file mentioned in such a message:

    1. Open the file using your favourite text editor.

    2. Search for <<<<<<<. You are looking for a pattern like this:

      <<<<<<< HEAD
      one or more lines of your own text
      one or more lines of text coming from PiBuilder on GitHub
      >>>>>>> master
    3. To resolve the conflict, you just need to decide what the file should look like and remove the conflict markers:

      • If you want to preserve your own text and discard the PiBuilder lines, reduce the above to just:

         one or more lines of your own text
      • If you want the lines coming from the PiBuilder to replace your own, reduce the above to just:

         one or more lines of text coming from PiBuilder on GitHub
      • If you want to preserve material from both:

         one or more lines of your own text
         one or more lines of text coming from PiBuilder on GitHub


         one or more lines of my own text merged with one or more lines from GitHub
    4. Don't forget that a file may have more than one area of conflict so go back to step 2 and repeat the search until you are sure all the conflicts have been found and resolved.

    5. Once you are sure you have resolved all of the conflicts in a file, tell git by:

      $ git add «filename»
    6. If more than one file was marked as being in conflict, start over from step 1. You can always refresh your memory on which files are still in conflict by:

      $ git status
      Changes to be committed:
      	modified:   file1.txt
      Unmerged paths:
      	both modified:   file2.txt

      In the above, file1.txt is no longer in conflict but file2.txt still needs to be checked.

It does not matter whether the merge succeeded immediately or if it was blocked and you had to resolve conflicts, the next step is to run:

$ git status

For each file mentioned in the status list that is not in the "Changes to be committed" list, run:

$ git add «filename»

The last step is to commit the merged changes to your own branch:

$ git commit -m "merged with GitHub updates"

Now you are in sync with GitHub.

You can check the version of docker-compose installed on your system by running either or both of the following commands:

$ docker-compose version
$ docker compose version

The first form follows your PATH variable and executes the first executable file it finds with the name docker-compose. The second form uses plugin syntax (likely how "compose" will be invoked in the future).

Both commands should return the same version number. If you spot any discrepancies, you can find out where docker-compose is installed on your system by running:

$ /boot/scripts/helpers/

You can find out if a later version of modern docker-compose is available by visiting the releases page.

You can upgrade (or downgrade) to a particular version of modern docker-compose like this:

$ sudo /boot/scripts/helpers/ «version»


  • «version» is the value on the releases page and always starts with a "v". For example:

     $ sudo /boot/scripts/helpers/ v2.2.3

The script:

  1. Checks for the old version of docker-compose installed by apt. If it finds that, it gives you instructions on how to proceed but it does not attempt to change your system. This is because you may have to remove and re-install docker, and that is not something you are going to want to do while your stack is running. You will also likely want to take a backup before you start.
  2. Checks for and removes the Python version of docker-compose.
  3. Checks for and removes other versions of modern docker-compose.
  4. Attempts to download and install the requested version of modern docker-compose.

If the download fails (typically because you have asked for a version that does not actually exist - did you forget the "v"?), the script falls back to the Python version of docker-compose.


  • The script is reasonably platform-agnostic. It works on Raspberry Pi (Buster and Bullseye) full 32-bit, mixed 32-bit user with 64-bit kernel, and full 64-bit OS. It also appears to work on macOS for Docker Desktop.

Read reinstalling docker + docker-compose if you need to reinstall docker or docker-compose or supervised home assistant.

Installing and configuring software on a Raspberry Pi (or any computer) involves quite a few chicken-and-egg situations. For example:

  • Until you decide to install IOTstackBackup, you:

    • May not have had a need to install rclone
    • May not have had to configure rclone to use Dropbox as a remote
    • Will not have had to think about configuring iotstack_backup.
  • If you decide to install IOTstackBackup then you will need to think about all those things.

  • Once you have obtained an "app key" for Dropbox, have established an rclone remote to talk to Dropbox, and have configured IOTstackBackup to use that remote, you will expect to be able to take backups, and then restore those backups on your Raspberry Pi. And you will!

  • … until you rebuild your Raspberry Pi. To be able to restore after a rebuild, you must have the rclone and iotstack_backup configurations in place. You either need to:

    • recreate those by hand (and obtain a new Dropbox app key), or
    • recover them from somewhere else (eg another Raspberry Pi) or, best of all
    • make sure they are in the right place for PiBuilder to be able to copy them into place automatically at the right time.
  • This repo assumes the last option: you have saved the rclone and iotstack_backup configuration files into the proper location in the support directory:

     ├── iotstack_backup
     │   └── config.yml
     └── rclone
         └── rclone.conf
  • Of course, in order to have saved those configurations into the proper location, you will first have had to have set them up and tested them.


There is no substitute for thinking, planning and testing.

Whenever you start from a clean Raspberry Pi OS image, the very first boot-up initialises:


The contents of that folder can be thought of as a unique identity for the SSH service on your Raspberry Pi. That "identity" can be captured by:

$ cd
$ /boot/scripts/helpers/

Suppose your Raspberry Pi has the name "iot-hub". The result of running that script will be:


If you copy that file into your PiBuilder folder at path:


and then run, the etc-ssh-backup.tar.gz@iot-hub will be copied onto the boot volume along with everything else.

When you boot your Raspberry Pi and run:

$ /boot/scripts/ iot-hub

the script will search for etc-ssh-backup.tar.gz@iot-hub and, if found, will use it to restore /etc/ssh as it was at the time the snapshot was taken. In effect, you have given the machine its original SSH identity.

The contents of /etc/ssh are not tied to the physical hardware so if, for example, your "live" Raspberry Pi emits magic smoke and you have to repurpose your "test" Raspberry Pi, you can cause the replacement to take on the SSH identity of the failed hardware.

Fairly obviously, you will still need to do things like change your DHCP server so that the working hardware gets the IP address(es) of the failed hardware, but the SSH side of things will be in place.

Whether you do this for any or all of your hosts is entirely up to you. I have gone to the trouble of setting up SSH certificates and it is a real pain to have to run around and re-sign the host keys every time I rebuild a Raspberry Pi. It is much easier to set up /etc/ssh once, then take a snapshot, and re-use the snapshot each time I rebuild.

The practical effect of this is that my build sequence begins with:

$ ssh [email protected]
$ /boot/scripts/ previousname
$ ssh-keygen -R raspberrypi.local
$ ssh previousname

No pi@ on the front. No .local or domain name on the end. No TOFU pattern. No password prompt. Just logged-in.

If you want to learn how to set up password-less SSH access, see IOTstackBackup SSH tutorial. Google is your friend if you want to go the next step and set up SSH certificates.

The contents of ~/.ssh carry the client identity (how "pi" authenticates to target hosts), as distinct from the machine identity (how your Raspberry Pi proves itself to clients seeking to connect).

Personally, I use a different approach to maintain and manage ~/.ssh but it is still perfectly valid to run the supplied:

$ /boot/scripts/helpers/

and then restore the snapshot in the same way as Script 01 does for /etc/ssh. I haven't provided a solution in PiBuilder. You will have to come up with that for yourself.

There is an assumption that it is "hard" for an unauthorised person to gain access to etc/ssh and, to a lesser extent, ~/.ssh. How "hard" that actually is depends on a lot of things, not the least of which is whether you are in the habit of leaving terminal sessions unattended...

Nevertheless, it is important to be aware that the snapshots do contain sufficient information to allow a third party to impersonate your hosts so it is probably worthwhile making some attempt to keep them reasonably secure.

I keep my snapshots on an encrypted volume. You may wish to do the same.

PiBuilder disables VNC. To understand why, and to find instructions on how to enable VNC, please see:

  • 2022-03-15

    • Add instructions for enabling VNC
  • 2022-03-10

    • Bump docker-compose to v2.3.4 (this version supports device_cgroup_rules - see PR9251)
    • Document SKIP_FULL_UPGRADE.
    • Add ENABLE_PI_CAMERA documentation.
    • Remove recommendation to stick with Buster for camera support.
    • Update SQLite version numbers.
  • 2022-02-10

    • Add scripts for uninstalling then reinstalling docker, docker-compose and supervised home assistant.
    • Add documentation explaining the new scripts.
    • Rename scripts with docker_compose in the name to use docker-compose.
  • 2022-02-09

  • 2022-01-27

    • Fix bugs in script
    • Add helper script
  • 2022-01-17

    • Default .gitconfig options updated to include effects of running these commands:

       $ git config --global fetch.prune true
       $ git config --global pull.rebase true
       $ git config --global diff.colorMoved zebra
       $ git config --global rerere.enabled true
       $ git config --global alias.lg "log --color --graph --pretty=format:'%Cred%h%Creset -%C(yellow)%d%Creset %s %Cgreen(%cr) %C(bold blue)<%an>%Creset' --abbrev-commit"
    • Version of docker-compose PiBuilder installs by default bumped to v2.2.3.

    • Script to upgrade docker-compose added to helpers folder.

  • 2022-01-09

    • patch journald.conf to control excessive log messages in the following pattern (stackoverflow):

       run-docker-runtime\x2drunc-moby-«identifier»-runc.3doejt.mount: Succeeded.
  • 2022-01-08

  • 2022-01-02

    • 04 script appends following to /boot/cmdline.txt:

      • cgroup_memory=1 cgroup_enable=memory (unconditional)
      • apparmor=1 security=apparmor if Supervised Home Assistant is installed
  • 2021-12-31

    • Setting of VNC password conditional on presence of parent directory (for "lite" base image).
  • 2021-12-30

    • Explain how to disable WiFi
  • 2021-12-29

    • Improve documentation on OS versions tested with PiBuilder and how to choose between them.
    • Add instructions for checking SHA256 signatures.
    • Split instructions into "should" and "can" categories.
    • Document cmdline.txt and config.txt script changes made yesterday.
    • Add support for disabling VM swapping.
    • Rewrite some sections of DNS tutorial.
    • Fix typos etc.
    • Change-summary to the end of the readme.
  • 2021-12-28

    • Rename is_running_raspbian() function to is_running_OS_release(). The full 64-bit OS identifies as "Debian". That part of the test removed as unnecessary.
    • Add is_running_OS_64bit() function to return true if a full 64-bit OS is running.
    • Install 64-bit docker-compose where appropriate.
    • Install 64-bit Supervised Home Assistant where appropriate.
    • Automatically enable docker stats (changes /boot/cmdline.txt).
    • Update default version numbers in
    • Add PREFER_64BIT_KERNEL option, defaults to false.
  • 2021-12-14

    • 04 script now fully automated - does not pause during Home Assistant installation to ask for architecture.
    • re-enable locale patching - now split across 01 and 02 scripts.
  • 2021-12-03

    • disable locales patching - locales_2.31-13 is incompatible with previous approach.
    • better default handling of - /etc/rc.local now only includes interfaces that are defined, active, and obtained their IP addresses via DHCP.
    • added support for Raspberry Pi Zero W2 + Supervised Home Assistant.
  • 2021-11-25

    • major overhaul
    • tested for Raspbian Buster and Bullseye
    • can install Supervised Home Assistant
    • documentation rewritten

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