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my100daysofcode.v.2's Introduction


In this repository I document my journey for the 100 days of Coding challenge

Day 100/100 September 12th 2022:

Today's Progress:

To I am continuing my learning of GSAP, specifically scroll trigger, smooth scroll and reveal effect with locomotive scroll. I also learned the difference between .js and .jsx file in React project. The difference between the two is that jsx file is javascript + html. Enven though .js. But for us to have a better understanding of the code, It is good practice to use .jsx when our code is about JSX.


I will be actively learning GSAP in WEPO's Homepage project, together with react.

Day 99/100 September 11th 2022:

Today's Progress:

Today I worked on the user Stories for WEPO's mobile application.


Nothing much to share, lol.

Day 98/100 September 10th 2022:

Today's Progress:

Worked on the WEPO homepage.


Nothing much to share, lol.

Day 97/100 September 9th 2022:

Today's Progress:

Today I learned some GSAP to implement into WEPO's homepage.


Nothing much to share, lol.

Day 96/100 September 8th 2022:

Today's Progress:

I am on my say 2 of learning spacy. And I came accross that ent_iob. I still did not figure out what it stands for.


Day 95/100 September 7th 2022:

Today's Progress:


Nothing much to share, lol.

Today's Progress:

Today I started learning spacy. It is a library for Natural Language Processing on python. From my reading yesterday, I came to know that using spacy we can be able to perfom name entities recognition, put in simple term, we might be able to recognize the model of sell phone someone wrote about in their facebook publication. Learning in day one but Let's go.

Today I crawled iver 6000 posts from Facebook groups.


Not sure where all this is leading us but I am sure that there is light at the end of the tunnel.

Day 94/100 September 6th 2022:

Today's Progress:

Today, I had the goal to start working on how to process all the data that we have collected for WEPO "data analysis". I read some article about how to proceed so that we are able to collect information from unstructured data and organize them in insighful data that will serve us in the future.

I read a paper from a Shanghai Academic about how to process phone model even though it is not written in a very conventional way. I also was able to find two API that will help us organize and list up all the mobile device people use in Congo.

Additionally, I reworked on the Drum machine. But this time I was trying to impliment the metronome.


I remember in the beginning I was complaining that we do not have enough information for us to better understand the market. But now I am a little overwhemed because we have lot of data but we still do not know how to clean the up and organize them.

Day 93/100 September 5th 2022:

Today's Progress:

I had a look at Digital Garden a term that many dev use to illustrate the way they manage organize personal knowledge online. I came accross this thanks to 당근마켓 github repository. Since then I have been reading through.


Nothing much to share, lol.

Day 92/100 September 4th 2022:

Today's Progress:

Today I did some reading & analyze of the platform and web application built by other junior developpers in Korea. And I came acrosss this project called YAPP. They are encouraging many innovative solutions such as Betree.

I also read through many usefull API that can be used into personal projects.


Nothing much to share, lol.

Day 91/100 September 3rd 2022:

Today's Progress:

  • I worked on a a facebook post scraper for WEPO.
  • Updated the drum machine by adding the drum functionalities


I spend almost the whole day figuring out why Selenium was not finding HTML elemet. But Finally figured it out. Trial and error, ALWAYS, haha. Also it was such a nice experience to finally get to my drum playing using the web application I am working on. Even though it is not fully functional, it still is working like something. Now I am not focusing on using self-made song, I am relying on KHSMR's sound pack.


Day 90/100 September 3rd 2022:

Today's Progress: No coding, resting

Day 89/100 September 2nd 2022:

Today's Progress: I already passed 11 out 12 tests for the random Quote Machine. Finally finished the Random quote machine.


Given that we are planning to have a beta test sometime this week, I will be working the app UI until today.

Day 88/100 September 1st 2022:

Today's Progress:

I already passed 11 out 12 tests for the random Quote Machine. Finally finished the Random quote machine.



Random Quote Machine

Day 87/100 August 31st 2022

Today's Progress:

TASK 1: Mapping the state and action creators to props

We will access specific states and actions by using the function mapStateToProps() and mapDispatchToProps().

And We will use those two functions with the react redux connect() method to connect the state and the to the components.

  • In order for us to use the function mapStateToProps(). We use the argument state and return an object with property messages mapped to the state.

  • In order for us to use the function mapDispatchToProps(). We use the argument dispatch. It returns an object that map the different actions creator to use in the component. We returns a function.

Task 2: Connecting state and dispatch to component

Now that I know how to use the mapStateToProps() and the mapDispatchToProps(). I can connect them to the component using the React redux connect() method as following.

const connect = ReactRedux.connect
const ConnectedComponenet = connect(mapStateToProps, mapDispatchToProps)(Presentational)

When we make a component that do not interact with any redux, we called them Presentational component and the component that connect with the redux is called Container component.

Task 3: Extract local state into Redux I was able to extract the local state and add it into my Redux

Final Projects

  1. Random Quote Machine


I was able to combine react challenges from free code camp and Scrimba, and I finally finished all the challenges. I just need to work on the final projects and build usefull stuff.


Random Quote Machine

Day 86/100 August 30th 2022:

Today's progress:

I am still working on Redux. I started enforcing immutability of state in redux.

We usually just spread the array so that to habe a new cloned array.

TASK 1: Adding an element in a array without modifying the array. . We just spread the array, add a comma and add the new element.

e.g [...state, action.todo] In this example the state is the array we clone and action.todo is the new element we add to the array.

TASK 2: Removing an item from an array in a state.

In order forus to be able to remvoe an element from an immutable state. we can use the slice. Let's say we have the following array [0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7] and we would like to get rid of 5 ( which has and index of 5). We will do the following.

[...array.slice(0,5),...array.slice(5 + 1,array.length)]

The code above will first return the array from 0 to 4. Notice that when we use the slice() method the first argument is the starting index and the last argumen is the last argument is where the slice should end ( excluding the index). And the second element after the comma is what we will add to the spread operator. We will start the slice one index after the element we would like to remove (index + 1) and we would add till the end of the array (array.length).

TASK 3: Working with state as object.

When working with object we can use Object.assign(). We use it to copy the property of object ( in the second argument) into an empty object in the first argument. The 3rd argument is the object that need to will overwrite any property contained in obj2.

e.g const newObject = Object.assign({}, obj1, obj2, obj3 ). This will create a new oobject with the property in obj1, obj2, and obj3

TASK 4: React and Redux.


I just finished the module about redux. Now I will have to combine React and Redux.

How to use react-redux.

React-redux has two key features: Provides and connect.

Provider: is a wrapper component from react redux that wraps the react app. It takes two props. The redux store and the child component of the app. In order for us to combine the react and redux we use the provider.

It looks like this:

<Provider store={store}>

Thoughts: It was super nice to try to build something using redux and react at the same time.

Day 85/100 August 29th 2022:

Today's progress: TASK 1: Sending action data to the store

TASK 2: Using middleware to handle asynchronous actions Redux has middle that helps us handle asynchronous endpoints. Redux Thunk middleware.

TASK 3: Making a counter with Redux Thoughts:

I still need to review the redux thunk middleware. It is a little more complex. I did not fully comprehend the use of store.dispatch() so I will come back to that later for more practice.

Link to work:

Still no link available. I will share link to real projects when I finish this module.

Day 84/100 August 28th 2022:

Today's progress:

Task 1: Worked on Redux reducer. A common practice while working with reducer is to use const for action types. It is better to use constant rather using strings.

Task 2: I also learned how to use the subscribe() method from the redux. I got an hand on dispatch functions. Which is like a way for us to listen to change made in the store.

Task 3: Combine multiple reducers. When the app starts to grow bigger and bigger, it is temptiing to divide its state to multiple pieces. But if you use redux, you should keep them in a single state object. You should have a root reducer and pas that it into the redux createStore() method.

For us to be able to combine multiple reducers, we can use the combine Reducers() method. It is best practice to create a reducer for each of the application state when they are distinct or unique.

For ex. Note taking app with user authentication, one reducer can handle authentication and another could handle text and notes that the user is submitting.

we will write a combineReducers()

const rootReducer = Redux.combineReducers({ auth: authenticationReducer, notes: notesReducer })

Thoughts: I am just getting used to redux and I can see how very practical it is for bigger and more complex project. I still did not fully explore its applicability but I am looking forward to start using it in my React projects.

Link to work: There isn't any relevant link for this module. I will share the link

Day 83/100 August 27th 2022:

Today's progress:

Thoughts: Nothing much to share, lol.

Link to work: NO link

Day 82/100 August 26th 2022:

Today's progress: Thoughts: Link to work:

Day 81/100 August 25th 2022:

Today's Progess: I am finally finishing the cash register.

Thoughts: The logic behind the code itself was easy but. I forgot one important programming principles: divide and conquer. I was trying to solve the problem having the bigger picture in mind. The best solution was to break every single problem in small tasks and solve them one after the other. I swear I did watch other people's work.

Link to work:

Day 80/100 August 24th 2022:

Today's Progess: Today was such a busy day. I barely touched my PC to code.


Nothing much to say here. Link to work:

Day 79/100 August 23rd 2022:

Today's Progess: I am still working on the cash Register. I did not finish it yet :(. I cannot manage to pass the last code test. The test asks me to return unsufficient found if the change in the drawer is less than the change due. But this is super confusing. Thoughts:

NOthing much to say here. Link to work:

Day 78/100 August 22nd 2022:

Today's Progess:

I finished working on the US Telephone Number validator. A program that check if the inputed number is a valid US phone number.

I finished working on the Roman Numeral Converter. A program that convert any given number into Roman Numeral notation.

I finished working on the Caesars Cipher also known as the shift cipher. It is a program that shift the value of letters


This project was quite easy to achieve. I just needed to find the right algorithm to apply. I just noticed that it is easier for me to work with algorithm that include strings and characters rather then surface or spaces as it is the case in many of code tree problems.

Link to work:

Day 77/100: August 21st 2022:

Today's Progress: I worked on the Map Debris, a program that computes thev orbital Period using Kepler's Third Law.

I also finished working on the Palindrome Checker, it is one of the 4 projects to finish Javascript Algorithms and Data Structures Projects. This project check for work that are identical forward and backward after removing all the alpha-numeric characters such as comma space and symbols and converting everything into lowercase.

Thoughts: I finally finished all 21 challenges about Intermediate Algorithm Scripting in the Javascript Algorithms and Data Structures from free Code Camp. I only have to complete the 4 projects left and I will get my certificate.

Link to my work:

Day 76/100 August 20th 2022:

Today's Progress:

  • I worked on Make a Person. A program that creates an object that take as argument the full name, create methods that log the first name, the last name, the full name. Methods that update the first name, the last name, the full name.

  • I also worked on WEPO App's frontend design. I started working on the product page. Which will contain the different post of the application. I was having some issues with with adding a sticky effect CSS's position stucky effect for the text field when people search for item on the posting page. Also if someone try to click on loop icon, instead of being redirected to the search screen, he would stay at the product list screen and to the query from there. Also, when someone does a query but there is not result for the query, He should see a component telling him that there is no search results.

Thoughts: I think this program might be very useful when I am building form or I am trying to register people in a Data base.

Link to work: Make a Person

Day 75/100 August 19th 2022:

Today's Progress: I worked on Arguments Optional. I had to build a function that takes two arguments and return the sum. In case only one argument was given, it will return a function that take another argument And return the sum of both arguments. If we input an argument who type is different from number, the code should return the sum of both the arguments.

Thoughts: Nothing much to share, lol.

Link to work: The work can be found Arguments Optional

Day 74/100: August 18th 2022:

Today's Progess: I worked on Code Treee challenges.


Nothing much to share, lol. Link to work

Day 73/100 August 17th 2022:

Today's Progess: I worked on Code Treee challenges. Thoughts:

Nothing much to share, lol. Link to work

Day 72/100 August 16th 2022:

Today's Progress: I practiced some intermediate algorithm in Javascript. I worked on a program that check if all the a property is truthy in all the objects of the list. Instead of using the traditional Boolean(), i designed a function that check for all that and return true or false value.

Thoughts: I think the project doesn't really have any use cases but I think it was super important to understand the logic behind that.

Link to work: The work can be found here:Intermediate Algorithm Scripting

Day 71/100 August 15th 2022:

Today's Progress: I revisited Redux. Reviewed how to use redux store.

*Redux action: A redux action is just an object with type.

Redux action creator: In order for use the define a redux action creator. we just need to define a function that return an action,

Redux dispatch method is used to dispatch actions to the reduc store.


I wasn't really sure about why I should using redux, but after understanding that it is pretty hard to manage state on their own, redux becomes a very usefull tool. Link to work:

Free Code Camp: FrontEnd Development Libraries (redux)

Day 70/100 August 14th 2022:

Today's Progess:

Nothing much to share, lol. Thoughts:

Nothing much to share, lol. Link to work:

Day 69/100 August 13th 2022:

Today's Progess:

Today, I learn about Github Actions. How to build work flow, how to decide the trigerring event, the condition, and how to schedule a workflow. Thee was one term that was quite interesting to me. They called it cron. When you are using the webhook event called schedule. You should also specify the the cron.

Let's say you name the following workflow.

name: Deploy this every sunday
  - cron: '30 5m17 * * *'

The cron notation has 5 parameters :

  • minutes (0 - 59 )
  • hour (0 - 23 )
  • day of the month (1 - 31 )
  • month (1 - 12 or JAN-DEC)
  • day of the week (0 - 6 or SUN-SAT )

For example if we want our workflow to run every 15 minutes. we would do 15 * * * *

Additionally I can also use crontab guru to generate my own cron syntax and confirm what it will run.


From now on, I prefer to read the documentation that watching tutorials. They are like rich quick scame. When you see other people doing it, you are amazed and get excited but you do not really learn how to build things on your own. That is why, I would like to switch to books or documentions. Event though it takes longer, but you are sure that you are learning on your own.

Link to work:

I will not update any link here. Most of the projects I worked on are personal.

Day 68/100 August 12th 2022:

Today's Progress: I worked on week 3 of cs50. I finished the lab 3. I was just overthinking it while the only thing to do was to go through the problem, read it and try to find a solution.

** Thoughts **:

Now I am very confident about my understanding of the different searching algorithms aswell as sorting algorithms. For searching we have the linear search and the binary search. The linear search is very simple but the only issue is that we have to go through every single element which takes a lot of time and space. The binary search is super fast and help us save some memory but the only drawback is that it can only be used on a already sorted array.

Regarding the sort: I learned about the main sorting algorithm used on cs50, selection, bubble and merge sort. The selection sort. Start from the first element and check if the element is the low elelment and so on. On the other end the bubble sort try to bring the biggest number at the end of the array. The merge sort on the other end try divide the array in subarrays until there is only one element. And sort each side of the sub array, then try to merge the sub arrays in a sorted order.

Day 67/100 August 11th 2022:

Today's Progess:

Now I am startinig the plurality pset. It is the first problem in pset3. Not sure how low it is going to take me but I hope I can spend less time on it.

Day 66/100 August 10th 2022

Today's Progess: I am learning some new css tricks. TIL that there is a container selection And has:

Day 65/100 August 9th 2022:

Day 64/100 August 8th 2022:

Day 63/100 August 7th 2022:

Day 62/100: August 6th 2022:

Today's Progress: I am currently reviewing dx/dy technique. How to move a point in a grid. I also worked on how to change the direction of the point in a plan. When working with grid it is always important to mention the out of range bound. So that you can can be protected from being out of range.


Nothing much to share, lol. Link to work:

Day 61/100 August 5th 2022:

Today's Progress:


Nothing much to share, lol. Link to work:

Day 60/100 August 4th 2022:

Today's Progress :

Nothing much to share, lol. Link to work:

Day 59/100 August 3rd 2022:

Today's Progress: 2차원 배열. Which is like a 2d array. I got to learn that when we use the len() method in a 2d array it return the number of rows. Also I was today's year old when I discovered that I can also use the following formula to add elements into an 2d array.

arr = [
 for _ in range(3)

I also worked on the intermediate algorithm from freeCodeCamp. I worked on a DNA pairing, missing letters program.

Thoughts: Link to work:

Day 58/100 August 2nd 2022:

Today's Progress:

Today I worked on on codetree's assignments. 1차원배열, 2차원 배열, and 문자열 전부 Thoughts: After working on those assignments I feeel more confident about my python coding. It is true that practice makes perfect. Link to work:

Day 57/100: August 1st 2022:

Worked in freecode camp's Javascript intermediate algorithm.

Day 56/100: July 31 2022:

Worked on the codetree questions. Reviewed input and output in python,.

Day 55/100: July 30 2022

Today's Progress: I worked on codetree problem for novice low. I think I will be done very soon.This level focus on printing. 출력. IN order for me to print something on python I will need to use one of those three ways:

or print({}.format{})

Thoughts: It is always great to start back fresh again. I am just Link to work: I ma not having a seperate link to document my progress. When I start working on harder algorithm questions. I will update that.

Day 54/100 July 29 2022:

Today's Progress:

Today I worked on cs50 project again. I finished the project 1 (wiki). Hopefully I will get a reply very soon. This project taught how to use filtering. and playing with the views in django. Built a piano notes playing app. Thoughts:

I is very hard to code and to programming and one of the best thing we can do is to find a supportive community. Link to work: The project 1 can be found here

Day 53/100 July 28 2022:

Today's Progress: Today I worked on the cs50's web programming with Python and Javascript. I was working on the week 4 The content was about SQL, Models, and Migrations(project 2). I also reviewed some command to create a table.


For us to work with table we need to add a primary key to each table (and it should AUTOINCREMENT). Also we need to have constraints (for e.g NOT NULL, DEFAULT, UNIQUE, PRIMARY KEY, CHECK check if a value is within a specific range) for different elements of the table.

A normal table will look like this:

destination TEXT NOT NULL,

BUt how do we add data in that table? We will use the command INSERT INTO as folow:

(origin, destination, duration)
VALUES("New York", "Kinshasa", 415);

For us to retrieve the data from the table we use the select/

SELECT * FROM flights;

or SELECT origin, destination FROM flights

For us to be able to update a datav in a table we use the command UPDATE:

UPDATE flights
SET duration = 430
WHERE origin = "Kinshasa"
AND destination = "London";

For us to be able to delete data we use DELETE:

DELETE FROM flights WHERE destination = "Kinshasa";

The are also some other clauses: such as LIMIT, ORDER BY, GROUP BY, HAVING, and many more

What is a foreign key ?

When our table have a lot of data it becomes messy. In order to fix that we need to make new simpler table and use foreign key to reference to them.

Thoughts: I think cs50 is very helpful. The way they teach the examples, the exercises, the Project. That is amazing. Link to work: No link available.

Day 52/100 July 27 2022:

Today's Progress: To I specifically focused on the sorting algorithm. I learned about LinkedList and the merge sort algoroithm.

Thoughts: I was thinking that Data structures and algorithms was super hard. But learning the Data structures, with good explanation I am able to understand very well.

Link to work: my work can be foun at this repo

Day 51/100 July 26 2022:

Today's Progress:

  • Worked on algorithms: Binary search and linear search
  • Reviewed algorithm time complexity. How much time an algorithm takes to complete a t
  • Space complexity: how much space the algorithm takes in our memmory. Recursive binary search is O (log N).

Need to look into Tail optimization for more details.

Thoughts:I came accross a great way to measure efficiency of things while coding or even in real life. We use the worst case scenario as a benchmark for our expectation. IF we consider the worst case scenario we can prepare for it and plan accordingly. Even though it does not happen, at least we would know that the we are safe.

Link to work: my work can be found at this repo

Day 50/100 July 25 2022:

Day 49/100 July 24 2022:

  • Started working on a auctions website as part of the cs50 Web Programming with Python and Javascript's project.

Day 48/100 July 23 2022:

Day 47/100 July 22 2022:

Day 46/100 July 21 2022:

Day 45/100 July 20 2022:

Today's progress: few days ago I started working on the email system, followigg CS50w's email system. And i think i was able to solve the first question. Which was about allowing the user to fill out an email and send it to the API using the post request.

I also worked on reviewing my understanding of Redux. Redux will help us to store component states.

We can use getState to get the state stored in the redux store. I learn about the method createStore(). It take a reducer as a required argument.

We also use Reduc to update the state. To do that we use actions, Redux actions are a js object that contains in fomrn

Thoughts: I spent about 3 days figuring out how to do so that I am able to send a post request to the API. But I just noticed that, the biggest problem was not about the post request but the way I was trying to submit the form.

I was using document.querySelector('#compose-send').onsubmit and this was selecting the button and trying to submit. Which is a mistake. Instead i should have used document.querySelector('form')onsubmit in order to select the form and submit the form.

Link to work: the link to my work can be found HERE

Day 44/100 July 19th 2022:

Worked on a wordle game:

Today's progress: I finally finished Bob Ziroll React Course on Scrimba. I was just going over all the work I have done and also watch some interview questions and see if can handle them. The result is quite not bad at all. I think I can stand for few minutes during the interview.

Thoughts: My thoughts are that even though it is taking me some time to figure out how to do things, I still manage to get it done and that is the most important thing.

I would not be attaching anylink got my work today.

Day 43/100 July 18th 2022 (Monday):

Today's Progress: I worked on the Tenzi game, I worked the game from the beginning till the end. I also learned how to use react-confetti, when the user has won the game. After completing the project, here are some extra features, I can add to the game:

  • Put real dots on the dices.
  • track the number of rolls it took to win
  • track the time it took to win.
  • Save the time it took to win to local storage.

Thoughts: I think it is very important to start with the main feature of the platform. And then add additional features.

Link to work: the code can be found at my project on Sandbox code

Day 42/100 July 17th 2022:

  • today I worked on WEPO's landing page: I updated the nav bar and the footer component. The hero component is in progress.
  • I also worked on the Memory game. The user will flip a card and be able to compare two card.

Day 41/100 July 16th 2022:

  • worked on a email service as the project 3 of CS50 W for web development
  • watched interview questions
  • worked on WEPO's project by review codes.

Day 40/100: july 15th 2022:

  • Worked on useEffect cleanup function
  • Worked on the toggle dark mode / light mode
  • working on the markdown editor on
  • how to use localStorage
  • localStorage uses .getItem("key) to get the item stored in the local storage and use setItem("key", value) to save something in the memory.local storage contrary to the sessionStorage has no expiration time. But if you use it in a private or incognito mode the data are cleaned when the last tab is closed. Also the value need to be stored in string, not array, object.
  • You can use JSON.stringify(value) to conver the value into string. And use JSON.parse(stringifiedValue) to convert it to its original type.

Aditionally I registered for the Samsung Collegiate Programming Cup. It is mostly based on alrgorithm and data structures. I will be spending today and tomorrow's on understanding more about alrogithms to get prepared enough for the Cup.

Sources I was suggggested: The Algorithm Design Manual, Interactive python algorithms website, practice website such as coderbyte and hankerrank,topcoder, codervyte, project euler,hackerrank,codechef,, codewars, leetcode, spoj, codingame, read algorithms explanation from geeksforgeeks.

coding interview

Day 39/100 July 14th 2022:

  • Worked on a meme Generator.
  • Intro to Redux.
  • More Data Structures and Algorithms in JavaScript.

Day 38/100 July 13th 2022:

  • dependency array
  • API Call
  • worked on looping through API elements.
  • worked on WEPO's price calculator web app.

Day 37/100 July 12th 2022:

  • worked on side effect. The side effect check for any update in the component and then run the callback functions inside it.

  • React cannot interact with local storage, API database interactions, subscriptions (web sockets), syncing different internal states,

Day 36/100 July 11th 2022:

  • Today I worked on boxes display on react. I built a component that check for check if a box is on or off. If it is off I added a toggle to toggle the box on. If it was on I added a toggle to toggle the box off.
  • I also worked on a component that shows joke. It displays a joke and when the user click a button it toggle the punchline on.
  • Worked on a component that tells how many unread messages I have in case I have more that 0 unread messages. Change the word messages to message in case I have only one unread message. And display "You are all caught up in case I have 0 unread message. Conditional rendering
  • I also started working on forms in React.
  • Worked on controlled component to manage use input in forms.
  • I also started working on lifecycle method (componentWillMount, componentDidMount, shouldComponentUpdate, componentDidUpdate)
  • Worked on a magic height ball project on react.
  • Age verification system using thernary operator.
  • Rendering on the Server

Day 35/100 July 10th 2022

Today I did not code I spent most of the time reading, meeting and resting.

Day 34/100 July 9th 2022

Today I worked on react project to creat a meme generator.

Day 33/100 July 8th 2022

Today I was working on a react projects. I learned conditional rendering using react. Event listener and side effect. I got to practice how to interact with element on the DOM using event listener on React.

Day 32/100 July 7th 2022

More Data structure and algorithms in Javascript.

  • Today I learned about how to use map() for rendering elements such as list of products, list of posts and more.

Day 31/100 July 6th 2022

Functional programming. How to name variables, what tyo do to keep the variable name up to the industry standard.

Day 30/100 July 5th 2022

  • Imperative code. Instead of using for loop we can use map().
  • in functional programming changing things is called mutation and the outcome is called side effect.
  • We use map() as a replacement of for loop or ForEach.
  • We use filter() to select specific element that meet a certain standard.
  • We use reduce() to compute the sum of elements.
  • We use sort(). And we need to always remember callback functions comparedFunction while using sort() method.
  • We will use split() to convert a string into an array
  • We will use join() to convert an array into a string.

In today's challenge we tried to convert a string into a url slug. With such a simple formula.

title = title.toLowerCase()
return title.split(/\W/).filter(item => item !== '').join('-')
  • We also learn how to use the "every" method. We use it to check if all the element of an array satisfy a condition in the callback function and return true or false.
  • We use some() to check if any of tghe element in an array satisfy a condition and return true or false.

Also learned about currying an partial application.

Arity of a function is the number of arguments it requires. Currying a function means we convert a function of N arity into N functions of arity 1. We restructures a function so it takes one argument. Currying a function is useful if you cannot supply all arguments to a function at one time.


Now I just started working on the Intermediate Algorithm Scripting Challenge

Day 29/100 July 4th 2022

  • Today I am working on Immediately Invoked Function Expression (IIFE).
  • At first I did not know that you can actually declare a function and call it on the spot, But thanks to this challenge from freeCodeCamo, I was able to learn that. It is actually pretty easy to understand.
  • I am at the last challenge about the OOP in JavaScript. If I finish this, I will get into functional programming, I hope it will be very resourcefull for my future projects.
  • I am also learning callbacks ( functions that are slipped or passed into another function to decide the invocation of that function.
  • First class functions are functions assigned to variable, passed as parameter of other function or returned from another function just like any other normal value. callbacks are also first class function.
  • Function tha take a function as a parameter or return a function as a return value is called higher order function.

Day 27 and 28 July 2nd and July 3rd 2022

  • Today I worked on the importance of Data Structures and Algorithms in Javascript.
  • And I also worked on some coding challenge and watched some React coding interview for beginner coding with Clement the founder of AlgoExpert.
  • I also learn how to construct an object, how to make chikd object inherit from it parent object and how to use prototype to make more objects. And finally how to build prototype of unrelated objects using mixin.

Day 26/100 July 1st 2022:

Today's Progress:


Day 25/100 June 30th 2022:

Today's Progress:


Day 24/100 June 29th 2022:

Today's Progress:


Day 23/100 June 28th 2022:

Today's Progress:


Day 22/100 June 27th 2022:

Today's Progress:

Today I started working on puppeteer. It is a javascript for webscraping in Chromium.

I just got my hands it. Let's see where it leads us.


Day 21/100 June 26th 2022:

Today's Progress:

Today I worked on algorithmic question from Interview Cake.

The questions was about finding a way to manage meeting schedule in a team. If we have a time intervals for each meeting by sub team we need to come up with a meeting interval that might work for most of the members.


This took me some time to figure out but hey Here we are, DONE.


The source code can be found at meeting schedule

Day 20/100 June 25th 2022:

Today's Progress:

Today, thanks to my Github Student Pack, I came accross wondeful interview ressource called Interview Cake. The platform was very explanatory. I am working on a URL shortener project. I had to work on the logic of it first and then proceed with the rest.


Reading is underated. People say they enjoy watching Youtube videos, but to me, reading provide a much much better environment for learning.

Day 19/100 June 24th 2022:

Today's Progress:

Today, I worked on a Zigzag sequence function. The program will take an array, sort it and convert it into a zigzag sequence.


The most challenging things about this was to edit the codem yes there was already a code written. I had to edit it wit less than 3 characters. It took me many tries, but I was able to do it :)


Zigzag sequence

Day 18/100 June 23rd 2022:

Today's Progress:

Today I worked on a very interesting Kata. It is the first time for me to use a library in a code interview question. I am using the string library in python. The kata was about finding the highest scoring word in a sentence with two or more words separated by a space. It was such a fun game. I very much enjoyed.


This project is one of those project that really looks like a real life project.


Highest scoring words

Day 17/100 June 22nd 2022:

Today's Progress:

I am almost done with the Kyu 7 (75 %).


I worked on the are they the same problem.


Are the the same

Day 16/100 June 21st 2022:

Today's Progress:

I solved some Kata from codewars.


Today I did two Katas in less than 15 minutes. Looks like improvement to me. I just finished solving the narcisstic Kata. I've never thought about that type of Kata before. Very interesting but useless in real life. HAHAHHAHAH!

Link :


Day 15/100 June 20th 2022:

Today's Progress:

Today I am starting a Agile Project Management and Scrum training from OpenClassrooms. Normally the lecture was a 6 hours lecture, but spent about 4 hours studying.


I did some quizzes but I could not pass them. I will take them again tomorrow, to see if I can get that certificate, Wish me luck :)

Day 14/100 June 19th 2022:

Today's Progress:

I just watched "React Conf 2018". About how to use React Hooks and, thanks to Danm I got to better understand how they works. I also spend some hour watching React interviews.


It was kind of refreshins to see that, I am not that bad when Dan could not center a Div.

Day 13/100 June 18th 2022:

Today's Progress:

Today I watched some React frontend mock interview on Youtube. It was very fun to watch the interview and try to solve the problems along with the other coder on youtube.


I think I am under estimating myself a lot.

Day 12/100 June 17th 2022:

Today's Progress:

Today, I am working on an algorithm that will be sorting the frequency of occurence of element in that array. This algorithm will be super helping as we are planning to have an algorithm that will be checking for the frequency price at which a product a product is sold in the WEPO's mobile application. Also I tried to do the test for the day 2 of the coding challenge but I failed, lol. I had to solve the problem in 25 minutes but I could not. I will study more and try again tomorrow.


I decided to work on each question within 30 minutes max. I managed to solve to hacker rank challenge within 19 minutes. But got knocked out but the matrix challenge. I had to reverse the matrix to find the maximu sum of a submatrix. But I spent so much time into thinking.


Counting Sort

Day 11/100 June 16th 2022:

Today's Progress:

This is the second day since I started working on the Hacker Ranks coding challenges. I should say that those challenges are easy.



Lonely integer Diagonal Difference

Day 10/100 June 15th 2022:

Today's Progress:

I started working on some challenges from hacker Rank. This I working on interview kits preparation related to problem solving skills.


I was able to finish all the questions for day 1 in less than 40 minutes. Just to show how easy it was.


Time Conversion

Min Max

Day 09/100 June 14th 2022:

Today's Progress:

Started working on a tooltip like on medium. The tooltip is just a way to improve the user experience


Day 08/100 June 13th 2022:

Today's Progress:

Today I am working on an educative intermediate Javascript course for building frontend components. I already worked on a dynamically generated menu, now I am working on autocomplete search component. I started by learning how to know if I selected a text from a page or not. For that I had to take a look at the selection API (document.getSelection()) from Javascript.

Also learned about the getBoundingClientRect(). To help us find the middle point of a text.


Very practically course. And it is good that they explain the use cases of each decision they made for building the component in such a way. I love it :)



Day 07/100 June 12th 2022:

Today's Progress:

I worked on another kyu 6 kata. This Kata was about finding if the sum of the element on the left of i is equal to the sum of the elements on the right side of element i. If the the sum on the right was equal to the sum on the left, I should return the index of that element. In case there was no equal at all I should return -1.


I am still kyu 6 but I am kind of amazed that I can pass those test so easily, without much worries.

** Link **:

Equal Sides Of Array

Day 06/100 June 11th 2022:

Today's Progress:

Today I worked on a algorithm that finds the middle character of a string. If the string length is even it return the two middle characters. If the string is odd it return the middle character.


I will have to be honest, this one was quite easy.

** Link ** :

Get the middle character

Day 05/100 June 10th 2022:

Today's Progress:

Today I worked on the number of people left in the bus problem. The is a bus taking tour in a city. I have to find how many people are left in the bus at the last station. It was a challenge for kyu 7. A little easy.


Little by little I am starting to feel like a programmer.

** Link **:

Number of People left in the bus

Day 04/100 June 9th 2022:

Today's Progress:

Today I was working on some problem solving skills from HackerRank. The first assignemnt I had was to find the ratio of positive, negative and zero number existing in an array of number. And convert their ratios into a decimal number up to 6 rank after the decimal.


I don't know why put so far so good. Those problem solving skills are manageable.

** Link **:


Plus Minus

Day 03/100 June 8th 2022:

Today's Progress:

Today I solved another Kata on codewars. The Kata was for Kyu 6 but I did it as a Kyu 7. The kata was about me checking a string is a pangram. Pangram are sentences that content all the alphabet letters Quite an interesting task.


My algorithm was messy but I was about to reach the final solution. I will be refactoring it in the future.


Detect Pangram

Day 02/100 June 7th 2022:

Today's Progress:

Today I solved some Kata from code wars. I am still kyu 8 but the Kata I solved today is from kyu 6. It was about write a function that substract differences.

The function should take two arrays as argument and remove all the elements in array B from array A. If An element comes twice in array A, it should remove it twice as well.


This code was super simple. The think that helped me solve this problem is the pseudocode.


Array Difference

Day 01/100 June 6th 2022:

Today's Progress:

Today is my first day of the #100DaysOfCodeChallenge. This is the 2nd time I am challenging myself to this exercice, I hope this road will be filled with a lot of learning and great experiences from my code, and looking at the work of other people around the world. LET"S GO WE CAN DO THIS.

my100daysofcode.v.2's People


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