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godebug's Introduction

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A cross-platform debugger for Go.


godebug uses source code generation to instrument your program with debugging calls. go tool cover takes a similar approach to code coverage. When you run godebug, it parses your program, instruments function calls, variable declarations, and statement lines, outputs the resulting code somewhere, and runs/compiles it. When this modified code runs, it stops at breakpoints and lets you step through the program and inspect variables.

For more detail, see the end of this README.


godebug is still very new. File an issue or send me an email if you find any rough edges:



$ go get

Getting started:

Insert a breakpoint anywhere in a source file you want to debug:

_ = "breakpoint"

If the breakpoint is in package main and you don't want to examine any imported packages, you can just run:

$ godebug run gofiles... [arguments...]

If you want to trace the program outside of the main package, list the packages to trace in the -instrument flag:

$ godebug run -instrument=pkg1,pkg2,pkg3 gofiles... [arguments...]

If you are debugging a test, use 'godebug test' like you would use 'go test':

$ godebug test [-instrument pkgs...] [packages]

Finally, you can [cross-]compile a debugging binary using 'godebug build':

$ godebug build [-instrument pkgs...] [-o output] [package]

The compiled binary has no dependencies, so you can build it locally and then debug on i.e. a staging server.

That's it. See 'godebug help' for the full usage.

Debugger commands:

The current commands are:

command result
h(elp) show help message
n(ext) run the next line
s(tep) run for one step
c(ontinue) run until the next breakpoint
l(ist) show the current line in context of the code around it
p(rint) [expression] print a variable or any other Go expression
q(uit) exit the program


It is not currently possible to step into standard library packages. (Issue #12)

How it works (more detail)

Consider this program:

package main

import "fmt"

func main() {
    fmt.Println("Hello, world!")

Now let's modify it a bit:

package main

import (

func main() {
    fmt.Println(`-> fmt.Println("Hello, world!")`)
    fmt.Println("Hello, world!")

When we run this modified version, we see:

-> fmt.Println("Hello, world!")

And then the program waits for input before proceeding.

We have just implemented a debugger for the first program! It may not seem like much, but this program implements two fundamental debugger behaviors: (1) display the current state of the program, and (2) do not proceed until instructed by the user. Furthermore, the changes we made were straightforward and easy to automate:

  • insert import statements for bufio and os, if not already present.
  • in main(), insert the statement fmt.Println(<quote next line>)
  • in main(), insert the statement bufio.NewScanner(os.Stdin).Scan().

We could do exactly the same thing for any other program with a single-line main function. And it's not hard to see how to generalize this to multiple lines. This, in essence, is what godebug does. Parse source code, insert extra code that implements the behavior of a debugger for that program, output and run the result. godebug handles many more cases than this simple example and implements more interesting debugging behavior, but the principle is exactly the same.

godebug's People


filosottile avatar horkhe avatar jeffallen avatar jeremyschlatter avatar nikai3d avatar ripounet avatar


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godebug's Issues

end-to-end tests are slow

The latest run on my MacBook Pro took 9.5 seconds. Speeding up the tests will make iterations easier, and will probably also optimize normal runs of godebug too.

nice to have: accept multiple commands in one line, or a "implicitly list after every command" mode

I find my self stepping through code with the following key press sequence

n <enter> l <enter>
n <enter> l <enter>
n <enter> l <enter>
n <enter> l <enter>


It would be a nice usability feature to be able issue two commands in a row on one line, e.g. "n l" at once to step to the next line and then view the listing of where I am at, so that subsequently I could just press enter to step and view where I am in one press of .

n l <enter>

Alternatively it could be very nice just to have "listing on" mode, where there is an implicit l (list) command issued after every other command. This would be nice when mixing 'n' and 's' and 'f' ('f' is not yet available, I know :).

surprising behavior with -instrument and godep

I am debugging a program that has a dependency on package foo, and I want to step into function calls in foo. So I run:

$ godebug run -instrument=foo myProg.go

godebug runs without complaint. Yet, to my surprise, I still can't step into foo. Why? Because I had forgotten that I was using godep. I would have been fine if I had instead run:

$ godebug run -instrument=my/package/name/Godeps/_workspace/src/foo

It would be nice if godebug caught this for me. At a minimum, it could have noticed that I didn't import package foo anywhere, and warned me that it was useless to pass that package in the instrument flag.

Alternatively, maybe we should get rid of the -instrument flag entirely. Having it sacrifices some usability for performance, but I don't understand the tradeoff very well. How much performance would we lose by instrumenting everything? Can we make that better? How often does the flag cause surprising behavior?

cgo may through off godebug

at 606f703

under go1.4.1, under goq, on vagrant/linux/amd64, it looks like CGO functions may throw off godebug

vagrant@mailgun-dev:~/goq$ godebug -w .
/home/vagrant/goq/inspecterrno.go:14:17: undeclared name: _Cfunc_addr_of_errno
/home/vagrant/goq/inspecterrno.go:26:13: undeclared name: _Cfunc_errno_itself
Error loading packages: couldn't load packages due to errors: .

Usage of godebug:

godebug <flags> <args>

  -w=false: write result to (source) file instead of stdout

<args> is a list of arguments denoting a set of initial packages.
It may take one of two forms:

1. A list of *.go source files.

   All of the specified files are loaded, parsed and type-checked

UX improvement: remove ambiguity between commands and variable names

A story

If I want to print the variable a, I type "a". If I want to print the variable b I type "b". If I want to print the variable c I type "c"...

whoops, I just ran the continue command instead of printing my variable.

The problem

godebug lets you print variables by typing their name. But if you build that habit and then want to print a variable with the same name as a godebug command, you will probably run a command you do not intend to, by accident. godebug should either detect the ambiguity or, preferably, not take inputs that can be ambiguous in this way.

The easiest thing is probably to only print variables when the user types the "(p)rint" command.


What command syntax should we use when godebug is expanded to evaluate full expressions?
How do other debuggers handle this? In particular, what does pdb do?

instrumentation error "cannot use _ as value"

Hi guys,

Awesome piece of work BTW. Are you thinking about a code coverage extension at all :)

When instrumenting I get some lines that look like:

  • /var/folders/rh/l35fk0qd6gn4nc0czl94q37r0000gn/T/godebug838019398/src/ cannot use _ as value

followed by:

  • too many errors

and the program gives up.

Is there some way around this without changing the third party code? Is there a way to skip one file in a package?

Thanks for any help.


Open source it

Seems like a cool project for open source collaboration. Just add APACHE licence and blog aboit it :-)

Some packages are not vendored

Any reason some packages are vendored and some others are not?



gdb like 'fin' command to run until finished with function

godebug is working really nicely now(!)

stepping through code, one thing I miss is the 'fin' command from gdb. Small feature request would be to add it to godebug. 'fin' lets you continue running until the current function returns.

Run benchmarks

Inserting debugging calls at every line definitely slows the program down. But by how much? Some benchmarks would be nice.

godebug run command not works

the source of hello.go is

package main

import (

func main() {
    x := "Hello"
    _ = "breakpoint"
    y := "World"
    _ = "breakpoint"
    z := "Go"
    _ = "breakpoint"
    w := x + " " + y + " " + z
    _ = "breakpoint"
    fmt.Println(x, y, z)

godebug run command shows error message like:

P:\go\src>godebug run hello.go
# command-line-arguments
C:\go\pkg\tool\windows_386\8l.exe: dwarf: unresolved references after first dwar
f info pass

however, the following command works well. (tested in git shell on win)

Home@HOME-PC /p/go/src
$ godebug output hello.go > hello.debug.go

Home@HOME-PC /p/go/src
$ go run hello.debug.go
-> _ = "breakpoint"
(godebug) l

... i mistype the command?

undefined: scope

The following program doesn't work:

package main
import (
func main() {
    if o := os.Getenv("O"); o != "" {
    } else if s := os.Getenv("S"); s != "" {

theory of operation

Hi Jeremy,
this is really interesting. It would be great if you could describe the theory of operation (say in the README).

Build error with multiple var declaration inside anonymous func

godebug fails to build some code with multiple var declaration :

If you run the tests on that branch with -accept=true, it fails like this :

--- FAIL: TestGoldenFiles (4.39 seconds)
    endtoend_test.go:204: Golden file multiple-var-declaration-out.go failed to run under 'go run': exit status 2
        # command-line-arguments
        testdata/single-file-tests/multiple-var-declaration-out.go:21: undefined: y
        testdata/single-file-tests/multiple-var-declaration-out.go:21: undefined: err
        testdata/single-file-tests/multiple-var-declaration-out.go:25: undefined: y
        testdata/single-file-tests/multiple-var-declaration-out.go:27: undefined: err
        testdata/single-file-tests/multiple-var-declaration-out.go:29: undefined: err
        testdata/single-file-tests/multiple-var-declaration-out.go:31: undefined: y

But the "in" code is valid

Don't show loop header after break statement

After a loop reaches a break statement, godebug unnecessarily prints the loop statement again.

$ cat min.go
package main

func main() {
    _ = "breakpoint"
    for i := 1; i < 5; i++ {
$ godebug run min.go
-> _ = "breakpoint"
(godebug) n
-> for i := 1; i < 5; i++ {
(godebug) n
-> break
(godebug) n
-> for i := 1; i < 5; i++ {
(godebug) n

Though note this doesn't happen if no variables are declared in the loop statement:

$ cat min.go
package main

func main() {
    _ = "breakpoint"
    for {
$ godebug run min.go
-> _ = "breakpoint"
(godebug) n
-> for {
(godebug) n
-> break
(godebug) n

declarations only used inside subsequently defined closures problematic: error "printf.go:485:6: argType declared but not used"

Tried running godebug on my light fork of Ross' c2go. It errored out on un-used declaration. The declaration is used, but only inside a closure defined later in that function.

go get

jaten@mbp13:~/go/src/$ godebug run *.go
printf.go:485:6: argType declared but not used
couldn't load packages due to errors: main

minimal test case small.go:

package main

func takeClosure(f func(i interface{})) {

func main() {
    var touchedInClosure string
    takeClosure(func(i interface{}) {
        switch i.(type) {
        case string:
            touchedInClosure = "I have been written to!"

results on minimal test case small.go

jaten@mbp13:~/go/src/$ godebug run small.go
small.go:7:6: touchedInClosure declared but not used
couldn't load packages due to errors: main

c2go is probably a nice small-medium sized program to try godebug on; I would suggest confirming that godebug works on it in full.

"no buildable Go source files"

Given this directory structure:

a $ tree
├── a.go
└── b
    ├── b.go
    └── c
        └── c.go

2 directories, 3 files
a $ cat a.go
package main

import (

func main() {
a $ cat b/b.go
package b

func B() {
 a $ cat b/c/c.go
package c

func C() {
    _ = "breakpoint"

Running godebug without -instrument gives a helpful warning:

 a $ godebug run a.go
godebug run: Ignoring breakpoint at a/b/c/c.go:4 because package "c" has not been flagged for instrumentation. See 'godebug help run'.


But the -instrument flag does not work as expected:

$ godebug run -instrument a/b/c a.go
/var/folders/4l/d1lsmz5d4972rfkg1gvv8hmc0000gn/T/godebug895759339/a.go:4:2: no buildable Go source files in /var/folders/4l/d1lsmz5d4972rfkg1gvv8hmc0000gn/T/godebug895759339/src/a/b

http server support?


I'm trying debug code like this:

package main

import (

func main() {
    _ = "breakpoint"
    var count int
    http.HandleFunc("/", func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { fmt.Fprintf(w, "Hello, world") })
    go log.Fatal(http.ListenAndServe(":8080", nil))

but it stop at line

go log.Fatal(http.ListenAndServe(":8080", nil))


any one help me?

support stepping into the standard libarary

godebug's current procedure for running instrumented code for a package x is:

  • make a temp directory
  • make a subdirectory $TMP/src/x containing instrumented versions of the source files for x
  • run the go command, setting GOPATH=$TMP:$GOPATH. The go command finds our instrumented packages in $TMP/src and finds any other un-instrumented packages in the normal GOPATH.

That process does not work for standard library packages, though, because $GOROOT has to be a single directory.

Here's my current plan for working around this:

  • Implement the proposal from #8 of having a permanent godebug directory that contains instrumented versions of all the packages we have seen so far. Put standard library packages in the same place, or possibly in their own /goroot or /std directory.
  • From the same proposal, generate a temporary directory for every invocation of godebug and fill it with symlinks to the packages we want to instrument. The only new thing is that for all standard library packages we don't want to instrument, we will need to add a symlink to the real package in $GOROOT.

change breakpoint syntax?

The current syntax for inserting a breakpoint in a source file is


This was inspired by pdb's syntax, but I don't like that it also requires an import:

import ""

This requires memorizing two incantations rather than just one. It's more complicated to explain in documentation. Also, if you happen to have an identifier named "godebug" already, this syntax produces an invalid Go program. Also, importing the godebug library requires you to have it present in your GOPATH. You can't just download and run the godebug binary.

I'm leaning toward changing the syntax to be a comment. It's only one line. It won't cause your program to be invalid. You don't have to have the godebug library in your GOPATH.

We would need to settle on what the comment should be. Two criteria are that it should be (1) easy to remember and (2) unlikely to conflict with other comments. Some possibilities:

// breakpoint
// godebug: break
// godebug: breakpoint
// godebug: set_trace

One minor downside is that it is possible to insert the comment in places where you can't actually break, like package-level variable declarations, so we would have to add some extra messaging for that case.

We could also allow invalid Go syntax to specify the breakpoint, but I don't think I want to do that.


Support interaction with godep

A lot of go programs use for dependency management, which also provides a "wrapper" command (godep go build, godep go test, etc) for manipulating GOPATH. Dunno if this is possible, but it would be very handy to be able to godebug projects that use godep.

crash at godebug/astutil.go:79

on the vagrant box on my mac, running go1.3.3 linux/amd64
I install, then try running godebug on it. It crashes as follows:

vagrant@mailgun-dev:~/goq$ godebug -w .
package main
func main() {defer godebug.SLine(ctx, scope, "<Running deferred function>: defer os.Remove("hi.there")")}panic: 2:\
93: expected ')', found 'IDENT' hi

goroutine 16 [running]:
runtime.panic(0x6a4040, 0xc2134e3500)
    /home/vagrant/pkg/go1.3.3/go/src/pkg/runtime/panic.c:279 +0xf5
main.astPrintf(0xc213496c40, 0x3f, 0xc2134e3160, 0x2, 0x2, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0)
    /home/vagrant/go/src/ +0x40e
main.(*visitor).Visit(0xc2134e0700, 0x7ffa322e3ef0, 0xc20e43c8b0, 0x0, 0x0)
    /home/vagrant/go/src/ +0x1a86
go/ast.Walk(0x7ffa322e3fb0, 0xc2134e0700, 0x7ffa322e3ef0, 0xc20e43c8b0)
    /home/vagrant/pkg/go1.3.3/go/src/pkg/go/ast/walk.go:52 +0x58
go/ast.walkStmtList(0x7ffa322e3fb0, 0xc2134e0700, 0xc20985c700, 0x9, 0x10)
    /home/vagrant/pkg/go1.3.3/go/src/pkg/go/ast/walk.go:32 +0xd1
go/ast.Walk(0x7ffa322e3fb0, 0xc2134e0700, 0x7ffa32407850, 0xc20e43e930)
    /home/vagrant/pkg/go1.3.3/go/src/pkg/go/ast/walk.go:224 +0x41e7
go/ast.Walk(0x7ffa322e3fb0, 0xc2134e05b0, 0x7ffa322e42b0, 0xc20e43cad0)
    /home/vagrant/pkg/go1.3.3/go/src/pkg/go/ast/walk.go:98 +0x3587
go/ast.walkExprList(0x7ffa322e3fb0, 0xc2134e0310, 0xc20e2b8280, 0x3, 0x4)
    /home/vagrant/pkg/go1.3.3/go/src/pkg/go/ast/walk.go:26 +0xd1

UX improvement: `godebug <run, test, build>`

Currently, godebug requires you to overwrite your files with the code-generated versions. It would be a big UX improvement to generate the files in a temporary directory and run them in a single step, like go test and go coverage.

Print stack trace

It would be helpful to print the function stack in times I forget where I am in the current goroutine.

godebug build not using generated package files

Greetings, thank you for creating such an awesome tool for go developers. I have tried to use godebug to debug my project with many packages, I use following command to build:

godebug.exe build

And then run the built binary but no breakpoint is activated.

Then I use -godebugwork to get generated go files, copy all the generated package files to origin directory, and use normal go build/run, I can then successfully enter the breakpoint and print vars etc...

I wonder why godebug build didn't use its generated files to build the executable, whether it's a bug or what did I do wong?

Thank you!

malformed fp constant exponent

I was trying godebug out with one of my projects today and I got this error message:

/var/folders/t9/9tt1kghs13qb57tn266lwmzd957b86/T/godebug040698979/1p.go:11: malformed fp constant exponent
/var/folders/t9/9tt1kghs13qb57tn266lwmzd957b86/T/godebug040698979/1p.go:11: syntax error: unexpected literal 1p, expecting name or (
/var/folders/t9/9tt1kghs13qb57tn266lwmzd957b86/T/godebug040698979/1p.go:11: malformed fp constant exponent
/var/folders/t9/9tt1kghs13qb57tn266lwmzd957b86/T/godebug040698979/1p.go:18: malformed fp constant exponent
/var/folders/t9/9tt1kghs13qb57tn266lwmzd957b86/T/godebug040698979/1p.go:18: syntax error: unexpected name, expecting )
/var/folders/t9/9tt1kghs13qb57tn266lwmzd957b86/T/godebug040698979/1p.go:20: malformed fp constant exponent
/var/folders/t9/9tt1kghs13qb57tn266lwmzd957b86/T/godebug040698979/1p.go:20: syntax error: unexpected name, expecting semicolon or newline or }
/var/folders/t9/9tt1kghs13qb57tn266lwmzd957b86/T/godebug040698979/1p.go:66: malformed fp constant exponent

/var/folders/t9/9tt1kghs13qb57tn266lwmzd957b86/T/godebug040698979/1p.go:66: syntax error: unexpected literal 1p, expecting name or (

any ideas?

$ go version
go version go1.4.2 darwin/amd64

undefined: godebug.EnteringNewScope


Hi @jeremyschlatter, having some trouble trying the latest godebug. go1.4.2. centos6.6/amd64. Please advise. Thanks!


$ go run me.go
exit status 1

# yes. minified example runs as expected. now try under godebug:

$ godebug run me.go
# command-line-arguments
/tmp/godebug572895385/me.go:9: undefined: godebug.EnteringNewScope
$ cat me.go
package main

import (

func usage() {
    fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "usage: \n")

func main() {
    if len(os.Args) < 4 {
    a := os.Args[1]
    b := os.Args[2]
    c := os.Args[3]

    fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "me! %v %v %v\n", a, b, c)


again with -godebugwork and the start of the output shown

$ godebug run -godebugwork me.go
# command-line-arguments
/tmp/godebug438483676/me.go:9: undefined: godebug.EnteringNewScope

$ cat /tmp/godebug438483676/me.go
package main

import (

var me_go_scope = godebug.EnteringNewScope(me_go_contents)

func usage() {
    ctx, ok := godebug.EnterFunc(usage)
    if !ok {
    defer godebug.ExitFunc(ctx)
    godebug.Line(ctx, me_go_scope, 9)
    fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "usage: \n")
    godebug.Line(ctx, me_go_scope, 10)

func main() {
    ctx, ok := godebug.EnterFunc(main)
    if !ok {

About the example


I typed following code in the example dir:

 godebug -w .

And got:

godebug is a tool for debugging Go programs.


        godebug command [arguments]

The commands are:

    run       compile, run, and debug a Go program
    test      compile, run, and debug Go package tests
    output    generate debug source code, but do not build or run it

Use "godebug help [command]" for more information about a command.

So the usage of example/ is incorrect.

Flag to automatically break at program/test start

I suppose this can always be done manually by putting _ = "breakpoint" as the first line in your main or Test* funcs, but it would be really handy to be able to go to any main package and just do godebug run or godebug test and be debugging immediately.

Perhaps an optional -debug.break flag or something could enable this: godebug run -debug.break and godebug test -debug.break

Useful for metrics

This is very simple, but I like it.
I think metrics can also be done this way. On large deployment foot print projects fixing a bug can require putting in a metric to watch it in production.

I also like the idea of putting in alarms and weightings in the code.

The devops team can't know what to measure at the application level. They only know high level generic things they need to measure.

What do people think of develops being able to describe these aspects in the code at design time ??

Debug With Multiple GO Files ?

Hi, I'm developing rest api and my project folder looks like :


  • main.go
  • handlers.go (breakpoint in here)
  • routes.go
  • etc...

how can I debug my project ?
godebug run main.go didn't work.

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