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twangband's Introduction


This is an older project I created to record and mix music online. The app worked well, but I abandonded due to lack of time. Hopefully someone can make use of it as it was a fun exercise. Feel free to use however you like. The below readme is just helpful info I recorded for managing the project locally and in gcp. All the key, password info is garbage.

Environment Info

Docker base image layers

  1. centos7
  2. twang-ffmpeg - has all required ffmpeg libraries installed
  3. twang-nodejs - has nvm and node.js v5.3.0 installed along with gcsfuse
  4. twang-packages - has a cached version of all of the twang npm packages
  5. twang-web - this is the Dockerfile in the root directory. it contains all the node.js code for the web app

Local Env

#get IP address of laptop
ifconfig | grep "inet " | grep -v

Local Libraries and setup

FFMPEG and where installed through brew

Docker set env

eval "$(docker-machine env default)"

Node.js Server

#this sets env vars and starts node

Docker build and push

docker build -t .
gcloud docker push

Run the docker container

docker run -p 3000:3000 \
--privileged \
-e MONGO_DB_NAME=cluckoldhen \
-e UPLOADS_BUCKET=uploads \
-e UPLOADS_DIR=/uploads \
-e LOG_DIR=/logs/ \
--link mongo \
--name twang-web \

-e GCLOUD_CLIENT_ID=107681766997312391062 \
-e GCLOUD_PRIVATE_KEY_ID='1104b3efa3eefc0e64f6dd5427542d5fe9bd92b1' \
-e GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS=/src/gcloud_service_account.json \
-e GCLOUD_PRIVATE_KEY='-----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY-----\GARBAGEBAQCKpKUwEVb0JrVn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\nY+lkAwcL7LGrLKPNKMmB/qDQ\n-----END PRIVATE KEY-----\n' \

Mongo Server

#note you cannot mount a data dir from osx to a virtual box machine
docker run --name musicilo-mongo -d -p 27017:27017  musicilo/mongo-server 

docker run \
-p 27018:27017 \
-e ADMIN_MONGO_DB_PASS=test1234 \
-e TB_MONGO_DB_PASS=test1234 \
--name twang-mongo

db.createUser({user: 'tb', pwd: 'test1234', roles:[{role:'dbOwner',db:'twangband'}]})

#connect to the server from commandline on the container
mongo -u tb -p fuzzyWUZZYhadnohair102938476garbage

Ngnix Web Server

docker run  \
  -e ENABLE_SSL=true \
  -e ENABLE_BASIC_AUTH=false \
  -e CDN_TARGET_PATH=uploads \
  --name=nginx \
  -v /Users/marshallpowell/dev/sslCert/ \
  -v /Users/marshallpowell/dev/sslCert/ \
  -v /Users/marshallpowell/dev/sslCert/dhparam.pem:/etc/secrets/dhparam \
  -p 80:80 \
  -p 443:443 \

FFMpeg Server

#run image locally
docker run musicilo/ffmpeg-server -i -acodec libvorbis audio.ogg

Gcloud Info

Gcloud API ref:

#If authentication stops working (ex "invalid_grant") try the below command
gcloud auth login

#This is how to upgrade the master and nodes for kubernetes. For more info:
gcloud container clusters upgrade prod-cluster --master
gcloud container clusters upgrade prod-cluster

Gcloud Dev Env

#make sure you switch to the dev cluster
gcloud config configurations activate default
#verify active config
gcloud info

Kubernetes Cluster Info

#switch to dev cluster:
gcloud container clusters get-credentials dev-cluster --zone us-east1-b

Gcloud Prod Env

gcloud config setting

#make sure you switch to the production cluster 
gcloud config configurations activate production-cluster
#verify active config
gcloud info

Kubernetes Cluster Info

#switch to prod cluster
gcloud container clusters get-credentials prod-cluster --zone us-central1-c

Docker commands for gcloud

Push a image to gcloud

gcloud docker push

Kubernetes commands

#show cluster info: 
kubectl cluster-info

#show all pods
kubectl get pods

#to delete/add a replication controller, for instance if you needed to update the docker image, you could run the below (there are better ways to do this with versioning...)
 kubectl delete rc web-controller
 kubectl create -f dev-web-controller.yaml
 #show logs for a given pod
 kubectl logs websocket-controller-ow7lp

# show environment info:
kubectl exec web-controller-v0.0.1-c6241 env

#get a shell on a container
kubectl exec -it web-controller-v0.0.1-c6241 bash

# create a secrets file for use in a cluster (this is where ssl cert info is currently stored)
# see
# all values in the secrets file must be base64 encoded (ex. echo -n "admin" | base64)

#create secrets file:
kubectl create -f ./prod-secrets.yaml
# update secrets file:
kubectl apply -f ./prod-secrets.yaml
# show the current secrets files in a cluster
kubectl get secrets

Example create for services, replication controllers, secrets

kubectl create -f dev-mongo-service.yaml
kubectl create -f dev-mongo-controller.yaml

Example create disks

the zone needs to be the same as the container (this can also be done through the console)

gcloud compute disks create dev-mongodb-disk --zone us-east1-b —-size 10GB

GIT Info

###create branches as you develop code, this ensures your mainline stays clean of bugs #

#create the branch
git branch <branch name>

#then check out the branch
git checkout <branch name>

#when complete with the changes merge them back into trunk
#check out master to change the current branch to master
git checkout master

#merge your branch back into master
git merge <branch name>

#upload new updates into the openshift repo:
git push -f openshift HEAD

#tag the code when preparing to release git tag -a v1.0.1 -m "Track model simplified, FFProbe enabled"

Openshift Git commands

#added openshift as a up-stream repo, only need to run this once inside of the bitbucket git repo
git remote add openshift -f ssh://[email protected]/~/git/nodejs.git/

#merge the remote location with the local 
git merge openshift/master -s recursive -X HEAD

SSL Info

create ssl cert

openssl req \
       -newkey rsa:2048 -nodes -keyout \
       -x509 -days 365 -out

create csr

openssl req -new -sha256 -key -out

base64 encode ssl key and cert for replication controller file

cat | base64
cat | base64
openssl dhparam -out dhparam.pem 2048
base64 -i dhparam.pem

# add this base64 info to the secrets file
kubectl create -f secrets.yaml

Mongo Commands

# find tracks with specific tag – consider lower casing all tags
db.tracks.find( { tags: "Acoustic guitar" } )
db.songs.find( { tags: "Acoustic guitar" } )

#update a track
	{ _id : ObjectId("567589a6d2ba915f770c672c") },
	$set : { fileName : "c13591c5e9326183b596a68dc639d089.ogg" }

# find songs which match multiple tags
db.songs.find( { tags: { $all: [ "guitar", "harmonica" ] } } );

# find songs which a user is a collaborator in
      collaborators: {
                $elemMatch: {
                     user : ObjectId("562836c59eda23da4b80bb1d")

# mo po: ObjectId("562836c59eda23da4b80bb1d")
#songs.find({ creator: ObjectId("562836c59eda23da4b80bb1d") })
      creator : ObjectId("562836c59eda23da4b80bb1d")

#find all public tracks
db.tracks.find( { isPublic : false } )

Recording Data

The web audio api by default records in PCM format.

Latency Times

You can measure latency using the app. You need to compile a long list of reference computers for this. Then you can match the reference latency from the user's computer specs

  1. My Mac 42ms (.042s)
  2. My Windows 66ms (.066s)

FFMPEG Commands

#create ogg from wav
ffmpeg -i audio.wav  -acodec libvorbis audio.ogg    

#sample command to convert wav to ogg
ffmpeg -i uploads/5f4183d5c36ee835b9c396a3d022671c.wav  -acodec libvorbis uploads/audio.ogg

#sample ffmpeg to convert wav to ogg on openshift
${OPENSHIFT_DATA_DIR}bin/ffmpeg -nostdin -i ${OPENSHIFT_DATA_DIR}uploads/3e18bfb28efb62e9bf0993b1ded4def8.wav -acodec libvorbis ${OPENSHIFT_DATA_DIR}uploads/test.ogg

#sample command to merge 3 files together
ffmpeg -i file1.ogg -i file2.ogg -i file3.ogg -filter_complex amix=inputs=3:duration=first:dropout_transition=3 mergedFiles.ogg

##OPENSHIFT V2 RHC Commands:

 #ssh into a cartridge
 ssh [email protected]
 #show info about your app
 rhc app show -a
 #tail logs for a cartridge
 rhc tail -a nodejs	
 #locate logs on openshift

##Recording process

  • Create time stamp right before recorder.record() happens
  • Pass the timestamp into record() and set a class variable
  • pass the timestamp to the worker command 'record' and post it to the ws only once
  • the ws protocol should expect the timestamp after the JSON message

twangband's People


marshallpowell avatar


James Cloos avatar  avatar

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