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copostgresquery's Introduction

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Utility to generate and execute postgresql queries with ease.


  • Node.js >= 6
  • PostgreSQL >= 9.5


npm install --save co-postgres-queries


The library can be divided in two parts:

  1. PgPool, that allows to connect to the postgres database and execute queries.
import PgPool from "co-postgres-queries";
const clientOptions = {
const pool = new PgPool(clientOptions);

  .then(client => {
    return client.query("SELECT * from user WHERE firstname = $firstname", {
      firstname: "john"
  .then(rows => {
    // do something with all the user named john
  1. The querybuilders (insertOne, selectOne, etc..) that allows to generate sql, and the corresponding parameters.

Each query builder takes the form:


On the first call it receives its configuration, eg, the table name, column name, etc... For example:

import insertOne from "co-postgres-queries/queries/insertOne";
const insertOne = insertOne({
  table: "user",
  writableCols: ["name", "firstname"],
  returnCols: ["id", "name", "firstname"]

On the second call it takes the query parameters and returns an object of the form { sql, parameters },

  • sql: the sql string that may contain named parameters
  • parameters: the sanitized named parameters and their values.

For example:

insertOne({ name: 'doe', firstname: 'john', other: 'data' });
// would return
    sql: 'INSERT INTO user (name, firstname)VALUES($name, $firstname) RETURNING id, name, firstname',
    parameters: { name: 'doe', firstname: 'john' }

The result can then be directly passed to client.query to be executed.

client.query(insertOne({ name: "doe", firstname: "john", other: "data" }));

There is also a crud helper function to generate basic crud queries for a given table:

const userCrud = crud({
  table: "user",
  primaryKey: "id",
  writableCols: ["name", "firstname", "mail"],
  returnCols: ["id", "name", "firstname", "mail"]

This will configure query builders for selectOne, select, insert, updateOne, deleteOne, countAll and batchInsert in one literal.

coPostGresQueries provides the saga command to execute the generated query as effect in a generator.

function* subscribeUser(userId) {
    try {
        yield begin(); // begin transaction block
        const user = yield userCrud.selectOne(userId);

        if (!user) {
            throw new Error('not found');

        yield userCrud.updateOne(userId, { subscribed: true });

        // ... some other queries

        yield commit();
        return result;
    } catch (error) {
        yield rollback();
        throw error;


since the generator yield only query objects, it is easily testable.



Extends node-pg-pool Allows to connect to postgresql and execute query It adds:

  • Support for named parameters.
  • query: Now return the list of results.
  • Added queryOne: Same as query but return only one result instead of an array.
  • Helper method (begin, savepoint, rollback, commit to handle transactions on the client.
  • Helper method ([link][#clientlink]) to link a query helper to the client or pool.

Creating a pool

import PgPool from "co-postgres-queries";
const clientOptions = {
const poolingOptions = {
  max, // Max number of clients to create (defaults to 10)
  idleTimeoutMillis // how long a client is allowed to remain idle before being closed (defaults to 30 000 ms)
const pool = new PgPool(clientOptions, poolingOptions);

Getting client with promise

const pool = new pgPool();
pool.connect().then(client => {
  // use the client

// async/await
(async () => {
  const pool = new pgPool();
  const client = await pool.connect();

// co
co(function*() {
  const pool = new pgPool();
  const client = yield pool.connect();


Executes a query, it takes three parameters:

  • sql: the sql to execute
  • parameters: the parameters to inject in the sql (it use named parameters)
  • returnOne: Optional, if set to true, returns only the first result instead of an array.
// query use named parameter
  .query("SELECT $name::text as name", { name: "world" }) // query return a promise
  .then(result => {
    // result contain directly the row
    console.log(`Hello ${result[0].name}`);

// It work with async/await
(async () => {
  const pool = new PgPool();
  const result = await pool.query("SELECT $name::text as name", {
    name: "world"

  console.log(`Hello ${result[0].name}`);
// Or with co
co(function*() {
  const pool = new PgPool();
  const result = yield pool.query("SELECT $name::text as name", {
    name: "world"

  console.log(`Hello ${result[0].name}`);

client.query can also be called with an object literal:

  sql: "SELECT $name::text as name",
  parameters: { name: "world" }


You can also execute a query directly from the pool. A client will then get automatically retrieved, and released once the query is done. Transactions are not possible this way since the client would change on each query.

Takes a query or a literal of query and returns a function that Takess the query parameter and executes it

const query = insertOneQuery('table', ['col1', 'col2']);

const insertOne =;

yield insertOne({ col1: 'val1', col2: 'val2' });

// or
const queries = crudQueries(table, ['col1', 'col2'], ['col1']);

const crud =;

yield crud.insertOne({ col1: 'val1', col2: 'val2' });


Returns the client to the pool, to be used again. Do not forget to call this when you are done.


Closes the client. It will not return to the pool.


Takes a generator yielding object queries ({ sql, parameters }), and returns an async function that run the generator executing the yielded query.

function* getUserAndDoSomething(id) {
    const user = yield {
        sql: 'SELECT * FROM user WHERE $id=id',
        parameters: { id },
        returnOne: true,


The yielded query object will be internally passed to client.query then the result will be passed back to the generator. If an error occurs during the query, it will be thrown back into the generator where it can be catched.

const executeQUery = client.saga(function* (id) {
    try {
        const user = yield {
            sql: 'bad query',
    } catch (error) {
        // handle the error

Since the queries functions return query object, they can be yielded.

const selectOneUserById = selectOne({ table: 'user' });

const getUserAndDoSomethig = client.saga(function* (id) {
    const user = yield selectOneByUserId({ id });

You can also yield an array of query to be run in parallel:

const getUserAndCommands = client.saga(function* (id) {
    const [user, commands] = yield [
        selectOneByUserId({ id }),
        selectCommandsByUserId({ id }),

Or even a literal:

const getUserAndCommands = client.saga(function* (id) {
    const { user, commands } = yield {
        user: selectOneByUserId({ id }),
        commands: selectCommandsByUserId({ id }),

Since the generator yield plain objects, they can be easily tested without needing any mocks:

const iterator = someQueryGenerator();
const {
  value: { sql, parameters }
} =;
// we get the generated sql and parameters.; // we can pass what we want as result

iterator.throw(queryError); // or we can resume by throwing error

Query builder

Each query helper takes the form:


On the first call it receives its configuration, eg, the table name, column name, etc... For example:

import insertOne from "co-postgres-queries/queries/insertOne";
const insertOne = insertOne({
  table: "user",
  writableCols: ["name", "firstname"],
  returnCols: ["id", "name", "firstname"]

On the second call it takes the query parameters and returns an object of the form { sql, parameters }, with the sql containing named parameter, and parameters having been sanitized based on the configuration. For example:

insertOne({ name: 'doe', firstname: 'john', other: 'data' });
// would return
    sql: 'INSERT INTO user (name, firstname)VALUES($name, $firstname) RETURNING id, name, firstname',
    parameters: { name: 'doe', firstname: 'john' }

The result can then be directly passed to client.query to be executed.


import insertOne from "co-postgres-queries/queries/insertOne";
insertOne({ table, writableCols, returnCols })(row);

Returns a query to insert one given row.

  • table: the table name
  • writableCols: lisft of columns that can be set
  • returnCols: list of columns exposed in the result of the query

A literal object in the form of:

    column: value,

batchInsert(table, writableCols, returnCols)(rows)

import batchInsert from "co-postgres-queries/queries/batchInsert";
batchInsert(table, writableCols, returnCols)(rows);

allow to create a query to insert an array of rows.

  • table: the table name
  • writableCols: list of columns that can be set
  • returnCols: list of columns exposed in the result of the query

An array of literal objects in the form of:

        column: value,
    }, ...


import selectOne from "co-postgres-queries/queries/selectOne";
selectOne({ table, primaryKey, returnCols, permanentFilters })(row);

Creates a query to select one row.

  • table: the table name
  • primaryKey: One or more columns representing the primary key. Accept either an array or a single value. (default: id)
  • returnCols: list of columns retrieved by the query
  • permanentFilters: List of filters applied by default, e. g. for a soft delete with permanentFilters as { deleted_at: null}

A literal in the form of:

    id1: value,
    id2: value,

Any key not present in primaryKey will be ignored.


import select from "co-postgres-queries/queries/select";
})({ limit, offset, filters, sort, sortDir });

Creates a query to select one row.

  • table: the table name, accept JOIN statements

      table: 'table1 JOIN table2 ON table1.table2_id ='
  • primaryKey: One or more columns representing the primary key. Accept either an array or a single value. (default: id)

  • returnCols: list of columns retrieved by the query

  • searchableCols: list of columns that can be searched (usable in filter parameter). Defaults to return columns

  • specificSorts: allow to specify sort order for a given column. Useful when we want to order string other than by alphabetical order. example:

      level: ["master", "expert", "novice"];

    will order level column with all master first, then expert and finally novice

  • groupByCols allow to add a GROUP BY clause to the query on the given columns

  • withQuery specify that we want to encompass the query in WITH RESULT AS <query> SELECT * FROM result This add a temporary result table that allow to sort on computed and joined column. if the table configuration contain a JOIN clause, this will be automatically set to true.

  • permanentFilters: List of filters applied by default, e. g. for a soft delete with permanentFilters as { deleted_at: null}

  • returnOne: Optional, if set to true, returns only the first result instead of an array.


A literal object with:

  • limit: number of results to be returned
  • offset: number of results to be ignored
  • filters: a object taking as keys the column to filter on and as values the filter values

For instance, specifying the following filters value:

    first_name: "John",
    last_name: "Doe",
    last_paid_at: null,

Will produce the following WHERE clause:

    first_name = 'John'
    AND last_name = 'Doe'
    AND last_paid_at IS NULL

Other SQL matching operators may be used by specifying some prefixes to the column names. For instance:

    not_first_name: "John",           // first_name != "John"
    not_last_paid_at: null,           // last_paid_at IS NOT NULL
    from_last_paid_at: '2010-01-01',  // last_paid_at >= '2010-01-01'
    to_last_paid_at: '3010-01-01',    // last_paid_at <= '3010-01-01'
    like_position: 'Sales',           // position ILIKE '%Sales%'
    not_like_position: 'Manager'      // position NOT ILIKE '%Manager%'

It is also possible to match to all searchable column with match:

    match: 'value',

will return only row for which any searchableCols matching value (case insensitive).

  • sort: Specify the column by which to filter the result (Additionally the result will always get sorted by the row identifiers to avoid random order)
  • sortDir: Specify the sort direction, either 'ASC' or 'DESC'


import countAll from "co-postgres-queries/queries/countAll";
countAll({ table, permanentFilters })({ filters: { enabled: true } });

Create a query to count all rows. It also takes an optional plain object parameter filters, applied to the query in addition to the permanentFilters.

  • table: the table name
  • permanentFilters: List of filters applied by default, e. g. for a soft delete with permanentFilters as { deleted_at: null}


import update from "co-postgres-queries/queries/update";
})(filters, data);

Creates a query to update rows.

  • table: the table name
  • writableCols: the columns that can be updated
  • filterCols: the columns that can be used to filter the updated rows
  • returnCols: the columns to be returned in the result
  • permanentFilters: List of filters applied by default, e. g. for a soft delete with permanentFilters as { deleted_at: null}

Two arguments:

  • filters: literal specifying wanted value for given column example:
      column: "value";
    will update only row for which column equal 'value'
  • data: a literal specifying the new values


import updateOne from "co-postgres-queries/queries/updateOne";
})(identifier, data);

Creates a query to update one row.

  • table: the table name
  • writableCols: the columns that can be updated
  • primaryKey: One or more columns representing the primary key. Accept either an array or a single value. (default: id)
  • returnCols: the columns to be returned in the result
  • permanentFilters: List of filters applied by default, e. g. for a soft delete with permanentFilters as { deleted_at: null}

Two arguments:

  • identifier: either a single value for a single primaryKey column, or a literal if several columns:{ id1: value, id2: otherValue }. All configured primaryKey columns must be given a value.
  • data: a literal specifying the column to update


import remove from "co-postgres-queries/queries/remove";
remove({ table, filterCols, returnCols, permanentFilters })(filters);

Creates a query to delete rows.

  • table: the table name
  • filterCols: the columns that can be used to filter the updated rows
  • returnCols: list of columns retrieved by the query
  • permanentFilters: List of filters applied by default, e. g. for a soft delete with permanentFilters as { deleted_at: null}

A literal specifying wanted value for given column example:

  column: "value";

will update only row for which column equal 'value'


import removeOne from "co-postgres-queries/queries/removeOne";
removeOne({ table, primaryKey, returnCols, permanentFilters })(identitfier);

Creates a query to delete one row.

  • table: the table name
  • primaryKey: One or more columns representing the primary key. Accept either an array or a single value. (default: id)
  • returnCols: list of columns retrieved by the query
  • permanentFilters: List of filters applied by default, e. g. for a soft delete with permanentFilters as { deleted_at: null}

The identifier: either a single value for a single primaryKey column, or a literal if several columns:{ id1: value, id2: otherValue }. All configured primaryKey columns must be given a value.


import batchRemove from "co-postgres-queries/queries/batchRemove";
batchRemove({ table, primaryKey, returnCols, permanentFilters })(

Allow to create a query to delete several row at once

  • table: the table name
  • columns: list of columns to insert
  • primaryKey: One or more columns representing the primary key. Accept either an array or a single value. (default: id)
  • permanentFilters: List of filters applied by default, e. g. for a soft delete with permanentFilters as { deleted_at: null}

The list of identifier either an array of single value for a single primaryKey column, or an array of literal if several columns:[{ id1: value, id2: otherValue }, ...]. All configured primaryKey columns must be given a value.


import upsertOne from "co-postgres-queries/queries/upsertOne";

Creates a query to update one row or create it if it does not already exists.

  • table: the name of the table
  • primaryKey: One or more columns representing the primary key. Accept either an array or a single value. (default: id)
  • writableCols: the column that can be updated
  • returnCols: the column to return in the result
  • permanentFilters: List of filters applied by default, e. g. for a soft delete with permanentFilters as { deleted_at: null}

the row to upsert


import batchUpsert from "co-postgres-queries/queries/batchUpsert";

Creates a query to update a batch row creating those that does not already exists.

  • table: the name of the table in which to upsert
  • primaryKey: One or more columns representing the primary key. Accept either an array or a single value. (default: id)
  • writableCols: the column that can be updated
  • returnCols: the column to return in the result
  • columns: all the columns accepted by the query, default to selectorcolumns + writableCols (no reason to change that)
  • permanentFilters: List of filters applied by default, e. g. for a soft delete with permanentFilters as { deleted_at: null}

The array of rows to upsert


import selectByOrderedIdentifiers from "co-postgres-queries/queries/selectByOrderedIdentifiers";

Creates a query to select multiple row given an array of identifier. The result will keep the order of the identifier. Due to the nature of the query, this will only work for primaryKey composed of a single column.

  • table: the name of the table in which to upsert
  • primaryKey: primaryKey of the table (this will only work with primaryKey of a single column)
  • returnCols: the column to return in the result

The array of identifier to retrieve. The array order will determine the result order.


import crud from "co-postgres-queries/queries/crud";

Creates configured queries for insertOne, batchInsert, selectOne, select, updateOne, deleteOne and batchDelete.

  • table: the name of the table.
  • primaryKey: One or more columns representing the primary key. Accept either an array or a single value. (default: id)
  • writableCols: list of columns that can be set
  • returnCols: the list of columns we want returned as result.
  • searchableCols: the columns that can be searched (usable in filter parameter). Defaults to return columns
  • specificSorts: allow to specify sort order for a given column. Useful when we want to order string other than by alphabetical order. example:
      level: ["master", "expert", "novice"];
    will order level column with all master first, then expert and finally novice
  • groupByCols: allow to add a GROUP BY clause to the query on the given columns
  • withQuery: specify that we want to encompass the query in WITH RESULT AS <query> SELECT * FROM result This add a temporary result table that allow to sort on computed and joined column. if the table configuration contain a JOIN clause, this will be automatically set to true.
  • permanentFilters: List of filters applied by default, e. g. for a soft delete with permanentFilters as { deleted_at: null}

transaction helper

import {
} from "co-postgres-queries/queries/transaction";

Simple helper to manage transaction You must retrieve a client with pool.connect() to use those.

import begin from "co-postgres-queries/queries/transaction/begin";
// { sql: 'BEGIN' }

create a query to start a transaction

import commit from "co-postgres-queries/queries/transaction/commit";
// { sql: 'COMMIT' }

create a query to commit a transaction

import savepoint from "co-postgres-queries/queries/transaction/savepoint";
// { sql: 'SAVEPOINT name' }

create a query to add a save point during transsaction

import rollback from "co-postgres-queries/queries/transaction/rollback";
// { sql: 'ROLLBACK' }
// or
// { sql: 'ROLLBACK to name' }

Rollback the transaction to the given save point, or to its beginning if not specified.

copostgresquery's People


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copostgresquery's Issues

Throw an error if the filtered / searched field doesn't exist

Consider you have the following code:

import db from './db';
import { crudQueries } from 'co-postgres-queries';

const query = crudQueries(
    ['version_id', 'key', 'value'],
    ['version_id', 'key'],
    ['key', 'value'],

const findByVersion = async (versionId) => {
    const client = await;
    const result = await client.selectPage(undefined, undefined, { version_id: versionId });

    return result;

The result of await findByVersion(id) will return ALL the entries whatever you pass as argument because version_id is not declared in the search fields.

This is very dangereous, this issue happened twice to me and it is very hard to debug.

The solution might be to throw an error if you try to filter by a non-declared field.

Improve the API

What do you think about improving just a little bit the library's API ?


import { PgPool } from 'co-postgres-queries';


import PgPool from 'co-postgres-queries';


const pool = new PgPool(config);
const client = pool.connect();
await client.query({ sql: 'SELECT $field FROM $table', parameters: {
    field: 'id',
    table: 'user',


const pool = new PgPool(config);
const client = pool.connect();
await client.query('SELECT $field FROM $table', {
    field: 'id',
    table: 'user',

It would be more close to the pg lib.

Moreover, the name of the library co-postgres-queries is misleading. Would not it be 'pg-pool-queries' ?


Need a bit more love:

  • imports are incorrect (import { pgCLient } from 'coPostgresQueries';)
  • usage is not clear in examples

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